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Martin, Sarah Beck

Student body- MS students, grades 6-8, ELL learners.

Project theme:
What are some better ways our school can and should recycle, and more importantly,
reuse materials and reduce energy?

Project goals:

● Students will research different ways schools around the world, and importantly in Asia,
are reducing energy, reusing materials, and recycling more efficiently.
● Students will be tasked with
○ creating a school including survey and
○ creating infographics for the school/student body encouraging better ways to
incorporate the three R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle).
● Students will create surveys with questions about how the school recycles and saves
energy. The students will then survey their classmates, teachers, and administration.
● Once the surveys are complete, students will then create research questions to look at
ways they can improve recycling, reducing energy/materials, and reuse items at the
school. The students will use tablets in class to find out new ways to implement the three
R’s and use the data from the surveys to guide their research.
● Students will make an easy to read infographic with the results of their research and post
those infographics around the school as well as on the school’s eco-projects page.
● Using social media, they can ask their fellow students to say whether or not they support
the new initiatives and why.

Language objectives:
Students will demonstrate their use of the modal verb ‘should’ in asking for and offering advice
in the surveys and infographics. Examples:
“How should our school reduce the amount of paper or plastics we use?”
“We should reuse blank papers and recycle our plastics”.

Research objectives:
Students will use key vocabulary from our ecology and earth classes to form research questions,
and focus on differentiating between reputable and non-reputable sources. Students will also
practice citing sources to back up their research.
Martin, Sarah Beck

Unit plan:

Day Assignment/Activities

1. Introduce survey plan 1. Video for talking about reducing food

waste at school and corresponding
2. Student discussion over video.
3. Mind map questions about how our
school deals with food waste.
4. Introduce surveys- classroom.
5. Introduce project.

2. Work on creating surveys 1. Go over terminology/vocabulary.

2. Review modal verb “should”.
3. 3-2-1. What do you know about
reducing, reusing, or recycling.
4. Use the 3-2-1 to create questions about
the school. *Formative assessments
5. Peer-review questions.
6. Teacher review questions.*
(Feedback- teacher and student go
over the rubric: survey. How well do
their (Ss) questions match the
requirements on the rubric? What
feedback did they receive from their
peers and what did they adapt or

3. Survey and data collection 1. Students use the class time to begin
conducting surveys.
2. Students begin documenting their
process in their class journal- helpful
to write down their ideas and
questions about the project. These
journals will be used and referred to
during teacher-student meetings.
3. Using survey software like Google
Survey or Survey Monkey, students
send out links to collect their data.
4. As data comes in, students take notes
for each question.
Martin, Sarah Beck

4. Research 1. Students use the data they collected to

create research questions.
2. As a class, create examples and model
research questions.
3. Terms for research- go over how to
find the key terms in a research
question to decide what to look for.

5. Feedback and checking 1. Students bring all data and materials to

the class.
2. Students will swap research and data
with an assigned partner to review.
3. Pairs will meet with the teacher to
work through questions.
4. If a student has not completed the
survey or research segment, work with
that student to help them and set them
on the right course.
5. Surveys and research must be
completed before starting the
infographics and presentations.

6. Infographic 1. Go over the rubric for infographic

2. Introduce (if first time) Piktograph or
similar product.
3. Help students with formatting as
4. Check student’s understanding of how
to use infographics.

7. Feedback and advice. 1. Assigned peers review each other’s

infographic and discuss ways to
improve the infographic using the
rubric as a guide.
2. Students begin to write up
presentations to go along with the
3. During class, students will work with
partners to practice.
4. Feedback: The teacher will call up
students one at a time to go over their
projects as they are so far. What needs
to be adjusted? Use the rubric to help
students chart a course to show
mastery of the project.
Martin, Sarah Beck

8. Presentation 1. Students take turns presenting their

infographic and what they learned
about reusing, recycling, and reducing
in school.s
2. Non-presenters will ask their peers for
clarification questions.
3. Post-presentations: The teacher and
students will go over the rubrics
together. The students will do a
self-assessment and discuss and
compare it to the teacher’s.
4. Students will have the option to redo
parts of the assignment as necessary to
show mastery of the grammar and

Monitoring and assessment:

1. Edpuzzle: Used to check student comprehension of the content material.
2. Popsicle sticks: Used to check student understanding of instructions.
3. Teacher-student check ups- Teacher and students meet to clarify questions about the
assignment, check project progress, and keep on track. Also used to discuss project
adaptations for students.
4. 3-2-1: Used to help students identify parts of the project or concepts that they understand
or need assistance with.
5. Journaling: Students can document what they have learned, add in the 3-2-1 formative
assessments, and chart their growth and difficulties with the project. Teacher and students
refer back to the journals during feedback meeting to help students keep on track.

Feedback plan:
1. (Day 1- End) Clarifying project expectations- Before starting the project, let students ask
clarifying questions. Make sure students understand what the project is about, what will
be assessed, and what accommodations need to be made.
2. (Day 2) Creating surveys-use peer reviewing and teacher time to help students clean up
survey questions that meet with the rubric requirement.
3. (Day 4) Researching- monitor the students and assist when they have questions and are
unsure of what their next step will be in gathering data.
4. (Day 5) Feedback and checking- halfway through the project, take time to touch base
with students.
Martin, Sarah Beck

5. (Day 7) Feedback and advice- Have students peer-review each other’s work, with the
students using the rubric as a guide to completion. Students will begin to write up their
presentations and will be able to meet with the teacher for assistance and feedback.
6. (Day 8) Presentation- Post project, go over each student where they are on the rubric
scale. Let them do a self-assessment. Compare the two and discuss what differences there

Assessments 4 3 2 1
I use grammar I use grammar well, I have some difficulty I am unable to use
correctly, with only with only 1-3 mistakes. with grammar with 3-5 grammar well at all, with
1 mistake. I am able I use the correct tenses mistakes, but the more than 5 mistakes in
to use tenses for verbs, but I have meaning of what I my oral and written
correctly, and I use some difficulty with write is intelligible presentations. The
current terminology using the correct (understandable). I do meaning of my
(vocabulary) in my terminology not use the appropriate infographic is
presentation (oral (vocabulary) in my terminology unintelligible
and written). I am presentation (oral and (vocabulary) for my (non-understandable). I do
also able to correctly written). I use APA presentation (oral and not use correct
use APA formatting formatting almost written). I have terminology (vocabulary),
in my infographic, correctly, with 1-3 difficulty using APA nor do I use synonyms to
with 0 mistakes. mistakes. formatting in my try to explain what I mean.
infographic, with 3-5 I have a lot of difficulty
Grammar and mistakes. using APA formatting,
References with more than 5 mistakes.
My infographic is The infographic is The infographic is not The infographic is not
colorful, displays all colorful, displays most very colorful, only colorful, does not display
of the information of the information displays some (60%) any key information, and
(100%) in an (80%) in an of the key information, does not use any graphics
easy-to-read format, easy-to-read format, and and uses some (0) to illustrate key
and uses many uses some graphics graphics (1-3) like information.
graphics (7-8) like (4-6) like graphs, charts, graphs, charts, or
graphs, charts, or or icons to illustrate key icons, to illustrate key
icons to illustrate the information. information.
Creativity key information.
Martin, Sarah Beck

My infographic My infographic My infographic My infographic does not

contains 3 segments: contains 3 segments: a contains 2 segments, it contain 3 segments, it is
a section for all the section that contains is incomplete, but is missing at least 2
information from my about 80% of missing one: one segments: there is little no
survey, a section to information from my section does not information from the
explain key survey, a section to contain enough surveys, it does not have a
information based explain key information information from my section for key
on my research, and based on my research, surveys or does not information. The
a section for and a section for contain a section for references section is
references. references. key information based missing.
on my research. The
references section is
Infographic missing.
I created 5-6 well I created 3-4 well I created 2-4 standard I did not create questions
thought out thought out questions questions, and did not for the survey and did not
questions, and but did not include include suggestions participate regardless of
incorporated suggestions made by made by peers or the accomodations made.
suggestions from my my peers or teacher. teacher.
Surveys peers and teacher.
I spoke confidently I spoke confidently and I did not speak I did not speak confidently
and clearly. I used clearly. I had some confidently or clearly, or clearly, and did not use
the target difficulty with the target and I had difficulty the target terminology. I
terminology well. I terminology. I could with the target could not answer any
was able to answer answer 1-2 followup terminology. I could follow up questions
follow-up questions questions but had answer 1 follow up related to my topic.
with more difficulty bringing in question related to the
information that more information that information in my
Presentation related to the topic. related to my topic. topic.


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