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TEST 1 4 B: Angela has lost Valerie’s phone number (as well as

her phone) and wants Melissa to text it to her.
5 C: Billy’s mum isn’t well so Charlie’s dad invited Billy to
Test 1 Reading
their house instead.
Part 1: Training Part 2: Training
Focus on the instructions Focus on the instructions
1 a five 1 a five

b the correct answer b eight
c three c to watch a documentary series about the natural
2 c – a note world
3 in someone’s home d to explain what each series is about for people who
4 b – Max would like his mum to collect a book for him might want to watch them
later today. e which series is best for each of the five people
5 ‘pick up’, ‘when you go shopping this afternoon’ Focus on the questions
6 No; he has already paid for the book.
1 a rare animals
7 No; because he wants his mum to pick his book up
b deserts
for him.
c helping the environment
Focus on the questions
d Li is doing a project on rare animals and would like
1 a – a sign to see a series that includes information about them.
2 a in a café She loves learning about deserts and would also like
b Wait for someone to show you where to sit or just advice about helping the environment.
go and sit down at an empty table. 2 a animals that live in cold places and animals that live
c B – ‘find a table’; C – ‘find a seat at a table’ on beaches and coasts
d B – ‘deciding what to have’; C – ‘choose what to eat’ b soundtracks by famous musicians
e Because the order is wrong – you should sit down c Edwin is keen to know more about animals that live
first, then choose your food. in cold places. He’d like to find out about what lives
3 on a school noticeboard on beaches and coasts and likes programmes with
4 a No, only new members need to see the secretary. soundtracks by famous musicians.
b Their suggestions for films to show at the club in the 3 a nature in mountain ranges
future. b around the world
5 c – an email c how different landscapes were formed
6 a They are probably friends. d Ulrika likes learning about nature in mountain ranges
b i – Tell Pat whether she is still vegetarian or not. and would prefer to see a series that was filmed
7 on your mobile phone around the world. She wants to know how different
8 a no landscapes were formed.
b Yes, because Angela asks Melissa to text her Valerie’s 4 a how humans are affecting wildlife
number. b life in jungles
c Angela says that she needs to ring Valerie, so she c ones that no one has filmed before
doesn’t want Melissa to do it for her. d Marco would love to find out how humans are
9 b – a note affecting wildlife. He’d like the series to show life
10 a Billy’s mum in jungles, including species that no one has filmed
b Charlie’s house before.
c practise playing the guitar 5 a a famous scientist
Part 1 b animals that live in the sea
1 B: The notice says that customers need to sit down c how climate affects animals that live in different
first, then choose and then a waiter will come to places
take their order. d Stacey is looking for a series that’s presented by a
2 A: Anyone interested in joining should get the famous scientist. She enjoys seeing animals that live
membership details from the school secretary. in the sea and wants to find out how climate affects
3 C: Pat is asking Vivian if she’s vegetarian or not. animals that live in different places.

Answer Key 209

6 a B Wild World 7 G: Channel Nature meets Edwin’s wishes, because it has
There’s film of some unusual sea creatures in this information about animals that live in cold places
fantastic series. Some of the species are shown for (‘the wildlife of the Antarctic survives the freezing
the first time on film. There are amazing pictures temperatures there’), what lives on beaches and
of extremely rare sharks swimming under ice near coasts (‘animals that make their homes on shores
Greenland. The series was filmed in all of the world’s around the world’) and has a soundtrack by famous
oceans. musicians (‘beautiful music provided by well-known
C Nature Planet singers George and Hans Severin’).

With an amazing soundtrack provided by famous 8 D: Our Planet meets Ulrika’s wishes as it has information
guitarist Stella Murray, Nature Planet focuses on about nature in mountain ranges (‘life in the world’s
species that live in the driest places on Earth and highest peaks’), was filmed around the world
whose numbers are so low, they’re in danger of (‘Recorded in over fifty countries’) and explains
disappearing altogether. It includes information on how different landscapes were formed (‘how
what we can all do to care more for the natural the geography of each region ended up being so
world. different’).
D Our Planet 9 A: Watch Nature meets Marco’s wishes, because
From the driest deserts to the deepest ocean, there’s information about how humans are affecting
this series has everything. Recorded in over fifty wildlife (‘focuses as much on people’s influence on
countries, Our Planet explains how the geography of the wildlife as on the lives of the creatures’), shows
each region ended up being so different as well as life in jungles (‘the African rainforest’) and includes
showing us the lives of the animals living there. The species that no one has filmed before (‘Several of the
two programmes about life in the world’s highest animals appear for the first time on film’).
peaks are not to be missed. 10 F: Third Planet from the Sun meets Stacey’s wishes
E Fragile Earth because it is presented by a famous scientist (‘sure
With a focus on how people and climate change are to have seen Dr Joyce Angel on TV before …
affecting nature worldwide, this series is not only university physics professor’), has animals that live in
beautiful to look at, but sounds great too, with music the sea (‘creatures in the world’s oceans’) and says
provided by the world-famous Capital Orchestra. how climate affects animals in different places (‘why
It shows the damage humans are doing but also weather … influences what lives in each region’).
suggests solutions. Part 3: Training
7 C
Focus on the instructions
8 yes
9 C 1 a an article
10 a It contains information about life in mountain ranges b Choose the correct answer/Answer the questions.
and mentions the world’s oceans and mountain c five
ranges, so it was probably filmed around the world, d four
but it has nothing about Ulrika’s other wish – to learn 2 a designing furniture
how different landscapes were formed. b She went to a design exhibition.
b It only contains information about species that no c No one wanted that kind of design; the wood was
one has filmed before, and nothing about Marco’s too dark.
other two wishes. d a market stall and an internet business
c It only contains information about how climate e a design show
change is affecting nature, and nothing about Stacey’s Focus on the questions
other two wishes. 1 a the writer
Part 2 b the first furniture the writer made
6 C: Nature Planet meets all three of Li’s wishes, as it has c detail
information about rare animals (‘numbers are so low, d feeling
they’re in danger of disappearing’), deserts (‘species e is likely to say
that live in the driest places on Earth’) and helping 2 b, d, a, e, c
the environment (‘what we can all do to care more 3 A – no; B – no; C – no; D – Yes, when she visited a
for the natural world’). design exhibition on a school trip

210 Answer Key

4 Unfortunately, no one has wanted tables like that for years. h Ice cream cones
5 I’d also started an internet business, which was doing so i (first) electric freezers
well it was taking up every spare minute I had. j another advantage of electric freezers
6 When she says: ‘I was amazed she thought my work was Focus on the language
good enough.’ 1 a so; had cooked d After all; on holiday
7 Daniella visited a design exhibition with her class at the b That’s why; instead e
However; these
age of ten … Since that day, she’s been making furniture; c They; too f jobs; For instance
I couldn’t believe it when she told me there’d be a

Part 4
thousand visitors … Daniella received lots of orders at
the show. 16 C: The sentence before describes a food (‘a frozen
A is wrong because Daniella's work has only appeared in dessert’) and the sentence after says it has no milk
one design show and isn't sold in city furniture shops. or cream, which the recipe described in C matches
C is wrong because Daniella has not opened her own with, so this is the answer.
store. 17 H: ‘He’ in H is Marco Polo and the ‘recipe for it’ is the
D is wrong because Daniella's designs are traditional. recipe for ice cream.
18 A: The sentence before the gap gives one reason why
Part 3
Charles I offered the chef lots of money, and A
11 D: Daniella says that she realised she wanted to make provides another reason.
furniture when she visited a design exhibition with 19 F: If you eat the container, the cone, then it’s an
her class. environmentally friendly way of serving ice cream as
12 C: Daniella says that she copied a 1920s design, but that there’s no waste.
no one has wanted tables like that for years so it 20 D: Owning what would allow you to keep ice cream at
wasn’t fashionable any more. home? A freezer, so D is the answer here.
13 B: Daniella says that the internet business was taking up
Part 5: Training
every minute, so she didn’t have time.
14 A: Daniella says that she was amazed that someone Focus on the instructions
thought her work was good enough to go on show. 1 a a text (about Alaska)
15 B: Daniella says that she started when she was ten and b six
that she received lots of orders at the design show, c the correct word/answer for each gap
so many of the visitors there liked her work. d four
Part 4: Training 2 a factual
b no, the texts in this part are easy to follow
Focus on the instructions
c no
1 a a text/an article d short text
b Choose the correct answer/Choose the correct
Focus on the questions
sentence for each gap.
c five 1 a B – border
d eight b D – lies
e No – there are three extra sentences which you do c A – area
not need to use. d C – absolutely
2 the history of ice cream e D – prevents
3 paragraph 1 – c; paragraph 2 – e; paragraph 3 – a; f A – common
paragraph 4 – d; paragraph 5 – b Focus on the language
Focus on the questions 1 a edge d definitely
1 16 C; 17 H; 18 A; 19 F; 20 D b stays e interrupts
2 a a type of frozen dessert c section f
b no Part 5
c next 21 B: We use ‘border’ to describe the place where two
d Marco Polo countries meet, so B is the answer.
e [King Charles I’s] new French chef 22 D: We use ‘lies’ to say where a geographical place or
f No one knows if he ever told anyone. feature is, so D is the answer.
g as a result

Answer Key 211

23 A: square kilometres measure an area, so A is the Test 1 Writing
Part 1: Training
24 C: We use ‘absolutely’ to mean ‘very’, so C is the
answer. Focus on instructions
25 D: We use ‘prevents’ to mean ‘stops’, so D is the 1 a You have to do it.
answer. b an email
26 A: We use ‘common’ to describe something that c your English-speaking friend, Max
happens often, so A is the answer. d four

Part 6: Training e about 100

Focus on the instructions Focus on the questions
1 a a text 1 • to answer Max’s questions about playing tennis at
b six your tennis club
c write one word in each gap • explain how you knew that Max loved tennis
d one • for example, Max talks about it a lot/Max’s brother
e there are no options, you have to choose a word to told you
fill the gap • suggest another day you could play tennis
2 a an email • the clothes and shoes that Max will need to wear at
b no the club
c no • for example, because it’s not in the centre of town/
d short text the places near the club are not very good
e grammatical words like prepositions, auxiliary verbs, 2 Students’ own answers
and pronouns 3 1 B – Hi 5 B – Would
Focus on the questions 2 A – told 6 B – can
3 B – said 7 A – need
1 a am, was b
past c
4 A – could 8 B – going
2 there
Focus on the language
3 of
4 a times b as 1 E
5 in 2 A
6 many 3 C
Focus on the language 4 F
5 B
1 a too f or
6 D
b so g much
Part 1
c since h
d most i who Question 1 (email)
e by j What Style: neutral
Part 6 Content: 1 Explain how you know Max likes tennis.
2 Tell Max when you could go.
27 was: We use ‘was’ to make the past continuous tense.
3 Describe the dress code (the clothes you need).
28 There: We use ‘There’ as a general subject when we
4 Say why there is nowhere to eat nearby.
describe something.
Sample answer
29 of: We need ‘of’ here as it’s part of the phrase ‘a few
Hi Max
How are you? Your brother told me that you really like tennis
30 as: We use ‘as soon as possible’ to mean ‘quickly’.
actually. He said that you watch it on TV all the time.
31 In: We use ‘In fact’ to introduce a useful piece of
I could go on Sunday instead of Saturday. Would that be
information or an explanation.
good for you too?
32 many: You can count people, so we need to use
You can wear any kind of shorts and T-shirt that you want at
‘many’ here.
the club, but you need to make sure that you wear proper
tennis shoes. You can’t just play in trainers!

212 Answer Key

I’d love to go for something to eat afterwards but there are Sample answer
no restaurants or cafés near the club. Why don’t we go into As they set off on their bikes, they knew they were going to
town and find somewhere to eat there? have an exciting day. Andrew and Richard had loads of things
I’m really looking forward to it! to eat and drink, and games to play, too, because they were
Love going to spend a day at the beach. But what exciting things
Marek would happen?
Part 2: Training When they arrived, they started playing football. Richard
accidentally kicked the ball into the sea and ran in to get it.

Focus on the instructions
Just as he got into the water, three dolphins, which seemed
1 a two to want to play with the ball, suddenly appeared near him.
b one Andrew went into the water, too, and they started throwing
c 100 the ball around. The dolphins were swimming after the
d on the answer sheet ball – it was amazing! Fortunately, they took some photos so
Focus on the questions everyone would believe their story.
1 Students’ own answers
2 Students’ own answers Test 1 Listening
3 Students’ own answers
Focus on the language Part 1: Training
1 1 You can’t really 4 learning in class Focus on the instructions
2 If you live 5 However 1 a four
3 you'll improve 6 a week b twice
2 1 were going to 4 started throwing c read the task
2 kicked the ball 5 it was amazing 2 a seven
3 with the ball 6 Fortunately b three
Part 2 c Choose the picture that answers the question.
Question 2 (article) Focus on the questions
Style: neutral 1 a different dates in June
Content: 1 Give your opinion, say what is the best way to b the 24th of June, June the 24th
learn a language. c ‘last’; You need to listen for a phrase that means the
2 Explain your reasons. same.
Sample answer 2 a ‘upload your photo'
Learning a language b ‘at the latest’
Is the best way to learn a language by going to classes or by c 30th June
going to a country where the language is spoken? Whatever d Photos will be displayed at the school for people to
method you choose, it takes lots of time and practice. vote.
You can’t really learn a language well just by going on holiday e It’s the last date for entering the competition.
somewhere, because it isn’t long enough. If you live there for 3 T-shirt, fan, plate
several months, though, you’ll use the language every day and 4 The topping is different: mushrooms, onions, peppers.
will improve very quickly. 5 a coach next to the road; a big fountain; a big tree
If this isn’t possible, then learning in class with a teacher will 6 It is the same boy but with different types of hair. Also in
help. However, you will probably only practise for two or one picture he is wearing glasses and in the other two he
three hours a week. Therefore, learning a language in this is not. Picture A: curly blond hair without glasses; picture
way will take much longer. B: long curly dark hair with glasses; picture C: short dark
hair without glasses.
Question 3 (story)
7 diving, painting, ballet dancing
Style: neutral 8 penguin, rabbit, horse
Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given. 9 1 You need to upload your photo onto the school
2 Explain why they knew they were going to have an website by June the twenty-fourth at the latest.
exciting day. 2 In the end, I went for a hand-painted plate.
3 Story must show development and have an 3 I was thinking of having the one with red peppers on,
appropriate ending. but you’ve made me change my mind.
Answer Key 213
4 You’ll see a big tree nearby – we’ll meet under that. 4 a No – neither say that. The girl says it ‘held off’ and
5 This one’s got short dark hair – nothing special about the boy says ‘it didn’t’.
it really. b The boy says his food wasn’t burnt, but the girl says
6 The friend I went with really wanted to do that, so I hers was.
signed up for that too. c The girl says the rocks were ‘so hard’, and the boy
7 OK, I’ll go with your choice then. says he ‘got a bit sore too’.
Part 1 d C
1 A: ‘Now if you’d like to enter for the student photo 5 ‘The little play they put on for us wasn’t anything special’;

competition, then you need to upload your photo ‘I thought being shown round backstage was going to be
onto the school website by June the twenty-fourth at the best bit – but that was a bit disappointing actually.’
the latest.’ 6 a He says his coach is ‘not much fun’ but he doesn’t
2 C: ‘In the end, I went for a hand-painted plate.’ mind that – so he’s not complaining about him. He
3 A: ‘Well, I could recommend the mushroom one’; ‘I was likes him anyway.
thinking of having the one with red peppers on, but b We know that the coach makes the boy practise
you’ve made me change my mind’. his weak shots and play against older guys, so he
4 C: ‘You’ll see a big tree nearby – we’ll meet under that.’ describes what the coach makes him do.
5 C: ‘Wrong cousin. This one’s got short dark hair – c He doesn’t say that the girl should have lessons with
nothing special about it really. It’s not very long and his coach – the girl says she’s thinking of changing
it’s just straight’. to him.
6 B: ‘I remember you were looking forward to doing d B
ballet-dancing classes’; ‘Well, in the end that was on 7 a No – she just says that ‘when your time’s up,
at the same time as the painting, and I had to choose everyone has to go’; ‘… I couldn’t wait to get back
between the two. The friend I went with really home.’
wanted to do that, so I signed up for that too.’ b No – she says that ‘Somebody else gets the room
7 A: ‘… Well what about the one with a penguin on then? ready, plans the games, everything,’ but she doesn’t
I mean that’s really cute.’; ‘Really? OK, I’ll go with your say that this was badly done.
choice then.’ c ‘Actually, my dad reckons he got a really good deal.’
d C
Part 2: Training
8 a No – she says ‘We went behind the scenes – into the
Focus on the instructions storeroom. They’ve got all these things that aren’t on
1 a six display’.
b three b The things she saw – she says, ‘we had all the usual
c Choose the option that answers the question. history of the paintings and all that. No, it was more
Focus on the questions some of the stuff he showed us’.
c Yes – she says, ‘It was a brilliant school trip.’; ‘You
1 a neither – the girl says it’s going to happen but not
could spend all day in there and not get bored.’
that it should happen
d A
b neither – the girl just says that the flowers are neat
but not that they should be kept more tidy Part 2
c They both think it’s a shame that the park will be 8 C: ‘… it means they’re bringing it into the twenty-first
changed and modernised. century – taking out some of the neat rows of
d C flowers and seats and putting in a skateboard park
2 a no instead’; ‘Oh what a shame! It’s a really nice place
b brought up to date = ‘bringing it into the twenty-first to go when you want to be on your own and think
century’ about things – or just kick a ball around with your
kept more tidy = ‘the neat rows of flowers’ friends.’
left as it is = ‘I guess people think that’s old-fashioned’ 9 C: ‘… even if there were only rocks to sit on. They
3 Possible answers were so hard.’; ‘I know what you mean. I got a bit
a rain, wind, cold weather sore too.’
b burnt, under-cooked, cold
c hard, wet

214 Answer Key

10 A: ‘The little play they put on for us wasn’t anything 16 geography: she’s actually doing geography
special … but afterwards we got the chance to ask 17 brown: but Megan’s one’s just brown
the people who’d been in it some questions.’; … they 18 water(-)fall: on the last day, she was sitting next to a
had some interesting things to say.’ waterfall, when a butterfly settled on her
11 B: ‘He gets me practising the shots I’m weakest at. At rucksack
first, I thought that was a bit mean, but actually I think 19 drawing: If you’d like to see a drawing one of them
it’s making a difference. And he gets me playing against did, it’s on the university website.
older guys. I mean that pushes you.’ Part 4: Training

12 C: ‘But isn’t it really expensive to do that?’; ‘Actually, my 1 a six
dad reckons he got a really good deal.’ b three
13 A: ‘We went behind the scenes – into the storeroom. c Who the speaker is and what they’re talking about.
They’ve got all these things that aren’t on display. It’s d Read the questions and the options.
incredible – there’s ten times more stuff there than
Focus on the questions
the public normally sees. You could spend all day in
there and not get bored.’ 1 20 Why did Selina decide to start a school chess club?
21 Selina says that when buying chess equipment, it’s
Part 3: Training
best to
1 a a boy giving a class presentation 22 At club sessions, Selina likes to make sure
b his sister 23 Selina had to ask for the help of a teacher when
c Write the correct answer in the gap. 24 Selina says that playing chess can help students to
d one or two 25 In future, Selina would like the chess club to
e use the same words you hear 2 a She just says her brother taught her when she was
f a number, a date or a time a kid.
2 a (You think about what the answers might be but you b No – she had the idea.
shouldn’t write in any possible answers before you listen.) 3 a The same place, because you get a discount.
Focus on the questions b It won’t last.
1 a a noun 4 a No, she says they’re not allowed to.
b a person b No (although they can learn from them). She wants
c an academic subject/name of course everyone to enjoy playing, and new members have
d the name of a colour special sessions.
e a place 5 a No, none at all.
f a noun b Yes, they have a spare room they can use.
2 14 pencil case 6 a yes
15 uncle b No – she says, ‘it helps with schoolwork too –
16 geography though not with any subject in a direct way’.
17 brown 7 a They’re not good enough for national competitions.
18 waterfall b No, because she says she doesn’t think that would
19 drawing be fun.
Focus on the language Focus on the language
1 a on 1 1 When I heard he’d joined a chess club there, I
b but thought we ought to have one at my school, too.
c spend 2 But buy them all at once, from the same place, and
d ever you’ll get a pretty good discount.
e when 3 It’s also important that anyone coming for the first
f an time feels welcome, whatever their level.
Part 3 4 It only ever happened once when one boy kept
14 pencil case: She had a pencil case with a picture of a telling silly jokes and nobody could concentrate.
butterfly on it – she just loved it. 5 Playing a game of chess teaches you how to work
15 uncle: when my uncle saw a competition to name things out in your head.
a new butterfly that’d been discovered in
South America, he got Megan to enter for it

Answer Key 215

6 It’d be good to play against clubs from other schools Part 1 Phase 1
sometimes – it’s always interesting to meet players Sample answer
who approach the game in different ways. Examiner: What’s your name?
Part 4 Candidate: My name’s Laura Mendoza.
20 A: ‘My older brother taught me to play chess when we Examiner: How old are you?
were kids. He goes to a different school from me Candidate: I’m 15 – my birthday was last week.
now. When I heard he’d joined a chess club there, I Examiner: Where do you live?
thought we ought to have one at my school, too.’ Candidate: I live in an apartment in the middle of town.

21 B: ‘But buy them all at once, from the same place, and Examiner: Who do you live with?
you’ll get a pretty good discount.’ Candidate: I live with my mother and brother.
22 C: ‘It’s more fun and more interesting to swap partners. Part 1 Phase 2
It’s also important that anyone coming for the first Sample answer
time feels welcome, whatever their level.’ Examiner: What’s your favourite subject at school?
23 B: ‘There’s always a member of staff I can call on if I Candidate: I really like history because I enjoy finding out
need help. It only ever happened once when one boy about what people did in the past. I think that’s
kept telling silly jokes and nobody could concentrate.’ my favourite subject.
24 C: ‘Playing a game of chess teaches you how to work Examiner: How do you travel to school every day?
things out in your head.’ Candidate: I usually go to school by bus, although sometimes
25 A: ‘It’d be good to play against clubs from other schools my mother drives me in the car if she’s not too
sometimes – it’s always interesting to meet players busy. I meet my friends on the bus and we chat.
who approach the game in different ways.’ Examiner: Tell us about your best friend.
Candidate: My best friend is called Susie, and she lives very
Test 1 Speaking near me. She likes sport and so do I, and we
often play tennis together.
Focus on Part 1 Examiner: Do you watch a lot of television programmes?
1 Students' own answers Candidate: I don’t have time to watch a lot of television
2 1 B programmes, and I prefer listening to music
2 A in my free time anyway. Sometimes I watch a
3 D programme on my laptop if it’s very good.
4 C Examiner: Do you get a lot of homework?
Focus on Part 2 Candidate: We have a lot of homework during the week,
1 1 around although not so much at weekends. I guess I have
2 because about two hours a night.
3 suppose Examiner: What part of the day do you like best?
4 on Candidate: I like the evenings best because that’s when I
5 wearing can relax after school with my family. Of course,
6 middle it’s not so good when I have a lot of homework
7 and to do!
8 who Examiner: Do you enjoy going to the cinema?
9 These Candidate: I love going to the cinema, but not in the summer
10 There when it’s too hot! I enjoy going with my friends
Focus on Part 3 and then we talk about the film afterwards.
Examiner: Do you prefer winter or summer holidays?
1 1 D
Candidate: I prefer summer holidays because I really like
2 C
going to the beach. I live in the city, so it’s really
3 C
nice to get away from the traffic and go to the
4 A
beach on holiday.
Focus on Part 4
1 A, A

216 Answer Key

Part 2 B: I like that idea. He can go with a group of friends, and
Sample answer they can talk while they’re running. They can also enjoy
1A I can see five friends who are studying together around the countryside and even look at the wildlife, which
a table. I think they’re in a library because I can see lots might be interesting for him.
of books on shelves behind them. They’re not wearing A: I’m not sure. What about joining a music group? That
school uniform, though I suppose they’re in school. There could be fun.
are books on the table. The girl on the left has long hair, B: Well, it’s not outside – and he doesn’t have time to learn
and she’s wearing headphones and a pink shirt. The boy something difficult like a musical instrument. I don’t think

next to her is wearing a checked shirt and white T-shirt that’s a good choice.
and they’re studying a book together. They’re both A: All right – I see what you mean. We haven’t talked about
concentrating hard. The girl in the middle has long brown painting yet – do you like that idea?
hair and she’s wearing a blue T-shirt. She’s holding a pen B: Not much – it’s not a hobby where he’ll talk to many
and making notes in her notebook. She’s sitting next to people. I think it’s rather boring.
a girl who is wearing a grey jumper, and next to her is a A: OK – then we only have the chess club left. He might
boy who’s standing up. These three friends on the right really enjoy that.
are also studying a book. There is also a tablet on the B: But only if he likes chess! And it can be very difficult to
table in front of them. learn. I think jogging is best, don’t you?
Sample answer A: I guess you’re right. So shall we choose that one then?
1B I can see two friends having a picnic. They’re both boys, B: Yes, let’s go for jogging.
and they’re both wearing blue T-shirts. They’re sitting at Part 4
a picnic table in the countryside. Their picnic is on the Sample answer
table, and I think they’re eating sandwiches. There’s a Examiner: What’s your favourite hobby?
bottle of water on the table, and another bottle which A: I really love playing my guitar. I started to play
is probably lemonade. There are trees and some hills in it when I was young, and I had a lot of lessons
the background. It looks very pretty. On the right-hand so I’m quite good now. I play by myself in the
side of the picture I can see two bicycles, so the boys evenings and I often play with my friends, too –
must have cycled out to this place – maybe they’re having we have started a music group.
an afternoon out together. The boy on the left has a Examiner: What about you?
helmet next to him on the seat, and there’s a helmet on B: Oh, that’s easy – it’s football. I love playing it, and
the saddle of the bicycle on the right – that probably I also watch it every week. I try to watch it on
belongs to the other boy. The weather’s fine – the sky’s television, too. I’m not so keen on music.
blue and it looks quite warm, so I guess they’re enjoying Examiner: Would you like to start a new hobby soon?
themselves. B: I don’t have a lot of time for hobbies because I
Part 3 have to do a lot of schoolwork, and I play football
Sample answer a lot. I would like to try a different sport if I had
A: OK – so the boy wants to start a new hobby to make time – I’d like to be good at tennis. I’m also quite
more friends. What do you think about rock-climbing? keen on the idea of starting photography because
B: I’m not sure. He doesn’t have much time to learn that’s my sister’s hobby, and I’d like to spend some
something new and rock-climbing’s quite difficult. He’d time doing that with her.
need to practise a lot. How about joining a football team? Examiner: Do you usually prefer to do indoor or outdoor
A: He might like that, and he would definitely meet lots of activities in your free time?
people, but we don’t know how good he is. If he’s not A: I like music, which is indoors, but it’s not a good
very good he won’t be in the team, so he won’t make thing to spend all my free time indoors. I try to
new friends. He enjoys being outside so what about do some outdoor activities whenever I can – like,
fishing? That’s not too difficult, is it? I enjoy cycling in the countryside with my friends.
B: It’s a nice idea – but I think that people just go and fish on I think it’s important to do lots of different things
their own – they don’t talk to each other very much. He and it’s healthy to spend time outside.
won’t make many friends that way.
A: Good point. How about jogging?

Answer Key 217

Examiner: Do you enjoy taking part in competitions? TEST 2
B: I do – I love a challenge! That’s probably why I
enjoy football so much. I really enjoy taking part
Test 2 Reading
in competitions, and I always want to win. I think
it’s good to feel like that. Part 1
Examiner: Do you agree? Lucy’s dad asks her to take a chicken out of the
1 C: 
A: No, not really. I don’t like competing with my freezer but not to cook the chicken.
friends – I think it’s nicer to do things where 2 B: The email says that some students have pale blue

you just enjoy them together. I don’t think about kit when they must have dark blue kit, so B is the
winning – it’s not important for me. correct answer.
Examiner: Do you think it’s better to have lots of different 3 A: Greg wants to know if Adam can still play football, so
hobbies or be very good at just one? is checking that Adam can keep an arrangement they
A: I’ve never thought about that! I just want to do made before.
things that I enjoy, but I’m always happy to try 4 B: The coat has gone missing from the changing room;
something new and different. I don’t care about someone left it there but has now lost it.
being good at something as long as I enjoy it. 5 C: The notice says that students should always see a
Examiner: What about you? staff member before they use a computer, even if
B: Oh, I really want to be the very best at some computers are not being used.
everything I do – I hate coming second! So Part 2
although I think it’s good for some people to
The Pines meets all of Amjad’s wishes because it
6 C: 
have different hobbies, I want to be really good
has a beach on a lake, a restaurant (‘one of the best
at what I do. So for me it’s better to practise only
places to eat’) and organises day trips (‘The owners
one and get very good at it.
arrange visits to several cities and to many historical
buildings in the area.’).
Habitat Camping meets all of Jing’s wishes because it
7 H: 
is in the mountains, has a pool and organises water
sports (‘windsurfing and sailing’).
Camp Best meets all of Pascal’s wishes because you
8 F: 
can hire bikes there (‘cheap cycle hire’), it’s near a big
city (‘Only 5 km outside the capital’) and has a disco
every week (‘music and dancing every Saturday’).
The Ridge meets all of Karolina’s wishes because
9 A: 
there’s entertainment for her 6-year-old brother
(‘activities and shows for under-10s every day’), it’s
easy to travel to by plane (‘only a 10-minute taxi ride
from the nearest airport’) and the tents are already
set up (‘you won’t even need to pack or put up a
tent, as these are all provided for you’).
Country Camping meets all of Michael’s wishes
10 D: 
because it’s close to a river, he can travel there by
train (‘It’s just 1 km to the nearest railway station’)
and there are different things for teenagers to do
every day (‘Country Camping organises things to do
for all age groups daily.’).

218 Answer Key

Part 3 Test 2 Writing
Jessica says that she had never thought of flying as
11 C:  Part 1
something she would ever want to do in her free
time, i.e. as a hobby, so C is the answer. Question 1 (email)
12 D: Jessica says she couldn’t believe she was only going to Style: informal
be up in the air for 30 minutes, so D is the answer. Content: 1 Say that’s great.
13 A: Jessica says she could hardly tell the plane was moving 2 Tell Sam how often you practise.
when she looked down, so A is the answer. 3 Give your opinion.

14 B: Jessica says she’s considering flying as a career, so B is 4 Say yes, and offer some advice.
the answer. Sample answer
15 C: Jessica says she wants to save up so she can do more Hi Sam
flying, which she now loves, so C is the answer. That’s great that you’ve started playing the guitar, too. I’m
Part 4 really pleased.
I try to do some practise every day if I can, but I don’t always
The sentence before the gap mentions something
16 F: 
manage to do this. I usually practise for about an hour, but
that sounds quite enjoyable, so F fits the gap really
sometimes a bit less.
well here.
I would use the guitar the school lent you for now, at least
17 C: The sentences before and after the gap mention the
until you’re sure you want to continue playing. It’s a waste of
start and the end of the tomato fight, so C fits well
money if you buy one then decide to give up.
here as it’s about how long it lasts.
I can show you how to play some songs, but remember that
18 H: The sentence after the gap starts ‘Without this …’,
it takes time for it to sound good – you need to be patient
so the sentence in the gap must explain what ‘this’
and practise.
is – (a ticket).
See you soon
19 A: The sentence before the gap is about clothes and
sentence A is also about clothes, so fits this gap.
20 D: Why do the tomatoes need to be as soft as possible? Part 2
Sentence D provides the answer to this. Question 2 (article)
Part 5 Style: neutral
We use ‘exactly’ to talk about a specific time, so C is
21 C:  Content: 1 Say how much time you spend online.
the answer. 2 Give an opinion, say how much time should be
22 A: We use ‘it is thought’ to mean ‘we think this is true spent online.
but we’re not sure’. 3 List some benefits of spending less time online.
23 D: We ‘catch’ fish, so D is the answer. Sample answer
24 B: We put ‘leisure’ with ‘activity’ to mean something we These days, I spend about four hours a day online and more
do in our free time, so B is the answer. at the weekend. It’s important to spend this long on the
25 B: We use ‘historical’ to mean ‘something from the internet, as I use it for school work as well as keeping in
past’, so B is the answer. touch with friends.
26 A: We do something ‘for pleasure’ if we really enjoy it. My parents limited how long I spent online each day until I
Part 6 was thirteen. I could only go online for two hours a day. They
thought it was bad for me to stay online for longer.
27 about: We ‘find out’ about something.
Looking back, I think it was probably a good thing. People are
28 ago: We use ‘ago’ with the past simple to say how far
definitely fitter and healthier if they go out with friends more
in the past something happened.
and play more sports instead of sitting at home, using their
29 most: We use ‘most’ to make a superlative of the
adjective ‘amazing’.
30 at: We ‘get better at’ something. Question 3 (story)
31 If: This is a second conditional sentence, so we use Style: neutral
‘if’ in one clause. Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given.
32 how: We can use ‘how’ before an adjective to mean 2 Say what happened next.
something similar to ‘how much’. 3 Story must show development and have an
appropriate ending.

Answer Key 219

Sample answer ‘I’m not as keen on history as you, and this is a
12 C: 
Anna had just got out of bed when the phone suddenly difficult subject. I’ll have to spend ages reading up
started ringing. She saw it was from her friend Helen. She about it, otherwise I’ll hand in a load of rubbish.’; ‘It is
answered and Helen immediately started telling Anna to quite complicated, so it’s not as easy to write as most
come over to her house because she had something to show history homework.’
her. Anna quickly got dressed, told her parents where she 13 C: ‘I could follow what was happening more easily if I
was going and walked to Helen’s house. When she got there, was watching it rather than reading it. I had to keep
Helen took Anna up to her bedroom and they sat down at turning back to check things I’d read before.’

Helen’s computer. ‘Look!’ she said. ‘You know the video we Part 3
recorded for that song we wrote together? I put it online 14 farm: ‘There’s a farm near my house where
yesterday and over ten thousand people have watched it they keep llamas because they organise
already!’ Maybe we are going to be famous after all! treks for visitors.’
15 twelve/12: ‘There were twelve of us in the group.’
Test 2 Listening 16 peaceful: ‘That doesn’t sound very exciting, but it’s
actually really peaceful.’
Part 1
17 lake: ‘At one point, we went past a lake, which
1 A: ‘I guess I’ll have to make an effort to be at the [bus] I thought was the best bit.’
stop on time.’ 18 (some) gloves: ‘I got myself some gloves.’
‘I really wanted to learn some skateboarding skills
2 B:  19 Denholme: ‘I’ll spell the name. It’s D-E-N-H-O-L-M-E.’
… I left it too late to sign up, so it was full.’; ‘So what Part 4
happened?’; ‘Someone cancelled, so I got my first
‘But I know what I’m like – I love being the centre of
20 A: 
choice after all.’
attention, and this was my chance to be just that.’
3 C: ‘I remember putting it in the boot of the car when
‘We put on a big musical each winter.’
21 B: 
you picked me up from school …’
‘I was surprised how many dance routines there
22 A: 
4 C: ‘I think she actually said seven thirty, though, so
were to learn. I was only just ready in time.’
there’s no need to rush.’
‘But actually, everyone in my class does out-of-school
23 C: 
5 B: ‘Looking forward to tomorrow, we’re not expecting
activities and drama doesn’t take up any more time
any more snow, but there will be quite a strong
or energy than sport or music or whatever.’
‘But when the moment in the show came, I pressed
24 C: 
6 A: ‘Does she prefer traditional or modern? This one
the button and nothing happened. Fortunately, I was
with stripes is very up-to-date.’; ‘I’ll go with your
able to fix the problem after a couple of minutes.’
original suggestion – thanks!’
‘It’s made me a more confident person.’
25 A: 
7 B: ‘… have you ever picked up a pretty stone? If you
have, then bring it in to class next week …’
Part 2 Test 2 Speaking
‘I’m happy, too – I really wanted to get all the apps
8 C:  Part 1 Phase 1
that didn’t work on the old one – ’cos they’re really Sample answer
worth having.’ Examiner: What’s your name?
‘I guess I just thought it’d be easier. I got good at the
9 A:  Candidate: My name’s Ahmad Hussain.
guitar in no time at all, but this isn’t the same. My Examiner: How old are you?
teacher’s great, though, … That helps me a lot, even Candidate: I’m 14 and I will be 15 next month.
when it feels like I’m not making much progress.’ Examiner: Where do you live?
‘The brilliant thing about it is that it’s been good for
10 C:  Candidate: I live in a big house about two kilometres outside
me, ’cos now I don’t worry so much about doing the town.
difficult things like I used to – I feel sure I’ll be able to Examiner: Who do you live with?
do them one day.’ Candidate: There are many people in my family. I live with
‘I didn’t enjoy it, though … I didn’t agree with the
11 C:  my mother, father, grandparents, and three
photographs that won. The people who chose them brothers and sisters.
weren’t photographers themselves, so I don’t think
they had the knowledge to decide which the best
ones were.’

220 Answer Key

Part 1 Phase 2 yellow jumper, a purple scarf and jeans. She’s got a black
Sample answer and red suitcase in front of her. The boy on the left is
Examiner: What did you do last weekend? tall and he’s wearing blue shorts and a purple T-shirt.
Candidate: Last weekend I played tennis with my friends at He’s carrying a rucksack on his shoulders and a there’s
the local club, and then on Saturday evening I went another one on the floor in front of him – it could be
to the cinema with my family. It was good fun! the girl’s bag. I think it’s spring or summer because they
Examiner: How much homework do you do every day? aren’t wearing coats so the weather probably isn’t cold.
Candidate: I don’t have the same amount of homework to Sample answer

do every day – sometimes I only have an hour, 2B In my photograph I can see several people who are
sometimes it’s more. It depends on the subjects – playing basketball. I think they’re in a park, because
I get a lot of history homework. behind them there are other people walking around and
Examiner: Do you listen to music very often? there are buildings in the background. There are lots of
Candidate: I love listening to music, and I listen to it every trees in the park and the grass is very green – I think it’s
day. I often listen on the bus going to school if my summer. The weather’s sunny, and it looks warm. On the
friends aren’t there to talk to. left there are some bikes lying on the grass – they could
Examiner: Where do you like to meet your friends? be the basketball players’ bikes. I think that the people
Candidate: I like to meet my friends in town, because we can playing basketball are friends because they all look about
hang out there. We can do things like have a cup the same age. I don’t think it’s a real game because they’re
of coffee, walk in the park if the weather’s nice – all wearing casual clothes and boys and girls are playing
just relax together. together. Maybe they’re practising, or just having fun after
Examiner: Which languages do you like studying? school or at the weekend. Some of them are wearing
Candidate: I enjoy studying English, because I think it will be shorts and T-shirts but two of the girls are wearing long
useful for me in future. I also study French, which trousers and tops. They’re all wearing trainers. The girl
I think is quite difficult, so I don’t enjoy that as in the pink top is going to try and score a basket. The girl
much as English. in front of her in the black shorts is looking at the ball
Examiner: Do you enjoy shopping? and wants to catch it. I think they’re all enjoying playing
Candidate: I love shopping, especially for clothes! I really basketball.
enjoy going to the shopping centre with my Part 3
friends, and buying something new to wear. Sample answer
Examiner: What’s your favourite food? A: OK – so she’s moving to a new apartment and we should
Candidate: That’s an easy question because my favourite buy her a present that she’ll like for her room. That’s a
food is pizza. I’d like to eat it every day! bit difficult! What do you think about a wall clock?
Examiner: Do you like winter or summer best? B: I don’t think that’s a good idea. She doesn’t need to
Candidate: I think I’m a little bit unusual because I actually know what the time is – she can look at her phone! No
like the winter best. I enjoy the fresh air, and in one has a clock on the wall, do they? So how about a
my country it snows quite often in winter and so cuddly toy?
everywhere looks very beautiful. A: She might like that, but actually it’s a bit young for her I
Part 2 think. What about a shelf where she can keep books or
Sample answer other stuff? That would look nice in her room.
2A In my photograph I can see three people waiting for a B: Nice idea – but then she’ll have to get someone to put it
train. They’re standing on a platform in a station, and up, and I think she’ll probably already have one anyway –
they’re the only people there. There’s a red train behind she needs somewhere to keep her school books.
them, but they must be waiting for a different one A: Good point. We could just give her chocolates then.
because they’re not getting on this train. They’re standing B: But she’ll just eat them and then there’s nothing left –
next to each other, looking at the camera and smiling, she hasn’t got anything for her room! That’s not a good
and they all look quite happy. The girl on the right has present. I like the idea of a rug.
long, dark hair, and she’s wearing a black jacket and jeans A: But what colour would we get? We don’t know what her
and a white hat. She’s carrying a handbag on her shoulder room is like, or what her favourite colour is.
but she hasn’t got any luggage. Maybe she’s meeting the B: Well, there’s the vase to consider, but I don’t like that
other two at the station. The girl next to her is wearing a idea because it’s a bit boring. Do you agree?

Answer Key 221

A: Yes, you’re probably right. So last is the poster of a singer Examiner: Where would you like to live in the future?
that she could hang on the wall – I like that idea very A: I’ve never thought about it! I think I’d like to live in
much. Everyone likes music and it would make the room a big city because it’s exciting and there are lots of
look nice too. opportunities to find different jobs. I don’t think I
B: That’s a great idea – I think she’ll definitely like that. It’s a want to live in the country – it’s very quiet.
much better idea than the others. Shall we choose that Examiner: What about you?
one then? B: Oh, I’d really like to live in another country for a
A: Yes, I agree – it’s the best present to get for her room. short time – maybe England or the USA, so that

Part 4 I can improve my English. After that I’d like to live

Sample answer in the countryside, not a city because I really like
Examiner: Have you ever bought a present for a walking and looking at beautiful scenery.
friend’s room?
A: I bought a present for my grandparents’ flat when
they moved to a new one last year. I bought them
a vase because my grandmother loves flowers.
Examiner: What about you?
B: I don’t think I’ve ever bought a present for a
friend’s room, but I’ve bought lots of presents
for my friends in general. I like giving them some
music or a computer game.
Examiner: Do you like the house or apartment you live in?
B: I’ve lived in the same flat with my family all my life,
so I’m used to it. I like it very much. It’s a big flat
in the centre of town, which is very good – I can
meet my friends or go shopping, so the location
is great.
Examiner: What do you like best about the town or city
where you live now?
A: I really like my city because there are lots of
things to do there. I like sport and there’s a very
big sports centre where I can play tennis, go
swimming and do lots of other things. It’s great.
I also like the park and the open spaces where I
can walk or go jogging.
Examiner: Is it important to live near school friends?
B: That’s an interesting question. It’s nice to live near
a few friends, because then you can do stuff with
them in the evenings, but not all my friends go to
the same school as me. Actually, it’s quite nice to
have some friends at school and different friends
near my home.
Examiner: Do you agree?
A: Yes, definitely. I live near my school so most of my
friends are school friends, but it’s a nice idea to
have other friends you only see at the weekend.
That gives you different interests and different
things to talk about.

222 Answer Key

TEST 3 14 D: Johnny says his dad let him have the coin collection
he made when he was Johnny’s age, so he might have
Test 3 Reading a go at his dad’s old hobby, collecting coins.
15 C: Johnny’s mum and dad support him (they put up
Part 1 shelves for his collection) and his dad used to collect
1 B: The notice says that they are looking for students to coins when he was younger, so wanting to collect
help other students with maths. things is something he gets from his dad.
2 C: Tom has lost the information about the trip so is Part 4

checking that what he remembers is correct. 16 C: This compares the size of Solar Impulse 2’s wings to
3 A: The notice says that people can cycle in some parts a large passenger plane. The following sentence (‘Yet
of the park but not others and signs will show where Solar Impulse 2 is over one-hundred times lighter.’)
it’s OK to cycle. compares the two planes again, so only this sentence
4 C: The manager says he will see the players at the club fits here.
in time to get the bus at 9:15. 17 G: The sentence after the gap mentions ‘These delays’,
5 B: The piano teacher wants Jane to practise the music so the sentence in the gap must contain information
she is playing at the concert in her piano lesson. about delays, which G does ('stop for long periods').
Part 2 18 A: The sentence before the gap mentions an amazing
6 B: Artist’s Dream meets all three of Asha’s wishes, as fact, and the sentence following the gap mentions a
they teach photography, she can stay at the school ‘previous best’, both of which relate to the ‘world
(‘students’ accommodation’) and there’s an exhibition record’ in A.
of students’ work (an end-of-course show). 19 H: The sentences before and after the gap are about
7 H: Holly Granger’s Art College meets Jack’s wishes, the environment, and sentence H matches these
because they focus on painting people (‘we perfectly.
concentrate on painting the human face and body’), 20 E: The sentence before the gap mentions that Piccard
it’s weekdays only (‘with weekends free’) and they had travelled around the world before, and the
teach about the lives of famous artists (‘the greatest sentence after the gap tells us that he didn’t need a
painters ever’). pilot’s licence for the first trip. E mentions doing ‘the
8 A: Venture Art School meets Humera’s wishes as it’s same journey’ in a balloon, so this fits in the gap.
run by a professional artist (‘well-known painter’), Part 5
focuses on painting animals (‘wildlife’) and is mornings 21 A: We use ‘invented’ to mean ‘made for the first time’,
only (‘9.30 to midday’). so A is the key.
9 F: Riley’s Art Academy meets Morio’s wishes, because 22 D: We use ‘completely’ to mean ‘all of something’, so D
they teach sculpture, visit various places to paint is the key.
them and tell you about the best equipment to buy 23 B: We use ‘particularly’ to mean ‘very’, so B is the key.
too. 24 C: We use ‘including’ to give examples of something, so
10 D: Brushwork meets Giulia’s wishes because they teach C is the key.
about art from other countries (‘around the world’), 25 A: We use ‘development’ to mean ‘something
painting landscapes (‘perfect pictures of the local important that happens’, so A is the key.
countryside’) and trips to exhibitions (‘visits to see 26 C: We use ‘method’ to mean ‘a way of doing
several exhibitions by well-known painters’). something’, so C is the key.
Part 3 Part 6
11 A: Johnny was given his first old phone by the ‘guy next 27 one: This word is part of the phrase ‘one of the
door’, so by a neighbour. best’.
12 C: Johnny says that some people like having things that 28 will: We use ‘will’ in a first conditional sentence like
could be in a museum, which is what attracts him to this.
old phones. 29 is: We use ‘is’ to make the present simple passive
13 B: Johnny would rather avoid people feeling here.
uncomfortable because of his hobby. 30 who/that: This relative pronoun is about two people, so
we use ‘who’ or ‘that’.

Answer Key 223

31 of: We use the preposition ‘of’ after ‘because’ Question 3 (story)
when we’re giving a reason. Style: neutral
32 the: This word is part of the phrase ‘in the end’. Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given.
2 Say what happened next.
Test 3 Writing 3 Story must show development and have an
appropriate ending.
Part 1 Sample answer
Question 1 When Billy saw the advertisement in the newspaper asking

Style: informal for young people to appear in a new film, he knew he had
Content: 1 Say it is great news that the weather forecast is to apply. He’d always wanted to be an actor. He loved drama
good. classes at school and went to a drama club too.
2 Say whether you would prefer to cycle or get His application was successful and two weeks later, he was on
the bus. the film set. There were some famous actors there. He even
3 Say what food and drink you are going to bring. chatted with one of them during a break in filming.
4 Say whether you think it’s a good idea to bring Billy was part of the crowd at a sports match. His scene
speakers and explain why. didn’t take long to film and for the rest of the time he
Sample answer watched the director and other actors working, which he
Hi Riley really loved. A few months later, he saw the film. For a few
That’s great news about the weather forecast. A picnic in the seconds, he could see his face in the crowd – he was famous
rain isn’t much fun! at last!
I think it’ll be better to cycle there. The bus stop is a long way
from the river, so it will take ages to walk there. I’m sure we Test 3 Listening
can carry everything on our bikes and it will be fun cycling.
I said I’d bring some sandwiches. I’ll make some with cheese Part 1
and some with chicken. I'll also bring some juice. 1 A: ‘I think it’s in my bedroom – but maybe I used it
I don’t think taking speakers is a good idea. There are usually during breakfast?’; ‘Well, I’ve cleared the table now –
other people there and they probably want to have a it wasn’t there. I’m just looking in your room … OK
peaceful time and won’t want to listen to our music. – here it is – you were right.’
See you soon 2 B: ‘I took this picture because of all the seabirds.’
James 3 B: ‘I found the same thing for seven pounds fifty at a
Part 2 discount shop in town – they looked OK to me, so I
got them there.’
Question 2 (article)
4 A: ‘No, but it is black and white. It’s more like stripes,
Style: neutral going from top to bottom – you know, black then
Content: 1 Say what clothes you usually wear for school. white.’
2 Say whether you think students should wear 5 C: ‘It’s that wildlife programme … I’d like to watch that.’;
school uniforms and give advantages and ‘Oh right. I’m happy with your choice then.’
disadvantages of wearing them. 6 C: ‘My brother was playing in a basketball match in
Sample answer another city. He wanted us all to go and watch – so
School clothes that’s what we did.’
In my country, we don’t have to wear uniforms for school, so 7 B: ‘Also, I want you to finish the essays on underwater
I usually put on some smart jeans, a shirt and black shoes. environments you started last week.’
I don’t think students should have to wear school uniforms, Part 2
but lots of people think that wearing them is a good idea.
8 A: ‘… there were guys my age to hang out with. I mean
They say that uniforms help to make everyone equal because
without that, it’d be boring.’
no one can seem better than anyone else if they’re all
9 B: ‘I’ve never made so many mistakes in a game –
wearing the same clothes. Also, students don’t need to think
fortunately the rest of the guys were really good
about what they’re going to wear each day.
about it, so it didn’t matter.’
However, other people think that we are all individuals and
we should be able to show this by what we wear. I agree
with them.

224 Answer Key

10 B: ‘It’s great never knowing what you’re going to come TEST 4
across. I’m finding out new stuff from it all the time.’;
‘I know what you mean – I like that too.’ Test 4 Reading
11 A: ‘The trouble with musicals is that you can never
believe in them – what happens to the characters Part 1
just isn’t true to life.’ The email says that parents must wait for 20 minutes
1 C: 
12 A: ‘Well, I just went through the worksheet and did after the performance is over so the children can get
what it said.’ changed.

13 C: ‘It really got me wondering about survival skills and 2 B: Megan says that she’s working on a science project
how well I could handle that stuff.’ with Gina then having her evening meal with her. She
Part 3 will be back after that.
14 (wide) tyres/tires: ‘But the fantastic thing about the 3 A: Oliver is checking whether he needs to give the
quad bike is that it has really wide school trip money to the teacher tomorrow or not.
tyres.’ 4 C: The notice asks anyone willing to help set up events
15 30/thirty minutes: ‘It started off with a safety talk, where next Tuesday to contact the sports teachers.
the guy shows you how to work the 5 A: The notice says that the newspapers are for all
controls – like the brakes and stuff – customers, so anyone can read them.
that takes thirty minutes.’ Part 2
16 (small) river: ‘You even get to drive across a small meets all three of Brad’s
6 F: 
river – that was a bit frightening.’ wishes, as they have reviews of the latest films
17 foggy: ‘I liked the fact that it was foggy – it all (‘expert opinion on all recent movies’), you can see
added to the fun.’ free films there (‘There’s no charge for watching the
18 airport: ‘It’s on the road you take to get to the many old movies available’) and it has information
airport.’ about drama courses (‘detailed descriptions of every
19 whitlocks: ‘That’s W-H-I-T-L-O-C-K-S dot com.’ acting school and class in the country’).
Part 4 meets Sonny’s wishes,
7 C: 
20 C: ‘But actually we had one before other schools did.’ because there are interviews with famous actors
21 B: ‘she asked for student volunteers to help get it going. (‘the site’s experts talking to well-known film stars’),
Actually, only the five of us came forward.’ she can get advice about making her own film
22 C: ‘Fortunately, one girl’s brother – who’s actually a (‘suggestions for how to make a movie at home’) and
DJ – was able to set it up for us and teach us how to there are competitions she can enter (‘win trips to
operate it.’ Hollywood, cameras …’).
23 A: ‘It depends … Once or twice a year I interview a meets Serge’s wishes as he can
8 A: 
student who’s done something interesting. That takes upload his own films there (‘post your own short
longer to get ready.’ movies’), read biographies of well-known actors (‘life
24 B: ‘I’d practised and written down what I wanted to say stories of the most famous actors’) and find adverts
but I didn’t need my notes in the end.’ for acting work (‘message board for anyone looking
25 C:  ‘I think it has a good influence – you know, working for acting jobs’).
to tight deadlines, checking that everything’s correct. meets Alicia’s wishes, because
9 H: 
I’m sure all that’s going to be useful in the future.’ there are articles about how famous films were
made (‘the techniques directors of great films used
to make their work’), she can vote for her favourite
actors and films (‘choose who you think should
win the site’s famous actor and film of the year
competitions’) and it has film equipment for sale
(‘You can also buy video cameras and other stuff

Answer Key 225 meets Stelios’s wishes because
10 E:  Part 6
it explains the duties of everyone that’s involved in 27 with: We use ‘with’ to say which other people went
making a film (‘You can also find out what all the too.
people in the list of credits at the end of a film 28 to: We use ‘according to’ to report what someone
actually do.’), has advice given by famous actors said.
(‘suggestions by the biggest stars about how to get 29 why: We need ‘why’ here as the sentence gives a
into acting’) and reviews of TV programmes as well reason to explain the size of the museum.
as films (‘has regularly updated opinion on not just 30 able: You use ‘weren’t able to’ to mean ‘couldn’t’.

recently released movies, but also the latest television 31 the: You use ‘the’ before a superlative.
series’). 32 when: You use ‘when’ to join the two parts of the
Part 3 sentence together because it is referring to a time.
Melanie wanted to actually see what the effects of
11 D: 
climate change were. Test 4 Writing
12 A: Melanie says that she hadn’t got used to the 24-hour
daylight even by the time she left Antarctica. Part 1
13 C: Melanie says they’ve set up a social media group Question 1 (email)
which they’re all posting onto.
Style: informal
14 B: Melanie says that she thinks her friends might be
Content: 1 Say that you are sorry to hear about Ursula.
jealous, which she finds sad.
2 Say that you would like to go visit Ursula in
15 D: Melanie says that she’d like to go back to Antarctica
to work in one of the scientific teams based there.
3 Explain why you don’t think it would be a good
Part 4 idea to walk and give another option.
This sentence contrasts with the one before the gap,
16 F:  4 Suggest a present for Ursula.
which is about how some websites say you can learn Sample answer
a language in a few weeks. It uses ‘However’ to show Hi Ellis
this contrast. That’s really bad news about Ursula. I’m glad she’s OK. I’d love
17 B: The sentences before the gap say why people give up to come to the hospital with you this afternoon to see her.
trying to learn a language, sometimes before they’ve I think it’s probably too far for us to walk, but there’s a bus
even started. Sentence B says what you should do to that goes to the hospital from outside our school. I think
prevent this happening. that’s probably the best way for us to get there.
18 D: D adds extra information about why learning long How about getting her some magazines so she’s got
lists of words is not a good idea. something to read while she’s at the hospital? I think music
19 H: The sentence before the gap gives an opinion which magazines would be good. She probably doesn’t want to read
H says you shouldn’t believe. The sentence after the about football at the moment!
gap explains why you shouldn’t believe it. See you soon
20 A: The sentence before the gap explains how you need Asha
to gain understanding of how a language works to
learn it well. A adds information, saying it’s easier ‘to Part 2
do this’ using a language you know well. Question 2 (article)
Part 5 Style: neutral
We use ‘flow’ to describe how liquids like water
21 D:  Content: 1 Say where you think the best place is for a fun
move, so D is the key. family holiday and explain why.
We use ‘especially’ to mean ‘very’, so B is the key.
22 B:  2 Say if you think it’s better to do a lot of things on
We use ‘sight’ to mean ‘something we can see’, so C
23 C:  holiday, or very little. Explain why you think this.
is the key. Sample answer
We use ‘frequently’ to mean ‘often’, so A is the key.
24 A:  Holidays
We use ‘take place’ to mean ‘happen’, so D is the key.
25 D:  Holidays are the best part of the year for most people, so
We use ‘last’ to say how long something happens for,
26 B:  it’s important for everyone to have fun. I think the seaside is
so B is the key. the best place for the whole family to do this. Parents love
relaxing on the beach while children swim or do other things

226 Answer Key

like volleyball or surfing. There are usually towns to visit Part 2
there too. ‘Oh I like the fact that it’s fun – and the prizes are silly
8 B: 
I think it’s best to do lots of things on holiday. Just sitting too’; ‘I think that’s what I didn’t like about it really.’
and doing nothing gets really boring after a while. If you do ‘I wouldn’t mind actually – but you’re right. They
9 C: 
many things together, you have more to talk about and more should find out what’s the best colour for studying
memories to take home with you. and stick to that.’; ‘It wouldn’t be a bad idea.’
Question 3 (story) 10 A: ‘I mean, it’s basically the same shops you get
Style: neutral anywhere but they’re bigger, so they’ve got some

Content: 1 A story that starts on a train. different stuff. It’s worth going for that.’
2 Say where the destination is, who Casey is 11 A: ‘I’m getting much better at speaking loudly and clearly
meeting and what happened next. without shouting.’; ‘Oh I know what you mean. And
3 Story must show development and have an I’m much more confident with my singing as a result
appropriate ending. of the club sessions. That’s what we go for after all.’
Sample answer 12 C: ‘I don’t know why I decided to do it on rivers, though
Casey couldn’t wait for the train she was on to arrive at its – I mean I’ve got far too much to say in ten minutes.
destination. She was visiting her aunt and uncle, who had It took ages to prepare …’
bought a boat and were taking her out for the day on it. 13 C: ‘Did you work out what was going to happen to him?
Soon after her train arrived, they were leaving the harbour I thought I had – but I was wrong.’; ‘No – it kept me
and sailing out into the sea. However, an hour later, the guessing to the very last page.’
engine suddenly stopped! They could only just see the land, Part 3
so Casey’s aunt used the radio to call for help. 14 175/one hundred and seventy-five:
The helicopter took twenty minutes to arrive. A man came ‘one hundred and seventy-five of those are so
down on a rope and lifted Casey out of the boat, then went rare they’re in danger of extinction’
back for her aunt and uncle. She never thought she’d have a 15 (wildlife) artist:
helicopter and a boat ride on the same day! ‘and also a wildlife artist who was doing some
brilliant drawings for the zoo’s website’
Test 4 Listening 16 math(s)/mathematics:
‘I was expecting a lesson on biology or
Part 1 something, but I was wrong – they actually got
‘what I heard is that it’s going to be sunny most of the
1 B:  us doing maths … It was really interesting!’
day on Saturday’ 17 frogs: ‘After lunch, we had a choice of sessions … I
‘The problem is that the batteries have run out. I
2 A:  went for a session about frogs.’
bought some new ones and I thought I’d put them in 18 monkeys: ‘My group got monkeys.’
my pencil case – but they’re not there. They must still 19 report: ‘If you want to see the data, and the report
be on the kitchen table.’ we wrote about the day afterwards, it’s all on
‘So please be here at the training ground by ten-
3 B:  the school website.’
fifteen at the latest, so that we can get away by ten- Part 4
‘Then, one day I saw an article about one on a teen
20 A: 
‘Have you ever tried the one with banana slices on
4 C: 
top? That sounds amazing.’; ‘I think I’ll go back to my
‘Basically, we take it in turns to suggest a book.’
21 B: 
first idea.’
‘… other people choose new books that none of us
22 A: 
‘So you won’t be able to go outside during your
5 B: 
has even heard of before. That works better if you
break … Instead, you should go down to the library.’
ask me.’
‘I’ve taken up the guitar.’
6 C: 
‘if some people like it more than others, you get a
23 C: 
‘And did you get to go rock climbing?’; ‘When we
7 C: 
good discussion going.’
arrived they said it wasn’t available because the
‘Even better is going online and asking the writer
24 B: 
teacher was ill’; ‘But then at the last minute, the
questions on social media – you learn so much.’
teacher came to work after all – so I got my original
‘And getting new people to join is good ’cos then
25 C: 
you’re always hearing different ideas and suggestions.’

Answer Key 227

TEST 5 15 C: Henry says his instructor was very experienced and
very supportive.
Test 5 Reading Part 4
16 F: The sentence before describes how Tiffany found it
Part 1
strange when she employed two people. Sentence
1 B: The notice says that bikes left there will be removed. F explains why she found it strange, so this is the
2 A: Libby is telling her mum how she solved the problem answer.
of saving the food when the fridge broke. 17 C: Sentence C adds information that supports what

3 C: Archie is thanking Jack for the link to a website and Tiffany says in the previous sentence, so this is the
saying what he will write about. answer.
4 A: Justine is suggesting going on a bike ride and inviting 18 H: ‘this’ in sentence H is about the problems that
Lisa to come as well. Tiffany has with reading and writing (her dyslexia).
5 B: The hockey matches are on Thursday instead of The sentence after the gap also mentions the help
Wednesday because of bad weather. (‘support’ in sentence H) that Tiffany got, so H is the
Part 2 answer.
6 E: Can Cook, Will Cook meets all of Parvin’s wishes, 19 A: The sentence after the gap mentions when Tiffany
as it is ‘open to students of all ages’ and courses run needed to employ two new staff, so the sentence in
in the morning; ‘Bus stops and rail station are just a the gap needs to give a reason for Tiffany needing
five‑minute walk away.’ more employees, so A is the answer.
7 H: The Recipe Centre meets Kasper’s wishes, because 20 E: ‘a chain like this’ in E is about the shops in other
'None of the dishes you’ll create contain meat.' and it towns and cities that Tiffany mentions in the
is ‘Perfect for teenagers who have already spent time sentence before the gap, so E is the answer.
developing their cooking abilities’ and ‘can even arrange Part 5
somewhere to stay while you’re on the course’ 21 C: We use ‘fall’ to mean ‘become lower’, so C is the
8 A: Central Cookery School meets Gina’s wishes as it answer.
covers desserts ‘preparing sweet dishes like cakes, 22 A: We use ‘announce’ to mean ‘tell the public about
pies and fruit salads’ and ‘Places are limited to just six something’, so A is the answer.
students’ and ‘there are prizes for whoever creates 23 D: We use ‘land’ to describe what happens when a
the best dish each day.’ plane or spaceship arrives somewhere, so D is the
9 G: Future Chefs meets Ding’s wishes, because it says answer.
he will learn how to ‘make food from all over the 24 B: We use ‘control’ to mean ‘be able to change
world’, it is ‘Aimed at those with few cooking skills’ something’ so B is the answer.
and includes working ‘in a real restaurant kitchen.’ 25 D: We use ‘shining’ when light comes from the sun, so
10 D: Cook and a Half meets Melanie’s wishes because D is the answer.
‘They organise visits to local restaurants so you can 26 C: We use ‘unfortunately’ to introduce something bad
watch chefs at work in a busy kitchen’ and the course or negative that happens, so C is the answer.
is run by famous cooks with ‘cake and bread-making Part 6
… the focus of the course.’
27 was: We use ‘was’ to make the past simple passive.
Part 3
28 much: We use ‘much’ because the amount that you like
11 C: Henry says that he ‘got so annoyed at being too something is uncountable.
terrified to swim in the sea on holiday that he asked 29 less: We use ‘less’ here because the writer is
if he could do a diving course’. comparing how long it took to read the book to
12 D: Henry says that he was ‘amazed how hard it was one week.
to judge how much air to put into or let out of my 30 up: You use ‘give up’ to mean you stop doing
diving jacket, though. This is how you move up and something.
down in the water’ 31 well: You use ‘as well as’ when you add on some extra
13 B: Henry says that he was ‘grateful we had to keep doing information
tasks until we could do them almost without thinking.’ 32 mine: You use the pronoun ‘mine’ in the phrase ‘a
14 A: Henry says the water was much colder than he had friend of mine’ to mean ‘one of my friends’.

228 Answer Key

Test 5 Writing Sample answer
Sophie had never noticed the unusual little shop before, so
Part 1
she decided to go in. It was a clothes shop, but very different
Question 1 (email) from the ones at the shopping centre. The clothes looked
Style: informal very old.
Content: 1 Say that you are sorry that Francis is worried. She saw a suit she liked, but as soon as she tried it on, she
2 Say how he could feel less nervous. realised something magic had happened.
3 Explain the techniques you used to learn lines. Suddenly lots of people were asking her questions. They

4 Say you can’t practise tomorrow and suggest wanted to know what they should do about certain students
another time. and classes. She had become the head teacher of her school!
Sample answer She spent the day changing the school rules so they were
Hi Francis fairer for students. At the end of the day, she found herself
I’m sorry that you’re feeling so anxious about the school back in the shop. She decided to visit it again the next day.
play. It’s normal to feel a bit nervous, but if you do plenty
of practice, that will help. If you keep worrying about it, try Test 5 Listening
doing something else, like playing video games or watching
TV, then you won’t think about the play. Part 1
I learnt the words for my part by reading them lots. I looked ‘The last time we had a party, I made juice from fresh
1 B: 
in a mirror and practised saying them too, and writing them fruit – you know oranges and lemons and stuff. It
down also helped me remember them. was really nice.’; ‘What a good idea! I think I’ll try that.’
I have football practice after school tomorrow, I’m afraid. 2 B: ‘I thought about doing that, but I think everyone will
How about the day after? do it – I want to do something different.’; ‘Oh I know,
See you soon you mean fishing. You’re really keen on that, aren’t
Danny you?’; ‘I am – and I’m sure nobody else will do it.’
Part 2 3 A: ‘They said I should go at either eleven thirty-five or
eleven fifty … We chose the earlier one.’
Question 2 (article)
4 C: ‘I’m still trying to choose between that one I took
Style: neutral of the big old tree, and that one of my auntie’s dog.’;
Content: 1 Say what your perfect weekend would be. ‘But photos of pets don’t win competitions – the
2 Say whether you would spend time with friends, other one’s more artistic.’; ‘You’re right. I’ll enter that
family or both. one.’
3 Say what you would do and explain why. 5 A: ‘I got the calendar with pictures of it [a ship] on
Sample answer instead.’
The perfect weekend 6 C: ‘We can see a little street market that’s quite
My perfect weekend would be to spend one day with friends interesting.’
and the other day with family. With my friends, we’d spend 7 A: ‘But before that I’ve got to go the gym.’
the morning at one of our houses playing video games Part 2
together because it’s such good fun. After lunch, we’d all go
‘I just think it’s much quicker than anything else and at
8 C: 
to the park to play basketball together. It’s a great way to
least you know you’ll get where you’re going. There’s
keep healthy.
so much traffic everywhere and I hate wasting time!’
The next day, I would go out somewhere with my family.
‘It’s a pity because I was looking forward to the film,
9 B: 
We like visiting museums together, so I’d go to the science
and going to football training afterwards.’
museum with them. Afterwards, we’d have a look at the
‘… it’s always so busy at the weekend, and I don’t
10 B: 
shops nearby before coming home. What a fantastic
enjoy that.’
weekend that would be!
‘it wasn’t hard actually.’; ‘It wasn’t very challenging at
11 C: 
Question 3 (story)
all. That’s why I prefer the game I played last week.’;
Style: neutral ‘I’ve definitely played some that were more difficult –
Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given. and that makes it more fun.’
2 Say what happened next. ‘The other side were all older than us and so they
12 B: 
3 Story must show development and have an were much bigger and stronger – so it really wasn’t
appropriate ending. fair.’

Answer Key 229

‘I mean, the background music was outstanding –
13 A:  TEST 6
that made it for me ’cos it really added atmosphere.’
Part 3 Test 6 Reading
14 gold star: ‘you’ll see a gold star. Click on that’
Part 1
15 password: ‘You will then get an email with a password.’
16 flute: ‘What you hear is the sound of a flute.’ Students need to wash their brushes at the end of
1 B: 
17 title: ‘you have to give the song a title.’ the art lesson.
18 (the) twelfth/12th/12 (of) May: 2 C: Asma can’t afford the jewellery shops Kate

‘your entries need to be in by the twelfth of recommended and is asking what else (= something
May at the latest.’ different) she could get for Ramini instead.
19 (some) headphones: 3 C: ‘Stopped using plastic for our burger boxes’ means
‘the person who writes the best song will the same as given up serving its burgers in plastic
receive some headphones as a prize.’ boxes.
Part 4 4 A: The trip will only happen if at least 20 people want
to go.
‘I never really followed what he was saying about
20 B: 
5 C: Judy has asked to use a spare racket, so she needs to
borrow one.
‘Then, my uncle gave me a Star Wars figure for my
21 A: 
Part 2
birthday one year…’
‘For me, it’s more having them lined up in my room,
22 B:  ‘post reviews … of novels they’ve enjoyed’, ‘get
6 D: 
seeing how fantastic they all look together.’ together once a month and exchange books’, ‘share
‘I just go for the ones that interest me. I don’t like
23 C:  opinions of novels’
simple ones – I want to look at them and see lots of 7 F: ‘ fifty percent discount in all departments in the shop’,
detailed work in the design.’ ‘hear authors speak’, ‘Members are also invited to
‘I prefer things that somebody’s played with and
24 B:  post short articles on the club website about books
loved, then I can make up that story in my mind, too.’ they’ve read.’
‘… but it’s really so brilliantly designed that it’ll last
25 A:  8 C: ‘ taking and uploading pictures’, ‘chatrooms for
forever, no matter how it’s handled.’ discussing different types of books … wildlife’
9 H: ‘share opinions about literature’, ‘teenage authors’,
‘setting up their own web page … upload their writing’
10 E: ‘explore books about science, history, the natural
world, and so on, rather than novels’, ‘chances to win
prizes’, ‘money off at Harleys’ bookstores’
Part 3
‘amazing technology – just how I imagine a proper
11 C: 
studio to be’
‘I wasn’t keen to talk in front of such a large group of
12 A: 
‘interesting to see that people shared so many
13 B: 
‘a radio news report’, ‘a sad documentary’, ‘a funny
14 C: 
advert’, ‘a short drama’
‘For me, this experience made the whole day worth it.’
15 D: 
Part 4
‘This contained an ancient wardrobe’ = There was a
16 F: 
wardrobe in the spare bedroom.
‘searching for these’ = looking for some of his school
17 C: 
‘it’ = the wardrobe door; ‘tried one last time’ refers
18 E: 
to pushing and pulling the door to open it

230 Answer Key

‘ they’ = James and his dad; ‘it’ = the suitcase.
19 G:  Part 2
‘Couldn’t believe their eyes’ = they were surprised
Question 2 (article)
by what was inside.
Style: neutral
20 A: James didn’t recognise the places in London and his
Content: 1 Write about a sport you do and say why you
dad didn’t recognise them either.
enjoy it.
Part 5
2 Give an opinion.
We use ‘actually’ here to emphasise something that
21 D:  3 Say why it is important for teenagers to play sport.
may be surprising.

Sample answer
When we think of an idea, we can say that the idea
22 A:  I don’t do many sports compared to some teenagers, but
‘came into our minds’. I do play badminton with my brother at my local sports
23 B: to consist + of centre. Sometimes we see some of our mates from school
24 C: ‘it is possible’ + ‘to do’ + something = you are able there and we play doubles matches. I love badminton
to do something because it’s such a fast game, and I often beat my brother
25 D: ‘famous’ + ‘for’ + something when we play.
26 C: ‘to do’ research In my opinion, everyone should play at least one sport. It
Part 6 doesn’t matter what age people are, everyone needs to keep
27 if/whether: ‘Can I join the band?’ in reported speech is ‘I fit. I know some of my friends prefer playing on their phones.
asked if/whether I could join the band’. But doing sport puts us in a good mood. It’s a great way to
28 own: another way to say ‘my own band’ is ‘a band relax after studying or working and to make friends.
of my own’ Question 3 (story)
29 few: ‘a few posters’ = ‘a small number of posters’ Style: neutral
30 in: ‘to be interested in doing something’ Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given.
31 there: ‘There are (+ a number) of us/you/them.’ 2 Say what happened next.
For example: There are four of us in my 3 Story must show development and have an
family. appropriate ending.
32 part: ‘to take part’ (in) = to be involved in an Sample answer
activity with other people Sam read the text message and felt worried. It was from his
mum and it read, ‘Come home immediately!’ Sam had only
Test 6 Writing just finished school for the day so he knew he wasn’t late for
something. Am I in trouble? he asked himself. He couldn’t
Part 1 think of anything he’d done wrong but he hurried home as
Question 1 (email) fast as he could.
Style: informal As he walked up the path to his house, the front door
Content: 1 Say it’s a good idea. opened. His Uncle Henry who lived in New York was
2 Say which option you prefer and why. standing there. ‘Surprise! I’ve just flown in for a business trip,’
3 Suggest a present idea. said Henry, ‘and tonight I’m going to take you all to the best
4 Say how you can help. restaurant in town.’
Sample answer
Hi Gina Test 6 Listening
Thanks for your email. That’s a really good idea to have a
party for Ali before he leaves. He’s been a really good friend Part 1
to all of us this year. ‘You remember how she wanted to be a nurse at
1 B: 
I think a barbecue at your house sounds perfect. If it starts to the vet’s?’; ‘… she stayed with her original idea. She
rain, we can go indoors. started work last month.’
What about taking a photo of our class and putting it in a ‘… don’t worry about looking for a bedside lamp. I
2 A: 
frame to give to Ali? That shouldn’t be too expensive. saw exactly what I wanted online and we’ve ordered
I don’t know how to cook on a barbecue but I’d be happy that now.’
to send the invitations, and I can also make something for ‘Actually I wasn’t that hungry so I just had an apple …’
3 C: 
dessert if you like. ‘I really loved the one I saw – about polar bears –
4 B: 
Thanks for thinking of this! they’re incredible animals!’

Answer Key 231

‘I found one online for £32.95 and Mum said OK …’
5 B:  TEST 7
‘It’ll be better this time – plus we only have to get to
6 C: 
the station.’ Test 7 Reading
‘Anyway, when I got home I realised I didn’t have my
7 A: 
gloves with me. Perhaps I forgot to pick them up Part 1
when I left.’ ‘No hockey practice, school field is too wet, sports
1 C: 
Part 2 hall is booked for badminton practice’
‘… but I was really hoping for a calm day. I would
8 B:  2 B: ‘I’ll have to buy it, let me know where you bought

make more progress if I could just concentrate on yours’ (= your book)

staying on the board.’ 3 A: ‘Place bag correct side up’
9 B: ‘At least he didn’t seem to be rushing through things 4 B: ‘can we all think about how we can increase
like the last one did.’; ‘That’s true.’ membership’
10 A: ‘What I’d really like is to get some good posters.’ 5 C: ‘ today, visited an Australian wildlife park. Can’t wait
11 C: ‘It was more the way the guys on the other side to see kangaroos in the wild’
behaved. It’s meant to be a laugh and a chance to meet Part 2
new people, but they just seemed only to want to win.’ ‘lively cities that never go to sleep’, ‘huge variety of
6 E: 
12 C: ‘I wouldn’t miss it for the world, even though you do cheap places to get dinner’, ‘booking an apartment’
queue up for ages.’ ‘waterskiing and sailing’, ‘in the middle of the …
7 H: 
13 B: ‘It was the graphs and charts I liked. I can only really countryside’, ‘luxury camping holiday’
understand the statistical stuff when I see a visual.’; 8 A: starts in Edinburgh then visits other towns and
‘I know what you mean. I’m going to copy some of villages, ‘museums and galleries’, ‘learn about the
them for my homework.’ country’s past’, ‘little-known’ places
Part 3 9 G: ‘starts in the mountains’, ‘then transfer … to the
14 eleven/11: ‘You have to be at least eleven to sign up’ lively city of Vancouver’, ‘snowboarding, snowshoe
15 programming (skills): walking, skiing’, ‘amazing views of icy lakes and snow-
‘In the morning you’re taught programming covered peaks’, ‘a camera is essential’
skills’ 10 B: ‘exploring wild places’, ‘conditions can sometimes
16 (your own) lunch: get difficult’, ‘jungle’, ‘canoe … go surfing’, ‘monkeys,
‘The only thing you need to take with you is frogs … birds’, ‘extreme heat’
lunch because that’s not provided.’ Part 3
17 alarm clock: ‘our group designed an alarm clock’ ‘often wondered’ = curious; ‘what the school was like
11 D: 
18 certificate: ‘on this course you get a certificate’ and how different it was’ = comparing it with today
19 Kendrick: ‘The address is www, dot, K-E-N-D-R-I-C-K 12 C: ‘different year groups all mixed together’
dot com.’ 13 A: ‘only in their twenties’
Part 4 14 B: ‘I’m really lucky I wasn’t at school in those days’
‘… but more importantly, you learn everything about
20 A:  15 C: ‘learnt loads’, ‘incredible to see so many photos,’
how to look after the animals.’ ‘thinking about whether to write a report’
‘I told my sports coach at school, who suggested my
21 A:  Part 4
mum and dad contacted the association.’ ‘being punished’ refers to what would happen to him
16 H: 
‘So those horses don’t get used very often.’
22 C:  in court; ‘run away’ = leaving Scotland and sailing to
‘... but if you’re not into horses, it’s hard to see why
23 B:  South America.
it takes up so much of anyone’s time. So I don’t talk ‘Little to eat’ and ‘many illnesses’ are examples of
17 D: 
about it much at school.’ how life on the ship was tough. Being hungry and ill
‘Then I realised there’s more important things in life
24 C:  ‘led to anger and disagreements’.
than winning cups.’ ‘This new captain’ was Thomas Stradling, who ‘took
18 A: 
‘I’ve prepared everything very thoroughly, so nothing
25 A:  control’ when the original captain became sick.
should go wrong.’ This sentence explains why Alexander thought the
19 F: 
ship wasn’t safe enough to leave the island.

232 Answer Key

‘Hunted for lobster’ and ‘collected wild fruit and
20 B:  Part 2
vegetables’ are examples of ways in which Alexander
Question 2 (article)
Style: neutral
Part 5
Content: 1 Give some examples of things you like to buy.
21 B: ‘to make a decision’ 2 Give your opinion.
22 D: ‘of its kind’ = the type of bridge that it is 3 Give some other examples of ways to spend
23 A: ‘crosses’ = the bridge goes across the bay free time.
24 D: ‘rise’ = to go up (to a height of 227 m)

Sample answer
25 C: this is the expression ‘to be exact’, meaning ‘to give My friends and I sometimes spend our pocket money on
completely correct details’ music downloads. Some of my friends have also bought
26 B: ‘main’ = most important apps for their phones, but I only get new apps if they’re free.
Part 6 When we go shopping in town, we usually go to the same
27 who: refers to the cousin. It connects the sentences small number of shops where we buy pens and notebooks,
‘We went there to visit my mum’s cousin.’ and sweets and jewellery.
‘My mum’s cousin now lives in Liverpool.’ There are lots of good things that young people can do in
28 go: we can say ‘to go sightseeing’ or ‘to do some their free time, for example playing sport or learning to play
sightseeing’ an instrument or reading. But personally, I thing shopping’s
29 There: ‘There’ = tours exist or tours are organised a great way to spend your time if you just want to relax and
30 in: ‘in’ + a language (‘for’ is also possible) have fun with your mates.
31 where: where = the place + where Question 3 (story)
32 like/as: ‘just like’ or ‘just as’ = in exactly the same way as Style: neutral
(the players do at the start of a game) Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given.
2 Say what happened next.
Test 7 Writing 3 Story must show development and have an
appropriate ending.
Part 1 Just as my friend and I were leaving the museum, the alarm
Question 1 (email) bell started ringing. Someone started shouting, ‘Stop thief!’ My
Style: informal friend looked at me in a really strange way. ‘Have you taken
Content: 1 Encourage Morgan’s decision. something from the museum?,’ she asked. I was about to say
2 Give your opinion. ‘no’, when a man pushed past me with a bag under his arm.
3 Give Morgan some tips. Immediately behind him came three security guards, who
Sample answer quickly followed the man down the steps. They ran after him
Hi Morgan and caught him. One of the guards looked into the man’s
I’m really happy you’re using the book I sent you. Which bag and pulled out a small painting that he’d stolen from the
recipes have you made from it so far? museum. When I got home, the story was on the TV news.
That’s so exciting to hear about the cooking competition at
your school. Good luck with that, and I hope you win. Test 7 Listening
In my opinion, it’s better to bake a chocolate cake. Everybody
loves chocolate, don’t they? Part 1
Perhaps the best way to win is to use really good‑quality ‘… conditions were perfect for seeing birds in flight,
1 C: 
ingredients so that your cake tastes delicious. Also I’d though. It was difficult but I managed to get some
recommend practising the recipe a few times before you good shots.’
make it for the competition. 2 ‘I’d rather have pasta …’; ‘I’ll decide – we’ll have my
Let me know what happens and send me a picture of your choice.’
cake! 3 ‘… school students can get a discount of 20% if
they’d like to go on one of those days.’
4 ‘We’ve got either the rising sun or the star left.’; ‘I’m
not so keen on the star actually, so I’ll take the other
5 ‘… I chose a bridge instead.’

Answer Key 233

‘I heard that a part of the roof had fallen down
6 C:  TEST 8
because of the wind – there wasn’t time to clear it
before the game started.’ Test 8 Reading
7 C: ‘I know some friends are going to try ice-skating’;
‘That’d be fun!’; ‘… we could just take our bikes Part 1
into the hills’; ‘You can do that – I’m going with the ‘come along … see if there’s anything … which
1 B: 
others.’ belongs to you’ = take the items they’ve lost
Part 2 2 C: ‘next year’s coursebooks’ = the most recent books,

‘The thing that I wasn’t looking forward to was

8 B:  ‘before term starts’ = get them in time, ‘order’ =
having to talk in French some of the time. I mean, I’m request
hopeless at it.’ 3 B: ‘Does anyone remember’ = ask them, ‘what the
9 B: ‘But I’d learnt the pieces better than I thought – I had chemistry homework is’ = what he has to do for
so much homework this week I didn’t get the chance homework
to study them properly.’; ‘Nor me. I’ve been so busy.’ 4 A: ‘ first ten people to send in the correct answer’ =
10 C: ‘Why don’t you try asking your teacher to send the right answer quickly enough
recommend one?’ 5 A: ‘so we’ll do that’ = suggesting a way, ‘print your own
11 A: ‘What I thought was great was not knowing whether I for free’ = cheaper
was reading science-fiction or a crime story or what.’ Part 2
12 A: ‘My only criticism concerns the songs they play when ‘not many people know about it’ = doesn’t get too
6 B: 
you’re doing the dance routines. I mean it’s all stuff busy, ‘behind a station’ = public transport, ‘notices
you’ve heard a million times before.’ giving information on the wildlife and plants’ = learn
13 C: ‘… it takes me back to my childhood and the about animals and plants
monsters we used to make out of clay in primary 7 F: ‘skate park’ = area for skateboarders, ‘café’ = buy
school. It’s a nice memory.’ refreshments, ‘plenty of space to park in the nearby
Part 3 streets’ = somewhere to leave his car
14 uncle: ‘but it was my uncle who found the one I 8 H: ‘dogwalkers’ = walk their dog, 'a small forest' = a
went on’ wood, ‘when the street lamps come on’ = lights
15 kicking: ‘I really loved the kicking practice on the 9 A: ‘a children's area with a slide …’ = playground, ‘huge
course’ open fields’ = space for a game of football, ‘area for
16 ten/10: ‘Then at ten you split up into different groups’ cooking over fires’ = barbecue
17 throwing: ‘Throwing is actually the thing I needed most 10 E: ‘fitness group … with an instructor’ = exercise class,
practice in’ ‘the pool’ = a place to swim, ‘a little hut where you
18 gloves: ‘but really gloves are the only thing you need can lock up bicycles’ = a place to leave her bike
in football’ Part 3
19 Blakelow: ‘it’s called Blakelow Training’ ‘my mum … said I should take part before it was too
11 D: 
Part 4 late … I’m so glad she did’
‘Colleagues today tell me they were singing and
20 B:  ‘… get a nice dress. I’m not great at choosing clothes,
12 C: 
dancing in shows from the age of five – but I was so I thought that might be a problem.’
never like that.’ 13 B: He did different voices ‘For each character … and
‘But actually it really made me focus on the song itself
21 B:  made everyone laugh. My words sounded so much
and what the words meant. I think that’s why I won!’ better the way he read them’.
‘Voice training’s very important – it allows you to
22 C:  14 C: ‘it’s great to have won a prize that everyone can get
discover what your voice can do.’ some benefit from’
‘I’m quite a shy person naturally so I wouldn’t want to
23 A:  15 A: ‘I’m so glad she did. I spent ages changing things and
take the lead and people expect that of the singer in rewriting … The day of the final was fantastic.’
the band.’ Part 4
‘I’ve now signed a recording contract with her.’
24 A:  ‘ this’ = how these objects are kept in good condition,
16 C: 
‘To the talented ones I’d say, sure, not many people
25 B:  ‘museums’ = they
make it to the top in the music business, but if you ‘ they’ = insects, ‘brought in’ follows from ‘enter the
17 G: 
don’t try, you’ll never know what you’re capable of.’ museum’

234 Answer Key

‘ that’s a problem’ = the older the object, the more
18 A:  Part 2
the insects seem to be attracted to them, ‘these
Question 2 (article)
things’ = them, ‘repaired’ = to mend them
Style: neutral
19 H: ‘ training’ = taught, ‘puppy’ = dog, ‘find’ = look for
Content: 1 Say why teachers want their students to do
20 E: ‘it’s just an experiment’ = learn to do this, ‘However’
follows from ‘at the moment’
2 Say if you agree/disagree that students get too
Part 5
much homework.
‘hold’ a competition
21 C: 

3 Say if you would prefer a longer school day instead
as the name ‘suggests’
22 D:  of homework. Why?
‘distance’ between holes
23 B:  Sample answer
‘aim’ of a game
24 C:  Homework
‘specially’ built
25 A:  No one likes doing homework, so why do we have to do
sports ‘equipment’
26 B:  it? It helps students learn what they’ve studied in class even
Part 6 better. It also helps them learn about other things that they
27 forward: look ‘forward’ to something: don’t have time to study in class.
28 so: so busy that I forgot I think students sometimes get too much homework,
29 on: depend ‘on’ especially when they get homework in several different
30 none: ‘none’ of us could subjects at the same time. Teachers could organise when
31 each: tell ‘each’ other they give homework better so this doesn’t happen.
32 up you should sign ‘up’ for a trip I think it’s better to do homework than to have a longer
school day. Everyone would get too tired if they spent even
more hours at school.
Test 8 Writing
Question 3 (story)
Part 1 Style: neutral
Question 1 (email) Content: 1 A story that starts with the sentence given.
Style: informal 2 Say what happened next.
Content: 1 Say you are looking forward to coming to stay. 3 Story must show development and have an
2 Say you can’t go skating and explain why. appropriate ending.
3 Suggest something else you would like to do and Abigail looked at her watch, then suddenly put her coat
explain why. on and rushed out of the house. Her parents had asked
4 Say what food you like/dislike. her to meet them in town at six o’clock. She had forgotten
Sample answer about it and now she was late. She ran to the bus stop and
Hi Kelly fortunately a bus arrived just as she got there.
That’s really good news that I can come and stay with you. Her parents were waiting for her outside the shopping
I’d love to go ice skating but I hurt my leg playing basketball centre. They told her they’d organised a surprise for her, for
recently and it’s still not better. Could we do something else doing so well at school. They took her to the concert hall
instead? where her favourite band were playing. She couldn’t believe
I’d really like to go to the cinema. There are some good films it! It was such a fantastic night and they played all of her
on at the moment and I’m sure we can find one we both favourite songs. She was so happy and tired when she finally
want to see. got home.
There are lots of things I like eating. My favourite food is
chicken but I love pizza and pasta too. The only thing I don’t
really like is fish.
See you soon

Answer Key 235

Test 8 Listening 18 gallery: ‘all your work is uploaded onto the college
website, where you can see it in a gallery’
Part 1
19 MHurley: ‘it’s M-H-U-R-L-E-Y at college dot com’
‘We’ve got until four o’clock before it starts,
1 C: 
haven’t we?’ Part 4
2 B: ‘… there’s change of room after the mid-morning ‘… there were some breakdancers performing in the
20 A: 
break’; ‘So your science lesson will be in the art mall. It was the coolest thing I’d ever seen.’
room instead.’ ‘I just studied what really experienced dancers did on
21 C: 

3 C: ‘What you may not know is that he’s now given that music videos’
up and plays rugby instead.’ ‘… the singer sends me a recording. I play it over and
22 B: 
4 B: ‘My brother gave me a space monsters one, which again until I’m really familiar with it, then I plan the
just beats anything else I’ve ever played.’ moves.’
5 A: ‘But actually we ended up staying in a hotel because 23 C:  ‘Well, I know the type I like. They arrive on time and
we arrived in the middle of a big storm.’ do what they’re told.’
6 B: ‘… the raspberry’s really nice – you can really 24 B: ‘My job’s to set them a challenge and they work on it.
taste the fruit’; ‘I’m going to go with the one you When I go in next time, I can see how it’s going and
recommend.’ make suggestions.’
7 C  ‘It’s my shoulder that’s really painful.’ 25 B:  ‘But I am appearing in some new music videos with a
Part 2 big-name star.’
‘… but what about if it’s really dull and everyone
8 A: 
stops listening?’
‘Maybe it’s time they spent something on the old
9 B: 
folks – like somewhere for them to rest when they’re
out for a walk.’; ‘You’re right.’
10 C: ‘How about you send out emails to everyone on our
list telling them the date and time and stuff?’; ‘I’ll get
started. Where’s that list?’
11 B: ‘There are all sorts of different places – including
quite a few restaurants that I wouldn’t mind trying
– like that Mexican one.’; ‘Well I wouldn’t choose
that one – but there are one or two others that
looked OK.’
12 A: ‘It’s because the school’s really full and the corridors
get really crowded and noisy at the change of lesson.
Basically, you lose five minutes out of every lesson.’
13 C: ‘We’re meant to write down interesting facts
about the age of exploration – there’s a special
exhibition on.’
Part 3
14 375/three hundred and seventy-five:
‘if you’re a school student, it’s only three
hundred and seventy-five’
15 memory stick/USB/pen/drive:
‘In fact, all you have to take on the first day
is a memory stick.’
16 colour/color: ‘the session on colour and how to use it
was the most interesting’
17 print: ‘everything you create is saved digitally in
a form that’s easy to print when you get
back home’

236 Answer Key

GRAMMAR BANK Suggestions
1 a Shall d
Present simple and Present continuous b could e
1 a ’m sitting e
’s snowing c Why f we
b live f ’m staying
c don’t come g
Is it snowing Present perfect with adverbs of time
d meet h do you do
1 a have bought d have you tried

b hasn’t done e Have they visited
Stative verbs c hasn't eaten
1 a Do you like d ’re having 2 a ever d already
b doesn’t know e looking at b never e just
c Do you think f
listening to c yet

Adverbs of frequency, time phrases Past simple and Present perfect

1 a texted e left
1 present simple: e very day, never, often, on Fridays, once a
b have watched f
year, usually
c ’ve done g didn’t think
present continuous: at the moment, now, this week, d have seen h has shown
2 Students’ own answers
Zero conditional and First conditional

Past continuous 1 a sees; talk

b meet; ’ll be able
1 a was James d saw c won’t get; don’t practise
b enjoyed e practised d become; ‘ll buy
c didn’t start f didn’t want e press; makes
2 a were you doing d wasn’t working f won’t come; starts
b wasn’t living e you were walking g doesn’t have to; gets up
c Were you playing f wasn’t paying h ask; ’ll help

–ing form Second conditional

1 a Swimming d
eating 1 a If he didn’t stay up so late, he wouldn’t feel tired in
b talking e thinking the morning.
c looking f painting b If I had enough money, I’d buy a new shirt.
c If she didn’t like you, she wouldn’t invite you to all her
Present continous and Present simple parties.
d If we had some food, we’d make lunch.
1 a I’ll go e Correct
e If he was/were more careful, he wouldn’t make so
b are going f Matt’s going to listen
many mistakes.
c will be g Correct
f If you lied to me, I’d be very angry.
d Are we going to h
is arriving
2 a ’m meeting e ’s going to jump
b ’ll be f ’ll take Unless, in case, if I were you
c leaves g are you meeting 1 a unless d unless
d is coming h starts b in case e
c in case f
in case

Answer Key 237

Present simple and Past simple passive Reported speech
1 a was delivered f
was filmed 1 a Manuel said that he loved playing guitar.
b was stolen g are driven b Lexi said that she would call me/us later.
c is spoken h was collected c Alec said that he was starting a new project.
d is wasted i is cleaned d Rene told Sandra that she couldn’t come/go to her
e were made j is given party.
2 a was taken e are grown e Mum told Jake that the bus would leave soon.

b is located f are freshly picked 2 a Jane asked (me), ‘What are you cooking?’
c walked g were served b Ben asked (us), ‘Are you finished?’
d is made h explained c Our teacher asked us, ‘Can you help me?’
d Greta asked me, ‘Have you seen Piotr?’
Have/Get something done e The tour guide asked, ‘What do you want to do
1 a had my computer repaired 3 a he c my, his
b get our post delivered b they d me, he/she, my
c got her hair cut
d has his car washed
Indirect questions
e have the offices cleaned
f had this portrait painted 1 a if d what
g got my camera fixed b which e
h have the boat painted c if f if

Defining relative clauses Past perfect

1 a who e which 1 a ’d stayed e Correct
b that f where b had already seen f
c who g who c 'd written g had broken down
d that h who d 'd left h Correct
2 a where is necessary because otherwise the meaning
changes Past perfect and Past simple
b who (that) is not necessary
c which (that) is not necessary 1 a had broken down f
d where is necessary b ’d just got g hit
e who (that) is necessary c reached h flew
f which (that) is not necessary d had left i landed
e hadn’t brought j had just got

Modals of obligation, prohibition and necessity

Used to
1 a have to d don’t need to
b mustn’t e will have to 1 a didn’t use to e used to
c had to f don’t need to b Did you use to f
Did your sister use to
2 a don’t have to/need to e need to c used to g didn’t use to
b have to f must d Did you use to h
didn’t use to
c need to g mustn’t
d have to/need to h must

238 Answer Key

SPEAKING BANK Practice Part 3
1 a D d R
Practice Part 1 b R e A
Sample answers c O f O
1 a My name’s Carla Rodrigues.
2 a Let’s start with this activity.
b I’m 14 years old.
b What do you think of this idea?
c I live in a big apartment in Madrid.
c That’s what I think too.

d I live with my mother, father and two brothers.
d I don’t think we’re going to agree about that idea!
e My favourite sport is tennis because I don’t like
e I’m not sure that’s a good activity for young children.
playing team sports, and I’m quite good at tennis. f I don’t agree with you really because I don’t think
f In the evenings I like listening to music after I’ve
that’s very useful.
g That’s a good point.
finished my homework, because it helps me relax.
h Which activity do you think all the family will enjoy?
g Last year, I went to Greece on holiday. It was fun
because we went sailing, and I learnt how to do it
quite well. Practice Part 4
h After school I usually get the bus home, and then do
1 A iii D vi
my homework. After that I eat a meal with my family.
B iv E i
2 a I love pasta because I really enjoy Italian food. My
C v F ii
mother often cooks pasta at home, and it’s delicious.
2 a B d A
b I’m not keen on skiing because I hate cold weather,
b D e E
and I’m actually quite scared of heights so I don’t like
c F
being in the mountains very much.
3 a rather e let me
c I like spending time at home because I get on very
b opinion f seems
well with my sisters and we enjoy doing things
c in fact g repeat
d honest h moment
d What I like about football is playing a game with a
team. I prefer that to individual sports like tennis.
e I don’t like studying from books, I’d rather learn from
watching videos and listening to podcasts because
they’re more interesting.
f My favourite music is rap because I love listening to
the clever lyrics in the songs.

Practice Part 2
1 a clothes e hard
b look f playing
c hair g each
d carrying h on
2 a remote control d kettle
b necklace e cash desk
c oven f helmet
3 Sample answers:
a It’s the shelves where you keep books.
b It’s something to sit on in the living room.
c It’s what you use to play computer games.
d You wear it to keep your trousers or skirt in place.
e You use these to cut things with.
f They have red, yellow and green lights to control

Answer Key 239


Part 1: Email
1 There are lots of grammar and spelling mistakes.
The text is too short – it’s only 60 words.
Marek has missed out content point 2, so doesn’t tell
Max about another day he could play.

2 Hi Max,
Your brother says told me that you like playing the tennis,
that’s why how I know.
You must to wear tennis shoes – normal trainers is are
no good. About the clothes, you can wear shorts and a
T-shirt or a tracksiut tracksuit – it’s your choose choice.
Near the club there are isn’t a restaurant or café.
I hope that you enjoy playing tennis with me.
3 a and d but
b because e when
c if
4 Students’ own answers

Part 2: Article
1 Students’ own answers
2 i C ii A iii E
3 a but d so
b after e if
c for example
4 Students’ own answers

Part 2: Story
1 1 decided 8 sat
2 said 9 took
3 walked 10 Suddenly
4 were 11 didn’t have
5 was 12 left
6 scared 13 stupid
7 dangerous
2 a frightened/shocked/surprised
b delighted/surprised
c disappointed/shocked/surprised
d disappointed/surprised
e confident
f awful/terrible
g confused
h shocked; awful/terrible
i interested
3 Students’ own answers

240 Answer Key

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