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Daniela Silva

Language II
CeRP del Este
Prof.: Simone Masullo

Chapter 10 - Grammar and Vocabulary for Advanced

1.1 Listen to part of an interview from a radio travel programme. The reporter is talking about
his recent visit to the island of Lombok in Indonesia. Which of these problems did the
reporter encounter on his trip?

passport left at home​

stung by jellyfish​
shark attack

volcanic eruption
missed flight​
missed boat


1.2 Listen again and fill in the gaps.

1 I’d been so anxious to get into the taxi that I​ ‘d forgotten to pick​ it up.

2 We were ​made to wait​ outside the harbour for hours.

3 A number of people ​‘d encouraged me to go​ to the coral reefs off the northwest coast.

4 When I was younger I used to ​hate smiwimming​ in the sea.

5 As it swam past I ​felt it stinging ​me across the stomach.

6 I really ​appreciated them looking after ​me so well.

7 As we ​stopped to admire​ the amazing sunset, it was almost possible to believe it
8 I ​tried using​ the camera in my mobile phone, but the quality was pretty poor


1.3 Notice that in each space in 1.2 you have written two verbs, and that the second verb
has either a to-infinitive or an -ing form.
1 In three of these sentences you could use the other form of this verb and still have a
correct sentence. Which three?
❌ 7 - stopped admiring

● 1 - forgotten picking it up

● 4 - hate to swim
● 8 - I tried to use

2 In only one of these three would the sentence have a similar meaning with either a
to-infinitive or an -ing form. Which one? 8 4


3.1 Choose the correct answer. Sometimes more than one option is possible.

1 The President has urged people vote / has urged to vote / ​has urged people to vote​ 'Yes'
in tomorrows referendum on joining the European Union.

2 After Chan injured his knee last year, a number of specialists ​advised him to give up​ /
advised to give up​ / advised him giving up football, but he is still playing as well as ever.

3 A video recording from a security camera at the bank was used in Thomas's trial. It clearly
showed pointing / ​showed him pointing​ / showed him to point a gun at the cashier.

4 If you have any questions, please write to me at the above address. I can't guarantee you
to reply / ​guarantee to reply​ / guarantee you replying immediately, but I will certainly
write back before the end of the month.

5 You can lead a horse to water but you can't ​make it drink​ ✅/ make it to drink / make it
drinking: (a proverb)

6 We really appreciate you help / ​appreciate you helping​ ✅​ ​/​ appreciate your helping​ us
move house.

7 I've decided to look for a new job as I enjoy not sitting / don't enjoy to sit /​ don't enjoy
sitting​ in front of a computer all day.

8 Now that Lena has bought a house in Brussels, I will have to ​advertise for someone to
share​ ​ ​/ advertise someone sharing / advertise someone to share my flat with me.


Complete these texts using each verb in the appropriate form. If necessary, add a
preposition and/or object before the verb.
be​ ​have​ sack steal ​talk

'I think it's fair to say that Jim Thompson wasn't liked in our company and when he was

made sales manager, many of us objected to (1) ​his being promoted​. Over the next few

weeks, things just got worse. We walked past his office, we often heard (2) ​him talking​ to
his friends on the phone. Then one of my colleagues caught (3) ​him stealing​ some

money from the cash box. Eventually, a group of us went to the Managing Director of the

company and demanded (4) ​having​ ​ to have​ Thompson dismissed. But despite our
objections, the MD said that he wasn't prepared (5) ​to sack​ his own son!'


capture call eat escape get

When a bear broke out of its cage at Dudland Zoo last week and climbed a nearby tree,

there wasn't much the zookeepers could do. They failed (1) ​to capture​ ​ ​it with the large
net they had, and then just had to wait (2) ​for it to get​ hungry. They put some honey, the

bear's favourite food, inside its cage, and eventually the bear came back and began (3)
eating ​ it.
Since then, there has been a lot of criticism of the zoo staff by local residents. Mo Baker, 41,

❌ ✅
of Sea Street said: 'I accept that keepers couldn't have done much to prevent (4) ​it from
escaping ​ but they didn't even bother (5) ​calling​ the police.'
The director of Dudland Zoo has said that an enquiry into the escape is now under way.


collect do​ get have ​say see

Hi! Do you remember (1) ​saying​ ✅ that you wanted a recent photo of me? Well,

✅ ✅
here it is (please see attachment). Yes, it's not very flattering, but you know how I hate (2)

having​ my photo taken. Can't wait (3) ​to see​ you again in July.

Until then, you'll have to make (4) ​do​ with this photo! Btw, let me know when your flight
gets in and I'll get Laura or Daniel (5) ​to collect​ you from the airport.

Must go. We're off to the cinema tonight, so I have to hurry (6) ​to get​✅ dinner ready. Will
email again soon.
3.3 Complete the sentences with phrases from the box. Use a to-infinitive, bare infinitive or
-ing form of the verb (including perfect and continuous forms).
argue with him be a successful business woman get more exercise

have her around be killed in the earthquake shout at anyone

take a couple of paracetamol talk on my mobile

1 If your headache doesn't go soon try​ taking a couple of paracetamol

2 The Department of Health has just launched a campaign to encourage people ​to get more

exercise​ ✅
3 Around 2,000 people are believed ​to have been killed in the earthquake ​ ✅
4 I didn't want to speak to Jakub, so when he walked past I pretended ​to talk on my

mobile​❌ to be talking on my mobile

5 He had such a bad temper that no one dared ​to argue with him​ ✅
6 They say that Mark can be quite aggressive, but personally I've never heard him ​shouting

at anyone ​ ✅
7 She started life as a teacher, but went on ​to be a successful business woman ​ ✅
8 Now that Laura has gone away to college, I really miss ​having her around ​ ✅

Exam Practice

1 In the first paragraph, the writer says his view of the Oxford park-and-ride scheme is that
A it has actually encouraged people to drive into town.
B it has been an unqualified success.

C it has had insufficient funding.
D its popularity has become problematic. ​

2 The writer thinks that cyclists started travelling down the pavement in one of Oxford's
busiest streets because
A the council put in a speed restriction measure.
B the pavement is very wide.

C there is no bike lane. ⬅
D in the bike lane cyclists are too close to cars. ​

3 In the third paragraph, the writer says he believes that Oxford city council has shown

'political cowardice' because it
A is reluctant to stop cars being left in pedestrian areas. ​
B doesn't want cyclists on the city's roads.
C has narrowed some roads to discourage cyclists from using them.
D is unwilling to improve the standard of pavements.

4 In the fifth paragraph, the writer suggests that the effect of his actions has been to
A discourage the government from giving support.

B lower maintenance standards for pavements.
C create more room on the road for other cars. ​
D encourage others to drive bigger cars.

5 The writer's observations at motorway service stations suggest to him that
A car drivers are more overweight than public transport users. ​
B people who own cars are thinner than people who hire them.
C people who use public transport don't get enough exercise.
D cyclists ride bikes in order to keep fit.

6 According to the writer, being without a car in Oxford

A has been a completely positive experience.
B has increased the number of acquaintances he has made.​
C has made him stay at home more.
D has been a complete mistake.


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