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Christian Notes

Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011

Weogufka Second Baptist Church


astor’s Corner Quint Varner, Chairman

P Brother Brandon Baird Deacon’s Ministry
I always enjoy focusing on the sacrifice Spring is just around the corner. The
Christ made for each of us and how He birds are singing, flowers and trees are
won victory over death, hell and the beginning to bloom. This is the time of
grave. My prayer is that each and every the year that life begins anew. As we
person reading this “Newsletter” has look around at the beauty God created we
come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as should also take a look at ourselves.
Savior. If you have not, my prayer is that What areas of our lives do we need to
you will take a good look at what Jesus renew? Is it a relationship with a family
did for you on Calvary and what He member or co-worker, or is it our
wants to do for you today! May Spring relationship with God? We should
bring a renewing of God’s Spirit in each always want to strive to have a
one of your lives. relationship with our heavenly father that
God Bless, is vibrant, refreshing and pleasing unto
him. We should all take the time to
Brother Brandon
refresh and renew our relationship with
Quint Varner, Chairman
March 13 ......Wedding “Kitchen
Shower” for Jessica McGalliard from
1:30 - 3:00.

Wedding Basket......A Wedding Basket

has been placed in the vestibule to collect
presents for Thomas Helm and Katie
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011

Paul Dunsieth, Director Kelley Wright, Leader

Sunday School Children in Action (CIA)

What’s the best resolution you could We are so excited about Wednesday
make for the new year that will last for nights! The CIA is for kids in the first
the rest of their life? Praising God and through the sixth grade. We are learning
leading people in the direction of about missionaries and the work they do
knowing Christ. Invite them to Sunday and also how we can do mission work
School. Southern Baptist Association right here at home. Please come and join
studies show if a person is coming to us. We have a blast and you can learn a
Sunday School they are likely to accept lot and earn “Bible Bucks” to spend at the
Christ and join the church later. So its Bible Bucks store at the end of every
easy to say come to Sunday School with month. There are several ways to earn
me. Talk about the discussion of those Bible Bucks....come and join us.
previous lessons, and how they help in
everyday life. See you in Sunday School God Bless
and help lead someone to the gift of Kelley
eternal life.
Paul Dunsieth Children’s Church
Children’s Church Schedule
Linda Green
Women on Missions 03/6/2011 Darlene’s Team
03/13-2011 Brooke’s Team
The Women on Missions met February 03/20/2011 Lisa’s Team
20th at the church. A report was given on 03/27-2011 Brenda’s Team
John and Pat Gordy that are missionaries
in China. Their prayer request were read NOTE: If you swap a week with
and a prayer made to God for each someone please let Brooke know.
request. Our projects for the month of
March are the Annie Armstrong Offering Musical Notes
and the items (baby bath) for the Judy Stocks
Resources for Women. The week of
prayer for North American Missions is Judy and Ollie Stocks are a gift to our
March 6-13. We will have our mission music ministry. We are so very thankful
focus for the week on Wednesday night to have them join us in song as we lift
March 9 at 6:30 p.m. Come join us for a our voices to our Lord and Savior, Jesus
look at the work being done on the Christ. Judy will be back in the April
mission field in North America. Newsletter.

God Bless, Linda Green Make a Joyful Noise

4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011
Church Fund Raiser become when they grew up. The first little
“Play Ground Project” tree looked up at the stars and said: " I want
Brooke Baird, Director to hold treasure. I want to be covered with
gold and filled with precious stones. I'll be
We still have those traditional Cook Books to the most beautiful treasure chest in the
sell. We are encouraging our members to world!" The second little tree looked out at
“sign out” and sell a number of Cook Books the small stream trickling by on it's way to
to help with the fund raising. Please call the ocean. " I want to be traveling mighty
Brooke Baird, who has been elected the waters and carrying powerful kings. I'll be
Director of the Play Ground Project, at the strongest ship in the world! The third
256-404-8219, to help with this much needed little tree looked down into the valley below
fund raiser. where busy men and women worked in a
busy town. I don't want to leave the mountain
Business Meetings top at all. I want to grow so tall that when
Business meetings are held the second people stop to look at me they'll raise their
Monday of every month at 6:00 pm. Please eyes to heaven and think of God. I will be the
bring a covered dish for supper and tallest tree in the world.
fellowship before the meeting.
Years, passed. The rain came, the sun shone
The next meeting: Monday, March 14th and the little trees grew tall. One day three
wood cutters climbed the mountain. The first
wood cutter looked at the first tree and said,
Yoder’s Family Traditions
"This tree is beautiful. It is perfect for me."
Debe Hooley from Yoder’s Family Traditions
With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree
and Gifts is offering various craft classes at
fell. "Now I shall make a beautiful chest, I
her shop. We encourage you to stop by and
shall hold wonderful treasure!" the first tree
visit Debe. See her collection of unique jams
and jellies and much more. Call Debe at 245-
7345 The second wood cutter looked at the second
tree and said, "This tree is strong. It's perfect
Neighborhood Watch for me." With a swoop of his shining ax, the
The monthly meeting for the Community second tree fell. "Now I shall sail mighty
Neighborhood Watch is held on the 3 rd waters!" thought the second tree. " I shall be
Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm in the a strong ship for mighty kings!"
Weogufka School Lunchroom. All area The third tree felt her heart sink when the last
residents are invited to attend. Just bring a wood cutter looked her way. She stood
covered dish for supper. straight and tall and pointed bravely to
heaven. But the wood cutter never even
STORY TIME looked up. "Any kind of tree will do for me."
He muttered. With a swoop of his shining ax,
The Three Trees the third tree fell.
Once upon a mountain top, three little trees The first tree rejoiced when the wood cutter
stood and dreamed of what they wanted to brought her to a carpenter's shop. But the
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011
carpenter fashioned the tree into a feed box One Friday morning, the third tree was
for animals. The once beautiful tree was not startled when her beams were yanked from
covered with gold, or treasure. She was the forgotten wood pile. She flinched as she
coated with saw dust and filled with hay for was carried through an angry jeering crowd.
hungry farm animals. The second tree smiled She shuddered when soldiers nailed a man's
when the wood cutter took her to a shipyard, hand to her. She felt ugly and harsh and
but no mighty sailing ship was made that day. cruel. But on Sunday morning, when the sun
Instead the once strong tree was hammered rose and the earth trembled with joy beneath
and awed into a simple fishing boat. She was her, the third tree knew that God's love had
too small and too weak to sail to an ocean, or changed everything. It had made the third
even a river, instead she was taken to a little tree strong. And every time people thought of
lake. The third tree was confused when the the third tree, they would think of God. That
wood cutter cut her into strong beams and left was better than being the tallest tree in the
her in a lumberyard. "What happened?" The world.
once tall tree wondered. " All I ever wanted
was to stay on the mountain top and point to The next time you feel down because you
God..." didn't get what you wanted, sit tight and be
happy because God is thinking of something
Many days and nights passed. The three trees better to give you.
nearly forgot their dreams. But one night,
golden starlight poured over the first tree as a
young woman placed her newborn baby in
the feed box. "I wish I could make a cradle
for him." Her husband whispered. The
mother squeezed his hand and smiled as the
starlight shone on the smooth and sturdy
wood. " This manger is beautiful." She said.
And suddenly the first tree knew he was
holding the greatest treasure in the world.
One evening a tired traveler and his friends
crowded into the old fishing boat. The
traveler fell asleep as the second tree quietly
sailed out into the lake. Soon a thundering
and a thrashing storm arose. The little tree
shuddered. She new she did not have the
strength to carry so many passengers safely
through the wind and the rain. The tired man
awoke. He stood up, stretched out his hand,
and said, "Peace." The storm stopped as
quickly as it had begun. And suddenly the
second tree knew he was carrying the king of
heaven and earth.
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011

I sat down and looked to my left and there

sat My Attorney, kind and gentle looking
man whose appearance seemed so familiar
to me, I felt I knew Him.
The corner door flew open and there
appeared the Judge in full flowing robes.
He commanded an awesome presence as
He moved across the room I couldn't take
my eyes off Him.
As He took His seat behind the bench, He
said, 'Let us begin.'
The prosecutor rose and said,
'My name is Satan and I am here to show
you why this man belongs in hell.'
He proceeded to tell of lies that I told,
things that I stole, and In the past when I
cheated others. Satan told of other horrible
Perversions that were once in my life and
the more he spoke, the further down in my
seat I sank.
I was so embarrassed that I couldn't look
Hi Dad at anyone, even my own Attorney, as the
Devil told of sins that even I had
completely forgotten about.
After living what I felt was a 'decent' life,
my time on earth came to the end. As upset as I was at Satan for telling all
these things about me, I was equally upset
The first thing I remember is sitting on a
at My Attorney who sat there silently not
bench in the waiting room of what I
offering any form of defense at all.
thought to be a court house.
I know I had been guilty of those things,
The doors opened and I was instructed to
but I had done some good in my life -
come in and have a seat by the defense
couldn't that at least equal out part of the
table. As I looked around I saw the
harm I'd done?
Satan finished with a fury and said, 'This
He was a villainous looking gent who
man belongs in hell, he is guilty of all that
snarled as he stared at me. He definitely
I have charged and there is not a person
was the most evil person I have ever
who can prove otherwise.'
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011

When it was His turn, My Attorney first The Judge lifted His mighty hand and
asked if He might approach the bench. slammed the gavel down. The following
The Judge allowed this over the strong words bellowed from His lips...
objection of Satan, and beckoned Him to 'This man is free. The penalty for him has
come forward.. already been paid in full. 'Case dismissed.'
As He got up and started walking, I was
able to see Him in His full splendor and As my Lord led me away, I could hear
majesty. Satan ranting and raving, 'I won't give up,
I realized why He seemed so familiar; I will win the next one.'
this was Jesus representing me, my Lord I asked Jesus as He gave me my
and my Savior. instructions where to go next, 'Have you
He stopped at the bench and softly said ever lost a case?'
to the Judge, 'Hi, Dad,' and then He Christ lovingly smiled and said, 'Everyone
turned to address the court. that has come to Me and asked Me to
'Satan was correct in saying that this man represent them has received the same
had sinned, I won't deny any of these verdict as you, ~Paid In Full~'
allegations. And, yes, the wages of sin is If you do not pass this along to 10 people
death, and this man deserves to be immediately, absolutely nothing will
punished.' happen ..
Jesus took a deep breath and turned to Passing this on to anyone you consider a
His Father with outstretched arms and friend,
proclaimed, 'However, I died on the
cross so that this person might have (As I have done here), will bless you both.
eternal life and he has accepted Me as his
Savior, so he is Mine.' Stop telling God how big your storm is.
My Lord continued with, 'His name is Instead, tell the storm how big your God
written in the Book of Life, and no one is!
can snatch him from Me.
Satan still does not understand yet. This
man is not to be given justice, but rather
As Jesus sat down, He quietly paused,
looked at His Father and said, 'There is
nothing else that needs to be done.'
'I've done it all.'
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011
4 Volume 1 Number 16 March 2011

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