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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature

Issue 01

Date 2015-06-18


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Issue 01 (2015-06-18) i
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description Contents


1 About This Document .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Intended Audience ........................................................................................................................................................ 2
1.3 Change History ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types ............................................................................................................................ 2

2 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.2 Benefits ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Architecture .................................................................................................................................................................. 5

3 PCI Conflict Detection ................................................................................................................. 7

3.1 PCI Conflict Types........................................................................................................................................................ 7
3.1.1 PCI Collision ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 PCI Confusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 PCI Mod 3 Interference ............................................................................................................................................. 9
3.2 Trigger Methods.......................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Distributed Detection ............................................................................................................................................... 10 PCI Conflict Detection Triggered by Manual Operations ..................................................................................... 11 PCI Conflict Detection Based on ANR ................................................................................................................. 12 PCI Conflict Detection Based on X2 Messages .................................................................................................... 13
3.2.2 Centralized Detection .............................................................................................................................................. 14 Collision and Confusion Detection ....................................................................................................................... 14 PCI Mod 3 Detection ............................................................................................................................................ 15

4 PCI Self-Optimization ............................................................................................................... 16

4.1 Overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Related Concepts ........................................................................................................................................................ 16
4.2.1 First-Order Neighboring Cell ................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2.2 Second-Order Neighboring Cell .............................................................................................................................. 17
4.3 Prioritization of Cells with PCI Conflicts ................................................................................................................... 17
4.4 PCI Re-assignment ..................................................................................................................................................... 18

5 Related Features .......................................................................................................................... 20

6 Network Impact ........................................................................................................................... 21

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description Contents

7 Engineering Guidelines ............................................................................................................. 22

7.1 When to Use PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization...................................................................................... 22
7.1.1 Distributed PCI Conflict Detection .......................................................................................................................... 22
7.1.2 Centralized PCI Conflict Detection ......................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.3 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization .......................................................................................................................... 24
7.2 Information to Be Collected ....................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3 Network Planning ....................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3.1 RF Planning ............................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.3.2 Network Topology ................................................................................................................................................... 24
7.3.3 Hardware Planning .................................................................................................................................................. 24
7.4 Deploying PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization ......................................................................................... 25
7.4.1 Deployment Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 25
7.4.2 Data Preparation ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 Distributed PCI Conflict Detection ....................................................................................................................... 26 Centralized PCI Conflict Detection ...................................................................................................................... 28 PCI Self-Optimization .......................................................................................................................................... 31
7.4.3 Precautions............................................................................................................................................................... 34
7.4.4 Hardware Adjustment .............................................................................................................................................. 34
7.4.5 Activation................................................................................................................................................................. 34 Distributed PCI Conflict Detection ....................................................................................................................... 34 Centralized PCI Conflict Detection ...................................................................................................................... 39 PCI Self-Optimization .......................................................................................................................................... 39
7.4.6 Activation Observation ............................................................................................................................................ 41
7.4.7 Reconfiguration ....................................................................................................................................................... 42
7.4.8 Deactivation ............................................................................................................................................................. 42 Distributed PCI Conflict Detection ....................................................................................................................... 42 Centralized PCI Conflict Detection ...................................................................................................................... 44 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization ....................................................................................................................... 44
7.5 Monitoring .................................................................................................................................................................. 44
7.5.1 Optimization Advice Evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 44
7.5.2 Network KPI Monitoring ......................................................................................................................................... 45
7.6 Parameter Optimization .............................................................................................................................................. 48
7.7 Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................................... 50

8 Parameters .................................................................................................................................... 53
9 Counters ........................................................................................................................................ 66
10 Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 67
11 Reference Documents............................................................................................................... 68

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description Figures


Figure 2-1 Deployment architecture of PCI conflict detection and self-optimization for SingleSON 5.1 ............ 5

Figure 3-1 PCI collision ........................................................................................................................................ 8

Figure 3-2 PCI confusion – intra-frequency confusion between LTE cells ........................................................... 8

Figure 3-3 PCI confusion – inter-frequency confusion between LTE cells ........................................................... 9
Figure 3-4 PCI confusion – inter-RAT confusion created by LTE cells for a UMTS cell ..................................... 9

Figure 3-5 PCI mod 3 conflicts ........................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 3-6 Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR ................................................................................ 12

Figure 3-7 X2 setup signaling procedure ............................................................................................................ 14

Figure 3-8 Signaling procedure for an X2 eNodeB configuration update ........................................................... 14

Figure 7-1 MO search and configuration window ............................................................................................... 37

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description Tables


Table 2-1 Functions of network components ......................................................................................................... 5

Table 7-1 PCI conflict detection license control item .......................................................................................... 25

Table 7-2 Parameter required for configuring PCI collision detection and PCI confusion detection .................. 26
Table 7-3 Parameter required for generating a PCI conflict alarm ...................................................................... 26

Table 7-4 Parameters required for configuring PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages ........................... 26

Table 7-5 Parameters required for configuring proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR. ....................... 27

Table 7-6 Engineering parameters ....................................................................................................................... 29

Table 7-7 Reuse distances .................................................................................................................................... 30

Table 7-8 Policy parameters ................................................................................................................................ 30

Table 7-9 Parameters for determining whether a cell is a new cell...................................................................... 32

Table 7-10 Parameters related to PCI self-optimization ...................................................................................... 32

Table 7-11 eNodeB location parameters related to PCI self-optimization ........................................................... 33

Table 7-12 Antenna parameters related to PCI self-optimization ........................................................................ 33

Table 7-13 Parameters related to PCI conflict detection ...................................................................................... 35

Table 7-14 Parameter template for the available PCI range and PCI optimization priority of a cell ................... 39
Table 7-15 Engineering parameter template for PCI self-optimization ............................................................... 40

Table 7-16 Parameters related to PCI conflict detection ...................................................................................... 42

Table 7-17 assistant decision-making information .............................................................................................. 45

Table 7-18 Counters related to the service drop rate ........................................................................................... 46

Table 7-19 UMTS counters to be observed ......................................................................................................... 47

Table 7-20 Counters to be observed .................................................................................................................... 48

Table 7-21 optimization policy parameters .......................................................................................................... 49

Table 7-22 Status of a PCI self-optimization task................................................................................................ 51

Table 8-1 Parameter description .......................................................................................................................... 53

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential v

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 1 About This Document

1 About This Document

About This Chapter

1.1 Scope
1.2 Intended Audience
1.3 Change History
1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types

1.1 Scope
This document describes certain features, including their technical principles, related features,
network impact, and engineering guidelines.
This document covers the following features:
LOFD-002007 PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization
SNFD-151203 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization - LTE FDD
SNFD-151204 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization - LTE TDD
This document applies to the following types of eNodeBs.

eNodeB Type Model

Macro 3900 series eNodeB

Micro BTS3202E
LampSite DBS3900 LampSite

Any managed objects (MOs), parameters, alarms, or counters described herein correspond to
the software release delivered with this document. Any future updates will be described in the
product documentation delivered with future software releases.
This document applies to LTE FDD and LTE TDD. Any "LTE" in this document refers to LTE
FDD or LTE TDD, and "eNodeB" refers to LTE FDD or LTE TDD eNodeB.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 1

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 1 About This Document

1.2 Intended Audience

This document is intended for personnel who:
 Need to understand the features described herein
 Work with Huawei products

1.3 Change History

01 (2015-06-18)
This issue is the first commercial release of V100R015C10.
Compared with Draft B (2015-05-06) for V100R015C10, this issue does not include any

Draft B (2015-05-06)
This is a draft for V100R015C10
Compared with Draft A (2014-12-23) V100R015C10, this issue optimized the description.

Draft A (2014-12-23)
This is a draft for V100R015C10
Compared with eRAN8.1, Draft A (2014-12-23) includes the following change:
The two features SNFD-151203 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization - LTE FDD and
SNFD-151204 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization - LTE TDD have been added in
SONMaster V100R015C10 and later

1.4 Differences Between eNodeB Types

Feature Support by Macro, Micro, and LampSite eNodeBs
Feature ID Feature Supported by Supported by Supported by
Name Macro Micro LampSite
eNodeBs eNodeBs eNodeBs

LOFD-002007 PCI Collision Yes Yes Yes

Detection &

Function Implementation in Macro, Micro and LampSite eNodeBs

Function Difference
Intra-site A micro site does not support intra-site neighboring cells. In this

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 2

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 1 About This Document

Function Difference
neighboring cell document, descriptions about intra-site neighboring cells apply only
to macro and LampSite sites.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 3

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 2 Overview

2 Overview

About This Chapter

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Benefits
2.3 Architecture

2.1 Introduction
There are 504 physical cell identifiers (PCIs) in an LTE network. They are divided into 168
groups and each group consists of three PCIs. PCIs are essential for successful signal
synchronization and signal demodulation. Each E-UTRAN cell maps only one PCIWhen
excessive E-UTRAN cells exist on the LTE network, multiple E-UTRAN intra-frequency
cells inevitably use the same PCI. If PCIs are improperly planned or manually modified, cell
frequencies are changed, or neighboring cell parameters are modified, PCIs may conflict
between E-UTRAN intra-frequency cells
Huawei developed the PCI conflict detection and self-optimization feature, which provides
the following functions:
 PCI conflict detection
PCI conflict detection is divided into the following types:
 Distributed detection
Distributed detection is performed by the eNodeB. Configuration parameters on the
eNodeB, such as neighboring cell information, PCIs, and frequencies, change due to
manual operations, ANR, or X2 message interaction, causing the eNodeB to
perform PCI conflict detection.
 Centralized detection
Centralized detection is performed by the SONMaster. Based on the obtained NE
configuration data, engineering parameter data, and MRs and performance data to
which you subscribe, the SONMaster performs PCI conflict detection manually or
 Distributed and centralized detection results are displayed on the SONMaster in a unified
way and involved in PCI self-optimization.PCI self-optimization

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 4

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 2 Overview

Conflicting cells are re-assigned with proper PCIs based on the detected PCI conflicts
combined with the network topology and neighboring cell configuration data. PCI
self-optimization supports PCI mod 3, mod 6, and mod 30 optimization.

2.2 Benefits
PCI conflict detection and self-optimization provided by Huawei automatically detects PCI
conflicts between neighboring cells on the LTE network and assigns proper PCIs to
conflicting cells using PCI self-optimization to eliminate or reduce PCI conflicts, thereby
reducing service drop rates and improving handover success rates. In addition, this feature
optimizes PCI mod 3 conflicts, enhancing the downlink throughput of cells and improving the

2.3 Architecture
Figure 2-1Figure 2-1 shows the deployment architecture of PCI conflict detection and

Figure 2-1 Deployment architecture of PCI conflict detection and self-optimization for
SingleSON 5.1

Table 2-1 lists the functions of network components.

Table 2-1 Functions of network components

Network Functions Before eRAN8.1 Functions in SingleSON 5. 1

Component (eRAN8.1)

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 5

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 2 Overview

Network Functions Before eRAN8.1 Functions in SingleSON 5. 1

Component (eRAN8.1)

UE The UE reports measurement The UE reports measurement reports to the

reports to the eNodeB during PCI eNodeB during PCI conflict detection based
conflict detection based on ANR on ANR

UEs are not involved in PCI UEs are not involved in PCI conflict
conflict detection triggered by detection triggered by eNodeB
eNodeB configuration changes configuration changes caused by manual
caused by manual operations or operations or message exchanges over the
message exchanges over the X2 X2 interface.

eNodeB The eNodeB performs distributed The eNodeB performs distributed PCI
PCI conflict detection. conflict detection.
The eNodeB reports conflict The eNodeB reports conflict information
information about the detected and about the detected and resolved PCI
resolved PCI conflicts to the conflicts to the U2000.
U2000. The eNodeB reports the conflict alarm
The eNodeB reports the conflict information to the alarm console.
alarm information to the alarm

U2000 The U2000 centrally performs PCI The U2000 does not perform PCI
self-optimization. It allocates new self-optimization. It functions as a channel
PCIs to cells that experience PCI to report conflict information reported by
conflicts and sends the PCIs to the eNodeB to the SONMaster and deliver
eNodeBs. the optimization advice generated by the
You can observe PCI conflict SONMaster to the eNodeB.
alarms in the alarm console You can observe PCI conflict alarms in the
alarm console

SONMaste None  The SONMaster implements the

centralized PCI detection algorithm,
comprehensively displays PCI conflict
information reported by the eNodeB to users,
and is involved in PCI self-optimization
 The U2000 implements the centralized
PCI self-optimization algorithm, assigns new
PCIs to cells that experience PCI conflicts,
and sends the PCIs to the eNodeB through
the U2000

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

3 PCI Conflict Detection

About This Chapter

This chapter describes PCI conflict detection principles, including PCI conflict types and
trigger methods of PCI conflict detection. For details about how to perform PCI conflict
detection, see 8 Engineering Guidelines.
3.1 PCI Conflict Types
3.2 Trigger Methods

3.1 PCI Conflict Types

PCI conflicts involved in this feature are classified into the PCI collision, PCI confusion, and
PCI mod 3 conflict .

3.1.1 PCI Collision

A PCI collision occurs between two intra-frequency cells that use an identical PCI but are
insufficiently isolated. In this case, UEs in the overlapping area of the two cells cannot
implement signal synchronization or decoding. Figure 3-1 shows a PCI collision between cell
A and cell B.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

Figure 3-1 PCI collision

If a cell has the same frequency and PCI as one of its neighboring cells, there is a PCI
collision between the cell and the neighboring cell.

An LTE cell is not allowed to have the same frequency and PCI as its neighboring cell. However, an
LTE cell can have the same frequency and PCI as its external cell or multiple local cells under an
eNodeB have the same frequency and PCI.
A cell has a unique center frequency but may have multiple E-UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency
Channel Numbers (EARFCNs). For example, the frequency 2110 MHz corresponds to EARFCN 1950
at band4 and EARFCN 4150 at band10. Intra-frequency cells referred in this document mean the cells
with the same center frequency.

3.1.2 PCI Confusion

A PCI confusion occurs between a detected cell and a neighboring cell if the two cells have
the same frequency and PCI and if the reference signal received power (RSRP) of the two
cells reaches the handover threshold. The PCI confusion may lead to UE handover failures or
service drops.
The PCI confusion occurs in the following scenarios::
1) Intra-frequency confusion between LTE cells, as shown in Figure 3-2

Figure 3-2 PCI confusion – intra-frequency confusion between LTE cells

LTE Cell A LTE Cell B

F1,PCI=1 LTE Cell C F1,PCI=1

In this scenario, cells A, B, and C are LTE cells with the same downlink frequency. Cells A
and B have the same PCI. Therefore, cells A and B create confusion for cell C

According to LTE neighboring cell configuration principles, the frequency and PCI of cell C
must not be the same as those of cell A or cell B. Otherwise, cell A or cell B cannot be added
to the NCL of cell CLTE

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

2) Inter-frequency confusion between LTE cells, as shown in Figure 3-3

Figure 3-3 PCI confusion – inter-frequency confusion between LTE cells

LTE Cell A LTE Cell B

F1,PCI=1 LTE Cell C F1,PCI=1

In this scenario, cells A, B, and C are LTE cells. Cells A and B have the same frequency and
PCI and are inter-frequency neighboring cells of cell C. Therefore, cells A and B create
confusion for cell C.
3) Inter-RAT confusion created by LTE cells for a UMTS cell, as shown in Figure 3-4Figure

Figure 3-4 PCI confusion – inter-RAT confusion created by LTE cells for a UMTS cell

LTE Cell A LTE Cell B

F1,PCI=1 F1,PCI=1


In this scenario, two LTE cells create PCI confusion for the UMTS cell, thereby affecting the
handover of the UMTS cell.

According to RNC configuration principles, two LTE cells with the same frequency and PCI
must not be added to the NCL of the UMTS cell. Therefore, you can add only cell A or cell B
to the NCL of cell C.
4) Inter-RAT confusion created by LTE cells for a GSM cell
The principle diagram for LTE is the same as that for UMTS. LTE-to-GSM handovers seldom
occur on the network. Therefore, LTE-to-GSM confusion is seldom created and is not
considered in this version temporarily

3.1.3 PCI Mod 3 Interference

On the LTE network, if PCIs of two neighboring cells are different and the mod 3 remainders
are the same, this constructs the PCI mod 3 interference, as shown in Figure 3-5.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

Figure 3-5 PCI mod 3 conflicts

LTE Cell A LTE Cell B

F1,PCI=1 F1,PCI=4

LTE Cell C

As shown in the preceding figure, cells A, B, and C have the same frequency but different
PCIs. The PCI mod 3 remainders for cells A and B are 1, which constructs the PCI mod 3
If a cell is in dual antenna mode, the carriers transmitted in the reference signal will
generate intra-frequency interference, thereby decreasing the SINR. (Note: If cells are in
single antenna mode and the PCI mod 6 remainders are the same, the carriers transmitted in
the reference signal will generate intra-frequency interference, thereby decreasing the SINR.)
According to the research results of PCI mod 3 conflicts on the network, the PCI mod 3
conflicts have the following impact on the user SINR and throughput:

 The SINR decreases most when the cell has no load and decreases less when the network
load grows. The PCI mod 3 conflicts have little impact on user throughput.
 In highly-loaded scenarios, the PCI mod 3 conflicts bring insignificant impact and are not
the main cause of interference problems. Therefore, the PCI mod 3 conflicts in the case of
certain load need to be considered.

3.2 Trigger Methods

3.2.1 Distributed Detection
PCI conflict detection is classified into PCI collision detection and PCI confusion detection
that are controlled by COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH and
CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch,
 If COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH of ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch
is selected, the eNodeB detects PCI collision.
 If COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH of ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch
is deselected, the eNodeB does not detect PCI collision.
 If CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch
is selected, the eNodeB detects PCI confusion.
 If CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictDetectSwitch
is deselected, the eNodeB does not detect PCI confusion.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

The eNodeB performs distributed PCI conflict detection if the following parameters related to
PCI conflicts change:
 The PCI or frequency of an eNodeB's local cell is changed.
 The PCI or frequency of an external E-UTRAN cell is changed, or an external
E-UTRAN cell is added or removed.
 A neighboring cell is added to or removed from the intra-frequency or inter-frequency
The preceding PCI conflict detection can be triggered using the following methods:
 Manual parameter modifications
The eNodeB triggers PCI conflict detection when eNodeB parameters are manually
 ANR change
The eNodeB triggers PCI conflict detection when a neighboring cell is automatically
added to or removed from the ANR, or a neighboring cell PCI is updated.
 Information in X2 messages
The eNodeB triggers PCI conflict detection when it receives X2 messages and updates
neighboring cell parameters based on the peer cell information in X2 messages. This
type of PCI conflict detection can be triggered only if the X2 interface is configured
between eNodeBs and GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch is set to
If the eNodeB detects a PCI conflict, it reports the PCI conflict information to the SONMaster
and this information will be updated in the PCI Optimization Task window on the
SONMaster. In addition, ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch controls whether the
eNodeB reports ALM-29247 Cell PCI Conflict to the U2000 and LMT if any PCI conflict is

For details about NCLs and NRTs, see ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the
corresponding eRAN version.
If the CME is deployed and operators need to change the eNodeB parameters using the CME, set
GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch to OFF(Off) to prevent configuration data loss.
This is because when the configuration (such as the PCI or frequency) of an eNodeB is changed on the
CME, the CME will update the eNodeB parameters in the NCL. This update triggers the eNodeB to
detect PCI conflicts. PCI Conflict Detection Triggered by Manual Operations

The eNodeB detects PCI conflicts when its parameters are changed manually as follows:
 If the PCI or frequency of an eNodeB's local cell is changed, the eNodeB checks for PCI
collisions between the local cells or between the local cell and the neighboring cell
configured in the NCL.
 If a cell is added to or removed from an NCL or NRT of the eNodeB, or if the PCI or
frequency of a neighboring cell is changed, the eNodeB checks for PCI collisions
between the local cell and the cells on the NCL or checks for PCI confusions between
the neighboring cells of the local cell.

The eNodeB checks only the neighboring cells contained in the NCL and NRTs, not other cells.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection PCI Conflict Detection Based on ANR

ANR is a self-optimization function. It automatically ensures complete and correct neighbor
relations and therefore helps reduce abnormal handovers and improve network performance.
This section describes two methods for PCI conflict detection based on ANR.

PCI Conflict Detection Triggered by Intra-RAT ANR

PCI conflict detection will be triggered after the eNodeB uses the intra-RAT ANR function
(event-triggered ANR or fast ANR) to detect and add missing neighboring cells. The
intra-RAT event-triggered ANR and intra-RAT fast ANR functions are controlled by the
switches IntraRatEventAnrSwitch and IntraRatFastAnrSwitch under the
ENodeBAlgoSwitch.AnrSwitch parameter, respectively. For details about the detecting and
adding of missing neighboring cells by intra-RAT event-triggered ANR or intra-RAT fast
ANR, see ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the corresponding eRAN

Proactive PCI Conflict Detection Based on ANR

Proactive PCI conflict detection is used to detect PCI confusion between configured and
unconfigured neighboring cells. This function depends on the feature LOFD-002001
Automatic Neighbor Relation (ANR). Therefore, ensure that intra-RAT event-triggered ANR
or intra-RAT fast ANR has been enabled before enabling proactive PCI conflict detection. For
details about ANR, see ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the
corresponding eRAN version.
Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR is controlled by the
ANR.ActivePCIConflictSwitch parameter. After this switch is turned on, the eNodeB
proactively checks for PCI conflicts over the period specified by ANR.StartTime and
Figure 3-6 shows the procedure for proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR.

Figure 3-6 Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR

In a detection period, the procedure for proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR is as

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

1. The eNodeB chooses non-VoIP and non-CA UEs that support ANR and initially access
the network. Then, the eNodeB sends measurement configurations related to events A3
and A4, requesting the UEs to measure all E-UTRAN frequencies configured on the

 Events A3 and A4 used in proactive PCI conflict detection are more easily triggered than those used
in handovers.
 When a UE sets up a bearer with the QoS class identifier (QCI) of 1 after the eNodeB triggers a
proactive PCI conflict detection for the UE:
If GlobalProcSwitch.VoipWithGapMode is set to ENABLE, the eNodeB does not remove the
proactive PCI conflict detection result of the UE.
If GlobalProcSwitch.VoipWithGapMode is set to DISABLE, the eNodeB delivers the RRC
Connection Reconfiguration message to the UE and removes the proactive PCI conflict detection
result of the UE.
2. Each of the chosen UEs reports information about the neighboring cell with the highest
priority to the eNodeB of the serving cell. This priority is determined by the RSRP and
cell individual offset (CIO).

The following steps use one UE as an example.

3. The eNodeB sends a measurement configuration to the UE based on the received
measurement report, requesting the UE to report the parameters of this best neighboring
cell. These parameters include the ECGI, tracking area code (TAC), and public land
mobile network (PLMN) ID list.
4. The UE reports these parameters to the eNodeB.
5. The eNodeB performs the following operations:
− If the ECGI of this best neighboring cell differs from the ECGI of the configured best
neighboring cell of the serving cell, the eNodeB adds the neighbor relation between
the serving cell and this best neighboring cell to the NRT based on the measured PCI,
ECGI, and frequency. Then, the eNodeB starts PCI conflict detection.
− If the ECGI of this best neighboring cell equals the ECGI of the configured best
neighboring cell of the serving cell but the corresponding PCI is different from the
configured one, the eNodeB updates the PCIs in the NCL and then starts PCI conflict
If the serving cell has multiple neighboring cells with the same frequency and PCI but
different ECGIs, the eNodeB can detect PCI conflicts. PCI Conflict Detection Based on X2 Messages

If an X2 interface is set up or an eNodeB parameter changes after the X2 interface is set up,
the eNodeBs involved are notified through the X2 interfaces.
During the setup of an X2 interface, the source eNodeB sends an X2 Setup Request message
to the target eNodeB. If the request is acceptable, the target eNodeB sends an X2 Setup
Response message to the source eNodeB.
Figure 3-7 shows the X2 setup signaling procedure.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

Figure 3-7 X2 setup signaling procedure

After the X2 interface is set up, the source eNodeB sends an X2 eNodeB Configuration
Update message to the target eNodeB if the X2-related configuration, such as serving cell PCI,
TAC, and neighboring cells, of the source eNodeB changes.
Figure 3-8 shows the signaling procedure for an X2 eNodeB configuration update.

Figure 3-8 Signaling procedure for an X2 eNodeB configuration update

As shown in Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8 when an eNodeB receives an X2 message (X2 Setup
Request, X2 Setup Response, or X2 eNodeB Configuration Update) from the peer eNodeB, it
updates corresponding parameters in the NCL for the cells under the peer eNodeB, adds cells
to or removes cells from the NCL, or adds neighbor relation to or removes neighbor relation
from the NRT based on the message. This will trigger PCI conflict detection
For details about updating external cells or neighboring cells based on X2 messages, see
ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the corresponding eRAN version.

3.2.2 Centralized Detection

Centralized PCI conflict detection is performed by creating a task on the SONMaster. The
detection starts upon task start and stops upon task stop.
After the centralized task starts, the SONMaster detects PCI collision, PCI confusion, and PCI
mod 3 conflicts using the distance- and neighboring-cell-based methods. Collision and Confusion Detection

The SONMaster detects conflicts based on the neighbor relationships and topology distance
 The SONMaster performs collision detection by detecting local cells and external cells
because direct neighbor relationships do not exist, and considers the reuse distance of

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 3 PCI Conflict Detection

 The SONMaster constructs second-order neighboring cells based on the cell to be

detected and detects confusion conflicts among the second-order neighboring cells . PCI Mod 3 Detection

PCI mod 3 detection is based on the UE intra-frequency MRs. The SONMaster performs PCI
mod 3 detection based on the collected intra-frequency MRs and cell load information
PCI mod 3 detection determines mod 3 conflicts from the interference perspective. Only the
PCI mod 3 conflicts that bring high interference between cells need to be optimized. The
detection process is described as follows:
1. The SONMaster checks the interference between cells, performs PCI mod 3 detection on
neighboring cells with high interference, and then evaluates the load status of the source cell,
PCI mod 3 conflicts have the greatest impact on a cell when the cell load is low.
2. After calculating the average load during busy hours, the SONMaster evaluates whether
PCI mod 3 conflicts between cells need to be resolved, If related requirements are met, the
SONMaster outputs the conflict information. Otherwise, the SONMaster determines that the
interference of the cell is not caused by PCI mod 3 conflicts and thereby PCI mod 3 problems
can be left temporarily.
You can perform the following operations on tasks:
 Add a task
You can create a PCI conflict detection and self-optimization task on the SONMaster. During
the creation, you need to set basic task parameters and optimization parameters, and select
optimization objects
 Basic task parameters: include the task name, type, start policy, and stop policy.
 Optimization parameters: indicate the parameters that are strongly related to detection
and reallocation algorithms, such as the optimization period, conflict detection type, and
interference and load thresholds for mod 3 detection
 Optimization objects: indicate the cells involved in detection and self-optimization ,One
cell can only be involved in one task for conflict detection and self-optimization.

 Modify a task
You can reconfigure parameters, policies, and optimization objects of a configured
optimization task. This enables the reconfigured optimization task to better determine and
optimize PCI conflicts on the network.
 Delete a task
You can delete a stopped task.
 Stop a task
You can stop an optimization task using the following methods:
 Manual: You can manually stop an optimization task on the SONMaster.
 Execution times: A periodic optimization task automatically stops after being executed
for specified times.
 Scheduled: An optimization task automatically stops when the preset time expires

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 4 PCI Self-Optimization

4 PCI Self-Optimization

About This Chapter

4.1 Overview
4.2 Related Concepts
4.3 Prioritization of Cells with PCI Conflicts
4.4 PCI Re-assignment

4.1 Overview
For distributed detection, the eNodeB reports PCI conflict information to the SONMaster after
detecting PCI conflicts. After receiving distributed detection results, the SONMaster
combines them with centralized detection results, performs centralized PCI self-optimization,
and assigns conflicting cells with proper PCIs. PCI self-optimization results take effect only
when they are delivered to the eNodeB
PCI self-optimization is also supported in scenarios where some network element (NE)
engineering parameters are not configured or the cells use compressed bandwidth. These
parameters include longitude, latitude, azimuth, and beamwidth.

Micro eNodeBs do not support the compressed bandwidth mode.

4.2 Related Concepts

4.2.1 First-Order Neighboring Cell
Each eNodeB stores an NCL and NRTs. The NRTs contain information about the neighboring
cells of the local cells of this eNodeB. These neighboring cells are the first-order neighboring
cells. These cells may be intra-frequency, inter-frequency, or inter-RAT neighboring cells.
RAT is short for radio access technology.

For details about NCLs and NRTs, see ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the
corresponding eRAN version.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 4 PCI Self-Optimization

4.2.2 Second-Order Neighboring Cell

The first-order neighboring cells of the first-order neighboring cells of a cell are the
second-order neighboring cells of this cell. Assume that cell B is a first-order neighboring cell
of cell A and cell C is a first-order neighboring cell of cell B. Then, cell C is a second-order
neighboring cell of cell A.

4.3 Prioritization of Cells with PCI Conflicts

Prioritization Rules
If multiple cells experience PCI conflicts, the SONMaster adheres to the following
prioritization rules to prioritize the conflicting cells and then selects the cells for PCI
optimization in descending order.
1. Prioritizes cells with higher optimization priorities specified by users.
The optimization priority of an LTE cell can be specified on the SONMaster as High
priority, Low priority, or Locked.
During PCI self-optimization, conflicting cells with a high priority are assigned with new
PCIs in precedence. A conflicting cell whose priority is Locked will not be assigned with
a new PCI.
2. Prioritizes cells experiencing the most frequent PCI conflicts with other cells.
Changing the PCI of a cell experiencing the most frequent PCI conflicts improves the
PCI optimization efficiency.
If multiple conflicting cells have the same optimization priority, the cell that experiences
the most frequent PCI conflicts is preferentially optimized.
3. Prioritizes cells that are newly deployed or cells whose PCIs are recently changed. This
is because:
− The probability of data errors for these cells is high.
− Changing the PCI of a cell involved in network reconfiguration has a minor impact
on the live network.
If multiple conflicting cells have the same optimization priority and experience the same
PCI conflict level, newly deployed cells or cells whose PCIs are recently changed are
preferentially optimized.
4. Prioritizes micro cells.
A new PCI takes effect after it is delivered to the eNodeB. This PCI delivery blocks the
cell under the eNodeB, thereby interrupting services. Changing the PCI of a micro cell
has a minor impact on the live network because a micro cell usually covers a small area.
If multiple conflicting cells have the same optimization priority, experience the same PCI
conflict level, and have the same PCI modification property (cells are deployed recently
or their PCIs are changed recently or neither), micro cells are preferentially optimized.
5. Prioritizes cells that have a small number of neighboring cells.
Blocking a cell with few neighboring cells has a minor impact on the live network.
If multiple conflicting cells of the same type have the same optimization priority,
experience the same PCI conflict level, and have the same PCI modification property,
cells that have a small number of neighboring cells are preferentially optimized.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 4 PCI Self-Optimization

Related Parameters
The OldCellThreshold Value parameter determines whether a cell is newly deployed or its
PCI is recently changed. A cell whose PCI change time is earlier than the current time by a
value less than the value of the OldCellThreshold Value parameter is considered as a new
cell. Otherwise, the cell is considered as an old cell, which is not prioritized by either the cell
deployment time or the PCI change time.
The OldCellThreshold Value parameter is set to 0 by default. That is, all cells are considered
as old cells.
If the interval between the PCI change time for two cells is less than the value of the
SameBatchInterval Value parameter, the two cells are considered as being changed in the
same batch. In this situation, the two cells have the same priority in terms of PCI change time.

4.4 PCI Re-assignment

PCI re-assignment adheres to the following principles:

For simplicity, the following uses "new PCI" to represent a PCI to be allocated to a conflicting cell.
 A new PCI must be different from the PCI of any first-order or second-order
intra-frequency neighboring cell of the conflicting cell.
 A new PCI must be different from the PCI of any intra-frequency neighboring cell in the
NCL of the conflicting cell.
 A new PCI must be different from the PCI of any cells under the same eNodeB as the
conflicting cell.
 If the blacklist is considered:
− A new PCI must be different from the PCI of any blacklisted intra-frequency
E-UTRAN cell of the conflicting cell.
− If the conflicting cell is not in the intra-frequency E-UTRAN cell blacklist of any of
its first-order neighboring cells, the new PCI must not be within the range specified
by IntraFreqBlkCell.PhyCellIdRange.
− If the conflicting cell is not in the inter-frequency E-UTRAN cell blacklist of any of
its first-order neighboring cells, and there is a cell with the same frequency as the
conflicting cell in the inter-frequency E-UTRAN cell blacklist, the new PCI must not
be within the range specified by InterFreqBlkCell.PhyCellIdRange.

The UE does not report the blacklisted cells so that the previously detected conflicting cells are still
detectable after PCI self-optimization.
 New PCIs must be within the available PCI range of the cell, and this PCI range is set on
the SONMaster
In addition, PCI self-optimization considers the following factors:
 Positions of physical resource blocks (PRBs) occupied by the physical HARQ indicator
channel (PHICH) and physical control format indicator channel (PCFICH)
If the conflicting cell uses compressed bandwidth, the SONMaster avoids allocating
some restricted PCIs to the conflicting cell. This prevents the PHICH and PCFICH from
being allocated nonexistent PRBs.
 Primary synchronization codes

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 4 PCI Self-Optimization

Three cells with adjacent azimuths under an eNodeB or a virtual eNodeB have different
primary synchronization codes. That is, PCI mod 3 of these cells are different.
Cells with adjacent azimuths under an eNodeB or a virtual eNodeB have different
primary synchronization codes. That is, PCI mod 3 of these cells are different.

In remote RRU mode, cells under the same eNodeB may be far away from each other. In this situation,
cells that are closely located under the same eNodeB are considered as being under a virtual eNodeB.
 Frequency-domain positions of downlink reference signals
If downlink reference signals are transmitted on the same frequency-domain position in
neighboring cells, the quality of these signals is poor when the network load is low. To
separate these signals, the SONMaster allocates the most appropriate PCI to the
conflicting cell if required engineering parameters are configured.
 Uplink reference signal (UL RS) sequence group number
Adjacent cells have different UL RS sequence group numbers. UL RS sequence group
numbers are related to PCI mod 30. For details, see section 5.5 Reference signals in
3GPP TS 36.211 V9.1.0.
 Distance between cells with the same PCI
If the new PCI is the same as the PCI of another cell, the two cells must be as far apart as
possible, with as many eNodeBs as possible between the two cells.
If the conflicting cell is not allocated a new PCI in a self-optimization period, this cell still
uses the old PCI, and the SONMaster does not display this PCI as a suggested PCI.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 5 Related Features

5 Related Features

Prerequisite Features
LOFD-002007 PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization requires OSS features
SNFD-151203 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization - LTE FDD and SNFD-151204 Centralized
PCI Self-Optimization - LTE TDD.
PCI conflict detection based on ANR on the eNodeB requires LOFD-002001 Automatic
Neighbour Relation (ANR).
The eNodeB updates the configuration based on X2 messages and triggers PCI conflict
detection only when GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch is turned on
Other PCI conflict detections and PCI self-optimization do not require any features.

Mutually Exclusive Features


Impacted Features

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 6 Network Impact

6 Network Impact

System Capacity
PCI conflict detection based on ANR affects system capacity. To obtain ECGIs, a UE in
connected mode needs to work in discontinuous reception (DRX) mode. A UE in DRX mode
cannot perform any services. This decreases uplink and downlink throughput.
PCI self-optimization has no adverse impact on system capacity. Delivering PCI optimization
suggestions will deactivate and then reactivate this cell, during which time, the number of
online subscribers is reduced.

Network Performance
During PCI conflict detection, eNodeB operations including delivering and processing
measurement information occupies CPU and memory resources, thereby consuming excessive
system resources.
During PCI mod 3 conflict detection, the eNodeB triggers the UE to initiate intra-frequency
measurements. This increases the power consumption of the UE. In addition, the CPU and
memory resource consumption of the eNodeB increases accordingly.
After you deliver optimization advice on modifying cell PCIs, the function of migrating
online UEs is triggered before optimization completion. The eNodeB migrates cell edge UEs
to adjacent cells gradually. The process may result in call drops of UEs, thereby affecting user
Once PCI self-optimization is complete, the eNodeB delivers a new PCI to the conflicting cell,
which deactivates and then reactivates the cell to make the new PCI take effect. This process
disables the cell for a period of time. This process affects UE access, normal services, and
handovers, thereby decreasing access and handover success rates.
In open-loop mode, before executing advice to modify the PCI of a cell, you can block the
cell to prevent UEs from reaccessing the cell. After the PCI of the cell is modified, you need
to unblock the cell to ensure that UEs access the cell.
PCI self-optimization can reduce or eliminate PCI conflicts between a cell and its neighboring
cells and between the neighboring cells of a cell. This reduces service drop rates and increases
handover success rates.

After a cell PCI is changed, the cell is automatically deactivated and then reactivated.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7 Engineering Guidelines

About This Chapter

8.1 When to Use PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization
8.2 Information to Be Collected
8.3 Network Planning
8.4 Deploying PCI Conflict Detection and Self-Optimization
8.5 Monitoring
8.6 Parameter Optimization
8.7 Troubleshooting

7.1 When to Use PCI Conflict Detection and

7.1.1 Distributed PCI Conflict Detection
It is recommended that PCI collision detection be enabled in non-RRU scenarios. PCI
confusion detection can be enabled in all scenarios.
PCI conflict detections can be categorized according to trigger methods. The policies for
enabling these detections are as follows:
 PCI conflict detection based on manual modifications
After PCI collision detection or PCI confusion detection is enabled, the eNodeB will
trigger detection if parameters are manually modified. For details, see 3.2.1 PCI Conflict
Detection Triggered by Manual Operations.
 PCI conflict detection based on ANR
− PCI conflict detection based on intra-RAT ANR
This function requires intra-RAT ANR. The policy for enabling this detection is the
same as that for enabling intra-RAT ANR. For details about the policy for enabling
intra-RAT ANR, see ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the
corresponding eRAN version.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

− Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR

In multi-vendor or multi-U2000 scenarios, it is recommended that this function be
enabled for cells that experience high service drop rates or low outgoing handover
success rates when serving a large number of UEs. Do not enable this function in
other scenarios.

Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR does not need to be enabled if all eNodeBs in the
network are managed by the same U2000. This is because an eNodeB can add conflicting cells to its
NRT using intra-RAT event-triggered ANR based on UE historical information, thereby triggering PCI
conflict detection.
PCI conflicts can be detected easier when a large number of UEs camp on the LTE network. This is
because the number of UE at the cell edge increases in this situation.
It is recommended that proactive PCI conflict detection be enabled to update network-level parameters if
the configuration parameters, such as PCI, change frequently and no X2 interface is configured in the
 PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages
Changes in neighbor relationships and PCIs of neighboring cells will trigger PCI conflict
detection, and the change information is sent over the X2 interfaces only if
GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch is set to ON(On) or eNodeB
configuration parameters are modified using the CME.
If the CME is not deployed or if users do not know how to use the CME to modify the
network-level parameter settings, set
GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch to ON(On) for each cell on the
If the CME is deployed, set GlobalProcSwitch.X2BasedUptENodeBCfgSwitch to
OFF(Off) for each cell on the network before using the CME to change the
network-level parameter settings.

7.1.2 Centralized PCI Conflict Detection

You are advised to create the centralized PCI conflict detection and optimization task with the
centralized PCI conflict detection function enabled on the SONMaster and enable the task to
run periodically.
The execution period is configured based on the network change frequency and customer
requirements. The default value is one day. If the network change frequency is low, neighbor
relationships are relatively stable, and engineering parameters are basically stable, you can set
the execution period of the optimization task to a larger value, for example, one week or
Optimization objects are configured based on site requirements and can be on the entire
network or within a specified area. Detection in the following scenarios can be emphasized:
 Initial network deployment
 Site deployment or capacity expansion
 High service drop rate and low handover success rate
 Frequent neighbor relationship changes
 High interference but low load (PCI mod 3 conflicts)
You can set the execution period to one day for PCI conflict detection in the preceding

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7.1.3 Centralized PCI Self-Optimization

PCI self-optimization is performed on the SONMaster. The SONMaster assigns new PCIs to
conflicting cells based on the detected PCI conflict information on the network.The
SONMaster starts PCI self-optimization only when a PCI self-optimization task is created on
the SONMaster. PCI conflicts on the network can be reduced or eliminated only when
optimized PCIs are delivered to the corresponding eNodeB, herefore, you are advised to
enable PCI self-optimization.
The delivery of PCI modification advice on the SONMaster automatically deactivates cells.
Therefore, you are advised to set the PCI delivery duration within off-peak hours.
The network parameter settings may be changed frequently during the initial phase of network
deployment. Therefore, it is recommended that PCI optimization suggestions be delivered
immediately after the PCI self-optimization task is complete. If the PCI optimization
suggestions are delivered too late after the PCI self-optimization task is complete, these
suggestions may not be suitable for the network because the network-level parameters have

Before manually starting a PCI self-optimization task, you can view the PCI conflict information on the
SONMaster. If the information is not frequently updated, you can start the PCI self-optimization task.
Note that the U2000 should not deliver PCIs during a PCI self-optimization process.

7.2 Information to Be Collected


7.3 Network Planning

7.3.1 RF Planning

7.3.2 Network Topology


7.3.3 Hardware Planning


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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

7.4 Deploying PCI Conflict Detection and

7.4.1 Deployment Requirements
PCI Conflict Detection
 Operators must purchase and activate the license listed in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 PCI conflict detection license control item

Feature ID Feature Name License NE Sales Unit


LOFD-002007 PCI Collision PCI Collision eNodeB per cell

Detection & Detection &
Self-Optimizatio Self-Optimiza
n (FDD) tion (FDD)
SNFD-151203 Centralized PCI Centralized SONM Per cell
Self-Optimizatio PCI aster
n - LTE FDD Self-Optimiza
tion - LTE
SNFD-151204 Centralized PCI Centralized SONM Per cell
Self-Optimizatio PCI aster
n - LTE TDD Self-Optimiza
tion - LTE

 If the license of LOFD-002007 is not activated, the eNodeB does not perform PCI conflict
detection and deliver PCI conflict information to the SONMaster
 If the license of SNFD-151203 or SNFD-151204 is not activated, you cannot create PCI conflict
detection and self-optimization tasks, manage distributed and centralized PCI detection, and
trigger PCI self-optimization on the SONMaster.
Active PCI conflict detection based on ANR on the eNodeB requires that UEs support intra-
and inter-frequency ANR-related measurements and also support DRX.Either intra-RAT
event-triggered ANR or intra-RAT fast ANR is activated on the eNodeB

PCI Self-Optimization
SONMaster V100R015C10 or later is used.

7.4.2 Data Preparation

This section describes the data that you need to collect for setting parameters. Required data is
data that you must collect for all scenarios. Collect scenario-specific data when necessary for
a specific feature deployment scenario.
There are three types of data sources:

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

 Network plan (negotiation required): parameter values planned by the operator and
negotiated with the EPC or peer transmission equipment
 Network plan (negotiation not required): parameter values planned and set by the
 User-defined: parameter values set by users Distributed PCI Conflict Detection

 Table 7-2 lists the parameter required for configuring PCI collision detection and PCI
confusion detection.

Table 7-2 Parameter required for configuring PCI collision detection and PCI confusion detection

Parameter Parameter ID Data Setting Notes

Name Source
PCI Conflict ENodeBAlgoSwit User-define  In non-RRU scenarios, select
Detect Switch ch.PciConflictDete d COLLISION_DETECT_SWI
ctSwitch TCH and
 In RRU scenarios, select only
 (Optional) Table 7-3 lists the parameter for generating a PCI conflict alarm.

If PCI conflict detection and self-optimization is deployed, you can view PCI conflict information on the
PCI conflict self-optimization page on the SONMaster. You are advised to set the
PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter to OFF(Off)
If PCI conflict detection and self-optimization is not deployed, you are advised to set the
PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter to ON(On) to view PCI conflict information in the alarm console.

Table 7-3 Parameter required for generating a PCI conflict alarm

Parameter Name Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

PCI conflict alarm ENodeBAlgoSwitc User-defined If this parameter is
switch h.PciConflictAlmSw set to ON(On), the
itch eNodeB reports a
PCI conflict alarm to
the U2000 alarm
console when a PCI
conflict is detected.
 PCI conflict detection triggered by eNodeB parameter adjustment
 Table 7-4 lists the parameters required for configuring PCI conflict detection based on
X2 messages.

Table 7-4 Parameters required for configuring PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages

Parameter Parameter ID Data Setting Notes

Name Source

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Parameter ID Data Setting Notes

Name Source
Update eNB GlobalProcSwitch User-def  If the CME is not deployed or if
Configuration .X2BasedUptENod ined users do not know how to use the
Via X2 Switch eBCfgSwitch CME to modify the network-level
parameter settings, set
NodeBCfgSwitch to ON(On) for
each cell on the network.
 If the CME is deployed, set
NodeBCfgSwitch to OFF(Off)for
each cell on the network before
using the CME to change the
network-level parameter settings.
 Table 7-5 lists the parameters required for configuring proactive PCI conflict detection
based on ANR.

Table 7-5 Parameters required for configuring proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR.

Parameter Name Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

ANR Active PCI ANR.ActivePCICon User-defined If this parameter is
Conflict Detection flictSwitch set to ON(On) in the
Switch period when
proactive PCI
conflict detection
based on ANR is
enabled, proactive
PCI conflict
detection based on
ANR is enabled.
If this parameter is
set to OFF(Off),
proactive PCI
conflict detection
based on ANR is
disabled or stopped.
It is recommended
that this parameter
be set to ON(On)
for cells that
experience high
service drop rates or
low outgoing
handover success
Start time ANR.StartTime User-defined This parameter
specifies the start
time of proactive
PCI conflict
detection based on

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Parameter Name Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

flictSwitch is set to
ON(On), proactive
PCI conflict
detection based on
ANR is started at the
time specified by
this parameter.
It is recommended
that this parameter
be set to the time
when many UEs
camp on the
network. This is
because PCI conflict
is easier to detect at
that time.
Stop time ANR.StopTime User-defined This parameter
specifies the stop
time of proactive
PCI conflict
detection based on
flictSwitch is set to
ON(On), proactive
PCI conflict
detection based on
ANR is stopped at
the time specified by
this parameter.
This parameter is
used with
StartTime. It is
recommended that
proactive PCI
conflict detection
based on ANR be
enabled when many
UEs camp on the
network. Centralized PCI Conflict Detection

You need to prepare the following data for centralized PCI conflict detection
1) Engineering parameters
Engineering parameters, such as the cell longitude and latitude information, must be
configured for cells involved in PCI detection and self-optimization. Table 7-6 describes the
engineering parameters for LTE cells

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Table 7-6 Engineering parameters

Parameter Description Value

Mcc Mobile country code An integer ranging from 0 to 999

Mnc Mobile network code An integer ranging from 0 to 99

eNodeBId BS ID An integer ranging from 0 to 104857

CellId Cell ID An integer ranging from 0 to 255

Longitude Cell longitude A double-precision floating point

number ranging from -180.0 to 180.0

Latitude Cell latitude A double-precision floating point

number ranging from -90.0 to 90.0

BEAMWID Beamwidth A double-precision floating point

TH number ranging from 0.0 to 360.0

SCENARIO Cell application scenario Densely populated urbanarea, urban

area (default), suburban area, rural area,
high-speed railway, cell edge, high site,
and others

The preceding fields are contained in the engineering parameter template for the SONMaster.
You can export the template through the engineering parameter management module on the
SONMaster and configure them based on network requirements
After configuring the engineering parameter template, you need to import engineering
parameter data through the engineering parameter management module on the SONMaster

The SCENARIO parameter is used to calculate the reuse distance of cells. If the
SCENARIO parameter is not configured in the engineering parameter template, the urban
area is used by default
2) Intra-frequency neighbor relationships
To support intra-frequency confusion detection, the SONMaster needs to obtain LTE
intra-frequency neighbor relationships within the detection scope
3) Inter-frequency neighbor relationships
To support inter-frequency confusion detection, the SONMaster needs to obtain LTE
inter-frequency neighbor relationships within the detection scope
4) Inter-RAT neighbor relationships
To support inter-RAT confusion detection between UMTS and LTE, the SONMaster needs to
obtain LTE-to-UMTS and UMTS-to-LTE neighbor relationships within the detection scope
5) Cell reuse distance, as described in Table 7-7

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Table 7-7 Reuse distances

Application Scenario Value Range (km) Default Value Remarks

Densely populated urban area 0~100 1
Urban area 0~100 4 Default
Suburban area 0~100 12
Rural area 0~100 12
High-speed railway 0~100 12
Cell edge 0~100 12
High site 0~100 12
Others 0~100 12
6) Policy parameters, as described in Table 7-8

Table 7-8 Policy parameters

Parameter Name Value Range Default Remarks

Detection method Distributed All You can select one or more
Centralized detection

Detection period 1day

Enumerated values,
including 1 day, 2 days,
3 days, 7 days, 14 days,
and 30 days.
Centralized detection Enumerated All You can select one or more This
type values,including parameter is valid only for the
collision, confusion, centralized detection
and mod 3.

Distribute detection Enumerated All You can select one or more This
type values,including parameter is valid only for the
collision, confusion distributed detection.

Migrate users before Value: Yes or No Yes This parameter applies only to
PCI modification NEs in verisions later than

PCI conflict interface Value range: [-10,10] 6 Mod 3 detection

PCI conflict load Value range: 0-100 50 Mod 3 detection
threshold Unit: %

Good RSRP threshold [-120, -70] dBm -105d Mod 3 detection:

(DLRSRP.Good_THD Bm MR data records where the RSRP

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 30

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

) of the primary serving cell is less

than the value of threshold are
regarded to be weak coverage
and poor quality MR data
Poor RSRQ threshold [-24, -6] dB -14dB Mod 3 detection:
(RSRQ.Bad_THD) MR data records where the RSRP
of the primary serving cell is
greater than or equal to the value
of DLRSRP.Good_THD and the
RSRQ is less than the value of
RSRQ.Bad_THD are regarded
to be interference MR data

Interference MR Value range: 0% to 100% 10% This parameter identifies

proportion threshold problematic cells of the downlink
poor quality category.
This parameter is valid only for
mod 3 detection in the
centralized detection.
DL PRB high-load Value range: 0% to 100% 80% This parameter identifies the
threshold heavy load duration of a cell.
This parameter is valid only for
mod 3 detection in the
centralized detection.

Online user quantity Value range: 0-10000 50 This parameter identifies the
threshold heavy load duration of a cell.
This parameter is valid only for
mod 3 detection in the
centralized detection.

Busy hour proportion Value range: 0% to 100% 50% This parameter identifies the
threshold heavy load duration of a cell.
This parameter is valid only for
mod 3 detection in the
centralized detection. PCI Self-Optimization

Table 7-9 lists parameters for determining whether a cell is a new cell and the parameter
values can be set on the SONMaste. PCI self-optimization preferentially re-assigns PCIs to
cells that are newly deployed or cells whose PCIs are recently changed.

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Table 7-9 Parameters for determining whether a cell is a new cell

Parame Paramet Data Setting Notes

ter er ID Source
OldCell - User-defin The default value of this parameter is 0. You are
Threshol ed advised to set this parameter to 30 (unit: day) if you
d Value need to prioritize the conflicting cells based on the
cell deployment time or PCI change time. In this case,
a cell that was deployed more than 30 days ago or a
cell whose PCI was changed more than 30 days ago is
considered as an old cell.
OldCellThreshold Value must be greater than
SameBatchInterval Value.
SameBat - User-defin The default value of this parameter is 0. You are
chInterv ed advised to set this parameter to 7 (unit: day) if you
al Value need to prioritize the conflicting cells based on the
cell deployment time or PCI change time. In this
situation, two cells with a PCI change time interval of
less than 7 days are considered as being changed in
the same batch.
SameBatchInterval Value must be smaller than
OldCellThreshold Value.

Table 7-10 lists parameters related to PCI self-optimization. Only PCIs within the specified
range can be used by LTE cells. The PCI re-assignment priority can be set for each LTE cell.
For example, if a cell covers the VIP area, you can set the Optimization Priority parameter
for this cell to Locked so that the PCI of this cell cannot be changed.
Parameters in Table 7-10 can be set one by one on the SONMaster, or be set by importing a
file. To set these parameters by importing a file, you must prepare the file based on the

Table 7-10 Parameters related to PCI self-optimization

Parameter Name Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

Available PCI - Network plan This parameter specifies the
Range (negotiation range of PCIs available to a
required) cell. The range can be
consecutive or discrete, for
example, "[0-100], 220".
The default PCI range is
0-503. The PCI range of a cell
in the boundary coverage area
must be negotiated with the
peer end.
Optimization - Network plan This parameter specifies the
Priority (negotiation PCI re-assignment priority of
a cell, which can be High

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Parameter Name Parameter Data Source Setting Notes

required) priority, Low priority, or
The default value is Low

The PCI self-optimization result is related to cell location parameters listed in Table 7-11 and
antenna parameters listed in Table 7-12. These parameters will be considered for PCI reuse
and PCI mod 3/PCI mod 30 staggering.
These parameters can be configured on the eNodeB by running MML commands, or be filled
in to the engineering parameter files and imported to the SONMaster. To set these parameters
by importing a file, you must prepare the file based on the template.

If some parameters in Table 7-11 or Table 7-12 are not collected or have incorrect values, the new PCI
assigned by PCI self-optimization to a conflicting cell can solve the PCI conflict but may not be the
optimal one.
If a cell is not installed with an RET antenna, the antenna parameters cannot be configured by running
MML commands.

Table 7-11 eNodeB location parameters related to PCI self-optimization

Parameter Parameter Data Setting Notes

Name ID Source
Longitude With Location.L Network In PCI self-optimization scenarios, the
Degree Format ONGITUD plan longitude and latitude must be set based
EDEGFO (negotiation on actual conditions.
RMAT not required) Use either the longitude with degree
Longitude With Location.L Network format or the longitude with second
Second Format ONGITUD plan format.
ESECFOR (negotiation Use either the latitude with degree format
MAT not required) or the latitude with second format.

Latitude With Location.L Network

Degree Format ATITUDE plan
DEGFOR (negotiation
MAT not required)
Latitude With Location.L Network
Second Format ATITUDE plan
SECFOR (negotiation
MAT not required)

Table 7-12 Antenna parameters related to PCI self-optimization

Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

Antenna RetDeviceData. Network plan If an RET antenna is used, set this
Bearing BEARING (negotiation not parameter using MML commands
required) based on actual conditions.

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Parameter Parameter ID Data Source Setting Notes

If a non-RET antenna is used,
import the engineering parameter
template that includes this
parameter through the U2000.
If an omnidirectional antenna is
used, set this parameter to 0 in the
engineering parameter template.
Beamwidth1- RetDeviceData. Network plan If an RET antenna is used, set this
Beamwidth4 BEAMWIDTH1 (negotiation not parameter using MML commands
~4 required) based on actual conditions.
If a non-RET antenna is used,
import the engineering parameter
template that includes this
parameter through the U2000.
If an omnidirectional antenna is
used, set this parameter to 359 in
the engineering parameter

7.4.3 Precautions
Both this feature and the LTE PCI Conflict Optimization feature on the U2000 can provide
distributed detection results of eNodeBs and reallocate PCIs. Inconsistencies of management
scopes and available PCI ranges between the U2000 and SONMaster may result in PCI
reallocation consistencies. Once this feature is activated on the SONMaster, you need to mask
the PCI self-optimization feature on the U2000, ensuring optimization consistency and
management capability coordination. The distributed detection function on eNodeBs remains

7.4.4 Hardware Adjustment


7.4.5 Activation
The feature activation is divided into the following two parts:
 Distributed PCI conflict detection on the eNodeB
 PCI conflict detection and self-optimization task created on the SONMaster.
PCI conflict detection triggered by eNodeB parameter adjustment does not require
activation. Distributed PCI Conflict Detection

Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Newly Deployed eNodeBs
Enter the values of the parameters listed in Table 7-13 in a summary data file, which also
contains other data for the new eNodeBs to be deployed.

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Then, import the summary data file into the Configuration Management Express (CME) for
batch configuration. For detailed instructions, see "Creating eNodeBs in Batches" in the initial
configuration guide for the eNodeB, which is available in the eNodeB product documentation.
The summary data file may be a scenario-specific file provided by the CME or a customized
file, depending on the following conditions:
 The managed objects (MOs) in Table 7-13 are contained in a scenario-specific summary
data file. In this situation, set the parameters in the MOs, and then verify and save the
 Some MOs in Table 7-13 are not contained in a scenario-specific summary data file. In
this situation, customize a summary data file to include the MOs before you can set the

Table 7-13 Parameters related to PCI conflict detection

MO Sheet in the Parameter Remarks

Summary Data Group
GLOBA User-defined Update eNB This parameter must be customized on a
LPROC sheet Configuratio list-type sheet of the template.
H SWITCH is Switch (Global Radio Parameter > Global
recommended.) Algorithm Information >
GlobalProcSwitch) to the template.
On the CME, add the
Basic Scenario: using for the Scenario of
VLAN and without Security,etc
ANR User-defined ANR Active This parameter must be customized on a
sheet (ANR is PCI Conflict list-type sheet of the template.
recommended.) Detection Add the ANR sheet (Global Radio
Switch/Start Parameter > Global Algorithm
time/Stop Information > ANR) to the template.
On the CME, add the ANR sheet to the
Basic Scenario: using for the Scenario of
VLAN and without Security,etc
ENodeB User-defined PCI Conflict This parameter must be customized on a
AlgoSwi sheet Detect list-type sheet of the template.
tch (ENodeBAlgoSwi Switch/PCI Add the ENodeBAlgoSwitch sheet
tch is conflict (Global Radio Parameter > Global
recommended.) alarm switch Algorithm Information >
ENodeBAlgoSwitch) to the template.
On the CME, add the ENodeBAlgoSwitch
sheet to the Basic Scenario: using for the
Scenario of VLAN and without
Security,etc template.

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Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Existing eNodeBs

Batch reconfiguration using the CME is the recommended method to activate a feature on
existing eNodeBs. This method reconfigures all data, except neighbor relations, for multiple
eNodeBs in a single procedure. The procedure is as follows:
Step 1 Customize a summary data file with the MOs and parameters listed in section "Using the
CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Newly Deployed eNodeBs." For online help, press
F1 when a CME window is active, and select Managing the CME > CME Guidelines >
LTE Application Management > eNodeB Related Operations > Customizing a Summary
Data File for Batch eNodeB Configuration.
Step 2 Choose CME > LTE Application > Export Data > Export Base Station Bulk
Configuration Data (U2000 client mode), or choose LTE Application > Export Data >
Export Base Station Bulk Configuration Data (CME client mode), to export the eNodeB
data stored on the CME into the customized summary data file.
Step 3 In the summary data file, set the parameters in the MOs according to the setting notes
provided in section "Data Preparation" and close the file.
Step 4 Choose CME > LTE Application > Import Data > Import Base Station Bulk Configuration
Data (U2000 client mode), or choose LTE Application > Import Data > Import Base Station
Bulk Configuration Data (CME client mode), to import the summary data file into the CME,
and then start the data verification.
Step 5 After data verification is complete, choose CME > Planned Area > Export Incremental
Scripts (U2000 client mode), or choose Area Management > Planned Area > Export
Incremental Scripts (CME client mode), to export and activate the incremental scripts. For
detailed operations, see Managing the CME > CME Guidelines > Script File
Management > Exporting Incremental Scripts from a Planned Data Area in the CME
online help.

Using the CME to Perform Single Configuration

On the CME, set the parameters listed in the "Data Preparation" section for a single eNodeB.
The procedure is as follows:
Step 1 In the planned data area, click Base Station in the upper left corner of the configuration
Step 2 In area 1 shown in Figure 7-1, select the eNodeB to which the MOs belong.

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Figure 7-1 MO search and configuration window

Step 3 On the Search tab page in area 2, enter an MO name, for example, CELL.
Step 4 In area 3, double-click the MO in the Object Name column. All parameters in this MO are
displayed in area 4.
Step 5 Set the parameters in area 4 or 5.
Step 6 Choose CME > Planned Area > Export Incremental Scripts (U2000 client mode), or
choose Area Management > Planned Area > Export Incremental Scripts (CME client
mode), to export and activate the incremental scripts.

Using MML Commands

 PCI collision detection
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with
COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH of PCI Conflict Detect Switch set to 1.
 PCI confusion detection
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with
CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of PCI Conflict Detect Switch set to 1.
 PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages
Run the MOD GLOBALPROCSWITCH with Update eNB Configuration Via X2
Switch set to ON(On).
 PCI conflict detection based on ANR
Run the MOD ANR command with ANR Active PCI Conflict Detection Switch set to
ON(On) and Start Time and Stop Time set to appropriate values.
 (Optional) PCI conflict alarm reporting
After PCI conflict alarm reporting is enabled, the eNodeB reports an alarm to the U2000
alarm console when it detects a PCI conflict.
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with PCI conflict alarm switch
set to ON(On).

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MML Command Examples

 PCI collision detection
 PCI confusion detection
 PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages
 PCI conflict detection based on ANR
MOD ANR: ActivePciConflictSwitch=ON, StartTime=11&50&12, StopTime=11&50&15;
 (Optional) PCI conflict alarm reporting

Using an Optimization Task on the SONMaster to Activate Distributed PCI

Conflict Detection
You can create an optimization task on the SONMaster and start the task to activate the
distributed PCI conflict detection;
 Add a task
You can create a PCI conflict detection and self-optimization task on the SONMaster. During
the creation, you need to set basic task parameters and optimization parameters, and select
optimization objects
 Basic task parameters: include the task name, type, start policy, and stop policy.
 Optimization parameters: indicate the parameters that are strongly related to detection
and reallocation algorithms, such as the optimization period, conflict detection type, and
interference and load thresholds for mod 3 detection.
To enable distributed PCI conflict detection, you must set the detection method in
optimization parameter policies to distributed detection
 Optimization objects: indicate the cells involved in detection and self-optimization. One
cell can only be involved in one task for conflict detection and self-optimization.

 Start a task
You can start an optimization task using the following methods:
 Manual: When the task start policy is set to Manual, you need to manually start the task
on the SONMaster
 Immediate: After you create a task, the SONMaster automatically starts the task
 Scheduled: After creating a task, you can set the start time. The SONMaster
automatically starts the task upon the preset start time

When the detection method for a task contains distributed detection, the distributed detection
function on the eNodeB is activated in the optimization task

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In distributed PCI conflict detection configured by using MML commands or the CME, conflict information
cannot be reported to the SONMaster and assigned on the SONMaster. However, the conflict information can
be viewed in the U2000 alarm console
Conflict information can be reported to the SONMaster and assigned only when the distributed detection is
activated by following the instructions provided in section Centralized PCI Conflict Detection

Centralized PCI conflict detection can be activated only by creating an optimization task and
starting the task on the SONMaster.

1. On the SONMaster, create a PCI conflict detection and self-optimization task and set
Detection method in policy parameter settings to include centralized detection Then, set
other parameter based on site requirements.
2. Start the task:
 If the task start method in Step 1 is set to Manual, you need to manually start the
task so as to activate centralized PCI conflict detection
 If the task start method in Step 1 is set to Immediate, the SONMaster automatically
starts the task after the task is created and activates centralized PCI conflict
 If the task start method in Step 1 is set to Scheduled and specified time is set, the
SONMaster automatically starts the task upon the preset time and activates
centralized PCI conflict detection.

Before starting an optimization task for detection activation, you need to provide the data
prepared in section 7.4.2 on the SONMaster. Otherwise, the task will fail. PCI Self-Optimization

The available PCI range and PCI optimization priority of cells can be configured on the
Table 7-14 lists the parameter template for the available PCI range and PCI optimization

Table 7-14 Parameter template for the available PCI range and PCI optimization priority of a cell

Mcc Mnc eNodeBId CellId Range PCI

MCC MNC of eNodeB ID of Cell ID Available PCI PCI
of the the cell the cell range for the optimization
priority of the

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Mcc Mnc eNodeBId CellId Range PCI

cell cell cell

 Viewing or setting the available PCI range and PCI optimization priority for LTE cells by exporting
or importing a file
When the available PCI range and PCI optimization priority for LTE cells are configured by
importing a file, a maximum of 100,000 records can be imported. You can choose to import all
parameter values or only increment parameter values.
A consecutive PCI range is set in format of [StartPCI, EndPCI]. A discrete PCI can be added by
using a comma (,), and then the whole PCI range should be enclosed in double quotation marks (""),
for example: "[0-100],[500]."
Available PCI ranges and PCI optimization priorities for all cells under the eNodeB can be viewed
by exporting the file.
 Viewing or setting the available PCI range and PCI optimization priority for LTE cells on the
SONMaster GU
To view or set the available PCI range for LTE cells on the SONMaster GUI, select LTE cells on the
SONMaster GUI first.

Engineering parameters for cell PCI self-optimization can be configured by importing the
engineering parameter template into the SONMaster. If engineering parameters of a sector are
configured both on the eNodeB and in the engineering parameter template, Longitude,
Latitude, and Azimuth in the engineering parameter template take effect while Beamwidth
configured on the eNodeB takes effect.
Table 7-15 lists the engineering parameter template for PCI self-optimization. The parameters
listed in the template are configured for the cell where PCI self-optimization needs to be

Table 7-15 Engineering parameter template for PCI self-optimization

MC MNC eNod CellI Actu De Su Long Latit Azim Beam
C eBId D al ID vic bU itude ude uth widt
eN nit h
MC MNC eNod Cell Actua Ant Ant Set Set Set Set
C of of the eB ID ID l ID enn enn the the the the
the cell of the a a longit latitud azimu beam
cell cell devi sub ude e with th width
ce unit with degre based based
num num degre e on the on the
ber ber e forma netwo netwo
forma t rk rk
t based plan. plan.
based on the
on the netwo
netwo rk
rk plan.

The preceding two templates are both in .csv format.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

If the eNodeB is configured with the RET antenna and the corresponding antenna parameters are
configured in the engineering parameter template, DeviceNO and SubunitNO in the engineering
parameter template must be set to the same values as RET.DeviceNO and
RETSUBUNIT.SUBUNITNO configured in the eNodeB, respectively.
In other scenarios, ensure that the values of DeviceNO and SubunitNO are unique for each sector in the
engineering parameter template.

Activation Procedure
Centralized PCI self-optimization and centralized PCI conflict detection are activated in one
optimization task. Therefore, the activation procedure for centralized PCI self-optimization is
the same as that of centralized PCI conflict detection in section

7.4.6 Activation Observation

PCI Conflict Detection
If no PCI conflict exists in the network, simulate a PCI conflict scenario before performing
activation observation.
To verify the activation of PCI conflict detection, use one of the following methods:
 Querying the PCI conflict alarm: If the ENodeBAlgoSwitch.PciConflictAlmSwitch
parameter is set to ON(On), you can check whether ALM-29247 Cell PCI Conflict exists
in the alarm console on the U2000. If the alarm exists, distributed PCI conflict detection
has been activated.
 Querying PCI conflict information: On the SONMaster, open the PCI conflict detection
and self-optimization page. If you can find PCI conflict information in the PCI Conflict
Information area on the PCI Conflict tab page, PCI conflict detection has been
 If the detection method is OSS, centralized PCI conflict detection has been activated
and the conflict information has been detected
 If the detection method is eNodeB, distributed PCI conflict detection on the eNodeB
has been activated and the conflict information has been detected.
 If the detection method is OSS&eNodeB, centralized and distributed PCI conflict
detection has been activated and the conflict information has been detected.
 Querying SON logs: On the SONMaster, choose System > Log Management. In the left
pane, select SON Logs. On the displayed SON Logs Management page, click the
Query tab. On the Query tab page, set Log Category to LTE PCI Conflict detection
and Optimization Log. If logs related to PCI conflicts can be queried, the PCI conflict
detection and self-optimization function has been activated

PCI Self-Optimization
To verify the activation of PCI self-optimization, use either of the following methods:
 Querying optimization suggestions on the SONMaster
TheSONMaster generates optimization suggestions after the PCI self-optimization
process is complete. If these optimization suggestions can be queried, the PCI conflict
detection function is successfully activated. The optimization suggestions are described
as follows:

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− If the SONMaster delivers a new PCI for the cell that experiences PCI conflicts, the
cell that needs to be allocated a new PCI, the current PCI, and the recommended PCI
are displayed under Optimization Advice.
− If PCI self-optimization cannot allocate new PCIs for certain conflicting cells, the
cells and causes are recorded on the Exception tab page.
 Querying SON logs
On the SONMaster, choose System > Log Management. In the left pane, select SON
Logs. On the displayed SON Logs Management page, click the Query tab. On the
Query tab page, set Log Category to LTE PCI Conflict detection and Optimization
Log. If logs related to PCI conflict optimization advice can be queried, the PCI conflict
detection and self-optimization function has been activated.

7.4.7 Reconfiguration

7.4.8 Deactivation
PCI collision detection, PCI confusion detection, and PCI conflict detection based on ANR
can be deactivated.
PCI conflict detection triggered by eNodeB parameter adjustment, PCI conflict detection
based on X2 messages, and PCI self-optimization do not require deactivation.
This section describes how to deactivate PCI collision detection, PCI confusion detection, and
PCI conflict detection based on ANR. Distributed PCI Conflict Detection

Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration

Batch reconfiguration using the CME is the recommended method to deactivate a feature on
eNodeBs. This method reconfigures all data, except neighbor relations, for multiple eNodeBs
in a single procedure. The procedure for feature deactivation is similar to that for feature
activation described in Using the CME to Perform Batch Configuration for Existing eNodeBs.
In the procedure, modify parameters according to Table 7-16.

Table 7-16 Parameters related to PCI conflict detection

MO Sheet in the Parameter Setting Notes

Summary Data Group

ANR User-defined sheet ANR Active PCI Set ANR Active PCI Conflict
(ANR is Conflict Detection Switch to OFF(Off).
recommended.) Detection
ENodeBAlgo User-defined sheet PCI conflict Set PCI conflict alarm switch
Switch (ENodeBAlgoSwitc alarm switch to OFF(Off).
h is recommended.)
ENodeBAlgo User-defined sheet PCI Conflict Set
Switch ((ENodeBAlgoSwit Detect Switch COLLISION_DETECT_SWI
ch is TCH and

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MO Sheet in the Parameter Setting Notes

Summary Data Group
ITCH of PCI Conflict Detect
Switch to 0.

Using the CME to Perform Single Configuration

On the CME, set parameters according to Table 7-16. For detailed instructions, see "Using the
CME to Perform Single Configuration" for feature activation.

Using MML Commands

 PCI collision detection
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with
COLLISION_DETECT_SWITCH of PCI Conflict Detect Switch set to 0.
 PCI confusion detection
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with
CONFUSION_DETECT_SWITCH of PCI Conflict Detect Switch set to 0.
 PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages
Run the MOD GLOBALPROCSWITCH command with Update eNB Configuration
Via X2 Switch set to OFF(Off).
 Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR
Run the MOD ANR command with ANR Active PCI Conflict Detection Switch set to
 (Optional) PCI conflict alarm reporting
Run the MOD ENODEBALGOSWITCH command with PCI conflict alarm switch
set to OFF(Off).

MML Command Examples

 PCI collision detection
 PCI confusion detection
 PCI conflict detection based on X2 messages
 Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR
MOD ANR: ActivePciConflictSwitch=OFF;
 (Optional) PCI conflict alarm reporting

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Using an Optimization Task on the SONMaster to Deactivate Distributed PCI

Conflict Detection
This method is used to stop distributed detection managed by an optimization task on the
For a running optimization task where the detection method is distributed detection, you can
deactivate distributed detection using the following methods:
 Manual: You can manually stop the optimization task, thereby deactivating distributed
 End time: You have set end time in the task stop policy. The SONMaster automatically
stops the optimization task upon the preset end time, thereby deactivating distributed
 Execution times: You have set the number of execution times in the task stop policy. The
SONMaster automatically stops the optimization task upon the preset number of
execution times, thereby deactivating distributed detection. Centralized PCI Conflict Detection

You can deactivate centralized detection using the method similar to that in section "Using an
Optimization Task on the SONMaster to Deactivate Distributed PCI Conflict Detection."
For an optimization task where the task status is running and detection method is centralized
detection, you can deactivate centralized detection using the following three methods:
Manual, End time, and Execution times Centralized PCI Self-Optimization

You can deactivate centralized PCI self-optimization using the method similar to that in
section "Using an Optimization Task on the SONMaster to Deactivate Distributed PCI
Conflict Detection."

7.5 Monitoring
7.5.1 Optimization Advice Evaluation
The optimization advice evaluation is divided into the following types:
 After the SONMaster generates PCI conflict information, you can evaluate the quality of
the PCI conflict detection based on assistant decision-making information in the PCI
conflict list.
 After the SONMaster generates PCI reallocation optimization advice, you can evaluate
the quality of the optimization advice based on assistant decision-making information in
the optimization advice list.
Table 7-17 the following table describes the assistant decision-making information about PCI
conflict detection and PCI reallocation.

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Table 7-17 assistant decision-making information

Type Assistant Description

PCI conflict Distance between In normal cases, a smaller value of Distance
detection cells (km) between cells (km) indicates more serious
conflict and a more urgent demand to resolve the
Number of MRs During PCI mod 3 conflict detection, more MRs
indicate more serious conflict.
Detection times More detection times indicate longer existence of
(accumulated) the conflicting pair, more detection repetitions,
and a more urgent demand to resolve the conflict.
Detected cell PCI Used to check whether PCI conflict exists
between two cells.
Conflicting cell PCI
In PCI collision and confusion scenarios, PCIs of
the detected cell and conflicting cell are the
same. In the PCI mod 3 scenario, their PCIs are
different, but the remainder of dividing the PCI
by 3 is the same for them.
PCI Online UE count In manual mode, you can determine whether to
reallocation change cell PCIs based on the number of online
UEs. Changing PCIs results in cell restart.

7.5.2 Network KPI Monitoring

You can monitor the performance of the PCI conflict detection and self-optimization feature
by checking the service drop rates and outgoing handover success rates.
This feature has been delivering good performance if call drop rates decrease after the feature
is enabled. Call drop rates are as follows:
 Call Drop Rate(all)
Call Drop Rate(all) = L.E-RAB.AbnormRel/(L.E-RAB.AbnormRel +
 Call Drop Rate(VoIP)
Call Drop Rate(VoIP) = L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.QCI.1/(L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.QCI.1 +
This feature has been delivering good performance if outgoing handover success rates
decrease after the feature (especially the proactive PCI conflict detection) is enabled. Call
drop rates are as follows:
 Intra-Frequency Handover Out Success Rate
Intra-Frequency Handover Out Success Rate =
(L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecSuccOut +
L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq.ExecSuccOut)/(L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq.ExecAttOut +
 Inter-Frequency Handover Out Success Rate

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 45

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Inter-Frequency Handover Out Success Rate =

(L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecSuccOut +
L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq.ExecSuccOut)/(L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq.ExecAttOut +
Table 7-18 describes counters related to the service drop rate.

Table 7-18 Counters related to the service drop rate

Counter ID Counter Name Description

1526726686 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel.QCI.1 Number of abnormal
E-RAB releases for services
with the QCI of 1 in a cell
1526726687 L.E-RAB.NormRel.QCI.1 Number of normal E-RAB
releases for services with the
QCI of 1 in a cell
1526727546 L.E-RAB.AbnormRel Total number of abnormal
E-RAB releases by the
1526727547 L.E-RAB.NormRel Total number of normal
E-RAB releases by the
1526726996 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq. Number of intra-eNodeB
ExecAttOut intra-frequency outgoing
handovers executions in a
1526726997 L.HHO.IntraeNB.IntraFreq. Number of successful
ExecSuccOut intra-eNodeB
intra-frequency outgoing
handovers in a cell
1526726999 L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq. Number of intra-eNodeB
ExecAttOut inter-frequency outgoing
handovers executions in a
1526727000 L.HHO.IntraeNB.InterFreq. Number of successful
ExecSuccOut intra-eNodeB
inter-frequency outgoing
handovers in a cell
1526727002 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq. Number of inter-eNodeB
ExecAttOut intra-frequency outgoing
handovers executions in a
1526727003 L.HHO.IntereNB.IntraFreq. Number of successful
ExecSuccOut inter-eNodeB
intra-frequency outgoing
handovers in a cell
1526727005 L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq. Number of inter-eNodeB

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 46

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Counter ID Counter Name Description

ExecAttOut inter-frequency outgoing
handovers executions in a
1526727006 L.HHO.IntereNB.InterFreq. Number of successful
ExecSuccOut inter-eNodeB
inter-frequency outgoing
handovers in a cell

Table 7-19 describes the improved performance counters of UMTS cells after PCI
self-optimization is performed for UMTS-to-LTE PCI confusion conflicts.

Table 7-19 UMTS counters to be observed

Counter to Be Calculation Method Raw

Observed Counter
PS RAB service drop PS Service Drop Ratio (Cell) = 67179781
rate for UMTS cells (%) [VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS 67179782
PS RAB service drops PS call drops: VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS 67179781
for UMTS cells (67179781)
Service-triggered Service-based UMTS-to-LTE PS Handover 73423386
UMTS-to-LTE PS Success Rate (Cell) = 73423387
handover success rate VS.U2LTEHO.SuccOutPS.Service
for UMTS cells (%) (73423387)/VS.U2LTEHO.AttOutPS.Service
Service-based Service-based UMTS-to-LTE PS Handover 73423387
UMTS-to-LTE PS Success Times:
handover success times VS.U2LTEHO.SuccOutPS.Service (73423387)
for UMTS cells
PS RAB service drop PS Call Drop Ratio (RNC) = 67174964
rate for RNCs (%) [VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RNC 67174966
PS RAB service drops PS call drops: VS.RAB.AbnormRel.PS.RNC 67174964
for RNCs (67174964)

In addition to the call drop rate and handover success rate, you can observe the following
counters for PCI mod 3 conflicts:
 Downlink PRB usage (including the PRB): indicates the downlink load of a cell. The PCI
mod 3 interference is greatest when the cell has no load or is lightly loaded.
 Downlink throughput: The downlink cell throughput decreases when PCI mod 3 conflicts

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 47

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

 RSRP difference between the source cell and conflicting cell: A larger difference
indicates higher interference.
Table 7-20 describes the counters to be observed.

Table 7-20 Counters to be observed

Counter to Be Calculation Method Raw Counter


Downlink PRB usage L.ChMeas.PRB.DL.Used.Avg/L.ChMeas.PRB.D 1526726740

of a cell L.Avail *100% 1526728433
Average number of L.ChMeas.PRB.DL.CEU.Used.Avg 1526728480
downlink PRBs used
by CEUs
Total downlink traffic L.Thrp.bits.DL 1526728261
volume for PDCP
SDUs in a cell (bit)
Total downlink CEU L.Thrp.bits.DL.CEU 1526728477
traffic volume for
PDCP SDUs in a cell

7.6 Parameter Optimization

 PCI conflict detection triggered by eNodeB parameter adjustment or based on X2
 Proactive PCI conflict detection based on ANR
The ANR.StartTime and ANR.StopTime parameters need to be optimized. For
recommended settings of these parameters, see 7.4.2 Data Preparation.
Centralized PCI conflict detection and optimization allows you to optimize the following
 Cell application scenario
Add cells to corresponding scenarios by modifying the engineering parameter table so
that you can allocate PCIs to cells properly.
 Reuse distance
Each application scenario has a default reuse distance. You can adjust the reuse distance
based on site requirements, ensuring the proper and accurate detection and reallocation.
 Table 7-21 Optimization policy parameters

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Table 7-21 optimization policy parameters

Name Reconfiguration Description

Centralized detection You can reconfigure the period to meet the period
period requirements of network optimization frequencies.
PCI conflict This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
interference threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates more identified PCI mod 3
PCI conflict load This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates more identified PCI mod 3
Good RSRP threshold This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates fewer identified conflict MRs and
less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates more identified conflict MRs
and more PCI mod 3 conflict.
Poor RSRQ threshold This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates more identified conflict MRs and
more PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates fewer identified conflict MRs
and less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
Interference MR This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
proportion threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates more MR requirements for
identifying PCI mod 3 conflict and more difficulties in
identifying PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates fewer MR requirements for
identifying PCI mod 3 conflict and fewer difficulties in
identifying PCI mod 3 conflict.
DL PRB high load This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates fewer identified cell busy hours
and more identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates more identified cell busy hours
and less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 49

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Name Reconfiguration Description

Online UE count This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates fewer identified cell busy hours
and more identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
A smaller value indicates more identified cell busy hours
and less identified PCI mod 3 conflict.
Busy hour proportion This parameter is used for PCI mod 3 detection. You can
threshold reconfigure the parameter based on site requirements.
A larger value indicates more identified PCI mod 3
A smaller value indicates less identified PCI mod 3

7.7 Troubleshooting
Fault Description
A PCI conflict is manually detected between neighboring cells or between a neighboring cell
and a source cell, but the PCI conflict detection and self-optimization feature cannot solve this

Fault Handling
To clear the fault, perform the following steps:
Step 1 On the SONMaster client, check whether the PCI conflict information is displayed.
 If the PCI conflict information is not displayed, go to Step 2.
 If the PCI conflict information is displayed, go to Step 3.
Step 2 Check the NCL of the eNodeB of the source cell and the NRT of the source cell. Determine
whether the neighboring cell parameters are updated or PCI conflict detection at the eNodeB
is ineffective.
If the following conditions are met:
 There is a PCI conflict between neighboring cells of the source cell, and at least one
conflicting cell is the external cell of the source cell.
 There is a PCI conflict between the source cell and its neighboring cell, and the
neighboring cell is the external cell of the source cell.
Then check whether the PCI of the conflicting cell in the NCL is consistent with the
configured neighboring cell parameter and is identical to the conflicted PCI.
If the PCI of the conflicting cell in the NCL is inconsistent with the configured neighboring
cell parameter, update the PCI in the NCL.
Otherwise, contact Huawei technical support.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 50

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

 Run the MML command LST CELL to query the configured parameters of the cell.
 Run the MML command LST EUTRANEXTERNALCELL to query the NCL.
 Run the MML command LST EUTRANINTRAFREQNCELL to query the intra-frequency
neighboring cell relation.
 Run the MML command LST EUTRANINTERFREQNCELL to query the inter-frequency
neighboring cell relation.

Step 3 Table 7-22Check whether a PCI self-optimization task is proper based on the status of the task

Table 7-22 Status of a PCI self-optimization task

If... Then...

A PCI self-optimization task is not created Create a PCI self-optimization task. For
details, see PCI Self-Optimization.
A PCI self-optimization task has been Go to Step 5.
created and is running properly, and the
optimization suggestion is generated
A PCI self-optimization task has been Contact Huawei technical support.
created and its Start Optimization Task is
set to Periodic, but the task failed to start as
A PCI self-optimization task has been Contact Huawei technical support.
created and its Start Optimization Task is
set to Now, but the task failed to start
The PCI self-optimization task is started, The SONMaster fails to find a proper PCI.
but the PCI conflict persists Go to Step 5.
Other faults occur Contact Huawei technical support.

Step 4 Check whether the PCI optimization suggestions are displayed.

 If the PCI optimization suggestions are displayed but PCI conflicts persist on the
network, new PCI conflicts may occur during the optimization or the U2000 may fail to
deliver an appropriate PCI for the conflicting cells in the last optimization. To solve this
problem, you can remove some neighboring cells that are not used as handover cells or
add some available PCIs for a new PCI self-optimization task.
 If the PCI optimization suggestions are not displayed, contact Huawei technical support.

You can view the PCI delivery status on the SONMaster.

Step 5 Check whether PCIs are properly set.

 Check whether any improper neighbor relation exists.
When allocating a new PCI to a conflicting cell, PCI self-optimization will not choose
the PCIs of the first-order and second-order intra-frequency neighboring cells of the
conflicting cell. Also, PCIs of the intra-frequency external cells will also not be chosen.
If the conflicting cell is configured with redundant neighbor relations or external cells,
the conflicting cell may not be allocated a new PCI even if the available PCI range is set
to [0, 503]. Therefore, improper neighbor relation and external cells should be removed.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 7 Engineering Guidelines

Two functions in intra-RAT event-triggered ANR can be used to remove redundant

neighbor relations and external cells:
− Automatic removal of improper neighbor relations and external cells. With this
function, improper neighbor relations and external cells can be removed
− Automatic detection of abnormal neighboring cell coverage. With this function,
neighboring cells with overshoot coverage can be detected, and you can remove these
cells manually.
 Check whether the conflicting cell and its first-order neighboring cells have too many
blacklisted cells.
Blacklisted cells of the local cell and its first-order neighboring cells affect the available
PCI range. Therefore, delete improper neighbor relations from the blacklist of the local
cell and its first-order neighboring cells if PCIs are insufficient.

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

8 Parameters

Table 8-1 Parameter description

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
eNBCell MOD None None Meaning: Indicates reserved 32-bit switch parameter 2
QciRsvd RsvdSw ENBRS that is reserved for future requirements. Note on
Para Para2 VDPAR parameter replacement: Reserved parameters are
A temporarily used in patch versions and will be
LST replaced with new parameters. For example, the ID of
ENBRS a new parameter can signify the parameter function.
VDPAR Therefore, avoid using this parameter.
A GUI value range:

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 53

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
Unit: None
Actual value range:
RsvdSwPara2_bit1, RsvdSwPara2_bit2,
RsvdSwPara2_bit3, RsvdSwPara2_bit4,
RsvdSwPara2_bit5, RsvdSwPara2_bit6,
RsvdSwPara2_bit7, RsvdSwPara2_bit8,
RsvdSwPara2_bit9, RsvdSwPara2_bit10,
RsvdSwPara2_bit11, RsvdSwPara2_bit12,
RsvdSwPara2_bit13, RsvdSwPara2_bit14,
RsvdSwPara2_bit15, RsvdSwPara2_bit16,
RsvdSwPara2_bit17, RsvdSwPara2_bit18,
RsvdSwPara2_bit19, RsvdSwPara2_bit20,
RsvdSwPara2_bit21, RsvdSwPara2_bit22,
RsvdSwPara2_bit23, RsvdSwPara2_bit24,
RsvdSwPara2_bit25, RsvdSwPara2_bit26,
RsvdSwPara2_bit27, RsvdSwPara2_bit28,
RsvdSwPara2_bit29, RsvdSwPara2_bit30,
RsvdSwPara2_bit31, RsvdSwPara2_bit32
Default value:

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 54

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
RsvdSwPara2_bit1:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit2:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit3:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit4:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit5:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit6:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit7:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit8:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit9:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit10:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit11:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit12:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit13:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit14:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit15:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit16:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit17:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit18:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit19:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit20:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit21:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit22:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit23:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit24:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit25:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit26:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit27:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit28:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit29:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit30:On,
RsvdSwPara2_bit31:On, RsvdSwPara2_bit32:On
GlobalP VoipWit MOD LOFD-0 Automat Meaning: Indicates whether VoIP UEs are allowed to
rocSwitc hGapMo GLOBA 02001 / ic enter the periodical measurement gap and whether
h de LPROC TDLOF Neighbo they can exit the gap if VoIP services are initiated
SWITC D-00200 ur during the gap. A VoIP UE can enter the periodical
H 1 Relation measurement gap during GSM and LTE buffer zone
LST LOFD-0 (ANR) optimization or periodic inter-frequency/RAT
GLOBA 02002 / Inter-R measurements in cell tracing. If a UE enters the
LPROC TDLOF AT measurement gap and then VoIP services are initiated
SWITC D-00200 ANR for this UE, fast ANR, active PCI conflict detection,
H 2 GSM and LTE buffer zone optimization, or periodic
PCI inter-frequency/RAT measurements in cell tracing can
LOFD-0 Collisio trigger the UE's exiting from the gap.
02007 / n
TDLOF Detectio If this parameter is set to ENBALE, VoIP UEs are
D-00200 n& allowed to enter the periodic measurement gap during
7 Self-Opt GSM and LTE buffer zone optimization and periodic
imizatio inter-frequency/RAT measurement in cell tracing. The
MRFD- parameter setting does not affect the entering of the
231808 n
gap during fast ANR and active PCI conflict detection
GSM for VoIP UEs.
and LTE
Buffer If this parameter is set to DISABLE, VoIP UEs are
Zone prohibited to enter the periodic measurement gap and
Optimiz the UEs entering the gap and initiating VoIP services
ation(LT cannot exit the gap.
E) GUI value range: DISABLE(disable),
Unit: None
Actual value range: DISABLE, ENABLE
Default value: ENABLE(enable)
GlobalP X2Base MOD LOFD-0 Automat Meaning: Indicates whether the eNodeB automatically
rocSwitc dUptEN GLOBA 02001 / ic updates the configuration of neighboring cells based
h odeBCf LPROC TDLOF Neighbo on the messages received over the X2 interface. The
SWITC D-00200 ur messages include X2 SETUP REQUEST, X2 SETUP

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 55

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
GLOBA Turn off the switch if the eNodeB configuration data
LPROC on a network is to be modified by using the
SWITC interlocking modification function on the CME and
H modifications to the parameters of a neighboring
eNodeB will be updated on the local eNodeB through
messages over the X2 interface. These parameters
include eNodeBId, CellId, LocalCellId, CnOperator,
CnOperatorTa, CellOp, PhyCellId, and DlEarfcn. This
prevents the configuration data from being lost or
abnormal during the automatic update.
This switch must be turned on if the interlocking
modification function on the CME is not used and the
eNodeB configuration data on a network is to be
modified by using the automatic eNodeB
configuration update over the X2 interface
GUI value range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual value range: OFF, ON
Default value: OFF(Off)
ENodeB PciConfl MOD LOFD-0 PCI Meaning: Indicates whether to display PCI conflict
AlgoSwi ictAlmS ENODE 02007 / Collisio alarms in the alarm console. If the
tch witch BALGO TDLOF n PciConflictAlmSwitch parameter is set to ON(On)
SWITC D-00200 Detectio and PCI collision or confusion occurs, PCI conflict
H 7 n& alarms are displayed in the alarm console. Otherwise,
LST Self-Opt PCI conflict alarms are not displayed in the alarm
ENODE imizatio console
BALGO n GUI value range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
SWITC Unit: None
Actual value range: OFF, ON
Default value: OFF(Off)
ENodeB AnrSwit MOD LOFD-0 Automat Meaning: Indicates whether to enable automatic
AlgoSwi ch ENODE 02001 / ic neighbor relati1 (ANR). This parameter includes the
tch BALGO TDLOF Neighbo following switches:
SWITC D-00200 ur IntraRatEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on,
H 1 Relation intra-RAT event-triggered ANR is enabled to
LST LOFD-0 (ANR) construct and optimize intra-RAT neighbor
ENODE 02002 / Inter-R relationships by triggering intra-RAT coverage-based
BALGO TDLOF AT handover events
SWITC D-00200 ANR IntraRatFastAnrSwitch: If this switch is on, intra-RAT
H 2 fast ANR is enabled to construct and optimize
intra-RAT neighbor relationships based on periodic
intra-RAT measurements
IntraRatAnrAutoDelSwitch: If this switch is on,

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 56

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is on, and NoRmvFlag of an
intra-RAT neighboring cell is set to
PERMIT_RMV_ENUM, automatic removal of the
intra-RAT neighbor relationship is allowed. If
IntraRatAnrAutoDelSwitch is off, automatic removal
of the intra-RAT neighbor relationship is not allowed.
UtranEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on,
event-triggered ANR with UTRAN is enabled to
construct and optimize inter-RAT neighbor
relationships with UTRAN cells by triggering events
for inter-RAT coverage-based handovers to UTRAN
GeranEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on,
event-triggered ANR with GERAN is enabled to
construct and optimize inter-RAT neighbor
relationships with GERAN cells by triggering events
for inter-RAT coverage-based handovers to GERAN
UtranFastAnrSwitch: If this switch is on, fast ANR
with UTRAN is enabled to construct and optimize
inter-RAT neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells
based on periodic UE measurements on UTRAN. The
eNodeB does not deliver information about external
UTRAN cells in the measurement configuration to
UEs and the UEs measure only neighboring cells
contained in the measurement configuration.
Therefore, if you want external UTRAN cells added
by fast ANR with UTRAN to be measured in
handovers, you are advised to turn on
UtranEventAnrSwitch as well
GeranFastAnrSwitch: If this switch is on, fast ANR
with GERAN is enabled to construct and optimize
inter-RAT neighbor relationships with GERAN cells
based on periodic inter-RAT measurements on
CdmaFastAnrSwitch: If this switch is on, fast ANR
with CDMA2000 is enabled to construct and optimize
inter-RAT neighbor relationships with CDMA2000
cells based on periodic inter-RAT measurements on
CDMA2000 networks.
UtranAut1rtDeleteSwitch: If this switch is on,
UtranEventAnrSwitch is on, and NoRmvFlag of a
neighboring UTRAN cell is set to
PERMIT_RMV_ENUM, automatic removal of the
inter-RAT neighbor relationship with UTRAN cells is
allowed. If UtranAut1rtDeleteSwitch is off, automatic
removal of the inter-RAT neighbor relationship with
UTRAN cells is not allowed
GeranAut1rtDeleteSwitch: If this switch is on,
GeranEventAnrSwitch is on, and NoRmvFlag of a
neighboring GERAN cell is set to

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 57

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
PERMIT_RMV_ENUM, automatic removal of the
inter-RAT neighbor relationship with GERAN cells is
allowed. If GeranAut1rtDeleteSwitch is off, automatic
removal of the inter-RAT neighbor relationship with
GERAN cells is not allowed.
CdmaAut1rtDeleteSwitch: If this switch is on,
CdmaEventAnrSwitch is on, and NoRmvFlag of a
neighboring CDMA2000 cell is set to
PERMIT_RMV_ENUM, automatic removal of the
inter-RAT neighbor relationship with CDMA2000
cells is allowed. If CdmaAut1rtDeleteSwitch is off,
automatic removal of the inter-RAT neighbor
relationship with CDMA2000 cells is not allowed
ExtendIntraRatAnrSwitch: Indicates whether cells
with unknown physical cell identifiers (PCIs) can be
c1figured as external cells of the eNodeB by using the
eCoordinator. If this switch is on, cells with unknown
PCIs can be c1figured as external cells of the eNodeB
by using the eCoordinator in any of the following
(1) When unknown PCIs are detected by triggering
handover events, IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is off or the
UE is incapable of reporting cell global identificati1s
(2) When unknown PCIs are detected by
performing periodic intra-RAT measurements based
on fast ANR, the UE is incapable of reporting CGIs. If
this switch is off, cells with unknown PCIs cannot be
c1figured as external cells of the eNodeB by using the
CdmaEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on,
event-triggered ANR with CDMA2000 is enabled to
construct and optimize inter-RAT neighbor
relationships with CDMA2000 cells by triggering
events for inter-RAT handovers to CDMA2000
MlbBasedEventAnrSwitch: Indicates whether to
enable the MLB-based event-triggered ANR. When
this switch is on and IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is on,
inter-frequency MLB can be triggered to construct and
optimize inter-frequency neighbor relationships with
intra-RAT cells. When this switch is on and
UtranEventAnrSwitch is on, MLB to UTRAN can be
triggered to construct and optimize inter-RAT
neighbor relationships with UTRAN cells. When this
switch is on and GeranEventAnrSwitch is on, MLB to
GERAN can be triggered to construct and optimize
inter-RAT neighbor relationships with GERAN cells.
When this switch is off, the neighbor relationship
construction and optimization based on MLB is

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 58

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LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
IntraRatNoHoSetAnrSwitch: Indicates whether to
automatically set the NoHoFlag parameter of an
intra-RAT neighboring cell to FORBID_HO_ENUM.
If IntraRatEventAnrSwitch and
IntraRatNoHoSetAnrSwitch are both on, the
NoHoFlag parameter of a neighboring cell can be
automatically set. If IntraRatNoHoSetAnrSwitch is
off, the NoHoFlag parameter of a neighboring cell
cannot be automatically set. To maintain service
quality, it is recommended that the neighboring cell
whose NoHoFlag is set to FORBID_HO_ENUM be
monitored when IntraRatNoHoSetAnrSwitch is on.
This switch takes effect only when the OptMode
parameter is set to FREE
IntraRatDoubleThdAnrSwitch: If this switch is on
and IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is on, intra-RAT
neighbor relationships can be c1structed and
optimized based on intra-RAT ANR measurement
events. The probability to trigger intra-RAT ANR
measurement can be c1figured to be higher than or
equal to that of the measurement for intra-RAT
coverage-based handovers. If
IntraRatDoubleThdAnrSwitch is off, intra-RAT
neighbor relationships cannot be c1structed or
optimized based on intra-RAT ANR measurement
events. In the current versi1, this switch applies only
to LTE TDD cells.
ServiceBasedEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on
and IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is on, service-based
inter-frequency handovers can trigger ANR to add and
optimize neighbor relationships with inter-frequency
neighboring cells. If this switch is on and
UtranEventAnrSwitch is on, service-based handovers
can trigger ANR to add and optimize neighbor
relationships with neighboring UTRAN cells
ServiceReqEventAnrSwitch: If this switch is on and
IntraRatEventAnrSwitch is on, service-based
inter-frequency handovers can trigger ANR to add and
optimize neighbor relationships with inter-frequency
neighboring cells

GUI value range:

ch), UtranEventAnrSwitch(UtranEventAnrSwitch),

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 59

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
Unit: None
Actual value range::
IntraRatEventAnrSwitch, IntraRatFastAnrSwitch,
IntraRatAnrAutoDelSwitch, UtranEventAnrSwitch,
GeranEventAnrSwitch, UtranFastAnrSwitch,
GeranFastAnrSwitch, CdmaFastAnrSwitch,
ExtendIntraRatAnrSwitch, CdmaEventAnrSwitch,
Default value:
GeranEventAnrSwitch:Off, UtranFastAnrSwitch:Off,
GeranFastAnrSwitch:Off, CdmaFastAnrSwitch:Off,

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 60

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
ANR ActiveP MOD LOFD-0 PCI Meaning: Indicates the switch used to enable or
ciConfli ANR 02007 / Collisio disable proactive PCI conflict detection. Within a
ctSwitch LST TDLOF n specified duration after this switch is turned on, the
ANR D-00200 Detectio eNodeB delivers measurement configurations for
7 n& proactive PCI conflict detection to UEs that meet
Self-Opt specific requirements. Then, the eNodeB starts the
imizatio detection based on the measurement reports from the
n Ues
GUI value range: OFF(Off), ON(On)
Unit: None
Actual value range: OFF, ON
Default value: OFF(Off)
ANR StartTim MOD LOFD-0 PCI Meaning: Indicates the start time of the active PCI
e ANR 02007 / Collisio conflict detection. If the stop time is earlier than or the
LST TDLOF n same as the start time, the stop time is assumed to be
ANR D-00200 Detectio the time of the next day
7 n& GUI value range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
imizatio Unit: None
n Actual value range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Default value: 14:00:00
ANR StopTim MOD LOFD-0 PCI Meaning: Indicates the stop time of the active PCI
e ANR 02007 / Collisio conflict detection. If the stop time is earlier than or the
LST TDLOF n same as the start time, the stop time is assumed to be
ANR D-00200 Detectio the time of the next day
7 n& GUI value range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
imizatio Unit: None
n Actual value range: 00:00:00~23:59:59
Default value: 15:00:00
IntraFre PhyCellI ADD LBFD-0 Broadca Meaning: Indicates the starting physical cell ID of the
qBlkCel d INTRA 02009 / st of intra-frequency blacklisted cell. For details, see 3GPP
l FREQB TDLBF system TS 36.331
LKCEL D-00200 informat GUI value range: 0~503
L 9 ion
Unit: None
LST LBFD-0 Coverag
INTRA 0201801 e Based Actual value range: 0~503
FREQB / Intra-fre Default value: None
L D-00201 Handov
MOD 801 er

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 61

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
IntraFre PhyCellI ADD LBFD-0 Broadca Meaning: Indicates the physical cell ID range of the
qBlkCel dRange INTRA 02009 / st of intra-frequency blacklisted cell. For details, see 3GPP
l FREQB TDLBF system TS 36.331
LKCEL D-00200 informat GUI value range: n1(n1), n4(n4), n8(n8), n12(n12),
L 9 ion n16(n16), n24(n24), n32(n32), n48(n48), n64(n64),
MOD LBFD-0 Coverag n84(n84), n96(n96), n128(n128), n168(n168),
INTRA 0201801 e Based n252(n252), n504(n504)
FREQB / Intra-fre Unit: None
L D-00201 Handov Actual value range: n1, n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32,
801 er n48, n64, n84, n96, n128, n168, n252, n504
INTRA Default value: n1(n1)
InterFre PhyCellI ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning: Indicates the starting physical cell ID of the
qBlkCel d INTERF 0201802 e Based inter-frequency blacklisted cell. For details, see 3GPP
l REQBL / Inter-fre TS 36.331
KCELL TDLBF quency GUI value range: 0~503
LST D-00201 Handov
802 er Unit: None
REQBL LBFD-0 Distance Actual value range: 0~503
KCELL 0201804 Based Default value: None
MOD / Inter-fre
REQBL D-00201 Handov
KCELL 804 er
RMV LBFD-0 Service
INTERF 0201805 Based
REQBL / Inter-fre
D-00201 Handov
805 er
InterFre PhyCellI ADD LBFD-0 Coverag Meaning: Indicates the physical cell ID range of the
qBlkCel dRange INTERF 0201802 e Based inter-frequency blacklisted cell. For details, see 3GPP
l REQBL / Inter-fre TS 36.331
KCELL TDLBF quency GUI value range: n1(n1), n4(n4), n8(n8), n12(n12),
MOD D-00201 Handov n16(n16), n24(n24), n32(n32), n48(n48), n64(n64),
INTERF 802 er n84(n84), n96(n96), n128(n128), n168(n168),
REQBL LBFD-0 Distance n252(n252), n504(n504)

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 62

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
KCELL 0201804 Based Unit: None
LST / Inter-fre Actual value range: n1, n4, n8, n12, n16, n24, n32,
INTERF TDLBF quency n48, n64, n84, n96, n128, n168, n252, n504
REQBL D-00201 Handov
804 er Default value: n1(n1)
LBFD-0 Service
0201805 Based
/ Inter-fre
TDLBF quency
D-00201 Handov
805 er
LOCAT LONGI ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the longitude of the base station. A
ION TUDED LOCAT negative value indicates the west and a positive value
EGFOR ION indicates the east
MAT MOD GUI value range: -180000000~180000000
LOCAT Unit: 1e-6 degree
Actual value range: -180~180
LOCAT Default value: 0
LOCAT LONGI ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the longitude of the base station in
ION TUDES LOCAT the WGS-84 coordinate system
ECFOR ION GUI value range: 0~64 characters
MAT MOD Unit: s
ION Actual value range: 0~64 characters
LST Default value: 00:00:00.0000
LOCAT LATIT ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the latitude of the base station. A
ION UDEDE LOCAT negative value indicates the south and a positive value
GFORM ION indicates the north.
AT MOD GUI value range: -90000000~90000000
LOCAT Unit: 1e-6 degree
Actual value range: -90~90
LOCAT Default value: 0
LOCAT LATIT ADD None None Meaning: Indicates the latitude of the base station in
ION UDESE LOCAT the WGS-84 coordinate system
CFORM ION GUI value range: 0~64 characters
AT MOD Unit: s
ION Actual value range: 0~64 characters
LST Default value: 00:00:00.0000

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 63

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
RETDE BEARI MOD MRFD- Connect Meaning: Indicates the antenna azimuth
VICED NG RETDE 210601 ion with GUI value range: 0~359
ATA (Tower Unit: degree
DSP Mounte Actual value range: 0~359
RETDE 060003 Default value: 0
VICED Amplifi
ATA er)
LST Electrica
RETDE l Tilt
ATA Same
RETDE BEAM MOD MRFD- Connect Meaning: Indicates the beamwidth of band 1.
VICED WIDTH RETDE 210601 ion with Beamwidth is used to describe the capability of the
ATA 1 VICED MRFD- TMA antenna to transmit RF signals. It is also used to
ATA 210602 (Tower measure the antenna pattern.
LST Mounte GUI value range: 0~359
RETDE 060003 Unit: degree
VICED Amplifi
ATA er) Actual value range: 0~359
Remote Default value: 0
l Tilt
RET DEVIC ADD MRFD- Connect Meaning: Indicates the device number of the ALD.
ENO RET 210601 ion with The device number of the ALD must be unique
DLD WRFD- TMA GUI value range: 0~125
ALDSW 060003 (Tower
Mounte Unit: None
DSP d Actual value range: 0~125
ALDVE Amplifi
R Default value: None
DSP Same
RET Band

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 64

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 8 Parameters

MO Parame MML Feature Feature Description

ter ID Comma ID Name
LST Antenna
RET Sharing
MOD Unit
RET (900Mh
RETSU SUBUN CLB LOFD-0 Remote Meaning: Indicates the number of the RET subunit,
BUNIT ITNO RET 01024 / Electrica which starts from 1
DLD TDLOF l Tilt GUI value range: 1~8
RETCF D-00102 Control
4 Unit: None
Actual value range: 1~8
RETSU Default value: None

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 65

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 9 Counters

9 Counters

There are no specific counters associated with this feature.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 66

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 10 Glossary

10 Glossary

For the acronyms, abbreviations, terms, and definitions, see Glossary.

Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 67

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
LTE PCI Self-Optimization Feature Description 11 Reference Documents

11 Reference Documents

1. ANR Management Feature Parameter Description of the corresponding eRAN


Issue 01 (2015-06-18) Huawei Proprietary and Confidential 68

Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

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