MGT368 Section-15 Group-3 Case Study 2

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Case Study 2

Looksina Khan
Department of Management
Date of Submission:

Imran Hossain 1230998030

Syeda Nazia Farhin 1520966630
Niaz Mahmud 1632043030
Israt Jahan Khan 1722140630
Md. Atikur Rahman 1831472030
Answer to the question no: 1
Ans: SWOT analysis of Azad products
Strength: The main strength of the Azad products was that this company noticed the customer
demands and for a long time (until the printed media faced the rivalry with the technology) this
company had the perfect predictions for the market. Moreover, they managed to reach a large
type of target customer and which brought this company a huge number of loyal customers.
Other than that, they had huge production facilities and shops in many different places,
production and distribution were 2 of the strength.
Weakness: The biggest weakness of this company was the resources. I mean if we take posters as
an example we can see that, this company had few characters and series to make posters about.
On the other hand, they had nothing new to offer the customers, they could have made stickers
and comics. With the time they should have change the target customers, however they got stuck
with the same customers. With the dynamic market they did not change their business model
which became another weakness of that company.
Opportunities and threats that Azad Products had right before the industrial transition from
traditional to digital:
Opportunities: 1. The country's only television station, Bangladesh Television, began airing
foreign television series, including The Bionic Woman and Man from Atlantis, at that time.
People watched those series and loved the characters. There was a huge demand for pin-ups of
The Bionic Woman. Especially young girls would buy pinups and posters of the series. 2. Azad
would import pin-ups from Singapore of legendary footballer Maradona, musical group Boney
M, and Swedish pop group ABBA which had huge demand to Bangladeshi people. 3. In the
1980s, Bangladesh Television would air English mega series Dallas and Dynasty. Their
characters were modern, cunning, and full of complexities. People loved those characters, and
Azad used to sell pin-ups and posters of those series. 4. Azad group made a huge profit in the
past. As a result, they could build the 20- store buildings. 5. Mr. Azad said during the Bengali
New Year in the past, his company used to sell Bengali calendars worth Tk20-25 lakh.
Threats: 1. One day Azad had an idea. What if he made posters and view cards of local
celebrities seen on the television screen? However, for a street vendor to contact celebrities was
not that easy. So he copied from magazine and made bigger poster of local celebrities. 2. At the
time (1982) the printed product market in the country was mainly dependent on imported
posters, pin-ups, and other greeting cards which cost much. Then Azad start to print himself and
played a pioneering role in rolling out posters featuring of local celebrities
Answer to the question no: 2
Ans: Companies grow their market share by innovating, expanding client relationships, using
smart recruiting strategies, and absorbing rivals. The proportion of the overall demand for a
company's goods and services that it owns is known as its market share.
Aazad Product's key strategy at the moment is to provide the highest quality goods to its
consumers through an integrated and reliable supply chain.
If I were MR. Azad I’ll expend the market shares by expanding our offerings and develop our
partnership strategies and customer relationship. As a corporate company, I think it is now
mature enough to diversify the business in order to expand and prosper more. It has the potential
to increase the number of showrooms in semi-urban areas across Bangladesh, where the market
for greeting cards is higher than in Dhaka. Given the popularity of its cards among Bangladesh
expatriates and South Asian people living in those countries, it can even open a showroom in the
United States, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East and develop a new client base.
For example in order to expand the business the production should be increased. Maximum stock
of raw materials should be kept in order to increase the production. Expanding the business in
urban as well as rural areas. The more we grab the market share the more business will expand.
But we should not forget to maintain the quality of the product because it is the only weapon to
satisfy the customer and take the business in a global platform.
It will also provide its corporate clients with a variety of unique gift pieces in addition to
conventional calendars, invitations, and diaries. These pieces can vary from pen stands to coffee
mugs, card holders, and party products like festoons, floggers, and balloons, as well as
personalized gifts for business and social meetings and events.
Moreover, I should take some steps to give training to my employees in modern technological
advancements, so that they can come-up with new innovational ideas such as 3D designed cards,
posters, calendars, and diaries. Also they can come up with the idea of modern paid website of
greeting cards, posters, calendars, and diaries etc. and this technological advancement will help
them to capture the modern market customer’s attention and it will also help them to gain
competitive advantage over other competitors in the market.

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