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नेपाल रा य भवन सं हता

एन. ब.सी. 105:2077


NBC 105: 2020

नेपाल भूक प तरोधी भवन नमाण ढाँचा ( डजाइन)


नेपाल सरकार
शहर वकास म ालय
सं हदरबार, काठमाड , नेपाल

The attempt for development of any code for seismic design in Nepal started in Nineties
following the Udayapur earthquake of 1988. Consequently the Nepal National Building
Code NBC 105 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal was published in 1994. Since then
the seismic code has not been reviewed and updated till the moment. In view of the
development in research and technology and new knowledge learnt from various large
earthquakes in the region and other parts of the world in last 25 years, the need for
updating of the document was tremendously felt.
The Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), Ministry of
Urban Development (MoUD) had initiated the preparation for the updating of the NBC
105: 1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal, however, the process was formally
started only after the Gorkha Earthquake of 2015 April 25 and the following aftershocks.
The process of updating the NBC 105: 1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal
was started under the initiative of the Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU)
of the ADB financed Earthquake Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) under the
Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD). The revision of the NBC 105: 1994 as the
major code guiding seismic design of buildings in Nepal is one of the important activity
to be implemented under the EEAP.
This Standard is the first revision of the Nepal National Building Code 105: 1994
Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal, prepared by the Working Group of Consultants
formed by the Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU) of the Earthquake
Emergency Assistance Project (EEAP) under the Ministry of Urban Development
(MoUD) and later transferred to the National Reconstruction Authority (NRA), the
Government of Nepal. This standard after due approval will supersede the earlier 1994
edition of the NBC 105 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal.
The objective of this Standard is to provide designers with general procedures and
criteria for the structural design of buildings prevalent in the Federal Republic of Nepal
considering the seismicity in the parts of the country. This document outlines analysis
and design methodology that is applied in accordance with the established engineering
The principal modifications from the earlier version in the present revision are as
i) The performance requirements are defined precisely in terms of
collapse prevention and damage limitation; there is a further
recommendation to verify the performance requirements checking the
ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state.
ii) Non-linear methods of analysis have been introduced retaining the
linear analyses as in the earlier version.
iii) The load combinations for parallel systems and for non-parallel systems
have been revised with changes in load factors.
iv) This earthquake levels considered in this code are according to two
earthquake levels: Earthquake Level (E1) corresponding to 475 years of
return period and Earthquake Level (E2) corresponding to 2475 years of
return period.
v) The spectral shape factor for the Equivalent Static Method and for the
Modal Response Spectrum Method are different and the response

spectra are specified for four types of soil types, namely Soil Type A –
stiff and hard soil, Soil Type B –medium soil, Soil Type C - soft soil and
Soil Type D – very soft soil.
vi) The seismic zone map of Nepal has been revised based on the recently
carried out Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. Accordingly, the zone
factors for major cities and municipalities have been changed; these
values present the realistic values of effective peak ground acceleration
(PGA) in each region considered.
vii) The importance classes and importance factors have been revised.
viii) The empirical formulae for determination of fundamental translation
period have been revised.
ix) The horizontal base shear coefficient will be determined separately for
ultimate limit state and serviceability limit state. These coefficients are
expressed in terms of ductility factor and over strength factor, replacing
the performance factor K in the earlier version.
x) The horizontal design spectrum for the modal response spectrum
method has been given different for ultimate limit state and for
serviceability limit state.
xi) The clauses on the parts and components of the building have been
The intent and purpose of this code is to design safe buildings so that they will
suffer no structural damage during earthquakes of moderate intensities, and
without total collapse during heavy intensities of earthquakes. This standard is
basically for seismic design of low, moderate and high rise buildings prevalent in
The following publications related with the codes on seismic design have been
extensively referred during the drafting of this revised edition of NBC 105:
(i) IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures Part 1 General Provisions and Buildings (Sixth Revision), BIS,
Bahadur Shah Jaffar Marg, New Delhi, India2016.
(ii) BNBC 2014 Bangladesh National Building Code
(iii) NZS 1170.5:2004 New Zealand Standard Part 5: Earthquake Actions –
New Zealand
(iv) Code for Seismic Design of Buildings(2010) Ministry of Housing
and Urban-Rural Construction of the People's Republic of China
(v) Eurocode 8: Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part1:
General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings
(vi) Building Code of Pakistan Seismic Provisions (2008) Government of
Pakistan Ministry of Housing and Works
(vii) IBC 2015 International Building Code2015
(viii) ASCE-7-10. Minimum Design Loads for buildings and Other Structures,
American Society of Civil Engineers, USA,2010.
The standard has been developed in a new format considering the recent
development in the research and technology as well as learning from the lessons
from the recent earthquakes. The whole document has been spread over 10
sections with 2 ANNEXES separately for ductile detailing of structural concrete
and structural steel.

Building Construction Management Upgrading (Consolidation) Committee
Building Construction Management Upgrading (Consolidation) Committee
consists of the following experts and professionals:

Mr. Madhusudan Adhikari Secretary, Ministry of Urban Chairperson

Mr. Biju Kumar Shrestha, Representative, National Member
Planning Commission
Mr. Purushottam Nepal, Representative, Ministry of Law, Member
Justice and Parliamentary Affairs
Member- Secretary, Nepal Quality Standards Council Member
Dr. Ramchandra Sapkota, Dean, Institute of Engineering Member
Mr. Jay Narayan Acharya, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Member
Federal Affairs & General Administration
Chief, Research Center for Applied Science and Member
Ar. Bharat Sharma, Expert Member
Er. Manohar Raj Bhandari, Expert Member
Er. Mani Ram Gelal, Director General, DUDBC Member Secretary

Building Code Revision Advisory Committee (BCRAC)

BCRAC consists of the following experts and professionals:

Ar. Sarita Maskey, Joint Secretary, Building and Housing Coordinator

Division, MOUD
Er. Mani Ram Gelal, Director General, DUDBC Member

Er. Nava Raj Pyakurel, Project Director, CLPIU, Building Member

Er. Ramchandra Dangal, Deputy Director General, Building Member

section, DUDBC
Dr. Somnath Sapkota, Deputy Director General, Department of Member
Mines and Geology

Dr. Ramchandra Sapkota, Dean, Institute of Engineering, Member

Pulchowk Campus
Dr. Prachandra Man Pradhan, Kathmandu University Member

Representative, Khwopa Engineering College, Purwanchal Member


Er. Manohar Lal Rajbhandari , Structural Engineering Expert Member
Prof. Dr. Akal Bahadur Singh, Geotechnical Engineering Expert Member

Dr. Jagat Kumar Shrestha, President, Structural Engineers’ Member

Association of Nepal
Mr. Bishwo Babu Pudasaini, Director General, Nepal Bureau of Member
Standards and Meteorology
Ar. Kishor Shrestha, Senior Divisional Engineer, Building section, Member

Er. Manoj Nakarmi, Section Chief, Building Code Section, Member

DUDBC Secretary

Working Committee
Working Committee consists of the following experts and professionals:
Er. Ramchandra Dangal, Deputy Director General, DUDBC Coordinator
Ar. Kishor Shrestha, Senior Divisional Engineer, Building Section Member
Er. Jhapper Singh Vishokarma, Deputy Project Director, EHRP, Member
Er. Manoj Nakarmi, Section Chief, Building Code Section, DUDBC Member

Prof. Dr. Prem Nath Maskey, Senior Structural Engineer Member

(Team Leader)
Dr. Deepak Chamlagain, Seismologist Member
Dr. Indra Prasad Acharya, Geotechnical Engineer Member
Er. Surendra Vaidya, Structural Engineer, CLPIU (Building) Member
Er. Manoj Kumar Bista , Structural Engineer , CLPIU (Building) Member
Er. Minesh Ratna Tamrakar, Structural Engineer, CLPIU (Building) Member
Er. Bipin Kumar Gautam , Structural Engineer , CLPIU (Building) Member
Er. Swopnil Ojha , Structural Engineer , CLPIU (Building) Member
Ar. Raju Neupane, Deputy Project Director, EEAP, CLPIU Member

Working Group
Core Working Group consists of the following experts and professionals:
Prof. Dr. Prem Nath Maskey, Senior Structural Engineer (Team Leader)
Dr. Deepak Chamlagain, Seismologist
Mr. Manoj Kumar Bista, Structural Engineer
Mr. Minesh Ratna Tamrakar, Structural Engineer
Mr. Bipin Kumar Gautam, Structural Engineer
Mr. Swopnil Ojha, Structural Engineer

International Expert
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Dhakal, University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Seismic Hazard Sub-committee

Mr. Sudhir Rajaure, DDG, Department of Mines and Geology Coordinator
Dr. Deepak Chamlagain, Seismologist Member
Mr. Swopnil Ojha, Structural Engineer Member
Guidance to this standard came from:
Dr. Ramesh Prasad Singh, Secretary, MoUD
Er. Nava Raj Pyakurel,DG, DUDBC
Er. Kumar Prasad Ghimire, DDG, Urban Development Division, DUDBC
Er. Dilip Bhandari, DDG, Building Division, DUDBC
Er. Surendra Mohan Shrestha, DDG, Housing Division,DUDBC
Er. Shivahari Sharma, Former PD, CLPIU (Building)
Er. Tapendra Khadka, Former PD, CLPIU (Building)
Er. Raju Man Manandhar, Former PD, CLPIU (Building)
Er. Dwarika Shrestha, Former Deputy Director General, Building Division, DUDBC
Er. Prakirna Tuladhar, Former Deputy Project Director EEAP, CLPIU
Er. Parikshit Kadariya, Former Deputy Project Director EEAP, CLPIU
Dr. Yubraj Paudel, Former Deputy Project Director EEAP, CLPIU
Er. Suresh Wagle, Former Deputy Project Director EEAP, CLPIU
Er. Pramod Karmacharya, SDE DUDBC
Er. Ganesh Karmacharya, SDE DUDBC
Er. Kosh Nath Adhikari, Deputy Project Director, CLPIU (Building)
Er. Lila Khatiwoda, DLPIU Chief
Er. Bibek Sigdel, Engineer, DUDBC Building Code Section
Er. Saugat Thapa, Structural Engineer, DUDBC
Er. Sudarshan Sharma, Structural Engineer, DUDBC
Dr. Purushottam Dangol, Structural Engineer
Er. Sagar Krishna Joshi, Structural Engineer
Er. Binaya Charan Shrestha, Structural Engineer
Er. Govinda Prasad Niraula, Engineer

1 Title, Scope, Definitions and Notations........................................................ 1

1.1 Title ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Scope .................................................................................................. 1

1.3 Definitions ............................................................................................ 1

1.4 Notations.............................................................................................. 5

1.5 Units .................................................................................................... 8

2 General Principles.......................................................................................... 9


2.1.1 Life Safety............................................................................................ 9

2.1.2 Damage Limitation ............................................................................... 9

2.1.3 VERIFICATION: .................................................................................. 9


STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS................................................................. 11

2.2.1 Structural simplicity ............................................................................ 11

2.2.2 Uniformity, symmetry and redundancy .............................................. 11

2.2.3 Adequate resistance and stiffness ..................................................... 12

2.2.4 Diaphragm action .............................................................................. 12

2.2.5 Adequate foundation ......................................................................... 13

2.3 RESPONSE TO EARTHQUAKE GROUND MOTION ....................... 13

2.3.1 Ground Motion ................................................................................... 13

2.3.2 Response of Structure ....................................................................... 13

2.3.3 Soil-structure Interaction .................................................................... 14

2.4 CAPACITY DESIGN .......................................................................... 14

2.4.1 Potential Plastic Zones ...................................................................... 14

2.4.2 Level of Detailing ............................................................................... 14

2.4.3 Over strength Actions ........................................................................ 14

2.5 BASIC ASSUMPTIONS ..................................................................... 14

3 Scope of Analysis ........................................................................................ 16

3.1 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS METHODS ............................................. 16

3.2 APPLICABILITY OF ANALYSIS METHODS ..................................... 16

3.2.1 Equivalent Static Method (ESM) ........................................................ 16

3.2.2 Modal Response Spectrum Method (MRSM) .................................... 16

3.2.3 Elastic Time History Analysis ............................................................. 17

3.2.4 Non-linear Methods ........................................................................... 17

3.3 APPLICATION OF SEISMIC FORCES.............................................. 17

3.4 EFFECTIVE STIFFNESS OF CRACKED SECTIONS ....................... 17

3.5 DESIGN METHODS .......................................................................... 18


3.6.1 Load Combinations for Parallel Systems ........................................... 18

3.6.2 Load Combinations for Non- Parallel Systems .................................. 18

4 Seismic Hazard ............................................................................................ 19


4.1.1 Elastic site spectra............................................................................. 19

4.1.2 Spectral Shape Factor, Ch (T) ........................................................... 19

4.1.3 Site Subsoil Category ........................................................................ 21

4.1.4 Seismic Zoning Factor (Z) ................................................................. 23

4.1.5 Importance Classes and Importance Factor (I).................................. 26



5 Dynamic Characteristics of Structures ...................................................... 28

5.1 PERIODS OF VIBRATION ................................................................ 28

5.1.1 Rayleigh Method................................................................................ 28

5.1.2 Empirical Equations ........................................................................... 28

5.1.3 Amplification of Approximate Period .................................................. 29

5.2 SEISMIC WEIGHT ............................................................................. 29

5.3 DUCTILITY FACTOR ........................................................................ 29

5.3.1 Ultimate limit state ............................................................................. 29

5.3.2 Serviceability limit state ..................................................................... 30

5.4 OVERSTRENGTH FACTOR ............................................................. 30

5.4.1 Ultimate limit state ............................................................................. 30

5.4.2 Serviceability limit state ..................................................................... 30

5.5 STRUCTURAL IRREGULARITY ....................................................... 31

5.5.1 Vertical Irregularity............................................................................. 31

5.5.2 Plan Irregularity ................................................................................. 32

5.6 DRIFTS AND DISPLACEMENTS ...................................................... 34

5.6.1 Determination of Design Horizontal Deflections ................................ 34

5.6.2 Building Separations.......................................................................... 34

5.6.3 Inter-Story Deflections ....................................................................... 35

5.7 ACCIDENTAL ECCENTRICITY ......................................................... 35

6 Equivalent Static Method ............................................................................ 36

6.1 HORIZONTAL BASE SHEAR COEFFICIENT ................................... 36

6.1.1 Ultimate Limit State ........................................................................... 36

6.1.2 Serviceability Limit State.................................................................... 36

6.2 HORIZONTAL SEISMIC BASE SHEAR ............................................ 36

6.3 VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SEISMIC FORCES.......................... 37


7 Modal Response Spectrum Method ........................................................... 38

7.1 ULTIMATE LIMIT STATE .................................................................. 38


7.3 NUMBER OF MODES TO BE CONSIDERED ................................... 39

7.4 COMBINATION OF MODAL EFFECTS............................................. 39


RESPONSE ....................................................................................... 39

8 Elastic Time History Analysis ..................................................................... 40

8.1.1 Structural Modeling Requirements .................................................... 40

8.1.2 Ground Motions ................................................................................. 40

8.1.3 Evaluation of response quantities ...................................................... 40

9 Non-linear Static and Dynamic Analysis .................................................... 42

9.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................... 42

9.2 NON-LINEAR STATIC ANALYSIS..................................................... 42

9.2.1 Modeling and Analysis ....................................................................... 42

9.2.2 Load pattern ...................................................................................... 42

9.2.3 Control node ...................................................................................... 42

9.2.4 Capacity curve ................................................................................... 42

9.2.5 Target displacement .......................................................................... 42

9.3 NON-LINEAR TIME HISTORY ANALYSIS ........................................ 43

9.3.1 Structural Modeling Requirements .................................................... 43

9.3.2 Ground Motions ................................................................................. 44

9.3.3 Evaluation of response quantities ...................................................... 45

10 Parts and Components ................................................................................ 47

10.1 GENERAL.......................................................................................... 47

10.2 SERVICE CUT-OFFS ........................................................................ 47

10.3 DESIGN SEISMIC FORCE ................................................................ 47

10.3.1 Component Amplification Factor........................................................ 48

10.3.2 Component Ductility Factor ............................................................... 48

10.3.3 Component Importance Factor .......................................................... 49

10.4 OTHER REQUIREMENTS ................................................................ 49

STRUCTURES FOR EARTHQUAKE LOADS ..................................................... 51

1 General.......................................................................................................... 51

1.1 Definitions .......................................................................................... 51

1.2 Notations............................................................................................ 52

1.3 Units .................................................................................................. 55

2 Materials ....................................................................................................... 56

2.1 Grade of Material ............................................................................... 56

2.2 Expected Material Strength................................................................ 56

3 Location of Plastic Hinges .......................................................................... 57

4 Moment Resisting Frames .......................................................................... 58

4.1 Beams................................................................................................ 58

4.1.1 Dimensional Limits ............................................................................ 58

4.1.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement ............................................................... 58

4.1.3 Transverse Reinforcement ................................................................ 58

4.2 Columns............................................................................................. 61

4.2.1 Dimensional Limits ............................................................................ 62

4.2.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement ............................................................... 62

4.2.3 Transverse Reinforcement ................................................................ 62

4.3 Special Confining Reinforcement ....................................................... 65

4.4 BEAM-COLUMN JOINTS .................................................................. 68

4.4.1 Design of Beam-Column Joint for Distortional Shear......................... 68

4.4.2 Anchorage of Beam Longitudinal bars ............................................... 70

4.4.3 Development Length of Straight Deformed bars in tension................ 72

4.4.4 Column-Beam Moment Capacity Ratio.............................................. 72

4.5 Splicing of bars .................................................................................. 72

4.5.1 Lap Splices ........................................................................................ 72

5 SHEAR WALLS ............................................................................................. 74

5.1 General Requirements ....................................................................... 74

5.2 Design for Shear Force ...................................................................... 74

5.3 Boundary Elements............................................................................ 76

5.4 Design for Axial Force and Bending Moment ..................................... 76

5.5 Coupling Beams ................................................................................ 77

5.6 Openings in Walls .............................................................................. 77

5.7 Construction Joints ............................................................................ 78

5.8 Anchorage of Longitudinal Bars ......................................................... 79

5.9 Splicing of Bars .................................................................................. 79


EARTHQUAKE LOADS ....................................................................................... 80

1 General.......................................................................................................... 80

1.1 Definitions .......................................................................................... 80

1.2 Notations............................................................................................ 83

1.3 Units .................................................................................................. 84

2 Materials ....................................................................................................... 85

2.1 Grade of Material ............................................................................... 85

2.2 Expected Material Strength................................................................ 85

2.3 Section Requirements........................................................................ 85

3 Connections ................................................................................................. 86

3.1 Bolted and Welded connections......................................................... 86

3.2 Column Splices .................................................................................. 86

3.3 Column Bases ................................................................................... 87

4 Location of Plastic Hinges .......................................................................... 88

5 Moment Resisting Frames .......................................................................... 89

5.1 Beams................................................................................................ 89

5.2 Columns............................................................................................. 89

5.3 Beam to Column Connections ........................................................... 89

5.4 Column-Beam Moment Capacity Ratio .............................................. 91

6 Frames with Concentric Braces.................................................................. 92

6.1 Concentric Braces ............................................................................. 92

6.1.1 Slenderness ratio............................................................................... 92

6.1.2 Placement of braces .......................................................................... 92

6.1.3 Built-up Member braces .................................................................... 92

6.1.4 Brace Connection .............................................................................. 93

6.2 Beams and Columns ......................................................................... 93

7 Frames with Eccentric Braces .................................................................... 94

7.1 Seismic Links ..................................................................................... 94

7.1.1 Link Section Limitations ..................................................................... 94

7.1.2 Horizontal Seismic Links.................................................................... 95

7.1.3 Vertical Seismic Links ........................................................................ 96

7.1.4 Link Rotation Angle ........................................................................... 96

7.1.5 Web Stiffeners ................................................................................... 96

7.2 Beams, Columns and Diagonal Members.......................................... 98

7.3 Connection to Seismic Links .............................................................. 98


1 Title, Scope, Definitions and Notations


Nepal National Building Code NBC 105: Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal is the
title of this document. The document is the outcome of the revision of the earlier
version of NBC 105: 1994 Seismic Design of Buildings in Nepal.

This code covers the requirements for seismic analysis and design of various building
structures to be constructed in the territory of the Federal Republic of Nepal. This code
is applicable to all buildings, low to high rise buildings, in general. Requirements of
the provisions of this standard shall be applicable to buildings made of reinforced
concrete, structural steel, steel concrete composite, timber and masonry.

For Base-isolated buildings as well as for buildings equipped and treated with
structural control can be designed in reference with specialist literatures.

Minimum design earthquake forces for buildings, structures or components thereof

shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of this standard. Some
definitions and symbols pertinent to the earthquake resistant design for buildings
are presented in Sections 1.3 and 1.4. Section 1.5 presents the units adopted in
this standard.


Some terminologies related to earthquake resistant design of buildings used in this

code are defined as follows:

BASE: The level at which the inertia forces developed in the building structure are
accumulated before being transferred to the ground through the foundation. It is
considered to be at the bottommost level of basement, or at the top of pile cap, or
at the top of raft, or at the top of the footing.

BASE SHEAR: Total design lateral force or shear force due to earthquake at the
base of a structure.

BRACED FRAME: A structural system that involves additional elements known as

braces to a frame structure in order to increase its ability to resist lateral loads.

CAPACITY DESIGN: A design method in which critical elements of the structural

systems are chosen and suitably designed and detailed for energy dissipation under
severe deformation while all other structural elements are provided with sufficient
strength so that the chosen means of energy dissipation can be maintained.

CENTER OF MASS (CM): The point in a floor through which the resultant of the
mass passes.

CENTER OF STIFFNESS/RIGIDITY (CR): The point in a floor at which the

resultants of the resisting forces in the two orthogonal directions intersect.

CRITICAL DAMPING: The damping beyond which the free vibration motion will not
be oscillatory.

DAMPING: The effect of inherent energy dissipation mechanisms in a structure due

to internal friction, inelasticity of materials, slipping, sliding etc. that results in
reduction of oscillation amplitudes, expressed as a percentage of the critical
damping for the structure.

DEAD LOAD: The weight of all permanent components of a building including walls,
partitions, columns, beams, floors, roofs, finishes and fixed plant and fittings that are
integral parts of the structure.


idealized plot of maximum pseudo-acceleration response to the design basis
earthquake excitation applied at the base of a single degree of freedom system
(representing the structure) as a function of the natural period and damping ratio of
the structure.

DESIGN BASIS EARTHQUAKE: The earthquake ground motion considered for

normal design, taken as two‐thirds of the corresponding Maximum Considered
Earthquake (MCE).

DIAPHRAGM: A horizontal or nearly horizontal system of structures acting to
transmit lateral forces to the vertical resisting elements. The term "diaphragm"
includes reinforced concrete floor slabs as well as horizontal bracing systems.

DUAL SYSTEM: A combination of a Moment Resisting Frame and Shear Walls or

Braced Frames, where moment resisting frames are designed to resist
independently at least 25% of the design base shear.

DUCTILITY: Capacity of a structure, or its members to undergo large inelastic

deformations without significant loss of strength.

DUCTILITY FACTOR: The ratio of ultimate displacement demand to yield

displacement demand.

ECCENTRICITY: The distance between the center of mass and center of stiffness.

EPICENTRE: The geographical point on the surface of earth vertically above the
point of origin (focus) of the earthquake.

FLEXIBLE DIAPHRAGM: A floor or roof diaphragm, in which the maximum lateral

deformation of the diaphragm is more than two times the average story drift of the
associated story.

FLEXIBLE ELEMENT OR SYSTEM: An element or system whose deformation

under lateral load is significantly larger than adjoining parts of the system.

IMPORTANCE FACTOR: A factor used to adjust the design seismic forces

depending on the functional use of the structure.

INTENSITY OF EARTHQUAKE: It is a measure of the severity of ground shaking

at a particular site due to an earthquake

INTERSTOREY DRIFT: Relative displacement of adjacent floors.

LIQUEFACTION: State in saturated cohesion less soil wherein the effective shear
strength is reduced to negligible value due to pore water pressure generated by
earthquake vibrations, when the pore water pressure approaches the total confining
pressure. In this condition, the soil tends to behave like a liquid.

LIVE LOAD: The load assumed or known to result from the occupancy or use of a
building and includes the loads on floors, loads on roofs other than wind, loads on

balustrades, and loads from movable goods, machinery, and plants that are not
integral parts of the building.

MAGNITUDE OF EARTHQUAKE: A measure of the energy released at the source

of an earthquake.

MAXIMUM CONSIDERED EARTHQUAKE (MCE): The most severe earthquake

ground motion likely to occur at a location.

MODAL MASS: Part of the total seismic mass of the structure that is effective in a
specific mode of vibration.

MODAL PARTICIPATION FACTOR: Amount by which a specific vibration mode

contributes to the overall response of the structure.

MOMENT RESISTING FRAME: Assembly of beams and columns that resist

internally produced and externally applied forces primarily by flexure and are
specially detailed for ductility.

NATURAL PERIOD OF BUILDING: The time taken in seconds by the structure to

complete one cycle of oscillation in its fundamental mode of response.

OVERSTRENGTH FACTOR: The ratio of the first significant yield strength of

structure to the design base shear of the structure.

P-DELTA EFFECT: Structural actions induced as a consequence of the gravity

loads being displaced horizontally due to horizontal actions.

PEAK GROUND ACCELERATION (PGA): Maximum acceleration of the ground in

a particular direction of the ground motion.

RESPONSE SPECTRUM: Plot of the maximum response of a SDOF system versus

its fundamental time period for a given level of damping (commonly taken as 5% of

SHEAR WALL: A wall designed to resist lateral forces acting in its own plane.

SOFT STORY: Story in which the lateral stiffness is less than 70 per cent of the
stiffness of the story above or less than 80 percent of the average lateral stiffness
of the three stories above.


The following symbols and notation shall apply to the provisions of this section:

ap Component Amplification Factor

Aw Area of Web

b Maximum horizontal dimension of the building at the particular level

measured perpendicular to the direction of loading

CQC Complete Quadratic Combination

C(T) Elastic Site Spectra for horizontal loading

Cd(T) Horizontal Design Spectrum

Cd(T1) Horizontal Base Shear Coefficient

Ch(T) Spectral Shape Factor

Cs(T) Elastic Site Spectra for Serviceability Limit State

Cv(T) Elastic Site Spectra for Vertical Loading

Cd(Ti) Ordinate of the design spectrum for translational period Ti

DL Design dead load

d* Displacement of equivalent SDOF system

det* Target displacement of a structure with period T*

di Horizontal displacement of the center of mass at level i, ignoring the

effect of Torsion

dy* Displacement at yield of idealized SDOF system

E Design earthquake load

ESM Equivalent Static Method

ec Computed distance between the center of mass and the center of


ed Design eccentricity of the seismic force at a particular level

Ec Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete

Ex Design earthquake load in Principal direction X

Ey Design earthquake load in Principal direction Y

F* Force of equivalent SDOF system

Fi Lateral force acting at level i

Fp Design seismic force for parts and components

Fy* Yield force of idealized SDOF system

g Acceleration due to gravity. To be taken as 9.81 m/s2

H Height from the base to the top of the main portion of the building or
the eaves of the building (m)

hi Height of the level i from the base considered

hp Height of the component

i level under consideration of the structure

I Importance factor for the building

Ip Component Importance Factor

Ig Section moment of inertia calculated using the gross cross sectional

area of concrete

LL Design live load

m* Mass of equivalent SDOF system

MRSM Modal Response Spectrum Method

n Number of levels in a structure

PGA Peak Ground Acceleration

RC Reinforced Concrete

RS Ductility Factor for Serviceability Limit State

Rμ Ductility Factor for Ultimate Limit State

SDOF Single degree of freedom

SRSS Square root of sum of squares

T* Time period of idealized equivalent SDOF system

T1 Approximate Fundamental Period of Vibration

Tc Corner period corresponding to the end of constant spectral

acceleration range

Ti Fundamental Translation Period of ith mode of vibration

T Period of vibration of a linear single degree of freedom system

V Horizontal seismic base shear obtained from equivalent static method

VR Combined base shear obtained from modal response spectrum


W Seismic weight of the structure

Wi Seismic weight at level I;

Wp Component weight

wj portion of gravity load at story level j

Z Seismic zoning factor

Ωs Overstrength factor for serviceability limit state

Ωu Overstrength factor for ultimate limit state

α Peak spectral acceleration normalized by PGA

μp Component ductility factor

ji mode shape coefficient at floor j in mode i


Unless otherwise noted, this code uses SI units of kilograms, metres, seconds,
Pascals and Newton (kg, m, s, Pa, N).

2 General Principles


Structures designed and built in seismic regions shall fulfil following

fundamental requirements:

2.1.1 Life Safety:

The structure shall be designed and constructed to withstand the design
seismic forces without local or global failure that, thus retaining its structural
integrity, stability against overturning and a residual load bearing capacity
after the earthquake. Further, it is also necessary to avoid damage to non-
structural systems which are essential for safe evacuation from the structure.

The design seismic force is expressed in terms of 475 years return period
(reference return period) and the importance factor.

2.1.2 Damage Limitation:

The structure shall be designed and constructed to withstand a seismic force
having a larger probability of occurrence than the design seismic forces,
without the occurrence of damage and the associated limitations of use of
the structure. The critical facilities need to be operational state or be in a
state which can be returned to fully operational state shortly after the
earthquake (within minutes to hours).

The design seismic force associated with damage limitation is expressed in

terms of a fraction of life safety level seismic force.

For the verification of the performance requirements of clause, following limit
states shall be checked:

Ultimate Limit State (ULS);

Serviceability Limit State (SLS). Ultimate Limit State Verification:

Ultimate limit states are associated with collapse or with other forms of
structural failure which might endanger the safety of people. Design for
ultimate limit state represents a procedure that ensures the probability of
collapse of a structure is at an acceptable level.

The ultimate limit state performance requirements are met when the
structure satisfies the following:

1. The structural system has the required resistance and energy dissipation

2. The structure as a whole shall be checked to ensure that it is stable under

the design seismic forces. Both overturning and sliding stability shall be taken
into account;

3. The structural system shall continue to perform its load-bearing function;

4. Both the foundation elements and the foundation soil are able to resist the
forces resulting from the response of the superstructure without substantial
permanent deformations;

5. Non-structural systems which are essential for safe evacuation from the
structure shall continue to function;

6. The nonstructural elements do not present risks to people and does not
have a detrimental effect on the response of the structural elements. Serviceability Limit State Verification:

Damage limitation states are associated with damage beyond which
specified service requirements are no longer met. It represents a level of
force within the structure below which there is a high degree of assurance
that the structure can continue to be used as originally intended without

The serviceability limit state performance requirements are met when the
structure satisfies the following:

1. The structural system shall not experience deformations that result in

structural or non-structural damage that can prevent the structure from
performing its intended original function.

2. In structures important for civil protection, the structure shall have
sufficient resistance and stiffness to remain operational so that it can perform
its function of the vital services in the event of an earthquake.



2.2.1 Structural simplicity

Structural simplicity is characterized by the existence of clear and direct

paths for the transmission of the seismic forces. Modeling, analysis,
dimensioning, detailing and construction of simple structures are subject to
much less uncertainty and thus the prediction of their seismic behavior is
much more reliable.

2.2.2 Uniformity, symmetry and redundancy

A. Uniformity in plan is characterized by an even distribution of the structural

elements which allows direct transmission of the inertia forces induced in the
distributed masses of the building. If necessary, uniformity may be realized
by subdividing the entire building by seismic joints into dynamically
independent units, provided that these joints are designed against pounding
between the individual units. Uniformity of the structure along the height of
the building is also essential, as it tends to eliminate the occurrence of
sensitive zones where high stress or ductility demands might concentrate.

B. A similarity between the distribution of masses and the distribution of

resistance and stiffness eliminates large eccentricities between mass and

C. If the building configuration is symmetrical or quasi-symmetrical, a

symmetrical layout of structural elements, which should be well-distributed
in-plan, is appropriate for the achievement of uniformity.

D. The use of evenly distributed structural elements increases redundancy

allows a more favorable redistribution of member forces and spreads the
energy dissipation widely across the entire structure.

2.2.3 Adequate resistance and stiffness

A. Horizontal seismic motion is a bi-directional phenomenon and thus the

building structure shall be able to resist horizontal actions in any direction. In
this respect, structural elements should be arranged in an orthogonal in-plan
structural pattern, ensuring adequate resistance and stiffness characteristics
in both main directions.

B. In addition to lateral resistance and stiffness, building structures should

possess adequate torsional resistance and stiffness in order to limit the
development of torsional motions which tend to stress different structural
elements in a non-uniform way. In this respect, arrangements in which the
main elements resisting the seismic action are distributed close to the
periphery of the building present clear advantages.

2.2.4 Diaphragm action

A. In buildings, floors (including the roof) play a very important role in the
overall seismic behavior of the structure. They act as horizontal diaphragms
that collect and transmit the inertia forces to the vertical structural systems
and ensure that those systems act together in resisting the horizontal seismic
action. The action of floors as diaphragms is especially relevant in cases of
complex and non-uniform layouts of the vertical structural systems, or where
systems with different horizontal deformability characteristics are used
together (e.g. in dual or mixed systems).

B. Floor systems and the roof should be provided with in-plane stiffness and
resistance and with effective connection to the vertical structural systems.
Particular care should be taken in cases of non-compact or very elongated
in-plan shapes and in cases of large floor openings, especially if the latter
are located in the vicinity of the main vertical structural elements, thus
hindering such effective connection between the vertical and horizontal

C. Diaphragms should have sufficient in-plane stiffness for the distribution of

horizontal inertia forces to the vertical structural systems in accordance with
the assumptions of the analysis, particularly when there are significant

changes in stiffness or offsets of vertical elements above and below the

D. The diaphragm may be taken as being rigid, if, when it is modeled with its
actual in-plane flexibility, its horizontal displacements nowhere exceed those
resulting from the rigid diaphragm assumption by more than 10% of the
corresponding absolute horizontal displacements under seismic forces.

E. The connection between a diaphragm and the surrounding vertical

structural system in each direction should be able to resist 1.2 times the
design inertial force induced at that level.

2.2.5 Adequate foundation

A. With regard to the seismic action, the design and construction of the
foundations and their connection to the superstructure shall ensure that the
whole building is subjected to a uniform seismic excitation.

B. For buildings with individual foundation elements (footings or piles), the

use of a foundation slab or tie-beams between these elements in both main
directions is recommended.


2.3.1 Ground Motion

The earthquake ground motion intensity at a site depends on the magnitude

of the earthquake, the earthquake source to the site distance and the
medium of the seismic waves travel path. The random ground motion due to
an earthquake can be generally resolved into three orthogonal directions, the
dominant components normally being in horizontal directions.

2.3.2 Response of Structure

The response of a building to a seismic ground motion depends on the

structural system as well as the principal parameters of the ground motion.
This standard considers the seismic design forces for buildings located on
soils, which do not settle, liquefy or slide during earthquakes.

2.3.3 Soil-structure Interaction

The soil-structure interaction, representing the effects of the flexibility of

supporting soil foundation system on the response of the building, may not
be considered in the earthquake analysis of buildings supported on hard soils
or rocks.
Where the soil has been identified as soft and prone to liquefaction and/or
lateral spreading, design of foundation shall account for the potential soil
movement. Deep (i.e. pile) foundations shall be normally preferred in such
sites. Wherever needed, advice should be sought from a geotechnical
engineering expert.


Capacity design shall be applied to ductile structures and other structures
where required by the appropriate material standards.

2.4.1 Potential Plastic Zones

Ductile failure modes for the proposed structure shall be identified for each
potential direction of seismic actions. The location of all potential plastic
zones shall be identified and proportioned so that the design strength
exceeds the design actions at these locations.

2.4.2 Level of Detailing

The level of detailing required to sustain the material strain levels in the
critical potential plastic zones when subjected to displacements defined in
section 5.6 shall be determined.

2.4.3 Overstrength Actions

The maximum likely strength actions in potential plastic zones shall be
derived considering possible Overstrength factors.


It is generally asssumed in the seismic design of buildings that:
(a) A severe earthquake does not occur simultaneously with a strong wind,
or a high flood. Hence, the effect of only the earthquake with the dead

and live loads resulting into the largest effect in the building is taken into
(b) The modulus of elasticity of the materials of construction, when required
in the design, will be taken as that for static analysis, unless more definite
dynamic values are available.


3 Scope of Analysis


The structural analysis for design seismic actions shall be carried out using
any one of the following methods:

a) Equivalent Static Method

b) Linear Dynamic Analysis Methods

i. Modal Response Spectrum Method

ii. Elastic Time History Analysis

c) Non-linear Methods

i. Non-linear Static Analysis

ii. Non-linear Time History Analysis


3.2.1 Equivalent Static Method (ESM)

The Equivalent Static Method may be used for all serviceability limit state
(SLS) calculations regardless of the building characteristics.

For ultimate limit state (ULS), the Equivalent Static Method may be used
when at least one of the following criteria is satisfied:

i. The height of the structure is less than or equal to 15 m.

ii. The natural time period of the structure is less than 0.5 secs.

iii. The structure is not categorized as irregular as per 5.5 and the height
is less than 40 m.

3.2.2 Modal Response Spectrum Method (MRSM)

The Modal Response Spectrum Method may be used for all types of
structures and the structures where Equivalent Static Method is not
applicable. A three dimensional analysis shall be performed for torsionally
sensitive structures.
3.2.3 Elastic Time History Analysis

The elastic time history analysis may be used for all types of structures to
verify that the specific response parameters are within the limits of
acceptability assumed during design. A three dimensional analysis shall be
performed for torsionally sensitive structures.

3.2.4 Non-linear Methods

As an alternative to linear analysis methods, nonlinear analysis methods may

be used for structural analysis. Following two analysis methods are
prescribed in the present standard:
i. Non-linear Static Analysis
ii. Non-linear Dynamic Analysis
These methods are used basically to verify the performance of existing or
retrofitted structures. These methods can also be used to verify that the
specific response parameters are within the limits of acceptability assumed
during design.


Seismic forces in a structure shall be considered in each of the two principal

directions of the structure. For structures which have the lateral force
resisting elements in two orthogonal directions, the design forces shall be
considered in one orthogonal direction only at a time.


A rational analysis shall be performed in arriving at the elastic flexural and

shear stiffness properties of cracked concrete and masonry elements. In
absence of such analysis, the effective stiffness of cracked sections shall be
taken from Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Effective stiffness of different components

S No. Component Flexural Stiffness Shear Stiffness

1 Beam 0.35 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
2 Columns 0.70 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
3 Wall—cracked 0.50 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
4 Wall—uncracked 0.80 Ec Ig 0.40 Ec Aw
For steel structures, the gross stiffness values shall be used.


Design for earthquake actions shall be in accordance with Limit State Method


3.6.1 Load Combinations for Parallel Systems

Where seismic load effect is combined with other load effects, the following
load combination shall be adopted.

1.2DL + 1.5LL
DL + λLL + E ....................................................................................(3.6.1)
Where, λ = 0.6 for storage facilities
= 0.3 for other usage

3.6.2 Load Combinations for Non- Parallel Systems

When lateral load resisting elements are not oriented along mutually
orthogonal horizontal directions, structure shall be designed for the
simultaneous effects due to full design earthquake load in one direction plus
30 percent of design earthquake load along the other horizontal direction. In
this case, the following load combination shall be adopted.

1.2DL + 1.5LL
DL + λLL + (Ex + 0.3Ey)
DL + λLL + (0.3Ex + Ey) ……………………………………….. (3.6.2)
Where, λ = 0.6 for storage facilities
= 0.3 for other usage

4 Seismic Hazard


4.1.1 Elastic site spectra

The Elastic site spectra for horizontal loading shall be as given by equation

C (T) =Ch(T) Z I ........................................................................ 4.1(1)


Ch(T) = Spectral Shape factor as per 4.1.2

Z= Seismic Zoning factor as per 4.1.4

I= Importance factor as per 4.1.5

4.1.2 Spectral Shape Factor, Ch (T)

The Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for the relevant soil type shall be obtained
either from Figure 4-1 and Figure 4-2, or calculated by equation 4.1(2) using
the parameters specified in Table 4.1. The spectral shape factor functions
given in Figure 4-1(a) shall be used for Equivalent Static Method and those
in Figure 4-1(b) shall be used for Modal Response Spectrum Method and
Nonlinear Time History Analysis.

Figure 4-1Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Equivalent Static Method

Figure 4-2 Spectral Shape Factor, Ch(T) for Modal Response Spectrum Method,
Nonlinear Time History Analysis , Vertical Loading and Parts and Components

1 + (𝛼 − 1) × 𝑇 𝑖𝑓 𝑇 < 𝑇𝑎

𝐶ℎ (𝑇) = 𝛼 𝑖𝑓 𝑇𝑎 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 𝑇𝑐 …4.1(2)
𝑇𝑐 2 𝑇𝑐 2
𝛼 [𝐾 + (1 − 𝐾) ( 𝑇 ) ] ( 𝑇 ) 𝑖𝑓 𝑇𝑐 ≤ 𝑇 ≤ 6
α - peak spectral acceleration normalized by PGA
Ta and Tc - the lower and upper periods of the flat part of the spectrum
K – Coefficient that controls the descending branch of the spectrum

Table 4-1 Ta, Tc, α & K

Parameters\Soil Soil Type A Soil Type B Soil Type C Soil Type D

Ta 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.51
Tc 0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0

α 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.25

K 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.8

1 The value of Ta shall correspond to zero for Equivalent Static Method.

4.1.3 Site Subsoil Category
The site subsoil class shall be determined as one of the Soil Types from to Soil Type A - Stiff or Hard Soil Sites

Sites with bedrock, including weathered rock with an unconfined

compressive strength greater than 500 kPa, overlain by less than 20
m of:

I. Very stiff cohesive material with an unconfined compressive

strength greater than 100 kPa, or
II. Very dense cohesionless material with N > 30, where N is the
standard penetration test (SPT) value.

Such sites will have typically a low amplitude natural period less than
0.2 s. Soil Type B - Medium Soil Sites

Sites not described as either Soil Type A, C or D.

Sites where the depth of soil does not exceed those stipulated in
Table 4-2 and Table 4-3.

Such sites will have typically a low amplitude natural period less than
0.6 s. Soil Type C - Soft Soil Sites

Sites where the depth of soil of a particular type exceeds those

stipulated in Table 4-2 and Table 4-3.
Such sites will have typically a low amplitude natural period greater
than 0.6 s.

Table 4-2: Cohesive Soils

Cohesive Soil Representative undrained Minimum

Classification shear strength (kPa) Depth of Soil (m)

Soft 12.5 - 25 20

Firm 25 - 50 25

Stiff 50 - 100 40

Very Stiff 100 - 200 60

Table 4-3: Cohesionless Soils

Cohesionless Soils Representative Minimum

Classification SPT values (N) Depth of Soil (m)

Loose 4 - 10 40

Medium Dense 10 - 30 45

Dense 30 - 50 55

Very Dense > 50 60

Gravels > 30 100 Soil Type D - Very Soft Soil Sites

Soil site which comprises of:

I. More than 10 m depth of cohesive soil with undrained shear

strength less than 12.5 kPa
II. More than 10 m depth of cohesionless soil with SPT N-values less
than 4

Such sites will have typically a low amplitude natural period greater
than 1.0 sec.

Sites located inside Kathmandu valley shall be obtained from Table 4-


Table 4-4: Type D Soil sites

S. No. Municipalities
1 Kathmandu
2 Lalitpur
3 Bhaktapur
4 Madhyapur Thimi
5 Kageshori Manohara
6 Tokha

4.1.4 Seismic Zoning Factor (Z)

The country is subdivided into different seismic zones based on the local
seismic hazard. The seismic hazard within each zone is assumed to be
constant. The Seismic Zoning Factor (Z) represents the peak ground
acceleration (PGA) for 475 year return period. The value of Z can be obtained
from Table 4-5 for selected municipalities, cities and for the rest can be
obtained from Figure 4-4 (approximate interpolation between the contour
lines is permitted).

Table 4-5: Seismic Zoning factors for selected cities and municipalities

Cities/Municipalities PGA Cities/Municipalities

Baglung 0.3 Janakpur 0.3
Beni 0.3 Jomsom 0.25
Besishar 0.3 Jumla 0.3
Bharatpur 0.4 Kalaiya 0.3
Bhimdatta 0.3 Kamalamai 0.4
Bhimeshwar 0.3 Kapilbastu 0.3
Bhojpur 0.35 Kathmandu 0.35
Bidur 0.3 Khalanga 0.3
Biratnagar 0.3 Khandbari 0.3
Birendranagar 0.35 Kusma 0.3
Birgunj 0.3 Lahan 0.3
Butwal 0.3 Libang 0.35
Chainpur 0.3 Malangwa 0.3
Chame 0.25 Mangalsen 0.35
Chautara 0.3 Manma 0.3
Dadheldhura 0.35 Manthali 0.3
Dailekh 0.35 Martadi 0.3
Damak 0.3 Musikot 0.3

Damauli 0.35 Myanglung 0.35
Darchula 0.3 Nepalgunj 0.4
Dasharathchand 0.35 Okhaldhunga 0.35
Dhading 0.3 Phidim 0.35
Dhangadhi 0.4 Pokhara 0.3
Dhankuta 0.4 Pyuthan 0.35
Dharan 0.3 Rajbiraj 0.3
Dhulikhel 0.35 Ramgram 0.4
Dhunche 0.3 Salleri 0.3
Diktel 0.35 Salyan 0.35
Dipayal 0.35 Sandhikharka 0.35
Dunai 0.25 Simikot 0.25
Gamgadhi 0.25 Tamghas 0.35
Gaur 0.3 Tansen 0.35
Gorkha 0.3 Taplejung 0.3
Gulariya 0.4 Triyuga 0.4
Hetauda 0.4 Tulsipur 0.4
Ilam 0.4 Waling 0.35
Jaleshwor 0.3

Figure 4-3: Seismic Zoning Map of Nepal
4.1.5 Importance Classes and Importance Factor (I)
Structures are categorized into three Importance classes depending on the
consequences of their loss of function. The importance classes are
characterized by an important factor, I.

The importance classes and Factors are tabulated in Table 4-6.

Table 4-6: Importance Class and Factors

Importance Class Structure I

Ordinary Structures (those not falling in classes II and
I 1.0
Schools, colleges, cinemas, assembly buildings such
as shopping malls, convention halls, temples,
monumental structures, Police stations, Emergency
vehicle shelters/garages, Food storage structures,
Emergency relief stores, Water works and water
II 2 1.25
towers, Radio and television facilities, Telephone
exchanges and transmission facilities, Offices and
residential quarters for senior personnel required for
rescue and relief operations and any other buildings
designed to accommodate more than 500 persons.
Hospitals, fire stations, police headquarters, power
stations (including standby power-generating
equipment for essential facilities), distribution facilities
III 1.5
for gas or petroleum products, structures for support
or containment of dangerous substances
(such as acids, toxic substances, petroleum products)
Importance factor of 1.5 shall be applied if the facilities listed in Importance Class II are to
be used as a shelter in case of a disaster.


The elastic site spectra for Serviceability Limit State shall be given by:
Cs (T) = 0.20 C (T) ..................................................................... 4.2(1)

Where C (T) = elastic site spectra for horizontal loading determined from
clause 4.1.1.


The elastic site spectra for vertical loading Cv(Tv) shall be given by:
Cv(Tv) = 2/3 Z ............................................................................... 4.3(1)

Clauses for consideration of vertical acceleration are;

a) For horizontal or nearly horizontal structural members spanning 20m or


b) For horizontal or nearly horizontal cantilever components longer than 5m;

c) For horizontal or nearly horizontal pre-stressed components;

d) For beams supporting Columns;

e) In Base-Isolated Structures.

5 Dynamic Characteristics of Structures


The periods of vibration, Ti, shall be established from properly substantiated

data, or computation, or both. The fundamental translation period shall be
determined using following methods:
1. Rayleigh Method

2. Empirical Equations

The fundamental translation period of a building shall be estimated using the

appropriate empirical equations listed in section 5.1.2. The approximate time
period calculated in section 5.1.2 shall be modified as per section 5.1.3. The
time period so modified shall be compared with the translation period
computed from section 5.1.1 and the lesser value of the two shall be adopted
for determining the design action.

5.1.1 Rayleigh Method

The fundamental translation period in the direction under consideration, T1,
shall be calculated as:
∑𝑛 2
𝑖=1(𝑊𝑖 𝑑𝑖 )
𝑇1 = 2𝜋√ ………………………………5.1(1)
𝑔 ∑𝑛
𝑖=1(𝐹𝑖 𝑑𝑖 )


di = elastic horizontal displacement of center of mass at level

i, ignoring the effects of torsion.
Fi = lateral force acting at level i
g= acceleration due to gravity
i= level under consideration
n= number of levels in the structure
Wi = seismic weight at level i

5.1.2 Empirical Equations

The approximate fundamental period of vibration, T1, in seconds is
determined from following empirical equation:

T1 = kt H ¾ ................................................................................ 5.1(2)
Where, kt

= 0.075 for Moment resisting concrete frame

= 0.085 for Moment resisting structural steel frame
= 0.075 for Eccentrically braced structural steel frame
= 0.05 for all other structural systems

H = Height of the building from foundation or from top of a rigid basement.

5.1.3 Amplification of Approximate Period

The approximate fundamental time period calculated using empirical equation
in section 5 1.2 shall be increased by a factor of 1.25.


The seismic weight at each level, Wi, shall be taken as the sum of the dead
loads and the factored seismic live loads between the mid-heights of
adjacent stories.

The seismic live load shall be determined as given in Table 5-1.

Table 5-1: Live Load Categories and Factors

Live Load Category Factor (λ)

Storage 0.60

For Other Purpose 0.30

Roof Nil


5.3.1 Ultimate limit state

The Ductility Factor (Rμ) shall be chosen to be consistent with the structural
system and the structural member/connection detailing. The values of RΩ for
various types of structures are tabulated in Table 5-2.

5.3.2 Serviceability limit state
The Ductility Factor (Rs) for serviceability limit state shall be taken as 1.


5.4.1 Ultimate limit state

The Over-strength factor (Ωu) for ultimate limit state, which accounts for the
extra reserve strength that is inherently present in structures, shall be
adopted from Table 5-2 for appropriate structural system.

5.4.2 Serviceability limit state

The Over-strength factor (Ωs) for serviceability limit state shall also be
adopted from Table 5-2 for appropriate structural system.

Table 5-2: Ductility and Overstrength Factors

S. No. Structural System Rμ Ωu Ωs

Moment Resisting Frame Systems
1 Steel Moment Resisting Frame 4 1.5 1.25
2 Reinforced Concrete Moment Resisting Frame 4 1.5 1.25
3 Steel + RC Composite Moment Resisting Frame 4 1.5 1.25
Braced Frame Systems
4 Steel Eccentrically Braced Frame 4 1.5 1.25
5 Steel + RC Composite Eccentrically Braced Frame 4 1.5 1.25
6 Steel Concentric Braced Frame 3 1.3 1.15
7 Steel + RC Composite Concentric Braced Frame 3 1.3 1.15
8 Steel Buckling Restraint Braces 4 1.5 1.25
Structural Wall Systems
9 RC Shear wall 3 1.3 1.15
10 Steel + RC Composite Shear Wall 3 1.3 1.15
11 Reinforced Masonry Shear wall 2.5 1.2 1.1
12 Confined Masonry wall 2.5 1.2 1.1
Unreinforced Masonry wall buildings with
horizontal bands and vertical reinforcement bars at
13 critical location 2.0 1.2 1.1

Dual Systems
14 Steel Eccentrically Braced Frame 4 1.5 1.25
15 Steel + RC Composite Eccentrically Braced Frame 4 1.5 1.25
16 Steel Concentric Braced Frame 3.5 1.4 1.2
17 Steel + RC Composite Concentric Braced Frame 3.5 1.4 1.2
18 Steel Buckling Restraint Braces 4 1.5 1.25
19 RC Shear wall 3.5 1.4 1.2
20 Steel + RC Composite Shear Wall 3.5 1.4 1.2

21 Reinforced Masonry Shear wall 2.5 1.2 1.1


Structures with simple and regular configurations suffer much less damage
during a large earthquake. Irregular structures on the other hand suffer heavy
damage during a large earthquake. Therefore, efforts shall be made to make
the structure as regular as possible. Any structure is considered irregular if
any of the clauses. 5.5.1 to 5.5.2 are applicable.

5.5.1 Vertical Irregularity Weak Story

A story is considered as weak story if the strength of the lateral force resisting
system in that story is less than 80% of the strength of the story above. Soft Story

A soft story is the one whose stiffness of the lateral-force-resisting system is
less than 70% of the lateral-force-resisting system stiffness in an adjacent
story above or below, or less than 80% of the average lateral-force-resisting
system stiffness of the three stories above or below. Vertical Geometric Irregularity

Vertical geometric irregularity shall be considered to exist if the horizontal
dimension of lateral force resisting system in any story is more than 130% of
that in an adjacent story. In-Plane Discontinuity in Vertical Lateral Force Resisting Element

It shall be considered to exist where there is an in-plane offset of a vertical
seismic force-resisting element resulting in overturning demands on
supporting structural elements (Figure 5-1).

Figure 5-1: In-Plane Discontinuity Mass Irregularity
A difference of more than 50% between the effective masses of two
consecutive stories is considered as mass irregularity. Light roofs, penthouse,
and mezzanine floors need not be considered.

5.5.2 Plan Irregularity Torsion Irregularity

Torsion irregularity is considered to exist where the maximum horizontal
displacement of any floor in the direction of the lateral force (applied at the
center of mass) at one end of the story is more than 1.5 times its minimum
horizontal displacement at the far end of the same story in that direction
(Figure 5-2).

Figure 5-2: Torsion Irregularity

32 Re-entrant Corners Irregularity
A structure is said to have re-entrant corner in a direction, if its structural
configuration has a projection of greater than 15% of its overall dimension in
that direction (Figure 5-3).

Figure 5-3: Re-entrant Corners Diaphragm Discontinuity Irregularity
Diaphragm discontinuity irregularity is considered to exist a diaphragm has a
cutout or open area greater than 50% of the gross enclosed diaphragm area,
or the effective diaphragm stiffness changes more than 50% from one story
to the next (Figure 5-4).

Figure 5-4: Diaphragm Discontinuity Out of plane offset Irregularity

Out of Plane offset irregularity is said to exist where there is a discontinuity
in a lateral force resisting path, such as an out-of-plane of at least one vertical
element (Figure 5-5).

Figure 5-5: Out of plane offset


5.6.1 Determination of Design Horizontal Deflections Ultimate limit state

The design horizontal deflections shall be determined by multiplying the
horizontal deflection found from Equivalent Static Method or Modal
Response Spectrum Method by the Ductility factor (Rμ). Serviceability limit state

The design horizontal deflection for serviceability limit state shall be taken as
equal to the horizontal deflections calculated either by Equivalent Static
Method or Modal Response Spectrum Methods.

5.6.2 Building Separations

Parts of buildings or buildings on the same site which are not designed to act
as an integral unit shall be separated from each other by a distance of not
less than the sum of the design horizontal deflections determined in
accordance with 5.6.1.

Separation spaces shall be detailed and constructed to remain clear of debris

and other obstructions. The width of such spaces shall allow for all
constructional tolerances.

5.6.3 Inter-Story Deflections
The ratio of the inter-story deflection to the corresponding story height shall
not exceed:
0.025 at ultimate limit state
0.006 at serviceability limit state
The deflections shall be obtained by using the effective stiffness properties
of the components as given in 3.4.


For the analysis for torsional effects, the applied torsion at each level shall
use either the forces calculated by the Equivalent Static Method or the
combined story inertial forces found in a Modal Response Spectrum Method.
The accidental eccentricity can be taken as ±0.1b.

6 Equivalent Static Method


6.1.1 Ultimate Limit State

For the ultimate limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design
coefficient), Cd (T1), shall be given by:
C(𝑇1 )
Cd (𝑇1 ) = ………………………………………. ….………………..6.1(1)
Rµ x Ωu

C (T1) = Elastic Site Spectra as per 4.1.1
Rµ = Ductility Factor as per 5.3
𝛀u = Over strength Factor for ULS as per 5.4

6.1.2 Serviceability Limit State

For the serviceability limit state, the horizontal base shear coefficient (design
coefficient), Cd (T1), shall be given by:
Cs(𝑇1 )
Cd (𝑇1 ) = ………………………………………………..6.1(2)

Cs(T1) = Elastic Site Spectra determined for Serviceability Limit State as

per 4.2

𝛀s = Over strength Factor for SLS as per 5.4


The horizontal seismic base shear, V, acting at the base of the structure, in
the direction being considered, shall be calculated as:

V = Cd (T1) W ....................................................................................... 6.2(1)


Cd (T1) = Horizontal base shear coefficient as per 6.1

W = Seismic Weight of the structure as per 5.2


The lateral seismic force (Fi) induced at each level ‘i’ shall be calculated as:
Wi h k
F i = ∑n x V ……………………………………………….……6.3(1)
i Wi h k


Wi = seismic weight of the structure assigned to level ‘i’;

hi= height (m) from the base to level ‘i’;

n= total number of floors/levels

V= horizontal seismic base shear calculated as per 6.2

k= an exponent related to the structural period as follows:

• for structure having time period T≤0.5sec, k=1

• for structure having time period T≥2.5sec, k=2

• for structure having period between 0.5 sec and 2.5 sec, k
shall be determined by linear interpolation between 1 and 2.


The equivalent static forces calculated as per 6.3 shall be assumed to act
simultaneously at each level in the direction being considered and shall be
applied through points eccentric to the center of mass at each level as per 5.7.

7 Modal Response Spectrum Method


For the ultimate limit state, the horizontal base shear co-efficient for each
mode, Cd(Ti), shall as given by:
C(𝑇𝑖 )
Cd (𝑇𝑖 ) = ………………………………………………………7.1(1)
Rµ x Ωu

C(Ti) = Elastic Site Spectra at period Ti as per 4.1.1

Ti = fundamental period of the ith mode of vibration
Rµ = Ductility Factor as per 5.3
𝛀u = Over strength Factor for ULS as per 5.4


𝑉𝑖 = 𝐶𝑑 (𝑇𝑖 ) × 𝑊𝑖 ………………….……………………………7.1(2)
Wi = Effective modal gravity load of ith mode of vibration
𝑗=1 𝑤𝑗 ∅𝑗𝑖 ]
= 2
𝑗=1 𝑤𝑗 [∅𝑗𝑖 ]

wj = portion of gravity load at story level j

ji = mode shape coefficient at floor j in mode i
The modal force for ith mode of vibration at each of the story level j is
determined as follows:
𝑤𝑗 ∅𝑗𝑖
𝐹𝑗𝑖 = ∑𝑛 × 𝑉𝑖 ……..……………………………………7.1(3)
𝑗=1 ∅𝑗𝑖 𝑤𝑗

wj = portion of gravity load at story level j
ji = mode shape coefficient at floor j in mode i

A sufficient number of modes shall be included in the analysis to include at least
90% of the total seismic mass in the direction under consideration.

All modes that are not part of the horizontal load resisting systems shall be
ignored in modal combination

The modal combination shall be carried out only for modes with natural
frequency less than 33 Hz; the effect of modes with natural frequencies more
than 33 Hz shall be included by the missing mass correction procedure following
established principles of structural dynamics.


a. The combination of modal effects (such as story shear, moment, drift,
displacements) shall be carried out using an established method such as
Square Root of the Sum of the Squares (SRSS) or the Complete
Quadratic Combination (CQC) method or any other generally accepted
combination methods.

b. Modes shall be considered to be closely spaced if their frequencies are

within 15%. For such modes, if the SRSS combination method is used,
the modal action effects from any modes shall be first combined by direct
summation ignoring any signs.


When the design base shear (VR) obtained by combining the modal base shear
forces is less than the base shear (V) calculated using Equivalent Static Method;
the member forces, story shear forces & base reactions obtained from the MRS
method shall be multiplied by V/VR.

Where, V = Base Shear determined from Equivalent Static Method

VR = Base Shear determined from Modal Combination

8 Elastic Time History Analysis

8.1.1 Structural Modeling Requirements Modeling
Three dimensional models of the structure shall be required for carrying out
the analysis. The analysis consists of an analysis of a linear mathematical
model of the structure to obtain various response quantities employing the
methods of numerical integration based on ground motion acceleration
histories compatible with the design response spectrum for the site. Gravity Load

Gravity loads calculated as per clause 5.2 shall be applied to the structural
model. P-Delta Effect

P-Delta effects shall be included in the analysis. Torsion
Inherent eccentricity arising due to offset in center of mass from the center
of rigidity at each level shall be included in the analysis. Damping
Linear viscous damping shall not exceed 5%. Below grade Structure elements

For structures having structures below grade such as basements, the
structural model shall extend to the foundation level and ground motions
shall be applied at the foundation level.

8.1.2 Ground Motions

The ground motion selection, scaling, application and analysis details shall be
as prescribed in Clause 9.3.2.

8.1.3 Evaluation of response quantities

If less than 7 numbers of ground motion records are used, maximum values
the response quantities from these ground motions shall be used. If the
number of ground motions used is more than 7, then average values of the

considered number of ground motions shall be used for evaluation of
response quantities. Inter story drifts

The inter-story drift shall not exceed the limits given in clause 5.6. Member strengths

For member strength check, the final values of member actions obtained
from elastic time-history analysis shall be divided by the ULS ductility factor

9 Non-linear Static and Dynamic Analysis

A Non-linear analysis shall consist of an analysis of a mathematical model of the
structure that accounts for the strength of the materials and their post-elastic


Non-linear static analysis (also known as pushover analysis) is a procedure where
a mathematical model incorporating the inelastic post yield behavior of the structural
elements is subjected to monotonically increasing horizontal loads until target
displacement is reached.

9.2.1 Modeling and Analysis

Seismic forces shall be applied in both positive and negative directions.
Maximum seismic effects as a result of this application shall be used.

Gravity loads shall be applied to appropriate elements of the structural model.

At least, a bilinear force-displacement relation shall be used at element level.

9.2.2 Load pattern

Load pattern based on the first mode shape shall be applied in the direction
under consideration.

9.2.3 Control node

The control node shall be located at the center of mass at the roof of the
building. The top of penthouse shall not be considered as the roof.

9.2.4 Capacity curve

A plot of base shear versus the control node displacement shall be
established for control displacement values ranging from zero to 150 % of
the target displacement.

9.2.5 Target displacement

The target displacement shall serve as an estimate of the global
displacement of the structure which is expected to experience in an
earthquake. It shall be defined as the seismic demand derived from the

elastic response spectrum in terms of the displacement of an equivalent
single degree of freedom system. Target displacement can be determined
using N2 Method or any other method established in literature.


Non-linear time history analysis shall be carried out through direct numerical
integration of the differential equations of ground motion acceleration time histories.
The numerical integration time history analysis may be used for all types of
structures to verify that the specific response parameters are within the limits of
acceptability assumed during design.

9.3.1 Structural Modeling Requirements Modeling
Three dimensional models of the structure shall be required for carrying out
the analysis. The structural model shall include the post elastic hysteretic
behavior of elements and shall account for all the significant yield, strength
degradation, stiffness degradation and hysteretic pinching.

At least, a bilinear force-displacement relation shall be used at element level. Gravity Load

Gravity loads calculated as per clause 5.2 shall be applied to the structural
model. P-Delta Effect

P-Delta effects shall be included in the analysis. Torsion
Inherent eccentricity arising due to offset in center of mass from the center
of rigidity at each level shall be included in the analysis. Damping
Hysteretic energy dissipation of structural elements shall be included in the
analysis as well.

43 Below grade Structure elements
For structures having structures below grade such as basements, the
structural model shall extend to the foundation level and ground motions
shall be applied at the foundation level.

9.3.2 Ground Motions Number of Ground Motions

A minimum of three ground motions shall be used in 2D time history analysis.

For 3D time history analyses conducted on torsionally sensitive structures,

three pairs of orthogonal ground motions shall be used.

Appropriate ground motions shall be selected from events having

magnitudes, fault distance, and source mechanisms that are consistent with
those that seismic hazard at the design location.

Where the required number of recorded ground motions is not available,

appropriate simulated ground motions shall be used to make up the total
number required. Scaling of Ground Motions

Following procedures shall be carried out for scaling the selected ground

a) The elastic site spectra C(T) given in clause 4.2.1 divided by the ULS
Overstrength factor (u) shall be used as the target spectrum for
scaling the ground motions.
b) The selected ground motions shall be scaled to match the target
spectrum between periods Tn and √RµxT1, where T1 is the
fundamental period of vibration of the structure, Tn is the period of the
highest vibration mode to ensure 90% mass participation and R µ is
the ULS ductility factor as per 5.3.1.
c) The Scaling factor for all ground motions shall be between 0.33 and
3. Where a selected ground motion does not match this criteria, it shall
be discarded and a new ground motion shall be selected.
d) For 3D analyses, scaling factor for both orthogonal motions shall be
determined and the lower value shall be used to scale both

components of the ground motion pair. Obviously, only one of the two
scaled motions will match the target spectra and the other will be
smaller. Application of Ground Motions

a) The scaled ground motion/s shall be applied to the supports of the
structural model.

b) For 3D analyses, the two ground motion components of each pair shall
be applied in orthogonal directions along the principal axes of the building

c) For each pair, two analyses shall be conducted by interchanging the

directions of the ground motions. Analysis time step

The analysis time step:

a) Shall not be greater than the step at which the records are digitized
b) Shall be less than or equal to:
• T1/100
• Tn
• 0.01s
T1 = the fundamental translational period in the direction under

Tn = Period of highest mode in the same direction required to

achieve the 90% mass participation as described in modal

9.3.3 Evaluation of response quantities

If less than 7 numbers of ground motion records are used, maximum values
the response quantities from these ground motions shall be used. If the
number of ground motions used is more than 7, then average values of the
considered number of ground motions shall be used for evaluation of
response quantities.

45 Inter story drifts
The inter-story drift shall not exceed the limits given in clause 5.6. Member strengths

The inelastic deformation demands shall not exceed the limits given in
appropriate material standards.

10 Parts and Components

This section specifies the minimum design requirements for non-structural
components of architectural, mechanical and electrical systems, their
support and connections.
All elements, components or equipment shall be positively connected to the
structure to resist the specified seismic loads. Where friction due to gravity is
used to provide the required resistance to horizontal seismic forces, a friction
reduction factor of 0.5 shall be used in calculating the frictional resistance.
If the weight of the non-structural component is more than 25% of the seismic
weight of the building, provisions of this section shall not be used.


If continued operation of a facility during strong seismic motions presents an
excessive risk, an automatic shut-off system, which will operate at a pre-
determined ground acceleration, not exceeding 0.2g, shall be provided. In
such cases, all equipment required for safe shut-down shall be capable of
resisting the shut-off level irrespective of other requirements of this Section.


All elements and components shall be designed for a design seismic force
(Fp) along its principal direction. Fp shall be applied at the component’s center
of gravity and distributed relative to the component’s mass distribution. The
design seismic force (Fp) shall be calculated using following equation:

h p ap
FP = Z (1 + ) μ Ip Wp ……………………………..10.3(1)
H p


Z = Seismic Zoning factor as per 4.1.4

ap = Component amplification factor as per 10.3.1
μp = Component ductility factor as per 10.3.2

Ip = Component Importance factor as per 10.3.3
Wp = Component weight
hp = height of attachment of the component
H = Total height of structure

10.3.1 Component Amplification Factor

Component amplification factor (ap) represents the dynamic amplification of
the component relative to the fundamental time period of the structure. Its
value varies from 1 to 2.5. The component amplification factor (a p) is
stipulated in Table 10-1:
Table 10-1 Component Amplification Factor

Absolute difference between the natural ap

periods of the building and the
component |T1-Tp|
|T1-Tp| > 0.5 sec 1.0
|T1-Tp| = 0 sec; (i.e.T1=Tp) 2.5
0.5 sec > |T1-Tp| > 0 Sec To be linearly interpolated
between 1.0 and 2.5

10.3.2 Component Ductility Factor

Component ductility factor (μp) represents the ductility and energy dissipation
capacity of the components and its connections. Its value varies from 1.5 to
2.5. The component ductility factor (μp) is stipulated in Table 10-2. For any
high deformability non-structural components and attachments, a higher
value, not exceeding 3.5 may be used if/as supported by research

Table 10-2: Component Ductility Factor

Element Class p
Low deformability components and attachments 1.5
(Examples include non-structural walls, brick chimneys and partitions)
Moderate deformability components and attachments 2.5
(Examples include cantilevers, metal chimneys, parapets, signs,

10.3.3 Component Importance Factor
All parts and components shall be assigned to appropriate importance class
as stipulated in Table 10-3:

Table 10-3: Component Importance Factor

Element Class Ip
Components containing hazardous contents 1.5
Component required to function for life-safety after an earthquake 1.5
(Examples include fire protection sprinkler systems, egress stairways)
Storage facilities open to public 1.5
Components which are needed for continued operation of an emergency 1.5
facility after an earthquake
All other components 1.0


In addition to the requirements stipulated in this section, following additional
requirements shall also be considered:

a) Connections to ornamentations, veneers, appendages and exterior

panels including anchor bolts, shall be corrosion-resisting and ductile,
with adequate anchorages.

b) In the case of precast concrete panels, anchorages shall be attached to,

or hooked around, panel reinforcing.

c) The seismic weight of containers and the like shall include the weight of
the contents.

d) Hanging or swinging lights shall have a safety cable attached to the

structure and the fixture, capable of supporting a lateral load equal to four
times the weight.

e) The support systems for suspended ceilings shall be designed and

constructed so as to avoid sudden or incremental failure or excessive
deformations that would release ceiling components.

f) The non-structural component that significantly affects the structural
response of the building should be treated as structural and relevant
provisions for design of the structure should be applied.

g) Contents of museums and similar items of historical or artistic value that

are non-functional items should be restrained against seismic forces.
Special advice should be obtained for detailing such restraints.


1 General

This section covers the requirements for designing and detailing of members of
reinforced concrete (RC) structures designed to resist lateral effects of earthquake
shaking, so as to give them adequate stiffness, strength and ductility to resist severe
earthquake shaking without collapse. This standard addresses lateral load resisting
structural systems of RC structures composed of,

a) RC moment resisting frames,

b) RC moment resisting frames with unreinforced masonry infill walls,
c) RC structural walls
d) a combination of RC moment resisting frames and RC structural walls


For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.
Beams: These are members (generally horizontal) of moment resisting frames
which are subjected to flexural and shear actions.

Boundary Elements: These are portions along the ends of a structural wall that
are strengthened and confined by longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. They
may have the same thickness as that of the wall web.

Columns: These are members (generally vertical) of moment resisting frames

which are subjected to a combination of axial, flexural and shear actions.

Concrete Cover: It is the concrete around the perimeter of the cross-section which
is not confined by transverse reinforcement.

Crosstie: It is a continuous reinforcing bar having a 135° hook with an extension of

6 times diameter (but not < 65 mm) at one end and a hook not less than 90 degrees
with at least a 6 times diameter at the other end. The hooks shall engage peripheral
longitudinal bars. The 90-degree hooks of two successive crossties engaging the
same longitudinal bars shall be alternated end for end.

Transverse Reinforcement: It is a continuous bar profile bent in square,
rectangular, triangular or trapezoidal shape, which may also include straight cross
ties. It ends with a 135° hook with an extension of 6 times diameter (but not < 65
mm) at one end and a hook not less than 90° with an extension of 6 times diameter
(but not < 65 mm) at the other end. The hooks shall engage a number of peripheral
longitudinal bars. In general, the 90° hooks of two successive crossties engaging
the same longitudinal bars shall be alternated end for end. Transverse
reinforcement is also called hoops and/or stirrups.

Gravity Columns in Buildings: It is a column, which is not part of the lateral load
resisting system and designed only for actions (i.e., axial force, shear force and
bending moments) due to gravity loads. But, it should be able to resist the gravity
loads at lateral displacement imposed by the earthquake forces.

Lateral Force Resisting System: It is that part of the structural system which
participates in resisting forces induced by earthquake.


For the purpose of this standard, the following letter notations shall have the
meaning indicated against each; where other notations are used, they are explained
at the appropriate place.
Ae Effective cross sectional area of a joint
Aej Effective shear area of a joint
Ag Gross cross-sectional area of column, wall
Ah Horizontal shear reinforcement in walls
Acc Area of concrete core of column
Asd Reinforcement along each diagonal of coupling beam
Ash Area of cross section of bar forming spiral or link
Atr Area of transverse reinforcement
Av Vertical reinforcement in a joint
bb Width of beam
Bc , b c Width of column
bj Effective width of a joint
D Overall depth of beam

Dk Diameter of column core measured to the outside of transverse
d Effective depth of member
db Diameter of longitudinal bar
dw Effective depth of wall section
Es Elastic modulus of steel
fck Characteristic compressive strength of concrete cube
fy Yield stress of steel reinforcing bars, or 0.2 percent proof strength
of reinforcing steel whose yield point is not obvious
h Longer dimension of rectangular confining link measured to its
outer face
hc Depth of column
hj Effective depth of a joint
hst Clear story height
hw Overall height of RC structural wall
LAB Clear span of beam
Ld Development length of bar in tension
lo Length of member over which special confining reinforcement is
to be provided
Lw Horizontal length of wall/longer cross- section dimension of wall
Ls Clear span of couplings beam
Mu Design moment of resistance of entire RC beam, column or wall
Mct Design moment of resistance of top column at a joint
Mcb Design moment of resistance of bottom column at a joint
Mbl Design moment of resistance of left beam at a joint
Mbr Design moment of resistance of right beam at a joint
MuAh Hogging (negative) design moment of resistance of beam AB at
end A
MuAs Sagging (positive) design moment of resistance of beam AB at
end A
MuBh Hogging (negative) design moment of resistance of beam AB at
end B

MuBs Sagging (positive) design moment of resistance of beam AB at
end B
MuBL Design moment of resistance of beam framing into column from
MuBR Design moment of resistance of beam framing into column from
Muw Design moment of resistance of web of RC structural wall alone
Pu Factored axial load
sv Spacing of transverse reinforcement along the length of a beam
or column
tw Thickness of the web of RC structural wall
Vu,aD+L Factored shear force demand at end A of beam AB due to dead
and live loads
Vu,bD+L Factored shear force demand at end B of beam AB due to dead
and live loads
Vj Design shear resistance of a joint
Vu Factored shear force
Vus Design shear resistance offered at a section by transverse
α Inclination of diagonal reinforcement in coupling beam
ρ Area of longitudinal reinforcement as a fraction of effective area of
cross-section in a RC beam, column or structural wall
ρc Area of longitudinal reinforcement on the compression face of a
beam as a fraction of effective area of cross-section
ρmax Maximum area of longitudinal reinforcement permitted on the
tension face of a beam as a fraction of effective area of cross-
ρmin Minimum area of longitudinal reinforcement permitted on the
tension face of a beam as a fraction of effective area of cross-
τc Design shear strength of concrete
c, max Maximum nominal shear stress permitted at a section of RC
beam, column or structural wall
v Nominal shear stress at a section of RC beam, column or
structural wall


All dimensions are in millimeter, loads in Newton and stresses in MPa, unless
otherwise specified.

2 Materials


Minimum grade of structural concrete shall be M20, but M25 for buildings more than
12 m in height.

Steel reinforcement used shall be of,

a) Grade Fe 415 or less; or

b) High strength deformed steel bars produced by thermo-mechanical
treatment process having elongation capacity of more than 15
percent; e.g. Grade Fe 500 and Fe 550.


The ratio of the actual ultimate strength to the actual yield strength or the actual 0.2
percent proof strength of the reinforcement shall be at least 1.15.

3 Location of Plastic Hinges

In moment resisting frames, the plastic hinges shall be normally located at the ends
of the beam member. Such reversing plastic hinges yield in both sagging in hogging
actions. In frames where gravity actions are significant in comparison to the seismic
actions, unidirectional plastic hinges in beams may also form away from the column

Plastic hinges are permitted to occur in columns at the following locations:

i. at the base of the frame

ii. at the top of the columns in upper story of multi-story buildings

In shear wall structures, the plastic hinges shall be primarily located at the base of
the wall.

4 Moment Resisting Frames

Requirements of this section shall apply to beams resisting earthquake-induced
effects, in which the factored axial compressive stress does not exceed 0.08fck.
Beams, in which the factored axial compressive stress exceeds 0.08fck, shall be
designed as per requirements of 4.2.

4.1.1 Dimensional Limits

a) Beams shall preferably have width-to-depth ratio of more than 0.3
b) Beams shall not have width less than 200 mm
c) Beams shall not have depth D more than 1/4th of clear span.
d) Width of beam bw shall not exceed the width of supporting member

4.1.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement

a) Beams shall have at least two 12 mm diameter bars each at the top and
bottom faces.
b) Minimum longitudinal steel ratio ρmin required on any face at any section is:
𝜌𝑚𝑖𝑛 = 0.24 ….…………………………………….4.1.2

c) Maximum longitudinal steel ratio ρmax provided on any face at any section is
d) Longitudinal steel on bottom face of a beam framing into a column (at the
face of the column) shall be at least half the steel on its top face at the same
section. At exterior joints, the anchorage length calculation shall consider
this bottom steel to be tension steel.
e) Longitudinal steel in beams at any section on top or bottom face shall be at
least 1/4th of longitudinal steel provided at the top face of the beam at the
face of the column; when the top longitudinal steel in the beam at the two
supporting column faces is different, the larger of the two shall be considered.

4.1.3 Transverse Reinforcement

a) Only vertical links/stirrups shall be used in beams (see Fig. 4-1); inclined
links/stirrups shall not be used.
b) Links/stirrups are permitted to be made of two pieces of bars also, namely a
U-link with a 135° hook with an extension of 6 times diameter (but not less
than 65 mm) at each end, embedded in the core concrete, and a cross-tie
(see Fig. 4-1).
c) The hooks of the links/stirrups and cross-ties shall engage around peripheral
longitudinal bars. Consecutive crossties engaging the same longitudinal bars
shall have their 90° hooks at opposite sides of the beam. When the
longitudinal reinforcement bars are secured by cross-ties in beams that have
a slab on one side, the 90° hooks of the cross-ties shall be placed on that

Figure 4-1 Details of Transverse reinforcement in beams

d) The minimum diameter of a transverse reinforcement shall be 8 mm.

e) Transverse reinforcement shall be designed to resist the shear resulting from

larger of:
i. Factored shear force as per linear structural analysis; and
ii. Factored gravity shear force, plus equilibrium shear force when plastic
hinges are formed at both ends of the beam (see Fig. 4-2) given by:

For sway to right:

D+L (MAs Bh
u +Mu )
Vu,a = Vu,a − 1.4 ……………………………

D+L (MAs Bh
u +Mu )
Vu,b = Vu,b + 1.4 …………………….………

For sway to left:

(MAh Bs
D+L u +Mu )
Vu,a = Vu,a − 1.4 ……………………………

(MAh Bs
D+L u +Mu )
Vu,b = Vu,b + 1.4 ……………………………4.1.3.

Where MuAs, MuAh, MuBs & MuBh are sagging and hogging moments of
resistance of the beam section at ends A and B, respectively. LAB is clear
span of the beam. Vu,aD+L and Vu,bD+L are the factored shear forces at ends A
and B respectively, due to vertical loads acting on the span with load
combination factors of 1 for dead load and 0.5 for live load . The beam shall
be considered to be simply supported for this derivation.

The design shear force demand at end A of the beam shall be the larger of
the two values of Vu,a computed above. Similarly, the design shear force
demand at end B shall be the larger of the two values of Vu,b computed above.

f) Closely spaced links shall be provided over a length equal to 2d on either

side of a section where flexural yielding may occur under earthquake effects.
Over the remaining length of the beam, vertical links shall be provided at a
spacing not exceeding d/2.

g) Spacing of links over a length of 2d at either end of a beam shall not exceed
the minimum of (d/4; 8db; 100 mm); however, it need not be less than 100mm.

Figure 4-2 Calculation of Shear force demand in beams

Figure 4-3 Details of transverse reinforcement in beams

h) The first link shall be at a distance not exceeding 50 mm from the joint face.

Requirements of this section shall apply to columns resisting earthquake-induced
effects, in which the factored axial compressive stress due to gravity and
earthquake effects exceeds 0.08fck.

4.2.1 Dimensional Limits
a) The minimum dimension of a column shall not be less than 20 d b, where db
is diameter of the largest diameter of longitudinal reinforcement bar in the
beam passing through or anchoring into the column at the joint.
b) The minimum dimension of column shall be 300 mm.

Figure 4-4 Requirement for minimum size of column member

c) Columns shall preferably have width-to-depth ratio of more than 0.45.

4.2.2 Longitudinal Reinforcement

a) Circular columns shall have a minimum of 6 numbers of bars and rectangular
columns shall have a minimum of 8 numbers of bars.
b) Minimum longitudinal steel ratio ρmin shall be 0.01.
c) Maximum longitudinal steel ratio ρmax shall be 0.04.
d) Minimum diameter of the longitudinal bar shall be 12 mm.

4.2.3 Transverse Reinforcement

a) Transverse reinforcement shall consist of closed loops of spiral/ circular
links/hoops for circular columns, and rectangular links/hoops for rectangular
b) The closed links/hoops shall have 135° hook ends with an extension of 6
times its diameter (but not < 65 mm) at each end, which are embedded in
the confined core of the column (see Fig. 4-5).
c) The minimum diameter of a link/hoop shall be 8 mm
d) In rectangular columns, the maximum spacing of parallel legs of the
links/hoops shall be 300 mm center to center. A cross-tie shall be provided,
if the length of any side of the link/hoop exceeds 300 mm (see Fig. 4-5); the
cross-tie shall be placed perpendicular to this link/hoop whose length
exceeds 300 mm. Alternatively, a pair of overlapping links/hoops may be
provided within the column (see Fig. 4-5). In either case, the hook ends of
the links and cross-ties shall engage around peripheral longitudinal
bars. Consecutive cross-ties engaging the same longitudinal bars shall have
their 90° hooks on opposite sides of the column. Crossties of the same or
smaller bar size as the hoops shall be permitted; and,
e) The maximum spacing of links/hoops shall be half the least lateral dimension
of the column.

Figure 4-5 Details of transverse reinforcement arrangement in columns

f) Transverse reinforcement shall be designed to resist the shear resulting from

larger of:
i. Factored shear force as per linear structural analysis; and
ii. Factored equilibrium shear force demand when plastic hinges are
formed at both ends of the beams given by:

For sway to right:

1.4(MAs Bh
u +Mu )
Vu = ……………………….………………

For sway to left:

1.4(MAh Bs
u +Mu )
Vu = ……………………….………………

Where MuAs, MuAh , MuBs and MuBh are design sagging and hogging
moments of resistance of beams framing into the column on opposite
faces A and B, respectively, with one hogging moment and the other
sagging (see Fig. 4-6); and hst the story height.

Figure 4-6 Calculation of Shear force demand in columns


The amount of special confining reinforcement required in columns shall be
calculated as follows:

a) The special confining reinforcement shall be provided over a length lo from

the face of the joint towards mid heights of columns on either side of the joint
or at section where flexural yielding is likely to occur. The required length lo
calculated as follows:
𝑙0 = 𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 (𝐷𝑐 ; 6 ; 450 𝑚𝑚) ………………………………4.3.1


Dc = Largest cross sectional dimension of column

lcl = Clear length of column

b) The spacing of the confining reinforcement shall be as follows:

𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚(1⁄4 𝐵𝑐 ; 6𝑑𝑏 ; 100 𝑚𝑚)


Bc = Smallest cross sectional dimension of column

db = Diameter of smallest longitudinal bar of column

c) The area, Ash, of cross section of the bar forming links/hoops or spiral shall
be at least:
i. For circular links/hoops or spirals:

𝑓 𝐴𝑔
0.09𝑠𝑣 𝐷𝑘 𝑐𝑘 ( − 1)
𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑐𝑐
𝐴𝑠ℎ = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 { 𝑓𝑐𝑘
0.024𝑠𝑣 𝐷𝑘


Sv = pitch of spiral or spacing of links,

Dk = diameter of core of circular column measured to outside of


fck = characteristic compressive strength of concrete cube,

fy = 0.2 percent proof strength of transverse steel reinforcement bars,

Ag = gross area of column cross-section, and

Acc = area of concrete core of column = πDk2/4

ii. in rectangular links:

𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝐴𝑔
0.18𝑠𝑣 ℎ ( − 1)
𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑐𝑐
𝐴𝑠ℎ = 𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 { 𝑓𝑐𝑘
0.05𝑠𝑣 ℎ


h = longer dimension of rectangular link/hoop measured to its outer

face, which does not exceed 300 mm (see Fig 4-5), and

Acc = area of confined concrete core in rectangular link/hoop

measured to its outer dimensions. Acc shall be measured as overall
core area, regardless of link/hoop arrangement.

Figure 4-7 Confining stirrups in critical length lo of column

d) When a column terminates into a footing or mat, special confining

reinforcement shall extend at least 300 mm into the footing or mat (see Fig.

Figure 4-8 Confining reinforcement requirement in foundation

e) Special confining reinforcement shall be provided over the full height of a

column which has significant variation in stiffness along its height.

f) Columns supporting reactions from discontinued stiff members, such as

walls, shall be provided with special confining reinforcement over their full


4.4.1 Design of Beam-Column Joint for Distortional Shear Nominal Joint Shear Strength

The nominal shear strength of a beam-column joint, Vjc is calculated as follows:
𝑉𝑗𝑐 =
1.5 𝐴𝑒𝑗 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠
{ 1.2 𝐴𝑒𝑗 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑒𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑠 …
1.0 𝐴𝑒𝑗 √𝑓𝑐𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠


Aej = effective shear area of joint = bj wj,

bj = effective breadth of joint perpendicular to the direction of shear

force; and

wj = effective width of joint along the direction of shear force.

The effective width of joint bj (see Fig. 4-9) shall be obtained from following:

𝑚𝑖𝑛(𝑏𝑏 ; 𝑏𝑐 )


bb = width of beam

bc = width of column

hc = depth of column in considered direction

Figure 4-9 Effective joint width Horizontal Joint Shear

Horizontal Joint shear in each principal direction in a joint is calculated as follows:

For Interior joint

𝑉𝑗ℎ = 1.25𝑓𝑦 (𝐴𝑠𝑡1 + 𝐴𝑠𝑡2 ) − 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑙 ………………………….………. (a)

For Exterior joint

𝑉𝑗ℎ = 1.25𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑠𝑡1 − 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑙 …………………………………....………. (b)

fy = Yield strength of steel

Vcol = Column Shear

Ast1 = Total area of beam top reinforcement

Ast2 = Total area of beam bottom reinforcement Transverse Reinforcement in Joints

a) When Vjc > Vjh

No calculation for horizontal joint reinforcement is needed. However,

Special confining reinforcement calculated as per clause 4.3 shall be
provided through the joint within the depth of the shallowest beam
framing into it.

b) When Vjc < Vjh

The amount of horizontal joint reinforcement is calculated as follows:

𝑉𝑗ℎ −𝑉𝑗𝑐
𝐴𝑗ℎ = ( ) ……………………………………..……….4.4.1.

This calculated amount of horizontal joint reinforcement, however,

shall not be less than the confinement reinforcement calculated as per
clause 4.3. This amount of horizontal reinforcement shall be
distributed uniformly within the joint.

4.4.2 Anchorage of Beam Longitudinal bars

At an exterior joint, top and bottom longitudinal bars of beams shall be provided with
horizontal length beyond the inner face of the column, equal to horizontal
development length (ldh) terminating in a standard hook of length 12d b.The hook
shall be located within the confined core of a column or of a boundary element with
hook bent into the joint.

The value of ldh is given by,

𝑓𝑦 𝑑𝑏
𝑙𝑑ℎ = ……………………………………..……….4.4.2(a)

but ,

𝑙𝑑ℎ ≮ 𝐷𝑐 − 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟 .………………..…..…….4.4.2(b)


db = diameter of largest longitudinal bar in beam in mm

fy = Yield strength of steel

fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete

Figure 4-10 Anchorage of beam longitudinal bars in column

If the requirements for ldh cannot be satisfied in the exterior beam-column joint, the
beam can be extended horizontally in the form of exterior stubs (see figure 4-11)

Figure 4-11 Provision of Beam stub

4.4.3 Development Length of Straight Deformed bars in tension
A bar should extend beyond the section at which it may be required to develop its
strength fy at least a distance not less than mentioned in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3: 𝐿𝑑 /∅ values for fully stressed bars in tension

Grade of Grade of Concrete

Steel M 20 M 25 M 30 M 35 M40 and above
Fe 250 45 39 36 32 29
Fe 415 47 40 38 33 30
Fe 500 57 49 45 40 36

4.4.4 Column-Beam Moment Capacity Ratio

At every beam column junction in a frame, the summation of the moment capacities
of the column end sections shall be greater than 1.2 times the summation of the
beam end moment capacities.
∑ 𝑀𝑐
∑ 𝑀𝑏
> 1.2 ………………………………………………4.4.4


Mc = sum of the design moment of resistance of the

column above and below the beam centerline;

Mb = sum of the design moment of resistance of beams

at the intersection of the beam and column


4.5.1 Lap Splices
When longitudinal steel bars have to be continued for spans larger than their
manufactured lengths, the bars shall be connected by either splicing or
mechanical couplers.

a) lap splices shall not be provided,

i. within a joint ;

ii. Within a distance of 2d from face of the column/ beam;
iii. Within a quarter length of the beam adjoining the location where
flexural yielding may occur under earthquake effects.
b) Lap splices shall be provided only in the central half of clear column height

c) Not more than 50 percent of area of steel bars shall be spliced at any one
d) Closed links/stirrups/hoops shall be provided over the entire length of the
beam/column over which the longitudinal bars are spliced.

e) The lap length shall not be less than the development length of the largest
longitudinal reinforcement bar in tension.

f) The spacing of these links shall not exceed 150 mm.

g) The required area of transverse reinforcement Atr within the lap zone of the
longitudinal reinforcement of columns as well as beams spliced at the same
location shall be calculated as follows:

𝑑𝑏𝑙 𝑓𝑦𝑙
𝐴𝑡𝑟 = 𝑠 ( ) (𝑓 ) ………………………………………4.5.1
50 𝑦𝑤


Atr = area of one leg of the transverse reinforcement

dbl = diameter of the spliced bar
s = Spacing of the transverse reinforcement
fyl = yield strength of the longitudinal reinforcement;
fyw = yield strength of the transverse reinforcement

h) Splicing by use of mechanical couplers shall be permitted. Where

mechanical couplers are preferred to connect the bars, the couplers shall
confirm to contemporary international codes/standards/practice. Where
established codes are not available to ascertain the adequacy of the
couplers, they shall be verified by appropriate testing under conditions
compatible with the required ductility.

i) Splicing by welding is not permitted within the critical regions of structural
members where yielding of reinforcement is likely to take place. Welding of
links, ties, inserts or other similar elements to vertical reinforcement bars
required as per design is not permitted.



1. The requirements of this section apply to shear walls that are part of lateral
force resisting system of earthquake-resistant RC buildings.
2. The minimum thickness of special shear walls shall not be less than,
a. 150 mm; and
b. 300 mm for buildings with coupled shear walls.
3. The minimum ratio of length of a wall to its thickness shall be 4.
4. Shear walls shall be provided with uniformly spaced reinforcement in its
cross-section along vertical and horizontal directions. The minimum
reinforcement ratio shall be 0.0025 of the gross area in each direction.
5. Reinforcement bars shall be provided in two curtains within the cross-section
of the wall, with each curtain having bars running along vertical and
horizontal directions, when
6. The factored shear stress demand in the wall exceeds 0.25√f ck MPa; or
7. The wall thickness is 200 mm or higher.
8. The largest diameter of longitudinal steel bars used in any part of a wall shall
not exceed 1/10th of the thickness of that part.
9. The maximum spacing of vertical or horizontal reinforcement shall not
exceed smaller of,
a. 1/5th of the horizontal length lw of wall;
b. 3 times the thickness tw of the web of wall; and
c. 450 mm.
10. Shear walls shall be founded on properly designed foundations and shall not
be discontinued to rest on beams, columns or inclined members.


1. Nominal shear stress demand τv on a wall shall be estimated as:

𝜏𝑣 = ……………………………………….……………5.2.1
𝑡𝑤 𝑑𝑤


Vu = factored shear force,

tw = thickness of the web,

dw = effective depth of wall section (along the length of the wall),

which may be taken as 0.8 lw for rectangular sections.

2. Design shear strength τc of concrete shall be calculated as follows:

0.85√(0.8𝑓𝑐𝑘 )(√1+5𝛽−1)
𝜏𝑐 = ……………………………………..5.2.2

𝛽 = {6.89𝑝𝑡 , Whichever is greater
pt = percentage of vertical reinforcement

fck = Characteristic compressive strength of concrete

3. Maximum design shear strength, τc,max, shall be calculated as follows:

𝜏𝑐,𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 0.62√𝑓𝑐𝑘 ……………………………………………..5.2.3

4. If τv > τc,max the wall section shall be re-designed. If τv < τc,max, horizontal shear
reinforcement shall be provided, whose area Ah is given by:
𝑉𝑢 −𝜏𝑐 𝑡𝑤 𝑑𝑤
𝐴ℎ = 𝑑 ……………………………………………………….5.2.4
0.87𝑓𝑦 ( 𝑤)

However, the calculated reinforcement shall not be less than the minimum
area specified in clause 5.1 (4).


Boundary elements are portions along the wall edges that are strengthened
by longitudinal and transverse reinforcement even if they have the same
thickness as that of the wall web.

1. Boundary elements shall be provided in two opposite sides of walls, when

the extreme fiber compressive stress in the wall occurs.
2. The length of boundary zone in each side shall be the maximum of 2 times
the wall thickness and 0.2 times the wall length.
3. A boundary element shall have adequate axial load carrying capacity,
assuming short column action, so as to enable it to carry axial compression
arising from factored gravity load and lateral seismic shaking effects. The
axial compression arising from lateral seismic effects may be calculated as:
𝑀𝑢 −𝑀𝑢𝑣


Mu = factored design moment on the entire wall section,

Muv = moment of resistance provided by distributed vertical

reinforcement across the wall section, and

Cw = center to center distance between the boundary elements along

the two vertical edges of the wall.

4. The vertical reinforcement in the boundary elements shall not be less than
0.8 percent and not greater than 6 percent; the practical upper limit would be
4 percent to avoid congestion.
5. Boundary elements, where required shall be provided with special confining
reinforcement as per clause 4.3.


Design moment of resistance Mu of the wall section subjected to combined bending
moment and compressive axial load shall be estimated in accordance with
requirements of limit state design method, using the principles of mechanics
involving equilibrium equations, strain compatibility conditions and constitutive laws.

1. Coplanar special structural walls may be connected by means of coupling
2. If earthquake induced shear stress τve in coupling beam exceeds

𝜏𝑣𝑒 > 0.1√𝑓𝑐𝑘 ( 𝑠 ); ………………………………………………….5.5.2(a)

The entire earthquake-induced shear, bending moment and axial

compression shall be resisted by diagonal reinforcement alone. Here,

Ls = clear span of coupling beam

D = overall depth

a) Area of this diagonal reinforcement along each diagonal shall be

estimated as:

𝐴𝑠𝑑 = ………………………………………………….5.5.2(b)
1.74 𝑓𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑛𝛼

Where Vu is factored shear force on the coupling beam and α is the angle
made by diagonal reinforcement with the horizontal.

b) At least 4 bars of 8 mm diameter shall be provided along each diagonal.

All longitudinal bars along each diagonal shall be enclosed by special
confining transverse reinforcement as per 4.3 at a spacing not exceeding 100

3. The diagonal of a coupling beam shall be anchored in the adjacent walls with
an anchorage length of 1.5 times the development length in tension (see Fig.


1. Shear strength of a wall with openings should be checked at critical
horizontal planes passing through openings.
2. Additional steel reinforcement shall be provided along all four edges of
openings in walls. Further,

a) The area of these vertical and horizontal steel should be equal to that of
the respective interrupted bars, provided half on either side of the wall in
each direction.

b) These vertical bars should extend for full height of the story in which this
opening is present.

c) The horizontal bars should be provided with development length in tension

beyond the edge of the opening.

Figure 5-1 Coupling beams with diagonal reinforcement


Vertical reinforcement shall be provided across a horizontal construction joint.
These reinforcements shall have an area, Ast, given by:

𝐴𝑠𝑡 0.92 𝑃𝑢
≥ (𝜏𝑣 − ) ……………………………………………………5.7
𝐴𝑔 𝑓𝑦 𝐴𝑔


τv = factored shear stress at the joint

Pu = factored axial force (positive for compression),

Ag = gross cross-sectional area of the joint.

Horizontal reinforcement shall be anchored near the edges of wall or in confined
core of boundary elements.


Splicing of the bars shall be done as per clause 4.5.


1 General

This section covers the requirements for design and detailing of steel structures
designed to resist the effects of earthquake forces so as to give them adequate
strength, stability and ductility to resist severe earthquakes without collapse.
Structures, which form a part of the gravity load resisting system but are not
intended to resist the lateral earthquake loads, need not satisfy the requirements of
this section, provided they can accommodate the resulting deformation without
premature failure.

The provisions of this section are applicable to buildings in general. The provisions
are applicable to following structural systems only:

1. Steel Moment Resisting Frames

2. Frames with concentric braces
3. Frames with eccentric braces


Action Effect or Load Effect: The internal force, axial, shear, bending or twisting
moment, due to external actions and temperature loads.

Action: The primary cause for stress or deformations in a structure such as dead,
live, wind, seismic or temperature loads.

Beam: A member subjected predominantly to bending.

Braced Member: A member in which the relative transverse displacement is

effectively prevented by bracing.

Buckling Load: The load at which an element, a member or a structure as a whole,

either collapses in service or buckles in a load test and develops excessive lateral
(out of plane) deformation or instability.

Buckling Strength or Resistance: Force or moment, which a member can
withstand without buckling.

Built-up Section: A member fabricated by interconnecting more than one element

to form a compound section acting as a single member.

Column: A member in upright (vertical) position which supports a roof or floor

system and predominantly subjected to compression.

Compact Section: A cross-section, which can develop plastic moment, but has
inadequate plastic rotation capacity needed for formation of a plastic collapse
mechanism of the member or structure.

Dead Loads: The self-weights of all permanent constructions and installations

including the self-weight of all walls, partitions, floors, roofs, and other permanent
fixtures acting on a member.

Doubler Plates: Component object that represents a structure that strengthens a

steel beam web or steel column web by thickening it. These plates act as
reinforcement for the column web to prevent panel zone shear failure.

Effective Length: Actual length of a member between points of effective restraint

or between effective restraint and free end, multiplied by a factor to account for the
end conditions in buckling strength calculations.

Gravity Load: Loads arising due to gravitational effects.

Gusset Plate: The plate to which the members intersecting at a joint are connected.

Imposed (Live) Load: The load assumed to be produced by the intended use
or occupancy including distributed, concentrated, impact, vibration and snow loads
but excluding, wind, earthquake and temperature loads

Main Member: A structural member, which is primarily responsible for carrying and
distributing the applied load or action.

Plastic Design: Design against the limit state of plastic collapse.

Plastic Hinge: A yielding zone with significant inelastic rotation, which forms in a
member, when the plastic moment is reached at a section.

Plastic Moment: Moment capacity of a cross-section when the entire cross-section
has yielded due to bending moment.

Plastic Section: Cross-section, which can develop a plastic hinge and sustain
plastic moment over sufficient plastic rotation required for formation of plastic failure
mechanism of the member or structure.

Rotation: The change in angle at a joint between the original orientation of two
linear member and their final position under loading.

Secondary Member: Member which is provided for overall stability and/or for
restraining the main members from buckling or similar modes of failure.

Semi-compact Section: Cross-section, which can attain the yield moment, but not
the plastic moment before failure by plate buckling.

Shear Force: The in-plane force at any transverse cross-section of a straight

member of a column or beam.

Shear Stress: The stress component acting parallel to a face, plane or cross-

Slender Section: Cross-section in which the elements buckle locally before

reaching yield moment.

Slenderness Ratio: The ratio of the effective length of a member to the radius of
gyration of the cross-section about the axis under consideration.

Stiffener: An element used to restrain or prevent the out-of-plane deformations of


Strain: Deformation per unit length or unit angle.

Strain Hardening: The phenomenon of increase in stress with increase in strain

beyond yielding.

Strength: Resistance to failure by yielding or buckling.

Stress: The internal force per unit area of the original cross-section,

Tensile Stress: The characteristic stress corresponding to rupture in tension

specific grade of steel.
Yield Stress: The characteristic stress of the material in tension before the elastic
limit of the material is exceeded.

Following symbols and notations shall apply to the provisions of this section.

b Flange width of an I section

bp Panel-zone width between column flanges

d Depth of an I section

dp Panel-zone depth between continuity plates

E Modulus of elasticity of steel

fye Expected yield stress of steel

fy Design yield stress of steel

KL Effective length of the member

L Length of beam

Md Design bending moment

ME Induced bending moment due to earthquake loads

Mj Moment capacity of a joint

MG Induced bending moment due to gravity loads

Mpb Plastic moment of beam member

MpbA Plastic moment at one beam end

MpbB Plastic moment at another beam end

Mpc Plastic moment of column member

Pd Design axial force

PG Induced axial force due to gravity loads

PE Induced axial force due to earthquake loads

r Radius of gyration
Rd Resistance of connection

Ry Plastic resistance of the connected member based on design yield stress of

the material

t Thickness of column web or doubler plate

tf Thickness of flange

tw Thickness of web

VG Shear force due to gravity loads

Vj Shear force at joint

ϑ Design Overstrength factor

ov Material Overstrength factor

p Link rotation angle

Unless otherwise noted, this code uses SI units of kilograms, metres, seconds,
Pascals and Newtons (kg, m, s, Pa, N).

2 Materials


Structural Steels having yield strengths (fy) of 250 MPa and 345 MPa shall only be
permitted to be used for elements resisting the earthquake forces.


The required strength of a member or a connection shall be determined from the
expected yield stress (fye) of the member or an adjoining member as applicable.
The expected yield stress is defined in terms of material over-strength factor (ov)
as follows:

fye = ov fy ...................................................................................................................................2.1

The expected yield stress can be determined from actual measurements. In

absence of any measurements, the material over-strength factor can be taken as


The structural steel sections resisting the earthquake forces shall be plastic or
compact only.

3 Connections


a) The design of the connections shall be designed so as to limit localization of
plastic strains, high residual stresses and prevent fabrication defects.
b) Connections fabricated by means of full penetration butt weld is deemed to
satisfy the Overstrength criterion.
c) Fillet weld or bolted connections shall be designed by considering the
Overstrength and strain hardening of the material as follows:
𝑅𝑑 ≥ 1.1𝛾𝑜𝑣 𝑅𝑦 ……………………………………………………3.1

Rd = resistance of connection

Ry = plastic resistance of the connected member based

on design yield stress of the material

ov = Material Overstrength

d) Bolts and welds shall not be designed to share force in a joint or the same
force component in a connection.


a) Column Splices shall be located away from the beam to column flange
connection. The splice shall be located in the middle half of the clear height
of the column.

b) Splices shall be either bolted or welded or welded to one column and bolted
to the other.

c) Splice Plates or Channels used for making web splice shall be placed on
both sides of the column web.

d) When partial-joint penetration groove weld is used, the design strength of the
joints shall be at least 200% of the required strength.

e) For welded-butt joint splices made with groove welds, weld tabs shall be
removed. Steel backing of groove welds need not be removed.

a) Axial Strength

Column Bases shall be designed for column axial load calculated using the
design overstrength factor.

b) Shear Strength

The required shear strength shall be as follows:

(i) For diagonal braces, required shear strength shall be equal to the horizontal
component of the brace strength.

(ii) For Columns, lesser of

a) Shear force calculated using design overstrength factor

b) 1.1ϒovVp ................................................................................................................................. 3.3.1

c) Flexural Strength, lesser of

a) Flexural strength calculated using design overstrength factor

b) 1.1ϒovMp ............................................................................................................................. 3.3.2

4 Location of Plastic Hinges

a) In moment resisting frames, the plastic hinges shall be primarily located at

the ends of the beam member. It is permitted to locate plastic hinges in
columns at the following locations:
i. at the base of the frame
ii. at the top of the columns in upper story of multi-story buildings
b) In frames with concentric braces, plastic hinge shall be primarily located in
the tension diagonals. In case of V-bracings, plastic hinges are permitted to
be located in both tension and compression diagonals.
c) In frames with eccentric braces, plastic hinges shall be located in the links. It
shall be ensured that plastic hinges shall be formed in all the links

5 Moment Resisting Frames

Beams shall have sufficient resistance against lateral and torsional buckling. Abrupt
changes in the beam flange area are prohibited in plastic hinge regions.

Columns shall be checked for the most unfavorable combination of axial force,
shear force and bending moments. The column shall be checked for the following
load combinations:
𝑃𝑑 = 𝑃𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑜𝑣 𝜗𝑃𝐸 …………….……………………………….5.2.1

𝑉𝑑 = 𝑉𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑂𝑉 𝜗𝑉𝐸 …………….……………...……………….5.2.2

𝑀𝐷 = 𝑀𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑂𝑉 𝜗𝑀𝐸 …………….…………………………….5.2.3


Pd = Design axial force

PG = Induced axial force due to gravity loads

PE = Induced axial force due to earthquake loads

Md = Design bending moment

MG = Induced bending moment due to gravity loads

ME = Induced bending moment due to earthquake loads

ov = Material Overstrength factor = 1.25

ϑ = Design Overstrength factor = 2.5


a) All beam to column connections shall be rigid.
b) The connection shall be designed in such a manner to form plastic hinges at
beam ends.
c) The connection shall be designed for the resulting moment calculated as per
following equation:

𝑀𝑗 = 1.1𝛾𝑂𝑉 𝑀𝑝𝑏 ……….…………………………….…………5.3.1


Mpb = Plastic moment of beam member

ov = 1.25

Mj = Moment capacity of joint

d) The connection shall be designed for a shear force resulting from the
following load combination:
𝑀𝑝𝑏𝐴 +𝑀𝑝𝑏𝐵
𝑉𝑗 = 𝑉𝐺 + ( )………………………………………….5.3.2


MpbA = Plastic moment at one beam end

MpbB = Plastic moment at another beam end

VG = Shear force due to gravity loads

Vj = Shear force at joint

L = Length of beam

e) In column strong axis connections (beam and column web in the same plane),
the panel zone shall be checked for shear buckling. Column web doubler
plates or diagonal stiffeners may be used to strengthen the web against
shear buckling. The individual thickness of the column webs and doubler
plates, shall satisfy the following:

(𝑑𝑝 +𝑏𝑝 )
𝑡≥ ……………………………….…………………….5.3.3


t = thickness of column web or doubler plate,

dp = panel-zone depth between continuity plate, and

bp = panel-zone width between column flanges

f) Continuity plates (tension stiffener) shall be provided in all strong axis welded
connections except in end plate connections.


At all beam to column connections, the following relationship shall be satisfied:

∑ 𝑀𝑝𝑐
∑ 𝑀𝑝𝑏
≥ 1.2………………………………………………………………….5.4


Mpc = sum of the moment capacity in the column

above and below the beam centerline;

Mpb = sum of the moment capacity in the beams at the

intersection of the beam and column centerlines

6 Frames with Concentric Braces


Concentric braces shall be designed so that the yielding of the tensile diagonals or
reaching the post-buckling compressive strength in compression diagonals will take
place before failure of connections and before yielding or buckling of the beams or
columns. Three types of braces are considered in this standard:

1. Diagonal X-Type Bracing

2. V-Type Bracing
3. Inverted V-Type Bracing

K-type bracing is not permitted to be used for bracing.

6.1.1 Slenderness ratio

The slenderness ratio of the bracing members shall satisfy the following:

a) For diagonal X-Type Bracing

≤ 6√

b) For V-Type and Inverted V-Type Bracing

≤ 6√

6.1.2 Placement of braces

The diagonal braces shall be placed in such a way that the structure exhibits similar
load deflection response in each story under earthquake load applied in either

6.1.3 Built-up Member braces

a) The spacing of stitches shall be such that the slenderness ratio of individual
element between such stiches shall not exceed 0.4 times the governing
slenderness ratio of the Built-up brace itself.
b) The spacing of such stiches shall be uniform.
c) The sum of available shear strengths of the stitches shall be equal to or
exceed the available tensile strength of each element.
d) Bolted connections shall be avoided within the middle one-fourth of the clear
brace length (0.25 times the length, in the middle).
6.1.4 Brace Connection
The brace connection shall satisfy the requirements specified in clause 3.


The beams and columns adjacent to the braces shall be checked for the following
load combinations:
𝑃𝑑 = 𝑃𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑜𝑣 𝜗𝑃𝐸 …………….……………….………………..6.2.1

𝑀𝐷 = 𝑀𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑂𝑉 𝜗𝑀𝐸 ……………………………………………6.2.2


Pd = Design axial force

PG = Induced axial force due to gravity loads

PE = Induced axial force due to earthquake loads

Md = Design bending moment

MG = Induced bending moment due to gravity loads

ME = Induced bending moment due to earthquake loads

ov = Material Overstrength factor = 1.25

ϑ = Design Overstrength factor = 2.0

7 Frames with Eccentric Braces

Frames with eccentric braces shall be designed in such a manner that the specific
“seismic links” are able to dissipate energy by formation of plastic bending and
shear mechanisms. Seismic Links may be horizontal or vertical.


Seismic links are classified into 3 categories according to the type of the plastic
mechanism developed:

a) Short Links: Short links dissipate energy by yielding essentially in shear.

b) Long Links: Long links dissipate energy by yielding essentially in bending
c) Intermediate Links: Intermediate links dissipate energy by yielding in both
bending and shear.

7.1.1 Link Section Limitations

Links shall be of I sections only. Either hot rolled I sections or built-up I sections are
permitted to be used.

For I sections, the following equations are used to calculate the design resistances
and limits of categories:
𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 = 𝑓𝑦 𝑏 𝑡𝑓 (𝑑 − 𝑡𝑓 ) …………….…………………………..……….7.1.1

𝑉𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 = ( 𝑦 ) 𝑡𝑤 (𝑑 − 𝑡𝑓 )…………….……………………………..…….7.1.2


b = Flange width of the I section

tf = thickness of the flange

d = depth of the I section

tw = thickness of the web

If Pd/Pc  0.15, the design resistance of the link should satisfy the following
relationships at both ends of the link:

Vd  Vp,link ......................................................................................................................................... 7.1.3

Md  Mp,link ............................................................................................................................................7.1.4

Where, Pd, Md, Vd are the design action effects, respectively the design axial force,
design bending moment and design shear, at both ends of the link.

If Pd/Pc > 0.15, the following reduced values of Vp,link,r and Mp,link, shall be used
instead of Vp,link and Mp,link
𝑃 2 0.5
𝑉𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘,𝑟 = 𝑉𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 [1 − ( 𝑃𝑑 ) ] …………….………………………..…….7.1.5

𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘,𝑟 = 𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 [1 − ( 𝑑 )]…………….……………………………….……….7.1.6

If Pd/Pc ≥ 0.15, the link length shall not exceed:

𝑒 ≤ 1.6
, when R < 0.3 …………….……………………………….7.1.7

𝑒 ≤ (1.15 − 0.5𝑅)1.6 𝑉 𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 , when R≥ 0.3………………………………….7.1.8


(𝑑−2𝑡𝑓 )
𝑅 = 𝑃𝑑 𝑡𝑤 (𝑉𝑑 𝐴)

in which A is the gross area of the link.

7.1.2 Horizontal Seismic Links

In horizontal seismic links, plastic hinge would form simultaneously at both ends of
the links. The links shall be categorized according to the length e:

Short Links:
𝑒 ≤ 1.6 𝑉 …………….……………………………………..…..7.1.10

Long Links:
𝑒≥3𝑉 …………….……………………………………….….7.1.11

Intermediate Links:

𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘

7.1.3 Vertical Seismic Links

In vertical seismic links, only one plastic hinge would form at one end of the link.
The links shall be categorized according to their length:

Short Links:
𝑒 ≤ 0.8 (1 + 𝛼) 𝑉 𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 …………….…………………………………..….7.1.13

Long Links:
𝑒 ≥ 1.5 (1 + 𝛼) 𝑉 𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 …………….………………………………….….7.1.14

Intermediate Links:
𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑀𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘
0.8 (1 + 𝛼) 𝑉 𝑒 < 1.5 (1 + 𝛼) 𝑉 ………………...……………….7.1.15
𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑝,𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑘


a = ratio of the smaller bending moment at one end to the greater bending

moment at the other end.

7.1.4 Link Rotation Angle

The link rotation angle θp between the link and the element outside of the link should
be consistent with global deformations. It should not exceed the following values:

a) short links θp  0.08 radians

b) long links θp  0,02 radians
c) Intermediate links θp shall be determined by linear interpolation
between the above values

7.1.5 Web Stiffeners

Full-depth web stiffeners should be provided on both sides of the link web at the
diagonal brace ends of the link. These stiffeners shall have a combined width of not
less than (bf – 2tw) and a thickness of not less than 0,75tw nor 10 mm, whichever is

Links should be provided with intermediate web stiffeners as follows:

a) Short links should be provided with intermediate web stiffeners spaced at

intervals not exceeding (30tw – d/5) for a link rotation angles θp of 0.08 radians
or more, or (52tw – d/5) for link rotation angles θp of 0,02 radians or less.
Linear interpolation should be used for values of θp between 0.08 and
0.02 radians;

b) Long links should be provided with one intermediate web stiffener placed
at a distance of 1.5 times bf from each end of the link;

c) Intermediate links should be provided with intermediate web stiffeners

meeting the requirements of a) and b) above;

d) Intermediate web stiffeners are not required in links of length greater than
5 Mp/Vp;

e) Intermediate web stiffeners should be full depth. For links that are less
than 600 mm in depth, stiffeners are required on only one side of the link
web. The thickness of one-sided stiffeners should be not less than tw or 10
mm, whichever is larger, and the width should be not less than (bf/2) – tw. For
links that are 600 mm in depth or greater, similar intermediate stiffeners
should be provided on both sides of the web.

Fillet welds connecting a link stiffener to the link web should have a design strength
adequate to resist a force of ovfyAst, where Ast is the area of the stiffener. The design
strength of the fillet welds fastening the stiffener to the flanges should be adequate
to resist a force of ovAstfy/4.

Lateral supports should be provided at both the top and bottom link flanges at the
ends of the link. End lateral supports of the links should have a design axial
resistance sufficient to provide lateral support for forces equal to 6% of the expected
nominal axial strength of the link flange computed as fy btf.

Members not containing seismic links shall be designed for axial load from the
following load combinations:
𝑃𝐷 = 𝑃𝐺 + 1.1𝛾𝑜𝑣 𝜗𝑃𝐸 …………………………………………………….7.2.1


Pd = Design axial force

PG = Induced axial force due to gravity loads

PE = Induced axial force due to earthquake loads

ov = Material Overstrength factor = 1.25

ϑ = Design Overstrength factor = 2.0

In case of horizontal seismic links, columns and diagonal members shall be

checked for such load combination. In case of vertical seismic links, columns,
beams and diagonal members shall be checked for such load combination.


The connection to the seismic links shall be designed using the following rule:

𝑅𝑑 ≥ 1.1𝛾𝑜𝑣 𝜗𝑅𝑦 …………….……………………………………….7.3.1


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