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Polydeck 3000

UV stable flexible car park coating system

Polyurethane resin based, parking deck coating system with excellent abrasion resistance,
waterproofing and crack bridging capabilities.

► Flexible, tear resistant and waterproof
► Multi-purpose application
► Seamless and easy to apply Polypur TC 20
► Highly durable & abrasion resistant
Aggregate No.3
► UV Stable, can be applied on exposed areas
Polyprime PU

TDS_Polydeck 3000_GCC_0519
abrasion durable

Polydeck 3000 is a multi component, polyurethane resin Polypur WC 40
based, flexible protection system for car park decks with
excellent abrasion resistance, waterproofing and crack
bridging capabilities. 1
– car park decks, ramps & turning areas APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS
– trafficable flat roofs
– entrance and exit Areas Surface preparation
– plant rooms The surface should be dry, free of any cement laitance, oil and
grease, curing compound and any other contaminants, which
– stadiums, industrial floors
may affect the bonding. Light mechanical scabbling, grit/
– helipads & airport hangers captive blasting or grinding is recommended for cleaning the
Polydeck 3000 system consists of a primer, flexible wear surface of such contaminants. New concrete surfaces should
coat, anti-slip aggregate and a U.V stable polyurethane based be 28 days old and the moisture content on the surface must
topcoat. be less than 5%. Refurbishment of existing or old floors must
Polyprime PU be done with a suitable repair mortar, in order to ensure that
Two component solvent free Epoxy Primer of low viscosity. the bond between the old substrate and the new flooring
Polypur WC 40 system is very good. Surface irregularities and blow holes shall
Three component specially formulated Polyurethane system be repaired with Polypoxy BF (Epoxy resin based blow hole
with special fibrated fillers to provide additional reinforcement, filler and skimming mortar) or Polycrete ST (cementitious repair
crack bridging capability and flexibility. mortar). Alternatively an epoxy resin based scratch coat can be
used when repairing larger areas (> 0.5m2). The surface after
Aggregate no. 3 carrying out the necessary cleaning shall be vacuumed for
Anti-slip graded quartz aggregate of particle size between 0.3- removing the dust debris left over after the cleaning process.
0.7mm. Used to provide a skid and abrasion resistant floor
finish to heavily trafficked areas. Priming
Mix part A & part B components of the primer and prime
Polypur TC 20 the prepared surface with Polyprime PU @ 4-5m2/L. The
Two component solvent based polyurethane coating having coating is applied when the primer is dry. However, in all
high abrasion resistance and UV stable properties. Polypur TC circumstances, the coating shall be applied within 24 hours of
20 has excellent resistance to chemicals, solvents, oils and application of the primer. If the primer surface is left open for
provides an easily cleanable, as well as UV resistant surface. more than 24 hours, then a fresh coat of primer has to be re-
applied. Broadcast Aggregate No. 3 on the primer whilst it is As with all construction chemical products caution should be
still wet @0.3 kg/m2. This will act as an additional key to the always be exercised whilst usage. Protective clothing such as
bonding of the wear coat to substrate. gloves and goggles should be worn. Treat any splashes to the
Intermediate Wear Coat skin or eyes with fresh water immediately. Should any of the
Polypur WC 40 shall be applied as the intermediate wear product be accidentally swallowed do not induce vomiting,
coat. This coating is supplied in three pre-weighed packs but call for medical assistance immediately. Ensure that the
(resin, hardener and filler). Take a suitable container and pour container is available for medical attendant to examine any
the resin (A) into it. Add the hardener (B) into the resin and relevant instructions and contents details.
mix thoroughly with a proprietary paddle mixer fitted to a slow COVERAGE
speed drill for 2 -3 minutes, until a homogenous consistency is
obtained. Slowly pour the part C (filler) into the mixing vessel Polyprime PU 4-5 m2/L
and further mix for 2-3 minutes. Work the mixer round the Polypur WC 40 0.5-1.0 L/m2
mixing vessel to ensure it scrapes the side and bottom of the [0.5mm to 1mm]
pail. Once the material is mixed properly, pour the material Aggregate No. 3 2-4 kg/m2
onto the primed surface and spread it evenly with a notched Polypur TC 20 5 m2/L for smooth finish
trowel. Once the material is evenly spread, use a spike roller
to take out the entrapped air. Spiking shall stop as soon as the SUPPLY
coating starts to gel. Whilst the wear coat is still wet, broadcast Polyprime PU 5L & 20L kit
Aggregate No.3 @approx 2-4kg/m2 (depending on the wear Polypur WC40 10L & 20L kit
coat thickness). Aggregate broad cast is not required for Aggregate NO. 3 25kg bag
smooth finish. Allow to cure for 24 hours after which excess Polypoxy BF 3kg kit
aggregate shall be brushed away.
Polycrete ST 25kg bag
Topcoat Polypur TC 20 5L & 15L kit
TDS_Polydeck 3000_GCC_0519

Polypur TC 20 shall be applied as the abrasion resistant, Polysolvent 5L & 20L kit
hard wearing top coat. The coating is supplied in two pre-
weighed packs (resin & hardener) which has to be mixed at TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION
site and used. Part mixing is strictly prohibited. Take a suitable PROPERTIES VALUES Test standards
container and pour the resin (A) into it. Add the hardener (B) Bond strength Greater than the -
into the resin and mix thoroughly with a slow speed drill with a cohesive strength of
proprietary paddle mixer for 2-3 minutes, until a homogenous good quality concrete
consistency is obtained. Work the mixer round the mixing pan Tensile strength,
to ensure it scrapes the side and bottom of the pail to ensure [N/mm2] >13 ASTM D 412
2 all unmixed material is mixed properly. Apply the coating Elongation @break,
immediately after mixing. For smooth surface finish apply [%] 70 ASTM D 412
the coating 5 m2/L/coat to achieve a 125 micron DFT and Tear resistance,
second coat at the same rate if necessary, after the previous [N/mm] 28 ASTM D 624
coat dries off completely. Shore D hardness 65 ASTM D 2240
CLEANING Abrasion resistance <50 ASTM D 4060
(taber abraser), [mg]
Clean all the tools with Polysolvent immediately after Touch dry & [hours] 4-5 -
application. Hardened materials can be removed
Full cure, [days] 7 -
mechanically only.
Standard compliance ASTM C 957
STORAGE & SHELF LIFE All values given are subject to 5-10% tolerance
Store all material in a cool, covered dry place. Do not expose
the pails to direct sunlight and keep away from all sources of
heat. In tropical climatic conditions, the product has to be stored
in an airconditioned environment and protected from high Apart from the information given here it is also important to observe the relevant
humidity. The shelf life of the product is 12 months in unopened guidelines and regulations of various organisations and trade associations as
well as the respective standards. The aforementioned characteristics are based
condition if stored as per the recommendations. Exposure on practical experience and applied testing. Warranted properties and possible
to high temperature and humidity will result in considerable uses which go beyond those warranted in this information sheet require our
deterioration of the product and reduce its shelf life. written confirmation. All data given was obtained at an ambient and material
temperature of +23°C and 50 % relative air humidity at laboratory conditions
unless specified otherwise. Please note that under other climatic conditions
HEALTH & SAFETY hardening can be accelerated or delayed.
The information contained herein, particularly recommendations for the
handling and use of our products, is based on our professional experience.
As materials and conditions may vary with each intended application, and
thus are beyond our sphere of influence, we strongly recommend that in each
case sufficient tests are conducted to check the suitability of our products
for their intended use. Legal liability cannot be accepted on the basis of the
contents of this data sheet or any verbal advice given, unless there is a case
of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on our part. This technical data sheet
supersedes all previous editions relevant to this product.

Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 293, Umm Al Quwain, UAE

Tel:+971(6)76 70 777; Fax:+971(6)76 70 197; [email protected]
Henkel Polybit Industries Ltd.; PO Box: 5911, Dammam-31432, KSA
Tel:+96613808 4061 / 62, Fax: +966 13 812 1164; [email protected]

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