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It is an ideology based on the belief that people,

Lower Taway, Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay Province goods and information ought to be able to cross
Email address: [email protected] national borders unfettered. a. Globalism
b. Internationalism
8. What type of globalization includes IT, biomedical and
Name:___________________________________________ A. Military and security
Course/Sec: ________________ Date: ________________ B. Economic
C. Technological
Part I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct 9. What refers to a doctrine and/ or a political movement
answer. that seeks to make the nation the basis of a political
1. This element of the state includes characteristic which structure?
distinguishes the state from all other associations? a. nationalism
a. Sovereignty b. patriotism
b. Government/ c. heroism
c. Territory 10. Under the political globalization is the environmental
2. What makes the global flow of people especially problems and all sorts, what could be the possible
refugees and immigrants a threat to a nation? effects of global warming?
A. These can be a vehicle for importing terrorist and a. Climate
criminals, or for spreading of infectious diseases b. Melting of glaciers
B. These can be the way for rapid increase of c. All of the above
population that can cause food and water 11. What is considered as one of the key aspects of state
shortage. sovereignty?
C. These can be the vehicle for fast increase of a. Territory
tourist in a country. b. People
3. What is considered as a distinctive political c. Government
community with its own rules and practices, and that 12. Which of these sentences is true about sovereignty?
is more or less separate from other communities? a. Other countries must recognize sovereignty or
a. State the right to govern one’s own territorial borders.
b. Population b. Countries are given the chance to govern other
c. Sovereignty countries.
4. Which of the following is a problem not associated c. Each state is dependent to each other.
with population growth? 13. One of the world’s problem is the alarming rapid
a. Increased of resource consumption increases of population, meanwhile the average of life
b. Environmental pollution expectancy around the world is currently?
c. Food and energy resources a. Decreasing
5. Which of these borderless diseases does not belong b. Increasing
to the group? c. Stabilizing
a. Tuberculosis 14. Under the 1987 constitution article 1 discusses
b. Malaria about?
c. Dengue a. Suffrage
6. How do the looming crises associated with dwindling b. Legislative
oil and water supplies threaten the government? c. National territory
a. It creates imbalance of the state and 15. In the democratic society, this provide the leadership
insurrections could lead to downfall of the of the state, and under article V this should be
existing government. exercised by citizens under 18 years old and above
b. It affects the people specially those who are through voting.
below the poverty line and can cause riots and it a. Election
affects the economic status of the government. b. Plebiscite
c. All of the above c. Suffrage
16. Environmental degradation is one of the most a. Human rights are universal
alarming problems in today’s situation and global b. Human rights is not universal
warming is not new to us, which of the following is not c. Human rights is only limited to a certain country.
a solution of global warming? 26. One of the types of globalization that includes
a. Reducing fossil fuel consumption Islamist-extremist, other religious, and ethnics.
b. Planting more trees. a. Terrorism
c. Deforestation. b. Cultural
17. The citizens are bound together by residence on a c. Military/ security
common ______. 27. Currently, the Philippines has how many president?
a. Territory a. 16
b. Government b. 17
c. sovereignty c. 18
18. “Collective management of the planet” is also a term 28. What is true about environmental issues?
used for? a. Harmful effects of human activity on the biophysical
a. Global government environment.
b. Global governance b. Environmental issues are not interrelated.
c. Global Warming c. Environmental issues happened not because of
19. A regulation of interdependent relations in the human activity but because of time.
absence of an overarching political authority is 29. What is the most obvious global flow threatening the
called____. nation-states involved, especially those on the losing
a. Government side?
b. Governance a. War
c. Governing b. Diseases
20. Who wrote a political tract under the title of De c. Cold war
Monarchia or in English translated as On Global 30. denotes regulation of interdependent relations in the
Governance? absence of an overarching political authority
a. Dante Alighieri a. governance
b. William Penn b. government
c. Alexander Hamilton c. state
21. What treaty instituted an international system which 31. The natural resources like minerals, coal, oil, gas,
recognized sovereign states as its core? human resources, water, etc. make an important
a. Treaty of Paris contribution in globalization.
b. National Treaty A. Resources and markets
c. Treaty of Westphalia B. Economy
22. What refers to a social group that is linked through a C. Historical
common decent culture, language, or territorial 32. The technological development in the areas of
contiguity? production, product mix and firms are helping
a. Nation-state organizations to expand their operations.
b. Nation a. Industrial Organization
c. State b. Tehnological
23. It is the term for the fluid and dynamic form of c. Economy
collective identity is called? 33. Utilization of built up capacities of production,
a. National identity sluggishness in domestic market and over production
b. National territory makes a manufacturing company look outward and
c. National Flow go global.
24. It is the complex sets of cross-state economic and a. Production issues
political linkages that move outside formally b. Technological
recognized state-based channels. c. Resources and markets
a. Shadows of war 34. Why should we embrace internationalism?
b. Shadows of elections a. Can sustain quality of life of many nations.
c. Shadows of government b. It can also greatly improve the quality of life that
25. What is true about human rights? nations cannot achieve on their own.
c. All of the choices.
35. It is a political principle that advocates greater political exercised by citizens under 10 years old and above through
or economic cooperation among states and nations. voting.
a. Internationalism
_________6. The citizens are bound together by residence on
b. Globalism
a common government.
c. Nationalism
36. The following are the main types of financial _________7. Territory includes characteristic which
institutions, except one; distinguishes the state from all other associations.
a. Investment Banks
b. Insurance Company
c. Finance Institutions
37. It is basically an establishment that conducts financial _________8. Terrorism is clearly regarded as “a threat by
transactions such as investments, loans and deposits.
those nations against which it is waged, hence the so called
a. Investment Banks
“war on terrorism” in the US.
b. Insurance Company
c. Financial Institutions _________9. Nation refers to a social group that is linked
38. What would likely to happen without financial through a common decent culture, language, or territorial
institutions? contiguity.
a. people wouldn’t be able to take advantage of
rising and falling interest rates __________10. It is a political principle that advocates greater
b. There would be no saving of money, other than political or economic cooperation among states and nations.
the stacks you stuff under your mattress.
c. Both a and b
d. None of the choices
39. What is the primary role of financial institutions?
a. To offer credits
b. Pooling risk among consumers
c. To provide liquidity to the economy and permit a
higher level of economic activity. _____________END__________________
40. It is one of the examples of economic globalization. Prepared by: Jessica C. Navaja
a. Low-wage production in Asia for the united
States and united Markets
b. Balance of terror
c. Investments, banking and exchange rates

PART II. TRUE OR FALSE. Write your First Name if it is true

and your Sur Name if it is False. ( 2pts each)
_________1. Steamships connected the world's ports to each
other, and from the ports the railroads ran inland, creating a
new and faster world transport network.
_________2. Global governance clearly is world government-
_________3. Environmental problems of all sorts, especially
those related to global warming, are very likely to be
destabilizing politically.
_________4. Borderless diseases, especially malaria, TB, and
aids in Africa, pose a danger to political structures.
_________5. In the democratic society, election provides the
leadership of the state, and under article V this should be

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