Reliable, First Class and Solid.: Concrete Block Production

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Concrete Block Production

First Class
and Solid.
Masa – your partner for the successful production of building materials.
With intelligent and flexible solutions, Masa leads its customers to success.
Experience, reliability and passion are the basis for a long lasting partnership.
02 Partnership

The secret of our success is the future profitability of our customers.

Masa is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of plants, machinery and
components for the building materials industry. Our experience, the quality of
our products and the constant dialogue with our partners have contributed to the
success of our customers worldwide.

The planning and design of our plants encompass all the basic principles which
are fundamental to “Engineered in Germany”.

Quality: Proven technology, customised solutions and durable equipment

Profitability: Economical – without compromising efficiency
Safety: Comprehensive safety solutions in consultation with the customer


03 Turn-key Plants: All from one supplier.

04 Tailor-made solutions for the building materials industry.
06 Dosing and mixing plant: Quality right from the start.
08 Concrete Block Making Machines Large Version: L 6.1 – L 9.1
09 Concrete Block Making Machines Extra Large Version: XL 9.1 – XL 9.2
10 The new Masa premium model: Block making machine type XL-R
12 Precise handling: Everything at its destination.
14 Remodelling and surface processing: Individual solutions.
15 Technical Overview.

In general Masa plants are equipped with all the necessary safety guarding to local standards. For reasons
of clarity, some photos are shown without safety guards.
Concrete block production 03

Turn-key Plants:
All from one supplier.

Masa has all the necessary experience for the fully automatic Depending on the plant design, this concrete is transported
production of high quality light or heavy weight concrete to the block making machine. The concrete is filled into the
blocks in high capacities. A distinct advantage for our custo- mold and compacted. The fresh concrete products are then
mers is that large turn-key plants or single standard compo- conveyed on production pallets via a transport system to the
nents are all from one supplier. curing plant. If necessary, quality assurance systems are inte-
It is a long way from mixing the raw materials to the finished
block. Many components of the plant are involved in this After curing, the products are combined into cubes using the
process. A plant will run efficiently when each part of the packaging system and prepared for take-off (e.g. by forklift).
plant has been matched to the other parts containing opti- The used production pallets are returned to the block making
mized processes within those parts. Forward looking plan- machine.
ning, often referred to as “begin with the end in mind” is a
fundamental requirement for a complete efficient production Masa offers a wide range of surface treatment systems for
facility. Capacities and machine designs are defined; proces- the manufacturing of products with special surfaces.
ses and flows are arranged for the space. This requires to fo-
cus on the customer‘s requirements and the available space. Masa control and safety systems ensure safe fast production
with minimum downtime.
The concrete block making plants made by Masa are gene-
rally structured as follows:

Via aggregate silos and corresponding transport systems, the

various materials are conveyed to the dosing and mixing
plant. Here a first-class concrete is produced, which is adap-
ted to the individual customer needs as well as the available
basic materials.

Head office in Andernach, between Frankfurt/M and Cologne. Second location in Porta Westfalica
04 Concrete block production

Tailor-made solutions for the

building materials industry.

Careful planning is decisive for the economic success of a concrete block making
plant. The planning should consider the production requirements and site specific
possibilities, as well as the longer-term growth impact. To meet these broad scope
parameters, our team of planners define capacities, machine designs, and arrange
processes and flows to fit the available site.

Our designers specify the capacities and layout of equipment as well as organizing
the production process. Turn-key plants are assembled with standard components,
which can be combined to achieve individual solutions. Utilizing standardized com-
ponents wherever practical results in short delivery times.





02 04 09

12 11




Note: The concrete block making plant shown is only

diagrammatic and does not replace a real layout
plan. Special solutions are partially pictured. For bet-
ter clarity, the safeguards are not displayed.


08 01 Aggregate Dosing and Concrete

Mixing Plant
02 Concrete transport systems
03 Concrete Block Making Machine
04 Wet side transport
05 Elevator
06 Finger car
07 Curing chamber and ventilation
08 Intermediate finger car
09 Lowerator
10 Return transport
11 Centering device
12 Production pallets
- cross transport and buffer
13 Cubing
14 Cube conveyor
15 Surface treatment
16 Remodeling
17 Powertainer
18 Control system and safety devices
06 Concrete making

Dosing and mixing plant:

Quality right from the start.

Dosing systems for aggregates Concrete mixer

Masa dosing systems for all aggregates (e.g. sand, cement, Masa concrete mixers deliver all types of highest quality con-
water, additives) guarantee optimum and efficient feeding. crete and have proven themselves in practice. Short mixing
Among others, the following components are used: times and optimum utilization of energy, water and cement
• Moveable charging scales for exact dosing of the individual are only some of the many strengths.
bulk materials
• Water dosing systems for measuring the current moisture in The stationary mixers of the „PH“ series are available up to a
the mix and calculation of water addition capacity of 3000/4500 litres.
• Color dosing (e.g. powder, granule, liquid color)
• Additive dosing systems The “S 350/500” model produces excellent, highly homoge-
• Scales for cement and other types of binding materials nized, face-mix colored concrete.

Dosing of aggregates PH mixer

Exact dosing using moving charging scale S 350/500 mixer


Concrete transport Dosing systems for colored concrete

Depending on the plant layout, the Masa mixers are directly The individual color design of pavers or other concrete
positioned above the concrete making machine or located blocks is an important part of the production process. It is
outside. If located away from the machine, most frequently possible to use simple or complex color mixing systems for
the mix is transported to the machine hoppers via a bucket both main and face concrete:
conveyor system. This allows flexible dosing of the concrete • Simple Multi color slide systems
as well as reduces the pollution of the concrete block making • Premium Multi color systems with up to 6 dosing conveyors
machine and facilitates cleaning of the concrete mixer. and intermediate buffers (individually programmable, re-
producible colors possible at all times)
However, other transport methods can be implemented.

Double bucket conveyor Assembly of the Premium Multi color system

Multi color slide system Color example for the Premium Multi color system
08 Block production

Concrete block making machine

Large Version: L 6.1 and L 9.1

The L version is a powerful, stationary concrete block making • Proportional controlled valves for pump pressure and main
machine with medium sized production pallets of 1,400 x drive
600-900 mm (L 6.1) or 1,400 x 950-1,150 mm (L 9.1). • Hydraulic unit with components of high standard manufac
Despite of its compact dimensions, it is designed in a special turers
robust way and convinces technically with its high-grade
mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and electronic compo- Further options (L 9.1):
nents. • Amplitude controlled vibration
• Automatic mold change
Among others, standard equipment includes: • Integration of a height limit system for an accurate height
• Reinforced frame construction to carry the one-piece vibra- control
tion table • Sheet/profile pulling device
• Frequency controlled vibration
• Recipe management, fault diagnosis and visualization of the
functions by PC and 24‘ TFT monitor

Block making machine L 6.1


Concrete block making machine

XL Version: XL 9.1 – XL 9.2

The XL version convinces with sophisticated and well engi- • Level measurement for silos with weighing cells
neered technology. Decades of experience and continuous • Hydraulic compaction head lock
further development flow into this model range. Our strength:
In close dialogue with our customers, we focus on defining Further options are e.g:
and implementing new standards in line with market require- • Automatic mould change, to simplify and speed up the
ments. mould change process
• Amplitude monitoring of the vibration table
The standard scope of delivery includes, among others: • Magnetic compaction head lock
• Amplitude or frequence controlled vibration • Integration of a height limit system to ensure an utmost
• Energy-efficient drives production height
• Proportional pressure control for hydraulic • Sheet/profile pulling device
• Solid frame construction with 4 hard-chrome plated guide • Core pulling device for the production of profiles in the pro-
columns (ø 120 mm) for exact parallel positioning of the ducts
mold and compaction head • Laser level measurement in the main and face mix concrete
• Forced synchronous mold guide for precise demolding of filling box

Block making machine XL-version

Servo-vibration XL compaction unit with vibration table

10 Block production

The Masa Premium model:

Block making machine type XL-R

The Premium model of the Masa concrete block making Optionally available are e.g:
machines is available in three different sizes: • Amplitude monitoring of the vibration table
• XL-R 9.1 • Magnetic compaction head lock
• XL-R 9.2 • Oscillating grate drive (main mix) via hydraulic eccentric
• XL-R 9.3 drive
• Core-/sheet pulling device for the production of cavities in
The standard scope of supply includes, among others: the products or to achieve extra smooth surfaces resp.
• Amplitude controlled vibration profiles on the bottom side of the products
• Servo hydraulics with pressure accumulator • Face mix filling box with driven bottom plate
• Energy-efficient drive concepts • Hydraulically driven smoothing roller
• Mold leveling via servo hydraulics • Special design of the face mix filling unit (prepared for multi
• Automatic mold change to optimize set-up times color system)
• Magnetic clamping of the filling box running rails • Main mix silo with 2 separate outlets
• Laser-controlled, repeatable and exact filling of the filling • Dosing / filling belt
box (main and face mix) • Authorization for access via RFID chip
• Hydraulic compaction head lock • Various software tools
• Servo controlled production pallet feed
• Servo controlled lowering rocker synchronized with pallet
feed designed as V-belt conveyor

Masa XL-R 9.1 with main mix silo (2 outlets) and special design of face mix filling unit

Plant control • There are further optional packages available in addition to

Modern production plants feature a high degree of automati- the basic package: Package I „Advanced“ (extended formu-
on and therefore, a corresponding high availability. In additi- lation management, formulation comparator, input history,
on to the robust design of the components, a customer-orien- mold management), Package II „Professional“ (user manage-
ted operating interface is an important factor of success. ment, order management, extended formulation comparator
and many more).
The software of the Masa plant control (Masa FAST Factory
Automation Service Tools) is a modular software for the uni- Masa “Powertainer”
fied operation and visualization of the components. The Masa “Powertainer” which includes all the power panels
Just to mention a few, it is characterized by: is already proven in practice. It provides a clean and safe en-
• A clear visual design of the complete plant vironment whilst at the same time saving valuable installati-
• Use of 3D plant illustrations on time.
• Connection of a precise fault finding facility
• Integrated language selection (up to 3 languages)
• Customer-specific user and parameter management

Masa FAST Factory Automation Service Tools: Curing Chamber assignment Innovative and well-conceived: Masa “Powertainer”

Masa FAST Factory Automation Service Tools: Formulation management Power panels within the “Powertainer”
12 Handling

Precise handling:
Everything in its place.

Transport systems Curing and ventilation

Masa pallet transport systems ensure that both fresh and cu- For curing, Masa provides an innovative one-room concept.
red products are moved without any damage. Visual quality The complete curing rack as well as elevator, finger car and
control takes place without jeopardizing safety. lowerator are installed in the same room. The curing process
is optimized by means of a ventilation system. The Masa con-
Wet side paver washing device trol regulates temperature and humidity in the curing cham-
The Masa paver washing devices are perfectly suitable for ber.
surface finishing. Fine particles of the aggregate materials as
well as the cement residue are removed by a combined spray
and splash process. With this, the high-quality visual effect of
the face material is emphasised particularly. The product re-
ceives its characteristic appearance.

Concrete block transport Masa 3 station paver washing plant

Fully automatic finger car loading curing racks Concrete blocks placed in the curing chamber for curing

Production pallets - buffering system des the technology and the know-how to prepare the final
Masa offers several pallet buffering systems. These systems product for shipment. Block layers are set on a conveying
cater to individual customer requests as well as considering system, which then form the block cubes (with or without the
the specific desired type of production pallet. Depending on use of transport pallets). In case of the Cuboter, Masa comple-
the system, a flow-optimized functioning of both the fresh tely goes without a hydraulic system. Further advantages are
and the dry side will be ensured. Furthermore, the plant ef- provided by the cubing clamp which is equipped with servo-
ficiency and availability will be increased because the fresh motors, the high cubing speed and the formulation-related
and the dry side can work independently from each other. flow optimization.

Cubing Centering devices or doublers can supplement the process.

At the end of the production process of each concrete block, The individual integration of packaging systems, e.g. automa-
there is the Masa cubing unit: With the „Cuboter“, Masa provi- tic strapping machines or film stretch wrappers, is possible.

Fully automatic Masa production pallet buffer

Transport pallet storage and cubing Efficient and appropriate to the material: The Masa Cuboter
14 Further processing

Remodelling and
surface processing:
Individual solutions.

Remodelling the split format, it is possible to split different block sizes.

Due to the different arrangements within the production The splitting machine can be integrated in a complete plant
plant, it is partially required to change the arrangement of concept or it can also be operated as a separate unit.
the block layers. Therefore, Masa is offering several remode-
ling systems to prepare the concrete blocks in compliance Furthermore, aging, blasting or other surface finishing machi-
with the customer-specific requirements referring transport nes can be integrated in the process or used independently.
and laying.

Splitting machine and refinement

Splitting is a popular refinement method. Masa splitting ma-
chines allow the production of split concrete blocks that can
hardly be distinguished from natural stones. Depending on

Secondary processing with Masa splitting machine

Masa remodelling and cubing Split faces with natural appearance


Technical Overview.
Capacity data Masa Mixer

Type Dry filling quantity (in liter) Output (in liter) Max. filling level (in kg)

S 350/500 500 350 750

PH 1500/2250 2.250 1.500 3.375

PH 2000/3000 3.375 2.250 5.062

PH 3000/4500 4.500 3.000 6.750

Capacity data Masa Concrete block machines

Type Hollow blocks Rectangular pavers w/o face mix Rectangular pavers with face mix
400 x 200 x 200 mm (8“) 200 x 100 x 80 mm 200 x 100 x 80 mm
Standard pallet size
Max. effective area Cycle time Pieces Pcs. / 8 h (2) Cycle time Pieces m² / 8 h (2) Cycle time Pieces m² / 8 h (2)
Max. product height (1)
per cycle (1)
per cycle (1)
per cycle


L 6.1
1.400 x 900 mm
16 12 18.360 15 48 1.567 17 48 1.382
1.300 x 850 mm
350 mm


L 9.1
1.400 x 1.100 mm 15 12 19.584 15 54 1.763 17 54 1.555
1.300 x 1.050 mm
500 mm

XL 9.1
1.400 x 1.100 mm 12 12 24.480 12 54 2.203 14 54 1.888
1.300 x 1.050 mm
500 mm

XL 9.2
1.400 x 1.300 mm 15 18 29.376 12 66 2.693 14 66 2.308
1.300 x 1.250 mm
500 mm


XL-R 9.1
1.400 x 1.100 mm 11,5 12 25.544 9,5 54 2.783 11,5 54 2.299
1.300 x 1.050 mm
500 mm

XL-R 9.2
1.400 x 1.300 mm 14 18 31.474 9,5 66 3.401 11,5 66 2.810
1.300 x 1.250 mm
500 mm

XL-R 9.3
1.500 x 1.350 mm 14 18 31.474 9,5 72 3.711 11,5 72 3.065
1.400 x 1.300 mm
500 mm

The output figures listed above are guiding values. In practice, the production output depends on different factors, such as: Specific machine settings, selected mix designs, raw material types, additives,
ambient conditions as well as others. The block dimensions, quantity per cycle and production quantity are determining parameters for the planned production.

(1) Cycle time in seconds (listed Masa machine in combination with Masa ring plant)
(2) Production capacity per 8 hour shift, at 85% efficiency
is our strength.
takes us forward.

Masa is a German born medium sized enterprise with over a The “Masa” brand includes production facilities in Germany
hundred years’ history. We are specialized in planning and and sales offices around the world.
construction of plants and machines for the building materials
industry and today, we are a global leader. At our head office in Andernach between Koblenz and Colog-
ne we develop and manufacture equipment to produce con-
We have an experienced service team responsible for both in- crete blocks and pavers. A second location focused on the de-
stallation and commissioning of new plants and modification velopment and production of machinery and plants for
and maintenance of both Masa and other manufacturers units. concrete slabs, AAC blocks and sand lime bricks is in Porta
Westfalica. Furthermore, there are subsidiaries worldwide,
mainly involved in service: in the USA, China, Russia, India
and Dubai, responsible for the Middle East.

Would you like more information regarding Masa delivery and performance programme?

Please find a detailed overview in our brochures you can download separately.
• Aerated concrete production
• Sand lime brick production
• Concrete slab production
• Curbstone production
• Service

Use our download area at:

Location to contact for concrete block and paver production:

Masa GmbH
Masa-Straße 2
56626 Andernach

Phone +49 2632.9292-0

Location to contact for AAC, sand lime bricks and paving slabs production:
Masa GmbH
Osterkamp 2
32457 Porta Westfalica

Phone +49 5731.680 - 0

[email protected]

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