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Agilent X-Series

Signal Analyzer
This manual provides documentation for the
following X-Series Analyzers:

PXA Signal Analyzer N9030A

MXA Signal Analyzer N9020A
EXA Signal Analyzer N9010A
relating to
HP/Agilent 859x series
HP/Agilent 856x series
HP 8566A/B, 8568A/B

X-Series Programming
Conversion Guide
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2008, 2009 Manual Part Number licensed as “Commercial computer soft-
ware” as defined in DFAR 252.227-7014
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Where to Find the Latest Information

Documentation is updated periodically. For the latest information about this analyzer,
including firmware upgrades, application information, and product information, see
the following URLs:

To receive the latest updates by email, subscribe to Agilent Email Updates:
Information on preventing analyzer damage can be found at:

1 Programming Conversion Guide

About this Guide
This document helps programmers convert HP/Agilent spectrum analyzer remote control code to the SCPI code that is
used for remote control of the Agilent X-series signal analyzers. It compares the remote programming commands of your
Agilent X-series signal analyzer with the HP/Agilent 8590-Series, HP 8566A/B, HP 8568A/B, and HP/Agilent
8560E/EC-Series spectrum analyzers.

About this Guide

Programming Conversion Guide
In the command tables in this book, the information in the description/comments column is “aligned” horizontally with
the command(s) to which it applies.
There may be more than one SCPI command that applies to any given command. In these cases, the SCPI commands are
listed one after the other in the fourth column of the table.
As an example, there is no X-series SCPI command that corresponds to the HP/Agilent 8590-Series command CAL, and
the description of CAL is given in column 5; the CAL ALL command has an associated SCPI command, shown in the
fourth column, with comments about the SCPI command in the fifth column; CAL ON/OFF has two SCPI commands that
are related, and no comments are given for those commands.

NOTE In the following tables the table entries for the commands which are supported by the Remote Language Compatibility
application (N9061A) in X-Series signal analyzers are highlighted in green.

What is In This Book?

Commands “A” on page 9
Commands “B” on page 20
Commands “C” on page 22
Commands “D -E” on page 29
Commands “F” on page 36
Commands “G” on page 41
Conversion Guide

Commands “H - K” on page 46
Commands “L” on page 53
Commands “M” on page 59
Commands “N - O” on page 77
Commands “P - Q” on page 81
Commands “R” on page 87
Commands “S” on page 92
Commands “T” on page 104
Commands “U - Z” on page 113
“How to Represent Units” on page 119

About this Guide

Programming Conversion Guide
Conversion Guide
SCPI Output Format
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers return data in NR3 format as described in IEEE Std 488.2-1992. Response
terminators may be different than other HP/Agilent spectrum analyzer terminators. For example, note the following
• Non-block response termination in the HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8560E/EC-Series analyzers is <CR><LF>. In the

SCPI Output Format

Programming Conversion Guide
HP 8566A/B and HP 8568A/B analyzers the non-block termination is <CR><LF><EOI>, but in the Agilent X-series
analyzers it is <LF><EOI>.
• Boolean queries in HP/Agilent 8590-Series, 8566A/B, and 8568A/B analyzers return ON or OFF, whereas boolean
queries in HP/Agilent 8560E/EC-Series and Agilent X-series analyzers return 1 or 0.
• EP is a valid parameter for many HP/Agilent 8590-Series, HP/Agilent 8560E/EC-Series, and HP 8566B/68B spectrum
analyzer commands, but is not valid for the Agilent X-series analyzer SCPI commands.
• OA is a valid parameter for many HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8560E/EC-Series spectrum analyzer commands, but is
not valid for Agilent X-series analyzer SCPI commands.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
A1 A1 Same as CLRW TRA (see page 25)

A2 A2 Same as MXMH TRA (see page 76)

A3 A3 Same as VIEW TRA (see page 116)

A4 A4 Same as BLANK TRA (see page 20)

ABORT ABORTa :ABORt The ABORT command stops the execution of all
user-defined functions and readies the instrument
for the next command received. The SCPI
command is used to stop the current measurment.

ABS ABS ABSa Places the absolute value of the source values in
the destination.

ACP ACPMEAS :MEASure:ACP? Performs the adjacent channel power

The legacy commands (ACP and ACPMEAS)
initiate an ACP measurement, whereas the SCPI
command initiates a measurement and returns the
measurement results.

ACPACCL Sets the adjacent channel power measurement

Conversion Guide

speed to normal, faster, fastest.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ACPALPHA [:SENSe]:ACPower:FILTer[:RRC]:ALPHa Sets the adjacent channel power measurement

<number> alpha weighting.

Programming Conversion Guide
ACPALTCH [:SENSe]:ACPower:OFFSet:[1]|2|3:LIST:STATe Sets the number of adjacent channel pairs to be
ON|OFF|0|1 measured for an ACP measurement.
The X-series SCPI command allows you to
activate or deactivate each offset. The 856x E/EC
command allowed only three offsets to be
measured (the adjacent channels and up to two
alternate channels). The MXA/EXA SCPI
command allows up to six offsets to be measured.

ACPBRPER Sets the cycle time of the burst signal when

making an ACP measurement.

ACPBRWID Sets the burst width for a gated method ACP


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ACPBW ACPBW Allows you to specify the channel bandwidth used

for the adjacent channel power (ACP), extended
ACP (EACP), and for the channel power (CHP)

Programming Conversion Guide

INTegration <freq>
BWIDth:INTegration <freq>



ACPCOMPUTE Performs the adjacent channel power computation

on the designated signal without changing any
instrument state settings.

MEASure:ACP? Performs an ACP measurement and returns the

results defined by the current measurement setup

ACPCONTM Changes the spectrum analyzer sweep mode to

continuous sweep, and then performs the previous
power measurement (occupied bandwidth,
adjacent channel, or channel power) at the end of
Conversion Guide

every sweep.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

:INITiate:CONTinuous ON|1 Sets the analyzer to continuous sweep mode (or

continuous measurement).

Programming Conversion Guide
ACPE Performs the adjacent channel power extended

ACPFRQWT [:SENSe]:ACP:FILTer[:RRC]:STATe Sets the frequency weighting for ACP

OFF|ON|0|1 measurements.

ACPGR :DISPlay:ACPower:VIEW[1]:WINDow[1]:BGR Determines if the adjacent channel power (ACP)

aph ON|OFF|0|1 graph function is enabled or disabled.
The X-series SCPI command activates or
deactivates the bar graph display, which
graphically displays the power in each channel.

ACPGRAPH ACPGRAPH :DISPlay:ACPower:VIEW[1]:WINDow[1]:BGR Computes and displays an adjacent channel power

aph ON|OFF|0|1 (ACP) graph.
The X-series SCPI command activates or
deactivates the bar graph display, which
graphically displays the power in each channel.

ACPLOWER? Returns the power ratio result of the ACP

measurement for the lower frequency channel.

FETCh:ACP? Returns several power results of the ACP

measurement that is currently available.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ACPMAX? Returns the highest adjacent power result for the

ACP measurement.

Programming Conversion Guide
FETCh:ACP? Returns several power results of the ACP
measurement that is currently available.

ACPMETHOD Selects the measurement method to be used for

making ACP measurements.

ACPMK Determines if the graph marker function is enabled

or disabled for the adjacent channel power (ACP)

ACPMSTATE Sets the ACP measurement state to a default or to

CURR | DFLT the current state.

ACPMSTATE? MEASure:ACP? Sets the ACP measurement state to a default state,

measures, and returns values.

ACPMSTATE? READ:ACP? If ACP measurement is already running and the

default state is changed, READ makes a new
measurement and returns values.

ACPPAR Determines if the spectrum analyzer settings used

for the adjacent channel power (ACP), extended
adjacent channel power (ACPE), channel power
(CHP), or occupied bandwidth (OBW)
measurement are set manually or automatically.
Conversion Guide

ACPPWRTX? Returns the power result of the ACP measurement

for the main channel transmit power.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

FETCh:ACP? Returns several power results of the ACP

measurement that is currently available.

Programming Conversion Guide
ACPRSLTS? Returns an array of ACP measurement data. The
number values returned depends on measurement
method and the number of alternate channels.

FETCh:ACP? Returns several power results of the ACP

measurement that is currently available.

ACPSNGLM Changes the spectrum analyzer sweep mode to

single sweep, performs a take sweep (TS), and then
performs the previous power measurement.

:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|0; Sets the analyzer to single sweep mode (or single
:INITiate:IMMediate measurement).

ACPSP ACPSP [:SENSe]:ACPower:CARRier Allows you to specify the frequency spacing

[1]|2:LIST:WIDTh <bandwidth>, ... between channels.

ACPT Sets the T weighting for ACP measurements.

ACPUPPER? Returns the power ratio result of the ACP

measurement for the upper frequency channel.

FETCh:ACP? Returns several power results of the ACP

measurement that is currently available.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

attached. d. Option 002 only.

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ACTDEF Creates a user-defined active function.

ACTVFUNCa Makes a user-defined function operate like an


Programming Conversion Guide
active function.

ACTVF Returns a "0" if the given function is not active, a

"1" if it is active.

ADD ADD ADDa Adds the sources and sends the sum to the

CAL ALL ADJALL :CALibration:[ALL] Immediately runs all the self-alignment routines.

ADJCRT Turns on CRT adjustment patterns.

ADJIF :CALibration:NRF Activates constant IF self-alignment routines.

AMB AMB AMB Subtracts trace B from trace A and sends the result
to trace A during every sweep of the spectrum

AMBPL AMBPL AMBPL Subtracts trace B from trace A, adds the display
line value to the difference, and sends the result to
trace A during every sweep of the spectrum

AMPCOR AMPCOR Applies amplitude correction at specified

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

AMPCOR AMPCORDATA Units and spaces are not allowed in SCPI. The
<values> {<freq>, <amp>} separator must be a comma (,) and the terminator
must be a semicolon (;). Frequency and amplitude

Programming Conversion Guide
values must be entered in Hz and dB.


AMPCOR? AMPCORDATA? The data format for the command and query is
always TDF P (in 856x and 859x), with data in
frequency/amplitude pairs of the format:12000000,
-57.71, 12133333, -56.87. The Agilent X-series
analyzer returns data in the format:
1.20000000E+007, -5.77100000E+001,
1.21333333E+007, -5.68700000E+001. This is an
example of IEEE NR3 numeric response data.

AMPCORRCL Saves and recalls (to instrument memory) a table

of amplitude/frequency correction pairs identified
by a register number.

AMPLEN AMPCORSIZE? Returns the number of frequency-amplitude

correction factors that have been entered.

ANLGPLUS Turns the Analog+ display mode on or off.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ANNOT ANNOT ANNOT Turns the screen annotation on or off.



Programming Conversion Guide

ANNOT? ANNOT? ANNOT? :DISPlay:WINDow:ANNotation[:ALL]? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8566B/8568B

analyzers return ON or OFF. The HP/Agilent
8560E/EC series analyzers and the Agilent
X-series analyzers return 1 or 0.

APB APB APB Adds trace A to trace B and sends the result to
trace A.

ARRAYDEFa Allows you to create user-defined arrays.

AT AT AT Specifies RF input attenuation.

AT AT <value> AT <integer> [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation <rel_ampl> The up/down steps are in 2 dB increments.


AT AUTO AT AUTO [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation: AUTO The up/down steps are in 2 dB increments.



AT? AT? AT? [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:ATTenuation?

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

AUNITS AUNITS AUNITS Specifies amplitude units for the input, output, and

Programming Conversion Guide
:UNIT:POWer DBM|DBMV|DBUV|V|W Specifies amplitude units for the input, output, and
display for the active window.


AUTO AUTOCPL Couples the active functions automatically.

AUTO AUTOCPL :COUPle ALL|NONE The instrument can automatically couple

instrument settings together for accurate
measurements and optimum range. This command
is used to override the coupling for special
measurement needs.
The NONE parameter applies only to the SCPI

AUTOEXECa Turns on/off the automatic function as defined with

the AUTOFUNC command.

AUTOFUNCa Specifies an operation/function for automatic


AUTOSAVEa Turns on/off the function to automatically save

traces as defined by the AUTOFUNC command.

AVG AVG AVGa Averages trace data.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

AXB AXB AXB Exchanges trace A and trace B.

:TRACe:EXCHange TRACE1, TRACE2 Exchanges TRACE1 (trace A) and TRACE2 (trace


Programming Conversion Guide
B), point by point.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
attached. d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Series Analyzers SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
B1 B1 Same as CLRW TRB (see page 25)

B2 B2 Same as MXMH TRB (see page 76)

B3 B3 Same as VIEW TRB (see page 116)

B4 B4 Same as BLANK TRB (see page 20)

BAUDRATE Specifies the baud rate of a spectrum analyzer with the

RS-232 interface option (Option 1AX) installed.


BIT Returns the state of a bit.

BITF Returns the state of a bit.

BLANK BLANK BLANK Blanks trace A, trace B, or trace C and stops taking new
data into the specified trace.

BLANK TRA BLANK TRA BLANK TRA :TRACe[1]|2|3:MODE BLANk Selects the blank display mode for the selected trace.
TRACE1 corresponds to trace A, TRACE2 corresponds
BLANK TRB BLANK TRB BLANK TRB to trace B, and TRACE3 corresponds to trace C. The
BLANK TRC BLANK TRC blank display mode turns off the trace data so that it is
not viewed on the display.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Series Analyzers SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

BML BL or BML BML Subtracts display line from trace B and places the result
in trace B.

Programming Conversion Guide
BRD Reads the two-byte word at the analyzer’s internal I/O
bus, at the specified address.

BTC BTC Transfers trace B into trace C.

:TRACe:COPY TRACE2, TRACE3 Transfers TRACE2 (trace B) into TRACE3 (trace C).

BWR Writes a two-byte word to the analyzer’s internal I/O

bus, at the specified address.

BXC BXC Exchanges trace B and trace C.

:TRACe:EXCHange TRACE2, TRACE3 Exchanges TRACE2 (trace B) into TRACE3 (trace C).

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
C1 C1 Same as AMB OFF (see page 15)

C2 C2 Same as AMB ON (see page 15)

CA CA Same as AT AUTO (see page 17)

CAL Initiates self-alignment routines.

CAL ALL ADJALL :CALibration:[ALL] Immediately runs all the self-alignment routines.


CAL ON/OFF :CALibration:AUTO OFF|ON|PARTial|ALERt The alert setting is the same as off except that the
instrument prompts you with a message when it
needs an alignment.


CAL YTF :CALibration:YTF

CAL INIT :CALibration:DATA:DEFault


CARDLOADa Copies the specified data from the memory card to

Conversion Guide

the module battery-backed memory.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

CARDSTOREa Copies the specified data from the module memory

to the memory card.

Programming Conversion Guide
CARROFF Measures the carrier power when the burst is
turned off.

CARRON Measures the average power of the carrier while

the burst is turned on.

CAT CATALOGa Displays/returns directory information from either

the specified or current mass storage device.

:MMEMory:CATalog? <drive> Lists all files in the current directory. <msus> is the
mass storage device. The return data will be of the
format: <mem_used>, <mem_free>
{<file_listing>}, where <file listing> is of the
format: <file_name>, <file_type>, <file_size>.

CF CF CF Specifies center frequency.

CF <value> CF <value> CF <value> [:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer <freq>


CF? CF? CF? [:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:
Conversion Guide

CHANNEL UP|DN Changes the center frequency by one channel


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

CHP Performs the channel power measurement.

CHANPWR Performs the channel power measurement on the


Programming Conversion Guide
TRA|TRB identified trace data.

CHANPWR? MEASure:CHPower? Performs the channel power measurement and

returns two scalar results.

CHPWRBW [:SENSe]:CHPower:BANDwidth Sets the channel power bandwidth.

|BWIDth:INTegration <freq>

CHPGR :DISPlay:CHPower:VIEW[1]:WINDow[1]:BG Determines if the channel power graph function is

Raph ON|OFF|0|1 enabled or disabled.
The X-series SCPI command activates or
deactivates the bar graph display, which
graphically displays the power in the channel.

CLRAVG CLRAVG Restarts video averaging.

[:SENSe]:AVERage:CLEar Re-start the trace averaging function.

CLRBOX Clears a rectangular area on the spectrum analyzer


CLRDSP EM CLRDSPa Erases user-generated graphics and text.

CLRSCHEDa Clears the Autosave/Autoexec schedule.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

CLRW CLRW CLRW Clears the specified trace and enables trace data

Programming Conversion Guide
CLRW CLRW CLRW TRA|TRB :TRACe[1]|2|3:MODE WRITe TRACE1 corresponds to trace A, TRACE2
TRA|TRB| TRA|TRB|TRC corresponds to trace B, and TRACE3 corresponds
TRC to trace C.

CLS *CLS Clears all status bits.

The status bits do not map exactly.

CMDERRQ Queries of error queue and clears the errors.

:SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT] Queries the first (earliest) error in the queue and

clears that error.

CNF Internal confidence test that does a brief test of

some of the hardware.

CNTLA CNTLAa Sets the control line A of the auxiliary interface

high or low.
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers do not have
an auxiliary interface.

CNTLB CNTLBa Sets the control line B of the auxiliary interface

high or low.
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers do not have
an auxiliary interface.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

CNTLC CNTLCa Sets the interface control line C of the auxiliary

interface high or low.
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers do not have

Programming Conversion Guide
an auxiliary interface.

CNTLD CNTLDa Sets the interface control line D of the auxiliary

interface high or low.
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers do not have
an auxiliary interface.

CNTLI CNTLIa Returns a "1" when the interface control line I of

the auxiliary interface is high, and "0" if the line is
The Agilent X-series signal analyzers do not have
an auxiliary interface.

CNVLOSSb CNVLOSS Specifies the conversion loss of an external mixer

used to extend the analyzer frequency range.

The amplitude correction functions can be used to

correct for system gains/losses that are external to
the analyzer.

COMB Turns the comb generator on or off. The comb

generator is used for performing a CAL YTF.
This hardware is not present in Agilent X-series
Conversion Guide

analyzers. Instead, the X-sereis analyzers have an

internally-switched noise source that is used to
align the YTF.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

COMPRESS COMPRESS Reduces the number of trace elements while

retaining the relative frequency and amplitude
characteristics of the trace data.

Programming Conversion Guide
CONCAT CONCAT Combines two traces.

CONTS CONTS CONTS Sets the spectrum analyzer to the continuous sweep

:INITiate:CONTinuous ON|1

CORREK Query the instrument for the state of corrections.


COUPLE COUPLE Selects direct-current (dc) coupling or

alternating-current (ac) coupling.

COUPLE AC|DC COUPLE AC|DC :INPut:COUPling AC|DC Selects direct-current (dc) coupling or
alternating-current (ac) coupling for the front panel
RF INPUT port. A blocking capacitor is switched
in for the ac mode.

COUPLE? COUPLE? :INPut:COUPling? The output is AC or DC.

CR CR Same as RB AUTO (see page 88)

CRTHPOS Specifies the horizontal position of the text and

graticule on the spectrum analyzer display.
Conversion Guide

CRTVPOS Specifies the vertical position of the text and

graticule on the spectrum analyzer display.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

CS CS Same as SS AUTO (see page 100)

CT CT Same as ST AUTO (see page 101)


Programming Conversion Guide
CTA CTA Converts the source values from measurement
units to the current absolute amplitude units and
stores the result in the destination.

CTM CTM Converts the source values to measurement units

and places the result in the destination.

CTRLHPIBa Takes control of the GPIB.

CV CV Same as VB AUTO (see page 115)

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
D -E
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
D1 Sets the display for user-generated text and
graphics to normal size.

D2 Sets the display for user-generated text and

graphics to full CRT size.

D3 Sets the display for user-generated text and

graphics to expanded size.

DA DA Accesses the current address of the display list.

DATEMODE DATEMODEa Allows you to set the format for displaying the
real-time clock.

Allows you to set the format for displaying the

real-time clock.
To set the date and time use the command
:SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day>.

DATEMODE? The response output is in the form: MDY or DMY.

DELMKBW Returns the bandwidth of the selected percent of

the power between the delta markers.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

DEMOD DEMOD [:SENSe]:DEMod AM|FM|PM|OFF Turns the demodulator on or off, and selects
between AM, FM, or quasi-peak demodulation.
These commands require the N9063A Analog

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
Demodulation Measurement Application

DEMOD DEMOD AM|FM Sets the type of demodulation.


DEMOD DEMOD ON|OFF Turns demodulation on or off.


DEMOD? DEMOD? The HP/Agilent 8560 and 8590-Series analyzer

returns AM, FM or OFF.

DEMODAGC Turns the demodulation automatic gain control

(AGC) on or off. IP turns AGC off.

DEMODT [:SENSe]:DEMod:TIME <time> Selects the time the sweep pauses at the marker for
demodulation of the signal.
These commands require the N9063A Analog
Demodulation Measurement Application

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

DET DET DET Specifies the spectrum analyzer peak detection


D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
[:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion] Specifies the detection mode.
DET NEG DET NEG DET NEG Negative peak detection displays the lowest
sample taken during the interval being displayed.
Positive peak detection displays the highest sample
taken during the interval being displayed.

DET SMP DET SMP DET SMP Sample detection displays the first sample taken
during the interval being displayed.

DET NRM DET NRM Normal detection alternates between displaying the
positive/negative samples.

DET? DET? DET? [:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion]? The Agilent X-series analyzer returns NEG, POS,
or RMS.

DISPOSE DISPOSE DISPOSEa Deletes user-defined functions and frees spectrum

analyzer memory that was previously allocated for
user-defined operands.

DIV DIV DIVa Divides source 1 by source 2 and places the result
in the destination.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

DL DL DL Defines the level of the display line in the active

amplitude units and displays the display line on the
spectrum analyzer screen.

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
DL <value> DL <value> DL <value> :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:DLINe <ampl> Defines the level of the display line in the active
amplitude units, if no units are specified.

DL ON|OFF DLE DL ON|OFF :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:DLINe: STATe Turns the display line on or off.


DL? DL? DL? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:DLINe? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: -25.00. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format: -2.500E+01.

DLYSWP :TRIGger:DELay <time> Delays the start of the sweep until the specified
time elapses after the trigger event.
The functionality of the DLYSWP command is
divided between the TRIG:DEL and

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

DN DOWN Reduces the active function by the applicable step

There is no equivalent command in SCPI but you

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
can implement the command by using UP or
DOWN as a SCPI parameter in the equivalent
SCPI command. For example, in the 8590-Series
analyzers , if CF is the active function, you can
send DN;DN;DN to decrease the center frequency
by three times the step size. To do the same in
SCPI you send :SENS:FREQ:CENT DOWN three

DONE DONE DONE *OPC? Allows you to determine when the spectrum
analyzer has started to execute all commands prior
to and including DONE.

DONE? DONE? The HP/Agilent 8590, 8566B/8568B, and 8560

E/EC Series analyzers output data in the format: 1.
The *OPC? command is only used after a sweep
has been triggered or a self-alignment has been
executed. The DONE? could be used after any
analyzer setup command.

DOTDENS Sets the dot density value in the Analog+ display

Conversion Guide

DR Sends the contents of the current display address.

DRAWBOX Draws a rectangular box on the spectrum analyzer


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

DSPLY DSPLY DSPLYa Displays the value of a variable on the spectrum

analyzer screen.

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
DT DT Defines any character as a label terminator.

DW Writes the value in the entry to the specified

display memory address and increments the
address by 1.

E1 E1 Same as MKPK HI (see page 69)

E2 E2 Same as MKCF (see page 63)

E3 E3 Same as MKSS (see page 72)

E4 E4 Same as MKRL (see page 71)

EDITDONEa Is used at the completion of limit-line editing with

the EDITLIML command.

EDITLIMLa Turns off any currently active limit lines and puts
you in the edit mode.

EE EE Enables front-panel number entry. Sends the

controller the values entered on the spectrum
analyzer numeric keypad by the operator.

EK EK Allows data entry with the front-panel knob when

the spectrum analyzer is under remote control.
Conversion Guide

EM EMa Clears the display of user-generated graphics.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ENTER ENTER ENTERa Allows the spectrum analyzer to receive data from
other devices on the GPIB.

D -E
Programming Conversion Guide
EP Enter parameter from front panel. Sends values
entered on the spectrum analyzer number keyboard
to the present active function value.

ERASE ERASE Clears trace A and trace B, disposes of the contents

of the user memory, and resets the state registers
and the spectrum analyzer to the instrument preset

ERR? ERR? Returns a list of error numbers (8560 E/EC Series)

or the results of the power-on processor test
(8566B/8568B) to the controller.

:SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? Returns the next error number and description in

the queue.

ET? :SYSTem:PON:ETIMe? ET? returns the elapsed time of analyzer operation

in hours. :SYSTem:PON:ETIMe? returns the same
measurement but it is returned in units of minutes.

EX EX Same as AXB (see page 19)

EXP EXP EXPa Places the exponential of the source in the


EXTMXRb Performs an external mixer preset.

Conversion Guide

EXTMXR Specifies the type of external mixing as preselected

PRE|UNPR or unpreselected.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
FA FA FA Specifies the start frequency.

FA <value> FA <value> FA <value> [:SENSe]:FREQuency:STARt <freq>


FA? FA? FA? [:SENSe]:FREQuency:STARt? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

FB FB FB Specifies the stop frequency.

FB <value> FB <value> FB <value> [:SENSe]:FREQuency:STOP <freq>


FB? FB? FB? [:SENSe]:FREQuency:STOP? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

FDIAG Returns the specified frequency diagnostic

Conversion Guide

FDSP Turns all frequency related annotation off.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

FFT FFT FFT Performs a discrete fast Fourier transform on the

source trace array and stores the result in the
destination array.

Programming Conversion Guide
FFTAUTO Performs a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on the
signal on which the marker is placed.

FFTCLIP Indicates if the FFT results are valid.

FFTCONTS Performs a fast Fourier transform (FFT)

continuously on the current signal.

FFTKNL Performs a Fourier transform on two traces that

represent the real and imaginary parts.

FFTMKR Activates the FFT markers and displays the FFT

annotation on the spectrum analyzer display.

FFTMM Changes the FFT mid-display frequency of the

spectrum analyzer to the frequency of the FFT

FFTMS Changes the FFT stop frequency of the spectrum

analyzer to the frequency of the FFT marker.

FFTOFF Exits the fast Fourier transform (FFT)

measurement and FFT settings.

FFTPCTAM Turns the percent AM function on or off. during an

Conversion Guide

FFT measurement.

FFTPCTAMR Returns the percent of amplitude modulation(AM).

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

FFTSNGLS Changes the spectrum analyzer sweep mode to

single sweep mode (if necessary), and then
performs a fast Fourier transform (FFT) on trace

Programming Conversion Guide

FFTSTAT Returns the status of the spectrum analyzer FFT

measurement functions.

FFTSTOP Sets the FFT stop frequency of the FFT


FMGAIN :DISPlay:FM:WINDow[1]|2|3:TRACe:Y[:SCA Sets the total FM deviation for full screen

Le]:PDIVision <real> demodulation.
:DISPlay:FM:WINDow[1]|2|3:TRACe:Y[:SCA In the 859x, FMGAIN sets the FM deviation from
Le]:PDIVision? the center horizontal graticule line to the top and
bottom graticule.
The SCPI command requires the N9063A Analog
Demodulation measurement application to be
loaded. It sets the FM deviation per division.
Therefore, to obtain the same full-scale display,
divide the desired FMGAIN value by 5 to obtain
the value to use for setting the per-division
deviation with the SCPI command.

Conversion Guide



a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

FOFFSET FOFFSET FOFFSET Specifies the frequency offset for all absolute
frequency readouts such as center frequency.

Programming Conversion Guide

FOFFSET <value> :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:X[:SCALe]:

OFFSet <freq>

FOFFSET? FOFFSET? FOFFSET? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:X[:SCALe]: The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
OFFSet? in the format: 10. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: 1.0E+01.

FORMAT FORMATa Formats the memory card.

FPKAb Performs a fast preselector peak and returns the

measured value at the active marker.

[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:PCENter Centers the preselector, puts a marker on the peak,

:CALCulate:MARKer:MAX and returns the amplitude value.

FREF [:SENSe]:ROSCillator:SOURce Specifies the internal, or an external, frequency

INTernal|EXTernal reference source.

FS FS FS Sets the frequency span of the analyzer to full

span. The 8566B full span sets the frequency span
to 0 Hz to 2.5 GHz ("low band").

[:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN:FULL Sets the frequency span to the analyzer’s full span.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

FULBAND FULBAND For external mixing, it sets the full frequency span
<integer>b K|A|Q|U|V|E|W|F|D| for the desired band.

Programming Conversion Guide
FUNCDEF FUNCDEF FUNCDEFa Defines a routine consisting of spectrum analyzer
commands, assigns the routine a label, and stores
the routine and its label in the user memory.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
GATE GATE Turns time gating on or off.

GATE ON|OFF GATE ON|OFF [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:METHod VIDeo If you do not specify VIDeo, the LO gating will be
used by default and many other settings will not
work properly.

GATECTL GATECTL [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:CONTrol Selects between the edge and the level mode for
EDGE|LEVel the time-gated spectrum analysis capability
(requires Opt 105 on 8590 Series; standard in 8560
E/EC Series).

GATECTL GATECTL Selects between the edge and the level mode for
EDGE| LEVEL EDGE|LEVEL the time-gated spectrum analysis capability.
Level triggers the gate when the signal surpasses a
specific level, set to either low or high.
Edge triggers the gate when the edge of a signal is
encountered, set to either a negative-going edge or
a positive-going edge.

GATECTL? GATECTL? [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:CONTrol? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8560 E/EC Series
analyzers return EDGE or LEVEL.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

GC Presets Option 105, the time-gated spectrum

analysis capability.

Programming Conversion Guide
GD GD Sets the delay time before the gate opens.

GD <value> GD <value> [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:DELay <time> Sets the delay time from when the gate trigger
occurs to when the gate opens. This is for EDGE
triggering only.


GD? GD? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 1E-6. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: 1.00000E-06.

GDRVCLPAR Clears the pulse parameters (pulse width, pulse

repetition interval, and reference edge) for a
time-gate measurement by setting the pulse
parameters to 0.

GDRVGDEL For the frequency window only, GDRVGDEL sets

the time delay from when the gate trigger occurs to
when the gate is opened.

GDRVGLEN Adjusts the gate length in both the time and

frequency windows.

GDRVGT Turns the gate on or off in the frequency window.

Conversion Guide

GDRVGTIM Activates the gate trigger marker, and places it at

the given value.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

GDRVPRI Enters the specified value as the pulse repetition


Programming Conversion Guide
GDRVPWID Enters the specified value as the pulse width.
Specifies the gate time length in seconds. For
EDGE triggering only.

GDRVRBW Couples or uncouples the resolution bandwidth to

the specified pulse width.

GDRVREFE Allows you to enter the position (in time) for a

reference edge.

GDRVST Couples or uncouples the sweep time to the pulse

repetition interval.

GDRVSWAP Makes the window (either the time or frequency

window) that is currently not the active window,
the active window.

GDRVSWDE Allows you to specify the delay from the edge of

the gate trigger until the sweep is started in the
time window.

GDRVSWP [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:TIME <time> Specifies the sweep time for the time domain
window of the gate utility.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

GDRVUTIL [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:VIEW ON|OFF|0|1 Turns the gate utility on or off.

[:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:VIEW? In the 8590 Series analyzers, the Gate Utility
appeared as a second window on the display. In the

Programming Conversion Guide
X-Series analyzers, the Gate View is displayed
instead of the normal frequency-domain view.

GDRVVBW Couples or uncouples the video bandwidth to the

gate length.

GETPLOT Initiates output of the spectrum analyzer display to

a plotter.

GETPRNT Initiates output of the spectrum analyzer display to

a printer.


GL GL Sets the length of time the gate is open.

GL <value> GL <value> [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:LENGth <time>


GL? GL? [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe:LENGth? Output formats are different.

GP GP Sets the polarity (positive or negative) for the gate



Conversion Guide


GP? GP? [:SENSe]:SWEep:EGATe: POLarity? Returns POS or NEG.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzers Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

GR GR Graphs the given y coordinate while incrementing

the x coordinate by 1.

Programming Conversion Guide
GRAT GRAT GRAT Turns the graticule on or off.



GRAT? GRAT? GRAT? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:GRATicule: The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8566B/8568B

GRID[:STATe]? analyzers output ON or OFF. The Agilent X-series
analyzer and 8560 E/EC Series analyzers output 1
or 0.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
HAVE Used by menus for testing for hardware

HD HD HD Disables data entry via the spectrum analyzer

numeric keypad, knob, or step keys. The active
function readout is blanked, and any active
function is deactivated.

HN Returns the harmonic number of the current

harmonic band in which the spectrum analyzer is

HNLOCK HNLOCKb HNLOCK Forces the spectrum analyzer to use only the
selected harmonic band.

HNUNLK HNUNLKb HNUNLK Unlocks the harmonic band.

I1c Enables the left RF input (DC coupled).

:INPut:COUPling DC Selects DC input coupling

I2c Enables the right RF input (AC coupled).

:INPut:COUPling AC Selects AC input coupling

IB IB :TRACe[:DATA] TRACE2, <data> Provides a method for putting values into trace B.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ID ID Returns the spectrum analyzer model number.

ID? ID? *IDN? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the


Programming Conversion Guide
model number in the format: HP 8592L.
The HP/Agilent 8560 E/EC Series analyzers
returns the model number followed by a
comma-delimited string of the installed options.
For example, "HP8563E,007,008"
The Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format:
Agilent Technologies, N9020A. It also returns the
serial number and firmware revision.

IDCF Sets the center frequency to the frequency of the

signal identified by the SIGID (signal
identification) function.

IDCFREQ? Returns to the controller the frequency of the

signal identified by the SIGID (signal
identification) function.

IDSTAT? b Specifies the completion status of the signal

identifier (SIGID).

IF IF IFa IF/THEN/ELSE/ENDIF forms a decision and

branching construct.

IFTKNL Performs an inverse Fourier transform on two

Conversion Guide

traces that represent the real and imaginary parts.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

INT INT INTa Places the greatest integer that is less than or equal
to the source value into the destination.

Programming Conversion Guide
INZ [:SENSe]:CORRections:IMPedance[:INPut][: Specifies the value of input impedance expected at
MAGnitude] 50|75 the active input port.

INZ 75|50 Amplitude correction is applied to the display data

to adjust for the measurement situations where the
Unit Under Test has a different impedance than the
instrument 50 Ohm input impedance.

INZ? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 50.

IP IP IP :SYSTem:PRESet Performs an instrument preset.

KEYCLR KEYCLRa Clears softkeys 1 through 6.

KEYCMD Allows you to define the function and label of a

softkey. The softkey label is updated whenever a
softkey is pressed.

KEYDEF KEYDEF KEYDEFa Assigns a label and user-defined function to a


KEYENH Allows you to activate inverse video mode or

underline part or all of the softkey label.

KEYEXC KEYEXC Executes the specified, previously defined softkey.

Conversion Guide

KEYLBL Relabels a softkey without changing its function.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

KSA Same as AUNITS DBM (see page 18)

KSB Same as AUNITS DBMV (see page 18)


Programming Conversion Guide
KSC Same as AUNITS DBUV (see page 18)

KSD Same as AUNITS V (see page 18)

KSE Same as TITLE (see page 107)

KSF Service diagnostic

KSG/H Same as VAVG ON/OFF (see page 114)

KSI Extends reference level of analyzer.

KSJ Manual DAC control which is used as a diagnositc

aid when servicing the spectrum analyzer. This
functionality is not available on the X-series.

KSK :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion:STA A key difference between KSK and MKPK NH is

Te OFF; that MKPK NH takes into account the peak
excursion, whereas KSK does not.

KSL/M Same as MKNOISE OFF/ON (see page 67)

Conversion Guide

KSN Same as MKMIN (see page 66)

KSO Same as MKSP (see page 72)

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

KSP :SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB[:SELF]: Changes the GPIP address.

ADDRess <integer>

Programming Conversion Guide
KSQ Same as HNUNLK (see page 46)

KSR/KSS/KSU Service command/Fast GPIB operation(/Fast

high-band preset/External mixing preset)

KST Enables a fast prest, similar to an instrument preset

(IP) except that the internal bus check is not

KSV Same as FOFFSET (see page 39)

KSW Runs an internal self-alignment routine.

:CALibration[:ALL] Runs an internal self-alignment routine and applies

the corrections.

KSX, KSY Applies/removes the corrections from KSW.

:CALibration:AUTO OFF|ON|ALERt Turns on/off the alignment routine that runs

continuously in the background.

KSZ Same as ROFFSET (see page 91)

KSa/KSb Same as DET NRM|POS|NEG|SMP (see page 31)


KSc Same as APB (see page 17)

Conversion Guide

KSf Recalls last instrument state if there has been a

power loss.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

KSg/KSh :DISPlay:ENABle OFF|ON|0|1 Turns display off/on to conserve useful life.

KSi Same as BXC (see page 21)


Programming Conversion Guide
KSj Similar to VIEW TRC (see page 116)

KSk Similar to BLANK TRC (see page 20)

KSl Same as BTC (see page 21)

KSm/n Same as GRAT OFF/ON (see page 45)

KSo Same as ANNOT OFF (see page 17)

KSp Same as ANNOT ON (see page 17)

KSq/KSr Service diagnostic/Service diagnostic

KSt KSt in the 8566B is the same as HNLOCK (page

KSt in the 8568B continues sweeping from the

KSu Stops the sweep at the active marker.

KSv KSv in the 8566B is the same as SIGID (page 96);

KSv in the 8568B inhibits the phase lock and is
used as a diagnostic aid for servicing the spectrum
Conversion Guide

KSw Displays the correction data from KSW.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

KSx/KSy :TRIGger:[:SEQuence]:RF:SOURce Selects external/video trigger, but eliminates

refresh for sweeps < 20 ms.
TheX-series SCPI command for external or video

Programming Conversion Guide
trigger does not refresh the display for any sweep
time if the trigger conditions have not been met. To
allow refreshes of the display when the trigger
conditions have not been met, activate the Auto
Trigger feature
(:TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger<time> and

KSz Displays specified memory address.

KS, Same as ML (see page 74)

KS= KS= Selects factory defaults for preselector


KS/ KS/ Allows preselector to be peaked manually.

KS( Locks/unlocks the contents of the internal

and KS) instrument registers so they cannot be overwritten.

KS| Same as DW (see page 34)

KS# Service diagnostic

Conversion Guide

KS> [:SENSe]:CORRection:SA:GAIN <rel_ampl> Specifies preamp gain for signal input 2 (8568B)

KS< [:SENSe]:CORRection:SA:GAIN <rel_ampl> Specifies preamp gain for signal input 1 (8568B)

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
LB LB LB Writes text at the current pen position.

LCLVARa Defines a local variable that can only be used

within a FUNCDEF.

LF LFb Performs an instrument preset to the RF band

(band 0).

LG LG LG Specifies the vertical graticule divisions as

logarithmic units, without changing the reference

LG <value> LG <value> LG <value> :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]:

SPACing LOGarithmic
PDIVision <rel_ampl>



The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: in the format: 10.00. The Agilent X-series analyzer
PDIVision? outputs data in the format: 1.00E+01.
Conversion Guide

LIMDa Enters the delta value for the amplitude of a

limit-line segment.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

LIMFa Enters the frequency value for a limit-line


Programming Conversion Guide
LIMIDEL LIMIPURGEa Deletes all segments in the current limit-line table.

LIMIDISP Controls when the limit line (or limit lines) are

LIMIFAIL LIMIFAILa Returns a "0" if the last measurement sweep of the

trace A (856x/859x) or trace 1 (for X-series) is
equal to or within the limit-line bounds.

LIMIFT Selects how the limit-line segments are placed on

the spectrum analyzer display, according to
frequency, or according to the sweep time setting
of the spectrum analyzer.

LIMIHALF Edit/specify upper or lower limit line only.

LIMIHI Allows you to specify a fixed trace as the upper

limit line.

LIMILINE Outputs the current limit-line table definitions.

LIMILO Allows you to specify a fixed trace as the lower

limit line.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

LIMIMIRROR Reflects the current definition about the amplitude

axis at the largest frequency or the largest sweep
time in the definition.

Programming Conversion Guide
There is no similar function in the Agilent X-series

LIMIMODE Determines whether the limit-line entries are

treated as upper amplitude values, lower amplitude
values, upper and lower amplitude values, or
mid-amplitude and delta values.

LIMIREL LIMIRELa Specifies the current limit lines as fixed or relative.

LIMIRCLa Recalls a limit-line set from the limit-line table in

the module user memory.

Recalls a specified limit-line from a file in

instrument memory.

LIMISAVa Saves the active limit-line to the module memory

under the name assigned to it.

Saves the specified limit-line to the instrument

memory under the filename assigned.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

LIMISEG Adds new segments to the current frequency limit

line in either the upper limit line or the lower limit

Programming Conversion Guide
<x> is frequency in Hz or time in seconds.
<ampl> is amplitude in dB.
<connected>: 1 = connected, and 2 = not

LIMISEGT Adds new segments to the current sweep time limit

line in either the upper limit line or the lower limit

<x> is frequency in Hz or time in seconds.

<ampl> is amplitude in dB.
<connected>: 1 = connected, and 2 = not

LIMITEST LIMITESTa Compares trace A (856x/859x) or trace 1 (for

X-series) with the current limit-line data.

LIMLa Is used within the SEDI command to assign the

lower-limit amplitude value to a limit-line

LIMMa Is used within the SEDI command to assign the

Conversion Guide

middle amplitude value to a limit-line segment.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

LIMTFLa Is used within the SEDI command to make the

selected limit-line segment flat.

Programming Conversion Guide
LIMTSLa Is used within the SEDI command to make the
selected limit-line segment have a slope.

LIMUa Is used within the SEDI command to assign the

upper-amplitude value to a limit-line segment.

LINFILL Fills linear interpolated data into the specified trace

data points of a destination trace.

LL Provides the lower left recorder output voltage at

the rear panel.

LN LN LN Specifies the vertical graticule divisions as linear

units, without changing the reference level.

:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: Specifies the vertical graticule divisions as log or

SPACing LINear linear units.

L0 Same as DL OFF (see page 32)

LOAD For loading a trace, amplitude correction, limit, or


:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe <file_name> For loading the analyzer state from a file.

:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe For loading a trace.

Conversion Guide


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

LOG LOG LOGa Takes the logarithm (base 10) of the source,
multiplies the result by the scaling factor, then
stores it in the destination.

Programming Conversion Guide
LSPAN [:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN:PREVious Changes the spectrum analyzer span to the
previous span setting.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
M1 M1 Same as MKOFF (see page 68)

M2 M2 Same as MKN (see page 67)

M3 M3 Same as MKD (see page 64)

M4 M4 Activates a single marker on the trace and enables

the knob to change the position of the marker. The
active function is then set to span.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE Activates a single marker on the trace and enables

POSition the knob to change the position of the marker.
The SCPI command only makes marker the active
function if marker was already the active function
before. Otherwise, whatever the previous active
function was will be the active function after this
command is sent.

MA Same as MKA? (see page 63)

MBIAS Sets the bias level for external mixers that require
diode bias for efficient mixer operation.

Turns the bias level on/off for external mixers.

Conversion Guide

MBRD/MBWR Reads/writes the specified memory block.

MC Same as MKFC (see page 65)

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MC0c Turns off the marker frequency counter.

MC1c Turns on the marker frequency counter.


Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:FCOunt Turns on/off the marker frequency counter for the
[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 specified marker.

MDS MDS Specifies measurement data size as byte or word.

:FORMat [:TRACe][:DATA] Specifies the measurement data size in SCPI. (It is

ASCii|INTeger,32|REAL,32|REAL,64 not possible to get data in byte or word sizes in the
X-Series analyzers. 32-bit integer is the smallest
data size available.)

MDU MDU Returns values for the spectrum analyzer baseline

and reference level.

MEAN MEAN MEANa :CALCulate:DATA<n>:COMPress? MEAN Returns the mean value of the given trace in
measurement units.

MEAN TRA? MEAN TRA MEAN TRA?a Returns the mean of the amplitudes of the trace
amplitude elements in measurement units. The
MEAN TRB? MEAN TRB MEAN TRB?a format of the response data will be different.

MEAN TRC? In the SCPI command, the value of n denotes the

trace number. For example, a value of 1 indicates
Trace 1 (equivalent of Trace A in the legacy
analyzers). Trace 2 is equivalent to Trace B and
Conversion Guide

Trace 3 is equivalent to Trace C.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MEANPWR Measures the average power of the carrier while

the burst is turned on and allows you to define the
carrier-on amplitude range, in decibels below the

Programming Conversion Guide
peak value of the specified trace.

MEAS? :INITialize:CONTinuous? Returns the current sweep status.

Returns 1 if in continuous or 0 if in single sweep.

MEANTH Returns the mean value of the given trace above

the threshold, in measurement units.

MEASOFF Turns off the current measurement, erases the

display, and then displays the menu accessed by

MEASURE Determines the type of measurement: signal

analysis, stimulus response, or signal

MEM MEM MEMa Returns the amount of spectrum analyzer memory


MENU MENUa Selects and displays the softkey menus on the

spectrum analyzer screen.

MERGE MERGE Merges the source trace into the specified area of
the destination trace.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MF MF MF Returns the frequency (or time) of the on-screen

active marker.

Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X? Returns the value in x-axis units, of the specified

MIN MIN MINa Compares source 1 and 2, point by point, and

stores the lesser of the two in the destination.

MINH MINH Updates trace C elements with minimum level


:TRACe[1]|2|3:MODE MINHold Selects the display mode for the selected trace.
Minimum hold displays the lowest measured trace
value for all the data that has been measured since
the function was turned on.

MINPOS MINPOS :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|1 Returns a value, which is the x-axis position (in
2:MINimum display units) of the minimum amplitude value in
trace A, trace B, trace C, or user-defined trace.

MIRROR MIRROR Displays the mirror image of a trace.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKA MKA MKA Specifies amplitude of the active marker.

MKA? MKA? MKA? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:Y? Read the current y-axis value for the designated

Programming Conversion Guide
marker on the assigned trace. The value is in the
y-axis units for the trace (dBm, volts, and so forth).
The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: -66.9. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: -6.69E+01.
The FORMat:DATA command changes the data
output format.

MKACT MKACT Specifies the active marker.

MKACT 1|2|3|4 MKACT 1|2|3|4 :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:STATe ON|1

MKACT? MKACT? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:STATe?

MKACTV Makes the current active marker the active


MKBW MKBW Returns the bandwidth at the specified power level

relative to an on-screen marker (if present) or the
signal peak (if no on-screen marker is present).

MKCF MKCF MKCF Sets the center frequency equal to the marker
frequency and moves the marker to the center of
the screen.
Conversion Guide

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:SET]: CENTer Sets the center frequency equal to the specified

marker frequency, which moves the marker to the
center of the screen.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKCHEDGE Moves the delta markers to ±0.5 channel widths

from the center frequency.

Programming Conversion Guide
MKCONT MKCONT Resumes the sweep after execution of a MKSTOP

MKD MKD MKD Activates the delta marker.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE DELTa Positions and activates the designated marker on

the assigned trace at the specified X value. The
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X <param> value is in the x axis units (which is often
frequency or time).

MKDELCHBW Sets the channel power bandwidth to the difference

between the delta markers.

MKDLMODE Selects whether the marker amplitude values are

shown as relative to the reference level (normal
mode), or relative to the display line (delta mode)
when the marker table is turned on.

MKDR Displays the reciprocal of the frequency (or time,

when in zero span) difference between two

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKF MKF MKF Specifies the frequency value of the active marker.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X <param> Positions the designated marker on the assigned


Programming Conversion Guide
trace at the specified x-axis value. The value is in
the x-axis units (which is often frequency or time).

MKF? MKF? MKF? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750E6. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:
The FORMat:DATA command changes the data
output format.

MKFC MKFCc MKFC Turns the marker frequency counter on or off.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:FCOunt Turns the marker frequency counter on or off for

[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 the specified marker.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKFCR MKFCRc MKFCR Sets the resolution of the marker frequency


Programming Conversion Guide
MKFCR <freq> MKFCR <freq> MKFCR <freq> :CALCulate:MARKer:FCOunt: Sets the resolution of the marker frequency
RESolution <real> counter. AUTO ON couples the marker counter
resolution to the frequency span.

MKFCR AUTO :CALCulate:MARKer:FCOunt: Sets the resolution of the marker frequency counter
RESolution:AUTO ON|1 so it is automatically coupled to the frequency
span, generating the fastest accurate count.


MKFCR? MKFCR? MKFCR? :CALCulate:MARKer:FCOunt: RESolution? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 1000. The Agilent X-series
analyzers output data in the format:

MKMCF Moves the midpoint of the delta markers to the

center frequency.

MKMIN MKMIN MKMIN Moves the active marker to the lowest point on the
trace that is assigned to that particular marker

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: MINimum Places the selected marker on the lowest point on

the trace that is assigned to that particular marker
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKN MKN MKN Activates a normal marker and positions it at the

center of the active trace.

Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE Activates the designated marker and positions it at
POSition the center of the active trace.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X <param> Positions the designated marker on the current

trace at the specified x value. The value is in the
x-axis units (which is often frequency or time).

MKN UP|DN MKN UP|DN Moves the active marker to the right (UP) or left
(DN) a distance that is 10% of the current
frequency span.

MKN? MKN? MKN? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750E6. The Agilent X-series
analyzers output data in the format:
The FORMat:DATA command changes the data
output format.

MKNOISE MKNOISE MKNOISE Displays the average noise level at the marker.

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: FUNCtion Selects the marker function for the specified

NOISe|OFF marker. NOISe is a noise measurement.

MKNOISE? MKNOISE? MKNOISE? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: FUNCtion? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns ON
Conversion Guide

or OFF. The Agilent X-series analyzer returns


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKOFF MKOFF MKOFF Turns off either the active marker or all the

Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:STATe Turns the selected marker on or off.

MKOFF ALL MKOFF ALL MKOFF ALL :CALCulate:MARKer:AOFF Turns off all the markers on all the traces.

MKP MKP Places the active marker at the given x-axis

coordinate. (in display units, not x-axis units like
frequency or time)

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|3|3|4:X: POSition

MKP? MKP? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|3|3|4:X: POSition? The HP/Agilent 8590-series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 200. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: +2.00000000E+002.
specify how peaks are defined.
The FORMat:DATA command changes the data
output format.

MKPAUSE MKPAUSE Pauses the sweep at the active marker for the
duration of the delay period.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKPK MKPK MKPK Positions the active marker on a signal peak.


Programming Conversion Guide
MKPK HI MKPK HI MKPK HI :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: MAXimum Places the selected marker on the highest point on
the trace that is assigned to that particular marker

MKPK NL MKPK NL MKPK NL :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: Places the selected marker on the next signal peak
MAXimum:LEFT to the left of the current marked peak.

MKPK NH MKPK NH MKPK NH :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: Places the selected marker on the next highest
MAXimum:NEXT signal peak from the current marked peak.

MKPK NR MKPK NR MKPK NR :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: Places the selected marker on the next signal peak
MAXimum:RIGHt to the right of the current marked peak.

MKPT Specifies the marker peak threshold.

CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: Specifies the marker peak threshold for the

PEAK:THReshold <ampl> specified marker. Select the parameter peak search
mode to use threshold settings. See

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKPX MKPX MKPX Specifies the minimum signal excursion for the
spectrum analyzer internal peak-identification

Programming Conversion Guide
MKPX <value> MKPX <value> MKPX <value> :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion Specifies the minimum signal excursion for the
<rel_ampl> analyzer internal peak identification routine to
recognize a signal as a peak. This applies to all
traces and all windows.
The HP/Agilent 8560 E/EC Series analyzers
consider trace data both above and below the peak
threshold when applying the peak excursion
criteria. As a result, if the peak excursion is 6 dB,
for example, a valid peak could be only 1 dB above
the peak threshold as long as it extended at least 5
dB below the peak threshold. The Agilent X-series
analyzers, by comparison, require the entire peak
excursion to occur above the peak threshold for the
peak to be valid.


MKPX? MKPX? MKPX? :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK: EXCursion? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8566B/8568B
analyzers output data in the format: 6.00. The
Agilent X-series analyzer outputs data in the
format: +6.000000000E+00. Select the parameter
peak search mode to use excursion settings. See
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKREAD MKREAD Selects the type of active trace information

displayed by the spectrum analyzer marker

Programming Conversion Guide
MKREAD FRQ MKREAD FRQ :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X: READout Selects the units for the x-axis readout of the
marker. Available units are: frequency, time,
inverse of time, period.




MKREAD FFT MKREAD FFT :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X: READout? FFT is an invalid parameter for the
Agilent X-series signal analyzers.

MKREAD? MKREAD? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X: READout? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns

marker readout in the format: FRQ SWT IST or
PER. The Agilent X-series analyzers return FREQ,

MKRL MKRL MKRL :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:SET]: RLEVel Sets the reference level to the amplitude value of
the active marker.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKSP MKSP MKSP Sets the start and stop frequencies to the values of
the delta markers.

Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:SET]: SPAN Sets the span to the value of the specified marker
frequency. The specified marker must be in delta
mode. Select the delta marker mode with

MKSS MKSS MKSS Sets the center frequency step size to the marker

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4[:SET]: STEP Sets the center frequency step size equal to the
marker frequency.

MKSTOP MKSTOP Stops the sweep at the active marker.

MKT Sets the marker to the position corresponding to

the amount of time from the beginning of the

:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:X <value> In zero span, this command sets the marker’s

x-axis location in time units.
In a non-zero frequency span, this command does
not accept sweeptime units. Convert the desired
time to an equivalent frequency:
F x = ⎛⎝ -----------------------⎞⎠ F span + F start
Conversion Guide

T sweeptime

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKTBL Turns the marker table on or off.


Programming Conversion Guide

MKTBL? :CALCulate:MARKer:TABLe:STATe? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs ON

or OFF. The Agilent X-series analyzer outputs +1
or 0.

MKTRACE MKTRACE Moves the active marker to a corresponding

position in trace A, trace B, or trace C.

MKTRACE TRA MKTRACE TRA :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe: Automatically puts markers at the same x position
AUTO OFF|ON|0|1 on all the traces.


:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe Assigns the specified marker to the designated

<integer> trace 1, 2, or 3.

MKTRACE? MKTRACE? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:TRACe? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8566B/8568B

analyzers return TRA, TRB, or TRC. The Agilent
X-series analyzer returns +1, +2, or +3.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MKTRACK MKTRACK MKTRACK Moves the signal with an active marker to the
center of the spectrum analyzer display and keeps
the signal peak at center screen.

Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: Turns marker signal tracking on or off. It
TRCKing[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 continuously puts the selected marker on the
highest displayed signal peak and moves it to the
center frequency. This allows you to keep a signal
on the display that is drifting in frequency.

MKTRACK? MKTRACK? MKTRACK? :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4: The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs ON

TRCKing[:STATe]? or OFF. The 8560 E/EC Series analyzer outputs 1
or 0.The Agilent X-series analyzer outputs +1 or 0.

MKTYPE MKTYPE Changes the type of the current active marker.

ML ML ML Specifies the maximum signal level that is applied

to the input mixer for a signal that is equal to or
below the reference level.

ML <value> ML <value> ML <value> [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:MIXer:RANGe Specifies the maximum power at the input mixer
[:UPPer] <ampl> for a signal this is equal to or below the reference


ML? ML? ML? [:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:MIXer:RANGe The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
[:UPPer]? in the format: -10. The Agilent X-series analyzer
Conversion Guide

outputs data in the format: -1.00000000E+001.

MOD MOD MODa Stores the remainder from the division of source 1
by source 2 in the destination.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MODE Returns a "0" if the mode of operation is spectrum

analysis. A number other than "0" is returned if the
operating mode (also called "personality") is other

Programming Conversion Guide
than spectrum analysis.

MODRCLTa :MMEMory:STORe:STATE Recalls a trace from the source specified by

TRACE1|TRACE2,<filename> MSDEV to the TRA/TRB in the instrument.

MODSAVTa :MMEMory:LOAD:TRACE Saves a trace in module memory.

TRACE1|TRACE2, <filename>

MOV MOV MOVa Copies the source values into the destination.
<dest_trace>, <num_value>

:TRACe:COPY <source_trace>,<dest_trace> Transfers the source trace to the destination trace.

Source traces are: TRACE[1]|2|3
Destination traces are: TRACE[1]|2|3

MPY MPY MPYa Multiplies the sources, point by point, and places
the results in the destination.

MRD Reads the two-byte word at the specified memory

address and returns it to the controller.

MRDB Reads the 8-byte word at the specified memory

address and returns its ASCII equivalent to the
Conversion Guide

MSDEVa Specifies the data storage and access device to be

either the module memory or the memory card.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

MSI Allows you to specify the current mass storage

device as the spectrum analyzer memory or a
memory card.

Programming Conversion Guide
MT0 MT0 Same as MKTRACK OFF (see page 74)

MT1 MT1 Same as MKTRACK ON (see page 74)

MWR Writes a two-byte message, starting at the specified

memory address.

MWRB Writes a one-byte message to the specified

memory address.

MXM MXMb MXMa Compares source 1 and source 2, point by point,

sending the greater value of each comparison to the

MXMH MXMHb MXMH Updates trace elements with maximum level


:TRACe[1]|2|3:MODE MAXHold

MXRMODE Specifies an internal or external mixer mode.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
NDB Specifies the distance (in dB) from the signal peak
for the N dB points measurement (NDBPNT).

NDB? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: -3.

NDBPNT Turns the N dB points measurement on or off.

NDBPNT? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs ON

or OFF.

NDBPNTR? Returns the bandwidth measured by the N dB

points measurement (NDBPT).

NORMLIZE :CALCulate:NTData[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 Activates the normalization routine for

stimulus-response measurements.

NRL NRL Sets the normalized reference level.

NRLevel <rel_ampl>

NRL? NRL? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: The HP/Agilent 8590-series analyzer outputs data

NRLevel? in the format: 10. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: +1.00E+01.
Conversion Guide

NRPOS Adjusts the normalized reference position.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

NSTARTb Specifies the start harmonic for signal

identification (SIGID).

Programming Conversion Guide
NSTOPb Specifies the stop harmonic for signal
identification (SIGID).

O1 Same as TDF P (see page 105)

O2 Same as TDF B;MDS W (see page 105, page 60)

O3 Same as TDF M (see page 105)

O4 Same as TDF B;MDS B (see page 105, page 60)

OA OA or ? OA or ? Returns the value of the active function.

OBW :MEASure:OBWidth? Performs the occupied bandwidth measurement

using the value for occupied bandwidth percent

OBWPCT OCCUP [:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent <percent> Specifies the percent of total power that is to be
used in calculating the occupied bandwidth

OL OL Output current state in learn string format.

ONCYCLE Executes the list of analyzer commands


ONDELAY Executes the list of analyzer commands after the

Conversion Guide

time value has elapsed.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ONEOS ONEOS ONEOSa Executes the list of analyzer commands after the
end of the sweep.

Programming Conversion Guide
ONMKR Performs the list of analyzer commands when the
sweep reaches the marker position.

ONMKRU Executes the list of analyzer commands whenever

the value or the units of the active marker are

ONPWRUP Executes the list of spectrum analyzer commands

once on power up.

ONSRQ Executes the list of analyzer commands whenever

a service request occurs.

ONSWP ONSWP Executes the list of analyzer commands at the

beginning of the sweep.

ONTIME Executes the list of analyzer commands at the

specified time.

OP OP? OP? Returns the coordinates of the lower-left and

upper-right corners of the spectrum analyzer
display (P1,P2).

ORa Sets the origin of the graphics pen as determined

by the values of the x- and y-coordinate offsets.
Conversion Guide

OT Returns all CRT annotation as 32 strings.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Series Analyzer Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer SCPI Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUTa Allows the spectrum analyzer to send data to other
devices on the GPIB.

Programming Conversion Guide
a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
PA PA PAa Moves the pen to a vector location on the spectrum
analyzer screen relative to the reference
coordinates (0,0).

PARSTAT Returns parallel port status.

PCTAM Turns the percent AM measurement on or off.

PCTAMR Returns the percent AM measured by the percent

AM measurement (PCTAM).

PD PD PDa Instructs the spectrum analyzer to plot vectors on

the spectrum analyzer screen until a PU command
is received.

PDA PDA PDAa Sums the probability distribution of amplitude in

the destination trace with the amplitude
distribution function of the source trace.

PDF PDF PDFa Increments an element of the destination trace

whenever the corresponding element of the source
trace exceeds a threshold.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

PEAKS PEAKS PEAKSa :CALCulate:DATA[1]|2|3|4|5|6:PEAKs? Sorts signal peaks by frequency or amplitude,

<threshold>,<excursion>[,AMPLitude|FREQuency| stores the results in the destination trace, and
TIME[,ALL|GTDLine|LTDLine]] returns the number of peaks found.

Programming Conversion Guide
PKDLMODE :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:TABLe:READout Selects the signal peaks that are displayed in the
ALL|GTDLine|LTDLine peak table.

PKPOS PKPOS :CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12: Returns a value, which is the index of the

MAXimum maximum value in trace A, trace B, trace C, or
user-defined trace.

PKRES Returns the x-axis coordinates of the peaks in the

peak table.

PKSORT :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:SORT Selects how the signal peaks listed in the peak
FREQuency|AMPLitude table are sorted: by decreasing amplitude or by
ascending frequency.

PKTBL :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:TABLe:STATe Turns the peak table on or off.


PKZMOK Returns a "0" if the peak zoom routine (PKZOOM)

found only the spectrum analyzer local oscillator
feedthrough, otherwise a "1" is returned.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

PKZOOM Automatically tunes the spectrum analyzer to the

signal with the highest amplitude level while
narrowing the frequency span to the specified

Programming Conversion Guide
frequency span.

PLOT PLOT PLOT Initiates a plotter output of the screen data to the
remote interface.

PLOTORG Specifies whether the P1, P2 plotter settings are the

origin for the graticule, or the entire spectrum
analyzer display.

PLTPRT Directs the plotter output to GPIB, serial or parallel


PLOTSRC ALL Specifies the source for the plot.


POWERON Selects the state the spectrum analyzer will be in

when it is turned on: IP (instrument preset) or
LAST state.


POWERON? :SYSTem:PON:TYPE? The response is: PRESET or LAST.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

PP PPb PP Performs a preselector peak.

[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:PCENter Centers the preselector tracking to maximize


Programming Conversion Guide
amplitude of the signal at the specified marker by
minimizing the loss through the filter.

PR PR PRa Moves the pen to a new plot location on the

spectrum analyzer screen relative to the current
coordinates in display units.

PREAMPG Subtracts a positive or negative preamplifier gain

value from the displayed signal.

[:SENSe]:CORRection:OFFSet [:MAGNitude]

PREAMPG? :SENSe]:CORRection:OFFSet [:MAGNitude]? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 10.00. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: +1.00000000E+001.

PREFX Specifies or changes the prefix used in save and

recall operations.

PRINT PRINT HCOPy[:IMMediate] Initiates output of the spectrum analyzer display to

a printer.

PRNPRT Directs the printer output to GPIB, serial or

parallel ports.
Conversion Guide

PRNTADRS Allows you to set the GPIB address of the printer.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

PS Skips remaining display data and goes to next page

of display data.

Programming Conversion Guide
PSDAC Specifies the preselector peak DAC setting.
[:SENSe]:POWer[:RF]:PADJust <freq> The X-series SCPI command accepts a frequency
offset as the command parameter, whereas the
8560 E/EC Series command accepts a DAC count
as its parameter.

PSTATE PSTATE Protects all of the spectrum analyzer user state and
trace registers from being changed.

PU PU PUa Instructs the spectrum analyzer not to plot vectors

on the spectrum analyzer screen until a PD
command is received.

PURGE Deletes the specified file from the current mass

storage device. Replaced by DELETE.

PWRBW PWRBW PWRBW Computes the bandwidth around the trace center,
which includes signals whose total power is a
specified percentage of the total trace signal power.

CONFigure:OBW? Turn on OBW measurement.

[:SENSe]:OBWidth:PERCent <percent> Set the desired percent of power.
READ:OBW: OBWidth? Return the bandwidth.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

PWRUPTIME Returns the number of milli-seconds that have

elapsed since the spectrum analyzer was turned on.

Programming Conversion Guide
PWRUPTIME? For the HP/Agilent 8590 series, returns the time in
milliseconds since the last power on.
The X-series SCPI command returns the elapsed
time since the most recent power-up in seconds.
The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 1.91557506E8. The Agilent X-series
analyzer data output format is +2.12926028E+003.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Seri Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B es Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
R1 *ESE32;*SRE32 Same as RQS 32 - illegal command service request
(see page 91)

R2 *ESE33;*SRE32 Same as RQS 36 - end of sweep and illegal

command service request (see page 91)

R3 *ESE40;*SRE32 Same as RQS 40 - broken hardware and illegal

command service request)

R4 Same as RQS 34 - units key pressed an illegal

command service request. (see page 91)
There is no units key on the Agilent X-series
analyzer. *ESE96 sets the SRQ if either the
LOCAL key is pressed or an illegal command is

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Seri Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B es Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

RB RB RB Specifies the resolution bandwidth.

RB <value> RB <value> [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth [:RESolution] Manually sets the resolution bandwidth.


Programming Conversion Guide

RB AUTO RB AUTO [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth AUTO parameters ON|OFF are not available for
[:RESolution]:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1 the HP/Agilent 8590-Series spectrum analyzers.
When AUTO is ON, the resolution bandwidth is
automatically coupled to the frequency span.


RB? RB? RB? [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth [:RESolution]? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

RBR Specifies the ratio between the resolution

bandwidth and the frequency span.
The X-series SCPI command uses the ratio of
Span:3 dB RBW, whereas the 8560 E/EC
tion]:RATio <integer>
command uses the ratio of 3 dB RBW:SPAN.

RC *RCL <register #> Same as RCLS (see page 89)

RCLOSCAL Recalls averaged open/short reference trace data

into trace B.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Seri Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B es Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

RCLS RCLS RCLS *RCL <register #> Recalls spectrum analyzer state data from one of
nine state registers in spectrum analyzer memory.
These registers do not appear in a FILE catalog.

Programming Conversion Guide
RCLT RCLT Recalls previously saved trace data, amplitude
factors, or limit-line data from the trace registers in
spectrum analyzer memory. These registers are
specially mapped to named files.

:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <label>,<file_name> The contents of the file are loaded into the
specified trace. See the LOAD command.

RCLTHRU Recalls a thru-reference trace into trace B.

RELHPIB RELHPIB RELHPIBa Releases spectrum analyzer control of the GPIB.

REPEAT. . . REPEAT. . . REPEAT. . . REPEAT/UNTIL forms a looping construct.


RESETRL Resets the reference level to instrument preset


RETURN RETURNa Stops the operation of a user-defined command

and returns program operation to the point where
the user-defined function was called.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Seri Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B es Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

REV REV Returns the date code of the firmware revision

number in YYMMDD format.

Programming Conversion Guide
REV? REV? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and 8560 E/EC series
analyzers return the firmware revision number date
code in the format: 950129. The 8566B/8568B
*IDN? analyzers return the firmware revision in the
format of YYWW, where YY is the number of
years since 1960 and WW is the number of weeks
from the beginning of the year. For example,
"3114" would represent a revision with a build date
in the 14th week of 1991 (e.g. 12 April 1991). The
Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format:
Agilent Technologies, N9020A, US45120125,

RL RL RL Specifies the amplitude value of the reference


RL <value> RL <value> RL <value> :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: RLEVel Sets the amplitude value of the reference level for
<ampl> the y-axis. The active window is assumed when no
window is specified.


RL? RL? RL? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: RLEVel? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 10.00. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: 1.00E+01
Conversion Guide

RLCAL :CALibration:RF Calibrates the reference level.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
d. Option 002 only.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Seri Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B es Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

RLPOS :DISPlay:WINDow[1]:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: Selects the position of reference level.

NRPosition <integer>

Programming Conversion Guide

RMS RMS RMSa Returns the root mean square value of the trace in
measurement units.

ROFFSET ROFFSET ROFFSET Offsets all amplitude readouts without affecting

the trace.

:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: Sets the amplitude reference level for the y-axis.

RLEVel:OFFSet <rel_ampl> When no window is specified, the active window
is assumed. The X-series command does not
support offsets when the Y-axis unit is Volts, which
was possible in the 8566B/8568B.

ROFFSET? ROFFSET? ROFFSET? :DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y[:SCALe]: The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
RLEVel:OFFSet? in the format: 10.00. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: 1.00E+01

RQS RQS RQS Sets a bit mask for service requests.

See *ESE and the STATus subsystem.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

d. Option 002 only.

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
S1 S1 Same as CONTS (see page 92)

S2 S2 Same as SNGLS (see page 96)

SADDa Add a limit-line segment to the current limit line.

SAVEMENU Saves menu 1 under the specified menu number.

SAVES SAVES SAVES *SAV <register #> Saves the currently displayed instrument state in
spectrum analyzer memory. These registers do not
appear in a FILE catalog.

:MMEMory:STORe:STATe <file_name> The only acceptable delimiter is a single quote(‘).

Only traces and states are supported. Use only file
extensions: .trace and .state. A disk drive name
(typically D:) must be included in the file name.
States and traces saved using
HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzers cannot be read
by the Agilent X-series analyzers.

SAVES PWRON Saves the current state as the instrument power-on

preset state.

Conversion Guide


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SAVET SAVET Saves the selected trace data and state information,
(trace data only for 8560 E/EC Series) in spectrum
analyzer memory. These registers are specially

Programming Conversion Guide
mapped to named files.

SAVET TRA SAVET TRA :MMEMory:STORe:TRACe The Agilent X-series analyzer saves only state
TRACE1|TRACE2|TRACE3,<file_name> information in registers using the *SAV and *RCL
commands. The only acceptable delimiter is a
SAVET TRB SAVET TRB single quote(‘). Only traces and states are
SAVET TRC supported. Use only file extensions: .trace and
.state. A disk drive name (typically D:) must be
included in the file name. States and traces saved
using HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzers cannot be
read by the Agilent X-series analyzer.
The FORMat:DATA command changes the data
output format



SAVRCLF Specifies either a save or recall operation.

SAVRCLN Specifies the number to append to the prefix for a

save or recall operation, and initiates the transfer of
Conversion Guide


SAVRCLW Specifies the data to be transferred.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SDELa Deletes the limit-line segment specified with the

SEDI command.

Programming Conversion Guide
SDONa Terminates the SEDI command.

SEDIa Activates the limit-line segment you identify by its

segment number in the limit-line table.

SEGDEL Deletes the specified segment from the limit-line


SENTER SENTERa Enters the limit-line data in either the upper and
lower limit-line tables or the mid and delta table
for limit lines based on frequency.

SENTERT Enters the limit-line data in either the upper and

lower limit-line table or the mid and delta table for
limit lines based on sweep time.

SER Returns the serial number suffix of the spectrum

analyzer. For example, serial number 2725A00345
returns 00345.

SER? SER? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the

serial number suffix in the format: 00345. The
8560-series analyzers returns the complete serial
number: 2725A00345. The Agilent X-series
analyzer returns the format: Agilent Technologies,
Conversion Guide

N9020A, US27250345, A.01.00.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SETDATE SETDATEa Sets the date of the real-time clock.

:SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day> Year is a 4-digit integer.


Programming Conversion Guide
Month is an integer 1 to 12.
Day is an integer 1 to 31 (depending on the

SETDATE? :SYSTem:DATE? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the

instrument date in the format: YYMMDD. The
Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format:
+YYYY, +MM, +DD.

SETTIME SETTIMEa Sets the time of the real-time clock.

:SYSTem:TIME <hour>,<minute>,<second> Hour must be an integer 0 to 23 (24-hr format)

Minute must be an integer 0 to 59.
Second must be an integer 0 to 59.

SETTIME? :SYSTem:TIME? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the

instrument time in the format: HHMMSS. The
Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format: +HH,
+MM, +SS.

SIGDELb Specifies the maximum amplitude difference

allowed between a signal and its image for the pair
to be recognized by the signal identification
Conversion Guide

routine (SIGID).

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SIGIDb SIGID Identifies signals for the external mixing frequency


Programming Conversion Guide
SHOWMENUa Displays labels in the softkey area of the display.
Use SKYCLR/SKYDEF for labels.

SKYCLRa Clears all user-defined softkeys set up in DLPs.

SKYDEFa Used inside a DLP to attach a program to a softkey


SMOOTH SMOOTH SMOOTHa Smooths the trace according to the number of

points specified for the running average.




SNGLS SNGLS SNGLS Selects single-sweep mode.

:INITiate:CONTinuous OFF|0

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SP SP SP Changes the total displayed frequency range

symmetrically about the center frequency.

Programming Conversion Guide
SP <value> SP <value> SP <value> [:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN <freq> Set the frequency span.





SP? SP? SP? [:SENSe]:FREQuency:SPAN? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

SPEAKER [:SENSe]:SPEaker[:STATe] ON|OFF|1|0 Turns the internal speaker on or off.

[:SENSe]:SPEaker[:STATe]? The SCPI command requires N9063A, Analog
Demodulation Measurement Application.


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SPZOOM Places a marker on the highest on-screen signal (if

an on-screen marker is not present), turns on the
signal track function, and activates the span

Programming Conversion Guide


:CALCulate:MARKer[1]2|3|4: MAXimum

[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1

SQLCH SQUELCH Sets the squelch threshold by setting the squelch


SQR SQR SQRa Places the square root of the source into the

SRCALC SRCALCd Selects internal or external leveling for use with

the built-in tracking generator.

SRCAT Attenuates the source output level.

SRCCRSTKd Adjusts the coarse tuning of the tracking generator


SRCFINTKd Adjusts the fine tuning of the tracking generator

Conversion Guide

SRCNORM Subtracts trace B from trace A, adds the display

line, and sends the result to trace A.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SRCPOFS SRCPOFSd Offsets the source power level readout.


Programming Conversion Guide
SRCPSTP SRCSTPd Selects the source-power step size.

SRCPSTP <real> SRCSTP <real>d Specifies the source power step size to be one
vertical scale division.


SRCPSTP? SRCSTP? d The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 10.00.

SRCPSWP SRCPSWPd Selects the sweep range of the source output.

SRCPSWP? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 10.00.

SRCPWR SRCPWRd Selects the source power level.

SRCPWR? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 10.00.

SRCTK Adjusts tracking of source output with spectrum

analyzer sweep (3.0 GHz tracking generator only).

SRCTK? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data

in the format: 2048.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SRCTKPK SRCTKPKd Adjusts tracking of source output with

spectrum-analyzer sweep (3.0 GHz tracking
generator only).

Programming Conversion Guide
SRQ SRQ SRQ The SRQ command is used by an external
controller to simulate interrupts from the spectrum

See *ESE? and the STATus subsystem.

SS SS SS Specifies center-frequency step size.

SS <value> SS <value> SS <value> [:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer:STEP[:INCRe Specifies center-frequency step size.

ment] <freq>

SS AUTO SS AUTO [:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer:STEP:AUTO Specifies whether the step size is set automatically
OFF|ON|0|1 based on the span.


SS? SS? SS? [:SENSe]:FREQuency:CENTer:STEP[:INCRe The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
ment]? in the format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ST ST ST Specifies the time in which the spectrum analyzer

sweeps the displayed frequency (or time) range.

Programming Conversion Guide
ST <value> ST <value> ST <value> [:SENSe]:SWEep:TIME <time> Automatically selects the fastest sweep time for the
current span.



ST? ST? ST? [:SENSe]:SWEep:TIME? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer outputs data
in the format: .500000. The Agilent X-series
analyzer outputs data in the format:

STB? STB? *STB? Returns to the controller the decimal equivalent of

the status byte.

STDEV STDEV STDEVa :CALCulate:DATA<n>:COMPress? Returns the standard deviation of the trace
SDEViation[,<soffset>[,<length>[,<roffset>[,< amplitude in measurement units.
The SCPI command returns values in the same
units as the trace data upon which it is operating.
The value of n denotes the trace number. For
example, a value of 1 indicates Trace 1 (equivalent
to Trace A in the legacy analyzers). Trace 2 is
equivalent to Trace B and Trace 3 is equivalent to
Trace C.
Conversion Guide

STOR Stores data on a RAM card.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

STOREOPEN Saves the current instrument state and trace A in

memory. It’s used for open/short calibrations.

Programming Conversion Guide
STORESHORT Averages the current data in trace A with the
“open” data. Then stores it in register 8. It’s used
for open/short calibrations.

STORETHRU Stores a thru calibration trace in trace B and in

state register 9. It’s used for through-line


SUM SUM SUMa Returns the sum of the amplitudes of the trace
elements in measurement units.

SUMSQR SUMSQR SUMSQRa Returns the sum of the squares of the amplitude of
each trace element.

SV SV Same as SAVES (see page 92)

SW Skips from the current address or the specified

address to the next control word.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

SWPCPL SWPCPL [:SENSe]:SWEep:TIMe:AUTO:RULes Selects a stimulus-response (SR) or spectrum

NORMal|SRESponse analyzer (SA) auto-coupled sweep time.

Programming Conversion Guide
SWPCPL SR|SA SWPCPL SR|SA Specifies the type of automatic coupling for the
fastest sweep time at the current span. This varies
based on the current measurement mode.

SWPCPL? SWPCPL? This command returns SR or SA.

The X-series SCPI command returns NORM or
SRES. NORM is the equivalent of SA in the
legacy command and SRES is the equivalent of SR
in the legacy command.

SWPOUT Selects the output for J8.

(FAVA applies only to HP/Agilent 8564E/8565E.)

SYNCMODE Selects either the horizontal and vertical

synchronizing constants, or the synchronization
rate for the internal monitor.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
T0 Same as TH OFF (see page 106)

T1 T1 Same as TM FREE (see page 109)

T2 T2 Same as TM LINE (see page 109)

T3 T3 Same as TM EXT (see page 109)

T4 T4 Same as TM VID (see page 109)

T7 Same as GATECTL LEVEL (see page 41)

T8 Same as GATECTL EDGE (see page 41)

TA TA TA Returns trace A amplitude values from the

spectrum analyzer to the controller.

:TRACe[:DATA]? TRACE1 Returns TRACE1 (trace A) amplitude values from

the spectrum analyzer to the controller.

TB TB TB Returns trace B amplitude values from the

spectrum analyzer to the controller.

:TRACe[:DATA]? TRACE2 Returns TRACE2 (trace B) amplitude values from

the spectrum analyzer to the controller.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TDF TDF TDF Formats trace information for return to the


Programming Conversion Guide
TDF A|B|M|I TDF A|B|M|I TDF A|B|M|I There is no direct equivalent for A, B, M or I
INTeger32 is very similar to the TDF A command,
but provides twice the resolution (32 bits for
INTeger32 vs 16 bits for TDF A).

TDF P TDF P TDF P :FORMat[:TRACe][:DATA] ASCii The queries TRA?, TRB?, and TRC? always return
in TDF P format.



TEXT TEXT TEXTa Writes text on the analyzer screen at the current
pen position.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TH TH TH Clips signal responses below the threshold level.

TH <value> TH <value> TH <value>


Programming Conversion Guide
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:PEAK: Specifies the minimum signal level for the
THReshold <value> analyzer peak identification routine to recognize as
a peak.





a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TIMEDATE TIMEDATEa Sets the time/date of the real-time clock (8590

Turns the timedate display on or off (8560 E/EC

Programming Conversion Guide

:SYSTem:TIME <hour>, <minute>, <second>

:SYSTem:DATE <year>,<month>,<day> Year is a 4-digit integer.

Month is an integer 1 to 12.
Day is an integer 1 to 31.

TIMEDATE? :SYSTem:DATE? The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the

timedate in the format: YYMMDDHHMMSS. The
Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format:
:SYSTem:TIME? +YYYY, +MM, +DD for the date query, and +HH,
+MM, +SS for the time query (24-hour format).
Both queries must be sent to receive the same
information given by the single HP/Agilent 8590

TIMEDSP Turns the real-time clock display on or off.


TITLE TITLE :DISPlay:ANNotation:TITLe:DATA <string> Activates the screen title mode.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
Conversion Guide

b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.

8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TM TM TM Specifies trigger mode.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.

Programming Conversion Guide
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TM FREE TM FREE TM FREE :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce Specifies the source (or type) of triggering used to
IMMediate|VIDeo|LINE| start a measurement. Immediate is free-run
TM VID TM VID TM VID EXTernal[1]|EXTernal2 triggering. Video triggers on the video signal. Line

Programming Conversion Guide
TM LINE TM LINE TM LINE triggers on the power line signal. External allows
you to connect an external trigger source.
In the SCPI command, IMMediate is the
equivalent of Free Run.
On the 8566B/8568B, if the sweep time is <20 ms
(fast zero span, where the trace is not digitized),
the display is refreshed periodically, as if the
trigger mode were set to free run, even if no trigger
is present in the case of video or external trigger.
This prevents the display from being completely
blank when no trigger is present.
In the X-series, traces are always digitized, so the
display is not blanked, but a sweep is not triggered
unless a trigger event occurs. It is possible,
however, to use the Auto Trigger feature to force a
sweep to be taken if a trigger event does not occur.
Refer to the :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:ATRigger
<time> and
OFF|ON|0|1 commands.

TM? TM? TM? :TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce? The HP/Agilent 8590-series, 8566B/8568B, and

Conversion Guide

8560 E/EC series analyzesr output: FREE, VID,

LINE, or EXT. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs: IMM, VID, LINE, EXT1, or EXT2.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TOI Turns the third-order intermodulation (TOI)

measurement on or off.

Programming Conversion Guide
TOIR Returns the highest third-order intermodulation
product measured by the third-order
intermodulation measurement (TOI).

TRA TRB TRC TRA TRB TRC TRA TRB Controls trace data input or output.

:TRACe[:DATA] TRACE1|TRACE2|TRACE3, Transfers the trace data from the controller to the
<ASCII data or definite_length_block> instrument. The query reads trace data out of the
instrument. The data is in a machine readable
format that the analyzer understands.

TRA? TRA? :TRACe[:DATA]? The data format for the command and query is
The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns data
TRB? TRB? in the format: −57.71, -58.12, −56.87. The Agilent
X-series analyzer returns data in the format:
−5.46380000E+001, −5.44410000E+001,
TRC? -5.47590000E+001. This is an example of IEEE
NR3 numeric response data.

TRCMEM Returns a non-negative integer that indicates the

total number of trace registers available for

TRDEF TRDEF TRDEFa Creates a user-defined trace.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TRDSP TRDSP Turns the display of trace A, B, or C on or off. It

does this without clearing the trace (measurements
can still be taken).

Programming Conversion Guide
TRGRPH TRGRPH Displays a compressed trace on the analyzer

TRIGPOL :TRIGger:SLOPe POSitive|NEGative Selects the edge (pos or neg) of the trigger input
that causes the trigger event.

TRMATH TRMATH Executes a list of analyzer commands at the end of

each sweep.

TRPRST TRPRST Sets the trace operations to their preset values.

TRSTAT TRSTAT Returns the status of traces A, B, and C: clear

write, blank, view, minimum hold, or maximum

:TRACe[1]|2|3:MODE? Traces are: TRACE[1]|2|3. TRACE1 corresponds

to trace A, TRACE2 corresponds to trace B, and
TRACE3 corresponds to trace C.
The HP/Agilent 8590-Series analyzer returns the
format: CLRW A;BLANK B;BLANK C;. The
Agilent X-series analyzer returns the format:
WRIT;BLAN;BLAN. All three traces in the
analyzer will be queried, with an EOI after each
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

TS TS TS Starts and completes one full sweep before the next

command is executed.

Programming Conversion Guide
:INITiate:IMMediate This command restarts the current sweep or
measurement or set of averaged/held sweeps or
measurements. If you are paused, this command
does a resume.

TVLINE Sets the line number of the horizontal line of video

on which to trigger.

TVSFRM Specifies type of video frame to trigger on.

TVSTND Selects the triggering for the various formats


TVSYNC Selects between negative and positive triggering

for video frame formats.

TWNDOW TWNDOW TWNDOW Creates a window trace array for the fast Fourier
transform (FFT) function.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

Programming Conversion Guide
UP This command increases the active function by the
applicable step size.
There is no equivalent command in SCPI but you
can implement the command by using UP or
DOWN as a SCPI parameter in the equivalent
SCPI command. For example, in the 8590-Series
analyzers , if CF is the active function, you can
send UP;UP;UP to increment the center frequency
by three times the step size. To do the same in
SCPI you send :SENS:FREQ:CENT UP three

u UR Provides the upper right x-y recorder output

voltage at the rear panel.

USTATE USTATE Transmits information that has been stored in the

analyzer by the user.

VARDEF VARDEF VARDEFa Creates a user-defined variable and assigns it a


VARIANCE VARIANCE VARIANCEa Returns the amplitude variance of the specified

trace, in measurement units.
Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

VAVG VAVG VAVG Enables the video-averaging function, which

averages trace points to smooth the displayed

Programming Conversion Guide
VAVG <number> VAVG <number> VAVG <number> [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt <integer> Specifies the number of measurements that are

VAVG ON|OFF VAVG ON|OFF VAVG ON|OFF [:SENSe]:AVERage[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1 Specifies the number of measurements that are
combined. The value of successive measurements
can be combined together to average out
measurement variations.

VAVG? VAVG? [:SENSe]:AVERage:COUNt? The HP/Agilent 8590-series, 8566B/8568B and

8560 E/EC series analyzers return the count in the
format: 100 (the current average setting) when
VAVG is ON, and returns 0 when VAVG is OFF.
The Agilent X-series analyzer returns the terminal
count number, N, whether the trace is being
averaged or not. Query the average state to
determine whether or not the trace is being

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

VB VB VB Specifies the video bandwidth.

VB <value> VB <value> VB <value> [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo <freq>


Programming Conversion Guide
VB AUTO VB AUTO|MAN [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo: Couples the video bandwidth to the resolution
AUTO OFF|ON|0|1 bandwidth.


VB? VB? VB? [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo? The HP/Agilent 8590-series, the 8566B/8568B and
the 8560 E/EC series analyzers output data in the
format: 750000000. The Agilent X-series analyzer
outputs data in the format: +750000000.

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

VBR VBO VBR Specifies coupling ratio of video bandwidth to

resolution bandwidth.

Programming Conversion Guide
VBR <value> VBR <value> [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo: Specifies the ratio of the video bandwidth to the
RATio <number> resolution bandwidth. This parameter is multiplied
by the resolution bandwidth to determine the
automatic setting of the video bandwidth.

Specifies the offset between the video bandwidth

and the resolution bandwidth. For example: an
entry of +1 sets the video bandwidth one
bandwidth step wider than the resolution
bandwidth (assumes a 1-3-10 sequence for RBW
and VBW).


VBR? VBR? [:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth:VIDeo: The HP/Agilent 8590-Series and the 8560-series

RATio? analyzers output data in the format: .3000000. The
Agilent X-series analyzer outputs data in the
format: +3.00000000E-001.

VIEW TRA|TRB| VIEW VIEW TRA|TRB Displays trace A, trace B, or trace C, and stops
TRC TRA|TRB| taking new data into the viewed trace.

Conversion Guide

a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

VTL Sets the level for video trigger.

VTL <ampl> TRIGger:VIDeo:LEVel <ampl>


Programming Conversion Guide


WAIT Suspends all spectrum analyzer operation for the

specified time duration.

WINNEXT Makes the window that is currently not the active

window, active.

WINOFF Turns off the windows display.

WINON Activates the windows display mode.

WINZOOM Expands the size of the active window so that it

fills the entire spectrum analyzer display.

XCH XCH Exchanges traces.

XCH :TRACe:EXCHange <trace_1>,<trace_2> Exchanges two traces, point by point.

Trace_1 choices are: TRACE[1]|2|3
Trace_2 choices are: TRACE[1]|2|3
Conversion Guide

ZMKCNTR Positions the zone marker at the specified


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
8590-Series 8566A/B, 8560E/EC-Series Corresponding X-series Analyzer SCPI Description/Comments
Analyzer 8568A/B Analyzer Commands
Commands Analyzer Commands

ZMKPKNL Places the zone marker at the next signal peak that
is left of the current position of the zone marker.

Programming Conversion Guide
ZMKPKNR Places the zone marker at the next signal peak that
is left of the current position of the zone marker.

ZMKSPAN Allows you to change the width of the zone


a. Added with 85620A mass memory module attached. c. No equivalent command for 8566B analyzer.
b. No equivalent command for 8568B analyzer. d. Option 002 only.
Conversion Guide
Programming Conversion Guide
How to Represent Units

How to Represent Units

HP/Agilent 8590-Series HP 8566A/B and HP/Agilent 8560E/EC X-series Analyzers
Analyzers 8568A/B Analyzer Series Analyzers




















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