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Name_____________________________________ Date_________ Class Per______ Class #_______

The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien - Vocabulary Ch 1-6

Use the clues to fill in the words above.
Words can go across or down.
Letters are shared when the words intersect.

Word Bank:
abominable, antiquity,
astonished, audacious,
conspirator, dells,
depredations, eyrie, kin,
larders, plunder, prefer,
remuneration, repose,
requisite, runes, sorcerous,
suspicion, uncanny

3. small, secluded, wooded valley 1. nest built on a high place
8. unexplainable & strange, exciting wonder & fear 2. words written in ancient Germanic letters
9. one who joins in planning or plotting 4. in command of magic, spells & witchcraft
10. pantry or cupboards containing food stores 5. acts of preying upon others
11. payment 6. thinking something exists, especially something
15. thoroughly unpleasant wrong, without any proof
16. quality of being very old or ancient 7. relatives
17. to like better; rather 12. daring; bold
18. rest 13. required; necessary
14. stolen property
15. surprised
The Hobbit – Reading guide Ch. 1 Name_________________________ Per____ #_____

EXIT TICKET: List 10 attributes of hobbits.

1. ________________________ 2._________________________ 3. _________________________
4. ___________________________ 5. ________________________ 6. _________________________
7. ___________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________
10. __________________________

Reading Guide – Ch. 1

1. Identify (make additional notes about these characters as you read the book):
Bilbo Baggins
Belladonna Took
Bungo Baggins
Kili & Fili
2. What was remarkable about the Tooks?

3. Why did Gandalf visit Bilbo Baggins?

4. Who was Bilbo expecting for tea?

5. What about his uninvited guests irritated Bilbo?

6. What impact did the dwarves’ singing have on Bilbo?

7. Gandalf revealed something that belonged to Thorin’s grandfather. What

was it?

8. What is Dale?

9. Who and what is Smaug?

10. What tale did Thorin tell Bilbo?

11. From whom did Gandalf get the map and key?

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