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Study Abroad / Exchange

Application Form

APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: This application is meant to be completed electronically, saved and then scanned
and e-mailed. The applicant/student should complete Step 1, then collect the necessary documents in Step 2 and
submit all documents to his/her International/Erasmus/Exchange/Study Abroad Office for the completion of Step 3.

STEP 1: To be completed by the student/applicant


Which programme are you applying for? (If you are unsure, check with your Home Institution office/advisor)
Study Abroad Erasmus Exchange Japanese Exchange
NYU in London Korean Exchange Indian Exchange
Chinese Exchange SMU Exchange

Which period of study are you applying for? Please note: We do not offer a Term 1 & 2 only programme

Term 1 only (September - December) Term 2 & 3 only (January to June)

Full year (September - June)

What is your proposed year of entry? i.e 2018, not "Junior" Which academic level are you applying for?
Undergraduate Postgraduate


Family name (surname) : Given name (first name) :

Date of birth Nationality

Legal sex:
(day/month/year e.g. 24 March 1990):
Male Female

Personal email address: Emergency contact's name and telephone number:

Do you have any of the below disabilities or special needs for which you'll need support during your studies?
Social/communication impairment Deaf or hearing impairment
Physical impairment or mobility issues Blind or visual impairment
Long standing illness/health condition Learning difficulty (dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADD/ADHD)
Mental health condition (anxiety, depression)

This information is used to ensure you are informed of the relevant support services available to you at SOAS

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If you are not currently attending a College/University, then include information from your most recent studies and a
separate explanation of your current status.

Name of College / University currently attending:

Major field of study/degree, plus minor if applicable: Current grade point average (GPA):

Month/Year you began your studies: Month/Year of expected graduation:


Nationals from within the European Economic Area do not require visa entry clearance to study in the UK. Nationals
from outside the EEA may require visa entry clearance e.g. the Short-term Study Visa (less than 6 months) or Tier 4
Student Visa (required for programmes more than 6 months). Please consult the UKVI website for more details: Please indicate which of the following applies to you:

A. National of a country within the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland

B. Citizen or national of a country outside EEA (e.g. USA, Japan, Korea, China, India etc)

If you answered A - no visa/entry clearance is required (proceed to STUDENT DECLARATION below).

If you answered B - please answer the following:

How long are you planning on staying at SOAS?

C. Less than 6 months (e.g. Term 1 only, Term 2/3 only)
D. Less than 6 months (e.g. Term 1 only, Term 2/3 only) but planning to pursue paid/unpaid work
(please note that we do not recommend working alongside studying at SOAS)
E. More than 6 months (e.g. Full Year)

If you answered C - you may need to apply for the Short-term Study Visa. Application is usually done at the
border/airport upon arrival but citizens of certain countries (e.g. visa nationals) need to apply in advance.
If you answered D or E- you must apply for the Tier 4 Student Visa in advance of your arrival (instructions will
be given in your offer letter).

Always check the UKVI website for the most up to date information and visa rules!

I confirm that the statements made in this application are complete and truthful. I understand that any
misrepresentation may result in my expulsion from the programme. I confirm that, if admitted to SOAS, I undertake to
comply with the SOAS Student Charter.

I also agree, in line with the UK Data Protection Act 1998, to allow SOAS to process personal data contained on this form
and other data which SOAS may obtain from me or organisations whilst I am applying for admission.
Electronic signature and date (please type your name and the date below):

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STEP 2 - Applicant should collect the following necessary documents

Please ask a Professor or other academic member of staff to write you an academic reference, in English,
commenting on your current/previous progress and suitability to follow a programme of study at university level. If
you are not currently studying at university, then a professional reference can be used.

The reference should include the Referee's contact details, be written on letterheaded paper and signed and dated
by the Referee.

The Referee should either return the reference to you and/or to the International/Erasmus/Exchange/Study Abroad
Office to be included with your complete application.

Please obtain a complete and OFFICIAL transcript from the University/College you are currently attending. If you are
not currently attending, please submit your most recent transcript.


All applications require proof of English proficiency unless the following applies:

a. You are a native English speaker and a national of one of the countries listed on UKVI's Knowledge of English
b. You are studying a full-time degree in one of the countries listed on UKVI's Knowledge of English (except Canada)

All other applicants must submit appropriate test results as your application cannot be considered without it.

Which results do I need to submit?

The answer depends on your programme length, country of origin and level of English.

European (EEA) students not requiring a Tier 4 visa: Submit IELTS Academic, TOEFL, or Pearson Academic

Short-term Student (less than 6 months): Submit IELTS Academic, TOEFL, or Pearson Academic

Tier 4 visa applicants (more than 6 months/intending to work): Submit IELTS Academic, TOEFL or Pearson

Where a 12-week Pre-sessional is required for a Tier 4 applicant, an in-date UKVI IELTS must be submitted.

Further details should be reviewed online. Please note that we will not accept language qualifications other than
those listed on our webpages.

IMPORTANT: Pre-sessional courses are not covered under Erasmus/Exchange agreements and must be
paid for by the student/home institution

Please submit a photocopy or scan of your passport's photo page, with all your personal details clearly visible.

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STEP 3 - International/Erasmus/Exchange/Study Abroad Office to complete and submit


Please provide the name and e-mail address of the primary contact and responsible person within
the Home Institution's International/Erasmus/Exchange/Study Abroad Office. S/he will be copied into
relevant e-mails to students.

Primary Home Institution Contact Name: Primary Home Institution Contact E-mail:


Please confirm that the student has indicated the correct categories (programme, level, year, etc) on page 1 (Note:
Study Abroad = tuition fee paying and Erasmus/Exchange = no tuition fees)

Is the applicant a full time student in good standing at your institution?

Yes No
If no, please explain

Has the applicant ever been on academic probation?

Yes No
If yes, please explain

Has the applicant ever been involved in any disciplinary action while attending your institution?
Yes No
If yes, please explain


Who will be paying the applicant's SOAS tuition

fees? (where) applicable If other:

Student and/or family funds

Home institution or Study Abroad provider
Not applicable: Erasmus/Exchange student

If the home institution/Study Abroad provider will be paying the student's fees, please provide the invoice details:

Name of institution sponsor: Name of office sponsor:

Invoice contact name: Invoice contact email address:

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Module selection is now an online process in which students will select their module themselves from 1 September
(for September starters) or 1 November (for January starters). These selections can change within the first week of
teaching to allow for flexibility in students finding the correct level and making the most out of their time at SOAS.

If your institution requires students to pre-select their modules, please find information about the module
options available to Study Abroad/Exchange students here: . Please be
advised that all modules are subject to availability and may change from term to term.

If your student is attending as a fee paying Study Abroad student and the Home Institution/Study Abroad Provider
will be invoiced, a Financial Sponsor Letter will be requested before the start of term.
Please note that if your student falls significantly below our GPA requirement, we will require additional information to
support their application.


I confirm that the statements made in this application are complete and truthful and am recommending this student/
applicant to participate in the SOAS Study Abroad/Exchange Programme.
Electronic Signature and Date (please type your name and the date below)


Upon completion of all sections of this form, please gather the following documents listed below and save all
documents into one PDF per student.

Please save the PDF as 'FAMILY NAME, Given Name' and e-mail PDF to [email protected]

If saving as one PDF is not possible, please save this form as one pdf and gather supplemental documents into
one additional PDF.

Applications will not be accepted in hard copy.

Upon receipt, the SOAS Study Abroad Office will pass to the Admissions Office for evaluation.

Included in application (please tick):

Study Abroad / Exchange application form

Official transcript(s) (colour scan)
Academic reference letter
English Language Proficiency evidence if applicable
Copy of passport (colour scan)

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