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A Project Team Analysis Using Tuckman’s

Model of Small-Group Development

Deborah Natvig, PhD, RN; and Nancy L. Stark, DNP, RN, NEA-BC

ABSTRACT o achieve outcomes and organizational success, aca-
Background: Concerns about equitable workloads for demic organizations often rely on the work of teams.
nursing faculty have been well documented, yet a standard- Harris, Roussel, Walters, and Dearman (2011) reported
ized system for workload management does not exist. A proj- that “the implementation of any initiative from project plan-
ect team was challenged to establish an academic workload ning and program management can be facilitated through the
management system when two dissimilar universities were work of teams and thus it is essential to understand how to
consolidated. Method: Tuckman’s model of small-group maximize the effectiveness of using a team approach” (p. 41).
development was used as the framework for the analysis However, multiple barriers to establishing team effectiveness
of processes and effectiveness of a workload project team. exist that prevent progression through developmental stages
Agendas, notes, and meeting minutes were used as the pri- and lead to poor group performance. Examples of barriers in-
mary sources of information. Results: Analysis revealed the clude inadequate planning, lack of structure, role ambiguity,
challenges the team encountered. Utilization of a team char- lack of time and commitment, avoidance of accountability,
ter was an effective tool in guiding the team to become a and a focus on individual rather than team results. Tuckman’s
highly productive group. Lessons learned from the analysis five stages of small-group development serve as a model for
are discussed. Conclusion: Guiding a diverse group into a enhancing project team success and the achievement of out-
highly productive team is complex. The use of Tuckman’s comes.
model of small-group development provided a systematic The purpose of the article is to share an analysis of the ef-
mechanism to review and understand group processes and fectiveness of team process using Tuckman’s model of small-
tasks. [J Nurs Educ. 2016;55(12):675-681.] group development as a framework for the review. As a part of
the consolidation process of two nursing programs, a project
team was charged with the development of a new workload
management system. The experiences of the project team
have been used to provide case examples of how the team
functioned in each of Tuckman’s five stages of development.
Lessons learned from the analysis focus on the importance of
effective preplanning, the development of a team charter, care-
ful selection of a team leader and members, alignment with
Received: March 15, 2016 organizational priorities, and effective information manage-
Accepted: August 23, 2016 ment. Effective planning and the use of a charter can be key in
At the time this article was written, Dr. Natvig was Professor and helping teams as they progress through the stages of develop-
Executive Associate Dean of Strategic Management and Practice (Ret.), ment and serve as a structural blueprint for a project vision to
Augusta University College of Nursing, Augusta, Georgia; Dr. Stark is As- become a reality.
sistant Professor, University of South Carolina School of Nursing, Aiken,
South Carolina. BACKGROUND
The authors have disclosed no potential conflicts of interest, financial
or otherwise. Nursing education faces a faculty shortage that may be jeop-
Address correspondence to Deborah Natvig, PhD, RN, Professor and ardizing the quality of education, as well as the number of stu-
Executive Associate Dean of Strategic Management and Practice (Ret.); dents who can be admitted to programs (Gerolamo & Roemer,
e-mail: [email protected]. 2011). The shortage is due to an aging workforce, more lucra-
doi:10.3928/01484834-20161114-03 tive career opportunities outside academia, and dissatisfaction

Journal of Nursing Education • Vol. 55, No. 12, 2016 675


with certain aspects of the faculty role (Ellis, 2013). In a study CONTEXT OF WORKLOAD IN ACADEMIC
by Bittner and O’Connor (2012), workload was identified by CONSOLIDATION
44% (n = 226) of nurse educators as a source of dissatisfac-
tion. Lack of workload management can lead to dissatisfaction, The board of regents of a university system in the south-
turnover, and inefficiencies (Cohen, Hickey, & Upchurch, 2009; eastern United States analyzed the feasibility for the consolida-
Lobo & Liesveld, 2013). tion of institutions of higher learning to reduce administrative
Workload is defined as “the amount of work assigned to or burden and increase efficiencies. Two universities, located in
expected from a worker in a specific period of time” (“Work- the same city, with different missions, organizational structure,
load,” 2011). Workload for academic settings is defined more governance, and cultures were selected for consolidation. One
specifically by Mendoza (2015) as “all professional duties (university A) was primarily a graduate, health science, selec-
and responsibilities of faculty related to teaching, research, tive admission university associated with an academic health
scholarship, service to the institution and the community, center. The university drew students from throughout the state,
and professional development” (p. 153). Faculty are ex- as well as nationally and internationally. The second university
pected to meet student and organizational needs and perform (university B) was predominantly an undergraduate, liberal
administrative duties as part of their overall responsibilities arts, state university with the majority of the student population
(Mendoza, 2015). drawn from the local area. A baccalaureate degree in nursing
Research to identify systems that are effective in develop- (BSN) was the single degree the two universities had in com-
ing equitable workload assignments is limited (Ellis, 2013). mon.
Although various procedures are being used to assign work- The nursing programs at university A were organized within
loads to nursing faculty, a better understanding of workload a college of nursing (CON) inclusive of two departments and
processes and practices could be used to promote value-based two satellite campuses across the state. The CON had approxi-
services, maximize the use of resources, and improve faculty mately 60 full-time faculty and encompassed teaching (i.e.,
satisfaction. undergraduate and graduate programs), research, practice, and
Concerns about equitable workloads for nursing faculty service. Faculty were employed by 12-month contracts. The an-
have been well documented (Cohen et al., 2009; Ellis, 2013; nual enrollment was approximately 600 students. The nursing
Gerolamo & Roemer, 2011). However, a standardized method- programs at university B were established as a single department
ology for workload measurement does not exist in nursing edu- within a college and included approximately 15 faculty mem-
cation (Lobo & Liesveld, 2013). Upon completion of a study on bers with a focus on undergraduate teaching and service. The
workload and the nurse faculty shortage, Gerolamo and Roemer majority of faculty were employed by 9-month contracts. En-
(2011) recommended that nursing deans and directors system- rollment in nursing programs at university B was approximately
atically analyze faculty workloads to gain a better understand- 125 students annually. Goals for the consolidated program in-
ing of the impact that workload is having on retention in their cluded the development of a new BSN curriculum, growth in
schools. graduate nursing programs, transition of master’s-level nurse
One university created a simplified process for workload practitioner programs to the doctoral level, and growth in fac-
calculation that quantified the major activities engaged in by ulty practice opportunities.
faculty. Based on their experience, Cohen et al. (2009) provided Workload processes for each school were different. Work-
the following recommendations for best practices in establish- load at university A was assigned through two department chair-
ing an equitable workload system: persons with oversight by the Associate Dean for Academic Af-
l Faculty members should be included in the development fairs. Assignments were based on active and planned research,
and implementation of the workload instrument. established academic faculty practice contracts, undergradu-
l Workload assignments among faculty should be as equi- ate and graduate teaching needs, and service. A team teaching
table as possible. model, with consideration of content expertise, was used for
l Workload documents should be available and accessible prelicensure programs. Program directors collaborated with de-
to enhance transparency for stakeholders. partment chairpersons for teaching assignments, and individual
l A system of accountability that includes outcome mea- faculty preferences for course assignment were considered. The
sures for the scholarship, advisement, and service aspects of the workload management plan relied heavily on metrics and used
faculty role should be developed and implemented. a full-time equivalent (FTE) model. In contrast, workload man-
The political, cultural, and environmental context of the agement at university B was accomplished through a shared
community, university, and nursing program may also influ- decision-making process inclusive of all faculty and overseen
ence how faculty workload is determined (Ellis, 2013). After by the department head. Faculty taught across the entire cur-
a review of 236 nursing programs, Ellis (2013) concluded that riculum based on content expertise. As an example, a single fac-
the complex workload issue should be driven by and aligned ulty would teach diabetes content across all courses. All faculty
with the mission and strategic plans of both the nursing program were expected to participate in service. Contact hours were used
and the larger university. The workload management system for as the metric for faculty teaching and service workloads.
each nursing program will be unique if it is mission driven and Due to varying levels of faculty satisfaction with the work-
articulates needs based on the educational programs offered, load models used by each program, the need to establish a
the characteristics of the students and faculty, and the resources single workload process for the consolidated nursing programs
available. became a priority. The consolidation process added significant

676 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated


challenges to existing issues

of academic workload man- TABLE
agement. Components of a Team Charter
Charter Component Explanation of Information
OF SMALL-GROUP Project name or title How is the team referred to?
DEVELOPMENT Date of charter When is the charter finalized and signed?
Team purpose and scope Why is the team being formed? What will be the overall outcome of
A project team is gener- the project?
ally made up of people from
Organizational alignment How does the project align with organizational goals?
various parts of an organiza-
tion who work together to Team leader and project sponsor Who has direct responsibility for leading the team and its activities?
solve a common problem Who is the project’s administrative champion?
and disband after the work is Key stakeholders Who are the internal and external stakeholders?
completed. However, an ef- Project goals and priorities What are the team’s primary objectives and priorities?
fective project team is more
Deliverables What will exist when the project is completed?
than a group of people drawn
together to accomplish a spe- Boundaries What will not be included in this project?
cific task. Effective teams Members and responsibilities Who are the team members? What are their roles?
have certain characteristics Time commitments How much time is each team member expected to contribute?
that develop over time and
Success measures How will success be determined or measured?
contribute to their success.
As teams evolve through a Project risks What are known risks to success and can they be diminished?
series of recognizable stages, Communication plan How will communication be managed?
the group’s ability to improve Assumptions What is being assumed related to the work of this group?
team and individual member
performance is enhanced Required resources What financial and human resources are needed? Are there critical
skill sets that team members must have?
(Catalyst Consulting Team,
2012). Team ground rules What are the rules of interaction and the conduct of meetings?
Although several models Signatures Are team members validating their commitment to the work?
of group development have
been proposed, Tuckman’s
model of small-group devel-
opment is commonly known and frequently referenced in the lit- blueprint of how an envisioned project becomes a reality. The
erature (Bonebright, 2010). The original model, which included creation of a charter is a valuable start-up exercise for newly
the stages of forming, storming, norming, and performing, was created teams (Mathieu & Rapp, 2009). The charter develop-
developed in 1965 and amended in 1977 to include a final stage, ment process helps build consensus among group members and
adjourning (Tuckman, 1965; Tuckman & Jensen, 1977). provides an agreed-on set of standards that lay the foundation
Although not always included in overview descriptors of the for the team goals and how the team will function. According
model, Tuckman (1965) described two realms—group structure to Mathieu and Rapp (2009) “A well-designed charter helps
and task—that are important in understanding the evolution of clarify expectations, focus activities, and provide a basis for
teams as they mature and move through each stage of develop- decision-making” (p. 92). Charters may be developed in a va-
ment. The group structure realm focuses on the group members’ riety of formats and generally include many of the components
behavior and the way they relate to one another, whereas the included in the Table.
task realm focuses on what the group accomplishes in fulfill-
ing its assigned task. Mathieu and Rapp (2009) contended that TUCKMAN’S STAGES OF GROUP DEVELOPMENT
although teams often develop a list of tasks that must be ac-
complished, they generally do not take adequate time to develop The first stage of group development described by Tuckman
strategies about how they will work together to accomplish the (1965) is the forming stage. During this stage, boundaries are
tasks. Their study demonstrated that the use of a team charter to tested, the parameters of acceptable interpersonal behavior are
lay the foundation for team functioning enhanced not only the discovered, ground rules are created, and relationships with
performance trajectories or tasks assigned to the team but also leaders and other members of the group are established. Team
the process the team follows. members begin to identify the parameters of the assigned task
and how the group experience will be used to complete it.
TEAM CHARTERS During the second stage (storming), chaos, confrontation,
and conflict often occur. Members may be unsettled in their roles
A team charter is a written document generated by a work and resist moving forward as productive members of the group.
group assigned to complete a complex task and serves as a Individual and group productivity is limited due to resentment

Journal of Nursing Education • Vol. 55, No. 12, 2016 677


toward team members and leaders, lack of understanding of the nounced mandate to consolidate the nursing programs drove
purpose of the group, and overall resistance to change. the decision to immediately add representation from university
The norming stage is the period when new group-generated B. A weekly meeting schedule was agreed on and a 2-month
norms are established and members accept participants and the deadline for project completion was established. Information
group as a whole. Openness and desire for harmony reduce con- about the project was communicated with faculty from both
flict that was experienced in the storming stage. Group mem- universities to promote transparency, muster interest, and re-
bers begin sharing ideas and opinions and have the opportunity cruit additional faculty members for the project team. Addi-
to respond to one another about the assigned task. The group tional members were added, and the final team was composed
becomes more cohesive and is established as an entity during of representation across faculty ranks and roles from both uni-
this stage. versities.
The fourth stage of Tuckman’s model is the performing The expanded project team was formed less than 1 month
stage. Members understand and perform their roles effectively after the decision was made to consolidate the two universi-
and the group becomes a mechanism for problem solving. Suc- ties, thus many of the faculty did not have established work-
cessful task completion becomes the focus of the group (Bone- ing relationships. Members were experiencing feelings of grief
bright, 2010). Fluctuations in a team’s movement back and and anger over the loss of the individual institution and nursing
forth between the four developmental stages may occur when program identities. Members were cautious and demonstrated
the circumstances surrounding the team change. Examples varying degrees of commitment to the project, whereas min-
would include changes in team membership, leadership, and imal emphasis was placed on building trust within the team.
organizational priorities (Abudi, 2010; Seck & Helton, 2014). Expectations, interests, skills, and knowledge of all members
Following the publication of Tuckman’s original model, it related to the accomplishment of team outcomes were not thor-
was found that the termination of the group was a necessary oughly explored. Accountability, recognition, and rewards for
addition to the model (Seck & Helton, 2014). Tuckman and Jen- the group and individual members were not clarified. Varying
son (1977) formally modified the model and added the adjourn- degrees of doubt existed that the project would be successful.
ing stage as the fifth stage of small-group development. During Minutes were maintained for each meeting; however, they
the adjourning stage, the group performs a self-evaluation and did not reflect assigned responsibilities for tasks nor desired
analysis and reviews the outcomes of the project. This stage time frames for completion. The team began to go off track and
may include separation anxiety and mourning as the project test boundaries during this stage, as issues unrelated to workload
team disbands, as well as feelings of accomplishment that tasks were frequently intertwined in project meetings and activities.
were completed (Tuckman, 2001). Without established ground rules, members missed meetings
without consequence, were unprepared for discussion and deci-
PROJECT ANALYSIS BASED ON TUCKMAN’S MODEL sion making, and a lack of commitment to the project emerged.
OF SMALL-GROUP DEVELOPMENT Due to time constraints and other pressing priorities, the project
leader was not consistently available to facilitate group process,
A project team was assigned the task of developing a new role model behaviors, and provide the group with direction to-
workload management system for the consolidated CON. To ward project priorities and time lines.
analyze the processes and outcomes of the project team, the
agendas, notes, minutes from all meetings, and documents pro- Storming Stage
duced were reviewed and categorized into stages of team devel- The storming stage of the project lasted approximately 4
opment using Accelerating Team Development: The Tuckman months. A divergence of issues emerged during this phase that
Model as a guide (Catalyst Consulting Team, 2012). resulted in a lack of focus toward outcomes. Specific goals and
time lines were not identified to help guide the group’s work.
Forming Stage Topics unrelated to the purpose of the project team were includ-
The forming stage took place over a 2-month period. The ed in meeting agendas and discussions. The minutes of meet-
workload project was created prior to the announcement of the ings included action items; however, responsibility and a time
consolidation in response to university A faculty dissatisfaction frame for completion were rarely assigned or specified. Deci-
about workload and the lack of equity in assignments. In light sions made were not adequately documented or disseminated.
of the consolidation decision, the need to establish a workload The project team had difficulty relating to the multifaceted
management process was identified as a continued need for the components comprising workload within the combined nurs-
consolidated nursing programs. The workload project team was ing program. Dialogue centered around teaching, whereas other
convened by the Dean of the CON for university A and charged aspects of workload lacked focused discussion. In an effort to
to create a conceptual framework for establishing a valid meth- identify existing workload resources, an extensive exploration
od for assigning work among faculty. The desired outcomes of of the literature was conducted for an existing workload model
the project were to improve faculty satisfaction, demonstrate that could be adapted and applied. An applicable model was not
transparency of workload management through active commu- found in the literature.
nication, and develop tools for a workload management system. Because items unrelated to workload were of great impor-
During the first meeting, a general discussion about group tance to the success of the consolidation process, the leader was
and project leader expectations occurred; however, definitive challenged to maintain the team’s focus on workload issues.
ground rules for the team were not established. The newly an- Also, the demands of the many facets of consolidation lead to

678 Copyright © SLACK Incorporated


less time available for the leader and team members to work on individual faculty members and the overall project team were
the project. In addition, university B faculty participants were recognized publicly within the school. The adoption of a char-
not on contract during summer months, which created a void in ter and the implementation of subgroups were key interventions
project discussion and decision making. The original deadline that improved team efficiency and progress during this stage.
for project completion was extended from 2 to 7 months due to A sense of momentum developed as outcomes toward the es-
consolidation issues and the resulting demands on team mem- tablishment of a workload management system for the consoli-
bers’ time. dated universities began to emerge. Although much improved,
Faculty dissatisfaction seemed to increase as workload is- the team structure and processes continued to need refinement.
sues were debated. The understanding of members’ responsi-
bility for team deliverables decreased and resistance to change Performing Stage
was exhibited by faculty from both universities. Clarity of the The full project team was involved in the performing stage
project charge diminished. Although outward confrontation was approximately 2 months. The charter provided the structure
not demonstrated, the lack of engagement of team members cre- needed for the team to achieve project goals. The leadership
ated challenges for moving forward. At this point, the project role transitioned to another team member who did not have as
team had been meeting for approximately 6 months without many conflicting responsibilities and priorities related to con-
significant progress and the outcomes were limited. However, solidation. Team members took full responsibility for tasks and
upon reflection of tasks completed during the storming stage, relationships and were actively engaged and productive. The
two positive elements of group performance emerged. The use charter was reviewed periodically to ensure the team was fo-
of subgroups was introduced to accomplish tasks outside of cused on assigned tasks and not expending resources on work
regular meeting times and an interactive activity involving all outside the scope of the charter. Agendas reflected the purpose
faculty was conducted to identify and prioritize the strengths, of the meeting and items for decision. Minutes provided a re-
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of workload cord of the decisions and the status of actionable items which
practices. The SWOT data provided the project team with rel- promoted accountability. The level of administrative support to
evant information to guide their work. the team was elevated to facilitate group work and efficiency.
Minutes were distributed immediately following meetings to
Norming Stage promote team communication. To promote transparency, re-
During the norming stage, which lasted approximately 3 ports were provided to all faculty and the CON administrative
months, the team leader was unable to participate fully due team on project team progress.
to other priorities and campus-wide mandates. Therefore, the During the performing stage, the policy, tools, and metrics
leadership role for the project team was often delegated to en- needed to implement the workload management system were
sure the effective facilitation of the meetings. Due to the lack completed. As final draft documents were developed, they were
of progress and in an effort to enhance performance, the use of shared with the full faculty for feedback and revision. Review
a team charter was adopted. Components of the charter were and editorial revisions of final documents were completed by
aligned with the organizational mission, as well as campus-level subgroups. The work of the project team as a whole was com-
and CON initiatives and priorities. The team charter clarified pleted.
the scope, objectives, deliverables, stakeholders, and the time
frames for project completion. Boundaries, external dependen- Adjourning Stage
cies, and resource requirements to support the work of the team On completion of the workload project, the team transitioned
were also identified. At the end of each project team meeting, to the adjourning stage of group development. The purpose of
action items were identified, responsibilities were assigned to the project team was to establish the initial structural foundation
specific team members or subgroups, and time frames for task for workload management for the newly consolidated college;
completion determined. Following each meeting, minutes were however, processes for the sustainability of a workload manage-
distributed that reflected what had been accomplished, deci- ment system were needed. Evaluation and revision of the newly
sions made, new action items, time frames for completion, and established workload policy, procedures, and metrics were ad-
responsibility. dressed in the team’s close-out report. The team recommended
The use of subgroups increased during this phase which ex- that responsibility for future improvements in the workload
panded the exposure of the project to more faculty members. management system be aligned with the Office of Academic
Key stakeholders and content experts were used at team meet- Affairs, which conducts ongoing data analyses and outcomes
ings and during subgroup discussions which broadened per- evaluations for the college.
spectives and understanding of the workload issues. Subgroup The CON administrative team approved the defined deliver-
leaders brought recommendations to the project team for action ables for the workload project. The final workload project re-
and decision. Each of these actions facilitated decision making port highlighting outcomes was presented to all faculty at the
at meetings. end-of-the-year meeting. Members of the team expressed feel-
Confidence and commitment increased when roles were ings of accomplishment, satisfaction, and relief after the new
more clearly defined. Attendance at meetings improved and workload management system received final approval and was
team members volunteered or more readily agreed to work on presented to the faculty. For those who were most actively com-
specific tasks. The team gained structure and focus, and mem- mitted to the project, some loss was experienced when they no
bers accepted responsibility for action. The contributions of longer had scheduled opportunities to interact and engage in a

Journal of Nursing Education • Vol. 55, No. 12, 2016 679


meaningful work project with colleagues on the team. Approxi- tance of a team’s reflection on what went well and the identi-
mately 1 year after the original charge was given to the team, a fication of the processes, resources, and support needed cannot
workload management system for the consolidated university be understated. This can be accomplished through the use of a
had been developed and the project team disbanded. close-out report. A project close-out report can be a useful tool
to share lessons learned and may be beneficial to future project

One of the most valuable lessons learned from the team CONCLUSION
analysis was understanding the need to guide elements of group
structure and task to achieve outcomes. The use of a team char- The experience of developing a new workload management
ter served as an effective tool to provide structure and keep the system as a part of the consolidation of two dissimilar univer-
group focused on the plan for accomplishing the desired out- sities presented many challenges. Guiding a diverse group of
comes. For approximately 6 months prior to implementation of individuals into a highly productive team is complex and needs
a charter, the team’s accomplishments were limited and poorly organization, leadership, and commitment. The Tuckman mod-
defined. After the charter was developed and used, it was in- el served as an effective framework for analyzing the positive
strumental in providing focus on the group’s work and moving and negative aspects of the processes used by the project team.
the team forward to project completion. A well-developed team Lessons learned from the analysis focus on the development
charter can be an effective tool to facilitate group performance and use of a team charter, the importance of effective preplan-
for academic projects. ning, selection of a leader and team members who have the
A second lesson learned was the significance of effective necessary skills, commitment and time for project completion,
preplanning by the team leader or group organizer. Although it and effective information management, along with administra-
is not possible to anticipate every issue associated with the work tive support and the use of a close-out report. Consideration of
of a team in project preplanning, ensuring “a balance of external Tuckman’s model of small-group development along with the
supports and internal structures can facilitate a team’s work and lessons learned from this case example may serve as a mecha-
the outcomes it can produce” (Persily, 2013, p. 63). Through- nism to increase the overall effectiveness of project teams with-
out the project, the workload team encountered multiple issues in an organization.
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