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1. The difference between Anti- Terrorism from  Counter - terrorism is quite confusing first
let us define what is terrorism? It is an emotionally charged word that is frequently used
to politically and socially put down one's opponents  (Corpuz, R. 2015). Another
definition of Terrorism any offense committed by individuals or groups resorting to
violence or threatening to use violence against a country, its institutions, its population in
general or specific individuals which, being motivated by separatist aspirations, extremist
ideological conceptions, fanaticism or irrational and subjective factors, is intended to
create a climate of terror among official authorities, certain individuals or groups in
society, or the general public (Reichell, 2005). The Terrorism is one of the biggest
problem in the different country the Anti – Terrorism on the other hand is the policies or
agenda of different country to educate the society about Terrorism the United states for
example after the 9/11 attack as a member of united nation facilitate Resolution 1373 it
state that all State in the US facilitating and financing the terrorism will face a serious
criminal offences like terrorist act. While the Counter – Terrorism is the military tactics
or more on combating tactics how to neutralize or eliminate the terrorist, the counter –
terrorism falls within four categories: War, Defensive, Reconciliation and Criminal
justice. (Burke, R 2007)

2. State any specific (major) anti-terrorism and counter terrorism actions initiated by the
Philippines for the past five years. Discuss your personal evaluation on the government
performance in these initiatives.

In the past five years the Philippines address the terrorism in different strategies the anti –
terrorism initiated by the Philippine like educating society against the terrorism they are
using the social media and other platform against terrorism, in the year 2020 the anti-
Terrorism act was implemented. This law become controversy because of the violation
against the human rights but it still implemented by the government. In terms of the
terrorism financing the Philippines has a high risk in terms of Terrorism financing (APG,
2019). On the other hand the counter Terrorism address the terrorism by eliminating the
different terrorist group like the Abu Sayyaf Group or ASG, Bangsamoro Freedom
Fighters or BIFF, Asnar Al-Khafar Philippines or AKP, Maute Group and the ISIS
Philippines was neutralize in 2019 (U.S Dept.of State, 2020) in relation of the Anti –
Terrorism and Counter – Terrorism the office of the President and Dept. of National
Defense, and PNP launched a joint campaign plan called “KAPANATAGAN” 2018 –
2022 this plan promotes peace and security in our society (UN,2020). Based on my
observation in addressing against the present situation about terrorism is weak because
our government fail to eradicate the terrorist group in our society the reason why the
Philippines has a lot of terrorist group it because of the corruption, poverty and lock of
security in our boarders.
3. Using the PESTELO Model of Analysis (Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural,
Technological, Environmental, Legal, Organizational). Give your analysis on the Marawi

The battle of Marawe happened way back May 23 – October 23, 2017 between
government and different terrorist group like Maute group, ASG, ISIL and other groups
in Mindanao, Marawi City is located in Lanao Del Sur as part of Mindanao if we observe
Mindanao Region has different terrorist group and armed group like ISIL, MILF, BIFF,
Maute, ASG, AKP and etc. The Political in Lanao del Sur is handled by Adiong Family
from 1996 to the present if we observe from congressman, Governor the political dynasty
in Mindanao is rampant, in terms of economics the poverty index in Marawi from 23% in
the year 2000 to 54% in 2015 with total population of 201,785 in the year 2015, Socio –
Cultural in Marawi 99,6% is Muslim, Technology is poor, Environment is Local, Legal is
poor because the security of employment and Law enforcement is not stable, different
organization intervene for law enforcers. Therefore the based on my PESTELO analysis
the Marawi City based on the population and economy they are lock of support from the
government maybe because of political dynasty in the region and the government allow
the the terrorist group because this group they will utilize as the future private army or

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