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Occupation related fatality and mortality rate is becoming the devastating issue globally as reported by
the International Labor Organization (ILO). Though there are reports about exposure and burden of
occupational injury from the regional states, the studies were fragmented and inconclusive ones at the
national level. Hence, the authors’ intention being to come up with the national pooled estimates of
occupation related injury and the associated factors in Ethiopia.


The international reputable databases (PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library),
cross-referencing and manual search strategies were explored rigorously following Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis Protocol (PRISMA-P) guideline. Studies that reported
the prevalence of occupational injury were included for this systematic review and meta-analysis. The
Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment tool scale for cross-sectional studies was used for the critical
appraisal of the studies. The heterogeneity between the studies was checked using Cochran Q statistic
with the inverse variance (I2) value. Random effects meta-analysis was considered assess the summative
effect size of occupational injury and the factors associated with it. Subgroup analysis and meta-
regression were also employed to identify the possible source of heterogeneity and factors associated
with occupational injury respectively. Both Egger’s and Begg’s test with the p-value less than 5% were
used to declare the presence of publication bias.


A total of 23 original studies were considered to estimate the pooled effect size of occupational injury in
Ethiopia. The pooled prevalence of occupational injury in Ethiopia was 44.66% (95% CI: 43.83, 45.49).
Based on the subgroup analysis, the highest prevalence of occupational injury was reported from the
construction sites (50.8%) in particular of the Addis Ababa city administration (49.5.Being male workers
[OR = 1.46 (95% CI: 1.01, 2.11)], working more than eight hours per day [OR = 2.84 (95% CI: 1.81, 4.46)],
absence of supervision for labor workers [OR = 1.60 (95% CI: 1.08, 2.37)], lack of personal protective
equipment [OR = 3.01 (95% CI: 1.61, 5.63)] and lack of occupational health and safety training [OR = 1.49
(95% CI: 1.15, 1.92)] had increased odds of occupational injury.

Based on this systematic review and meta-analysis, it is concluded that nearly half of the labor workers
in Ethiopia were experienced occupational injury. This issue was more encountered among the labor
workers of construction sites and whose working place were at the Addis Ababa city administration
respectively. Being male sex, working more than eight hours per day, lack of personal protective
equipment, lack of supervision, and lack of training about occupational health and safety had increased
odds of occupational injury in Ethiopia. Hence, the concerned body should give special emphasis for all
the explored factors in order to minimize occupation related injury, mortality and morbidity in the

Keywords: Occupational injury, Pooled prevalence, Ethiopia, Systematic review, Meta-analysis


Occupational injury is any physical injury that affects a labor worker while working [1]. Occupational
accidents, work injury, work-related injury, work accidents, and work-related accidents are synonymous
phrases for occupational injury [2]. Around 20 ILO conventions have been ratified by Ethiopia in
particular of the Occupational Safety and Health Convention 1981 (No. 155). According to the Labor
Proclamation No.377/2003 form the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in Ethiopia, the government
itself is responsible for supervising the labor administration, working conditions, occupational safety and
health [3]. Though there is favorable policy and regulatory frameworks in Ethiopia, its monitoring
systems and laboratory investigations are inadequate. Even the internal infrastructural capability is also
weak and it can’t help to identify and determine workplace injury too. Globally, occupational injury is
becoming a public health emergency. It killed more than 300,000 labor force every year and it caused
many more cases of disability [4]. Health at work and healthy work environments are an input to the
national economies via improved productivity, product quality, work motivation, job satisfaction and
overall quality of the worker’s life and society [5]. Though occupational injury is preventable, it is
becoming amongst the major public health problems that causes an estimated economic loss of 5–10%
growth national product beyond its increased risk of fatality and morbidity rates [6–8], in which 14
death reported per 100,000 workers [9, 10]. This issue is more pronounced in the Sub-Saharan Africa
too [11]. Currently, constructions, human health and social work activities, Sewerage, waste
management and remediation activities, and manufacturing industries are increasing in Ethiopia.
Consequently, the problem of occupational injury is increasing due to lack of safe working conditions. In
Ethiopia, reports indicated that only 5 to 10% of workers have access to occupational health services in
their respective workplaces. As mentioned earlier, occupational injury has direct economic costs, have a
wide range of social consequences including both psychological and behavioral responses for the
worker, family and for the community at all. Beyond its chronic consequences of disability, it has also
tremendous impact on economy at individual, household and national level. This is because the
disability itself kept people out of work longer than any other disabled condition; which is in-turn its cost
is easily calculated via missed working days, related costs of replacing jobs, the cost of disability itself,
the cost needed to give medical care, and the substitute labor [12].

In Ethiopia, different fragmented and few studies have been conducted to assess the prevalence of
occupational injury and associated factors. Employment pattern, drinking alcohol, sleep disorder, job
satisfaction, use of personal protective equipment, working hours per week, health and safety training,
work experience, work schedule, daily supervision, smoking, pollution and occupational safety are
expected to be the possible factors for the occurrence of occupational injury [9]. However, the pocket
studies were fragmented and did not representative of the national estimates. Therefore, the main
objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to estimate the national pooled prevalence
and associated factors of occupational injury. These findings will be an input for policymakers and
program planners of occupational health and safety in order to inform, plan, implement and evaluate
health promotion policies and strategies which are crucial for preventing occupational injury.

Method and materials

Study design and setting

This systematic review and meta-analysis was aimed at assessing the prevalence and associated factors
of occupational injury in Ethiopia. This country is located in the horn of Africa. It is bounded by Eritrea to
the north, Djibouti, and Somalia to the east, Sudan and South Sudan to the west, and Kenya to the south
[13]. According to the World Bank compilation of development indicators, the total labor force in
Ethiopia was estimated as 53, 746, 763 (22.11% of total employment) in 2019; of which approximately
1% of the total workforce were engaged in manufacturing and construction industry. Moreover, Ethiopia
is one of the countries in the world with a low health workforce density of 0.7/1000 population. This is
below World Health Organization (WHO) recommendation in which the minimum threshold level is 2.3
health workers per 1000 population for better accessibility of essential services and to decrease the risk
of work related injury as a result of work overload [14, 15].

Searching strategies

We reviewed different kinds of literature such as both Published and unpublished studies based on the
eligibility criteria of this study. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis
Protocol (PRISMA- P) [16] guideline was used to confirm the scientific accuracy. PubMed, Google
Scholar, ScienceDirect and Cochrane Library databases were explored. The key terms used in building
the search strategy for the Databases were prevalence, magnitude, occupational injury, occupational
accidents, work-related injury, work-related accidents, and Ethiopia. The key terms were combined
using Boolean operators to search the electronic databases. In addition, all fields and mesh terms were
used whilst for the advanced PubMed searching.

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteria

This systematic review and meta-analysis considered all studies which were conducted in Ethiopia.
Studies which reported both the prevalence and associated factors were included regardless of their
publication, publication time and study designs.
Exclusion criteria

Based on the eligibility criteria, we read their titles and abstracts. If studies were relevant for our review,
we examined the full texts. Those papers not fully accessed at the time of our search process were
excluded after contact was attempted with the principal investigator through email at least two times.
The reason for the exclusion of these articles is that we were unable to assess the quality of each article
in the absence of their full texts. Moreover, studies which did not report our outcome of interest were
excluded after reviewing their full texts. Once more, studies with poor quality as pre-settled criteria and
review articles were also excluded from this systematic review and meta-analysis.

Quality assessment

The Database search results were combined and duplicate articles were removed manually using
Endnote (version X8.2). The Newcastle-Ottawa quality assessment tool scale for cross-sectional studies
was used to assess the quality of each study [17]. The modified Newcastle-Ottawa scales consists of
three sections. The first section tool is rated from five stars for methodological evaluation. The second
section tool is ranked from three stars for comparability assessment. The third section tool is evaluated
from two points that deals with the statistical analysis and the outcome of each study. Three
independent reviewers critically appraised each individual paper. Disagreements between those
reviewers were solved by discussion. If not, a third reviewer was involved to resolve inconsistencies
among the three independent reviewers. The original studies which scored ≥6 out of 10 were
considered as high quality and included for the final meta-analysis.

Data extraction

Data were extracted by three authors via a standardized data extraction spreadsheet. The data
extraction spreadsheet was piloted on 5 randomly selected papers and modified accordingly. Data
extraction sheet included study characteristics such as: (1) Authors’ name, year, region, study or
publication year, study design, study setting and actual sample size; (2) prevalence of occupational injury
(3) information on gender distribution, supervision, working time, training about occupational health
and safety, and about protective equipment from work-related hazard.

Outcome of measurement

This study had one main outcome. It was the prevalence of occupational injury. It was calculated as the
number of individuals who experienced occupational injury divided by a total number of individuals who
were at risk of developing occupational injury and multiplied by 100%.

Data analysis

The extracted data were entered into the computer using the excel sheet and imported to STATA 14 for
analysis. Evidence of publication bias and heterogeneity was assessed. Both Egger’s and Begg’s test were
used with a p-value of less than 0.05 as a cutoff point to declare the presence of publication bias [18].
Heterogeneity across studies was checked using Cochran Q statistic with the inverse variance (I2) of 30
to 60%,50 to 90%, and 75 to 100% with moderate, substantial and considerable heterogeneity across
individual studies [19]. We used the forest plot to visualize the presence of heterogeneity. A p-value of
less than 0.05 was also used to declare the presence of heterogeneity across studies. Potential
differences between the studies were explored by subgroup analysis and meta-regression. The finding
was presented via forest plot with respective odds ratio and 95% confidence intervals using random
effects meta-analysis (DerSimonian and Laird) model. The influence of heterogeneity across studies on
the meta-analysis was calculated by I-square statistic (TAU) and a cutoff point of 50% was used to
declare substantial heterogeneity.


Selection and identification of studies

From 30 November up to 30 December 2018, a total of 530 studies were identified using electronic
searches (500 articles) and manual search (30 articles). Of which, 45 studies were excluded due to
duplication. After reviewing their titles and abstracts, 425 studies were excluded as they were irrelevant.
The remaining 30 full-text articles were assessed for eligibility. Finally, 23 studies fulfilled the eligibility
criteria and included for this systematic review and meta-analysis (Fig. 1).

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Fig. 1

PRISMA flow diagram of included studies to estimate the pooled prevalence and associated factors of
occupational injuries in Ethiopia, 2019

Characteristics of included studies

A total of 23 original studies with a total sample of10996 participants were included to estimate the
pooled prevalence of occupational injury and its associated factors. Amongst those original studies, five
studies were conducted in Addis Ababa [9, 20–23], two studies for each were conducted in Hawassa [24,
25], Arba Minch [26, 27], Gondar [28, 29], Amhara [30, 31], and one study for each was also conducted
in Bahir Dar and Gondar [32], Gambella [33], Mekelle [34], Mezan – Aman [35], Afar [36], Kombolcha
[37], Bale [38], Jimma [39], Muger Cement manufacturing Industry [2] and Bahir Dar [40] (Table 1).

Table 1

Characteristics of the included studies to estimate the prevalence and associated factors of occupational
injury in Ethiopia
Authors name Injury site Study area Publication yearDesign Sample size Response rate
Prevalence (95% CI) Quality score

Chercos and Berhanu [33] Manufacturing Industry Gambella 2017 Cross-sectional 449
100 36.70 (32.24, 41.16) 6

Y. Habtu et al. [9] Manufacturing Industry Addis Ababa 2014 Cross-sectional 829 97.99
48.90 (45.50, 52.30) 7

Berhe, et al. [34] Manufacturing Industry Mekelle2015 Cross-sectional 758 97.9 58.20
(54.69, 61.71) 6

Andualem et al. [35] Manufacturing Industry Mizan-Aman 2017 Cross-sectional 219 100
45.20 (38.60, 51.79) 8

M. Kifle et al. [20] Manufacturing Industry Addis Ababa 2014 Cross-sectional 444 98
33.30 (28.92, 37.68) 8

Tanga et al. [26]Manufacturing Industry Arba Minch 2018 Cross-sectional 412 100 20.60
(16.70, 24.505) 6

Osman Yiha, Abera Kumie [36] Manufacturing Industry Afar 2010 Cross-sectional 810 97.8
78.30 (75.46, 81.14) 7

Moges et al. [37] Manufacturing Industry Kombolcha 2013 Cross-sectional 455 100
36.90 (32.46, 41.33) 6

Gebretsadik et al. [2] Manufacturing Industry Muger 2017 Cross-sectional 498 99.6 10.40
(7.72, 13.08) 8

Bona et al. [24] Manufacturing Industry Hawassa 2018 Cross-sectional 181 100 38.00
(30.93, 45.07) 8

Gebremichael et al. [27]Manufacturing Industry Arba Minch 2015 Cross-sectional 433 98

31.40 (27.03, 35.77) 7

Bogale et al. [21] Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities Adiss Ababa
2014 Cross-sectional 876 97.7 43.70 (40.42, 46.99) 6

Gizaw et al. [32] Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities Gondar and
Bahir Dar 2014 Cross-sectional 482 100 63.90 (59.61, 68.19) 8

Eskezia et al. [30] Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities Amhara2016
Cross-sectional 379 96.2 34.30 (29.52, 39.08) 7

Mersha et al. [22] Construction Adiss Ababa 2017 Cross-sectional 806 99.6 84.70
(82.22, 87.19) 8

Tadesse and Israel [23] Construction Addis Ababa 2016 Cross-sectional 504 92.6 38.30
(34.06, 42.54) 6
Kaweti and Abegaz [25] Human Health and Social Work Activities Hawassa 2016 Cross-
sectional 496 94.3 28.00 (24.05, 31.95) 7

Abebe et al. [31] Human Health and Social Work Activities Amhara2017 Cross-sectional
193 90.6 18.70 (13.20, 24.20) 7

Bekele et al. [38] Human Health and Social Work Activities Bale 2015 Cross-sectional
340 93.9 37.10 (31.97, 42.24) 8

A. Lette et al. [39] Construction Jimma 2018 Cross-sectional 355 98.6 41.40 (36.28,
46.52) 6

Adane et al. [28] Construction Gondar 2013 Cross-sectional 401 99.5 38.70 (33.93,
43.47) 6

Walle et al. [40] Human Health and Social Work Activities Bahir Dar 2013 Cross-sectional
332 100 31.00 (26.03, 35.98) 8

G. Kebede et al. [29] Human Health and Social Work Activities Gondar 2011 Cross-sectional
344 95.3 30.80 (25.92, 35.68) 7

Prevalence of occupational injury in Ethiopia

As indicated in the forest plot, the pooled prevalence of occupational injury in Ethiopia was 44.66% (95%
CI: 43.83, 45.49) (Fig. 2). However, substantial heterogeneity was revealed across studies (I2 = 99.2%, p 
≤ 0.001). By considering this fact, random effect analysis was conducted.

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Fig. 2

Forest plot of the pooled prevalence of occupational injuries in Ethiopia, 2019

Publication bias

Since this review had a substantial form of heterogeneity, we assessed publication bias using funnel plot
(Fig. 3). As subjectively described below in the funnel plot, the scatter plots of each study are less
concentrated near to zero indicating that there is publication bias or systematic heterogeneity across
studies. Hence, as a means of confirmatory test; both Begg’s and Egger’s tests were considered. The
result of both Begg’s and Egger’s tests indicated that there was no any type of publication bias at p
value = 0.526 and 0.061 respectively.

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Fig. 3

Funnel plots for publication bias of prevalence and associated factors of occupational injuries in
Ethiopia, 2019

Subgroup analysis

To identify the presence of heterogeneity, subgroup analysis was also conducted by considering region,
study year and the site of injury.

Based on the subgroup analysis, the highest prevalence of occupational injury was reported from Addis
Ababa city administration (49.5%) followed by Amhara national regional state (36.38%). Moreover,
there was also highest injury reported from construction sites (50.8%) followed by sewerage, waste
management and remediation sites (47.31%), (Table 2).

Table 2

Subgroup analysis of the prevalence of occupational injury in Ethiopia

By Region Heterogeneity statistic Number of studies Prevalence (95% CI) P-values

I-squared (%) Tau-squared

Addis Ababa 748.16 5 49.82(28.87, 70.76) < 0.001 99.5 567.46

SNNP 48.53 5 32.28 (24.69,39.86) < 0.001 91.8 67.67

Amhara 206.05 7 36.38 (25.80, 46.95) < 0.001 97.1 197.64

Oromo 158.58 3 29.55 (7.78, 51.31) < 0.001 98.7 364.75

Occupational site

 Manufacturing Industry 1420.70 11 39.81(25.79, 53.84) < 0.001 99.3 558.01

 Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities 90.62 3 47.31 (31.46,63.17)

< 0.001 97.8 191.75

Construction 590.27 5 50.82 (22.97,78.67) < 0.001 99.5 802.92

Human Health and Social Work Activities 24.35 6 29.17 (23.82,34.51) < 0.001 83.6

study year < MDGs (< 2015) 663.10 9 45.12 (33.08, 57.13) < 0.001 98.8 334.30

≥MDGs (≥2015)2025.56 14 37.37 (23.72, 51.02) < 0.001 99.4 673.13

Beyond subgroup analysis, meta-regression for the included studies was also conducted to identify
factors for heterogeneity. However, there was no statistical significance value from the meta-regression
model (Table (Table33).

Table 3

Meta-regression of the included studies to estimate the pooled prevalence of occupational injury and its
associated factors in Ethiopia

Variables Characteristics Coefficient P-value

Publication year −0.06 0.76

Sample size 0 .01 0.51

Region Addis Ababa 3.58 0.77

Amhara −10.14 0.346

Oromia −7.25 0.64

SNPs −13.95 0.23

Site of injury Manufacturing Industry −11.08 0.28

Human Health and Social Work Activities −21.77 0.07

Sewerage, Waste Management and Remediation Activities −3.59 0.79

Construction Reference Reference

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analysis was done to identify outlier studies. Previous studies have shown that when data
points are outliers, they can be omitted from statistical analysis [41]. In the systematic review, reporting
of sensitivity analysis can best be done by influential meta-analysis. If results remain consistent across
the different analysis and sensitivity analysis tests, the results may be considered stable. If the findings
vary across sensitivity analysis, it is an indicator of careful interpretation of the sensitivity analysis
output. Once more, subjectively, we considered the articles are influential if the graph for each
corresponding articles outlines either from its corresponding lower confidence interval or upper
confidence interval. According to the analysis, Chercos and Berhanu [33], Y. Habtu et al. [9], Osman Yiha,
Abera Kumie [36] and Mersha et al. [22] influenced the analysis and dropped for the final model analysis
(Fig. 4).

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Fig. 4

Sensitivity analysis which indicates outlier studies of this systematic review and meta-analysis

Associated factors of occupational injury in Ethiopia

Male workers, working more than eight hours per day, respondents who did not use personal protective
equipment, lack of supervision, and lack of training about occupational health and safety were found as
the factors of occupational injury in Ethiopia.

Workers who are males had the odds of 1.46 to experience occupational injury as compared to female
workers [OR = 1.46 (95% CI: 1.01, 2.11)] (Fig. 5a). Individuals who had history of work engagement more
than eight hours per day had also the odds of 2.84 to experience occupational injury as compared to
those who had history of work engagement less than or equal to eight hours per day [OR = 2.84 (95% CI:
1.81, 4.46)] (Fig. (Fig.5b).5b). The odds of occupational injury were also 3.01 times higher among
individuals who did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as compared to those individuals who
used PPE [OR = 3.01 (95% CI: 1.61, 5.63)] (Fig. (Fig.5c).5c). Moreover, the odds of having occupational
injury were 2.83 times higher among individuals who had not health and safety supervision at work than
among individuals who had supervision [OR = 2.83 (95% CI: 1.58, 5.15)] (Fig. (Fig.5d).5d). Once more, the
odds of occupational injury were 2.18 times higher among individuals who had no training about
occupational health and safety than individuals who had training about occupational health and safety
[OR = 2.18 (95% CI: 1.40, 3.39)] (Fig. (Fig.55e).

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Fig. 5

Forest plots which describe: a) the association between sex difference in occupational injury; b) the
association between work duration and occupational injury; c) the association between PPE and
occupational injury; d) the association between workplace Supervision and occupational injury; e) the
association between occupational health and safety training and occupational injury in Ethiopia


The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to estimate the pooled prevalence of
occupational injury and its associated factors in Ethiopia. This finding reported that the pooled
prevalence of occupational injury was 40.39% (95% CI: 30.96, 49.82). This finding was in line with the
study done in Ghana 40% [42]. This can be attributed to many work-related accidents in developing
countries. This is due to the fact that poor working conditions, lack of effective injury prevention
systems, low health and safety regulations, low wages for workers and low social benefits [43].
However, our finding was higher than the study done in Norway 31.70% [44], Brazil 5.6% [45], Nigeria
13.5% [46], and Turkey 28.7% [47]. Likewise, the pooled prevalence was lower than the study done in
Japan 44.20% [48], India 49.70% [49], Iran 75.4% [50], Egypt 46.2% [51], Colombo 43.7% [52], Zimbabwe
41% [53] Greek 2.4% [54]. This can be possibly justified by that work-related injury occur in low- and
middle-income countries with the highest proportion of the world’s population and the highest
proportion of workers in risky jobs; whereas high-income countries also account for a significant number
of work-related deaths [43]. From the current review, the government has not prioritized occupational
safety and health to tackle occupational health problems, and is likely to have a low level of
occupational health inspections, recording workplace accidents, and lack of effective surveillance

From the subgroup analysis, the prevalence of occupational injury showed a sluggish decrement after
the period of MDGs (37.37%) in comparison with before the end of the MDGs (45.12%). This is a clue for
the concerned bodies to effectively implement legislations to minimize occupational injury and related
consequences. The highest prevalence of injury was also reported from construction sites (50.8%)
followed by sewerage, waste management and remediation sites (47.31%).

From the current review, being male was statically associated with occupational injury. This finding was
comparable with the study done from Brazil [55], Japan [48] and Finland [56]. Since there is no a well-
established evidence previously about how sex is related with occupational injury, indeed; it warrants
further investigation.

The individuals who were engaged to work more than eight hours per day were also at great risk of
being injured as compared to those who were engaged to work for less than or equal to eight hours per
day. This finding was comparable with the study done from Bangladesh [57], USA [58] Nigeria [59] and
USA [60]. This could be explained by that work overload my attribute for various emotional, physical and
social consequences of employees; this in-turn may expose for occupational injury [61].

Lack of health and safety supervision at the workplace increases the risk of occupational injury amongst
the workers. Compatible findings were also reported from Japan [48] and Brazil [55]. For this,
professional supervisors may encourage health in the workplace by advising employees if they are
within unsafe condition [62].

Moreover, lack of using Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is also a risk factor for the occurrence of
occupational injury. Consistent findings were also reported among studies done from Norway [44] and
India [63] and Japan [48]. As the recommendations are already forwarded from WHO, utilization of PPE
will reduce exposure to chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical and/or other hazards.
Likewise a study reported in Japan [48], from the current review; there was also higher reports of
occupational injury among individuals’ who did not have occupational health and safety trainings. This is
the fact that training activities are the basic programs which instruct employees to avoid known hazards
by properly using and maintaining equipment and materials. It proactively help workers to identify and
resolve potential problems that may cause occupational injury [64].

In order to minimize this high burden of occupational injury, the concerned body should give special
attention to all the identified factors. The consequences of occupational injury can be felt when their
work product is not successful and sustainable. The nature of workers ‘exposure to occupational hazards
depends on the type of work being carried out. Limited use of PPE, lack of training for staff and poor
lighting in places of work were among the causes of such injury. However, the low educational level of
the workers, their age, work shift and occupations (for example, weaving or spinning sections) were
factors associated with increased risk of injury. Health and health at work to be implemented and
ratified for the protection of employees by legislation, regulatory framework and compliance

Globally, limited workers’ safety coverage and substantial under-reporting of fatal type of occupational
injury, disorganized documentation, and incomplete documentation of all data system forms are the
main factors leading to underestimation of injury-related occupational deaths [4, 65–67]. In Ethiopia,
there is no a comprehensive national surveillance and reporting system for occupational injury. This
suggests that the frequency of work-related accidents, illnesses and even deaths are underestimated.
Hence, underreporting of occupational injury reduces our capacity to identify and address occupational
health issues. This also impacts both workers and the community that require significant research and
treatment. Thus, new programs, models and approaches need to be adapted to identify causes of
underreporting of occupational injury in Ethiopia.

Strengths and limitations

Primarily, this systematic review and meta-analysis used internationally accepted tools for critical
appraisal system for quality assessment of individual studies. It included published and unpublished
articles. By including data from unpublished studies and gray literature, this meta-analysis and
systematic reviews could account for publishing bias due to under-reporting negative results, which
contributes to bias in meta-analysis, thus misinforming researchers and policymakers.


Based on this systematic review and meta-analysis, it is concluded that nearly half of the labor workers
in Ethiopia were experienced occupational injury. This issue was more encountered among the labor
workers of construction sites and whose working place were at the Addis Ababa city administration
respectively. Being male sex, working more than eight hours per day, lack of personal protective
equipment, lack of supervision, and lack of training about occupational health and safety had increased
odds of occupational injury in Ethiopia. Hence, the concerned body should give special emphasis for all
the explored factors in order to minimize occupation related injury, mortality and morbidity in the


We gratefully thank the primary authors of the included studies.


CI Confidence Interval

OR Odds Ratio

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

SNNP South Nations Nationalities and Peoples of Ethiopia

Authors’ contributions

YMA, AN, DB, and TY: developed the study design and protocol, literature review, selection of studies,
quality assessment, data extraction, statistical analysis, interpretation of the data and developing the
initial drafts of the manuscript. YMA, AN, and AZW: Involved in statistical analysis and interpretation,
quality assessment, prepared the final draft of the manuscript. All authors and approved the final


No funding was obtained for this study.

Availability of data and materials

The datasets analyzed during the current study are available from the corresponding author upon
reasonable request.

Ethics approval and consent to participate

Not applicable.

Consent for publication

Not applicable.

Competing interests

The authors have confirmed that we have no competing interests.


Publisher’s Note

Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional

Contributor Information

Yoseph Merkeb Alamneh, Email: moc.liamg@11bekremy.

Abriham Zegeye Wondifraw, Email: moc.liamg@981hsirba.

Ayenew Negesse, Email: moc.liamg@essegenweneya.

Daniel Bekele Ketema, Email: moc.liamg@121elkebad.

Tadesse Yirga Akalu, Email: moc.liamg@086agriyessedat.


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