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Nama : Fandri Okky Anggara

NIM : 041827555


Untuk TUGAS 1 ini anda akan diberikan pilihan topik untuk membuat sebuah
essay dengan panduan sbb:

1. Buatlah essay dengan paling tidak 3 paragaph (1 buah paragraph awal, 1

buah paragraph

isi dan 1 buah paragraph penutup).

2. Tulislah jawaban anda dalam rentang antara 150-200 kata.

3. Jawaban essay diketik dan dikirimkan ke Forum Tugas dalam bentuk Word
dalam waktu 2


Pilihlah salah satu topik berikut:

A. Understanding Business Cycle really helps business people to operate his



Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

B. Government is the most responsible if Capital Flight happens in a country.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

C. To be First Mover in a business, you do not have to have market analysis.

Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

Selamat Bekerja.


B. Government is the most responsible if Capital Flight happens in a


Do you agree or disagree to the statement?

The problem of capital flight is so serious in some highly indebted countries

because due to capital flight these countries, already under heavy debt, have to
incur more debt to undertake any investment or infrastructure project. This
increases the foreign-debt servicing expenditure.
Capital flight is the outflow of capital from a country due to negative
monetary policies, such as currency depreciation, or carry trades in which low
interest rate currencies are exchanged for higher-return assets.
how do you measure capital flight :
The World Bank's technique calculates capital flight as the difference
between capital inflows (the sum of the change in foreign debt stock and net
direct investment) and the sum of the current account deficit and increases in the
official reserves.

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