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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Surigao del Sur Division
Panikian National High School

Name: _______________________________ Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 10 Topic: Structure of Modification

What Is It

Structural grammar is particularly useful for indicating structures of modification.

Modification is a syntactic construction in which one grammatical element (for
example, a noun) is accompanied (or modified) by another (for example, an adjective).

A structure modification is composed by a head and a modifier. A head is the main

word emphasized by a modifier.

Specifically, a modifier changes, clarifies, qualifies, or limits a particular word in a

sentence in order to add emphasis, explanation, or detail.

What Is a Single-Word Modifier?

 A single-word modifier is a descriptive word that modifies the meaning of

another word, phrase or clause. It can be an adjective or an adverb.

Adjectives describe or modify nouns or pronouns.

For example:

- The adjective “green” modifies or clarifies that the head (noun) “coat” is in color
green, NOT orange nor blue.

- In this sample sentence, the adjective “cheerful” modifies or gives us an idea that
the head (pronoun) “he” is described as cheerful; NOT unhappy.

Adverbs modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb.

For example:
- Here, the adverb “quickly” modifies the head (verb) “swims”. When an adverb
modifies a verb, it usually tells us how, when, where, how often, and how much
the action is performed. In this example, it tells us “how” she swims.

- In this example, the adverb “extremely” modifies the head (adjective) “quick”.
While the adjective “quick”, modifies the other head (pronoun “she”.

- In here, the adverb “extremely” modifies the head (adverb) “quickly”. While the
adverb “quickly”, modifies the other head (verb) “swims”.

What I Can Do

Instructions: Identify whether the underlined single-word modifier used from each
sentence is an adjective or adverb. Write ADJ if the modifier used is an adjective; if it is
an adverb, write ADV. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
________ 1. Tara walks gracefully.
________ 2. Michael was tired after he ran.
________ 3. The house looked empty.
________ 4. You write so neatly.
________ 5. Those flowers look colorful.
________ 6. The teams were matched evenly.
________ 7. She wore a beautifully designed dress.
________ 8. Dan plays a special role in the play.
________ 9. Singing in a karaoke is fun.
________ 10. Peter finished his assignment remarkably quickly.
________ 11. Marie is a careful little girl.
________ 12. He is eating very slowly.
________ 13. Pim feels grateful after receiving the award.
________ 14. Tomorrow, I will be wearing a purple jacket.
________ 15. The visitors have arrived early.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Write the head and the modifier in the sentence. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Example: Paul is wearing a gray tuxedo. Answer: head – tuxedo; modifier – gray

1. Tom works slowly. __________ __________

2. Sue climbs up the ladder carefully. __________ __________
3. The dog barks loudly. __________ __________
4. He is an excellent actor. __________ __________
5. They learn the English language easily. __________ __________
6. Max sings well. __________ __________
7. It’s awfully cold today. __________ __________
8. John Lenon’s songs are simply good. __________ __________
9. The little boy is eating a hot porridge. __________ __________
10. I tasted the cake deliciously. __________ __________

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