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Quarter 3 – Module 3
a Point and on an Interval
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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Raul Aliven Mallapre, Teacher II – Rizal National HS

Reviewers: Joy G. Cabrera, Amy B. Dumail
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Layout Artist: Name
Quarter 3 – Module 3
a Point and an Interval
(Time Frame: 4 hours)

To the Learner
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the basic concepts of the continuity of a
function. They shall be able to formulate and solve accurately real-life problems involving continuity
of functions at a point and on an interval.

The learner shall be able to:

1. Illustrate continuity of a functions at a number;
2. Determine whether a function in continuous at a number or not;
3. Illustrate continuity of a function on an interval; and
4. Solve problems involving continuity of a function.

Vocabulary List

Continuity at a Point
 Intuitively, this means that in drawing the graph of a function, the point in question will be
 Geometrically, a continuous function is one whose graph can be drawn without lifting a pen
from the paper.
 A function that is discontinuous at a point has a graph with a break at that point.
Let’s Try This

Pre Test
Directions: Answer what is asked below. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.


Study and Learn!

Learning Activities
Learners shall use the step-by-step discussion of the lesson with illustrative examples below.
Limits and Continuity at a Point
What does “continuity at a point” mean? Intuitively, this means that in drawing the graph of a
function, the point in question will be traversed. We start by graphically illustrating what it means to
be continuity at a point.
Example 1. Consider the graph below.
Is the function continuous at x = 1?
Solution. To check if the function is continuous at x = 1, use the given graph. Note that one is able to
trace the graph from the left side of the number x = 1 going to the right side of x = 1, without lifting
one’s pen. This is the case here. Hence, we can say that the function is continuous at x = 1.

Example 2. Consider the graph of the function g(x) below.

Is the function continuous at x = 1?

Solution. We follow the process in the previous example. Tracing the graph from the left of x = 1
going to right of x = 1, one finds that s/he must lift her/his pen briefly upon reaching x = 1, creating a
hole in the graph. Thus, the function is discontinuous at x = 1.

3. Consider the graph of the function h(x) = 1/x.

Is the function continuous at x = 0?

Solution. If we trace the graph from the left of x = 0 going to right of x = 0, we have to lift our pen
since at the left of x = 0, the function values will go downward indefinitely, while at the right of x =
0, the function values will go to upward indefinitely. In other words, lim 1/ x = −∞ and lim 1/ x = ∞
- +
x→0 x→0

Thus, the function is discontinuous at x = 0.

Suppose we are not given the graph of a function but just the function itself. How do we determine if
the function is continuous at a given number? In this case, we have to check three conditions.

Example 4. Consider again the graph of the function h(x) = 1/x. Is the function continuous at x
= 2?
Solution. If we trace the graph of the function h(x) = 1/x from the left of x = 2 to the right of x = 2,
you will not lift your pen. Therefore, the function h is continuous at x = 2.

Example 5. Determine if f(x) = x3 + x2 −2 is continuous or not at x = 1.

Solution. We have to check the three conditions for continuity of a function.
(a) If x = 1, then f(1) = 0.
(b) lim f(x) = lim (x3 + x2 −2) = 13 + 12 −2 = 0.
x→1 x→1

(c) f(1) = 0 = lim f(x).


Therefore, f is continuous at x = 1.

Continuity on an Interval
A function can be continuous on an interval. This simply means that it is continuous at every
point on the interval. Equivalently, if we are able to draw the entire graph of the function on an
interval without lifting our tracing pen, or without being interrupted by a hole in the middle of the
graph, then we can conclude that the function is continuous on that interval.
We begin our discussion with two concepts which are important in determining whether a
function is continuous at the endpoints of closed intervals.
Here are known facts on continuities of functions on intervals:

Example 1. Consider the graph of the function f given below.

Using the given graph, determine if the function f is continuous on the following intervals:
(a) (−1,1) (b) (−∞,0) (c) (0,+∞)
Solution. Remember that when we say “trace from the right side of x = c”, we are tracing not from x
= c on the x-axis, but from the point (c, f(c)) along the graph.
(a) We can trace the graph from the right side of x = −1 to the left side of x = 1 without lifting
the pen we are using. Hence, we can say that the function f is continuous on the interval (−1,1).
(b) If we trace the graph from any negatively large number up to the left side of 0, we will not
lift our pen and so, f is continuous on (−∞,0).
(c) For the interval (0,+∞), we trace the graph from the right side of 0 to any large number,
and find that we will not lift our pen. Thus, the function f is continuous on (0,+∞).

Example 2. Consider the graph of the function h below.

Determine using the given graph if the function f is continuous on the following intervals:
a. (−1,1) b. [0.5,2]
Solution. Because we are already given the graph of h, we characterize the continuity of h by the
possibility of tracing the graph without lifting the pen.
(a) If we trace the graph of the function h from the right side of x = −1 to the left side of x = 1,
we will be interrupted by a hole when we reach x = 0. We are forced to lift our pen just before we
reach x = 0 to indicate that h is not defined at x = 0 and continue tracing again starting from the right
of x = 0. Therefore, we are not able to trace the graph of h on (−1,1) without lifting our pen. Thus, the
function h is not continuous on (−1,1).
(b) For the interval [0.5,2], if we trace the graph from x = 0.5 to x = 2, we do not have to lift
the pen at all. Thus, the function h is continuous on [0.5,2].

Now, if a function is given without its corresponding graph, we must find other means to
determine if the function is continuous or not on an interval. Here are definitions that will help us:

Let’s Do This

Directions: Answer what is asked.

Practice Task 1
x2 – x – 2
Determine if f(x) = is continuous or not at x = 0.
Practice Task 2
Determine the largest interval over which the function f(x) = √x + 2 is continuous.
Practice Task 3
x2 – x – 2
Determine if f(x) = is continuous or not at x = 2.
Determine the largest interval over which h(x) = is continuous.
x –2

Let’s Do More
Directions: Answer what is asked.
Practice Task 1
x + 1 if x < 4,
1. Determine if f(x) = is continuous or not at x = 4.
(x – 4) + 3 if x ≥ 4

Practice Task 2
x if x < 0
3 if 0 < x < 1,
2. Consider the function g(x) = 3 – x2 if 1 < x < 4, Is g continuous on (0,1) on (4,∞)?
x–3 if x > 4.

Practice Task 3

Let’s Try Harder

Directions: Answer what is asked.
Practice Task 1
Practice Task 2

Let’s Test Ourselves

Post Test
Directions: Answer what is asked in each problem below. Write your answer in a separate
sheet of paper.



Let’s Enrich Ourselves

Assignment/Additional Activity

References: DepEd Teacher’s Guide in Basic Calculus

Paul Dawkins (2007), CALCULUS I (Practice Problems with Complete Solutions)

(For teacher’s use ONLY)

Pre Test
1. Points discontinuity are x = - 4, x = 2, x = 4
2. (a) Discontinuous at z = - 2 (b) Continuous at z = 0
(c) Discontinuous at z = 5

Let’s Do This
Practice 1: Continuous at x = 0
Practice 2: Continuous

Practice 3: (a) Continuous at x = 2 (b) Continuous

Let’s Do More
Practice 1: Discontinuous at x = 4

Practice 2: (a) Continuous on (0, 1) (b) Continuous on (4, ∞)

Practice 3: (a) Continuous at x = - 1 (b) Continuous at x = 0

(c) Discontinuous at x = 3

Let’s Try Harder

Practice 1: (a) Continuous at x = 4 (b) Discontinuous at x = 6

Practice 2: (a) Continuous at t = - 2 (b) Continuous at x = 10

Post Test
1. Points of Discontinuity are x = - 8, x = - 2, x = 6
2. (a) Discontinuous at x = - 6 (b) Continuous x = 1

Continuous at a points x = 4/3 and x = - 2

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