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Senior High School

Inquiries, Investigations,
and Immersion
Second Semester – Module 7
Sharing your Research


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Development Team of the Module

Writer: Kristine A. Custodio

Editors: Juliet A. Tan, Cindy D. Oraliza
Reviewers: Manuel L. Limjoco, Jr., Dante M. Orozco, Queen Ann M. Navallo
Illustrators: Danilo L. Galve, Stephen B. Gorgonio
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Leonevee V. Silvosa
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Gemma C. Pullos
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Senior High School

Inquiries, Investigations,
and Immersion
Second Semester – Module 7
Sharing your Research
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion 12 Self-Learning
Module on Sharing your Research.
This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by
educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or
facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum
while overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration their
needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of the

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies that will help

you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the learner:
Welcome to the Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion 12 Self-Learning
Module on Sharing your Research.

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities
for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled
to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.
Sharing your Research
The learner demonstrates understanding on presenting, revising and writing
final research report.

The learner should be able to present, revise and submit written research

The learner presents written research report, revises written research report
based on suggestions and recommendations of panelists and submits final
written research report.

After going through this module, the learner should do the following:
1. Defend written research report.
2. Revise written research report based on suggestions and
recommendations of the panelists.
3. Submit final written research report.


A research report is an essential product after conducting research. The

purpose of a written report is not to impress the audience. Your goal is to tell them all
you know about a subject and present every detail of your work. You are also expected
to report the results of your research output by presenting them to public.


Directions: Choose the correct letter that best describes the question or complete the
statement. Write your answer before the number.

____1. Which of the following is the correct order in writing a research paper?
A. introduction, theory and hypotheses, literature review, methods and data,
results and discussion, conclusion
B. methods and data, theory and hypotheses, literature review, results and
discussion, conclusion, abstract, references
C. abstract, literature review, theory and hypothesis, results and discussion,
methods and data, conclusion, references
D. literature review, theory and hypotheses, methods and data, results and
discussion, conclusion, introduction, abstract, references

____2. In research, what writing style format is widely used?

A. APA 6th edition C. MLA
B. CMOS 17th Edition D. Turbian

____3. Where should a research paper’s overall conclusion first be seen by a reader?
A. Abstract C. Introduction
B. Conclusion D. Theory and Hypothesis

____4. Which of the parts of the research Paper is not correct?

A. Chapter 1. The Problem and its Background
B. Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
C. Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
D. Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

____5. Which section should provide recommendations of how other researchers

could improve on research be included?
A. Conclusion C. References
B. Methods and Data D. Results and Discussion

____6. Which of the following statement is Not true about revising your research
A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed
B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word
C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time
D. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by noting points you
want to hit

____7. These are statement of the specific intent or purpose of the research
A. Introduction C. Objective
B. Literature Review D. Summary and Findings

____8. Plagiarism can be avoided by:
A. Cut and pasting from the Internet
B. Copying the work of others accurately
C. Quoting directly without revealing the source
D. Paraphrasing the Author’s text in your own words

____9. We review the relevant literature to know:

A. What is already known about the topic
B. Who are the key contributions to the topic
C. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
D. All of the above

____10. Which of the following should be practiced before and defense EXCEPT___?
A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure
B. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically
C. You need to memorize everything but you should know the key points
D. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of your research

____11. It is designed to identify related research, to set the current research project
within a conceptual and theoretical context.
A. Conclusion C. Methodology
B. Literature Review D. Rationale

____12. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion?

A. It demonstrates good organization
B. It does not leave a final impression to the readers
C. It gives the written work a sense of completeness
D. It stresses out the importance of the thesis statement

____13. It is part of the research where you should define or identify the general topic,
issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing
the literature.
A. Introduction C. Rationale
B. Literature Review D. Summary

____14. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Research Proposal?

A. The proposal might not be consistent with donor’s interests.
B. It must be made to someone who either accepts, rejects or modifies it.
C. It is being written for presentation to another party in order to gain its
D. It does require presentation with a sufficient degree of clarify and
persuasiveness to be convincing.

____15. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to
present the data gathered using the questionnaire you used by tabulating all
the gathered data.
A. Introduction
B. Method and Procedures
C. Review of Related Literature
D. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data


In the previous module, you have learned how to write the research findings,
conclusions and recommendations of the research study. In this module, you are
expected to defend your written research report, revise it by considering the
suggestions and recommendations of the panelists and produce the manuscript

There are differences when preparing a written from presenting an oral report.
On one hand, in a written report your goal is to tell your audience all you know about
the subject and present every detail of your work. On the other hand, an oral
presentation aims to give the audience a sense of what the research is all about.

This new module contains discussions, suggestions and authorities to hone

your knowledge in finalizing and presenting your research report. You will make
revisions on your research report based on the suggestions and recommendations of


Directions: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct, and FALSE if

_________1. The final research report where a discussion of findings and

limitations is presented is the easiest part for a researcher.
_________2. Research analysis is the last critical step in the research process.
_________3. Research report in appearance and content should highlights the
outcomes and link back to objectives.
_________4. A good conclusion chapter should discuss the researcher’s own
and ideas about the topic under study.
_________5. Research results presented in a study must be either theoretical or
_________6. Recommendations should be directly based on the significance of
the study.
_________7. Good researchers should aim for a perfect research, with no
limitations or restrictions.
_________8. A reliable research is essentially valid, but a valid research is not
necessarily reliable.
_________9. Verbal and visual presentations of research aid in the dissemination
of its outcomes and value, and allow for its strengths to be revealed.
_________10. In oral presentations, the audience expects you as a researcher to
present your work in full detail even if they will ask further questions
in the follow-up discussion.


Directions: Reflect to the following questions.

1. What should you remember when writing the draft of your research paper?

2. What should you remember when presenting a research paper?



Writing a Research Report

Research Report is a written document or oral presentation based on a written

document that communicates the purpose, scope, objective (s), hypothesis,
methodology, findings, limitations and finally, recommendations of a research project
to others (Prieto., et. Al, 2017).

Characteristics of a Research Report

1.Use of easy-to-understand words

Not everyone who will be reading your work is a scientist or has the same
technical background as you have. To make more people easily know and
comprehend the ideas you want to present, use simple and easy-to-understand words.
Your research work is not place to show off your extensive vocabulary. The use of
highly technical words (unless it is necessary) and unfamiliar words must be avoided
accordingly. If it is used, should be defined operationally in the Definition of Terms

2.Good organization

To show a good organization presentation, your paper must be consistent and

cohesive. In order to show a consistency, into your discussions it should focus solely
on your research topic or discussion, never deviating from it. Each discussion should
lead to the results or outcome of your study to show cohesion and consistency.


One characteristics of a well-written research work is being comprehensive. It

means discussing every perspective or angle, that is supported by validated data,
leaving no areas unclarified. You must not any stone go unturned.

4.Direct to the point

It is not a venue to showcase your creative writing prowess. The usage of

figures of speech and other expressions must be avoided as they could lead to
misinterpretations. Hence, your research report must be also directing to the point of
the discussion, not beating around the bush.

5.The paper is thoroughly proofread.

The grammatical errors, Misspellings and other errors related to writing

conventions can tarnish the quality of your paper and undermine the effort you put in
writing your paper. To avoid these mistakes, have someone thoroughly proofread your

Presentation of Research Output

The following are to be considered when conducting the research presentation:

1. Own your research paper. You must know the entirety of your research paper
starting from the background all the way up to the results and its references.
Study it very well. If you’re working in groups or teammates, make sure that
everyone knows the paper. You must remember that you will be graded not
only based on the paper itself, but also more importantly on your knowledge of
the research process of your paper. Your knowledge of your research paper
will not only be evident during the presentation, but more so in answering the
questions after the presentation. Pause and think thoroughly before answering
the questions. If there are some suggestions and recommendations, humbly
accept them. The judges are there to help your paper and not antagonize you.
Take note of their comments and suggestions.

2. Be on time and look presentable. Observe proper dress code.

3. Use aids. This can be in the form of the usual cartolina or Manila paper, a slide
deck presentation, or any other computer-aided presentations available. Do not
just place everything or merely “copy and paste” the entire paper to your
presentation. Select only important items or words that will serve as your
discussion guide in your presentation. Present the key points in an outline so
you can easily know what will happen next. Present the following chapters:
background of the study, methodology, results and discussion, and summary,
conclusion, and recommendations and please be guided accordingly.

4. Reflect all comments and suggestions of the panelists when you revise your

Research Presentation Guidelines

Brief Presentation: It is the visual version of your research paper. The

presentation of your research paper should include accordingly: a short
introduction, your hypothesis, a brief description of the methods, tables and/or
graphs related to your findings, and an interpretation of your data.

Presentations of research paper should not be more than 10 minutes

long. It is not much time though. Consider planning about 1 minute per slide.
The trick to giving a better presentation is simplifying your information of your
data down into bulleted, tables diagrams, and graphs. Do not rush while

Title slide (1 slide). It will contain the title of your paper. If the research is in
group list or teammates the name of all the members, your class and section,
school and the date of presentation.

Introduction (typically 3-4 slides). Explain why your work is interesting. This
part tells the context of the study. Using pictures is a plus factor to attract the
audience attention about the issue and question you are addressing. Clearly
state your hypotheses.

Material and Methods (typically 2-3 slides). This is a clear summary of

design. Show a picture also of your respondents or participants and justify it
why they are appropriate for addressing the questions mentioned above. Show
a picture of the laboratory set-up or some person doing some work or activity
related to your study. You can show diorama of your experimental design
(sample sizes, sampling frequency). Mention what parameter you measured
but do not detail on exact procedure used. State what statistical tests you used
to analyze data.

Results (typically 2-4 slides). You may show a photograph which shows an
interesting qualitative result and state the results. Graphical presentation of
results reminds the audience of your hypothesis. A simple and clean graph with
complete label is more reliable. Do not use light colors in your figures during
the presentation, they do not show up well when projected.

Implications and Conclusions (typically 2-3 slides). Interpret your results

correctly. Address sources of errors and methodological difficulties
constructively. Results should be placed in context and must draw an
implication from them.
Acknowledgement (1 slide). Thank everyone who provided advice or
assistance. Thank also your audience as well for their attention and let them
know that you would be happy to answer any questions.

Revision of Written Research

After the presentation and defense of the research paper, you will make revision
of your research based on suggestions, comments and recommendation by the

Revising involves rethinking your ideas, refining your arguments, reorganizing
paragraphs and recording sentences. Revising, editing, and researching answers to
the questions raised during presentation and defense are part and parcel of the
research process. These activities can lead to excellent and well-written research

Once the paper has been revised and edited, you have to submit the revised
draft to your teacher for his or her approval. If the teacher gives his or her approval,
you can now proceed to the following steps:

1. Write an approval sheet and have it signed by your teacher, panelists, and the
department chair or principal, if necessary. Below is a template of an approval

This thesis/term paper entitled _________________prepared and

submitted by ______________as part of conformation to the requirements
in ______________ has been examined and approved for

Name of Teacher and Signature above Printed Name

Approved by the Panel on Oral Examination with grade of ____ on

Name of Panel Members and Signature
Name of Panel Members and Signature
Name of Panel Members and Signature
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the ____________
Name of Principal/Department Chair and Signature

2. The approval sheet must be included in the final manuscript of the paper. It is
placed after the title page of the research paper.
3. Print the final draft of the paper.
4. Bind the final paper. The contents of the title page of the research paper should
appear on the cover. Below is the template of the cover page.

Title of research paper

A Research Paper
Presented to the
Name of Department
Name of School/College/University

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the _______ subject




5. Ask your teacher how many copies of the final paper are needed. It is a common
practice now in many institutions of higher education to submit a soft copy of
the final manuscript in Portable Document Format (PDF). If this is required by
your teacher, then save a copy of the final manuscript in pdf format on a
compact disc (CD).

6. Submit the final research paper. Your teacher will provide the deadline of
submission of the bound copies of your research paper. You have to make sure
that the revisions have been incorporated in the final research paper and the
copies of the final paper must be ready before the deadline.

Parts of a Research Paper

I. Preliminaries
• Title page
• Approval Sheet
• Acknowledgments
• Table of Contents
• List of Tables
• List of Figures
• Abstract
II. Introduction
A. Background of the Study
B. Statement of the Problem
C. Objectives of the Study
D. Hypothesis of the Study*
E. Significance of the Study
F. Scope and Limitation
G. Definition of Terms*
H. Conceptual and Theoretical Framework
III. Review of Related Literature**
IV. Research Design and Methodology**
A. Research Design
B. Subject of the Study*
C. Population/Respondents of the Study*
D. Data Gathering Procedures
E. Data Analysis Method and Procedures
V. Research Results and Findings
VI. Conclusion
VII. Recommendation
VIII. Bibliography

*If applicable to your study

**Can be included in the research introduction section of the

Source: Applications and Practice of Research for Senior High School: Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion. Page 248-250


Task 1

Directions: Write the content of your Research Presentation here considering the

Title slide (1 slide).


Introduction (typically 3-4 slides).


Materials and Methods (typically 2-3 slides).


Results (typically 2-4 slides).


Implications and Conclusions (typically 2-3 slides)


Acknowledgement (1 slide)

Task 2
Directions: Present your research in class. (Your teacher will schedule the online oral
presentation if necessary)
Excellent Very Good Good
Criteria Improvement
(20) (17) (15)
Content of The presentation The presentation The presentation The presentation
presentation explains the explains the clearly states, does not clearly
research topic research topic adequately state, adequately
and its major and its major explains, and explain, or
results in a results in a summarizes the summarize the
smooth and smooth and research topic research topic
logical order, and logical order, and and its major and results.
offers a new offers a new research topic
viewpoint or viewpoint or and its major
insight in a way insight; however, research results;
that makes a the content may however, the
lasting impression not make a content may not
on the audience lasting be presented in a
impression on the smooth and
audience. logical order.
Confidence, The presenter The presenter The presenter The presenter
rapport, and shows high shows enough has poor shows no
connection with degree of confidence and confidence and confidence and
the audience confidence and establisher establisher poor has no rapport
establishes rapport with the rapport with the with the
rapport with the audience. The audience. The audience. The
audience. The presentation presenter has presentation
research satisfactorily fairly caught the does not capture
presentation captures the audience’s the audience’s
comprehensively audience’s attention attention.
captures and attention. throughout the
holds the presentation.
Use of visual Slide layouts are Slide layouts are Slide layouts are Slide layouts are
aids and consistent and consistent and consistent, but not consistent,
presentation easy to read, and easy to read, but they are and they are too
materials they use a variety do not use design consistent, but plain to hold
of design principles to they are too plain interest or too
principles to attract and hold to hold interest or cluttered for the
attract and hold interest. too cluttered for audience to read.
interest. the audience to
Multimedia use Images, audio, Images, audio, or Images, audio, or The presentation
and video video video does not include
enhancements enhancements enhancements images, audio, or
are credited; they are credited and are not credited; video
support and carefully selected sometimes, they enhancements
illustrate main to support and distract the
points and enrich illustrate audience from
the audience’s important main the content.
learning points.
Mechanics of All words are Almost all words Several words Many words are
presentation spelled and are spelled and are misspelled or misspelled and
capitalized capitalized capitalized capitalized
correctly. correctly. incorrectly. incorrectly.

Task 3
Directions: Write and submit your revised final research paper. (Your teacher will
provide the deadline of submission of the bound copies of your research paper)

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair/Pass Failure
(20) (18) (15) (13) (10)
Clear Has sharply Has very Has clearly Organizing No main
identification defined and clearly defined idea, thesis, or idea, thesis,
of thesis and provided a defined organizing question is not or question
coherence of compelling organizing idea, thesis, or clear. is
arguments to and well- idea, thesis question Has presented.
support main organized or question. Coherent, arguments but No
thesis idea, thesis or Coherent, sometimes they lack argument
question. sometimes complex coherence was
Coherent, complex arguments and/or clarity presented.
complex, arguments support the
sophisticated support the main Opposing Opposing
arguments main idea/thesis. arguments, arguments,
support the idea/thesis. idea/thesis are idea/thesis
main Opposing not clearly are missing.
idea/thesis. Opposing arguments, presented or
arguments, idea/thesis are explained
Opposing idea/thesis clearly
arguments, are clearly presented.
idea/thesis are presented.
Effective and Supporting Supporting The evidence Supporting Supporting
appropriate arguments arguments used to arguments arguments
use of sources used specific, used support lack clear, are not
relevant, and relevant and arguments is persuasive, or supported
highly mostly sometimes relevant by primary
persuasive persuasive specific, supporting and
evidence evidence, mostly evidence. secondary
coming from coming from relevant, and Quotations sources.
both primary both generally and The paper
and secondary primary and persuasive. paraphrasing directly
sources. Uses secondary Paraphrasing are copied from
quotations and sources. and the use of inappropriately sources
paraphrases Uses quotations are used to without
appropriately quotations inconsistent to support quoting,
to make an and form an arguments. No paraphrasin
argument. paraphrase argument. explanation or g, and
Clearly, s Some analysis of acknowledgi
thoughtfully, appropriatel explanation of how or why ng the
and thoroughly y to make how the the evidence sources
explains or an evidence supports each used.
analyzes the argument. supports each argument. Evidence
relationship Mostly clear argument, but Evidence supporting
between the and the supporting or or opposing
evidence and thoughtful explanation of opposing the the
supporting explanation the evidence arguments is arguments
arguments. or analysis supports each poorly is missing.
Each opposing of how the argument, but integrated.
argument is evidence the
supported by supports explanation is
consistently each not always
clear, well- argument. clear and

connected, Each thorough.
and focused opposing Evidence for
evidence. argument is opposing
supported arguments is
by evidence not
that is consistently
mostly clear introduced or
and well- evaluated.
Effective The paper has The paper The The The thesis
organization a clear has a clear introduction is introduction and
introduction; introduction; mostly clear, and main introduction
the thesis is the thesis is and the thesis thesis are are missing.
presented in a presented in is presented in present but No clear
highly an engaging a coherent, not clear. The arguments
engaging and manner. comprehensibl arguments to support
compelling Each e manner. presented did the overall
manner. Each argument Most not support structure.
argument presented arguments are the overall Transitions
clearly supports an presented structure. between
supports an overall clearly, and Transitions arguments
overall structure. they support between are missing.
structure. The Usually the overall arguments are The
paper uses uses structure. largely conclusion
consistent and effective Transitions unclear. is poorly
effective transitions are sometimes Conclusion is connected
transitions to to connect abrupt, but the either vague to the
develop ideas ideas and arguments or unclear. paper’s
and arguments arguments and the major
logically; has a that leads to conclusion arguments.
compelling a mostly
and persuasive connect. The
persuasive conclusion conclusion
conclusion. the represents
The conclusion major
conclusion partly arguments
synthesizes synthesizes, and connects
arguments that but it has them to thesis.
support main mostly
idea/thesis presented
the major
to support
the main
Writing style The paper The paper The paper The paper The paper
and language shows a shows a shows an does not show shows
use confident and confident engaged but and engaging awkward or
highly fluid writing style. somewhat writing style. confusing
writing style. The paper tentative or The paper is writing style.
The paper uses basic writing not written The writing
uses lively, engaging style. The clearly, and is very
engaging, and and mostly paper is the language disorganize
articulate articulate written clearly, does not fully d, and the
language that language but the express the ideas, in
yields well- that yields language used original ideas. general, are
developed, developed does not fully poorly
original ideas and original express the expressed.
and new ideas and original ideas.
understanding. some new

Grammar and Grammar and Grammar Grammar and Grammar and Consistently
documentation punctuation and punctuation punctuation defective
of sources are nearly punctuation are sometimes are flawed, grammar
flawless. The are mostly flawed, but and they and
sources had correct. they do not undermined punctuation
complete, Appropriate undermine the the coherence No
correct, and documentati coherence of the ideas bibliography
well-organized on of and clarity of presented. Sources are
bibliography sources the ideas Has not cited.
and citations. presented. documentation
The and
bibliography bibliography,
and citations but they are
are complete poorly
but somewhat organized and
imprecise. incomplete


Directions: Multiple Choice. Choose the correct letter that best describes the question
or complete the statement. Write your answer before the number.

____1. It is designed to identify related research, to set the current research project
within a conceptual and theoretical context.
A. Conclusion C. Methodology
B. Literature Review D. Rationale

____2. Which of the following is not a purpose of the research conclusion?

A. It demonstrates good organization
B. It does not leave a final impression to the readers
C. It gives the written work a sense of completeness
D. It stresses out the importance of the thesis statement

____3. It is part of the research where you should define or identify the general topic,
issue, or area of concern, thus providing an appropriate context for reviewing
the literature.
A. Introduction C. Rationale
B. Literature Review D. Summary

____4. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a Research Proposal?

A. The proposal might not be consistent with donor’s interests.
B. It must be made to someone who either accepts, rejects or modifies it.
C. It is being written for presentation to another party in order to gain its
D. It does require presentation with a sufficient degree of clarify and
persuasiveness to be convincing.

____5. This chapter talks about the result of your study. Here you are going to present
the data gathered using the questionnaire you used by tabulating all the
gathered data.
A. Introduction
B. Method and Procedures
C. Review of Related Literature
D. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

____6. Which of the following is the correct order in writing a research paper?
A. introduction, theory and hypotheses, literature review, methods and data,
results and discussion, conclusion
B. methods and data, theory and hypotheses, literature review, results and
discussion, conclusion, abstract, references
C. abstract, literature review, theory and hypothesis, results and discussion,
methods and data, conclusion, references
D. literature review, theory and hypotheses, methods and data, results and
discussion, conclusion, introduction, abstract, references

____7. In research, what writing style format is widely used?

A. APA 6th edition C. MLA
B. CMOS 17th Edition D. Turbian

____8. Where should a research paper’s overall conclusion first be seen by a reader?
A. Abstract C. Introduction
B. Conclusion D. Theory and Hypothesis

____9. Which of the parts of the research Paper is not correct?

A. Chapter 1. The Problem and its Background
B. Chapter 2. Review of Related Literature
C. Chapter 3. Method and Procedures
D. Chapter 4. Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

____10. Which section should provide recommendations of how other researchers

could improve on research be included?
A. Conclusion C. References
B. Methods and Data D. Results and Discussion

____11. Which of the following statement is Not true about revising your research
A. Be sure to proofread and edit as needed
B. Read the paper from the last word to the first word
C. Having someone else read it aloud to you is a waste of time
D. After receiving some suggestions, create new outline by noting points you
want to hit

____12. These are statement of the specific intent or purpose of the research
A. Introduction C. Objective
B. Literature Review D. Summary and Findings

____13. Plagiarism can be avoided by:
A. Cut and pasting from the Internet
B. Copying the work of others accurately
C. Quoting directly without revealing the source
D. Paraphrasing the Author’s text in your own words

____14. We review the relevant literature to know:

A. What is already known about the topic
B. Who are the key contributions to the topic
C. What concepts and theories have been applied to the topic
D. All of the above

____15. Which of the following should be practiced before and defense EXCEPT___?
A. You may prepare hand-outs or brochure
B. Prepare for your presentation mentally and physically
C. You need to memorize everything but you should know the key points
D. You may bring mode of verifications for easy reference of your research

1. A 6. C 11. B
2. A 7. B 12. B
3. A 8. D 13. A
4. D 9. D 14. A
5. A 10.C 15. B
(Answers may vary)
4. FALSE 9. TRUE (Answers may vary)
1. B 6. A 11. C
2. B 7. A 12. B
3. A 8. A 13. D
4. A 9. D 14. D
5. B 10. A 15. C

Buensuceso, D., et al (2016) Practical Research 1. Teacher’s Guide. Department of

Education. Bureau of Learning Resources pp. 166-168

Dela Cruz, A. 2018. Applications and Practice of Research for Senior High School:
Inquiries, Investigations, and Immersion. PHOENIX PUBLISHING HOUSE, INC. pp. 248-250


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