Minimal Equipment Workouts Version

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Minimal Equipment Programs

This document contains alternate versions of the programs, designed for use with
minimal equipment. If you don’t have access to a gym, you can follow this version

You will still need: dumbbells (fairly heavy) and a pull up bar.

The Workouts

1RM = 1 Rep Maximum

70%1RM = 70% of your one rep max

12F (or 12 to Failure) = Means N repetitions using a weight that will cause you to fail at
this point.

80%F = Means that when you finish this number of reps, you should have 20% of your
effort remaining.

AMRAP = As Many Reps As Possible – Perform as many reps as you can, minimizing rest
time, in a set time period

Failure = The point at which form seriously deteriorates

* = “times” or “multiplied”

3 * 10 * Failure = This is how a typical exercise is written. This means 3 sets of 10 reps,
each one using enough weight that this is the failure point.

[] = Drop sets live inside square brackets. No rests between these exercises.

| = This denotes “Or””

> = Used to show drop sets. Press Up > Press Up On Knees means you drop straight to
press ups on the knees with no rest in between. Bench press * Failure > Failure > Failure
means you lower the weight 3 times in order to keep going past failure.

< = Means “up to” as in “up to 1 minute”

{} = Additional notes go inside curly brackets

THE O.N.E. Workout
O.N.E. stands for “Only Necessary Exercise.” The idea is to prepare you for the
movements you will be using in the later stages of this program, to build work capacity
and mental fortitude, and to create stronger tendons and greater blood supply.
Performing this as written can provide a huge number of benefits that will result in
improved strength and recovery over time. As we’ve seen, high reps like this trigger
increases in blood supply, work capacity, and even max strength: these will serve you
extremely well for the following workout.

Simply, the workout is:

80 push ups

30 pull ups

80 air squats

Note: Responding to feedback I have significantly lowered the target for this routine. My
aim is never to demotivate with programs that are overly challenging! However: you
should find that this is much more doable than you think. The body adapts quickly to this
kind of training. Once you are ready, up the amount to 100 push ups, 50 pull ups, and 150
air squats.

Your goal is to complete this routine in the minimum time possible by going to failure on
each movement and alternating each in turn. Keep the rest times as low as possible and
always aim to beat the time you achieved last time. Once you can do it all in under 15
minutes, you can move to the next level. But the aim? That’s 6 minutes! Can you manage
it? Remember: this level is optional. But it’s also highly advisable to toughen up those
tendons and get the body ready for more work.

You can continue using this workout later on too, as a way to get a great pump and
improve work capacity in short spells of training. The workout can be made more difficult
with a weight vest, or by switching to more difficult variations of these moves.

Too difficult? That’s fine. I am well aware that there are people here who can’t do a single
push up or pull up. But this is how I started! If you can’t manage this, then try keeping
your knees on the ground while you perform push ups to begin with. Likewise, use a chair
for support during the pull ups. Air squats are easier while holding onto something, or
using shorter range of motion. Perform the best technique you can to failure, then drop
to the easier variation to blast out the rest of the target. Before you know it, you’ll be able
to complete each of these sets in a single go!
Pump/Volume Routine
Note: The recommendations in this routine are aspirational. They are called “intensity
techniques” for a reason! If you are not used to this type of training, then do not go to
failure to begin with during the drop sets. Train each movement to about 70% of your
maximum and then move to the next. As long as the DOMS (muscle soreness felt next
day) is beginning to become less noticeable, you can increase this by 10% per workout.
Once you can complete these drop sets as written without significant discomfort the
following day – which may take a month or two – you will already be more functional
than the vast majority of people. Listen to your body and take time off when needed.
Pushing yourself with this kind of training may otherwise lead to a muscle tear.
Note 2: For all workouts “failure” means the point at which you lose perfect form.

Push Day – 30 second rests

Mechanical Drop Set: [Dumbbell Press * 10 * Failure > Failure> Press Ups * Failure] * 3

Shuolder Press 3 * 10 * 80%F

Mechanical Drop Set: [Dumbbell Flyes * 12 * Failure > Dumbbell Press * Failure] * 3
{Lying on the floor is fine}

Drop Set: [Clapping Push Ups * Failure > Press Ups * Failure > Burns] * 2

Tricep Kickbacks 3 * 15 * 80%F

Mechanical Drop Set [Single Arm Tricep Dips * Failure > Tricep Dip * Failure] * 3

Push Ups on Knees * 100

10 Minutes Shadow boxing

Pull Day - 30 second rests

Mechanical Drop Set: [Pull Ups * Failure > Assisted Pull Ups * Failure] {Stand on a chair,
or jump up and lower slowly}

Bent Dumbbell Rows 3 * Failure

Mechanical Drop Set: [Bicep Curls * 12 * Failure > Hammer Curls * Failure > Cheat Curls *
Failure] * 3

Chin Ups 2 * Failure

Drop Set: [Pronated Dumbbell Curl * 10 * Failure > Failure > Failure > Burns] * 2

Chin Ups 2 * Failure

Flush Set: Upward Rows * 50

10 Minutes Jump Rope

Legs/Core – 30 second rests

Squat 3 * 10R * 70%F | Leg Press 3 * 10R * Failure

Squat Jump 3 * Failure

Ab Crunches 3 * 25

Lunge Walking With Dumbbells 2 * Failure

Mechanical Drop Set: [Hanging Leg Raises W/Weight * Failure > Hanging Leg Raises *
Failure > Frog Kicks * Failure]

Sissy Squats 2 * 8

Burpees 3 * Failure

Bicycle Sit Ups 3 * 25

10 Minutes High Knees

Full Body – 30 second rests

Press Ups * 30 | Failure

Dumbbell Clean and Press * 10

Burpees * 10

Dumbbell Rows * 10

Dumbbell Curls * 10

Squat Jumps * 10 | Failure

Pull Ups * 10

Hanging Leg Raises * 10

Tricep Dips * 10

Plank 1 Minute

Rest 30 seconds and repeat entire program two more times

Power Training Routine
This is very difficult to perform without access to very heavy barbells. However, we are
going to do the best possible.

Full Body – 1-2 minute rests as needed

Foam Rolling

Dumbbell Deadlift Warm Up Set 1 * 10 * 10%1RM

Dumbbell Deadlift 4 * 4 * 80-90%1RM {Or as heavy as possible with explosive intent and
very slow eccentrics}

One Arm Pull Ups 2 * Failure {If you can’t do a one armed pull up, help yourself as
minimally as possible with the spare hand. Do for both sides.}

Dumbbell Press Warm Up Set 1 * 10 * 10%1RM

Pseudo Planche Push Ups 3 * Failure

Quasi Isometric Air Squat 1 Minute

Explosive Air Squat 2 * 10

Pistol Squats 2 * Failure {Both Sides}

Mobility Routine

Spot Strength (Performed Twice) – 1 minute rests

This workout is designed to target the areas not specifically hit with a typical big lifts
style routine.
Foam Rolling

Pull Up Bar Face Pulls 2 * 10

Shrugs 2 * Heavy As Possible

Squatting Press 2 * 70%1RM

Bent Press 2 * 70%1RM

Overhead Farmer’s Walks 5 * 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Explosive Chin Ups 3 * Failure

Mobility Routine
Overload Workout – 1.5 minute rests

This workout is designed to increase the weight you are used to moving, and to
strengthen tendons and bones. It also improves work capacity.
Foam Rolling

Ballistic Isometric Bar Bend 1 Minute {Attempt to bend dumbbell}

Pull Ups Hanging From Fingers 2 * Failure

Shoulder Press 2 * Heavy As Possible * Failure

Suitcase Carries 5 * 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Overhead Carries 4 * 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Weighted Lunge Walking 5 * 1 Minute (AMRAP) {Barbell across shoulders}

Clapping Push Ups 3 * 10

Jump Squats 3 * 10

Mobility Routine
Powerful Movement Routine
Note that the expectation for these workouts is not that you are able to do full planche.
Practicing planche progressions might mean holding pseudo planche or crow pose –
easier versions to develop the necessary core and straight arm strength. Refer to the
bodyweight training document for progressions.

Push Day – 1 minute rests

Foam Rolling | Dynamic Stretching

Handstand Push Ups 2 * Failure | Handstand Push Ups Against Wall * 2 * Failure

Planche Progressions 1 minute * 2

Straight Arm Press/Progressions 1 minute * 2

Shoulder Press 3 * 8 {Stop just short of failure}

Drop Set [Clapping Push Ups * Failure > Archer Push Ups * Failure > Push Ups * Failure] *

Drop Set [1 Arm Tricep Dip * Failure > Tricep Dips * Failure > L-Sit * Failure]

Finger Push Ups 2 * 8

Mobility Routine

Leg Day – 1 minute rests

Foam Rolling

Dynamic Stretching

High knees * 2 minutes warm up

Squat / Leg Press 3 * 3 * 80-90% 1RM

Air squats/Hindu Squats ATG 1 * 10

Bodyweight Glute Bridges 2 * 10 * 30-40% 1RM

Pistol Squats 2 * 10 (or failure)

Weighted Step-Ups | Weighted Lunges 2 x 8

Squat Tuck Jumps 3 * 10 {max height}

Sprints 3 * 1 Minute

Dumbbell Clean and Press 3 * 10 * 70%1RM

Mobility routine
Pull Day – 1 minute rests

Foam Rolling | Dynamic Stretching

Front Lever Progressions 1 Minute * 3

1 Armed Chin Ups / Progressions 2 x 6

Pull Ups 1 Minute * 2 {AMRAP}

Bicep Curls 2 * 8

Rows 2 * 8

Chin Ups 3 * Failure

Drop Set [Clapping Pull Ups * Failure > Archer Pull Ups * Failure > Pull Ups * Failure > Pull
Up Negatives * Failure]

Wrist Curls 2 * 10

Pronated Wrist Curls 2 * 10

2 * 1 Minute Hang

Mobility Routine

Core Day – 1 minute rests

Foam Rolling | Dynamic Stretching

Front Lever Pull Ups 2 * Failure

Hollow body hold 2 * > 1 Minute

Weighted Frog Kicks 2 * 10F

Mechanical Drop Set [Leg raises * Failure > Frog kicks * Failure]

V-Sit > 1 Minute

Around the worlds 2 * 10 {Hanging legs drawn in a circle}

Side Plank Oblique Twist 2 * 10

Pike Pulses 2 * 20

Supermans 2 * 10

Bicycle Sit 1 * Failure

Shadow Boxing 10 Minutes

Mobility Routine
Full Body – 1 minute rests

Muscle Ups / Progressions 2 * Failure

Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts 2 * 70%1RM

Dumbbell Bent Press 2 * 6 {Stop Short of Failure}

Squatting Dumbbell Press 2 * 6 {Stop Short of Failure}

Briefcase Carry 2 * 1 Minute (AMRAP) {Hold a dumbbell in one hand and walk}

Overhead Dumbbell Lunge Walk 2 * 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Pull Up Bar Face Pulls 2 * 6

Mobility Routine
SuperFunctional Routine
Pull Day – 40 second rests

Dynamic Stretching

5 Minute Bodyscan Meditation

Cartwheels * 10

Dumbbell Deadlift 2 * 8 * 70%1RM

Planche Progressions Holds 2 * Failure | Front Level / Front Tuck Lever Holds 2 * Failure

Explosive Pull Ups 2 * 1 Minute AMRAP

Pronated Grip Curls 2 * Failure {Use a very slow eccentric – counting to 5}

Drop Set [Alternating Dumbbell Curls 10 * Failure > Hammer Curls1 * Failure > Cheat
Hammer Curls2 * Failure > Chin Ups * Failure] * 2 {Same weight for drop set}

Dumbbell Rows 2 * 8 * Failure

Drop Set [Pull Ups * Failure > Inverted Push Ups * Failure] * 2 {Hang a rope from the pull
up bar or a towel in order to do inverted push ups/bodyweight rows}

Quasi Isometric Pull Up 1 Minute

Mobility Routine {Eyes closed and combined with kinaesthetic meditation}

Legs and Core Day – 40 second rests

Foam Rolling

5 Minute Bodyscan Meditation

Dumbbell Squat Press 2 * 4 reps at 80%F

Pistol Squats * Failure {Eyes Closed}

Overhead Weighted Lunge Walk 2 * Failure

Jump Squats 2 * 15

Calf Jumps 2 * 15

Raised One-Legged Weighted Calf Raises 2 * 15F

Pike Pulses 3 * 10 | V-Sit 2 * > 1 Minutes

Drop Set [Hanging Leg Raises * Failure > Frog Kicks * Failure] * 2

Bicycle Crunches * 50

Hollow Body Hold 2 * 1 Minute

Quasi Isometric Air Squat 1 Minute {Eyes Closed}

10 Minute Heavy Bag

Dumbbell curls but with a neutral grip (palms facing in). Curl across the body.
Swing the body to lift the weights when you can no longer do so with isolation
Mobility Routine {Eyes closed and combined with kinaesthetic meditation}

Push Day – 40 second rests

Dynamic Stretching

5 Minute Bodyscan Meditation

Ballistic Isometric Bar Bend 3 * 6 Seconds * Three joint angles {Attempt to bend your

Dumbbell Press 3 * 8

Handstand Push Ups 2 * Failure | Assisted Handstand Push Ups 2 * Failure {Eyes Closed}

Dumbbell Bent Press 2 * 8F

Drop Set [Dips * Failure – Rest Pause - Dips * Failure > Press Ups * Failure > Burns]

Drop Set [Clapping Press Ups * Failure > Press Ups * Failure]

Drop Set [One Arm Tricep Dips * Failure > Tricep Dips] * 2

Flush Set: Press Ups 3 * 100

Mobility Routine {Eyes closed and combined with kinaesthetic meditation}

Full Body – 40 second rests

5 Minute Bodyscan Meditation

1 Minute Juggling

Muscle Ups / Progressions 2 * Failure

Straight Leg Dumbbell Deadlifts 2 * 5 * 70%1RM

Mechanical Drop Set: [Knuckle Push Ups * Failure > Finger Push Ups * Failure] * 2

Dumbbell Squatting Press 2 * 6 {Stop Short of Failure}

Briefcase Carry 2 * 1 Minute (AMRAP) {Hold a dumbbell in one hand and walk}

Pseudo Planch Push Ups 2 * Failure

Pull Up Bar Face Pulls 2 * 6

Metcon Circuit – 10 Second Rests:

Spider-Man Crawls 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Dumbbell Clean and Press 1 Minute (AMRAP)

1 Arm 1 Leg Push Ups | 1 Arm Push Ups

Bicycle Crunches 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Pull Ups 1 Minute (AMRAP)

Hollow Body 1 Minute - Rest 1 minute and repeat circuit once

Advanced: Add training mask or breathe through straw

Mobility Routine {Eyes Closed and Combined With Kinaesthetic Meditation}

The Diets


BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) – (6.8 x age in years)


BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) – (4.7 x age in years)

To turn this into your AMR, you then multiply that amount by:

• 1.2 if you’re sedentary (little or no exercise)

• 1.375 if you’re lightly active (you exercise 1-3 times a week)
• 1.55 if you’re moderately active (you exercise or work about average)
• 1.725 if you’re very active (you train hard for 6-7 days a week)
• 1.9 if you’re highly active (you’re a physical labourer or a professional athlete)

The Reset Diet (Automation Diet)

The aim is to maintain the precise same breakfast and lunch every day, to simplify your
diet, and to lose fat weight.

Calculate your calories in, based on the AMR calculation above. Calculating precise
amounts to meet calorie targets is time consuming, but by having consistent meals, you
can solve this problem. Make a note of your quantities, then prepare the same amount of
each day! Revisit monthly to adjust to your new metrics.

Suggested breakfast meal:

Fruity Muesli Cereal

Nutritious | Extremely Quick | Extremely Affordable | Great Source of Energy

This option makes the cut for the density of nutrients – and of course any time you eat a
bowl of milk you’ll be getting some beneficial protein.

To make this one, you are going to take a muesli cereal (no added sugar) and then add:

 Sliced grapes

 Sliced bananas

 Sunflower seeds

This also has the added bonus of being a good source of energy. Adjust quantity such
that this makes up 10% of your AMR.
Suggested lunch meal:

Greek Salad

Low Carb | Nutritious | Extremely Quick | Extremely Affordable | Low Calorie

This is very easy to make and is also extremely affordable. It is nutrient dense, simple,
and low calorie.

To make a Greek salad, simply cut cucumber, red pepper, and cherry tomatoes into small
cubes. Do the same with some feta cheese (just a small amount if you want to keep it low

Eat with one or two eggs. Prepare the night before and refrigerate.

Stir together and enjoy! Adjust the quantity such that this makes up 20% of your AMR.

Dinner guidance:

Dinner is an opportunity to enjoy what you eat. However, it should be fairly conservative
so as to avoid providing the remaining 75% of your calorie intake. It should also still be
relatively “simple.” The point is simply that you don’t need to “stress” about this

Total calorie deficit should be around 200-300 calories. However, if it is occasionally over
or under that number, this does not hugely matter. The aim is to maintain a calorie deficit
over time, not get caught up in the minutiae.

Also: no snacking in between meals with additional calories. Even coffee should be black
until evening.

It is always recommended to include one cheat day to improve adherence and prevent

The Muscle Fuel Diet (Automation Diet)

The muscle fuel diet works similarly to the reset diet. The difference is that you are now
placing greater emphasis on reaching protein targets, and on providing a calorie surplus.
We don’t want to go “overboard,” so we are looking to add 200-300 calories to our AMR
and at least 1 gram of protein per 1lb of bodyweight. Again, we do this with a consistent
breakfast and lunch, then relax in the evening.

Adjust amounts and supplement with protein shake to reach calorie and protein goals.

Suggested breakfast meal:

Scrambled Egg
High Protein | Low Carb | Nutritious | Extremely Quick | Extremely Affordable
Simply take whole eggs and beat in a jug until mixed. Add butter to a pan and melt. Add
eggs to pan and toss to keep them scrambled. Eggs provide the good types of fat that
raise testosterone, as well as all the amino acids, choline, and much more.
Adjust quantities to provide 15% of your AMR.

Followed by:
Cottage Cheese + Fruit
High Protein | Nutritious | Extremely Quick | High Calorie | Low Carb | Great Source of
Exactly like it sounds. This is cottage cheese, with fruit in it. Recommended fruits
include strawberry, blueberry, and banana.
The cottage cheese is again a fantastic source of protein (casein protein specifically,
which is slow release). Adding fruit improves the flavour and provides more recovery-
boosting micronutrients.
Adjust quantities to provide 20% of your AMR.

Suggested lunch meal:

Chicken Caesar Salad

High Protein | Low Carb | Nutritious | Extremely Quick | Extremely Affordable

An easy salad + protein meal that you can make is a chicken Caesar salad. To make this
one, you just need a cooked chicken breast and a side salad. Make the side salad the
same way as before, but now add to it some croutons, cheddar flakes, some avocado,
and some olives cut in half.

You can add a Caesar dressing, or you can make your own. To make your own, use some
vinegar, a little bit of lemon juice (squeezed from half a lemon), and a pinch of salt and/or
olive oil.
Eat with an optional side of bread with butter. Follow with fruit (recommended: apple)
and a piece of dark chocolate.
Adjust quantities to provide 35% of your AMR.

Dinner guidance:

Again, the aim is not to worry about dinner, but to aim to reach the goal of 200-300
calories over AMR as often as possible. Enjoy the meals and this time aim for a variety of
different foods.

Note: Supplement with the necessary amount of protein shake/increase the amount of
chicken and eggs to boost protein and calories.

The SuperFunctional Diet

The aim of the SuperFunctional diet is to select from a wide-variety of meals, each of
which you will adjust to meet your calorie goals. These should provide your precise AMR
unless you are actively still trying to lose or gain muscle. AMR should be calculated prior
to your training however.

The full list of food options is included in the meal plan supplement (or you can make
your own). Aim to consume 20% of your AMR for breakfast, 20% for lunch, and 15% on
snacks throughout the day. Supplement with protein shake as needed.

The SuperFunctional Diet also recommends a 2X “fasting” day. Here, you will skip
breakfast and lunch entirely, aiming for a 16-hour period of no eating. This includes
supplements such as BCAAs and even milk in coffee.
Brain Training
Level 1

Session 1
Mindfulness Meditation 10 minutes

Session 2
Dual N-Back Training 5 minutes | Mental Chess/Arithmetic 5 minutes

Non-Dominant Handwriting 5 minutes: [Dream Recall | Memory Retrieval]

Level 2

Session 1
Mindfulness Meditation 5 Minutes

Bodyscan Meditation 5 Minutes

Session 2
Hakalau Meditation 5 Minutes

Dual N-Back Training 5 minutes | Mental Chess/Arithmetic 5 minutes

Session 3
Non-Dominant Handwriting 5 minutes: [Dream Recall | Memory Retrieval]

Level 3

Session 1
Mindfulness Meditation 5 Minutes

Bodyscan Meditation 5 Minutes

Hakalau Meditation 5 Minutes

Session 2
Image Streaming 5 Minutes

Dual N-Back Training 5 minutes | Mental Chess/Arithmetic 5 minutes

Non-Dominant Handwriting 5 minutes: [Dream Recall | Memory Retrieval]

Level 4

Session 1
Mindfulness Meditation 5 Minutes

Hakalau Meditation 5 Minutes | Sense Meditation 5 Minutes {Alternate}

Image Streaming 5 Minutes

Session 2
Optional: Breath Holding O2 * 3 | Breath Holding CO2 * 3 {Alternate}

Dual N-Back Training 5 minutes | Mental Chess/Arithmetic 5 minutes

Non-Dominant Handwriting 5 minutes: [Dream Recall | Memory Retrieval]

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