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Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment


Assessed by: LNV Technology Pvt. Ltd.
Date of Assessment: 5/18/2021
Date of Review:
Review no: 0
Initial Risk Assessment Remarks Residual Risk Assessment
Activity Population at Hierarchy of Responsibility for corrective Target date for (Mgmt Prog
S.N Location Description of Activity Sub-Activity Hazard Hazard Explanation Existing controls in place Corrective Action Risk
Type Risk Likelihood Consequence Risk Level controls action completion No./ SOP Likelihood Consequence
No.) Level

Area inspection to be done with Job In charge, Job

Area identification. 1 Physical Slip & Fall of person. person having knowledge about D 4 Low Engineering Skill to inspect is must Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
area Supervisor & Site In charge

Selection / Equipment selection to be done only experienced person with heaving to Job In charge, Job
Slip & Fall of person.Lack
Routine identification the of 2 Physical with person having knowledge D 4 Low Engineering selection / identification the of work Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
work equipment of use ppe's,
about equipment equipment. Supervisor & Site In charge

Ensure the all hoses &

connection is fitted. All hoses
must be lay out properly. all
Only designate a Unskilled workmen may hoses inspection to be done Only experienced and medicaly fit person
separate Job In charge, Job
deployed, Lack of use with
personcompetency and
having knowledage to be controlling the procedure. All person
Routine responsible person 4 Physical C 3 Moderate Engineering Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
in controlling the PPE's, Incorrect access about
close supervision.
blasting. must be wear site mandatory PPE,s.
Supervisor & Site In charge
procedure. approach use, Ensure closed supervision.

Before starting the Certified tools & tackles Properly plan before all hoses inspection. Job In charge, Job
job inspected the all
Routine hoses and
6 Physical use. Lack of C 4 Moderate Engineering Only inspected the competant person. Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
connection. communication. Ensure close supervision. Supervisor & Site In charge

Slip, trip & falloff person

Area barricading Not maintaining safe ensure blasting area are barricading. Job In charge, Job
Routine and display Signage 2 Physical distance, may use PPE,s Workers competency D 4 Low Engineering display the signage board. Ensure close Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
boaerd damage of non standard supervision. Supervisor & Site In charge

KEC/LNVT/ Task PPES Personal injury. May use standard PPE,s must insure (e.g. : full Job In charge, Job
ACC COPPER SLAG PPE,s inspection. TBT meeting
1 Routine selection. 2 Physical non-standard or damage D 4 Low Engineering body cover roll. Blasting hood. Hand Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
Fabrication BLASTING Inspection and wear &
PPE,s. gloves. Ear muff) Supervisor & Site In charge

Slip, trip & fall of oerson. ensure follow the safe manual handling Job In charge, Job
Job specfic training and give
Routine 2 Physical Back pain. Over weight D 4 Low Engineering procedure. Naver lift 15 kg material. Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
the tool box talk.
material lifting / shifting. Ensure close supervision. Supervisor & Site In charge

All electrical circuits to be

Electric shock / Ensure correct rated circuit breakers.
Pneumatic machine provided with circuit breakers / Job In charge, Job
Electrocution. Fire. Barricade work Area and provide hazard
Routine switch on / power 6 Physical RCBO. Only authorized D 3 Moderate Engineering Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
supply work Property damage/ lose. posters. Assign standby person(s) outside
personnel to cary out pneumatic Supervisor & Site In charge
Physical injury. of Live electrical work area.
machine / electrical work

Remove all the unwanted materials for the

ensure proper hose and cable
working vicinity. The test crew must
management. Competant
Release air perssure Slip, trip & fall. Bursting attend a tool box talk. The line under Job In charge, Job
personnel shall execute the
Routine as reqirement by 4 Physical of pressurized hose pipe. D 3 Moderate Engineering presure shall be continuosly monitored by Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
work task under effeient supervision.
Over pressur blasting team. Pressurized / de- Supervisor & Site In charge
Enter to blasting area for
pressurized the system in stage by stage.
authorized perssonel only.
The area should be barricated.

Lack of use PPE,s. Fall of

All personnel must be wear site
Shifting of copper material. In-correct lifting Job In charge, Job
Worker competency. Job mandatory PPE's and Cut proof hand
Routine slag material by 4 Physical procedure. Back pain. D 4 Low Engineering Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
manualy. specfic training. glove, Must be conduct manual safe lifting
Over weight material Supervisor & Site In charge
traing. Naver lift above 15 kg material.
lifting / shifting

All personnel must be wear site mandatory Job In charge, Job

Work area Lack of use ppe's, incorrect
Routine housekeeping.
Physical staking, Body part by object Workmen Competency, PPE's D 4 Low Engineering PPE's and Cut proof hand glove, Use nose Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
mask if required. Supervisor & Site In charge
May left the working loose After activity finessed the job supervisor must Job In charge, Job
After finish the
Routine work.
Physical material in platform, Falling Workmen competency, Checking C 3 Moderate Engineering inspected the platform area there is no any Responsible, Shop Floor E 5 Low
hazards. loose material left, Supervisor & Site In charge

 Work permit will ensure before work start at all time.

KEC/LNVT/  Daily TBT has to ensure and sign copy to be submitting HSE department before work start on regular basic.
ACC  Adequate illumination shalom is arranged for visibility during dark hours but glare shall be avoided.
2 Additional Measures
Fabrication  Work will stop at the time of rain fall and high wind presser.
Yard  Workers shall clean up their shoe soles before assessing the work after the rain fall.
 Any work stopped due any reason in the late night more than 1/2 hr. idle people should not rest in the work area. They should come back to site office/rest shelter to relax.

Prepared By: Review By Review By

LNVT Technical Team ACCTechnical Team ACC Safety Team


S.N Location n of Activity Type Sub-Activity Hazard Hazard Explanation
n at Risk

Slip & Fall of

Non-Routine Area identification. 1 Physical

Selection / Slip & Fall of

Routine identification the of 2 Physical person.Lack of
work equipment use ppe's,

Only designate a workmen may
deployed, Lack of
Routine responsible person 4 Physical
in controlling the use PPE's,
procedure. Incorrect access
approach use,

Before starting the Certified tools &

job inspected the all tackles use. Lack
Routine hoses and
6 Physical
connection. communication.
Slip, trip & falloff
person Not
Area barricading
maintaining safe
Routine and display 2 Physical
Signage boaerd distance, may use
damage of non
standard tools.

Personal injury.
May use non-
Routine selection. 2 Physical
Inspection and wear standard or
damage PPE,s.

KEC/LNVT Slip, trip & fall of

/ ACC oerson. Back
BLASTING Routine 2 Physical pain. Over weight
n Yard
material lifting /

Electric shock /
Pneumatic machine Electrocution.
Routine switch on / power 6 Physical Fire. Property
supply work damage/ lose.
Physical injury.

Slip, trip & fall.

Release air Bursting of
Routine perssure as 4 Physical pressurized hose
reqirement by work pipe. Over
Lack of use
PPE,s. Fall of
material. In-
Shifting of copper
correct lifting
Routine slag material by 4 Physical
manualy. procedure. Back
pain. Over weight
material lifting /

Lack of use ppe's,

Work area
Routine housekeeping.
Physical incorrect staking,
Body part by object

May left the working

After finish the loose material in
Routine work.
Physical platform, Falling

 Work permit will ensure before work start at all time.

KEC/LNV  Daily TBT has to ensure and sign copy to be submitting HSE department before work
T/ ACC Additional  Adequate illumination shalom is arranged for visibility during dark hours but glare sh
Fabricati Measures  Work will stop at the time of rain fall and high wind presser.
on Yard  Workers shall clean up their shoe soles before assessing the work after the rain fall.
 Any work stopped due any reason in the late night more than 1/2 hr. idle people shoul

Prepared By:
LNVT Technical Team
Mos No:
Assessment Date:

Initial Risk Assessment

Hierarchy of
Existing controls in place Conseque
Likelihood Risk Level controls

Area inspection to be done

with person having D 4 Low Engineering
knowledge about area

Equipment selection to be
done with person having
D 4 Low Engineering
knowledge about

Ensure the all hoses &

connection is fitted. All
hoses must be lay out
properly. all hoses
Workmen competency
inspection to be done withand
C 3 Moderate Engineering
ensure close
person havingsupervision.
about the blasting.

C 4 Moderate Engineering
PPE,s Workers
D 4 Low Engineering

PPE,s inspection. TBT

D 4 Low Engineering
meeting &

Job specfic training and

D 4 Low Engineering
give the tool box talk.

All electrical circuits to be

provided with circuit
breakers / RCBO. Only
D 3 Moderate Engineering
authorized personnel to
cary out pneumatic
machine / electrical work

ensure proper hose and

cable management.
Competant personnel shall
execute the task under D 3 Moderate Engineering
effeient supervision. Enter
to blasting area for
authorized perssonel only.
Worker competency. Job
D 4 Low Engineering
specfic training.

Workmen Competency,
D 4 Low Engineering

Workmen competency,
C 3 Moderate Engineering

epartment before work start on regular basic.

dark hours but glare shall be avoided.

work after the rain fall.

1/2 hr. idle people should not rest in the work area. They should come back to site office/rest shelter to relax.

Review By
ACCTechnical Team

Target Remarks Residual Risk Assessment

Responsibility for date for (Mgmt
Corrective Action
corrective action completio Prog No./ Likelihood Conseque
n SOP No.) nce

Job In charge, Job

Responsible, Shop
Skill to inspect is must E 5
Floor Supervisor &
Site In charge

Job In charge, Job

only experienced person with
Responsible, Shop
heaving to selection / identification E 5
Floor Supervisor &
the of work equipment.
Site In charge

Only experienced and medicaly fit

Job In charge, Job
person to be controlling the
Responsible, Shop
procedure. All person must be wear E 5
Floor Supervisor &
site mandatory PPE,s. Ensure closed
Site In charge

Properly plan before all hoses Job In charge, Job

inspection. Only inspected the Responsible, Shop
E 5
competant person. Ensure close Floor Supervisor &
supervision. Site In charge
Job In charge, Job
ensure blasting area are barricading.
Responsible, Shop
display the signage board. Ensure E 5
Floor Supervisor &
close supervision.
Site In charge

Job In charge, Job

standard PPE,s must insure (e.g. :
Responsible, Shop
full body cover roll. Blasting hood. E 5
Floor Supervisor &
Hand gloves. Ear muff)
Site In charge

Job In charge, Job

ensure follow the safe manual
Responsible, Shop
handling procedure. Naver lift 15 kg E 5
Floor Supervisor &
material. Ensure close supervision.
Site In charge

Ensure correct rated circuit breakers.

Job In charge, Job
Barricade work Area and provide
Responsible, Shop
hazard posters. Assign standby E 5
Floor Supervisor &
person(s) outside of Live electrical
Site In charge
work area.

Remove all the unwanted materials

for the working vicinity. The test
crew must attend a tool box talk. The Job In charge, Job
line under presure shall be Responsible, Shop
E 5
continuosly monitored by blasting Floor Supervisor &
team. Pressurized / de-pressurized Site In charge
the system in stage by stage. The
area should be barricated.
All personnel must be wear site
Job In charge, Job
mandatory PPE's and Cut proof hand
Responsible, Shop
glove, Must be conduct manual safe E 5
Floor Supervisor &
lifting traing. Naver lift above 15 kg
Site In charge

Job In charge, Job

All personnel must be wear site
Responsible, Shop
mandatory PPE's and Cut proof hand E 5
glove, Use nose mask if required. Floor Supervisor &
Site In charge

Job In charge, Job

After activity finessed the job supervisor
Responsible, Shop
must inspected the platform area there is E 5
no any loose material left, Floor Supervisor &
Site In charge

back to site office/rest shelter to relax.

Review By
ACC Safety Team
al Risk Assessment

Risk Level











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