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MCQ on Management Information System

1. Management information systems (MIS)

a. create and share documents that support day-today office activities
b. process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders,
c. capture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver
d. use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers
to run the business
e. none of the above

2. If a university sets up a web-based information system that faculty could

access to record student grades and to advise students, that would be an
example of a/an
a. CRM
b. Intranet
c. ERP
d. Extranet
e. none of the above

3. Which of the following is not a technology driver for an information system?

a. enterprise applications
b. object technologies
c. knowledge asset management
d. collaborative technologies
e. networks and the Internet

4. An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of

executive management is
a. DSS
b. TPS
c. ERP
d. MIS
e. none of the above

5. Decision makers who are concerned with tactical (short-term) operational

problems and decision making are
a. middle managers
b. executive managers
c. supervisors
d. mobile managers
e. none of the above

6. When a bank uses information to launch a personalised credit card product

a. manages risks.
b. creates a new opportunity.
c. adds value.
d. reduces costs.
e. none of the above.

7. When a bank uses business performance management software to monitor

its performance in differences regions this:
a. reduces costs.
b. manages risks.
c. adds value.
d. creates a new opportunity.
e. none of the above.

8. When a bank offers web self-service for customers to answer their

questions, the primary outcome is:
a. adds value.
b. manages risks.
c. reduces costs.
d. creates a new opportunity.
e. none of the above.

9. The general transformation cycle for information is:

a. information to data to knowledge.
b. knowledge to data to information.
c. data to knowledge to information.
d. data to information to knowledge.
e. none of the above.

10. The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires
a. relevance.
b. media.
c. presentation.
d. timeliness.
e. none of the above.

11. To improve the performance of a business process, which of the following is

most relevant?
a. Input.
b. Processing.
c. All of the above.
d. Control and feedback
e. Output.

12. The majority of publically available Internet information sources are:

a. created in XML.
b. structured information.
c. normal information.
d. unstructured information.
e. none of the above.

13. Which one is the organizations Back Bone?

a. Capital
b. Employee
c. Management
d. Information
e. both A and B

14. Management information systems (MIS)

a. Development and share documents that support day-today office
b. process business transactions (e.g., time cards, payments, orders,
ecapture and reproduce the knowledge of an expert problem solver
c. use the transaction data to produce information needed by managers
to run the business
d. none of the above

15. who have concerned with tactical (short-term) operational problems and
decision making?
a. supervisors
b. mobile managers
c. middle managers
d. executive managers
e. none of the above
f. both A & b

16. In information system Which one is not a business driver?

a. redesign a business process
b. security and privacy
c. collaboration and partnership
d. knowledge asset management
e. proliferation of networks and the Internet
f. none
17. short form of AI
a. Artificial information
b. Artificial intelligence
c. Artificial integration
d. None of the above

18. A university creates a web-based information system that gives access to

faculty who can record student grades and advise students, this is an
example of a/an
a. ERP
b. SCM
c. CRM
d. none of the above
e. both A & b

19. Using a business performance management software to monitor

performance __________
a. reduces costs.
b. adds value.
c. manages risks
d. create a new opportunity.

20. An ______ is a set of processes and procedures that transform data into
information and knowledge.
a. information system
b. Knowledge system
c. Database system
d. Computer system

21. Which of the following steps is/are the implementation plans involved in
i) Preparing organizational plans
ii) Planning of work flow
iii) Training of personnel
iv) Development of software v) Acquiring computer hardware

a. i, ii and iii only

b. i, ii, iii and iv only
c. i, ii, iv and v only
d. All i, ii, iii, iv and v

22. Which of the following is included in the Office automation systems?

i) Word processing
ii) Electronic mail
iii) Voice mail
iv) Electronic calendaring
v) Audio conferencing

a. i, ii, iii and v only

b. i, ii, iii and iv only
c. i, ii, iv and v only
d. All i, ii, iii, iv and v

23. In a typical ……………. network, application processing is shared between

clients and one more server.
a. client server computing
b. cloud computing
c. mobile computing
d. data computing

24. The …. is defined as a set of activities performed across the organization

creating as output of value to the customer.
a. development process
b. business process
c. quality process
d. customer focus

25. Which of the following is NOT an objective of MIS?

a. Facilitate the decisions-making process
b. Provide requisite information at each level of management
c. Support decision-making
d. recruit people for system

26. In MIS system design, the sources of information may be categorized as

_____and ____
a. internal, external
b. personal, organizational
c. useful, un-useful
d. constructive, destructive

27. The flow of information through MIS is

a. need dependent
b. organization dependent
c. information dependent
d. management dependent

28. The basic component(s) of DSS is (are)

a. Database
b. Model base
c. DSS software system
d. All of the above

29. GDSS is the short form of

a. Group Decision Support System
b. Group Discussion Support System
c. Group Decision Service System
d. Group Discussion Support Source

30. The elements of control will consist of

a. Authority, Direction, Management
b. Authority, Direction, Information
c. Authority, Application, Management
d. Authority, Application, Information

31. One byte is made of

a. Four bits
b. Eight bits
c. Twelve bits
d. Sixteen bits

32. MIS normally found in a manufacturing organization will not be suitable in

the ______.
a. Service sector
b. Banking sector
c. Agriculture sector
d. All of the above
33. TPS stands for_____
a. Transaction Processing System
b. Transaction Process System
c. Transaction Product System
d. Transaction Profit System

34. Which of the following is NOT a specific type of transaction processing

a. Order processing
b. Purchasing system
c. Performance evaluation
d. Accounting system
35. Which of the following is NOT a typical activity of a Transaction Processing
a. Data analysis
b. Data collection
c. Data editing
d. Data storage
36. What should be a major characteristic of a DSS?
a. Automates decision making.
b. Includes a spreadsheet model.
c. Responds quickly to the changing needs of decision makers.
37. What general type of DSS would include file drawer systems, data
warehouses, on-line analytical processing (OLAP) systems, and Executive
Information Systems?
a. Communications-Driven DSS
b. Data-Driven DSS
c. Document-Driven DSS
d. Knowledge-Driven DS
38. What type of computerized system records current information and
emphasizes data integrity and consistency?
a. Data Analysis System.
b. File Drawer System
c. Transaction Processing System

39. What is the most important component of a Decision Support System?

a. Architecture and network design.
b. Database.
c. Mathematical models and analytical tools.
d. User interface.

40. What category of software technology enables analysts, managers and

executives to gain insight into data through fast, consistent, interactive
access to a wide variety of possible views of information that has been
transformed from raw data to reflect the real dimensionality of the
enterprise as understood by the user?
a. Data Warehouse software.
b. On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) software.
c. On-line Transaction Processing (OLTP) software.
41. Information has three dimensions. They are
a. Time, consent, and form
b. Time, content, and form
c. Cost, content, and form
d. Time, content, and Value
42. the Decision support systems use all of the following EXCEPT:
a. Analytical models
b. Specialized databases
c. Online Transaction processing
d. A decision maker’s own insights and judgments, and
e. An interactive, computer-based modelling process to support the
making of semi-structured Business decision.
43. Which of the following involves analyzing complex relationships among
thousands or even millions of data items stored in data marts, data
warehouses, and other multidimensional databases to discover patterns,
trends, and exception conditions?
44. ______________________ decision support system that provides support for
decision making by groups of people
a. Group Decision Support System (GDSS)
b. Decision Support System (DSS)
c. Groupware Software
d. Graphics Software
45. Projections and responses to queries are Information output characteristics
associated with ________.
a. Decision Support System (DSS)
b. Management Information System (MIS)
c. Executive Support System (ESS)
d. Transaction Processing System (TPS)
46. An information system that supports the planning and assessment needs of
executive management is
a. DSS
b. TPS
c. ERP
d. None of these
47. Decision makers who are concerned with tactical (short-term) operational
problems and decision making are
a. middle managers
b. executive managers
c. supervisors
d. mobile managers
48. The most important attribute of information quality that a manager requires
a. relevance
b. media
c. presentation
d. timeliness
49. To improve the performance of a business process, which of the following is
most relevant?
a. Input
b. Processing
c. Control and feedback
d. All of the above
50. Which of the following reports categorizes information for managers who
are not interested to wade through the details?
a. external
b. detailed
c. exception
d. none of the above
51. The basic component(s) of DSS is (are)
a. Database
b. Model base
c. DSS software system
d. All of the above
52. A central purpose of most decision-support systems is
a. to build a model of the decision-making problem
b. to design a database management system
c. to build an expert system
d. to determine the key decisions in the problem area

53. A primary use of decision support system (DSS) is to simulate an experiment

over by using different parameters and assumptions. What is it called?
a. Artificial intelligence
b. What if analysis
c. Exception report
d. Computer assisted experimenting
54. Which of the following is not a level of information handling?
a. Decision Support System (DSS)
b. Operations Assistance System
c. Transaction Processing System (IPS)
d. Office Automation System.
55. The cost of information can be _______.
a. Costly
b. Valuable
c. Processing
d. None of the above
56. _____ is the process of identifying a problem, developing alternative
solutions and choosing and implementing.
a. Decision making
b. Business
c. Value
d. Re-engineering
57. The components of DSS –
a. Data management sub systems
b. Model management sub system
c. Dialog management sub system
d. All of the above
58. A decision support system has a more customized orientation than a
_________. _______ is a collection of capabilities that support the decision-
making process of an individual or a small group of an individual or a small
group of people.
d. None of these
59. The ______ information as the information required by a number of
personal, departments and divisions or the functions in the organization.
a. Operational
b. functional
c. decision support
d. knowledge
60. Which of the following would be considered as a way that a computer virus
can enter a computer system?
a. E-mail and file attachments.
b. Downloaded copies of games
c. Downloaded copies of shareware.
d. All of the above.
61. The unauthorized use of private and confidential personal information has
seriously damaged the privacy of individuals. Accessing individuals' private
e-mail conversations and computer records, and collecting and sharing
information about individuals gained from their visits to Internet websites
and newsgroups is an example of which type of privacy violation?
a. Personal piracy
b. Computer monitoring
c. Computer matching
d. none of the above
62. There are four major principles of technology ethics: proportionality,
_____________________, justice, and minimized risk.
a. Informed constant
b. Informed consent
c. Reformed consent
d. None of the above
63. The statement "Those affected by the technology should understand and
accept the risks" describes which of those principles?
a. Proportionality
b. Royalty
c. Justice
d. None of the above
64. Many computer crimes involve the theft of money. In the majority of cases,
they are:
a. "Inside jobs" that involve authorized network entry and fraudulent
alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the
employees involved.
b. "Inside jobs" that involve unauthorized network entry and fraudulent
alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the
employees involved.
c. "Outside jobs" that involve authorized network entry and fraudulent
alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of the
employees involved.
d. "Outside jobs" that involve unauthorized network entry and
fraudulent alteration of computer databases to cover the tracks of
the employees involved.
65. The concern for security has increased dramatically with the growth of E-
business and E-commerce. Encryption is described as __________________,
prior to transmission, to a secret code that masks the meaning of the data
to unauthorized recipients.
a. the process of distributing data or converting it
b. the process of scrambling data or deleting it
c. the process of scrambling data or converting it
d. the process
66. Your text defines ergonomics as the science and technology emphasizing the
safety, comfort, and ease of use of human-operated machines such as
computers. The goal is to produce systems that are user-friendly, safe,
comfortable, and easy to use. It is also is also called _____________
a. homer factors
b. human factors
c. human tractor
d. Human
67. The goal to ensure the accuracy, integrity, and safety of all information
system processes and resources is goal of:
a. Security management
b. Accuracy
c. Encryption
d. None of the above.
68. The use of information technology in business operations presents no
security challenges and risks such as computer crime or unethical behaviour
to society.
a. True
b. False
69. Computer monitoring has been praised as robbing workers of the dignity of
their work because workers are forced to work at a hectic pace under poor
working conditions.
a. True
b. False
70. Firewall computer are computers, communications processors, and software
that protect computer networks from intrusion by bypassing all network
traffic and serving as a safe transfer point for access to and from other
a. True
b. False
71. Your text discusses the importance of auditing E-business systems. The
presence of documentation that allows a transaction to be traced through
all stages of information processing is called an account trail.
a. True
b. False
72. In business ethics, the stockholder theory of business ethics maintains that
managers have an ethical responsibility to manage a firm for the benefit of
all its stockholders, which are all individuals and groups that have a stake in
or claim on a company.
a. True
b. False
73. Hacking is defined as the authorized access and use of networked computer
a. True
b. False
74. One of the reasons hackers are a not a threat to the Internet is that they are
not able to use remote services to allow one computer on the network to
execute programs on another computer to gain privileged access within a
a. True
b. False
75. To attack the problem of "time and resource theft" in the use of business
systems, snickers can be used to monitor network traffic to evaluate
network capacity, and to reveal evidence of improper use.
a. True
b. False
76. Biometric control devices being used as a method of computer security.
They include special purpose sensors to measure biometric traits that make
each individual unique–fingerprints, voice, keystroke analysis, genetic
pattern analyses, etc.
a. True
b. False
77. Fault tolerant systems are computers that have a single central processor,
peripheral, and system software and that are able to continue operations
even if there is a major hardware or software failure.
a. True
b. False
78. A disaster recovery plan is a method for ensuring that an organization
recovers from natural and human-caused disasters that affect its computer-
based operations. These plans specify items such as hardware, software,
employee duties, and facilities to be used.
a. True
b. False
79. Which of the following is Online Transaction Processing Systems (OLTP)?
a. A system that captures and processes transactions
b. A system that captures and processes transactions immediately.
c. A real-time system that captures and processes transaction
d. A system that process transaction through Internet
80. Batch processing means:
a. Transaction data are accumulated over a period of time and
processed periodically
b. Data are processed immediately after a transaction occurs
c. Processing batches of MIS classes
d. None of the above.
81. All of the following are the goals of Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS)
a. Communicate
b. Coordinate
c. Commission
d. Collaborate
82. Your text outlines three basic categories of electronic commerce
applications: business-to-consumer, business-to-business, and consumer-to-
consumer. When businesses develop attractive electronic marketplaces to
entice and sell products and services to consumers, this is considered which
type of application?
a. Business-to-business.
b. Business-to-consumer.
c. Consumer-to-consumer
d. None of the above.
83. ______________ is a category of e-commerce processes that support the
vital collaboration arrangements and trading services needed by customers,
suppliers, and other stakeholders to accomplish e-commerce transactions.
a. Workflow management
b. Collaboration and trading.
c. Security and control
d. Knowledge management.
84. Your text describes current e-commerce trends in applications and
associated strategies taking place in the business-to-consumer market and
the business-to-business market. Web brochures would be considered a
short-term strategy which market?
a. Business-to-consumer
b. Business-to-business
c. Both A and B
d. Neither A nor B
85. A basic fact for Internet retailing is that all retail websites are created
equal as far as which imperative of success in retailing is concerned?
a. Pricing.
b. Advertising.
c. Location.
d. Integration.
86. The statement "A company's prices don't have to be the lowest on the Web if
they build a reputation for high quality, guaranteed satisfaction, and top
customer support while shopping and after the sale" applies to which of the
following e-commerce success factors?
a. Performance and service efficiency.
b. Selection and value.
c. Offering incentives to purchase.
d. Security.
87. The statement "A top e-tailer would help you select quality products with
helpful pages such as "How to Choose" sections, and gives a money-back
guarantee on your purchases" applies to which of the following e-commerce
success factors?
a. Performance and service efficiency.
b. Selection and value.
c. Offering incentives to purchase.
d. Security.
88. For most companies today, electronic commerce encompasses the entire
online process of developing, marketing, selling, delivering, servicing, and
paying for products and services transacted on internetworked, global
marketplaces of customers, with the support of a worldwide network of
business partners.
a. True
b. False
89. Companies involved in electronic commerce as buyers rely on Internet-based
technologies, and e-commerce applications and services to accomplish
marketing, discovery, transaction processing, and product and customer
service processes.
a. True
b. False
90. Electronic personal advertising of products and services to buy or sell by
consumers at electronic newspaper sites, consumer e-commerce portals or
personal websites is a form of consumer to business e-commerce.
a. True
b. False
91. Your text outlines nine key components of the e-commerce process
architecture that are the foundation of the e-commerce initiatives of many
companies today. One of these components is customer profiling which
deals with gathering data on customers and their website behaviour and
choices, and building electronic profiles of their characteristics and
a. True
b. False
92. One of the competitive necessities for the web retailer is real-time
personalization. Real-time personalization works as a customer browses
online and keeps track of customer behaviour while online.
a. True
b. False
93. Electronic debit transfer (EDT) systems are a major form of electronic
commerce systems in banking and retailing industries that use a variety of
information technologies to capture and process money and credit transfers
between banks and businesses and their customers.
a. True
b. False
94. A major advantage of the Internet, intranets, and extranets is they enable
companies to create new channels for interactive communications within a
company, with customers, and the suppliers, business partners, and others
in the external environment.
a. True
b. False
95. A basic fact of Internet retailing is that web sites are not created as close as
the physical location of the firm is to the customer.
a. True
b. False
96. One of the factors leading to successful retailing on the Web involves giving
online customers with similar interests a feeling of belonging to a unique
group of like-minded individuals, which helps build customer loyalty and
a. True
b. False

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