Acceptable Id

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You must provide one document from each list below to prove Massachusetts residence, signature, and date

of birth. These must be three different documents.

In addition, you must provide a verifiable SSN or a Denial Notice (not more than 60 days old) issued by the SSA with a visa, I-94, and current non-US Passport.

Massachusetts Residence (Photocopies are not acceptable) Date of Birth (Photocopies are not acceptable)
q Current MA learner’s permit, MA license, or MA ID card q U.S. or non-U.S. passport (including passport card) with photo (non-US passport
q Expired MA driver’s license or MA ID card (expired no more than 12 must contain visa and I-94)
months) q Current MA learner’s permit, MA license, or MA ID card
q Certified or attest ed copy of a court order of a federal, state, or county q Expired MA license or MA ID card
court within the U.S. that contains a raised court seal and includes the q Out-of-state license with photo and DOB issued by a state, territory, or possession of the U.S.,
applicant’s full name, residential address, and DOB (examples include an D.C., a province of Canada, or a state of Mexico or the Federal District of Mexico City
adoption document, a name change document, and a gender change q Original birth certificate issued in the U.S. or its territories or a copy certified by
document) (dated within 12 months of application) the agency that issued the original certificate or a copy certified by a Bureau of
q Home mortgage or lease; or loan contracts (examples include Retail Vital Statistics or a state Board of Health within the United States (a hospital-
Installment Sale Agreement, and Motor Vehicle Installment Sale issued certificate is not acceptable)
Contract), with the applicant’s name, residential address and signature q Original out-of-country birth certificate certified by the agency that issued it. If
(dated within 12 months of application) not in English, the certificate must be translated.
q Current, valid homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy with the q Certified or attested copy of a court order of a federal, state, or county court within
applicant’s residential address that is for the current or immediate prior the U.S. that contains a raised court seal and includes the applicant’s full name and
year DOB (examples include an adoption document, a name change document, and a
q (a) A bank passbook with applicant’s name and residential address printed gender change document)
or written in a designated place in the passbook; (b) A bank statement or q Certain Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services documents and other U.S.
transaction-related document (no more than 60 days old) on a form Government immigration documents (See list of Official Immigration Documents)
generated by the issuing bank and displaying the bank’s name and mail q U.S. military discharge papers (DD 214) with DOB
address, and the applicant’s name and residential address, received
q U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card with photo and DOB
through mail by applicant; (c) A checkbook with the applicant’s
preprinted name and residential address; or (d) ATM/Debit Card statement q Original or certified copy of a U.S. - issued Marriage Certificate with DOB listed
with name and residential address (no more than 60 days old) q Original or certified copy of a baptismal certificate, provided the original
q Canceled personal check (copy acceptable if printed on a sheet with other certificate was issued within one year of the applicant’s birth by a church in the
cancelled checks and issued as part of a monthly statement by the bank) U.S. and contains the applicant’s DOB
with signature of applicant and preprinted residential address on the check q Original letter issued and signed by the principal, headmaster, or official keeper of the
and dated not more than 60 days earlier records of a MA school (including a college or university) that is on school letterhead
q Original or certified copy of a U.S. - issued Marriage Certificate (dated and states the applicant is currently a resident student and includes the name and DOB
within 6 months of application) q U.S. military (or military dependent) ID with photo and DOB
q A utility bill (gas, electric, wired telephone, wired cable, or heating oil q MA Firearms Card, with photo and DOB
delivery bill) (no more than 60 days old) that contains the applicant’s
name and residential address Signature (Photocopies are not acceptable)
q Current Massachusetts registration card o U.S. or non-U.S. passport (including passport card) with photo (non-US passport must
contain visa and I-94)
q A property tax or excise tax bill that is for the current or the immediate
prior year and contains the applicant’s name and residential address o U.S. Coast Guard Merchant Mariner card with photo and signature
q Tuition bill or student loan coupons, with residential address, with a due o Current MA learner’s permit, MA license, or MA ID card
date of not more than 12 months old o Expired MA driver’s license or MA ID card
q Original school transcript with name and residential address (not valid if o Out-of-state license with photo and signature issued by a state, territory, possession of the
more than 12 months old) U.S., D.C., province of Canada, or a state of Mexico or the Federal District of Mexico City
q Original letter issued and signed by the principal, headmaster, or official o Certain Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services documents and other U.S.
keeper of the records of a MA school (including a college or university) Government immigration documents (See list of Official Immigration Documents)
on school’s letterhead that states the applicant is currently a resident o Lease or loan contracts, with name and signature
student and includes the name and date of birth (dated within 12 months o U.S. military discharge papers (DD 214), with signature
of application) o Canceled personal check (copy acceptable if printed on a sheet with other cancelled
q Medicaid correspondence (dated within six months of application) checks and issued as part of a monthly statement by the bank) with signature of
q Credit Report issued by Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion (dated within applicant and preprinted residential address on the check
12 months of application) o Original or certified copy of a U.S. - issued Marriage Certificate
q Annual Pension or Retirement Statement for the current or immediate o Current or expired ID with photograph and applicant’s signature, issued by a U.S.
prior year agency, the District of Columbia, a state or state agency (but not a state
q Annual Social Security Statement for the current or immediate prior year college/university ID), a municipality, a territory, or a possession of the United States,
a province of Canada, or a state of Mexico or the Federal District of Mexico City
q First-class mail from any federal or state agency that displays residential
address o U.S. military (or military dependent ID) with photo and signature
q W-2 Form from current or previous year that displays residential address o Selective Service Card with name & signature
o Social Security Card
q Cell phone, credit card, doctor, or hospital bill issued within the last 60
days o MA Firearms Card, with photo and signature
q Voter registration signed & certified by city/town clerk Official U.S. Immigration Documents (Photocopies are not acceptable)
q Pre-printed pay stub with employer’s name and address and applicant’s If the document has an expiration date which has passed, the document is not acceptable.
name and residential address (no more than 60 days old) 1. Certificate of Naturalization……………………...…...…….N-550, N-570, or N-578
q Current car loan payment book that displays residential address 2. Certificate of Citizenship……………………………...…….N-560, N-561, or N-645
q Car insurance policy/bill (no more than 60 days old) 3. U.S. Citizen Identification Card………………………...……………...I-179 or I-197
q Current MA-issued Professional License that displays residential address 4. Permanent Resident Card (“Green Card”)……………………......……………..I-551
5. Temporary Resident Identification Card……………………………...…………I-688
q Jury Duty Summons (dated within 12 months of application)
6. Record of Departure (in valid Foreign Passport)……………...…...……………..I-94
q Census or Census Verification for current year The I-94 and the valid foreign Passport it is within, count as only one Acceptable Document.
q MA Firearms Card, with photo, signature, residential address, and DOB 7. Processed for I-551 stamp (in valid, Foreign Passport)
(expired no more than 12 months) 8. U.S. Permanent Resident Re-entry Permit…………………….…..…………….I-327
18 – 21 year old applicants 9. U.S. Refugee Travel Document………………………...……………….…..…..I-571
q Notarized statement from parent/legal guardian that states applicant 10. Employment Authorization Card………………………………….…...I-688B, I-766
currently resides in the parent/guardian’s home 11. Documents specific to the applicant based upon decisions of the U.S. Department of
State, U.S. Department of Justice (including Executive Office for Immigration
Review, Board of Immigration Appeals and former Immigration and Naturalization
Service), or U.S. Department of Homeland Security (including Bureau of
Citizenship and Immigration Services.)

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