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Footnote & Endnote

Footnote and endnote can be considered advanced learning in word processing because it
needs a bit of learning first the basics in word. Like spacing, indention, and the like for you to have a
better grasp in footnoting and endnote. This particular activity in word processing is very common
when you are doing your research paper or term in a school activity. Both footnotes and endnotes
are common writing tool features implemented when using various citation styles. It provides
writers with a clear method in directing the reader to further information on the research topic and
additional citations. Though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, footnotes and endnotes
have a few key differences.

In this module, you are guided with a set of learning icons that will help you
understand the underlying principles of advanced word processing.

What I Need to Do – this icon is used to introduce the learning objectives in this

What’s In – this icon is used to connect your previous learning with the new

What’s New – this icon is used to introduce a new lesson through a story, an
activity, a poem, song, situation, or activity.

What is It – this icon will help you discover and understand advanced word

What’s More – this icon will help enrich your learning of advanced word

What I Have Learned – this icon will help you process what you have learned in
the lesson.
What I Can Do – this icon allows you to apply what you have learned to real-life

Assessment – this icon evaluates your level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities – this icon enhances your learning and improves your
mastery of the lesson.

What I Need to know

Before we begin our lesson, can you tell me if do you have any idea of what a
footnote and endnote are? Is there any difference in using it? Write it on a
clean sheet of paper and send it through the attached file at this email address:
[email protected]. (All answers will be accepted)
What is it?

Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnotes and endnotes provide referencing information for a specific text in a document.
Footnotes appear at the bottom of the page on which the reference mark appears; endnote at the
end of a section or document.

Inserting Footnote

The following explains how to insert a footnote on a page:

1. Click in the document at the location where you want the footnote reference mark to
e.g. the higher will be the level of income. The cursor must position after the
period then follow step 2.
2. Click the Reference Tab.
3. In the Footnote group, click Insert Footnote.

Figure 1 – Insert Footnote

4. The footnote number automatically appears if it is the first footnote number to be inserted.
5. But, if the footnote number is a continuation footnote from the previous chapter you have
to type in the Footnote entry the number of the footnote. (continue step 6 & 7)
6. If there are changes that you want to make in the location or appearance of the footnotes,
click the Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box Launcher.
7. Make the changes, and then click Apply.

Figure 2 – Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box



Requirements for the hands-on activity:

1. Below is your first hands-on activity that you have to encode (type) in the Microsoft Word
program. Choose any version of MS Word that you are familiar with. It is good enough to
use the one that is available (installed) on your laptop or desktop computer.
2. In doing your hands-on make sure that you take a video while doing your activity. To ensure
that you are the one doing it.
3. The video must have clear footage of how you do the steps or sequence in inserting
4. Save it with filename: HO#1_FOOTNOTE. (YOUR NAME) e.g. HO#1_FOOTNOTE.JUAN CRUZ
5. Submit your video in this email:
HANDS-ON # 1 Inserting Footnote

The “Keynesian Theory” of Income Determination considers the central problem in macro-
economics as the determination of income and employment of a nation as a whole. That is why
modern economists also called macro-economic as the Theory of Income Determination. Keynesian
believes that in the short run the level of income of an economy depends on the level of
employment. The highest level of employment, the higher will be the level of income.1 The theory
supports the present study. It tries to explain the benefits of employment-focused livelihood
projects which are also assumed to employ the community.
The Geographical Theory postulated that poor countries are poor because of geographic
location. This also a left-wing theory; and it claims strategic geographic location is the key to
development. Things like access to the ocean, navigable rivers, fertile soil, and raw materials.2 The
theory tries also to explain the study in terms of the location.
Another is Adam's Equity Theory. This equity theory states that people are motivated when
they are treated equitably, and receive what they consider fair for their effort and cost. The theory
suggested by Adam (1995) and based on Social Exchange Theory.3 According to this theory, people
compare their contribution to work costs of their activities and the benefits that will result to the
contribution and benefits of the reference person.

Keynesian Theories of Growth. Retrieve from: Extracted: September 30, 2018.
Golledge, Reginald G., International Social Science Journal., Geographic Theories (1996)., Extracted: September 30, 2018.
European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administration Sciences-Issue46 (2012).
Extracted: September 30, 2018.
What’s More

Activity 2 Self- Assessment

Direction: Find out if you can identify what part of the Word 2010 interface
is the following. Write the letter of your choice.

a. ____1. Quick Access Toolbar

____2. Ribbon
b. ____3. Status bar

____4. Tab

c. ____5. Dialog Box Launcher

____6. Contextual tab




Now, that you are finished accomplishing the module, let us check what
you have learned. Answer the questions given below by encircling the letter of
the correct answer.

1. A button in the Ribbon is used to reveal additional tools available for use in that section of the
a. Quick Access Toolbar c. Tab
b. Dialog Box Launcher d. Status bar
2. It gives a quick look at word count, running macros, and the number of lines being edited.
a. Ribbon c. Status bar
b. Tab d. Mini Toolbar
3. The panel that contains functional groupings of buttons and dropdown lists organized by tabs.
a. Ribbon c. Backstage
b. Gallery d. Office Button
4. A semi-transparent toolbar that appears when you select text
a. Gallery c. Zoom button
b. Tab d. Mini Toolbar
5. A collection of pre-defined formats that can be applied to various elements in Office applications,
such as the Styles Gallery in Word.
a. Gallery c. Office Button
b. Ribbon d. Status bar
6. Building your tab is one of the new features of Word 2010.
a. True
b. False
7. All except one does not belong when you are viewing the Backstage.
a. Save and close documents c. Delete information about documents
b. Print documents d. See recent files created and edited
8. All except one does not belong when you insert a footnote.
a. Reference Tab c. Citation
b. Insert Footnote d. type the footnote number if it is a continuation from
the previous chapter
9. A footnote appear at the bottom of the page on which the reference mark appears.
a. True
b. False
10. If there are changes that you want to make in the location or appearance of the footnotes, you
can click ____________.
a. Footnote c. Endnote
b. Footnote and Endnote Dialog Box Launcher. D. Citation

Congratulations! You have completed Module 2. Please proceed

to Module 3 and learn about Footnote and Endnote.

Albano, Gisela May A., Atole, Ronnel R., and Ariola, Rose Joy Y.: Introduction to Information
Technology. Trinitas Publishing, Inc., for Philippine Association of State Universities and
Colleges (PASUC).

Ambros, Ann, and Wells, Dolores J., Computer Concepts Basics 3rd Edition.

O’Leary, Timothy J., O’Leary, Linda I., and O’Leary, Daniel A.: Computing Essentials Making IT
work for you Complete 2015. (McGraw-Hill Education).

Reynolds, George, and Stair, Ralph: Introduction to Information System (Cengage Learning)


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