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Annals of Clinical Biochemistry

50(6) 520–522
! The Author(s) 2013
Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0004563213506179

Drug dosing and estimates of kidney function

Michael P Bosomworth1 and Jonathan AT Sandoe2

Serum (or plasma) creatinine, creatinine clearance the eCrCl (or eGFR) are calculated:2 this can clearly
(CrCl), estimated creatinine clearance (eCrCl) and esti- not be the case with modern use of the C&G equation.
mated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) are used to Other equations have now been proposed including the
assess kidney function in order to detect and manage Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) study
kidney disease and to optimize the dosing of renally and Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology (CKD-EPI)
excreted medicines. collaboration equations5,6 that estimate GFR normal-
Despite improvements in assay performance follow- ized to a body surface area (BSA) of 1.73 m2. All equa-
ing the introduction of isotope dilution mass spectrom- tions are valid only for the population in which they
etry (IDMS)-traceable creatinine methods, including were derived and some have been produced for more
enzymatic methods, serum creatinine results can still specific purposes, e.g. the Wright formula for cancer
vary by  13% between laboratories at levels of patients.7 Wright et al.7 recognized that such equations
85 mmol/L.1 In addition to methodological issues, were also serum creatinine method dependent.
there are other limitations to serum creatinine as a The C&G equation has been and is used in pharma-
measure of kidney function. For example, serum cre- cokinetic studies.8 It is therefore included in drug
atinine can vary by about 10% depending upon meat dosage information despite the fact that the serum cre-
intake;2 creatinine is secreted in the proximal tubule atinine method used to derive it is no longer available
and at low urine flow rates can be reabsorbed;2 extra- and despite the fact that IDMS-traceable creatinine
renal excretion of creatinine can also occur.3 Creatinine assays tend to give lower results and therefore a
is not an ideal filtration marker. higher eCrCl than the earlier non-IDMS traceable cre-
CrCl is calculated using methods that do not meas- atinine assays.9
ure the ‘true’ creatinine, but which estimate its concen- In 2005, the Department of Health10 recommended
tration in blood and a timed urine collection. To avoid the use of the MDRD equation to detect chronic
collecting a timed urine, numerous equations and kidney disease (CKD) in the UK. Since then eGFR
nomograms have been devised to estimate CrCl from has been routinely reported and the relative merits of
serum creatinine. In estimating CrCl, it is assumed that using eGFR and the C&G eCrCl to guide drug dosing
creatinine excretion is constant and equal to creatinine have been debated in the literature. On occasions, art-
production, which itself is proportional to muscle mass icles arguing for eGFR11 have appeared in the same
and can, in turn, be estimated from an individual’s age, edition of the same journal as articles supporting the
gender and weight. eCrCl will overestimate CrCl in continued use of the C&G eCrCl.12
obese or oedematous patients and in those with reduced In this edition of the Annals, Chin et al.13 compare
creatinine production. eCrCl also assumes that serum the performance of C&G, MDRD and CKD-EPI equa-
creatinine concentration is at steady state. tions in predicting gentamicin clearance. The authors
eCrCl is probably most commonly calculated using
the Cockcroft and Gault (C&G) equation first 1
Blood Sciences, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK
described in 19764 using serum creatinine measured 2
Microbiology, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds, UK
with a kinetic Jaffe assay on a Technicon
Corresponding author:
Autoanalyser II. In principle, the technique used to Michael P Bosomworth, Blood Sciences, Leeds General Infirmary, Leeds
determine the patient’s serum creatinine should be the LS1 3EX, UK.
same as the one used to derive the equation from which Email: [email protected]
Bosomworth and Sandoe 521

conclude that both the CKD-EPI and C&G equations Acknowledgements

provide reasonable estimates of gentamicin clearance in The authors thank Dr E. J. Lamb for his advice during
most situations but that body size should be accommo- writing.
dated when using estimating equations at extremes of
body size. This is consistent with published guidance.14 Declaration of conflicting interests
It is clear that creatinine and its derivative equations
None declared.
are affected strongly by muscle mass.15 Yet, how many
laboratories are capable of reporting BSA-adjusted
eGFRs and how many clinicians will perform this cal- Funding
culation themselves in the frail or the obese? This research received no specific grant from any funding
What does this mean in clinical practice? Drug dosing agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
can clearly be heavily influenced by the serum creatinine
method and the equation used to estimate CrCl/GFR.
This is especially true in the frail or the obese. Accurate Ethical approval
dosing of gentamicin is important to optimize antimicro- Not applicable.
bial activity and minimize risks of harm. This is compli-
cated by the multitude of different ways in which
gentamicin is used clinically (e.g. different dosing regi-
mens for endocarditis, gram-negative sepsis and surgical MPB.
prophylaxis). Extended-interval gentamicin dosing
(EIGD) regimens are in common use; a region wide Contributorship
‘Yorkshire Hartford Gentamicin Regimen’ (http:// MPB and JATS wrote the editorial.
detail.aspx?id ¼ 1944), for example, uses the C&G (total
body weight version) to initially assess suitability for
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