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Republic of the Philippines



G.R. No. 207412               August 7, 2013




G.R. No. 207542





This case involves the consolidated petitions of petitioner Flord Nicson Calawag in
G.R. No. 207412 and petitioners Micah P. Espia, Jose Marie F. Nasalga and Che Che
B. Salcepuedes in G.R. No. 207542 (hereinafter collectively known as petitioners), both
assailing the decision1 dated August 9, 2012 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R.
CEB-SP No. 05079. The CA annulled the Order2 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of
Guimbal, Iloilo, Branch 67, granting a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction against
respondent Dean Carlos Baylon of the University of the Philippines Visayas (UP

The petitioners enrolled in the Master of Science in Fisheries Biology at UP Visayas

under a scholarship from the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine
Council for Aquatic and Marine Research and Development. They finished their first
year of study with good grades, and thus were eligible to start their thesis in the first
semester of their second year. The petitioners then enrolled in the thesis program,
drafted their tentative thesis titles, and obtained the consent of Dr. Rex Baleña to be
their thesis adviser, as well as the other faculty members’ consent to constitute their
respective thesis committees. These details were enclosed in the letters the petitioners
sent to Dean Baylon, asking him to approve the composition of their thesis committees.
The letter contained the thesis committee members and the thesis adviser’s approval
of their titles, as well as the approval of Professor Roman Sanares, the director of the
Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanology.

Upon receipt of the petitioners’ letters, Dean Baylon wrote a series of memos
addressed to Professor Sanares, questioning the propriety of the thesis topics with the
college’s graduate degree program. He subsequently disapproved the composition of
the petitioners’ thesis committees and their tentative thesis topics. According to Dean
Baylon, the petitioners’ thesis titles connote a historical and social dimension study
which is not appropriate for the petitioners’ chosen master’s degrees. Dean Baylon
thereafter ordered the petitioners to submit a two-page proposal containing an outline
of their tentative thesis titles, and informed them that he is forming an ad hoc
committee that would take over the role of the adviser and of the thesis committees.

The petitioners thus filed a petition for certiorari and mandamus before the RTC, asking
it to order Dean Baylon to approve and constitute the petitioners’ thesis committees
and approve their thesis titles. They also asked that the RTC issue a writ of preliminary
mandatory injunction against Dean Baylon, and order him to perform such acts while
the suit was pending.

The RTC granted a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction, which Dean Baylon
allegedly refused to follow. UP Visayas eventually assailed this order before the CA
through a Rule 65 petition for certiorari, with prayer for a temporary restraining order

The CA’s Ruling

The CA issued a TRO against the implementation of the RTC’s order, holding that the
petitioners had no clear right to compel Dean Baylon to approve the composition of
their thesis committees as a matter of course. As the college dean, Dean Baylon
exercises supervisory authority in all academic matters affecting the college. According
to the CA, the petitioners’ reliance on Article 51 of the Graduate Program Manual of UP
Visayas is misplaced. Article 51 provides:

Art. 51. The composition of the thesis committee shall be approved by the dean of the
college/school upon the recommendation of the chairperson of the major
department/division/institute. The GPO shall be informed of the composition of the
thesis committee and/or any change thereof.3

Despite the mandatory language provided for composing the thesis committee under
Article 51 of the Graduate Program Manual of UP Visayas, the CA construed it to mean
that the Dean’s approval is necessary prior to the composition of a thesis committee.

Lastly, the CA held that the case presents issues that are purely academic in
character, which are outside the court’s jurisdiction. It also noted that Dean Baylon has
been accommodating of the petitioners, and that the requirements he imposed were
meant to assist them to formulate a proper thesis title and graduate on time.

The Petitions for Review on Certiorari

In G.R. No. 207412, Calawag argues that the CA’s decision should be set aside for the
following reasons:

First, Calawag was entitled to the injunction prayed for, as he has clear rights under the
law which were violated by Dean Baylon’s actions. These are the right to education,
the right to due process, and the right to equal protection under the law. According to
Calawag, Dean Baylon violated his right to due process when he added to and
changed the requirements for the constitution of his thesis committee, without prior
publication of the change in rules. Calawag’s right to equal protection of the law, on the
other hand, was allegedly violated because only students like him, who chose Dr.
Baleña for their thesis adviser, were subjected to the additional requirements imposed
by the dean, while the other students’ thesis committees were formed without these
impositions. Hence, Calawag and the three other petitioners in G.R. No. 207542 were
unduly discriminated against.

Second, a reading of Executive Order No. 628, s. 1980, 4 and Republic Act No.
95005 shows that the college dean’s functions are merely administrative, and, hence,
the CA erred in its construction of Article 51 of the Graduate Program Manual of UP
Visayas, as well as its proclamation that the college dean has supervisory authority
over academic matters in the college.

On the other hand, in G.R. No. 207542, petitioners Espia, Nasalga and Salcepuedes
argue that the CA’s decision should be set aside for the following reasons:

First, the Graduate Program Manual of UP Visayas and the Guidelines for the Master
of Science in Fisheries Program are clear in providing that Dean Baylon has a formal
duty to approve the composition of the petitioners’ thesis committees upon the latter’s
compliance with several requirements. Thus, when the petitioners complied with these
requirements and Dean Baylon still refused to approve the composition of their thesis
committees, the petitioners had a right to have him compelled to perform his duty.

Second, Dean Baylon cannot arbitrarily change and alter the manual and the
guidelines, and cannot use academic freedom as subterfuge for not performing his

Third, the thesis adviser and the thesis committees, in consultations with the students,
have the right to choose the thesis topics, and not the dean.

The Court’s Ruling

Having reviewed the arguments presented by the petitioners and the records they have
attached to the petitions, we find that the CA did not commit an error in judgment in
setting aside the preliminary mandatory injunction that the RTC issued against Dean
Baylon. Thus, there could be no basis for the Court’s exercise of its discretionary
power to review the CA’s decision.

"To be entitled to a writ of preliminary injunction, x x x the petitioners must establish the
following requisites: (a) the invasion of the right sought to be protected is material and
substantial; (b) the right of the complainant is clear and unmistakable; and (c) there is
an urgent and permanent necessity for the writ to prevent serious damage. Since a
preliminary mandatory injunction commands the performance of an act, it does not
preserve the status quo and is thus more cautiously regarded than a mere prohibitive
injunction. Accordingly, the issuance of a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction
[presents a fourth requirement: it] is justified only in a clear case, free from doubt or
dispute. When the complainant’s right is thus doubtful or disputed, he does not have a
clear legal right and, therefore, the issuance of injunctive relief is improper." 6

The CA did not err in ruling that the petitioners failed to show a clear and unmistakable
right that needs the protection of a preliminary mandatory injunction. We support the
CA’s conclusion that the dean has the discretion to approve or disapprove the
composition of a thesis committee, and, hence, the petitioners had no right for an
automatic approval and composition of their thesis committees.

Calawag’s citation of Executive Order No. 628, s. 1980 and Republic Act No. 9500 to
show that the dean of a college exercises only administrative functions and, hence,
has no ascendancy over the college’s academic matters, has no legal ground to stand
on. Neither law provides or supports such conclusion, as neither specifies the role and
responsibilities of a college dean. The functions and duties of a college dean are
outlined in the university’s Faculty Manual, which details the rules and regulations
governing the university’s administration. Section 11.8.2, paragraph b of the Faculty
Manual enumerates the powers and responsibilities of a college dean, which include
the power to approve the composition of a thesis committee, to wit:

11.8.2 Administration


b. Dean/Director of UP System or UP Diliman-based Programs * The Dean/Director

shall be responsible for the planning and implementation of the graduate programs. In
particular, the Dean/Director shall exercise the following powers and responsibilities
based on the recommendations forwarded to him/her, through channels:


Approve the composition of the Thesis, Dissertation or Special Project** Committees

and Master’s or doctoral examination/oral defense panel for each
student[.]  (emphases and italics ours)

By necessary implication,8 the dean’s power to approve includes the power to

disapprove the composition of a thesis committee. Thus, under the UP System’s
faculty manual, the dean has complete discretion in approving or disapproving the
composition of a thesis committee. Harmonizing this provision with the Graduate
Program Manual of UP Visayas, and the Guidelines for the Master of Science in
Fisheries Program, we agree with the CA’s interpretation that the thesis committee’s
composition needs the approval of the dean after the students have complied with the
requisites provided in Article 51 of the Graduate Program Manual and Section IX of the
Guidelines for the Master of Science in Fisheries Program.9

Anent the petitioners’ argument that Dean Baylon acted arbitrarily in imposing
additional requirements for the composition of the thesis committee, which according to
Calawag violated their right to due process, we hold that the dean’s authority to
approve or disapprove the composition of a thesis committee includes this discretion.
We also note the CA’s finding that these additional requirements were meant to assist
the petitioners in formulating a thesis title that is in line with the college’s master of
fisheries program. Absent any finding of grave abuse of discretion, we cannot interfere
with the exercise of the dean’s prerogative without encroaching on the college’s
academic freedom.

Verily, the academic freedom accorded to institutions of higher learning gives them the
right to decide for themselves their aims and objectives and how best to attain
them.10 They are given the exclusive discretion to determine who can and cannot study
in them, as well as to whom they can confer the honor and distinction of being their

This necessarily includes the prerogative to establish requirements for graduation,

such as the completion of a thesis, and the manner by which this shall be
accomplished by their students. The courts may not interfere with their exercise of
discretion unless there is a clear showing that they have arbitrarily and capriciously
exercised their judgment.12
Lastly, the right to education invoked by Calawag cannot be made the basis for issuing
a writ of preliminary mandatory injunction. In Department of Education, Culture and
Sports v. San Diego,13 we held that the right to education is not absolute. Section 5(e),
Article XIV of the Constitution provides that "[e]very citizen has a right to select a
profession or course of study, subject to fair, reasonable, and equitable admission and
academic requirements." The thesis requirement and the compliance with the
procedures leading to it, are part of the reasonable academic requirements a person
desiring to complete a course of study would have to comply with.

WHEREFORE, the Court resolves to DENY giving due course to the petitions in G.R.
No. 207412 and G.R. No. 207542.


Associate Justice

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