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Direction: Read and answer the following questions based from your own understanding.
BE HONEST... Good luck...Ten (10) points each.

1. Which among the three (3) types of Dispute Resolution namely: Mediation, Arbitration,
Litigation is the best way to resolve Conflict? Justify your answer.

Arbitration, this is the best type of dispute resolution because it aims to solve the conflict
of both parties privately without going to the court and it is cheaper than appealing a case in
court. The arbitrator will be served as the magistrate and collect evidence to the both party
and the arbitrator will be the one who makes the decision. For example, if the dispute of
aggrieved party is not so serious, this is the best way to resolve their problem with the
offender in order to avoid unnecessary expenses in court and to have a quick decision
regarding the dispute.

2. Do you agree that the Creation of R.A. 9285 (Alternative Dispute Resolution) is very
significant in settling disputes? Explain your answer.

Yes, because a lot of filed cases in the supreme court are undone due to the many cases
are being filed everyday and lot of evidence and proof are needed to solve the case unlike in
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), this law aims to have a quick decision regarding the
disputes and resolves the dispute without going to courtroom and it is cheaper than filing a
case in court. In addition, this law makes an unbiased decision in order to well solve the
dispute unlike in supreme court.

3. Briefly discuss the phrase “Restorative Justice seeks to Heal and put right the wrongs”.

It means that the priority of Restorative Justice is the victim and to heal the damage or
harm that has been done to him/her and have a quick recovery. Restorative Justice aims is to
restore and reform offenders and restitutive victims and the community with pure love and
not confrontational.

4. In your own understanding, which is better, Restorative Justice or Retributive Justice.

Justify your answer.

Retributive Justice is better than restorative justice and it is a better way to lessen the
crime rate in the country because retributive justice and criminal justice system has the same
objective. They intend to inform and understand what the offenders have done to the victim
and prevent them from doing another offense. In order to prevent them from doing another
inappropriate act, the offender should be punished and have a new relationship with the

5. Do you believe that the Barangay Lupon is very helpful in settling conflicts? Explain your
The Barangay Lupon has a big purpose in settling conflicts because the Barangay Lupon
has the only authority to bring together the parties and he is the one who meets both party
and resolve the conflicts. He advices the both parties to have an agreement in order to
resolve the conflicts immediately.

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