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Case Title: Atty. Edita Noe-Lacsamana vs. Atty Yolanda Busmente 
Ticker: Nagpanggap na Atty yung paralegal

This is a disbarment case file by Atty. Noe Lacsamana against Atty. Busmente before the IBP.

  Atty. Lacsamana was the counsel for Irene Bides, the plaintiff in Civil Case, while Atty. Busmente
was the counsel for the defendant Imelda B. Ulaso (Ulaso).
 Atty. Lacsamana alleged that one Atty. Elizabeth Dela Rosa or Atty. Liza Dela Rosa (Dela Rosa)
would accompany Ulaso in court, projecting herself as Busmente’s collaborating counsel.
 Aside from that Dela Rosa signed the minutes of the court proceedings in Civil Case for nine times
from November 2003 to February 2005. She further alleged that the court orders and notices
specified Dela Rosa as Busmente’s collaborating counsel.
 However, upon verification with the Court and the IBP, she discovered that Dela Rosa was not a

 So Atty.Busmente then alleged that Dela Rosa was a law graduate and was his paralegal assistant
for a few years. That Dela Rosa’s employment with him actually ended in 2000 but Dela Rosa was
able to continue misrepresenting herself as a lawyer with the help of Regine Macasieb (Macasieb),
Busmente’s former secretary.

 He further alleged that he did not represent Ulaso in the Civil Case and that his signature in the
Answer presented as proof by Noe-Lacsamana was forged.
The IBP Commission on Bar Discipline (IBP-CBD) conducted its investigation and provide the
following Report and Recommendation:

 They found that Dela Rosa was not a lawyer and that she represented Ulaso as Busmente’s
collaborating counsel in Civil Case.
 That while Busmente claimed that Dela Rosa no longer worked for him since 2000, there was no
proof of her separation from employment. 
 The IBP-CBD also found that notices from the MTC San Juan, as well as the pleadings of the case,
were all sent to Busmente’s designated office address.
 The IBP-CBD also noted that Macasieb was still working at Busmente’s office in November 2003.
However, even if Macasieb resigned in November 2003, Dela Rosa continued to represent Ulaso
until 2005, which belied Busmente’s allegation that Dela Rosa was able to illegally practice law
using his office address without his knowledge and only due to Dela Rosa’s connivance with
 With all these findings, IBP-CBD recommended Busmente’s suspension from the practice of
law for not less than five years.
 Hence this case.

Whether Busmente is guilty of directly or indirectly assisting Dela Rosa in her illegal practice of law

that warrants his suspension from the practice of law. YES
Arguments Ruling


  As pointed out by the IBP-CBD, Busmente claimed that Macasieb resigned from his
office in 2003. Yet, Dela Rosa continued to represent Ulaso until 2005. Also, pleadings
and court notices were still sent to Busmente’s office until 2005. So the IBP-CBD noted
that Dela Rosa’s practice should have ended in 2003 when Macasieb left.
o The December 2004 Order in Civil Case Showed that Atty. Elizabeth Dela Rosa
was still representing Ulaso in the case.It would have been impossible for Dela
Rosa to continue representing Ulaso in the case, considering Busmente’s claim
that Macasieb already resigned, if Dela Rosa had no access to the files in
Busmente’s office.
o Busmente submitted a copy of the NBI report stating that the signature on the
Answer submitted in Civil Case and the specimen signatures submitted by
Busmente were not written by one and the same person. The report shows that
Busmente only submitted to the NBI the questioned signature in the Answer. The
IBP-CBD report, however, showed that there were other documents signed by
Busmente submitted by Noe-Lacsamana.The documents all signed by Busmente
failed to impugn his signatures in these other documents.

o Finally, Busmente claimed that he was totally unaware of the Civil Case and he
only came to know about the case when Ulaso went to his office to inquire about
its status. Busmente’s allegation contradicted the Joint Counter-Affidavit submitted
by Ulaso: 
“ g. That from the start of our acquaintance with ELIZABETH DELA ROSA we
never ask her whether she was a real lawyer and allowed to practice law in the
Philippines; it would have been unethical and shameful on our part to ask her
qualification; we just presumed that she has legal qualifications to represent
us in our cases because Atty. YOLANDO F. BUSMENTE allowed her to
accompany us and attend our hearings in short, she gave us paralegal

The counter-affidavit clearly showed that Busmente was the legal counsel in Civil Case
and that he allowed Dela Rosa to give legal assistance to Ulaso.
Final Ruling: Hence, we agree with the findings of the IBP-CBD that there was
sufficient evidence to prove that Busmente was guilty of violation of Canon 9 of
the Code of Professional Responsibility.
WHEREFORE, we SUSPEND Atty. Yolando F. Busmente from the practice of law
Canon 9 of the Code of Professional Responsibility states:

Canon 9. A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly, assist in the unauthorized practice of law.
The Court ruled that the term "practice of law" implies customarily or habitually holding oneself out to the
public as a lawyer for compensation as a source of livelihood or in consideration of his services.
The lawyer’s duty to prevent, or at the very least not to assist in, the unauthorized practice of law is
founded on public interest and policy. Public policy requires that the practice of law be limited to those
individuals found duly qualified in education and character. The permissive right conferred on the lawyer is
an individual and limited privilege subject to withdrawal if he fails to maintain proper standards of moral
and professional conduct. The purpose is to protect the public, the court, the client, and the bar from the
incompetence or dishonesty of those unlicensed to practice law and not subject to the disciplinary control
of the Court. It devolves upon a lawyer to see that this purpose is attained. Thus, the canons and ethics of
the profession enjoin him not to permit his professional services or his name to be used in aid of, or to
make possible the unauthorized practice of law by, any agency, personal or corporate. And, the law makes
it a misbehavior on his part, subject to disciplinary action, to aid a layman in the unauthorized practice of

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