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The American College of

Obstetricians and Gynecologists


clinical management guidelines for obstetrician – gynecologists

Number 148, April 2015 (Replaces Practice Bulletin Number 37, August 2002 and
Committee Opinion Number 381, October 2007)

Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy

Uncontrolled thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. There also
is concern about the effect of overt maternal thyroid disease and even subclinical maternal thyroid disease
on fetal development. In addition, medications that affect the maternal thyroid gland can cross the placenta
and affect the fetal thyroid gland. This document reviews the thyroid-related pathophysiologic changes that
occur during pregnancy and the effects of overt and subclinical maternal thyroid disease on maternal and fetal

Background thyroxine (T4) levels suppress hypothalamic thyrotropin-

releasing hormone, which in turn limits pituitary TSH
Changes in Thyroid Function During secretion. After the first trimester, TSH levels return to
baseline values and progressively increase in the third
trimester related to placental growth and production of
Physiologic thyroid changes during pregnancy are con- placental deiodinase (2). These physiologic changes
siderable and may be confused with maternal thyroid should be considered when interpreting thyroid function
abnormalities. Maternal thyroid volume is 30% larger in test results during pregnancy (Table 1).
the third trimester than in the first trimester (1). In addi-
tion, there are changes to thyroid hormone levels and Table 1. Changes in Thyroid Function Test Results in Normal
thyroid function throughout pregnancy. Table 1 depicts Pregnancy and in Thyroid Disease ^
how thyroid function test results change in normal preg- Maternal Status TSH Free T4
nancy and in overt and subclinical thyroid disease. First,
maternal total or bound thyroid hormone levels increase Pregnancy Varies by trimester* No change
with serum concentration of thyroid-binding globulin. Overt hyperthyroidism Decrease Increase
Second, the level of thyrotropin (also known as thyroid- Subclinical hyperthyroidism Decrease No change
stimulating hormone [TSH]), which plays a central role Overt hypothyroidism Increase Decrease
in screening for and diagnosis of many thyroid disorders, Subclinical hypothyroidism Increase No change
decreases in early pregnancy because of weak stimula-
tion of TSH receptors caused by substantial quantities Abbreviations: T4 , thyroxine; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.
of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) during the first *The level of TSH decreases in early pregnancy because of weak TSH receptor
stimulation due to substantial quantities of human chorionic gonadotropin dur-
12 weeks of gestation. Thyroid hormone secretion is ing the first 12 weeks of gestation. After the first trimester, TSH levels return to
thus stimulated, and the resulting increased serum free baseline values.

Committee on Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics. This Practice Bulletin was developed by the Committee on Practice Bulletins—Obstetrics with the assis-
tance of Brian M. Casey, MD. The information is designed to aid practitioners in making decisions about appropriate obstetric and gynecologic care. These
guidelines should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of treatment or procedure. Variations in practice may be warranted based on the needs
of the individual patient, resources, and limitations unique to the institution or type of practice.


Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Thyroid Function and the Fetus tory and inhibitory antibodies as well as thioamide treat-
ment (12). In neonates, maternal antibodies are cleared
Maternal T4 is transferred to the fetus throughout the
less rapidly than thioamides, which sometimes results
entire pregnancy and is important for normal fetal brain
in delayed presentation of neonatal Graves disease (12).
development. It is especially important before the fetal
The incidence of neonatal Graves disease is unrelated
thyroid gland begins concentrating iodine and synthe-
to maternal thyroid function. The neonates of women
sizing thyroid hormone at approximately 12 weeks of
with Graves disease who have been treated surgically or
gestation (3, 4).
with radioactive iodine-131 before pregnancy and whose
Hyperthyroidism mothers required no thioamide treatment are at higher
risk of neonatal Graves disease because they lack sup-
Hyperthyroidism is characterized by a decreased TSH pressive thioamide (12).
level and an increased free T4 level (Table 1). Hyper- The possibility of fetal thyrotoxicosis should be con-
thyroidism occurs in 0.2% of pregnancies; Graves dis- sidered in all women with a history of Graves disease (5).
ease accounts for 95% of these cases (5). The signs and If fetal thyrotoxicosis is diagnosed, consultation with a
symptoms of hyperthyroidism include nervousness, clinician with expertise in such conditions is warranted.
tremors, tachycardia, frequent stools, excessive sweating,
heat intolerance, weight loss, goiter, insomnia, palpita- Fetal Evaluation
tions, and hypertension. Distinctive symptoms of Graves
Routine evaluation of fetal thyroid function, including
disease are ophthalmopathy (signs include lid lag and
fetal thyroid ultrasonographic assessment, umbilical
lid retraction) and dermopathy (signs include local-
cord blood sampling, or both, is not recommended (13,
ized or pretibial myxedema). Although some symptoms
14). However, because maternal hyperthyroidism can
of hyperthyroidism are similar to normal symptoms of
be associated with fetal hydrops, growth restriction,
pregnancy or some non-thyroid-associated diseases, the
goiter, or tachycardia, fetal thyroid disease should be
results of serum thyroid function tests differentiate thyroid
considered in the differential diagnosis in these cases,
disease from these other possibilities. Inadequately treated
and consultation with an expert may be appropriate (15).
maternal thyrotoxicosis is associated with a greater risk
The Endocrine Society’s Clinical Practice Guidelines
of severe preeclampsia and maternal heart failure than
recommend umbilical cord blood sampling only when
treated, controlled maternal thyrotoxicosis (6, 7).
the diagnosis of fetal thyroid disease cannot be reason-
Fetal and Neonatal Effects ably excluded based on clinical and ultrasonographic
data (16).
Inadequately treated hyperthyroidism is associated with
an increase in medically indicated preterm deliveries, Subclinical Hyperthyroidism
low birth weight, and possibly fetal loss (6–8). In most
cases of maternal hyperthyroidism, the neonate is euthy- Subclinical hyperthyroidism has been reported in 1.7%
roid. Fetal and neonatal risks associated with Graves dis- of pregnant women (17) and is characterized by an
ease are related either to the disease itself or to thioamide abnormally low serum TSH concentration with free T4
treatment of the disease. levels within the normal reference range (18) (Table 1).
Because a large proportion of thyroid disease in Importantly, it has not been associated with adverse
women is mediated by antibodies that cross the placenta, pregnancy outcomes (17, 19, 20). Because antithyroid
there is a legitimate concern about the risk of develop- medication crosses the placenta and could theoretically
ment of immune-mediated hypothyroidism and hyper- have adverse fetal or neonatal effects, treatment of preg-
thyroidism in the neonate. Pregnant women with Graves nant women with subclinical hyperthyroidism is not
disease can have thyroid-stimulating immunoglobu- warranted.
lin and TSH-binding inhibitory immunoglobulins, also
known as thyrotropin-binding inhibitory immunoglobu- Hypothyroidism
lins, that can stimulate or inhibit the fetal thyroid, respec- Overt hypothyroidism complicates 2–10 per 1,000 preg-
tively. In some cases, maternal TSH-binding inhibitory nancies (17). It is characterized by an increased level of
immunoglobulins may cause transient hypothyroidism TSH, a decreased level of free T4 (Table 1), and non-
in neonates of women with Graves disease (9, 10). Also, specific clinical findings that may be indistinguishable
1–5% of these neonates have hyperthyroidism or neona- from common signs or symptoms of pregnancy, such as
tal Graves disease caused by the transplacental passage fatigue, constipation, cold intolerance, muscle cramps,
of maternal thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin (11). and weight gain. Other clinical findings include edema,
The incidence is low because of the balance of stimula- dry skin, hair loss, and a prolonged relaxation phase of

VOL. 125, NO. 4, APRIL 2015 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy 997

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
deep tendon reflexes. Goiter may or may not be present offspring of women who were screened and treated for
in cases of hypothyroidism and is more likely to occur subclinical hypothyroidism (30). In some studies, mater-
in women who have Hashimoto thyroiditis (also known nal subclinical hypothyroidism also has been shown to
as Hashimoto disease) or who live in areas of endemic be associated with higher incidences of preterm birth,
iodine deficiency. Hashimoto thyroiditis is the most abruptio plancentae, admission of infants to the intensive
common cause of hypothyroidism in pregnancy and is care nursery, severe preeclampsia, and gestational diabe-
characterized by glandular destruction by autoantibod- tes (19, 20, 25). However, other studies have not identi-
ies, particularly antithyroid peroxidase antibodies. fied a link between maternal subclinical hypothyroidism
Adequate maternal iodine intake is needed for the and these adverse obstetric outcomes (26, 31). Currently,
maternal and fetal synthesis of T4. Women of reproduc- there is no evidence that identification and treatment of
tive age should assess their diets and dietary supple- subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy improves
ments to confirm that they are meeting the recommended these outcomes (30).
daily dietary intake of 150 micrograms of iodine. The
recommended daily dietary intake of iodine is
220 micrograms for pregnant women and 290 micro-
grams for lactating women (21). It should be noted that
Clinical Considerations
iodine is not always included in supplemental multivita- and Recommendations
mins, including prenatal vitamins.
Adverse perinatal outcomes such as spontaneous Which pregnant patients should be screened
abortion, preeclampsia, preterm birth, abruptio placen- for thyroid disease?
tae, and fetal death are associated with untreated overt Universal screening for thyroid disease in pregnancy
hypothyroidism (17, 22). Adequate thyroid hormone is not recommended because identification and treat-
replacement therapy during pregnancy in women with ment of maternal subclinical hypothyroidism has not
overt hypothyroidism minimizes the risk of adverse been shown to result in improved neurocognitive func-
outcomes (23). tion in offspring. Indicated testing of thyroid function
should be performed in women with a personal history
Fetal and Neonatal Effects
of thyroid disease or symptoms of thyroid disease. The
Overt, untreated maternal hypothyroidism has been performance of thyroid function studies in asymptomatic
associated with an increased risk of low birth weight pregnant women who have a mildly enlarged thyroid
and impaired neuropsychologic development of the off- is not warranted because up to a 30% enlargement of
spring (17, 22). However, it is rare for maternal thyroid the thyroid gland is typical during pregnancy (1). In a
inhibitory antibodies to cross the placenta and cause fetal pregnant woman with a significant goiter or with distinct
hypothyroidism. The prevalence of fetal hypothyroidism nodules, thyroid function studies are appropriate, as they
in the offspring of women with Hashimoto thyroiditis is would be outside of pregnancy.
estimated to be only 1 in 180,000 neonates (24). Universal prenatal screening to identify subclini-
cal hypothyroidism was previously recommended by
Subclinical Hypothyroidism some professional organizations (32) based on find-
Subclinical hypothyroidism is defined as an elevated ings from two observational studies that suggested that
serum TSH level in the presence of a normal free T4 maternal subclinical hypothyroidism may be associated
level (18) (Table 1). The prevalence of subclinical with adverse neurocognitive outcomes in offspring
hypothyroidism in pregnancy has been estimated to be (28, 29). However, the results of the Controlled Ante-
2–5% (25–27). Subclinical hypothyroidism is unlikely natal Thyroid Screening Study demonstrated that
to progress to overt hypothyroidism during pregnancy in screening and treatment of women with subclinical
otherwise healthy women. hypothyroidism during pregnancy did not improve the
Interest in subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy cognitive function of their children at age 3 years (30).
was heightened by two observational studies published Therefore, the American College of Obstetricians and
in 1999 that suggested that undiagnosed maternal thy- Gynecologists, the Endocrine Society, and the American
roid hypofunction might be associated with impaired Association of Clinical Endocrinologists recommend
neurodevelopment in offspring (28, 29). However, a against universal screening for thyroid disease in preg-
large randomized controlled trial published in 2012, the nancy and recommend testing during pregnancy only for
Controlled Antenatal Thyroid Screening Study, demon- those who are at increased risk of overt hypothyroidism
strated no difference in neurocognitive development in (16, 33, 34).

998 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
What laboratory tests are used to diagnose outcomes. Either propylthiouracil or methimazole, both
thyroid disease during pregnancy? thioamides, can be used to treat pregnant women with
overt hyperthyroidism. Historically, propylthiouracil
Levels of TSH and free T4 should be measured to diag- was the preferred treatment for hyperthyroidism in preg-
nose thyroid disease in pregnancy. The first-line screen- nancy because it partially inhibits the conversion of T4
ing test used to assess thyroid status in patients is to T3 and crosses the placenta less readily than methima-
measurement of the TSH level. Assuming normal hypo- zole (35). In addition, methimazole has been associated
thalamic–pituitary function, an inverse log-linear rela- with a rare embryopathy characterized by esophageal
tionship exists between serum TSH and serum thyroid or choanal atresia as well as aplasia cutis, a congenital
hormone, such that small alterations in circulating skin defect (36). Among the more than 5,000 Japanese
hormone levels will produce much larger changes in women in whom first-trimester hyperthyroidism was
TSH. Furthermore, because the free hormone assays diagnosed, a twofold increased risk of major fetal mal-
used by most clinical laboratories do not use physical formations was reported in those who were exposed to
separation techniques such as equilibrium dialysis, test methimazole compared with those exposed to propyl-
results depend on individual binding protein levels and thiouracil (36). Specifically, seven of nine cases of apla-
represent only estimates of actual circulating free T4 sia cutis and the only case of esophageal atresia occurred
concentrations. Therefore, TSH is the most reliable indi- in methimazole-exposed infants.
cator of thyroid status because it indirectly reflects thy- In 2009, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
roid hormone levels as sensed by the pituitary gland. The (FDA) issued a safety alert on propylthiouracil-associ-
following trimester-specific reference ranges for TSH
ated hepatotoxicity. This alert was based on 32 reports
are recommended by the American Thyroid Associa-
of propylthiouracil liver toxicity in the FDA’s adverse
tion: first trimester, 0.1–2.5 mIU/L; second trimester,
event reporting system compared with five reports of
0.2–3.0 mIU/L; third trimester, 0.3–3.0 mIU/L (33).
liver toxicity for methimazole during a period when pro-
When the TSH level is abnormally high or low, a follow-
pylthiouracil was the preferred therapy for hyperthyroid-
up study to measure the free T4 level should be performed.
ism in the United States. The FDA safety alert suggested
A low TSH level and a high free T4 level are char-
that propylthiouracil may be appropriate for patients
acteristic of overt hyperthyroidism, whereas a high TSH
with hyperthyroidism who are in their first trimester
level and a low free T4 level are characteristic of overt
of pregnancy. Correspondingly, the American Thyroid
hypothyroidism. Rarely, symptomatic hyperthyroidism
Association and the American Association of Clinical
is caused by abnormally high free triiodothyronine (T3)
Endocrinologists have recommended propylthiouracil
levels—so-called T3 toxicosis. Thus, if there is strong
therapy during the first trimester followed by a switch
reason to believe that an individual is overtly hyperthy-
to methimazole beginning in the second trimester (37).
roid (eg, because of clinical signs) and TSH is low but
This change in medications during pregnancy endeavors
free T4 is normal, the free T3 level should be measured
to balance the risk of two rare events: 1) hepatotoxicity
as well.
and 2) methimazole embryopathy.
Measurement of antithyroid antibodies in situations
Transient leukopenia occurs in up to 10% of preg-
of overt thyroid disease, even in cases of subclinical
nant women who take thioamide drugs, but this does not
thyroid dysfunction, has been proposed. Some have
require therapy cessation. In less than 1% of patients
suggested that the measurable antithyroid peroxidase or
antithyroglobulin antibodies that are sometimes pres- who take thioamide drugs, however, agranulocytosis
ent in euthyroid women may have clinical relevance. develops suddenly and mandates discontinuation of the
However, the results of such testing rarely lead to drug. The development of agranulocytosis is not related
changes in management of women who are euthyroid or to dosage, and because of its acute onset, serial leuko-
women with thyroid disease, and there currently is no cyte counts during therapy are not helpful. Thus, if fever
evidence to support routine testing of these antibodies. or sore throat develops, women are instructed to discon-
tinue use of the medication immediately and report for
What medications should be used to treat a complete blood count (35). Hepatotoxicity is a poten-
overt hyperthyroidism in pregnancy, and how tially serious adverse effect that develops in 0.1–0.2%
should they be administered and adjusted of pregnant women treated with propylthiouracil.
However, routine measurement of hepatic function is not
during pregnancy?
warranted in asymptomatic individuals.
Pregnant women with overt hyperthyroidism should be The initial thioamide dose is empirical. If propyl-
treated with a thioamide to minimize the risk of adverse thiouracil is selected, a dose of 50–150 mg orally three

VOL. 125, NO. 4, APRIL 2015 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy 999

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Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
times daily may be initiated, depending on clinical sever- What changes in thyroid function occur with
ity (37). If methimazole is used, an initial daily dose of hyperemesis gravidarum, and should thyroid
10–40 mg orally, divided into two or three doses, is function tests be performed routinely in
recommended (although the frequency may be reduced women with hyperemesis?
to a daily dose as maintenance therapy is established).
The goal is treatment with the lowest possible thioamide Transient biochemical features of hyperthyroidism may
dose to maintain free T4 levels slightly above or in the be observed in 2–15% of women in early pregnancy
high-normal range, regardless of TSH levels (37). The (27). Many women with hyperemesis gravidarum have
level of free T4 should be monitored in pregnant women abnormally high serum T4 levels and low TSH levels.
being treated for hyperthyroidism, and the dose of In a 2014 systematic review of markers for hyperemesis
thioamide should be adjusted accordingly. Serum free gravidarum, two thirds of 34 published studies that ana-
T4 concentrations (not TSH levels) are measured every lyzed thyroid function revealed a decreased TSH level or
2–4 weeks after initiation of therapy, and the thioamide an increased free T4 level in symptomatic women when
dose should be adjusted accordingly (37). compared with those without symptoms of hyperemesis
(43). These thyroid function abnormalities result from
What medications should be used to treat TSH receptor stimulation from high concentrations of
overt hypothyroidism in pregnancy, and how hCG.
This physiologic hyperthyroidism also is known
should they be administered and adjusted
as gestational transient hyperthyroidism and also may
during pregnancy? be associated with a multiple gestation or a molar
Pregnant women with overt hypothyroidism should be pregnancy. Women with gestational transient hyper-
treated with adequate thyroid hormone replacement to thyroidism are rarely symptomatic, and treatment with
minimize the risk of adverse outcomes. For the treatment thioamide drugs has not been shown to be beneficial
of overt hypothyroidism in pregnancy, the American (17) and, therefore, is not recommended. Furthermore,
Thyroid Association and the American Association of gestational transient hyperthyroidism has not been asso-
Clinical Endocrinologists recommend T4 replacement ciated with poor pregnancy outcomes. Expectant man-
therapy, beginning with levothyroxine in dosages of agement of women with hyperemesis gravidarum and
1–2 micrograms/kg daily or approximately 100 micro- abnormal thyroid function test results usually leads to
grams daily (17, 34). Pregnant women who have no thy- a decrease in serum free T4 levels in parallel with a
roid function after thyroidectomy or radioiodine therapy decrease in hCG levels after the first trimester. However,
may require higher dosages. Unlike in pregnant women levels of TSH may remain suppressed for several weeks
with hyperthyroidism, assessment of therapy in pregnant after free T4 returns to normal levels (27). Therefore,
women with hypothyroidism is guided by measurement routine measurements of thyroid function are not recom-
of TSH levels rather than free T4 levels. The level of mended in patients with hyperemesis gravidarum unless
TSH should be monitored in pregnant women being other signs of overt hyperthyroidism are evident.
treated for hypothyroidism, and the dose of levothyrox-
ine should be adjusted accordingly. Thyroid-stimulating
How are thyroid storm and thyrotoxic heart
hormone levels should be measured at 4-week to
failure diagnosed and treated in pregnancy?
6-week intervals, and the levothyroxine dose adjusted by Thyroid storm and thyrotoxic heart failure are acute and
25-microgram to 50-microgram increments until TSH life-threatening conditions in pregnancy. Thyroid storm
values become normal. is rare, occurring in 1–2% of pregnant patients with
Pregnancy is associated with an increased T4 hyperthyroidism, but has a high risk of maternal heart
requirement in approximately one third of supplemented failure (44). It is a hypermetabolic state caused by an
women (38, 39). This increased demand is believed to be excess of thyroid hormone and is diagnosed by a com-
related to increased estrogen production (40). Significant bination of the following signs and symptoms: fever,
hypothyroidism may develop early in women without tachycardia, cardiac dysrhythmia, and central nervous
thyroid reserve, such as those with a previous thy- system dysfunction. Thyroid storm develops abruptly
roidectomy or prior radioiodine ablation (39, 41, 42). and affects the body’s thermoregulatory, cardiovascular,
Anticipatory 25% increases in T4 replacement at preg- nervous, and gastrointestinal systems, which leads to
nancy confirmation will reduce this likelihood. All other multiorgan decompensation.
women with hypothyroidism should undergo TSH test- Heart failure and pulmonary hypertension from
ing at initiation of prenatal care. cardiomyopathy caused by the myocardial effects of

1000 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
excessive T4 are more common in pregnancy than thy- reassuring in the acute setting of thyroid storm, that
roid storm and have been identified in 8% of pregnant status may improve as maternal status is stabilized. In
women with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism (44–46). general, it is prudent to avoid delivery in the presence
Decompensation usually is precipitated by preeclampsia, of thyroid storm.
anemia, sepsis, or a combination of these conditions.
Frequently, T4-induced cardiomyopathy and pulmonary How should a thyroid nodule or thyroid
hypertension are reversible (44, 47, 48). cancer during pregnancy be assessed?
If thyroid storm or thyrotoxic heart failure is sus-
pected, serum free T4 and TSH levels should be evalu- Thyroid nodules are found in 1–2% of reproductive-
ated to help confirm the diagnosis, but therapy should aged women (27). Management of a palpable thyroid
not be withheld pending the results. Treatment is similar nodule during pregnancy depends on risk stratification
for thyroid storm and thyrotoxic heart failure in preg- that includes factors such as gestational age and size of
nancy and should be carried out in an intensive care area the mass. Thus, a pregnant woman with a thyroid nod-
that may include special-care units within a labor and ule should have the following examinations and tests: a
delivery unit (Box 1). complete history and physical examination, serum TSH
Coincident with treating thyroid storm, the per- testing, and ultrasound of the neck. Ultrasonographic
ceived underlying cause also should be treated. It is examination reliably detects nodules larger than 0.5 cm.
also important to note that even if fetal status is not Ultrasonographic characteristics associated with malig-
nancy include hypoechoic pattern, irregular margins,
and microcalcifications (49). If ultrasound test results
Box 1. Medical Management of Thyroid Storm are suspicious for malignancy, fine-needle aspiration is
or Thyrotoxic Heart Failure in Pregnancy ^ an excellent assessment method, and histologic tumor
markers and immunostaining are reliable to evaluate
• Inhibit thyroid release of T3 and T4
for malignancy (50, 51). Radioiodine scanning in preg-
Propylthiouracil, 1,000 mg PO load, then 200 mg
nancy is not recommended because of the theoretic risk
PO every 6 hours
associated with fetal irradiation. However, if there has
Iodine administration 1–2 hours after propylthio- been inadvertent administration of radioiodine before
uracil by
12 weeks of gestation, the American Thyroid Association
—sodium iodide, 500–1,000 mg IV every 8 hours has noted that the fetal thyroid gland, which does not
or become significantly functionally active until approxi-
—potassium iodide, five drops PO every 8 hours mately 12 weeks of gestation, does not appear to be at
or risk of damage (33).
—lugol solution, 10 drops PO every 8 hours Evaluation of thyroid cancer in pregnancy involves
a multidisciplinary approach. Most cases of thyroid
carcinoma are well differentiated and follow an indo-
—lithium carbonate (if patient has an iodine ana- lent course. The possibility that thyroid cancer is part
phylaxis history), 300 mg PO every 6 hours
of a hereditary familial cancer syndrome is unlikely
• Further block peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 but should be considered. When thyroid malignancy is
Dexamethasone, 2 mg IV every 6 hours for four diagnosed during the first trimester or second trimes-
doses ter, thyroidectomy may be performed before the third
or trimester, but concern regarding inadvertent removal
Hydrocortisone, 100 mg IV every 8 hours for three of parathyroid glands often leads to the choice to delay
doses surgery until after delivery. In women without evidence
• If a β-blocking drug is given to control tachycardia, its of an aggressive thyroid cancer or those in whom
effect on heart failure also must be considered. thyroid cancer is diagnosed in the third trimester, surgi-
Propranolol, labetalol, and esmolol all have been cal treatment can be deferred to the immediate postpartum
used successfully. period (49).
• Supportive measures, such as temperature control,
as needed How is postpartum thyroiditis diagnosed and
Abbreviations: IV, intravenous; PO, per os; T3, triiodothyronine; T4,
thyroxine. Postpartum thyroiditis is defined as thyroid dysfunction
within 12 months of delivery that can include clinical

VOL. 125, NO. 4, APRIL 2015 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy 1001

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
evidence of hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, or both.
Transient autoimmune thyroiditis is found in approxi-
Summary of
mately 5–10% of women during the first year after Recommendations
childbirth (33, 52, 53). In clinical practice, postpartum
thyroiditis is diagnosed infrequently because it typically The following recommendations are based on
develops months after delivery and causes vague and good and consistent scientific evidence (Level A):
nonspecific symptoms that often are attributed to the
Universal screening for thyroid disease in preg-
stresses of motherhood (54). nancy is not recommended because identification
The clinical presentation of postpartum thyroiditis and treatment of maternal subclinical hypothyroid-
varies. Classically, there are two recognized clinical ism has not been shown to result in improved neu-
phases that may develop in succession. New-onset rocognitive function in offspring.
abnormal levels of TSH and free T4 confirm the
diagnosis of either phase. Typically, the first phase is The first-line screening test used to assess thyroid
characterized by destruction-induced thyrotoxicosis, status in patients is measurement of the TSH level.
with symptoms caused by excessive release of thy- Levels of TSH and free T4 should be measured to
roid hormone from glandular disruption. The onset is diagnose thyroid disease in pregnancy.
abrupt, and a small, painless goiter commonly is found.
Pregnant women with overt hypothyroidism should
Postpartum thyroiditis may give rise to hypothyroid
be treated with adequate thyroid hormone replace-
symptoms of fatigue, constipation, or depression, or to
ment to minimize the risk of adverse outcomes.
hyperthyroid symptoms of fatigue, irritability, weight
loss, palpitations, or heat intolerance (55). The thyro- The level of TSH should be monitored in preg-
toxic phase usually lasts only a few months. Treatment nant women being treated for hypothyroidism, and
with thioamides generally is ineffective, but if symp- the dose of levothyroxine should be adjusted
toms are severe enough, a β-blocking drug may be help- accordingly.
ful. The usual second phase is overt hypothyroidism Pregnant women with overt hyperthyroidism should
that occurs between 4 months and 8 months postpartum. be treated with a thioamide to minimize the risk of
Thyromegaly and other symptoms of hypothyroidism are adverse outcomes.
common and more prominent than during the thyrotoxic
phase. The recommended treatment is T4 replacement The level of free T4 should be monitored in pregnant
women being treated for hyperthyroidism, and the
therapy with levothyroxine (25–75 micrograms/d) for
dose of thioamide should be adjusted accordingly.
6–12 months.
In most women with postpartum thyroiditis, the
The following recommendation is based on limited
condition will resolve spontaneously. Nevertheless,
approximately one third of women with either type of or inconsistent scientific evidence (Level B):
postpartum thyroiditis eventually develop permanent,
Either propylthiouracil or methimazole, both thio-
overt hypothyroidism (55–57). These women should be amides, can be used to treat pregnant women with
managed in collaboration with the appropriate special- overt hyperthyroidism.
ist. The risk of postpartum thyroiditis and the risk of
permanent hypothyroidism are increased in women with
The following recommendations are based primarily
thyroid antibodies.
on consensus and expert opinion (Level C):

Is there a role for screening or testing for Routine measurements of thyroid function are not
thyroid autoantibodies in pregnancy? recommended in patients with hyperemesis gravi-
darum unless other signs of overt hyperthyroidism
Few studies demonstrate benefits from the identifica- are evident.
tion and treatment of euthyroid pregnant women who
have thyroid autoantibodies. Thus, universal screen- Indicated testing of thyroid function should be per-
formed in women with a personal history of thyroid
ing for thyroid autoantibodies in pregnancy currently
disease or symptoms of thyroid disease.
is not recommended by the American College of
Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the Endocrine Society,
the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists,
or the American Thyroid Association (16, 33, 34, 53).

1002 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

Copyright ª by The American College of Obstetricians

and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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1004 Practice Bulletin Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy OBSTETRICS & GYNECOLOGY

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and Gynecologists. Published by Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc.
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Endocrinologists, Associazione Medici Endocrinologi,
and European Thyroid Association medical guidelines The MEDLINE database, the Cochrane Library, and the
for clinical practice for the diagnosis and manage- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists’
ment of thyroid nodules: Executive Summary of recom- own internal resources and documents were used to con­
mendations. AACE/AME/ETA Task Force on Thyroid duct a lit­er­a­ture search to lo­cate rel­e­vant ar­ti­cles pub­lished
Nodules. J Endocrinol Invest 2010;33:287–91. (Level III) be­tween January 2000–February 2014. The search was
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cles pub­ lished in the English lan­ guage.
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od for improving preoperative diagnosis of nodular thy- sia and sci­en­tif­ic con­fer­enc­es were not con­sid­ered adequate
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52. Amino N, Tada H, Hidaka Y, Izumi Y. Postpartum auto- from ob­ste­tri­cian–gynecologists were used.
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case–control analytic studies, pref­er­a­bly from more
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bearing age: recent insights and consequences for with­out the intervention. Dra­mat­ic re­sults in un­con­
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Thyroid 2005;15:1177–81. (Level III) [PubMed] ^ committees.
57. Premawardhana LD, Parkes AB, Ammari F, John R,
Based on the highest level of evidence found in the data,
Darke C, Adams H, et al. Postpartum thyroiditis and recommendations are provided and grad­ed ac­cord­ing to the
long-term thyroid status: prognostic influence of thyroid following categories:
peroxidase antibodies and ultrasound echogenicity. J Clin Level A—Recommendations are based on good and con­
Endocrinol Metab 2000;85:71–5. (Level II-3) [PubMed] sis­tent sci­en­tif­ic evidence.
[Full Text] ^ Level B—Recommendations are based on limited or in­con­
sis­tent scientific evidence.
Level C—Recommendations are based primarily on con­
sen­sus and expert opinion.

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