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Inquiries, Investigation,
and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 2 - Lesson 2
Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions
and Making Recommendations
(Forming and Writing Logical Conclusions)
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Quarter 2 Module 2 - Lesson 2: Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations
(Forming and Writing Logical Conclusions)

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Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module


Devie A. Batangoso – Pamplona National High School

1. Gilda A. Castañeda – Dalipay High School
2. Angustia P. Oraa – Visita de Salog High School
3. Gemma A. Realo – Don Mariano C. Veneracion National High School

1. Preciosa R. Dela Vega, EPS-English, SDO Camarines Sur
2. Jeanette M. Romblon, EPS I - English, SDO Masbate City

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2. Mary Jane S. San Agustin – Fundado Elementary School

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Module Reporting Findings, Drawing Conclusions and
Making Recommendations
2 Lesson 2- Forming and Writing Logical Conclusions

This module will help the learners form and write logical conclusions of their
research study.

Learning Target

In this module, you are expected to form and write logical conclusions of your
research study.

Vocabulary List

The following term will be encountered in the lesson:

Logical Conclusions
shows the readers the value of completely developed argument or thesis
not a summary of work but a listing of major outcomes derived from the study
does not state what has been done in the study instead it brings out the
outcome of the results and discussion in terms of statements
the answer to the main problem of the study

Warming Up

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.Write your answer
in a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. In technical or academic writing, a well-crafted conclusion can provide the
final word on the value of your analysis, research or paper.
_____2. Researchers should not complete their conclusions with conviction.
_____3. Many times, the abstract and conclusions are performed for a quick
assessment of the usefulness of the paper by the readers.
_____4. Conclusion section must be written with utmost importance.
_____5. The concluding part is comprised of the abstract, summary of findings,
conclusion and recommendation.

Learning About It
These are some information to help you understand the ways to end your
research study with your conclusions.

After learning the means to form findings from a given research problem,
you are now ready to form logical conclusions on a given research study.

A well-written conclusion provides you with important opportunities to

demonstrate to the reader your understanding of the research problem. According to
Bunton (2005), these will include the following:

1. Present the last word on the issues or gaps raised in your paper. Just as the
introduction gives a first impression to your reader, the conclusion offers a chance
to leave a lasting impression. You can do this by highlighting key points in your
analysis or results or by noting important or unexpected implications applied to
2. Summarize your thought and convey the larger significance of your study.
The conclusion is an opportunity to concisely answer the “So What?” question by
placing the study within the context of past research about the topic you’ve
3. Identify how a gap in the literature has been addressed. The conclusion can
be where you describe how a previously identified gap in the literature has been
filled by your research.
4. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas. The conclusion offers you the
opportunity to elaborate on the impact and significance of your findings.
5. Introduce possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the research
problem. This does not refer to introducing new information but to offer new
insights and creative approaches for framing or contextualizing the research
problem based on the results of your study.

In writing the conclusion of your paper, the following general rules are
a. State your conclusion clearly in simple language. State how your findings differ
or support those others and why.
b. Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion of your results. Provide
a synthesis of arguments presented in the paper to show how these converge
to address the research problem and the overall objectives of your study.
c. Indicate opportunities for future research if you haven’t already done so in the
discussion section of your paper. Highlighting the need for further research
provides the reader with evidence that you have an in-depth awareness of the
research problem.

Consider the following points to help ensure your conclusion is appropriate:
1. If the argument or purpose of your paper is complex, you may need to
summarize the argument for your reader.
2. If prior to your conclusion, you have not yet explained the significance of your
findings or if you are proceeding inductively, use the end of your paper to
describe your main points and explain their significance.
3. Move from detailed to a general level of consideration that returns the topic to
the context provided by the introduction or within a new context that emerges
from the data.

Essentially, the conclusion contains insights drawn from the findings of each
problem. These insights answer the questions presented at the beginning of the
research paper. However, the conclusion to be drawn should not come from the
indirect implications of the study. It should be limited within the information actually
yielded by the conducted investigations.
The following are the conclusions of a research conducted to Le Thanh Hien
High School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety.

Findings Conclusions
1. The students were not given 1. Students spoke very little or
enough time to prepare for a not at all
speaking task before the task
was performed.
2. When the students were asked to 2. Students could not think of
work in groups, not all of them anything to say
were eager to contribute their
opinions in English. Some of
them participated actively but the
others spoke very little or not at
3. They tended to use Vietnamese 3. Students used Vietnamese
when they discussed in groups. instead of English when
they discuss in groups or in
4. While the students were making 4. Students’ participation was
performances, the other students low or uneven.
in class did not listen attentively.
They even chatted with the
people next to them when their
classmates were speaking.
5. The students looked very 5. Students did not have
nervous when they spoke in front motivation to express
of the class. Sometimes, they did themselves.
not know what to say then kept

Keeping You in Practice

Forming and Writing Conclusions

Observe the following rubrics for Practice Task 1, 2 and 3:
Content ------------------------------------------------------ 30
Organization of the Content --------------------------- 30
Presentation of Ideas ------------------------------------ 20
Completeness of Presentation ------------------------ 20
Total ---------------------------------------------------------100 points

Practice Task 1: Let us conclude!

Write your conclusions on the given findings of your research study.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.

Title: __________________________________________

2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________

Practice Task 2: Freedom of Conclusion

Try to express your ideas on possible conclusions given the title and stated
findings of the given study. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.
Title: Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in Pamplona,
Camarines Sur.

1. The researchers found out that majority of the suicide victims in Pamplona
Camarines Sur are male.
2. The researchers found out that most of them are adults.
3. The researchers found out that most of the suicide victims in Pamplona,
Camarines Sur are single.

1. ______________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________

Additional Tasks

Observe the following rubrics for Practice Task 1, 2 & 3:

Content ----------------------------------------------------- 30
Organization of the Content --------------------------- 30
Presentation of Ideas ------------------------------------ 20
Completeness of Presentation ------------------------ 20
Total ---------------------------------------------------------100 points

Task 1: Think, Decide & Share

Try to express your ideas on possible conclusions given the title
and stated findings of the given study
Title: Road Operation: Its Effects to the Residents of Poblacion, Pamplona,
Camarines Sur
1. The researchers found out that most of the affected residents are located along
the main road. Almost of them have one or less property that was damaged by
the road operation. Also the commonly damaged property was stores.
2. The researchers found out that there are positive effects that the Road
Widening brings to the residents including safety, comfortable travel, additional
lanes, remove obstruction, reduce accidents, and increase investment and so
3. The researchers found out that there are several negative impacts that the
Road Widening brings toward the residents such as it damages properties,
causes relocation issues, disturbance, it may lead to financial instability, and


Cooling Down

Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. Write your answer in
a separate sheet of paper.
_____1. To draw conclusions from evidence, look closely at the data or evidence
presented and consider carefully how the evidence was obtained.
_____2. The data and other evidence along with the question and answer choices
lead you to the conclusion.
_____3. Conclusion is not a summary of the researchers’ findings.
_____4. The purpose of results section is to present and illustrate the findings.
_____5. Make the conclusion section a completely subjective report of the results, and
use all interpretation for the discussion.
_____6. Conclusions provide a context, such as by describing the question that was
addressed by making a particular observation.
_____7. Conclusion does not describe results of control experiment.
_____8. Conclusion includes observations that are not presented in a formal figure or
_____9. The conclusion to be drawn should not come from the indirect implications of
the study.
_____10. Conclusion section should not be stated in a way that reader will in no way
doubt the correctness of the entire research study.

Learning Challenge

Task 1: Provide the required information below. Refer to your proposed research
study. Write your answer in a separate sheet.

1. Proposed Research: ___________________________________________

2. Write the summary of the findings section of your research paper below
b. _____________________________

3. Write the conclusion section of your research below

a. _______________________________
b. _______________________________
c. _______________________________

Task 2: Provide the needed statements on the following items: Write your answer in
a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is a recommendation?
2. Give an example of a research study title.
3. Provide the findings and conclusions of the given research study.

Points to Ponder

It is a part of the study that contains insight drawn from findings in each sub-
problem and summarizes the principal features of the study

Answer Key

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F

Practice Task 1:
Title: Emotions and Stress: Coping Mechanisms of the Senior High School Students
in Pamplona National High School
1. The most frequent cause of the Emotional Problems and Stress of the Senior
High School students are the school requirements.
2. There are students who perceived that their stresses have good impact on
them. They take the stressors in a positive way by making it a motivation which
proves that Eustress (a positive form of stress having a beneficial effect on
health, motivation, performance and emotional well-being) exist.
3. Students that are exposed to emotional problems and stress are more likely to
experience health related problems such as headache and being sluggish and
they became inattentive on the discussion.

1. Most of the Senior High School students are experiencing emotional problems
and stress due to the school requirements.
2. There are students who are taking their stress in a positive way and make it
their motivation to strive harder and to cope with it.
3. Emotional problems and stress may be the cause of the student’s
inattentiveness during class hours and may lead to health-related problems.

Practice Task 2:
Title: Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in Pamplona,
Camarines Sur.

4. The researchers found out that majority of the suicide victims in Pamplona
Camarines Sur are male.
5. The researchers found out that most of them are adults.
6. The researchers found out that most of the suicide victims in Pamplona,
Camarines Sur are single.

1. The researchers therefore conclude that there are more males who committed
suicide because they are not showy and it is hard for them to share their
problems to anyone because of the idea that as a man they should know on
how to deal and solve problems.
2. The researchers therefore conclude that adults are more prone to suicide
because they experience more difficult and challenging problems in life.
3. The researchers therefore conclude that the reason why there are more singles
who committed suicide is because of their love life that make their life
complicated and also because of the pressure and expectations coming from
their family.

Additional Tasks
Title: Road Operation: Its Effects to the Residents of Poblacion

1. The researchers found out that most of the affected residents are located along
the main road. Almost all of them have one or less property that was damage
by the road operation and also the commonly damaged property was stores.
2. The researchers found out that there are positive effects that the Road
Widening brings to the residents including safety, comfortable travel, gave
additional lanes, remove obstruction, reduce accidents, and increase
investment and so on.
3. The researchers found out that there are several negative impacts that the
Road Widening brings toward the residents such as it damages properties,
causes relocation issues, disturbance, it may lead to financial problem of the

1. The researchers therefore conclude that those respondents that are nearer to
the road have the higher possibility of being affected by such Road Operations
and the lesser the properties that the residents have, the lesser the damage it
may have.

1. T 6. T
2. T 7. F
3. F 8. T
4. T 9. T
5. F 10. F

Learning Challenges
1. Task 1: Proposed Research: The Benefits of Cellphone to CSS 11 and 12 of
Pamplona National High School

2. Write the summary of the findings section of your research paper below

a. Almost all of the CSS 11 and 12 students of Pamplona National High

School used cellphone in their daily life.
b. Cellphone is effective for stress reliever through gaming apps, live
streaming. Listening to music you can escape from reality.

c. Using cellphone the intellectual aspects be improved. The students

collaborate new ideas, learn new things and improve their language skills.

3. Write the conclusions section of your research below

a. The researchers conclude that the respondents used cellphone daily because
it is their way to communicate and interact.
b. Cellphone is the fastest and easy way to find some help in case of emergency
or if you need someone to talk.
c. The students learn new things, gain new ideas and improve their language skills
therefore the students become more wittier.

Task 2:
1. What is a recommendation?

Recommendation is the act of saying that someone or something is good and

deserves to be chosen. It is a suggestion about what should be done. It is a
suggestion or proposal about the best course of action.

2. Give an example research study title?

"NEGOSYO, TRABAHO, KOLEHIYO: Senior High School students of Pamplona
National High School S/Y 2018 - 2019.

3. Provide the findings and conclusions of the given research study.

1. Researchers found out that a lot of students have a plan to pursue in college rather
than to be employed or to enter the world of Entrepreneurship.
2. The researchers found out that the most factor that affects the students plan after
graduation in Senior High School is because of their personal choice.
3. The researchers determined that there were high percentages of students who are
satisfied on their plan after graduating in Senior High School here in Pamplona
National High School.

1. Researchers concluded that the Grade 12 students truly believed and satisfied that
through entering in college is the key that can give them a lot of opportunities to
ensure employment and to have a victorious life.
2. The researchers concluded that personal interest, beliefs, character, skills and
intelligence of most students really showed up in planning and deciding for their
own career to pursue after finishing their Senior High School.
3. The researchers concluded that a huge number of students will go in their respective
path to track with so much of contentment and happiness.


Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017. Enhanced

Teacher’s Manual Practical Research 1 for Senior High
School Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc.

Faltado III, Ruben E., Bombita, Medardo B., Boholano, Helen B., Pogoy,
Angeline M. (2016). Practical Research 2 Quantitative Research for Senior High
School (Applied Subject). Metro Manila: LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC.p. 119-120

Cristobal, Jr. Amadeo P., Cristobal, Maura Consolacion D. (2017). Practical

Research 1 for Senior High School. Quezon City: C & E Publishing Inc. p. 240-244;

Emotions and Stress: Coping Mechanisms of the Senior High School Students
in Pamplona National High School, Nicajoy Reyes, 2019, Pamplona National High
School, Camarines Sur

Road Operation: Its effects to the Residents of Poblacion, Jay Ann Delos

Angeles, 2019, Pamplona National High School, Camarines Sur

Chasing Death: Factors Influencing a Person to Commit Suicide in Pamplona,

Camarines Sur, Ralph Dela Torre, 2020, Pamplona National High school, Camarines

Factors Affecting Students’ Speaking Performance at Le Thanh Hien High

School” by Nguyen Hoang Tuan and Tran Ngoc Mai retrieved from Asian Journal of
Educational Research, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015


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