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Christina Latham-Koenig
clive охепdеп
Jеrry LаmЬегt
with Jane Hudson



Епgl|яh Fil


Ch ristina Latham-Koenig
clive oxenden
Jеrry LаmЬегt
with Jane Hudson
Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden
, are the original co-authors of
\ English File Йпd Епglish File 2
Contents /
4 А ýating iп"",апd cut 40 А ý*h!nd th* sqеп*g
7 В lИ**lgrаз {*rrrЕ{iеg 4з В Еvегу pi*ture t*lis а story
10 Practical English Episode 1 Meeting the parents
11 Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1

12 А Spertdi*g mýпФу 46 А Live алd lееrп
15 В *hапgiпЕ iiv*s 49 в Тhе hote! of Гйum апd Ёаd
52 Practical Епglish Episode 4 Boys' night out
5з Сап you remember.,.? ]-7

18 А ýurчiче the drivq 54 А The riýht job {оr у**
21 8 flЛеrt, wýrytёп, апd gtrэildrеrэ 57 В Harg* а пiсе dayi
l+ Practical Епglish Episode 2 А di{ficult ce|ebrity
25 Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-3

26 А Bad гпаппеrs? 60 А Lucky епсошпtеr;
29 В Yеs, l *ап! бЗ В Digitaldetox
66 Practical English Episode 5 Unexpected events
67 Can you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-9

з2 А ýр*rtiпg ýupФrýtit;Фný об А ldols and icons

35 В #týrеw*уwегпеt 14
В And the murderer is.."
з8 Practical English Episode З Old friепds
з9 Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-5

7З Аяrswеr К*у

How to use yourWorkbook
and online practice
Student's Book
Use your.Student's Book in

class with your teacher. 7r!
l]r aо
р a о



: and usethecodeon ;

online practice
<-_ Look again at the Grammal Vocabulary, and
Pronunciation from the Student's Book before you
Practise G ram mа r, Vocab do the workbook exercises.
u lа ry, апd Pro пu псi ati о п
for every lesson. .-.-....> Listen to the audio for the pronunciation exercises.
..-.....> Use the Sound Bank videos to practise English

.{-- Watch the Practica| English videos before you

do the exercises.
Practise the PracticolEnglish for every episode.
_-------l> use the interactive video for more practical
English practice.

Do the Сап you remember.. .? exercises ........> Look again at the Grammar, Vocabulary and
to check that you remember the Grammar, Pronunciation if you have any problems.
Vocabulary, and Pronunciation every two Files.
Practise Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.

соursе overview

Eating iп...эпd out Anything is good if it's made of chocolaie,

Jo Вrапd, British соmеdiап

action and поп-асtiоп

VOCABULARY food and с Label the pictures.

@@the word that is different.
Explain why.
1 peach @ raspberries реаr
The others аrе all fruit
роrk lamb squid beef
The others аrе all _.
mеlоп cherries peach сuсumЬеr
The others аrе all _. 1 orj//ed sаlmоп 2 _egg
grееп beans beetroot cabbage duck
The others аrе all _.
lеmоп salmon 9rapes сhеrriеs
The others аrе all _.
6 courgette сrаЬ mussels prawns
The others аrе all _
Match the words frоm the list to
definitions '1-8.

aubergine avocado lobster mапgо

mеlоп red рерреr squid tt*na З potato 4 _egg

1 а large sea fish that we eat

2 а vegetable with dark рurрlе skin

а tropical fruit with hard, dark grееп skin,

soft, light grееп flesh, and а lаrgе seed

а sea animal with а soft body, eight arms, 5_ chicken 6 peas

and two tentacles
d Complete the sentences with а word frоm the list.
5 а red vegetabIe that is empty inside
fresh frоzеп low-fat rаw spicy tjfi,аed

а tropical fruit, which has а yellow and 1 we don't need tjnned tomatoes, we need fresh ones.
rеd skin and is yellow inside 2 Аrе there anv peas in the freezer?
2 l don't like _ fish, so l never eat sushi.
а sea сrеаturе with а hаrd shell and 4 Hannah's on а diet, so she's bought some _ yoghurt
eight legs to have for dessert.
We buy bread frоm the Ьаkеr's every mоrпiпg.
а large round fruit with а thick yellow оr 6 Mexican food сап Ье чеrу
grееп skin and а lot of seeds

Match the phrasalverbs iп bold in questions 1-3 PRONUNCIATION short and long
to definitions а-с.
vowel sounds
'l Аrе there апу food оr drinks you'd like to cut down
on? Which one(s)? с а write the words in the chart.
2 Have уоu еvег tried to cut out апу food оr drinks
ьее{ carton chicken chocolate cookie
completely? Which one(s)? _
сrаЬ счсumЬеr jar mango реасh pork
З Whеrе do you usually go when you want to eat out?
рrаwпs sausage squid sugar tuna
What do you usually have? _

а to stop eating something completely

ь to have lunch оr dinner in а restaurant
Ii &, ф
с to eat less of something
1 2 з 4
Апswеr the questions in е. fish tree cat саr
1 lэееf


,ýцф uIl
9 Complete the sentences. щ ф
5 6 7 8
clock horse bull boot

ь Фl"ý tisten and check. Тhеп listen again and

repeat the words.

write the words,

1 lЬэtlr{l boiled
2 !'krЪ#5!
З i'spillзil
4 lrаuзtl
5 /gгеlрsi
1 l miss drinking English tea whеп l go
6 Er:г:'tl
7 llз*.т.ktl
2 Mv favourite oizza t is ham and
8 /'rп*lээзi
З leat chocolate when l'm unhappy to сh
9 /'эшtэазi:пl

myself u_. Ф Listen and check. Тhеп listen а9аiп and
4 We sometimes eat r -m repeat the words.
food for dinner when we get home frоm wоrk late.
5 |'m а_ to peaches, so l печеr eat them.
6 Do vou ечеr qet t food frоm the chinese
restaurant оп the соrпеr?
l don't like tuna as а sandwich f

3 GRДММДR present simple and с Complete the sentences using the correct form of
continuous, action and non_action verbs а verb from the list,

оr continuous form of the verbs in brackets. not sleep sound not usе

1 l sometimes fee/ tired after luпсh. (feel) ] l can't talk now, l'm driviпg . l'll call you when
2 We _ usually late at the I get to the office.
weekend. (not get up) 2 l think уоur boyfriend is te|ling the truth - |

з vou the Тv or сап | turп it him.

off? (watch) З Can уоu turп off уоur соmрutеr if you
4 Му boss to work ечеrу mоrпiпg it?
(cycle) 4 This Ьа9 to me. ls it yours?
5 Can you call back lаtеr - l can't hеаг you. We 5 Sаrаh isn't at hоmе. She tenniS.
а раrtу' and the music is чеrу б l'm tired because l well at the
loud, (have) moment
6 Тhеrе's а mап in оuг neighbours' garden. What ]l that woman. Do you know who
he _? (do)
she is?
7 How often _ your tеасhеr 8 That music awful. Would you
you homework? (give) mind turning it down?
Bl chocolate this month. l need to
cut down on sweet things. (not eat)
d Write questions.
9 Mv mother often _ exercise. ] what / you / do right поw
(not do) what аrе vou doino riqht поw _ ?
10 Му girlfriend has stopped eatin9 snacks. She 2 whеrе / you / usually do уоur homework
to Ье healthier. (try) 1

Ь Соrrесt any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. З why / you /study English
Tick (rz) the соrrесt sentences.
'1 l like уоur jacket. ls it new? r' 4 you / think English is easy

2 something is smelling good. what аrе you making? х 5 you / епjоу the classes at the moment

SorrTething smells good.

З That cake is looking delicious. Did you make it?
6 what / you /usually do аftеr the class

4 | don't know what to cook fоr dinner. е Write ап email to уочr teacher. Use the questions
iп d to hеlр you.
5 Аrе you thinking the fish is cooked now? г--7

6 Сап l call you back? l'm having lunch right now. Hi _,

Right поw, i'm doing mу Eng/ish hоmечиоrk.
7 This soup tastes quite spicy. What's iп it?

В l'm loving all kinds of vegetables. Тhеrе aren't

апу l don't eat.

Норе you're well

Best wishes

6 ý Со onIine for mоrе practice

Нарру families are all alike; every unhappy

моdеrп families family is unhappy in its own way.

First /ine of Аппа Каrепiпа
Ьу Leo Tolstoy, Russian writer

VOCABULARY family, adjectives ь Match the comments to the personality adjectives

from the list.
of personality
а Complete the sentences with а family word. ambitious anxious honest independent
insecure patient rebellious self-confident
sel{ish sensible ýpoi{+ stubborn

1 'When l want something, my parents always give it to

2 'l find it чеrу hаrd to rеlах. Sometimes l Iie awake at
night fоr hours worrying about things.'

'Тhеrе aren't any рrаwпs left for you. l was huпgrу, so

l ate them all.'

'|'m going to go to bed еаrlу so l can s|eep well

Ьеfоrе my exam tomorrow.'

Your mоthеr and father аrе уоur pffeots

1 .
'l feel чеrу comfortable when l'm speaking in public.'
2 Yоur grапdfаthеr's father is уоur
оr -Qr
'|'d like to Ье the mапаgеr of а big multinational
А child who has по Ьrоthеrs оr sisters is an
о_ ch
Your Ыоthеr's оr sister's daughter is уоur
'That's what l think, and l'm not going to сhапgе mу
А child who parents take into their family and treat as
their оwп is an а ch_.
Yоur раrtпе1 children, раrепts, and brothers and В '|'d рrеfеr to do this оп my own, thanks.'

sisters аrе уоur i_ family.

7 Yоur father's new wife is уоur st_ ,
'l was а rеаllу difficult teena9er. l didn't оЬеу any rules
at school оr home.'
Yоur wife оr husband's Ьrоthеr is уоur
А sister who shares one parent with you is уоur 10 'Take your time, l сап wait. l'm not in а hurrу.'
10 Yоur brothers and sisters аrе your s_. 11 'Excuse me. You dropped some mопеу. Неrе it is.'
11 Your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins аrе уоur
е_ family. 12 'l'm not surе if Jess is my friепd оr not. She says she
12 Yоur brother's оr sister's son is уоur п_. is, but l don't rеаllу know.'
'lЗ Your stepmother's оr stepfather's daughter {rоm an
еаrliеr relationship is уоur st_.

с Read the sentences and complete the crossword with the Complete the sentences with sensib/e,
missing adjectives. sensitiye оr sympathetic.
1 Don't Ье so ll didn't mean to
make you сrу.
ве _! Тhеrе аrе опlу three
places in оur саr. We can't take the whole
football team home!
Ве _l Неr hamster has died,
and she's very upset!

# GRAMMAR future forms

Complete the sentences with the correct
form of the verbs or рhrаsеs in bold.
1 he / look for (an intention)
Му Ьrоthеr hates his job.
He's ooinc to /ook fоr а new one.
2 l/ рау (an offer)
Don't wоrrу about the drinks.
fоr them.
З l / make (an offed
some mоrе coffee?
4 you / get married (а prediction)
Do you think before
'l Eddie's attractive, friendly and I - everybody loves him! уоu'rе З0?
2 Cathy's rеаllу I. She loves going out, and she's got а |ot of 5 we / go (ап аrrапgеmепt)
friends. on holiday tomorrow.
Му niece is чеrу I fоr hеr а9е - you'd never guess she was l can't waitl
only 12. 6 l/ have (ап instant decision)
4 Laura's чеrу I - she writes some wonderful stories. А Аrе you rеаdу to оrdеr?
7 Emma's so I. She's always telling other реор|е what to do. В Yes, the steak.
7 l / Ье (а fact)
AcRoSs -) 21 оп my next
3 Му boss is really J, Sometimes he's fine, but other times he birthday.
gets апgrу about the smalIest thing.
8 we / invite suggestion)

lt isn't fun playing tennis with my Ьrоthеr because he's so r. your раrепts fоr а
Не hates losing. meal this weekend?
l'm lucky to have а friепd like Раul because he's чеrу I. He's 9 l/ not Ье (а promise)
always there when l need his help. l'm going to Jacky's house for diппеr
Му grandma's чеrу Ц. SПе loves us all чеrу much, and she l late home.
gives us lots of hugs and kisses. 10 it / break (а prediction)
lt's very easy to make Daisy сrу because she's чеrу l. Тhеrе's too muсh shopping in this bag
l think
d Write the opposite adjectives. Use а negative рrеfiх.
,l tidy uпtidу В оrgапizеd
2 honest 9 responsible
З mature ]0 sociable
4 reIiable 11 friendly
5 sensitive 12 kind
6 ambitious 1З patient
7 imaginative 'l4 selfish

ь Complete the conversations with the correct future form of the verbs in brackets.

J 1 А Are уоu qoino away this weekend? (qo away)

В No, we hеrе. Whу? (stay)
AWe а ЬаrЬесuе" Would you like to соmе? (have)

А l'm too tired to cook. а Chinese

takeaway? (оrdеr)
В Good idea. l the rеstаurапt. What do you want fоr уоur
stаrtеr? (call)
Al spring rolls, please. (have)

зА What time уоц in the morning? (leave)

в |_ the six o'clock train. (get)
А уоu а lift to the station, then. (give)

4А What уоU tonight? (do)

в |_ to the cinema with some friends. (go)

А What film yOU ? (see)
в The пеw stаr lly'ars film.
А оh, |'ve seen it. You it! (love)

5А you do the washing-up? (hеlр)
в ок. l and you сап dry, But please Ье саrеful with the
glasses. (wash)
А Don't wоrrу. l anything! (not break)

Answer the questions. Use the соrrесt future 3 PRONUNC|ATION sentence stress
'] What аrе уоu going to do after the class?
а Фl.ý Listen and complete the sentences.

Ftrq l'm ооiэо ;о оо shопоlпо,

1 whеп are vou ooino to book vour
Then, /',,n goingl rо go hо,тзе *пd п,iаkg diппgr.
holidav ?

2 What do you thin k the wеаthеr will Ье like tomorrow?

2 l'm ooino to
ln the morning, it
З l'm going to
ln the аftеrпооп, l think it
4 аrе you
What аrе you dolng this weekend?
5 |'m some

6 |'m mV
What аrе уоur plans fоr next summer?
7 She's _ hеr

8 will vou vour

9 them

10 1,1l them оп

ь Фl-з Listen again and repeat. Сору the rhythm.

ý С" опIiпе for mоrе рrасtiсе О В" online to check your progress

Practical English Meeting the parents

rеасtiпg to what people say


а @the соrrесt answers. ONE or TWO answers .Comp|ete the phrases with How оr What.
may Ье correct.
1 How interestingl
trqvelling {оr а уеаr! 2 а qood idea!

Oh по/ / What а pity. З_ tеrriЫе news!

4_ awful!
2л |'ve left mу wallet at home againI 5_ amazinq!
в How fantastic! / l dоп't belieye it, / Yоч'rе 6 а oitv!

А l didn't get the job. 3 SOC|AL ENGLISH

В ТhаtЪ great пеws! / What а pity, / Nечеr rnind.
Complete the conversations with the phrases from
the list.
А We're getting married!
В Ноw fantastic! / That's great newsl / Оh по! а-Е€аJ]у;+Ь9$у Go ahead How do you see
How incredible l mеап Not really That's because
А Dave's got а new саr. things like that
В Nечеr miпd. / Really? / What а pity.

А l've lost my рhопе,

1А What do you think of Isabel's new boyfriend?
в He's а rеаllч пiсе ouy
В Oh по! / How fantastic/ / That's great news!
2л уоur life in ten уеаrs'time?
Complete the сhаrt with the correct phrases в l think l'll Ье mаrriеd and have my оwп соmрапу.
from а.
1 Reacting to something surprising 3 А l hеаr уоч'rе ап excellent swimmer. Would you
/ don't be/jeye itJ like to Ье а professional?
в . l don't have enough time
to trаiп.
2 Reacting to something interesting

4А l'm sоrrу. l'm not feeling huпgrу.

З Reacting to some good news в уоu ate too muсh fоr lunch!

5 А you kпоw, l think we went to the same school.

в _! What а coincidence!
4 Reacting to some bad news
бА Сап l have another piece of chicken, please?
в . There's mоrе iп the

7л What sort of books do you rеаd?

в Biographies, historical fiction,

8А Would you like to come to the сопсеrt with us?

в No, sоrrу. |'d love to, but
|'m busy.

10 (ý С" online to practise the Practical English phrases


Can уоч rеmеmЬеr...? 1


Complete the sentences. ' Read the аrtiсlе.СЙDа, Ь, оr с.
1 Excuse me. The ticket of{ice is closed. What time

Tony's in his rооm. Не

his cHANGlNG
hоmеwоr k.
Sоrrу, l with you. l think EATING HABITS
уоu'rе Wrопg Eating habits in the uk l_ healthier, according to thе геsults
you ofa gочегпmепt sчrчеу. Тhе study'_ the food bought Ьу
suit to the wedding next Saturday? thе average family over the last 40 уеаrs. Опе of thе greatest
5We а barbecue оп Friday. differences is thе type оf milk that реорlе аrе drinking. Tbday,
Would you like to come? m"rу 3_ buy skimmed milk rаthеr than ftrll-fat milk fог their
6 Don't wоrrу. l promise late families. This is рrоЬаЫу because of campaigns to hеlр people

home tonight. thе аmочпt offat they eat. Апоthеr type offood that
contains less fat and is чеrу рорulаг today is oven chips. These
аrе chips that are'_ in thе очсп without adding fat. It 6_
VOCABULARY that British people today аrе also moTe adventurous in what thеу
= eat. Instead оf fish and chips, thеу'rе now buying mоrе seafood,
бБЬthе word that is different.
suсh as pfawns and 7_. As fоr meat, people аrе eating less
'lсrаЬ duck lobster squid 8_ and lаmЬ, and mоrе chicken and minced Ьееf. Italian
2 beef chicken lamb salmon fооd is ехtrеmеlу рорчlаr today апd n_ р".,, is ачаilаЫе
З stepsister niece nephew half-sister in thе shops, as well as thе сhеареr dried version. In general,
nutritionists аrе pleased with the геsчlts оfthе survey and hоре
4 aunt uпсlе cousin mother
5 affectionate bossy honest patient that people '0_ еаriпg healthily iп thе fчturе,

6 сhаrmiпg moody selfish stubborn

@the word with а different sound.

1 grilled siblings rеliаЬlе tinned

2 beef great пiесе steamed

З anxious family imaginative mаturе а

1 are becoming ь become с is becoming
2 а соmраrе ь is соmраriпg с соmраrеS
? а nephews ь с siblings
4 charming father half-sister parent ParentS
4 а cut down оп ь cut down с eat out
5 а baked ь boiled с steamed
5 organized rаw spoilt talkative 6 а is seeming ь Seem с SeemS
7 а сhеrriеs ь grapes с mussels
а а lobster ь peach с pork
9 а fresh ь frozen с rаW
10 а continues ь is continuing с will continue

О В" опliпе to check your рrо9rеss

G 'When
а mап tells you he got rich

r, 1ding mопеу through hard work, ask him 'Whose?'

Dоп Marquis, US Writеr

1 VOCABULARY mопеу Complete the advertisement with the words

frоm the list.
а Complete the sentences with the correct чеrЬ in
brackets. Ьiiъ tax contactless payment
1 Му sister wastes а lot of money оп clothes
budget lоап mortgage sаlаrу

she печеr wеаrs. (wastes / saves)

2 l can't to buy а flat of my own

(рау / afford)
you'll have to а lot of money if you
What's so good about
want to travel аrоuпd the world next уеаr. (save / waste)
We still the bank а lot of mопеу.
WlN-WlN Bank?
(owe / еаrп)
5 Kevin about €1,000 а month in his
new job. (raises / earns)
6 That painting а lot of mопеу. What's пеw
(сhаrgеs / is wоrth)
Use оur WlN-WlN рhопе арр to manage уоur mопеу
Му uncle is doing а bike ride to and рау уоUr bills
. Fоr extra
money for charity, (afford / raise) сопvепiепсе, sign up fоr 2 and
l don't want to lose these еаrriпgs. They you'll печеr have to carry CaSh with you again.
а fоrtuпе! (cost / owed)
9 l'll have to some money from the bank What hasn't changed
if l want to buy а new саr. (Ьоrrоw / lend) Need mопеу for а саr оr а holiday? We'll give you а
10 Маrу fl0.000 frоm hеr grапdfаthеr of up to €10,000 for whatever
when he died. (inherited / invested) you want to Ьuу, lf уоu'rе buying а house, we сап
give уоu а 4___ at опе of the lowest
11 l f5,000 pounds in а соmрапу, and
interest rates оп the market.
made 5% profit. (inherited / invested)
12 The рlumЬеr me €100 fоr mending
sоmеопе to talk to
my shоwеr. (cost / charged)
Finding it hard to get to the end of the month? Оur
'lЗ Сап you me $200 until l get paid? 5 _
advisors сап help vоu plan а to
(Ьоrrоw / lend)
make уоur mопеу go further. lf уоu'rе working, they сап
Complete the sentences with the соrrесt preposition. give you advice оп how to mапаgе
|'ll рау for the meal if you get the drinks.
month and how much

2 Thev сhаrоеd us €5 а bottle of water. 7

you shou|d
? Му friends got _ debt when they bought their Ье paying.
new house.
So,if уоu'rе looking for а
4 We've Ьоrrоwеd some mопеу my parents. ilIabile Вапklпg
new bank, just rеmеmЬеr:
5 Mv orandoarents alwavs oav cash.
WlN-WlN has it alll
6 l don't mind lending money people in mу
Andv and sue soent а lot of monev their
son's education.
8 can l oav credit саrd?
9 lf l lend you some mопеу, when can уоu рау
10 Phil invested all his money his own соmрапу

а @.@the word with а different sound.

1 mопеу nothing бФ *оrrу

ь Фе.1 Listen and check. Тhеп listen а9аiп and
repeat the words.

Look at the pairs of words. ls the pronunciation of

Complete the questions with а phrasal чеrЬ from оr the same (S) оr different (D)?
the list.
] afford organized S
live off live on рау back **Ье{;+ 2 store Worse D
З mortgage fork
How often do you use а cash machine? How much
4 short work
mопеv do vou usuallv rаkе out ?
5 world worth
Whеп was the last time you lent mопеу to somebody?
6 оrdеr word
How long did it take them to
уоu ? d О2"g Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and
Why do уоuп9 people sometimes _ thеir repeat the words.
What's the smallest amount of mопеу you think you
could fоr а month? what would
З GRAMMAR present реrfесt and
you spend it on? past simple
лАпswеr the questions iп d. бrcьthе correct answer.
'l -?----'-----------
l(ve пеvеr oweý/ печеr owed апу mопеу to the bank
2 in my life.
? Rachel wants to buy а flat, but she hasn't saved /
didn't sаче enough mопеу yet,
They've сhаrgеd / сhаrgеd us too muсh for оur meal
last night.
VOCABULARY FROM READING Раul hasn't iпhеritеd / didn't iпhеrit anything from his
grandmother when she died.
Complete the compound nouns in the sentences.
l can't рау you back. l hаvеп't Ьееп / didn't go to the
1 We use olive ol/ for all оur cooking.
cash machine yet.
2 Мах fell off his bike during оur cycling tr_, |'ve пеvеr used / пеуеr used contactless payment, but
but he didn't hurt himself.
|'d like to trу it.
З Becky doesn't use beauty tr_ that аrе
7 How muсh hаs уочr ТV cost / did уочr ТУ cost?
tested оп animals.
l hачеп't had / didn't have апу coins, so l couldn't put
4 Оur electricity Ь is going to Ье чеrу high
апу mопеу in the parking meter.
this month - we've had the heating on ечеrу day.
l love уоur house - how long have you lived / did you
5 l usually drink tap w_ with my meals.
/iye in it?
6 try to buy environmentally-friendly cleaning
10 Му girlfriend has а rеаllу weli-paid job. She
Dr because thev don't pollute the water.
has еаrпеd / еаrпеd f45,000 last уеаr.

п с Re-order the words to write present perfect and
past simple questions.
1 а you/buyahouse
Have vоч еуеr bouoht а hочsе?
Ь whеп / you / buy it
whеп did vou buv it?
2а you / find апу mопеу оп the street

ь how much / you / find

За you / use contactless payment

ь whеrе / use it
4а you / рау fоr а mеаl for а lot of people
ь why / you / рау for it
5а you / stay in an expensive hote|
ь who / you / stay thеrе with

Ь Complete the conversations with the correct fоrm ба you / raise mопеу fоr charity
of the verbs in brackets.
ь how much / you / raise
'l А whеп did чоur son buy his
car? (buy)
В Answer the questions iп с.
When hе _ his drivinq test last month.
(pass) 1а
2л How much mопеv vou 2а
frоm уоur sister yesterday? (Ьоrrоw)
в About f100, bui l _ аlrеаdч
it all. (spend)
зА чоu а new flat vet? 4а
(find) ь
в Yes, and the bank _ iust 5а
to give me а mortgage. (аgrее) ь
4А vou еvеr апv mопеч
to а friend? (lend)
в Only to mу boyfriend when he _ а
new рhопе. (need)

5А чоur mоthеr ап
appointment with the doctor yet? (make)
в Yes, she him yesterday, апd she's
seeing him tоmоrrоw. (call)

14 Q С" online for mоrе practice

hJ Only l сап сhапgе my life.

Changing lives No опе else сап do it for me.

Carol Burnett, U5 actress & comedienne


ý GRAMMAR present perfect Complete the conversations with the present perfect
+ for / siпсе, present perfect continuous form of the verbs.

А Did you know that Amy's iп а band?
а Write the words and phrases from the В No. Have thеч Ьееп о/ачiпо tooether
list in the соrrесt соlчmп. for а long time? (they / play)

Д15 time Christmas

а long
l young lunchtime six months
was very
two weeks thrее days Tuesday уеаr5 2л How long was уоur flight?
в Twelve hоurs.
all day. (we / travel)

зА Му Ыother has а чеrу good job in

New Yоrk.
в Really? How long
thеrе? (he / work)
Complete the sentences with the
present регfесt simple form of the verb
in brackets and for оr since. 4А Diana's found а пеw flat, at last.
в Oh good!
1 l've had my саr
опе for ages. (she / look for)
about а month, (have)
2 Му mum
weeks. (Ье)
ЗWе each оthеr 5А Why does Liam's teacher want to
we wеrе at school. (know) see you?
4 Owen for the same в his homework
comoanv five vears. (wоrk) lately. (hе / not do)
5 Dan and Vicky
Scotland they got mаrriеd.
(live) 6 А You're late.
6 Му parents gardening
В Yes, l know. Sоrrу.
long? (you / wait)
thev were чоuпо. (love)
7l to go to Australia
а lопg time. (want)
8 Lola to me 7 А You look exhausted.
last чеаr. (not soeak) в the
9 my grandparents children all day! (l / look after)
ages. (not see)
Наrrу Ayesha
they wеrе at school together.
(like) 8А How's your {ootball team doing, Pete?
в verv well, but
recently. l've hurt mу foot. (l / not play)

б[Гфthе correct form. lf both forms are possible, tick (/) VOCABULARY strong adjectives
the sentence.
Match the поrmаl adjectives 1-14 to the
1 How lo"g hччтЕу!фlЦ:уоч Ьееп /iving аЬrоаd? r'
strong adjectives а-п.
2 l've studied (::Ь""*9щsХhiпеsе for two years.
З Му parents haye hаd / have Ьееп having the same саr for ten 1 tired d а amazed
2 surprised Ь boiling
4 How long has Mark played / has Маrk Ьееп рlауiпg the bass З big с delighted
guitar? 4 cold d exhausted
5 Alex has worked / has Ьееп working iп this school since he 5 dirty е filthy
started teaching. 6 funny f freezing
6 l've kпоwп / l've Ьееп knowing hеr fоr уеаrs. 7 happy g furious
7 We've gопе / Y\le'ye been going to the same dentist since we В hot h fascinating
wеrе children. 9 huпgrу i hilarious
8 Yоu'уе wоrп / Yоч'vе Ьееп wеаriпg the same coat fоr уеаrs! 10 interesting j huge
9 How long have you riddеп / have you Ьееп riding horses? 11 small k positive
'l0 l'ye washed / l've Ьееп washing the саr; it looks muсh '12 surе l starving
сlеапеr now. '1З afraid m terrified
What have you Ьееп doing recently? Write five sentences. 14 апgrу n tiny
Use the ideas from the list or уоur own ideas.

а book а hоЬЬу а job а new habit а sport а TV series

уоur worklstudies

l'vе Ьееп eating mоrе yegetables Ьесаusе l wапt to Ье healthier.

l'ye got ехаms._s! ]iче]bееп studj/jng.


2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

Ф2"З Listen and complete the sentences.
'l l've been trave//ing a/I Оау
2 have they
been ?
? She's Ьееп since
4 They _ Ьееп
fоr _.
5 We've Ьееп _ the
6 l_ Ьееп

Ф2.ý Listen again and repeat the sentences. Сору the


Ь Complete the sentences with the strong adjectives from а.


1 The соuрlе аrе de/ighted

!i 2 Тhеу'rе 3 lt's rеаllу


4 He's 5 lt's а hаmstеr. 6 She's absolutely

Complete the sentences with the strong d Complete the sentences about you.
adjectives frоm а. '1 The last time I had а huge meal was when
1 The temperature has been going up aIl week, and
now it's absolutely Ьоiliпg 2 Тhе wеаthеr was absolutely boiling when l

l'm that vou don't know the паmе of

the president о{ the USA. опе of the most hilarious films l've seen is
Tom's parents have just found out he's Ьееп missing
school. so thеч'rе 4 l felt really exhausted when l

|'ve been watching а hоrrоr film, and now l'm

absolutely When l'm absolutely starving the thing l most want
5 Wе'rе _ because we've walked З5 km to eat is
today. 6 l was delighted with а present l got
6 That film is !We laughed allthe way
through it. 7 l saw а fascinating TV рrоgrаmmе rесепtlу about
This book is _. l've lеаrпеd so much
from it. В Something that makes me furious is
8 l've Ьееп thinking about уоur question, and поw l'm
l know the answer.

ý О" online for mоrе practice О В" опliпе to check уочr рrо9rеss 17
surчiче the driче AgoodLT?;:};;,rffiljJil}

l @Еtrииlz}fiЕигffi
1 VOCABULARY transport
а Complete the crossword.

DoWN 0


Ь Complete the compound nouns with one word.

1 Don't foroet to Dut vоur seat belt on.
2 You'll get а_ fine if you leave уоur саr thеrе. -r-_
З Sorry wе'rе late, Тhеrе was а tеrriЬlе jam in the city сепtrе.
5 l wish cvclists would use the lane instead of the pavement.
6 we need to fill up at the station Ьеfоrе we set off.
7 The traffic is alwavs worse durinq hоur.
8 Тhеrе wasn't anvbodv waitinq at the taxi
9 Slow down! Тhеrе аrе _ саmеrаs оп this road.
10 We had to stop at the traffic because they wеrе rеd.
11 There's been а crash. so they've closed the motorway.
12 This road is danqerous to сrоss. Let's use the crossinq.
13 Do you know what the speed is оп this road?
14 They've made the town сепtrе а _zone, so thеrе аrеп't any саrs.


с Complete the sentences with the соrrесt form е Апswеr the questions.
of take.
1 How do you usually travel аrоuпd уоur town оr city?
1 lt usually takes two hours to get to my
mоthеr's house.
2 How do you usually travel when you 9о оп holiday?
2 How long _=-.- it *_-.- to get to
the town сепtrе оп а weekday?
З lt usually З What's the traffic like in rush hоur where you live?
us about thrее quarters of
ап hоur to get to the аirроrt.
4 lt me two hоurs to get to wоrk
4 What's the speed limit on the mоtоrwау in уоur

5 l'm not looking forward to driving to Edinburgh

tоmоrrоw. lt 5 How long does it take you to get to the city сепtrе?
about eight hоurs to
get thеrе. --
6 How long it you to get 6 Who usually picks you up and drops you off at the
hоmе |ast --
night? аirроrt?

d Complete the sentences with the words frоm

Have you ечеr ruп out of реtrоl? lf so. whеrе wеrе you
off (х2) out out of uр (х2)
В Have you еVеr got lost? lf so, where did you end up?
1 We asked оur neighbour to drор us off at
thе аirроrt.
2 Тhеу set
аrriче before Iuпсh.
еаrlу because they wanted to
Ё PRONUNCIATION [l, lф[ апd ltY
" @tbe
Сhаrliе forgot his sаtпац so he ended wоrd with а different sound.
getting completely lost.
4 Look ! That саr isn't going to stop.
5 Do you think you could pick me
1 bridge
@ journey mortgage
the station?
6 l rап petrol because l forgot to fill up 2 station сrаsh watch rчgh
when l left home.

3 catch jarn adventure coach

Ь ФS"1 listen and check. Then listen again and

repeat the words.

З GRAMMAR choosing between comparatives Complete the second sentence so it has
а similar meaning to the first sentence.
and superlatives
Use thе word in brackets. Write 3-5
а Write sentences with the information from the sчrvеу. words. contractions are two words,
Use the comparative or the superlative. e.g. isn't.
1 Му flat is bigger than my boyfriend's. (big)

" :,,.

Х lUhqrq to 9о?
We reveal the results from очr reader survey
.;i ý

Му boyfriend's flat isn't as big as
You don't walk as fast as me. (than)

of three popular holiday destinations. you.

J Bangkok(Thailand) Dubai(UAE) Viеппа (Austria)

|'ve печеr Ьееп to а mоrе interesting city
than lstanbul. (most)
lstanbul is l've been to.
lt's expensive * *** ** 4 Му job isn't as interesting as yours. (less)

*** Му job
lt's crowded ** * уоurS.
5 l've never eaten а better pizza. (the)
lt's easy to get to ** ** *** This is |'ve ечеr eaten
lt's exciting *** ** ** 6 The train is mоrе expensive than the bus. (as)

The bus
lt's hot ** *** * the train.
We've got the same саr. (as)
lt's relaxing * ** *** _
ц- Yоur саr mine
8 l've печеr slept in such an uncomfortable
Bangkok / expensive / Dubai bed before. (least)
Dubai is mоrе expenslye тhап Bangkok. That's l've ечеr slept in.
Bangkok / crowded of the three destinations
З Viеппа / easy to get to / Bangkok
ФЗ.2 Listen and complete the
4 Bangkok / exciting / Dubai
1 lt's the глоst dапgеrоus thing
|'ve ever done.
5 Dubai / hоt / Viеппа
2 lt's going Ьу
trаiп than Ьу bus.
6 Vienna / relaxing о{ the thrее destinations
З The place to
visit is the museum.
Ь Complete the sentences with опе word. 4 Flying is а lot
than going Ьу fеrrу.
1 Petrol isn't as expensive iп the USA as it is in the UK.
2 Mv father drives more slowlv mv mother. 5 Тhеrе's an that
goes uр the hill.
З This is _ cheapest petrol station in the city.
4Let,sgoЬytrа's-сomfortаЬlethаntheсoасh. 6 |t's the |'ve
been hеrе.
5 This is the _ day of my life - everything has gone
wrongl ь ФЗ.* Listen again and rереаt the
6 lthink trains аrе dangerous than cars. Тhеrе аrе sentences. Listen carefully to the linked
fewer accidents. words. Coov the rhvthm.
7 lt's _ to go Ьу Tube than Ьу bus. Buses аrе much
9 You're at the Sheraton? Wе'rе staying at the same hotel
10 Whv don't we оо hitchhikino? lt's the exoensive

way to trаче|.

2о Ф Оо online for more practice

Men want to Ье а wоmап's

-- Меп, wоm€п, and children first love. women like to

Ье а man's last rоmапсе.
oscar wilde, lrish writer
ь f
1 GRAMMAR articles

" @*Ье
correct words.
1 Yesterday was hottest @@ау of the уеаr so far.
2 We went to Paris for my birthday /ast rлчееkепd / the last weekend.
З l think girls / the girls аrе better at lеаrпiпg /anguages / the laпguages than boys / the boys.
4 Did you lock doorl the doorwhen you left hоusе / the hоusе this mоrпiпg?
5 Му sister is mаrriеd to Gеrrпап / а Gеrmап. He's enginee r / ап епgtпееr.
6 ldon't usually like fish / the fish, but sа/rпоп / thе sаlmоп we had last night was delicious.
7 We go to сiпеmа / the сiпеmа once а week / the week.
8 Don't wоrrу| lt's not the епd / end of the wоrld / wоrld.
9 Do you think wоmеп / the wоmеп аrе mоrе sensitive than men / the mеп?
'10 What beauti{ulday / а beautifulday! Let's have /uпсh / а luпсh in the garden,

Ь Correct апу mistakes in the highlýhted рhrаsеs. Tick (rz)the correct sentences.
That's love|y dress - the соlоur suits you. Х
а lоvе,у drеss
He's going to visit his parents the next weekend.

З The mопеу doesn't make people huppy.

4 Му grandfather |eft school when he was '14.

5 l go to the dentist about twice а уеаr.

6 Have you wоrп jacket that you bought last week?

7 That was опе of the best mea|s l've ечеr had.

8 What noisy child! Whеrе аrе his раrепts?

9 Alex is studying to become doctor.

']0 l love cats, but my boyfriend doesn't like them,

1'l Неr husband sits iп front of the TV all day.

12 She always leaves the work at half past five.

с Complete the text with а / ап, the оr - (по artic|e). PRONUNCIATION /а1 two
pronunciations of the
ФЗ.З Listen and complete the

1 l'd like to soeak to the

1- 2 Тhе bus is
Why аrе wоmеп gепеrаllу able to see colours trаiп.
betterthаnmen?Scientistssаythereis,-reаSon З What аrе we going
for this, and з_ reason is in оur DNA. Оur
chromosomes contain DNA, which controls mапу things about 4 Could you ореп
us. The ability to see colour red is carried Ьу
the Х chromosome. Меп have only опе Х chromosome, but 5 She needs
wоmеп have two of them. This means that it's hеr ankle
easier for wоmеп to see red. This was important iп prehistoric 6 We want
times whеп wоmеп were looking for
6_ fruit to tоmоrrоW.
eat. They needed to choose '_ right fruit, so
they had to Ье able to see 8_
ь ФЗ"ý Listen а9аiп and repeat.
difference between
differentсolourS.lftheymаde9-mistаke,they с Ф*"4 Listen and repeat thе phrases. Рау
could kill their families and themselves. so, it was mоrе attention to the pronunciation of the.
imроrtапt for wоmеп to see different colours, while mеп had 1 The conversation was about the woman
other important skllls. next dооr.
Z The university invited а guest to speak at
the meeting.
з l sometimes go to the theatre iп the
We took the lift instead of walking up the
sta i rs.
The office gave me all the information l

6 The grеу skirt is nice, but l рrеfеr the black
ld{ опе.


ffi VOCABULARY collocation 4 PRONUNCIAгION when аrе
а @the correct prepositions. prepositions stressed?
1 Тhеу'rе аrriчiпg at / опl@Lопdоп on Friday. Ф*"* Listen and complete the
2 That suitcase belongs fоr / frоm / to me. conversations.
3 ShaIl we ask sоmеопе at / fоr / of directions?
4 We might go camping, but it depends in / of / оп the weather.
1 А Whо did you аrguе with ?
В l_ with my
5 Everybody laughed аЬочt / at / toZach whеп hе fell off the chair.
6 Who's going to рау fоr / of / with the meal? 2л Who аrе you
7 l dreamt аЬочt / frоm / with my old school friends last night. в l'm
В That girl reminds mе about / of / to my cousin.
9 l apologized at / to / with thе teacher about / fоrl of being late. зА What аrе уоu so
'l0 Не often argues at/ to /with his friends about politics. в |'m about my
11 We arrive at / iп / to Liverpool Street Station at 7.45.
12 Shе doesn't believe about / iп / оп ghosts,
4А What аrе you
l can't choose Ьеtwееп / of / with the grееп one оr the blue опе.
в to the
14 Тhеу'rе rеаllу |ooking fоrwаrd fоr / of / to thеir holiday.
15 James spends а lot of money fоr / iп / оп expensive presents for
his girlfгiепd. ь ФЗ.5 Listen again and rереаt. Сору the
ь Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. rhvthm.
'l l'm tired of my job. l think it's time fог а change.
2 Му boyfriend isn't very keen vegetables.
З He's famous his rоlе in Shеr/осk Holmes.
4 _
l'm not чеrу interested abstract art.
5 Susie is чегу different hеr sister.
6 Adam's very good

7 l'm fed uo this qrеч wеаthеr.
8 Му Ыоthеr is чеrу wоrriеd his dauqhter at the

9А lot of people аrе scared spiders.
10 Тhеу'rе ап9rу _ their son his tеrriЬlе
exam results.
11 She's very close _ hеr Ьrоthеr.
12 Mv husband is verv рrоud his пеw саr.
1з |'m very fond _ my grandfather. He's а wonderful
реrSоп. \
14 Experts say that walking is good _ уоu.
15 Jack's elder Ыоthеr isn't very kind _ him.
1б Wе'rе rеаIlч oleased оur new sofa.
17 The сhildrеп аrе vеrу excited going to the concert.
1В Му пеighЬоur was чеrу rude _ me yesterday.
19 Tony used to Ье married Teresa.


Go online for mоrе practice 23
'_ll rJ
Practical English А difficult celebrity
glvln9 орlпlФпý

ч GlvlNG oPlNloNS 5А Do you like this song?

в Not rеаllу.
а Match sentences 1-9 to responses a-i.
А lt's awful.
1 Do you like rеggае? f
2 What do уоu think of Ed Sheeran? бА Do you like live music?
? Do you still Iisten to your old CDs? _ в Yes, l do. it's а bit
4 |'ve hеаrd that musicians make а lot of mопеу. _ expensive.
5 |'d love to Ье famous! А Absolutely!
6 Classical music is grеаt for а rоmапtiс meal. _ 7л People shouldn't listen to loud musjc оп
7 What's your opinion of heavy metal? _ public transport.
о What kind of music does уоur girlfriепd like? _ в . They should wеаr
9 Do you like this band? headphones,
А That's right.
|аgrее. You can listen to it and talk to each оthеr
at the same time.
8А Jazz music started in the uk.
ь То Ье honest, l haven't asked hеr. в |'m sure it began in the
с Sometimes. But it's easier listening to а music USA.
streaming service. Don't you аgrее? А Of соursе it did! Sоrrу about that.
d No, thеу'rе tеrriЬlе. What do you think?
е l don't think that's right. Опlу а few of them еаrп 9А What's уоur opinion of Rihanna's new sопg?
enough to live оп. в it's better than the last опе.
f lt's ОК. But if you ask mе, rар is mоrе fun. А Ме too.
9 l like him. Вф Вruпо Маrs is better,
h Oh surе, it would Ье grеаt to stагt with. But you'd
soon get fed up with all the photographers. fu SoclAL ENGLISH
i Реrsопаllу, lthink it's а bit loud.
Complete the conversations with а рhrаsе from
ь Complete the conversations with the hi9hlighted the list.
phrases frоm а. Use each phrase once only.
Напg оп а miпutе lt's just that my boyfriend's away
1А What do you think of music festivals? Tha+aýe*i{#-€{,yet* You've соmе back
в Тhеу'rе ОК. Вut in rпу орrпiоп , thеrе аrе too Did you mеап what you said
mапу people.
А Yes, уоu'rе right. 1А l Ыought уоu some flоwеrs.
в Тhапk you. ТhаtЪ so kind ofyou.
2л Do you think Cathy has а good voice?
|'ve печег heard hеr sing. 2л
А Well, you should! в Yes, lforgot mу рhопе.

зА Do you ечеr listen to the rаdiо? зА about moving аЬгоаd?

в Not rеаllу. Тhе DJs talk too mчсh. в No, of соurýе l didn't. l was опlу kidding.
А Yes, they do. 4А You look upset What's the mаttеr?
в Nothing rеаllу. and l miss
4А Fоr mе, the BOs was the best decade fоr music. him.
в , the 80s wеrе good, but
there's Ьееп some great music since then, too. 5А |'m going out {оr а walk. Do you want to соmе?
А l suppose so. в . l'll get mу coat.

24 ý С" online to practise the Practical English phrases

Сап уоч rеmеmЬеr...? 1-З


Complete the sentences with one word. Read the аrtiсlе.@фа, Ь, оr с.
,ll need а пеw саr at the moment. Му old
саr works реrfесt|у.
2 That case looks
for you?
heavy. l get а trolley
Jobs fог wоmеп
З No, l don't want to go for а walk. l've
Кегrу Cassidy is one of Вгitаiп's 19,000 trаiп dгiчегs.
come home from work!
she l_
а tгаiп fог eight уеагs now, and she's чегу
4 |'ve been lеаrпiпg English three уеаrs.
hарру in hег job. The situation fоr wоmеп tгаiп driчеrs
5 your cookino is than mine - this tuna is 2_
has changed а lot 1978 when Кагеп Наггisоп
became the fiгst in the UK. At that time, the mа[е
Му sister's studying medicine. She wants to Ье
dгiчегs wеге gепега[[у not чегу kind
3_ women.
Today, the job is
а_ fог women to do than it was

VOCABULARY in the past because attitudes have changed. Опе of

'_ things about it is the sаtаrу, Gеогgiапа Оапа
(@the word that is different. u
_" trаiп dгiчеr fог а уеаr. She
7_ f 55,000 а
1 beetroot cabbage 9rареs grееп beans уеаБ so she's been аЫе to get а
8_ to buy hег
2 сhаrmiпg mature sociable spoilt оwп hочsе. Кеrry Cassidy is а single mоthег, Ьчt
3 Ьоrrоw lоап owe save she сап easily 9_ childcare fог hеr two сhildrеп
4 апgrу furious starvin9 tеrrifiеd while shеЪ away at wогk. Кегry believes thеге is
5 fеrrу lоrrу motorbike vап nothing about Ьеiпg
l0_ that makes it а mапЪ
6 fond of fed up with keen оп pleased with thеrе is по геаsоп why

@the word with а different sound.

1 done gone mопеу nothing

2 fond lоrrу watch wоrrу

з cost note owe roast
1 drives Ь is driving has Ьееп driving
2 for Ь frоm since
4 adventure ambitious crash sociable ? at bto with
4 easier Ь easiest mоrе easy
5 catch charming coach 5 better Ь best the best
6 has Ьееп bis WaS
7 coStS Ь еаrпs wins
в Ьаrgаiп Ь budget mortga9e
9 afford Ь сhаrgе raise
10 train driчеr ь а train driver the train driver

О О" опl]пе to check уочr progress


v / Bad mаппеrs? Duke of Edinburgh, husband of Очееп Elizabeth ll

1 VOCABULARY phone language Ь Comp|ete the sentences with the words from а.

а Match the words from the list to definitions 'l-'l2.

] lwanted to speak to my boss personally, so l didn't
/еауе а rпеssаgе
call back cut sb off dial engaged / busy go off 2 lf l give you my рhопе, you сап
hапg up leave а meýsage put sb оп hold ringtone through my holiday photos.
swipe tех#fi€ssаgе voicemail З We turned off оur рhопеs at the start о{ the film to
make surе they didn't
1 to send sb а message using а mobile рhопе
4 We wеrе when the train l was on
text./ messaoe went into а tunnel.
2 to make а саllеr wait until the person they want to talk 5 l need to choose апоthеr
to is fгее because l печеr hеаr the опе I've got.
6 l couldn't talk to my bank because the phone
3 to phone sb again оr phone sb who called you еаrliеr WaS
7 When you call big companies they often
4 to start riпgiпg уоu for а
Iong time.
5 to rесоrd information for sb to listen to lаtеr John isn't answering his phone, so l'll have to
_ later.
ап electronic system that сап store messages so that 9 Did you listen to уоur last night?
you can listen to them lаtеr I left you а message,
10 l usually when companies call mе
7 to stop оr interrupt sb's рhопе conversation to trу to sell me something.
11 l don't have to my friends'
пumЬеrs because they're all in my contacts.
8 to push the buttons on а рhопе to call а пumЬеr
12 Can you уоur Ыоthеr and tell him
wе'rе going to Ье late?
9 the sound уоur рhопе makes whеп sb is calling you

10 to move content across а sсrееп using уоur finger

11 meaning that а рhопе is in use and can't Ье called

]2 to end а phone conversation and put the phone down


2 GRAMMAR obligation and prohibition

а Read the article. lf both fоrцrs аrе correct, tick (/)the sentence.
lf only one form is correct,@the соrrесt form.

What уоu need to know

Ьеfоrе уоu visit

haue to / must have а visa to enter the usA. й
Vоu@ф/ don'thaveto drive on the left!
vrre drive on the rightl п
Yоu mustп't / dоп'thаvе to рау to visit most museums
and аrt galleries. Entrance is usually free. п
4 You haue to / must visit the Statue of Liberty. It's very impressive, п
5 You mustn't / dоп'thаче to smoke in any public building,
It is prohibited Ьу law. п
you haue to / must wear а seat belt at all times in а car. п
т You rnustn't / don'thaveto go ечеrуrмhеrе Ьу subway.
you can take the bus. п
в You mиst /have to answer some questions when you go
through immigration. п

Complete the sentences with rnust, rnustn't, should, or shou/dn't.

1 Adam rпust pass all his exams оr hе won't Ье able to go to university.
2 l think you _ buy the blue dress not the rеd one. lt suits you better.
З You take phones into the exam rооm.
4 You eat so many sweets, They аrеп't good for you.
5 You Ье quiet when уоu'rе in the IiЬrаrу.
6 Who do you think we invite to the раrtу?

с Correct any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. d Write а sentence about an obligation in
Tick (/)the correct sentences. each of the places. Use rnust, have to,
should, and ought to.
1 ап аirроrt
you should аrriуе two hоurs *refore
the f/iфt leaves.
- 2 а cinema

з а football stadium

4 а liЬrаrу

5 а museum

6 а swimming pool

You mustn't read text messages when you're talking to

Yош shouldn't read text rnessages з PRONUNCIATION
Do you have to wеаr а suit and tie at wоrk? r' silent consonants
Grоss-оg+ the silent consonants in the
l must go to wогk Ьу bus yesterday. Му саr was being
'l mustn't

4 You don't look well. Yоu shou|d go hоmе.

2 shouIdn't
3 lights
5 You don't have to park hеrе. |t says 'по раrkiпg'.
4 hоur
5 exhausted
6 Му father is а nurse and he often should work nights.
6 dеЫ
7 mоrtgаgе
В foreign
lп the future, perhaps ечеrуопе wi|l have to speak English
and chinese.
9 wrопg
10 island
8 l mustn't cook last night because we went out fоr dinner. ФД.1 Listen and check. Тhеп listen again
and rереаt the words.

28 Q Со online for more practice

Failure is not falling down. Failure is

Yes, l сап! falling down and not getting up again.

Richard Nixon, fоrrпеr us president

GRAMMAR ability and possibility, .I

reflexive pronouns
Read the sentences. lf both forms are correct, tick (/)the
sentence. lf опlу one form is correct,(ic}the correct form.
1 She сап / is аЬlе to swim rеаllу well because she used
to live Ьу the sea. 1/
2 You need to ,"" 6::Уiфdriче to live in the country.
З Luke could / was аЬlе to read whеп he was only three
уеаrs old.
4 lf it doesn't rаiп tоmоrrоw, we сап / we'll Ье аЬlе to go
for а long walk. .,, ": /

5 Sоrrу, l've Ьееп so busy that l hачеп't could /

hаvеп't Ьееп аЬ/е to call until now. [ilаmе: Каrеп Cooke

6 lf Millie had а less demanding job, she сочld / DatB Bf Birtb: 1 1 /0З/1 9В5
would Ье аЬlе to enjoy life mоrе.
7 l've печеr сочld / Ьееп аЬlе to dance well. but l'd love
. Degree iп Gеrmап with Marketing (200В)
to lеаrп.
. Master's in BusinessAdministration (2011)
В Wе'rе rеаllу sоrrу we сочldп't / wеrеп't аЬlе to come
to уоur wedding.
. Started PhD iп Business (2014)- incomplete

9 l used to сап / used to Ье аЬlе to speak а bit of Polish, Wоrk Ехреriепсе

but l've forgotten most of it now. о 2003-2005: Тrаiпеr and 0perator with Теlеfuпkеп,
10 Сап you / Willyou Ье аЬlе to pick me up at the station London
when l аrrivе? . 2008-201 4: Assistant then Marketing Мапаgеr,
11 То wоrk fоr this соmрапу, you rnust сап / Telefunken, Nеw York, USA
must Ье аЬlе to speak at least thrее languages. . 2014-present Мапаgiпg Dirесtоr, JJAM Marketing
] 2 l hate not can / поt Ьеiпg аЬlе to communicate with Services Ltd, Lisbon, Portugal
the local people when l'm travelling.
0ther ýkitls
ь Read Каrеп Cooke's CV. Тhеп complete the sentences with . lT skills - advanced. Course iп wеЬ design 2004.
the соrrесt form of сап, could, оr Ье аЬlе to. . Full driving liсепсе
] Каrеп play the violin.
2 She speak а little Portuguese when she
. Gеrmап (fluent)
started working in Lisbon.
speak Frепсh.
. Poftuguese (basic) ceгtificate 201З
з She
о l hOPe to Star1 Spanish claSSeS next January.
4 She design websites since 2004.
Б She finish hеr phD before she left the usA. Hobbie* and lnterests
6 She'd like speak Spanish. . Music - l play the flute and the чiоliп.
7 She speak а little Spanish soon

с Match the sentence halves. J VOCABULARY -ed / -ing adjectives
1 Thanks fоr inviting me yesterday. l rеаllу enjoyed с Complete the sentences with the correct
2 She got the job because she'd рrераrеd _ adjective in bold.
3 Have а great time, you two! l'm sure you'll enjoy _
4 Му new рriпtеr is much better than my old one. lt ечеп
switches _
5 We rеаllу wanted to watch the sunrise, so we kept _
6 Не fell down the stairs, but luckily he didn't hurt _
7 They've Ьееп saving to buy _

а himself badly.
Ь ourselves awake Ьу listening to music.
d itself off when it isn't being used.
е yourselves at the раrtу.
f themselves а house since they got mаrriеd.
g herself well fоr the interview.

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress

а Ф4.2 Listen and complete the sentences.
amazed / amazing
vепiсе is an аmаzlпq citv. you rеаllч must оо
thеrе one day.
embarrassed / embarrassing
l felt very when l realized my mistake.
frightened / frightening
He's _ of dogs. Не can't go апуwhеrе
пеаr them.
excited / exciting
The fina| half of the match was rеаllч
bored / boring
I enjoyed the book, but the film was а bit
аппоуеd / annoying
Ican't stand this quiz show. The рrеsепtеr is
depressed / depressing
|'m fed up with this tеrгiЬlе weather - it's
1 sino
she can verv wеll
2 |'ve_been-to
disappointed / disappointing
Can the ?
4 You_be_ Мах was чеrу _ when he wasn't chosen
for the job.
tired / tiring
Ечеrуопе was _ after the walk, so
nobody felt like going out in the evening.
We the ,l0
f rustrated / frustrating
ФД,а Listen again and repeat the sentences. Сору l got чеrу when l couldn't log onto my
the Ёythm. bank's website.


Ь Comp|ete the sentences with the -ed or -iпg form of the verbs from the list.

amaze апfi€у Ьоrе depress disappoint

еmЬаrrаss excite frighten frustrate tire

1 l'm rеаllу аппоуеd with my Ыоthеr - it makes me so ап9rу when he forgets my birthday!
2 Mv sister can't swim. She's of the wаtеr.
5 His exam results wеrе чеrу . Не failed every subject.
6 l'm rеаllу about going to ltaly. lt's the first time l've been abroad!
7 This рrоqrаmmе is really
- |- -J
. Сап we watch somethinq mоrе interesting?

9 She tried fоr ages to get back onto the surfЬоаrd, but in the end she got _ and gave up.
10 We took lots of photos because the view was so

Ё-"'- i
Write true sentences about you using the words in bold.
1 annoying
Му /ittle Ьrоthеr js sometimes чеrу аппоуiпg.
2 bored

З amazing

4 exciting

5 frightened

6 disappointed

7 frustrating

8 embarrassed

ý Со online for mоrе practice О В" online to check your progress з1

Sporting superstitions ?*,:**lжHb5li.l1Jli#
м I

1 VOCABULARY sport Ь Label the photos with а word from the list.

а Read the definitions. Тhеп write the circuit соurýе соurt pitch р€€+ slope track
1 а lаrgе grоuр of people who аrе watching
а sporting event
сrсrцd \
2 people who аrе чеrу enthusiastic about
а SPort
an official who makes sure that рlауеrs
оЬеу the rulеs iп, e.g. football, rugby,
hockey, etc,
r 'l swimmino оооl 2 tennis
а grоuр of people who р|ау а sport оr
game together against another group
an official who makes sure that рlауеrs
оЬеу the rules in, e.g. tennis

people who play а game оr sport

а large structure, usually with no rооf,
whеrе people can sit and watch sport
St_ З Fоrmulа'| 4 9ol{

ап аrеа with seats аrоuпd it whеrе public

entertainments such а5 sports events
аrе held
9 the реrsоп who is the lеаdеr of а team
10 а building where, e.g. indoorfootbaIl is
11 а реrsоп who trains people to compete in 5 football
сеrtаiп sports

12 people who аrе watching а sports event


7 athletics

Complete the sentences with the past simple form я PRONUNCIATION lэ,лl апd lзхl
of the чеrьs from the list.
а ФЪthе word with а different sound,
beat d-Ф drаw get fit get iпjurеd go
kick lose ýсЁrе throw trаiп win
l ball Й*-iФ caught warm чр
1 Mv wife did athletics when she was
2 The team hard ечеrу day before
2 first hurt sport world

the tоurпаmепt.
З The Frепсh ruппеr the rасе. Не З draw fought score slope
got the gold medal.
4l Ьу cycling to work ечеrу day,
Now l'm muсh healthier than l used to Ье 4 court serve circuit worse
England and Spain their match
6 l didn't play well in the semi-final. l
ь Фý.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and
2-6,1-6. repeat the words.
7 Маrс the ballto his Ьrоthеr, but
he dropped it.
GRAMMAR past tenses
В Brazil Sweden 5-0 in the final.
They had а much stronger team. @u,
Ь, оr с.
9 The Argentinian striker fоur goals She _ the gold medal at the last Olympic Games,
in the last match. -_\
-Lч"9 Ь was winning с had won
10 Оur best player in the second 2 l _ breakfast when l heard the news.
half and was taken off to see the team's doctor, а had Ь was having с had had
11 We swimming every day when з l wanted to go fоr а swim, but l _ а towel.
we were оп holiday.
а didn't Ьriпg Ь wasn't brin9ing с hadn't brought
12 Everyone laughed when the ball
4 Оur guests arrived while we _ the basketball
and my shoe came off.
on TV.
d Complete the рhrаsаl verbs iп the sentences with а watched Ь wеrе watching с had watched
the words from the list. 5 We _ апу goals in оur last match.
а didn't score Ь weren't scoring с hadn't scored
of{ out (х2) uр
6 As soon as the film started, l realized that l _ it

1 You get fit quickly if уоu wоrk out ечеrу day. before.

2 That player is going to Ье sent if а saw Ь was seeing с had seen

he саrriеs on аrguiпg with the rеfеrее. | _ hockey and netball when I was at school.
з we'll Ье knocked _ of the а played Ь was playing с had played
tournament if we don't win оur next match lt was late and people _ to get home before it
4 Yоu can get injured if you don't wаrm got dark.
Ьеfоrе you play а match. а hurriеd Ь were hurrying с had hurried
We wеrе exhausted when we eventually got home -
we _ а vеrу busy day.
а had Ь wеrе having с had had
10 Sоrrу. l _ when you called, so l couldn't апswеr,
а drove Ь was driving с had driven

Ь Complete the sentences with the соrrесt fоrm of the verbs in brackets. Use the past
simple, past continuous, оr past perfect.
'1 When we эrгiу*d - - -rch
(аrrivе), еvеrуопе else had fiпished 1.'- s- :^э and
they ,v,y*r-g .gilting (sit) in the garden having coffee.
2 Тhеу (drive) to the аirроrt when they suddenly
(геmеmЬеr) that they (not lock) the back door.
зl (not recognize) mапу people at my school reunion 5эса _s: э. э,, эпе
(change) а lot in the last 20 years.
4 Му sister (wait) to 9о out for dinner yesterday whеп hеr boyfriend
(call) hеr to say that he (not сап) соmе because his саr
(Ыеаk down).
5 Manchester City (beat) Manchester United yesterday. United
(win) 1-0 in the first half, but Сitч _ (score) Мо goals in
the second half.
бНе (ruп) to the station, but the пiпе o'clock trаiп
(already / leave). The station was empty except fоr two people who (wait)
for the next train,

с Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

The 2008ýИimbledon final between Rоgеr Fеdеrеr and Rafael

Nadal was опе of the most exciting tennis matches in the Ыstory of the
game. It was the third time фе мо mеп 'had played фlау)
each ойеr in the final of the tournament, and everyone
(look forward to) йе match. Fеdеrег
(win) йе 2006 and 2007 fiпаls, but ttris
time Nadal а
(seem) to hаче а good сhапсе
of winning.
The match 5
(begin) at 2.00 р,m. After фе first мо sets, Nadal
(win) 2-0, but during the third set, rаiп stopped play. ý(Ъеп йе рiауеrs
(соmе back) on court) Federer started to play much better, and he
(win) the next мо sets before rain stopped play for а second time. It
(get) late when фе match started again, but the spectators 10

(not сап) take their eyes offthe court.

In the fifth set) the score " (rеасh) 6-6, then 7-7, and йеп Nadal won
the next мо games to win the match. After playing for four hours and 48 minutes, Rafael Nadal
(beat) Roger Fеdеrеr to Ьесоmе the\Wimbledon Men's Singles champion for
the first time.

34 ý С" online for more practice

#thewaywemet Love is like wаr - easy to begin, but hard to end.


GRAMMAR past and present habits and states Complete the sentences with usually,
оr the correct form of used to, and the
а @the correct words. verbs in brackets.
'1 l used to see
@altyýPmy friends two оr thrее times а week. 'l Naomi used to wear glasses, but
We often go to the cinema. now she has contact lenses. (wеаr)
2 Matt used to play / usually p/ays basketball, but he doesn't 2 Му uncle and aunt _ me
апуmоrе. а present on my birthday, but this уеаr
З We didn't use to go / dоп't usually 9о away on holiday because they forgot! (9ive)
we can't afford it. зl my mum on Sundays.
Jordan used to wеаr / поrmаllу wеаrs make-up whеп she goes We chat fоr about half ап hоur. (call)
out, 4l to Frепсh classes,
Did you use to hаче / Do you usually hаче а lot of friends when but l stopped last month because l'm too
уоu wеrе at schooI? busy поw. (9о)
6 We stayed / usually stay in the same cottage ечеrу summеr when 5 We печеr but поw we
l was а child. go to а restaurant at least once а week.
l печеr used to watch / don't usually watch much TV but now |'m (eat out)
addicted to Netflix. бl late, but today l need
l went сусliпg / used to go cycling with some friends last to finish this rероrt before l go home.
weekend. (not work)

ь Соrrесt any mistakes in the highlighted phrases. Tick (rz)

7 Му sister vеrу shy, but
now she's much mоrе confident. (Ье)
the соrrесt sentences.
В Му Ьоуfriепd animals,
1 Whеrе did you used to live Ьеfоrе you moved hеrе? but now he has а dog. (not like)
did vclu use to /iye
2 Jеrrу used to have а beard, but now he's shaved it off. r'

З l поrmаllу go to the gym аftеr wоrk.

Му wife doesn't use to wеаr high heels. She doesn't like


5 Did you use to hаче long hаir whеп you wеrе уоuпgеr?

l usе to walk to work. Му office is only ten minutes frоm

my house.

Саrоl печеr used to Ье чеrу friendly, but now she always

says hello to me.

8 Do you use to get up late on Sundays?

9 l used to go to Раris опсе with my parents when l was little.

10 We stayed in an expensive hoteI when we were iп Venice

PRONUNCIATION the letter s, used to Read about two relationships. Complete the
phrases with а word from the list.
Ф5.2 Listen and(lr!)the word with а different
sound. became соmmоп fancied got in mаrriеd
out proposed t0 together touch uр
% J# ]@
1 2 5 4
snake zebra shower television
see eyes tissue usually

social nowadays ýu9аr music
! Е
Ь Ф5.2 Listen again and repeat the words.
ФS"З Listen and repeat.espy the йythm. L
1 Where did you use to live?
2 Did you use to wear glasses?
3 They used to have а lot of money.
4 Не used to go to my school.
5 We used to work together. 1 They met at а party.
6 You used to have long hair. 2 She _ him.
7 We didn't чsе to get on. ? She got touch.
В l didn't use to like it. 4 Thev went tooether.
Б They didn't have а lot in

VOCABULARY relationships 6 They broke

7 Thev lost
Complete the sentences with the people from
the list.
classmates close {riend colieague
coupie ех {iапсё flatmate paf+nef

Jack's divorced, but hе has а пеw пагtпеr a

called Кеrrу.
This is Eddie, my . Wе'rе getting mаrriеd
next уеаr.
Katie is а vеrу _.
4 That girl over thеrе is my _.
l tell hеr everything.
We went out
together fоr two уеаrs.
Tony and l wеrе at secondary school.
6 l went to the сопfеrепсе with а frоm
. )- j
Holly is а grеаt . She's good company,
and she's very tidy.
В They got _ kпоw each оthеr.
Olly and Megan аrе а vеrу nice _. We've
known them since university. 9 They _ on.
10 Тhеч friends.
1 Thev were
12 Не to hеr. J
'1З Thev oot

Complete the text with the highlighted words and phrases from Ь. Use the past simple
form of the чеrьs.


lMG 1з04

Му photos


Аппа 1met Luke when she started work. She 2

immediately because he seemed like а really nice person. The two sat next to
each other iп the office, so they 1 each other very quickly, They
Soon а_
, and they discovered that they 5

because they wеrе both sports fans. They 6

а few times after
work, and they fell in love.

They 7
for а year, but they argued а lot and iп the end they
. After that, Аппа got а пеw job in а different town and so
they 9
. Теп years later, they10 again оп
Facebook. They were both still single, and Luke had changed jobs, too. They
decided to try again, and this time they r1 better than before,
maybe because they weren't working together. After six months, Luke
Аппа, and she accepted. They 1З last
spring. А lot of their old colleagues from work came to the wedding!

d Complete the sentences with abstract nouns formed from the words from the list.

friend leader mеmЬеr раrtпеr rеЬtiеп

1 Му dad and l аrе чеrу close. We have an excellent re/ationshlp
2 Му with Debbie goes back to when we wеrе at school together.
We've known еасh other for уеаrs!
2 l like the look of the new sports сluЬ, so l'm going to apply fоr
4 Каrеп was promoted to mапаgеr because of hеr skills
ц The two Ьrоthеrs have gопе into togethe1 and they've opened
а restaurant in the square.

Q Со online for mоrе practice О С" online to check your progress 37


Practical English Old friends

permission and requests


а Re-order the words to make phrases fоr а Complete the highlighted phrases in the
permission and requests. conversations with а word from the list.
1 jacket / pass / you / сап / my
соп]е days miпd sее ta|k way
Сап уоu раss mу jacket ?
2 ОК / window / l / is / open / if / а / iI
1А Hello Richie. Yоu'rе here at ]ast!
в Hi Andy. lt's great to sеэ уоч, mate.
З mind / lhal / would / repeating / you
2л Соmе and sit down, Helen. ]t's Ьееп too long.
4 you / ofltake / mе / а/ could / photo в l know. We've got so much to
5 you / ifl hеrе/ mind / sit / do /

How _ уоu'rе so late?

в Sorry, l missеd the bus,
6 you /do/could / you / Ьа9 /саrrуlthiпk/ my

4А This is nice. You and mе having diппеr together.

Circle the соrrесt responses to the questions в Yeah. Just like the old
from а.
1 -_\
Yеs, lcan. /(Sure,)
5А Shall we 9о out tonight?
в l'd rаthеr stay in, if you don't
2 No рrоЬlеm. / Yes, it is.
З /Vo, l wоuldп't. / Not at all. 6 А So, shail we walk to the station?
4 No рrоЬlеm. / Yes,lcould. В No mап! Let's get а taxi!
5 Of соursе not. / No, ldоп't.
6 Yes, lcould. / Sчrе. Complete the conversation with the highlighted
phrases from а.
Complete the requests with the соrrесt form of
а чеrь frоm the list.
Jay Danl llt's great to see уоu. mate,
Dan 'ou too, Jay. lt's Ьееп years.
d€, join pass meet take visit
Jay 2

1 Could you do me а big favour? Dan Му flight was delayed, and then l had to wait
2 ls it оК if we _ my parents this weekend? ages fог а taxi.

З Would you mind mе at the аirроrt?

Jay Well, уоu'rе hеrе поw. Do you want something
to eat?
4 Do you mind if l _ you?
Dап з l want to go out and see
5 Can vou the salt?
the city!
6 Do you think you could _ me to the Jay Don't you want to uпрасk first?
station? Dan No, l сап do that later. But l'll take а shower,
Match the requests from с to responses a-f.
Jay Sчrе. Go ahead.
а 4 Of соursе not. Take а seat.
Dan This is grеаt" You and me getting rеаdу to go
Ь_ Sure. Неrе it is. out.
с_ Yes, of соursе. What time's your trаiп? Jay Yeah. 5
d_ lt depends what it is! ***
е_ Not at all. When do you land? Dап Ri9ht, l'm rеаdу, Let's go, 6
f _ Surе. Which day would Ье best? Jay That's truе. So muсh has hаррепеd since we last
saw each other.

38 ý Оо online to practise the Practical English phrases

Сап уоч rеmеmЬеr...? 1-5


Complete the second sentence so that it has а similar Complete the artic|e. Write one word in
meaning to the first sentence. Write three words. each space.
Contractions аrе two words, е.9. isn't.
l met my раrtпеr six years а9о.
|'ve known my partner ,ff
/;\ пrаг;.Frап{Т л-
l./,al l,q\ч ( Ll,ц]аЦGШt]
|'ll саrrу that case for you. гJ!

that case fоr you?

Апdrе Agassi and Steffi Graf both used to Ье very
З Jacob started studying at 9.00 a.m., and he's still studying now famous tennis players.They're also а
Jacob since 9.00 a.m The pair have Ьееп married'__ 2001, and
Playing football is prohibited in the pedestrian zone. they have two teenage children.
Yоu football in the pedestrian zone. Aoassi апd Graf have а lot з соmmоп.
5 l can't go to уоur раrtу next Friday. When they were little, their fathers were very
l won't go to уоur party next Friday ambitious for them. As children, they
Му sister cried а lot when she was а child. to practise for hours each day to Ьесоmе successful
As а child. mv sister а lot. players.
ln 1992, looth Agassi and Graf wоп Wimbledon, but

2 VOCABULARY they didn't actua|ly meet until 'l999, when they both
won the French Ореп tournament in Paris. At the time,
@the word that is different. the two wеrе quite different
___ each
1 boiled tinned roast steamed other. Aoassi was famous
б his wild
2 selfish stubborn bossy reliable арреаrапсе and rebellious personality, while Graf was
3 tax voicemail budget lоап quieter and 7._ sensible.The two started
4 fеrrу road works traffic lights zebra crossing going 8,__.___ together after the tournament,
5 call back diai hang up рrороsе and they've been together ever since.

6 captain stadium соасh rеfеrее During their careers, Agassi and Graf earned а lot of
monev. and todav thev
9 worth millions

з PRoNUNclATloN of dollars, They both work for different organizations

helping to '0___ mопеу for charity.
(@*Ь" word with а different

1 could food good sчgаr

2 lose pool cook huge

3 рrороsе mortgage

4 сочrsе draw score

5 hчrt Sport еаrп Worse

О В" опliпе to check your progress

All you need to make а

Behind the sсепеs movie is а girI and а gun,

Jean-Luc Godard, Frепсh director

J GRAMMAR passive (all tenses) с Read the аrtiс|е.@gфа, Ь, оr с.

а -4_
Qrglg;the соrrесt form, active оr
1 The film sets ZбlФiп Manchester in the
1 980s. Гоur decades of film history
2 А well-known comedy writer иzrоtе / was l_
Steven Spielberg films for over 4О years. The film that
made him famous around the world was Jашs, which 2
writtеп the script,
З Special effects wil/use / willbe usedto |975. Jauls'_ the story of а holiday resort where swimmers
create the monster. n_ Ьу а huge great white shark. Spielberg had many problems
4 some of the extras hаче invited / hаvе with the mechanical sharks while the film 5_, Ьцt he managed
Ьееп inyited to the film рrеmiеrе. to finish it in the end. Jаu;s was extremely successful, and it
5 Cinemas all оvеr the соuпtrу аrе shоwtпg / u_ three Academy Awards. Since then, Spielberg'_ many
are being shown the musical. films which have since become c]assics, including Close
6 The drama is gоiпg to dub / is going to Ье Епсоuпtеrs of the Third Кiпd, С.L, and Jиrassic Park. Не
dubbed into other langua9es. 8_ for an Oscar seven times and has won the аwаrd fоr
7 was чеrу windy while they wеrе filming /
lt Best Director twice: for Schindler's List and Sauing Prioate
wеrе Ьеiпg filmed the final scenes. Rцап. Today, Spielberg'_ to Ье one of the most popular
8 Tickets fоr the show can buy / сап Ье directors and producers in film history. Now in his seventies,
bought опliпе. he's still maКng films, and it seems unlikely that he lo any
time soon,
Ь Complete the sentences with the correct
passive fоrm of the verbs in brackets.
'] The dirесtоr's new film is based
оп а truе story, (base)
2 l've just rеаd that Jude Law
for an Оsсаr. l hope hе wins! (nominate)
з The final scene iп
Africa right now. (film)
4 Тhе асtоr looked very different because
hе into an old mап Ьу
the make-up artist. (trапsfоrm)
5 The first Star tz'Yars films
Ьу Gеоrgе Lucas. (direct)
6 опе of the wоrkеrs fell off а ladder while
the set . (build)
The sequel next уеаr.
(release) l q"-ЙБ"" ,"КБgЪ ь has been made с is made
8 Тhе scene had to 2 а is released ь released с was rеlеаsеd
sечеrаl times Ьеfоrе the director was З а---я
is told ь tells с was told
satisfied. (shoot) 4 а аrе being attacked ь аrе attacking с attack
5 а was shot ь shoot с was being shot
6 а was wоп ь Won с was being won
7 а has Ьееп directed ь has directed с was directed
в а nominated ь has nominated с has been nominated
9 а considers ь is considered с has been considered
]0 а will rеtirе ь will Ье rеiirеd с is rеtirеd

PRONUNCIATION rеgu|аr and irrеgчlаr past # VOCABULARY cinema
participles а Match the words from the list to
Look at the past participles. Which sounds do the letters definitions 1-12.
in bold have? write the words from the list in the correct
column in the chart.
action film animation сеFп€ф drama
historicalfilm hоrrоr film musical
said shot taken told used waited watehed wоп
lоm-соm science fiction film thrillеr
wаr film western
wаrп written
] an amusing film that has а happy ending
1 finished looked released watched 2 а film that has а lot of exciting events, е.9.
fights and car chases

2 filmed played owned

З а film about imaginary events in the futurе

3 added directed repeated 4 а film with а sеriоus story

5 а film where the cast sing and dance

4 built given hit
а film with ап exciting story, often about а

5 cost gone got сrimе

7 а film based on rеаl events in the past

6 brought drawn taught
8 а scary film

7 felt left meant

9 а film about soldiers fighting battles

8 done drunk rчп 'l0 а film about life iп the past in the US

11 а film which is made with pictures that

арреаr to move

'l0 chosen flown stolen 12 а fuппу film about love

ь Ф6.1 Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and rереаt the
groups of words.

.Ь \
fri }
Ь Complete the sentences. с Complete the text with the phrases from the list.
тhе stat_ of the film was а
{amous British actress,
is based оп was<*ipeetеd.Ф was dubbed into
plays the part of is set in wаs shot
ldidn't understand the film because the
pl- was vеrу complicated,
The actor wanted to play the part as soon

as he had rеаd the sc_.
some of the а_
the end of the film.
wеrе сrчiпq at
Most critics have given the film ап
excellent r_. The Rеvепапt is а 2015 American western. |t 1was drrected Ьу _

They опlу had to shoot the sc_ Mexican film director Alejandro G, lfrбrritu. The film 2

once. the north-western part of the US, lt а nove| about
lt's а Frепсh film, but with English the experiences of Hugh Glass, а mап who lived in the area in the early
S_. 1BOOs. The Rеvепапtа location in canada, the
You'll have to wait {оr the s_ to US, and Argentina. Leonardo DiCaprio 5
find out what hаррепs next. Glass and wоп ап Academy Award for his реrfоrmапсе. rhе
Му favourite s_ is the music
was made in English, but it 6 other languages.
from Guardians of the Galaxy.
lU The best thing about the film was the
SP_ е_, They wеrе
чеrу realistic.
11 Тhе director is looking fоr е дJ
to act in the сrоwd scenes.
12 The с_ was а mixture of British
and American actors.
1з The Times fi|m сr_ didn't like
the film at all.
14 The two actors first met оп the
s_ of the film La La Lапd.
15 l've seen the tr_, and it looks
like а really interesting film.

BLO(}B LOsT. LlFE F{}Uil0,


,At|UARY 8


t{ .fl
42 (D Со online for mоrе practice
Take care of your body. lt's

Ечеrу picture tells а story the опlу place you have to live.
Jim Rоhп, Аmеriсап

шщl _

1 GRAMMAR modals of deduction Ь Complete the sentences with must, might, might поt,
or сап't.
а (@the соrrесt words.

Не lived in Argentina for five уеаrs, so hе speak
good Spanishl
2 Yоч Ье чеrу busy at wоrk. You're always on
3 l'm not sure, but the пеw assistant Ье ltalian.
Her surname is Rossi.
That mап@ / mustbe the new boss. Mark passed all his exams. His раrепts Ье very
оur пеw boss is а woman.
А l think EngIand willwin tonight.
В Yоu Ье serious! They have по chance!
Lucy wasn't feeling well this afternoon, so she
come to the раrtч toniqht. She said she'd let us
know lаtеr today.
2 Yоu must / сал't Ье rеаllу tired. You've had l thought оur пеighЬоur was away оп holiday, but she
а long trip. Ье - l've just seen hеr in hеr gаrdеп.
8 lt's very cold and cioudy this evening. l think it


Rewrite the highlighted sentences. Use might (поt), сап't,

оr rnust.

З l'm not surе what book to buy Oliver. Не

1 They've Ьееп knocked out of the tоurпаmепt. l'm sure thеу'rе
might поt / rnustn't like the same kind of
things as me. They rnust Ье disapp*lnted
2 Emily's late. lt's possible that she has а meeting.

З lt's 8.З0 and Tom's still in bed. l'm sure he isn't going to wоrk

Paula can't / соuld Ье injured. She isn't Don't buy that jumреr for Ruth. lt's possible that she won't like it
running very well at all today. She's very slow She
We've only walked three kilometres. l'm surе you аrеп't tired
6 Susie's Ьееп studying all night. l'm surе she has ап exam
5 Yоur neighbour must / might поt have а She
good job. Не has а vеrу expensive саr. 7 We've been waiting ages for the lift. lt's possible that it isn't

l\4уЬrоthеr isn't answering his phone. lt's possible that he's

driving home frоm wоrk.

6 Luke and Molly must / can't have muсh

mопеу. They печеr go out.

2 VOCABULARY the body
с' Label the picture.

1 head



5l 6 fe_
12 kn_


Ь Look at the pictures. Complete the puzz|e to find the hidden part of the body.




с Complete the sentences with а чеrЬ frоm the list. d Complete the sentences with а part of the body.
1 you kick with чоur fооt
bite clap kick nod point smell
smile s+afe taste throw touch whistle 2 You point with уоur _.
з you smile with чоur
'l lt's rudе to stаrе at people. lt can make them 4 You taste with Vоur _
feel uпсоmfоrtаьlе. 5 You nod with чоur _ .

2 you'll have to the ball hаrdеr to sсоrе а 6 you stаrе with чоur
goal. 7 you smell with vour
Don't _ that plant with уоur hапd * it's 8 you touch with чоur
9 You whistle with уоur
lf you're in апоthеr country and don't speak the 'l0 You bite with чоur
language, you сап at the thing you want
11 You clap with your
in а shop оr саfё.
lсап _ something burning. Did you turп
off the oven? * PRONUNCIATION diphthongs
Му grandparents always look unhappy in photos
because they печеr at the саmеrа.
а @1@the word with а different sound.

Не was too embarrassed to speak, but he was able to

'l bite smile height
his head to show he had understood,
бБ ь,о" @r)
8 Did the audience much at the end о{
the сопсеrt?
2 face great eyes taste
9 Lisa doesn't like dogs because she's afraid they'll НЙ"",п
10 l my favourite song when l'm in 3 nose tongue throw toes
the shоwеr.
Don't drоо rubbish in the street. it in

the bin. а#р owl 4 sound crowd mouth shoulders

'l2 Can you _ the soup? l think it might need
mоrе salt.
В chair 5 hair hеrе stare wear

6 арреаrапсе beard fair serious

ь ФО.t Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and

L repeat the words.

J -| *Ё,{'

Е* Е"


о- Ll

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One child, one teacher, опе book,

and lеаrп one реп


VOCABULARY education Match the words frоm the list to definitions 1-1'l.

lп the UK

boarding school degree head пursеrу school

рrimаrу school рriчаtе schoo| fijpilэ
secondary school state school students term

1 Children in school.

2 А school for children aged four to еlечеп.
? The teacher in charge of а school.
4 А school controlled Ьу the government.

Ап official document that students gain Ьу

successful|y completing а соursе at university.

6 А school that parents рау for.

7А реriоd of time that the school уеаr is divided into.

8 А school that сhildrеп live at while thеу'rе studying.

9 А school fоr children aged frоm about two to five.

а Complete the sentences. Оrdеr the letters to
make school subjects. 10 People who аrе studying at schoo| or university.
'l Physics (siphycs) is the scientific study of naturaI
forces such as light, sound, heat, electricity, рrеssurе, 11 А school fоr сhildrеп aged from eleven to eighteen,
(ogphyrage) is the study of the world's
surface, physical qualities, cIimate, countries, CompIete the sentences.
products, population, etc.
) (lobigyo) is the scientific study of living
J ln the US
things. 'l Vеrу уоuп9 children often go to kindergarten
4 (teturelira) is the studv of роеtrч, drama,
2 Сhildrеп start е_ sch
and fiction. when thеу'rе six.
(trчmisсhе) is the scientific studv of
З Schoolchildren аrе divided Ьу а9е group into
substances and what happens to them in different оr
4 The school уеаr is divided into s_.
(rytohis) is the study of past events.
5 After middle school, students go оп to h_
(fortionmain nogytechlo)
is the study of computers fоr collecting, storing and
6 students finish school in tw
sending out information. or
(eticsmamath) is the study of numbers,
7 When they leave school, some students go to
quantities оr shapes.
с- to continue their education.

Complete the texts with the past simple fоrm of * PRONUNCIATION the letter u
the чеrьs from the list.

ф Ье punished cheat let make

"@, he word with а different sound.

misbehave (поt) Ье allowed to

1 fruit @ scooter trче
шEl li
2 couple mussels pull tongue

lш 3 счt full push put

4 musical stupid subtitles tчпа

ь ФУ,1 Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and
repeat the words.
At my secondary school, discipline was чеrу strict.
students who behaved badlv 1were ехреllеd
so чеrу few students 2 in class GRAMMAR first conditional and future
Wез talk during lessons,
time clauses + whеп, until etc.
and the tеасhеr us stand
uр еvеrу time another tеасhеr came into the Match the sentence halves.
classroom. we had to wеаr а uпifоrm, and we 1 Will you buy а саr е
i{ we wоrе something
2 Mike's оаrепts wiIl Ье furious
di{ferent. We had to study а lot, and nobody
in exams. ln the {inal уеаr,
З l'll have mоrе time to help you

the tеасhеrs wеrеп't as strict with us, and they

4 You'll have to go to а new school
us leave school during the 5 Не won't oass his exams
lunch Ьrеаk 6 Nina won't go back to wоrk
7 Yоu'll need to buy the book
8 l'll stay at hоmе
fail pass revise take
а unless he revises mоrе.
Ь аftеr I come back from my holiday.

l с
if he fails his exam a9ain.
before the classes start.
f whеп уоur family moves house.
g if l still don't feel well in the morning.
t h until hеr daughter starts school.

l} l was чеrу nervous Ьеfоrе my fiпаl exams at

university. l 8. for several weeks,
and l didn't go out at all. | 9
eight exams, and l was чеrу relieved when l had
finished. ln the end, l r0=__.- all of
them, but my friends weren't so lucky. They
some of the exams, so they
had to do them again.


Ь Complete the sentences with а word from the list. Use each word опlу опсе.

аftеr Ьеfоrе i{ i*пъ55 until whеп

1 They won't Ье аЬ|е to leave the school unless the tеасhеr gives them permission
2 They'll have to wear а uпifоrm they go to sесопdаrу school.
J I'll talk to my teachers _ l choose my exam subjects.
4 EIla will Ье disappointed _ she doesn't get good marks.
|'ll have а long holiday the соursе finishes.
6 The teacher won't start the class all the pupils аrе quiet

Complete the sentences with the соrrесt fоrm of the verbs iп brackets. Use the present
simple or future (will / won't).
1 l t/ do my homework as soon as Igel hоmе. (do, get)
2We late unless we . (Ье, hurrу)
зl а shоwеr before l (have, go out)
4 The school bus fоr you if you on time. (not wait, not Ье)
5 If the tеасhеr ,We the exam. (not come, not have)
6 James hоmе until he а job. (not leave, find)
7 Alice buy а саr unless hеr parents hеr the money.
(not Ье able to, lend)
8 As soon as mу boyfriend his results, he me. (get, call)
9 She рrimаrу school until she five years old. (not start, Ье)
10 You better if you ечеrу day. (play, practise)

d Complete the sentenrces with уочr оwп ideas.

1 l'll сhаrgе my рhопе when / qet home tonioht
2 l'il 9о out tonight if
З I won't watch TV later unless
4 l'll do my homework Ьеfоrе
5 l won't buy а (пеw) phone until
6 l'll go to bed after

48 ý Со online for mоrе practice

he hotel of Мum and Dad Jоhп Ed Реаrсе, US journalist

1 GRAMMAR second conditional, choosing Complete the sentences with the words
in brackets. use the first or second
between conditionals
Match the sentence halves. 1 lf thеч offer me the iob, l'll take it _.
'l lf we had the time. d (l / take it)

2 l'd like mv flat mоrе, 2 lf mу саr wasn't being rераirеd,

З You'd Ье able to find а job _ /d give уоu а lift
, (l / give уоu а lift)

4 lf my sister didn't wоrk so hаrd, З lf l had Emiiy's пumЬеr.

(l / call hеr)
5 lf we bought а Ьiggеr house in the соuпtrу,
you'll miss the trаiп if
6 lf they could live anywhere they wanted to, _
(you / not hurгу up)
7 We'd oet оп better
l{ l see John,
В l wouldn't want to live in London, _ (l / telt him the news)
а she could spend mоrе time with hеr children. 6 Rob wouldn't send you flowers
Ь they'd move to Frапсе. if . (he / not love you)

с if you spoke better English. 7 lf mу mother didn't live оп hеr

d we'd do the heusewerl< еursеlчеs, . (she / Ье hаррiеф

е if we didn't have to shаrе ап office. lf it rains оп Saturday,

f unless | еаrпеd а lot of money.

(they / cancel the match)

g if it was on the top flооr. You wouldn't spend so much mопеу

h we'd Ье able to hаче а dog.

if _.
(you / not eat out ечеrу night).
Complete the sentences with the correct fоrm of the 10 Rita won't go to work tоmоrrоw
чеrьs iп brackets. use the second conditional. if . (she / поt feel Ьеttеф
1 lf Tom had mоrе time, he dдашt_
his rооm himself. (have, paint)
2 Lucy hаррiеr if hеr flatmate
the kitchen mоrе often. (Ье, clean)
stress, the letter с
Jl to wоrk if l Ф7,fr Listen and complete the sentences.
parking space. (not drive, not have) '1 lf l did mоrе ехеrсisе , l'd Ье а
you working if you /ot fitter
а lot of mопеу? (саrrу оп, win)
2 _
l'd mv own if l had
5 l'm sure Sally better if she а_.
so muсh coffee. (sleep, not drink)
з would vou а if vou
6 Му parents me the money if l ?
to buy а new саr. (lend, need)
lf it were
7l surprised if it I the
tonight. (not Ье, snow)
8 lf оur house so small, you 5l ifl
all stay the night. (not Ье, сап) in the
yoU if you
уоur аlаrm? (wake up, not set) фЭ"U tisten again and repeat the
'10 sentences. Сору the rhythm.
lf we апоthеr Ьаthrооm, thеrе
а quеuе fоr the shower. (have, not Ье)

с say the pairs of words. Do the letters iп bold have the same
pronunciation or аrе they pronounced differently? Write ý (same) DoWN Ф
оr D (different). 'l опе of the sides of а rооm оr
1 carpet location S 5 city centre building joining the ceiling to the
2 cabin ceiling D 6 castle musician flооr
З centre cosy 7 decide епtrапсе 2 the highest flооr of а building
4 spacious special 8 fireplace balcony з
d ф}"ý Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and rePeat the words.

Complete the sentences with iп or оп. the space оr rооm uпdеr the roof
of а house
1 Wе'rе looking for а flat iп а suЬurЬ. We don't.want to live in the city
2 |'d love to live Ьу the sea, maybe _ the south coast.
з All the Ьеdrооms аrе _ the fiгst flооr.
4 sаrа bought а beautiful cottage the соuпtrу, where she сап ridе
hеr hоrsе.
- 7
сhris lives
сепtrе every day.
the outskirts of the city, so he has to commute to the бft-*Ъ*:
6 Му grandparents live _ а town поrth of Manchester called Blackburn.

Complete the crossword.

9 the part of the building that covers

the top of it

AcRoSS +
2 а flat, hаrd аrеа, especia|ly outside
а house оr restaurant, whеrе you
can sit, eat, and enjoy the sun

а rооm оr rooms in а building, partly

оr completely below ground level
the flооr of а building that is at
street level

Il {я{
ir,J|| ll il
itlll!lll ýЁ

с Complete the adverts.@a, Ь, or с.

ý Со опliпе for mоrе practice Ф В" online to check your progress 51


Practical English Boys' night out

making suggestions


а Re-order the words to make phrases for making and Complete the sentences wlth the correct
responding to suggestions. form of а чеrь frоm the list.
1 not / why
eat out go meet erde+ play watch
2 vеrу/fish/kееп/поt/l'm/оп/rаw ] Wecould аrdеr apizza.

з u,,a"u :ili-]i.;_j:ý;.,
. ,",,uu. ?
; }jl:;:j,-" ..Tjl'J".,,",
б Let's
5 about z ct ,n" '"'on'
? з -
6shall/l SoclALENGLlSH
? Complete the conversation.
1 7 cablcould/toltime/get/we/a/save
| Ellie Joe?
l л ltalian Joe

. Hi, Ellie.
|| В У"" / how /ап / restaurant
/ to' /' going about
q' l L / gУvЧ
Ellie lt's Mum's birthday, and you're iate.

l , *." , ," , ь* ' ,о" ЖТ;,iе

|'m not going to Зm_ it fоr
Ь Complete the conversation with the phrases from а.
Ellie Why not?
Jess l'm hungry. 1Whеrе shаll wе go {аr luпсh ? Joe l'm at а friend's house. She's
Phil l think there's а burger Ьаг пеаr hеrе. 2_
Оо_ to Gеrmапу
tоmоrrоw to start hеr пеw job,
Jess Phil, you know l don't eat meat. апd l wanted to say goodbye.
Phil Oops! Sоrrу, l forgot. Well, З Ellie But why tonight? It's 5п
that l don't think уоu should say
l fancy some pasta. goodbye, but couldn't you do it
Jess Aren't you оп а diet? tоmоrrоw?
Phil Well, yes... Joe Not rеаllу. l wanted to have а
Jess No ltal]an for you, then. а
'*_ with hеr about
Phil |'m not sure аЬоut Japanese food, 5 something Ье{оrе she left.
Ellie Mum's going to Ье upset.
Jess Well, 6 Joe Sоrrу, Ellie. lt won't 7h_
l know а place that does excellent fried riсе, again. Tell Мum l'll see hеrtоmоrrоw.
Phil 7
Is it чеrу {аr?
Jess lt's а couple of blocks away. 1
Phil ! Let's do that.

52 Q Со online to practise the Practical English phrases

Сап уоu rеmеmЬеr...? 1-7


€@*Ь" correct words. Read the аrtiсlе.(ц!Фа, Ь, оr с.
John and lVlary аrе delighted because their son

Alternative schoolinq
gets / 's getting / will get mаrriеd next уеаr.
Не p/ays / 's рlауiпg / Ъ Ьееп playing tennis fоr ten
уеаrS. Mother-of-two, Sue Cowley, is an experienced teacher and ачthоr
You don't hауе to / oughtto / mustп't send text of many books оп hоw to give children
1_ education. Тhеsе
messages when уоu'rе driving. lt's against the law. days, teachers 2_ the first реорlе to insist that children must Ье
l'd love to сап / Ье able to / could to play the piano, educated at schooi, not at hоmе. However, Mrs Cowley doesn't
but l can't. agree. That's why she decided to take her children out of sсhооl
lf l haye / had / will have time tonight, l'll send you for six months to go on а road trip. Тhе route thе family took
those photos. '_ Ьу the сhildrеп themselves, Alvie and Edite, whо wеrе
lf l knew the answe1 l'll tell / tell / 'd te//you. eleven and eight at thе time.
In NочеmЬеr 2074, tiey
а_ iп the family car and headed
for the Netherlands, whеrе thеу stayed in а mobile hоmе on the
fr VOCABULARY 5_ of Amsterdam. Тhеу visited Anne Frank's house and the

@the wоrd that is different. Rijksmuseum. Frоm there, they drove all around Еurоре before
making their way to China. Whilе their u *"r" studying hard
'l dishonest irresponsible sympathetic unkind 7_
at school, Alvie and Edite giant pandas at Beijing Zoo.
2 Ьоrrоw сhаrgе lnvest sаlаrу
З boarding рrimаrу state head
4 аrепа coach sports hall stadium
5 cast extra plot star
6 lips shoulder teeth tongue

(@the word with а different sound.
Тhе children 8_ get up early or study on their trip, but their
1 carpet cast cinema сritiс mоthеr thеm write а page in thеir travel diary ечеrу day.
Aivie and Edite learned а lot on their travels, including hоw to
draw an accurate mар of Europe and what to do if you Ьесоmе
2 ceiling centre cosy terrace separated from уоur famiiy оп the underground,
'О_ at school since thеу returned frоm their trip, but Mrs
Cowley would like to take thеm on another adventure one day.
З city musician spacious special
1 а Ьеttеr Ь best с the best
2 а аrе usually Ь usually аrе с used to Ье
4 stare state taste trai|er
з а chose ь was chose с was chosen
4 а set down Ь set off с Set Uр
5 eyes fail high smile 5 а coaSt ь outskirts с suburbs
6 а classmates Ь collea9ues с PartnerS
7 а have visited ь had visited с wеrе visiting
8 а can't ь didn't have to с mustn't
9 а alIowed Ь let с made
10 а Тhеу'rе Ь They've Ьееп с They wеrе

О С" опliпе to check your рrо9rеss

The right job fоr уоu
l1ФЬорlе who work sitting down
set pare
more than people who work standing up.
Оgdеп Nash, USpoet

Complete the sentences with а preposition and а
а Complete the text with words frоm the list. word from the list.

applied €vef+iffie promoted rап redundant freelance tull-time part-time реrmапепt

resign retire sacked set uр shifts training соursе s€r-f-effip]€]€dtеmроrаrу unemployed

Му fother's first job wos in о smoll locol

compony. Не hod to do о lot of r overtime ,
which he reolly hoted, but he knew he would
ье 2_ if he didn't do it, one doy,
he decided to 3_ from the job. Не
fоr о new job with о multinotionol
соmропу. At first. he worked'_ in о
foctory. Then, he got 6_ to supervisor.
Loter, he wos mode '_ becouse
business wos bod. After thot, my dod did о
in Business Мопоgеmепt, ond he
his own business. Не r0
the соmропу for 20 yeors, опd he didn'i
until he wos бВ yeors old.

This photo shows the porty they orgonized
for him оп his lost doy.
fu t

( ,1:}
Maxine is а self-emp/oyed mесhапiс. She loves
working far herself.
Му пiесе is still _ school, but she has а
job. She only works on Friday evenings
and Saturdays.
Oliver is his third уеаr of medicine. He's
hoping to get а job as а waiter for the
Summerto еаrп Some money.
*4 Lаurа is сhаrgе of lT at the public
liЬrаrу. lt's а _ job * she works from 8 a,m.
to б p.m. every day.
.-. Му cousin used to work
}_Ъ а lаrgе
multinational соmрапу, but he's been
since he was made redundant last уеаr.
Му boyfriend has а _ job in а bank,
and he hopes to stay thеrе until he rеtirеs. He's
]О responsible customer loans.
a Му sister is а _ software dечеlореr. She
works _ lots of different companies.

с Complete the sentences with а почп form of
the wоrd iп bold.
2 PRONUNCIAT|ON word stress
] rпusjсiап а Underline the stressed syllable.
l 2
А plays music for а living.
Тhеу'rе |ooking for а _ to translate 1 aololiicaltion
some documents into polish. 2 ар!р|у
3 The company employs 200 staff - ]50 аrе in full- з emIployiment
time _. 4 fаrimеr
4 Неlеп studied pharmacy because she wanted to 5 freeilance
Ьеа 6 lawjyer
5 When we retire, we d like to spend our 7 muisilcian
with оur grandchildren. 8 реrimа jnent
6 Тhеу'rе going to promote someone, but we don't 9 phar!ma}cist
know who's going to get the 10 pro!moition
colin's interested in law, so heu like to Ье 11 quallilfiica|tion
а_. 12 quaJli{fy
Му son is good at all the sciences, so l'm surе hе'll
1з rejdunIdant
Ье а _ when he's older.
14 reisig]naltion
Му colleague tried to resign, but оur boss wouldn't
15 re]tire
accept his
16 rе|tirе!mепt
10 l applied fоr thе job, but l sent in the
too late.
17 sciienltist
18 tem!pora|ry
11 А _ has to qet uр еаrlч to look after
his farm. 19 trans]laltion
12 Не wasn't qualified fоr the job, because he didn't 20 uniem!ployed
have anv
Ф8.Т Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and repeat.
Complete the sentences with the correct form
of а word from the list. use еасh word twice. t GRAMMAR choosing between gerunds

соmрапу fire market ruп work and infinitives

1 l like spending time with John. l enjoy his @.,ь, оr с.
соmDапч '1 lt's dif{icult а good job these days.
2 Тhе police their guns in the аir. а finding fi"d
З l dropped mу phone in the Ьаth and now it Не isn't чеrу good at _ decisions.
doesn't а making Ь to make с make
4 l_ five kilometres еvеrу evening. Тhеу promised _ me at the end of the month.
5 Jane was _ because she stole mопеу а paying Ь to рау с рау
frоm the соmрапу. l should _. lt's getting late.
6 We always buy fruit and vegetables from оur а going Ь to go с go
Iocal_. _ ап application fоrm сап take ages.
7 Му sister has applied fоr а job with an
а in Ь То fill in с Fill in
Му girlfriend told me _ hеr lаtеr.
8 Тhеrе isn't а big forthis kind of
а calling Ь to call с call
product in Еurоре.
The film l saw last night made me _.
9l Dart-time in а саfё.
а сrуiпg Ь to сrу с сrу
10 Опе day, l would like to _ my own
Tim rеа|lу епjоуs _ in а team.
а working Ь to work с work
l went to the supermarket _ some bread.
а buying Ь to buy с buy
l gave up _ basketball when l went to university.
а playing Ь to play с play


Соrrесt апу mistakes in the highlighted verbs. Tick (rZ)the correct sentences.
] l rеmеmЬеr having my first job interview. l was rеаllу nervous! r'

2 Lift heavy weights can give you back рrоЬlеms.

L-i{tiпо hеаvv weichts
З The interviewer asked me wait in reception

4 l know you don't Iike my boyfriend, but please trу to Ье nice to him.

5 Go on, tell me! l рrоmisе to not laugh

6 The bus didn't come, so we started walking hоmе.

7 Аппа went оп study until midnight.

В lt's impossible to read уоur writing!

9 lf уоu'rе tired, l don't mind stay in tonight.

10 Ечеrуопе is afraid of being sacked

Complete the sentences with the соrrесt form of the verbs in brackets.
] l went to the bank to oef some mопеч. (qet)
2 Тrу to уоur boss. Не might Ье able to hеlр you. (talk)
З l want you me exactly what happened. (tell)
4 l didn't rеmеmЬеr the cooke1 so the kitchen was full of smoke. (turп off)
5 Some couples can 9о оп to each other fоr days аftеr ап argument,
(not speak)
6 l'm going out with Jamie because he makes me . (laugh)
7 drive is опе of the requirements of the job. (Ье able to)
8 The service had Ьееп so bad that the mапаgеr аgrееd us fоr оur meal
(not сhаrgе)

56 Q С" опliпе for mоrе practice

Have а пiсе day! Buy less, choose well, make it last,
Viчiеппе Westwood, British fashion designer

1 GRAMMAR reported speech с Report the conversations.

а (@the correct words. 'Whеrе do you buy уоur clothes?'

] Matt said yesterday that he *ittt@@ 'I buy them опliпе.'
l asked Kate rлzhеrе she bought hеr c/clthes
соmе shopping with me.
She told me (thar) sne bought them оп/iпе
2 we asked the sales assistant how muсh it
was / was it.
'Have you sееп mу wallet?'
З Му sister said rпе / told mе that she had
'I don't know whеrе it is.'
spent all hеr mопеу iп the sales.
не asked me
l asked Lucy where she bought / did she
l said
buy hеr clothes.
You told mе that уоu rпау / mightgo 3 'Do your school shoes still fit you?'
shopping оп Saturday. 'They fit me perfectlyl'
Му Ьrоthеr asked me if l сап / if l could l asked mу daughter
lend him f50 until next weekend. She told .

Kate said that she had to / must go to the

supermarket. 4 'How muсh did you рау for уоur jacket?'
l asked my sister whether suited mе the 'lt was а bargain.'
drеss / the dress suited mе, and she said l
l asked oliver
looked great! Не said
неlепа asked me what / wanted / did l
'Where are уоu going tоmоrrоw?'
wапtfrоm the shops.
'|'m meeting some friends.'
10 Nick said that he couldn't рау me back,
Sophie asked mе
because hе Ъ forgotten / d forgotten his
l told _

ь Complete the sentences with said оr 'Do you needl anything from the shop?'
told. 'l want some chocolate.'

l asked John
Jackie said that she was thinking
of buying а new саr. Не said

Му boyfriend me he wanted
'Did you епjоу your stay?'
to see his friends mоrе often.
'lt's Ьееп very enjoyabIe.'
you vou'd check the рriсе
she asked us
We told
4 _
| you l might Ье late.
5 Rчап me that hе couldn't find 8 'When аrе уоu going shopping?'
his credit card. 'l may go оп Saturday,'
Му sister that she would buy Holly asked mе
me а new smаrtрhопе fоr my birthday. l said

d. VOCABULARY shopping, making nouns Ь Complete the sentences with the почп form of the
frоm verbs verbs in brackets.
тhе companv made а loss of two million
Complete the pairs of sentences w]th the correct pounds last уеаr. (iose)
word, а оr Ь.
The _ was vеrу slow, so we didn't leave а
The sports section is оп the top floor of the Ь tip. (serve)
You сап find this а in shopping centres alI очеr the Selina gets special because she's the
world. mana9er's niece. (treat)
а сhаiп store Ь department store we couldn't rеасh ап with оur boss
Не wasn't huppy with his пеw trоusеrs, so he asked about salaries. (а9rее)
fоr а _. Му exam marks this tеrm аrе а big _ оп
She paid with а twenty-pound note, so the shop last term. (imрrоче)
assistant gave hеr some сhапgе with hеr _. They've had an , and they агеп't talking
а rесеiрt Ь refund to each оthеr. (argue)
Those trоusеrs аrе too short - they don't _ you. They had to get а _ of their house Ьеfоrе
That dress is the right size, but it rеаllу doesn't they could sell it, (value)
vou. His greatest was winning an Olympic
а fit Ь suit gold medal. (achieve)
You сап go to а _ to buy уоur favourite author's difficult
lt's а to make between my
latest novel. best friend's wedding оr my sister's birthday раrtу.
lnstead of buying the book, she's going to Ьоrrоw it (choose)
frоm the _. The restaurant had to close as а result of
а bookshop Ь liЬrаrу bad (manage)

The whole fami|y comes with me whеп l do the 11 Тhеrе's а _ оп Saturday against the
monthIy shop, and the сhildгеп take turns pushing closure of the hospital. (demonstrate)
the _. 12 The _ of alcohol is often prohibited at
l опlу needed а few things, so I picked uр а _ at the sports matches. (sell)
епtrапсе to the store. 1з After саrеful , we've decided to sell the
а basket Ь trоllеу соmрапу. (consider)
This lеаthеr jacket was only fl0, What а _! 14 Му attempt to ruп а mаrаthоп ended in
when l feIl and broke my leg after the first kilometre
Тhеге was а 50О/о _ on sandals, so l bought two
а bargain Ь discount 15 l had to resist the _ to have апоthеr
cake - they wеrе delicious! (tempt)
l'd _ а coat if l wеrе you - it's coId outside.
lt would Ье а good idea to _ that shirt Ьеfоrе you
buy it.
а try оп Ь put оп
You use а _ when you want to рау at the end of the

There's по ехtrа сhаrgе if you рау Ьу _. "ý
а credit card Ь debit card

, -:-7
- --э

d Гь.
с Complete the text with the почп form of the verbs in brackets.



А month ago, I bought а video game online for my son's birthday. I got а confirmation
email back, which said that 1deliyery (deliver) woutd take about ten days. Two weeks
later, I began to wоrrу. I knew the se[[er had received mу'_ (рау), but the video
game hadn't arrived. So I decided to make а З_ (comp[ain). I sent ап email
5_ (respond) immediatety, which said that the seller would took jnto the
incident. After that, I heard nothing fоr three days, so I sent another emai[ demanding ап
he woutd send another сору of the game. If I don't receive it before my son's birthday, I'm
going to ask for'_ (compensate).

З PRONUNCIATION the letters ai

а @the word where ai is pronounced differently.
1 bargain mountain @
2 сеrtаiп complain rаiп
З painting said wait
4 airline fair railway
5 captain plain email
6 Ыаiп hair stairs

Ь Ф8"2 Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and repeat the words.

ý Оо online fоr more practice О е" online to check уочr progress

Nobody gets justice. People only

Lucky епсоuпtеrs get good luck оr bad luck.

Orson lЛlеI/еs, Аmеriсап actor апd director

1 GRAMMAR third conditional Complete the second sentence so it has а similar

meaning to the first sentence.
а Complete the sentences with had or wou/d hауе.
1 l got to the restaurant late because l went to the
'l lf l'd known it was уоur birthday, lU haye wrопg place first.
bought you а present.
lf l hadn't gone to the wrong place first, l wаuldп't
2lI Ьееп quicker if we'd gone Ьу ьче qot to the restaurant /ate.
train. Оur flight was very delayed.
2 l passed my final exams, so l went to university
З Наrrу wouldn't have Ьееп late for work if the bus
l wouldn't have gопе to university if
ьееп оп time.
4 l'm sure that if David Seen you, Неlеп didn't have the right qualifications, so she
he would have said hello.
didn't get the job.
5l gone to their party if they'd lf НеIеп had had the right quaIifications,
invited mе, but they didn't,
6 lf you'd got up еаrliеr, you had We had luпсh Ьеfоrе we left, so we weren't huпgrу.
time to make уоur bed.
We would have Ьееп huпgrу if
7 lf Kim paid attention in class, she
would have known about the exam.
We didn't play tennis this аftеrпооп because it was
В You wouldn't have fallen asleep at the сiпеmа if you windy.
had а rest this afternoon.
lf it hadn't been so windy this afternoon,
Complete the sentences w]th the соrrесt form of
the чеrьs in brackets. You got lost because you didn't follow mу directions.
1 lf you'd told mе you wеrеп't staying fоr dinne1 |
You wouldn't have got lost if
wочldп't have made so much food. (not make)
2 We оп time if we'd left half ап 7 l didn't win that game because you cheated.
hоur еаrliеr. (аrriче) lf you hadn't cheated,
lf we а table, we wouldn't have
Ьееп able to have dinner thеrе. (not book) Alex wasn't vеrу саrеful with his glasses, so he Ьrоkе
4 You'd have seen mу message if you them.
уоur mobile phone. (check) lf Alex had been mоrе саrеful with his glasses,
5 |'d have enjoyed the раrtу mоrе if the music
so loud. (not Ье)
6 lf you'd concentrated on what уоu were doing, you
so mапу mistakes. (not make)
7 lfl it was going to Ье so cold
today, l would have wоrп а wаrmеr coat. (know)
U We Joe to dinner too if we'd
known you didn't like him. (not invite)
9 lfyou so rude about my mоthеr,
lwouldn't have got so апgrу. (not Ье)
10 Му sister promoted if she'd р
refused to do overtime. (not get)

2 PRONUNCIATION sentence rhуthm, Ь Complete the sentences with the соrrесt form of
the words iп brackets.
weak pronunciation of hауе
1 we wеrе sittinq comfortablv on the sofa when thеrе
а Ф9.j Listen and complete the sentences. was а knock at the door. (comfort)
l was in а hurry, so l waited fоr the lift to
аrriче. (patience)
she put down the qlass _, so it fell on the
flооr and Ьrоkе. (саrе)
|'d taken an umbrella because it began
to rаiп before l'd got to my office. (fortune)
5 Thev wеrе to lose the basketball match
because they'd played very well. (luck)

Complete the charts.

поuп +

1successfui 2
lf they hadn't played so badly, they possibility з 4

would hаче wоп the match. 5 6

lf you'd told me about the meeting, l 7 8
9 10
З She the coat
if it hadn't been so expensive.
4 lf thеrе had been rооm for us, we
the night. почп +
5We to SUcceSS successfully 12
the сiпеmа оп time if we'd taken а taxi. possibility 13

6 lf l'd known уоu wеrе moving house, l self 15 16


уоu. uSe

Ь Listen again and repeat the sentences. Сору the suit 19 20

Complete the sentences with а wоrd from the
3 VOCABULARY making adjectives 1 lt's pcssфIe_ to see the Eng|ish coast from Frапсе
and adverbs оп а сlеаr day.

а Complete the chart with the two adjective forms 2 She vеrу _ took both of the biscuits that
of each почп frоm the list. wеrе left оп the plate.
З You should thrоw that old umЬrеllа away - it's
саrе fortune luck patience comoletelv
All of their children have been чеrу _ in
+ thеir chosen саrееrs.
adjective ending 1соmfоrtаьlе 2
uпсоmfоrtаЬ!е Thev were verv dressed fоr the wеаthеr
in -аЬlе
з 4
adjective ending
in -ate
5 6
adjective ending
in -ful / /ess
7 8
adjective ending
in -ient
adjective ending 9

in -у

е Complete the text with the соrrесt adjective оr adverb of the nouns in brackets.

Ап Аmеriсап teenager made а ]careless

(care) mistake yesterday whеп he jumped into а
river without checking the area for alligators
before going swimming.

Kaleb Langdale was at the Caloosahatchee River

in Florida with friends whеп he decided to go
for а swim. The
young man soon fочпd himself in the
(comfort) position of
sharing the water with ап alligator, which started
to attack him. Не was (luck) enough to escape the first attack and began
to swim to the bank, where his friends were 5
(desperation) waiting for him.
(fortune), the three-metre animal attacked again, and this time it held оп
(luck), Kaleb managed to get away, but his arm was seriously
injured in the process.

Kaleb is now recovering iп hospital, and doctors say his condition is 8

despite his injuries. Не recommends that anybody who goes swimming in the Caloosahatchee River
shou|d check the аrеа 9

Q С" опliпе fоr mоrе practice

Computers are useless.

- Digital detox They only give you answers.

Pablo Picasso, Spanish artist

Е@ ý@ :i. iiliiriifiiii+iЁ,if,ii;]Ё

1 VOCABULARY electronic devices

а Complete the words.

*ý +

1ke+boa rd 2р_ t__ Зs __k__ 4а__р__r

'*a ý

6 s_ k _ 7 ch__s__
с t__l

9о о

Complete the sentences with а word from а.

1 Let's turn the liqhts on. Where's the swltch ?
2 l've got the presentation оп а so l don't need to take mу laptop.
З Mv batterv's oettino low. Сап l Ьоrrоw чоur ?
4 Сап l use your ? l need to print out the boarding pass for my flight.
5 You'll need а if you want to connect уоur рhопе to уоur laptop.
6 Where's the '@' svmbol on this ?
7 Who's qot the fоr the TV? l want to change channels.
В You can't use Еurореап plugs in the UK if you haven't 9ot ап
'l0ls the working? l haven't got ап internet connection,
11 Nечеr take а _ out of а with wet hands - you might get ап electric shock.

с Complete the crossword.

DoWN 0
'1 make the volume оп the Тv lоudеr
З put а сhаrgеr in а socket
4 press the 'off' button on the TV
5 make the tеmреrаturе оп the heating lower
6 get the latest version of an арр
9 рrоgrаmmе ап аlаrm

AcRoSS -)
2 disconnect from the electricity supply
4 press the 'оп' button оп а laptop
7 rеmоче а file frоm а соmрutеr
В put пеw software оп а computer

2 GRAMMAR quantifiers
(Circle)the correct answers. Опе, two, оr three answers may Ье correct.
1 Do you eat _ sweets? 7 Му рhопе has _ games because l never play them.
а afew
а_9l.Lф Ь very few
с muсh с чеrу Iittle
2 l sleeo when l'm on holidav. 8 Тhеrе аrе _ уоuпg people living iп the village than there used to Ье,
а a|otof а fewer
Ь alot Ь less
с lots of с little
l don't drink _ coffee. 9 l can't hеаr you. There's _ noise.
а many а enough
Ь alotof Ь too mапу
с much с too much
You сап sit hеrе. Тhеrе's rооm. 'l0 You аrеп't wоrkiпg _.
а mапу а hаrd enough
Ь muсh Ь enough hard
с plenty of с too much hаrd
Му sister has _ friends. 11 Тhеrе isn't _ milk in the fridge.
а а lotof а апу
Ь lots of bno
с loads of с Some
Can l have _ mоrе cake please? 12 А How much bread is thеrе?
lt's delicious! В _. l've just finished it all.
а afew а Any
Ь а little Ь None
с чеrу little с No апу

Complete each раir of sentences so that they have Complete the sentences with а quantifier and
the same meaning. Моrе than опе апswеr may Ье the words in brackets. sometimes mоrе than one
possible. answer is possible.
'l The раrtу was а disaster. Тhеrе wеrеп't
rпапч оеооlе . (oeoole)
2 l didn't have so l опlу оrdеrеd а
plate о{ chips. (mопеу)
З We'll have to driче. Тhеrе аrеп't
on а Sunday. (buses)
Тhеrе аrеп't епоugh сhаirs.
4 lt's raining, so thеrе аrе on the
тhеrе аrе too few chairs
beach - just one оr two. (people)
Б Не can't drive yet. Не isn't (old)
6 Anna's worried because she's а frееlапсе
ы { photographe1 and she has at the
fu*rooo moment. (work)
7 You can't move in their living rооm, There's
. (furniture)
2 Не can't afford it. Не doesn't have
We can't use the рriпtеr. There's
Не can't afford it. lt's fоr him.
9 lt took us ages to get hеrе. Тhеrе was
. (traffic)

l 10 l couldn't sleep on the рlапе. Тhеrе wеrе

11 пь"h, ь". ,"**";:Т:1".: ."*"

Ьеfоrе we leave. (phone calls)
З We only had sleep last night. 12 This jacket doesn't fit me. lt's
we didn't have sleep last night.

З PRONUNCIAГION linking, ough and

а Ф9,fr Listen and write the sentences.
1 l ýw;tched it 0n 5 l

Тhеrе аrе саrs in the city centre, 2 I бl

тhеrе aren't parking spaces. ? 7l
4 8l
Ь Ф*.2 Listen again and repeat the sentences. Тrу
to link the words.

с бrJýthе wоrd with а different sound.

5 реtrоl in the tank

Тhеrе isn't реtrоl in the tank. ж
ш щ
1 2 з 4
horse чр horse hоrsе
brought although bought caught
She buys very books these days.
She doesn't buy books these Ф9.З Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and
days. rереаt the words.

Q С" online {оr mоrе practice

О В" online to check your pro9ress 65

Practical English Unexpected events

indirect questions

ý lNDlREcT oUESTloNS с Complete the conversation with the indirect

questions from а. Тhеrе is one question you don't
QцprЬ" correct words. need to use.
'l Can you tell me what timе[ф/ is it, please?
Ticket clerk Сап l hеlр you?
2 Do you know if this bus does go / goes to Wiпdsоr?
Мах Yes, olease. 1 t'd like to kпоw whаt time the пехf
З Could you tell me where сап l / lсап buy а ticket?
bus fоr Boston :s.
4 l wопdеr where Lola is / is Lo/a today. Ticket clerk Well, the next bus leaves at 10 a.m.
5 Do you know whеthеr this shirt does соrпе,/ соrпеs in Мах Great. 2

а lаrgеr size? Ticket clerk Surе. lt costs $З5.95.

6 l'd like to know where аrе you / уоч'rе 9oing. Мах З_
7 l wonder what time the rеstаurапt c/oses / Ticket clerk With а student саrd you get а 2аа/"
does the rеstаurапt c/ose. discount оп уоur ticket. Тhаt means it'll cost you
8 Can you rеmеmЬеr who did you speak to / $28.75.
you spoke to? Мах ОК, Here's my student саrd...апd mу credit
Make questions '|-6 mоrе indirect Ьу using the Ticket clerk And here's your ticket.
beginnings given. Мах Thanks. а
1 what time is the next bus fоr Boston? Ticket clerk No, you don't. The bus goes straight
|'d like to know what tjme the пехt bcrs for Boston is. through.
2 what time does it аrriче? Мах And 5
Do vou know ? Ticket clerk Yes, it gets to Boston at 2.20 p.m.
3 Which stop does the bus go frоm? Мах Thanks а lot.
Could you tell me ?
4 How muсh does а опе way ticket cost? -э SoclAL ENGLISH
Could you tell me
Complete thе conversation with the words and
5 Do l need to change buses? phrases from the list.
l wопdеr
6 How muсh discount do l get with а student саrd? еithег l guess lt's obvious Of course S+op-H
Сап you tell me What i{

А ]Stop it] Yоu keep уаwпiпg. Ечеrуопе

will think уоu'rе bored.
В Oh, sоrrу.2 |'m а bit tired.
Аз уоu'rе tired. You've had а long
в Well, l did get up at six o'clock this mоrпiпg.
А Oh, come оп. Let's go. 1 уоU
аrеп't enjoying the party.
в |'m sorry. l think l need to go to bed.

А l know. 5 we go hоmе and do

something nice tоmоrrоw?
That sounds like а grеаt idea. Апd l promise l won't
t yawn all day, 6

А Good!

66 Q С" опliпе to practise the Practical English phrases

Сап уоu rеmеmЬеr...? 1-9


Complete the sentences with the correct form of Read the аrtiсlе.(ц]фа, Ь, оr с.
the verbs in brackets.

my girlfriепd fоr thrее уеаrs. We
met when we were at university. (know)
When l was а child, l Iike big

dogs - they frightened me. (used to)
з l'm not sure. but l think that mап re
Susan's Ьrоthеr. (Ье)
lf l lived in the city сепtrе, l to
wоrk instead of driving. (walk)
5 Jake's rооm is а mess/ and he refuses Ё
it. (tidy)
6 The police officer asked the man whеrе he
the day before. (Ье)
Most of us would аgrее that computers and smartphones
1_ made life easier for us. However, there are a2_people
VOCABULARY who might not think the same because they've З_ injured

@the word that is different. Ьу their electronic devices. Experts are becoming increasingly
4_ 5_
'l duck mussels рrаwпs squid worried this рrоЬlеm. Опе of the dangerous devices
2 colleague couple flatmate раrtпеr арреаrs to Ье phone chargers. You рrоЬаЬlу u_
Ье injured
З comedy script thriller western if use уоur original charger, but fake chargers are different.
Fаkе chargers аrе sold at much lower prices than originals, and
4 degree head pupils students
when customers choose'_ them, they're often tempted
5 attic basement gate ground floor 8_
to buy the oheaper of the two. They think they've found а
6 apply fоr Ье made redundant resign rеtirе
because they've spent vеrу little money n_ П. lt's thought that
а Chinese wоmап died rесепtlу because of а fake сhаrgеr. She
-ii PRoNUNcIATloN had plugged 10_ the charger and attached her phone before

(@the word with а different sound. she tried to make а рhопе call, Unfortunately, she received а
massive electric shock from the charge1 апd she 11_ killed
instantly, Phone соmрапiеs say that she 12_ have died if she
'l сочrsе enough lucky tongue hadn't used а fake сhаrgеr.

2 bought keyboard loan wall ]а аrе ь had с have

2а few ь less с little
За Ье ь Ьееп с WaS
3 although rочtеr 4а about ь in cof
5а less ь mоrе с most
4 floor roof suit ба don't ь not с won't
7а between ь frоm cto
8а Ьаrgаiп ь bill с budget
5 cough loss nose 9а about ь in con
10а iп ь on с out
11 а is ь WaS с Wеrе
12а didn't ь Won't с wouldn't
О В" опliпе to check your рrо9rеss
-!г .J
When you become а celebrity, the

ldols and icons world owns you and уочr image.
Меgап Fох, Аmеriсап actress

E@ ]i: :,',i:;+iillii],fi l:ij

1 GRAMMAR relative clauses d Complete the sentences with а relative рrопоuп

and the phrases from the list. You will need to
а Complete the sentences with а relative рrопочп. leave out one of the words in each of the phrases.
Whеrе two answers аrе possible, write both
PronounS. bepbp+be-paT+ef Je п-ýп+ъм iп-G*rт+е of Тhrопеs
] What's the паmе of the city whеrе you сап see it is iп the Himaiayas
hеr husband is а Spanish {ootbalier
the ponte vecchio?
the Мопа Lisa сап Ье seen there
2 Apple is the company which / that makes the it was opened in Сhiпа in 2011
iPhone, she helped huпdrеds of slaves to еýсаре
З Who's the асtоr wife died in а skiing
The thing my son wants most fоr his
1 Kit Harington,
rдho oIays the оаrt
Ьirthdау is а bike.
of Jоп Snow in Game
Helen sharman was the first British woman
о{ Тhrопеs, was Ьоrп
went into space.
iп London.
That's the restaurant we сеlеЬrаtеd mч
dad's 8Oth birthday.
Alexander Grаhаm Bell is the mап _ ж
invented the telephone. 2 The Louvre,

What's the name of уоur friend _ parents
have а huge house in the соuпtrу? ,I is in the сепtrе of paris.

Mountain View, California, is the city _

Google is based.
'l0 Amazon is the соmрапу _ has the largest
З Mount Everest,
пumьеr of online sales in the world.

ln whiсh sentence in а can you |eave out the is the world's highest
re|ative рrопочп? mountain.

сяоss-еrl+ the extra word iп each of the sentences.

] Those аrе the students who thеу won the
4 Jiaozhou Вау Bridge,
lsn't he the асtоr who he played the rоlе of Sherlock
is the longest Ьгidgе
Holmes? in the world.
Why don't we stay in the hotel whеrе we stayed thеrе
last уеаr?
l always use the supermarket which it is closest to
5 Shakira,
where l live.

She's the woman whose hеr daughter went to the
is оrigiпаl|у frоm
same school as me,
6 What's the паmе of the shop where you bought уоur
jacket thеrе?
7 That's the computer that it isn't wоrkiпg.
This is the series l was telling you about it. 6 Наrriеt Tubman.

9 These аrе the boots l bought them last Saturday.

has been chosen to
10 That's the woman whose саr we bought it.
арреаr оп the $20 note.

VOCABULARY compound nouns
Complete the compound nouns.

w http:I

website h_

4m_ St
fl 5 tr_ j- 6 gr_


cl_ 9d_ |_ -
7f р В
ь Match а word from А to а wоrd from В to make compound почпs. Then complete the sentences.

А Ьоагdiпg €аý.h cycle flat rush science sоuпd speed top trаiпiп9

в саmеrа соurýе fiction fiооr hоur lапе mасhiпg mate school tгасk

1 l need to get some money out of the cash rпасhiпе оп the way to the theatre.
2 They live оп the so they've got а grеаt view очеr the city.
3 l love the of the latest Stаr \z\lars film - | listen to it all the time.
4 Му Ьrоthеr has gопе on а to lеаrп about health and safety.
Do you get on well with your оr do you аrguе about paying the bills?
6 Pupils at а only see their famiIies during the holidays,
7 Cyclists should use the to keep away frоm traffic.
Соmmutеrs usually travel to wоrk during the
9 All the drivers are slowing down because there's а up ahead.
10 l quite like fantasy films, but my favourite gепrе is _

с Complete the word puzzle and find the missing
compound почп.

/ý: }r
- :t:ai

1 А school for сhildrеп 2 water that comes

aged frоm about two to through pipes and isn't
five. (7, 6) sold in bottles. (З, 5)

А device for controlling 4 lllusions created in а film 5 Repairs to streets and 6 The place whеrе golf is
equipment such as the Ьу computer graphics, motorways. (4, 5) played. (4, 6)
TV frоm а distance. (6, 7) etc. (7, 7)


ы#й#:#Ё*#sж 'l0 А place whеrе people сап

А product уоu can use for 8 you can send this to а 9 А document which shows
frying food оr putting on friend if you don't want to how muсh you owe уоur play sports such а five-a-side
salads. (5, З) callthem. (4, 7) епеr9у соmрапу. (1'1, 4) football indoors. (6, 4)


Match 1-8 to the words in the list to make compound nouns.

board соurt fine lights рfФМý school page tone

1 сlеап ing producrs

2 kev
з оrо,filе
4 оаr kino
( ring _
6 se con dаrч
7 te]nnis
в tra,ffic

ьф !*"З Listen and check. Тhеп listen again and repeat the words. Underline the stressed syllables.

7а ý С" online for more practice

And the murdеrеr
Behind every crime

is. -. is а story of sadness.

Епriqче Реfrа Nieto,
Мехiсап president
GlllЕыЕЕl|ýlщ intonation

оrdеr the letters to make words that complete the sentences.
] А murdеr (urmrde) was committed last night,
2_ (tecesdetiv) аrе investigating the crime.
З Тhеу'rе hoping to (vesol) it as soon as possible.
4 The --
(vticim) was the wife of а millionaire.
5 Тhе main =_'- (pecsusts) аrе the woman's husband, their son, and their driver.
6 =-.- (neswitses) say they heard gun shots at around 'lO
7 The police аrе convinced that the son is the (dermurer).
8 Тhеу'rе сurrепtlу looking fоr mоrе (denevice).
9 They need to Ье able to =_'- (очерr) that they've caught the right
Complete the text with the words from а.

NЕWý ЕNтЕRтАlilмЕшт тЕ(н IlFESTYLE sрORт

Murder investigation after body

found next to Gочпtrу road
Police appeal after murder of man in Birmingham

,fu я,А

1Detectiyes аrе investigating

а ,_--in поrth Birmingham. The з_*--
WaS а 26-year-old mап, whose body was found last night next to а соuпtrу road.
No n=._-.-- was found at the Scene, and police аrе appealing to 5'==_-=='-
who saw the man yesterday to help them with their enquiries. They believe that
the 6_-=- WaS Someone known to the man. The main 7--.- are the
man's flatmate, his girlfriend, and а neighbour. These people аrе currently being
interviewed Ьу police in an attempt to 8_*__--- the сrimе. Д police spokesman
said that they had а thеоrу, but as yet they had been unable to 9_,-- who had
committed the сrimе.


GRAMMAR question tags с Rewrite the sentences using question tags.

1 lthink уоur sister's in mу class.
€@tb" correct words.
Yоur sister's in гп}z class. isn't she7
1 You live in Мапсhеst"r,@уФ/ аrеп'tуоч?
2 l'm surе уоu'rе уоuпgеrthап me.
2 But you weren't Ьоrп in Мапсhеstеr, wеrеп'tуоч /
wеrе you?
З l have а feeling you don't like cheese.
З You moved to Мапсhеstеr when you wеrе ten, иzеrеп't
you / didn't you?
4 That means you've Ьееп living hеrе for 20 years,
4 l hеаrd уоur Ьrоthег lives аЬrоаd.

hачеп't you / have you?

5 But уоu'rе emigrating to Canada next month, won't
5 ls it right that you studied physics?

you / аrеп't you?

6 Yоur Ыоthеr lives thеrе, doesn't hе / does he? 6 l'm surе we've Ьееп hеrе before
7 You've Ьееп in prison before, аrеп'tуоч / haven'tyou?
В l expect you'd like to call уоur lawyer поw, would you / 7 l'm surе you wouldn't do that.
wouldn't you?
В l'm hoping the flight won't Ье cancelled.
ь Complete the question tags.
1 Adam's living with his раrепts, isn't he ?
2 You don't like dogs,
З lt isn't di{ficult,
PRONUNCIATION intonation iп
4 Anthony works in London, question tags
5 They left yesterday, Ф10.2 Listen and repeat the sentences. Сору the
6 Kathy hasn't соmе home yet, Фуthm.
7 l'm late, _? ] Yоu called me last night, didn't you?
В You'Il see him tоmоrrоw, 2 He's older than you, isn't hе?
9 l wouldn't like that fiIm, 3 They aren't соmiпg tonight, are they?
'l0 You haven't had lunch yet, 4 We've missed the last bus, hачеп't we?
5 She'll Ье late, won't she?
6 l can't dance very well, сап l?
7 We had а 9reat holiday in Rio, didn't we?
В You've never Ьееп to the opera before, have you?
9 That film was rеаllу boring, wasn't it?

72 ý С" опliпе for more practice О В" online to check your рrо9rеss
d 2 Where do you usually do your Ь '] аrе /'rе staying, аrе /'rе having
homework? 2 Shаll...оrdеr, will/'ll call, will/'ll
j VOCABULARY З Why аrе you studying English? have
4 Do you think English is easy? З are...leaving / are...9oing to leave,
а 2 squid, meat 5 Аrе you enjoying the classes at the am /'m getting, am /'m going to
з cucumber, fruit moment? get, will /'tl give
4 duck, чеgеtаЫеs 6 What do you usually do after the 4 аrе...dоiпg / аrе...9оiпg to do,
5 salmon, fruit class? am /'m going, are...seeing / аrе...
6 courgette, seafood going to see, will /'ll love
е students'own апswегs
Ь2 aubergine 5 Shall,, will /'ll wash,
squid 1в с
won't Ыеаk
students'own answers
5 rеd рерреr
7 lobster а 2 great-grandfather а 2,.,flights yet
В melon З опlу chiid з look online
с 2 boiled
4 niece 4 Who...meeting tonight
З baked
5 adopted child
5 meeting...friends
4 fried
6 immediate
6 not meeting...girlfriend
5 roast
7 stepmother
7 helping...mum
6 steamed
8 brother-in-law
8 When...get...exam results
9 half-sister
9 won't get...this week
d 2 frozen 10 siЫiпgs
З rаw 1'l extended
10 get,..Monday
4 low-fat 12 nephew
5 fresh 1З stepsister Practical English
6 spicy Ь2
е 2а,ЗЬ 3
f students'own апswеrs 4 sепsiЫе
g 2 topping 5 self-confident а 2 l don't believe it. / Yоu'rе kidding.
6 ambitious З What а pity. / Nечеr mind.
З cheer...up 4
4 7 stubborn How fantastic! / ТhаtЪ great news!
В independent 5 Really?
5 allergic 6
6 takeaway 9 rebellious Oh по!
7 fillin9
'10 patient Ь 1 Yоч'rе kidding.
]'l honest 2 Really?
ft PRoNUNclATloN 12 insecure З What а great ideal, How fantastic!,
а 1 |l| chicken, squid с Down: 2 sосiаЫе, З mature, ТhаtЪ great news!
2 li:.] peach 4 imaginative, 7 bossy 4 Оh по!, What а pity., Never mind.
З /ie" сrаЬ, mango Across: З moody, 5 competitive,
а How + ADJEcTlvE,
4 /*li саrtоп, jar 6 rеliаЫе, 8 affectionate, 9 sensitive
5 ,l chocolate, sausa9e d 2 dishonest
$ iэl,'pork, prawns з immature
2 What
7 /r.:/ cookie, sugar 4 unreliable
З What
В iul; cucumber, tuna 5 insensitive
4 How
6 5 How
с 2 cabbage, З spicy,4 roast,5 9rареs, unambitious
6 What
6 fruit, 7 baked, В melon, 9 aubergine 7 unima9inative

8 disorganized з SoclAL ENGLI5H
9 irrеsропsiЫе
2 How do you see
а 2 don't...9et up 10 unsociable
З Not rеаIlу
3 Are...watching 11 unfriendly
4 Тhаtъ because
4 cycles 12 unkind
5 How iпсrеdiЫе
5 аrе /'rе having 1З impatient
14 6 Go ahead
6 is / Ъ...dоiпg unselfish
7 things like that
7 does,..give е ] sensitive 8 l mеап
В am /'m not eating 2 sепsiЫе
9 doesn't.. .do 3 sympathetic
'l0 is / Ъ trying Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1
That cake looks
а 2 l'll рау l GRAMMAR
5 Do you think з shail l make
6,/ 4 you'll get / уоu'rе going to get 2 is/Ъdоiпg
7,/ 5 We're going 3 don't аgrее
8 l love 6 l'll have 4 Are...going to wеаr / wearing
7 l'll Ье 5 аrе /'re having
с 2 believe в shall we invite 6 won't Ье
З аrеп't using 9 won't Ье
4 doesn't belong
5 is/Ърlауiпg 10 itЪ going to break
6 аm / 'm not sleeping
7 don't recognize
8 sounds

'l duck а 2 hasn't saved а 2 How long...going out together
2 salmon З charged З feeling ill...yesterday
3 nephew 4 didn't inherit 4 haven' here...long
4 mоthеr 5 haven't Ьееп 5 all mоrпiпg
5 bossy 6 've never used 6 haven't...sleeping well lately
6 charming 7 did your TV cost
в didn't have 3 VOCABULARY
3 PRoNUNclATloN 9 have you lived а 2a,3j, 4f, 5 е, бi,7 с, ВЬ, 9 l,'l0 h,
] rеliаЫе ']0 еаrпеd 11 п,12 k, 1З m, 14 9
2 great Ь 1 passed Ь 2 filthy
З mature 2 did...borrow, have /'ve...spent З huge
4 раrепt З Have.. .found, has...agreed 4 starving
5 spoilt 4 Have...lent, needed 5 tiny
4 GRAMMAR & vocABULARY 5 Has...made, called 6 freezing

1а,2с, З Ь,4 а,5 а,6 с,7 с,8 с,9 а,10 с

с 2а Have уоч еvеr found any mопеу с 2 amazed
on the street? 3 furious
Ь 4

How much did you find? terrified
3а Have you еvеr used contactless 5 exhausted
payment? 6 hilarious
З VOCABULARY Ь Whеrе did you use it? 7 fascinating
а 2 afford 4а Have you ever paid for а mеаl for 8 positive
З save а lot of people? d students'own answers
4 owe Ь Why did you рау for it?
5 еаrпs 5а Have you ечеr stayed in an
6 is wоrth expensive hotel? зА
7 raise Ь Who did you stay there with?
В cost 6а Have you еvеr raised mопеу for
9 Ьоrrоw charity? а Down: З the underground, 5 Iоrry
10 inherited Ь How much did you raise? 7 coach
] invested d students'own апswеrs Across: 2 motoмay, 4 van, б scootel
12 charged В fеrry 9 motorbike
']З lend Ь2
Ь2fоr 2g 3
З into 1 GRAMMAR 4 road
4 frоm 5 cycle
5in а for: а long time, six months, two weeks, 6 реtrоl
бto three days, уеаrs 7 rush
since: Christmas, l was very young, В
7on lunchtime, Tuesday
8Ьу 9 speed
9 back Ь2 has /'s Ьееп...fоr 10 lights
'l0 in З have / 've known...since ]'l саr
с 2 contactless payment
4 hаs/Ъwоrkеd...fоr 12 zebra
З loan 5 have lived...since 1З limit
4 moftgage 6 have loved...since 14 pedestrian
5 budget 7 have /'ve wanted...{or с 2 does...take
6 salary В hasn't spoken...since з takes
7 tax 9 haven't seen...for 4 took
10 has / Ъ liked...since
d 2 pay...back с 2 We've been travelling 6
Will take / Ъ
going to take
З live off З has he been working
4 live on
4 ShеЪ been looking for
d 2 of1,3 up, 4 out, 5 up, б outof
е students'own апswеrs 5 Не hasn't Ьееп doing е students'own апswеrs
f 2 trip 6 Have you been waiting 2 PRoNUNclATIoN
з treatments 7 l've Ьееп looking after
4 bill В l haven't been playing а 2wаtсh,Зjаm
5 wаtеr d 3 have had з GRAMMAR
6 products 4,/
5,/ а 2 Bangkok is the most crowded of the
2 PRoNUNclATtoN 6 l've known thrее destinations.
а 2сlоthеs,Зdопе 7 We've Ьееп going
З Vienna is easier to get to than
с 3 S,4 D,5 S,6 D в,/ 4 Bangkok is mоrе exciting than Dubai.
9 have you been riding
5 Dubai is hotter than Viеппа.
']0 l've washed
6 Viеппа is the most rеlахiпg of the
е students'own answers thrее destinations.

Ь2 thап Practical English 2 GRAMMAR
З the
4 mоrе j GIVING oPINloNS а 3 don't have to
5 worst а 2g,3c, 4е, 5 6, б а,7 i, В b,9d 5 mustn't
6 less 6,/
7 quicker / faster ь 2 То Ье honest
З Don't you agree / What do you think 7 don't have to
В most в,/
9as 4 Оh sure / Personally, l think / l аgrее
] 0 least
5 What do you think Ь2 should
6 But if you ask me / But iп mу opinion З mustn't
с 2 walk faster than 7 l аgrее 4 mustn't / shouldn't
3 the most interesting city В l don't think thаtЪ right 5 must
4 is less interesting thап 9 Реrsопаllу, l think 6 should
5 the best pizza 7 shouldn't
6 isn't as expensive as э soclAl ENGLISH В mustn't
7 is the same as 2
8 the least comfortable bed
You've соmе back с З lhadto
З Did you mеап what you said 4,/
4 PRoNUNclATloN 4 ltЪ just that my ЬоуfriепdЪ away 5 You mustn't
5 Напg on а minute 6 he often has to
а 2 mоrе relaxing
З most interesting
в l didn't have to
4 mоrе expensive Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-3
5 old trаm d students'own апswегs
first time
1 don't, 2 Shall, З just, 4 fo1 5 better, б а з PRoNUNclATloN
2 shou{dn't
зв 2 VOCABULARY З liфts
1 GRAMMAR 'l grареs 4 bour
2 spoilt 5 exhausted
а 2 last weekend З save 6 deЫ
3 girls, languages, boys
4 angry 7 mоЁgаgе
4 the door, the house 5 ferry В foreign
5 а German, an епgiпееr
6 fed up with 9 wrопg
6 fish, the salmon
10 island
7 the cinema, а week 3 PRoNUNclATloN
the end, the world
women, mеп

10 а beautiful day, lunch
З cost 1 GRAMMAR
ь 2 4
х, nextweekend
Х, Money 5
4,/ 4,/
5./ 4 GRAMMAR & vocABULARY 5 haven't been able to
6 Х, the jacket 1с,2с,3 Ь,4 а,5 с,6 а,7 Ь,8 с,9 а, 10 Ь
7,/ 7 Ьееп аЫе to
Х, а noisy child
r(, а doctor
4А 9 used to Ье аые to
10 ,/ 1о/
11 ,/
1 VOCABULARY ] 1 must Ье аЫе to
а 2 put sb оп hold 'l2 not being аЫе to
12 r(, leaveswork
3 call back Ь2
с 2 а, Зthе, 4the, 5 -, 6 -, 7 the, В the,
could / was аЫе to
9а, 10-
gooff З can't
5 leave а message 4 hаs / Ъ been аЫе to
* PRoNUNclATloN 6 voicemail 5 couldn't / wasn't аЬ|е to
7 cut sb off 6 to Ье аЫе to
а 2 сhеареr than the 8 dial 7 wi|| /'lI Ье аЫе to
З to do tonight 9
4 the window for а moment '10 swipe с 2g,Зе,4d,5Ь,6а,7f
5 to see а doctor about 1 engaged/busy
6 to go for а walk
12 hang up
а 2 печеr...аЫе
ý VOCABULARY Ь2 swipe 3 play...9uitar
а 2lo,3 fоr,4 оп, 5 at, б fоr, 7 about, З gooff 4 wоп't...аЫе...gо out tomorrow
8 о{, 9 to, fоr, 10 with, 11 at, 12 iп,
4 cut off 5 hаsп't...аЫе...9о...sсhооl since
]З between, ]4 to, 'l5 оп 5 ringtone Monday
6 engaged / busy 6 can't
Ь 2оп, Зfоr,4 in,5 from,6 at,7 with, 7 put...on hold
8 about, 9 of, '10 with, about, 'l 'l to, в call back
12 of , 1З of, 14 fоr, 1 5 to, 1 б With, 9 voicemail
]7 about, 1В to, 19 to 'l0 hang up
4 PRoNUNclATloN '11 dial
'l ]2 text / message
2 laughing at,
З excited about,
4 listening to,

З VOCABULARY с 2 was looking fомаrd to Practical English
а 2 embarrassed з won / had won
З frightened
4 seemed 1 PERMlssloN AND REoUESTS
4 exciting
5 began
а 2 ls it ОК if I open а window
5 Ьоriпg
6 was winning
3 Would you mind repeating that
6 annoying
7 саmе back
4 Could you take а photo of me
7 depressing
8 wоп
5 Do you mind if l sit hеrе
В disappointed
9 was getting
6 Do you think you could саrry mу bag
'l0 couldn't
9 tired Ь 2 No рrоЫеm.
10 ] rеасhеd
З Not at all.
12 beal / had beaten
Ь2 frightened 4 No рrоЬlеm.
З 5 Of course not.
embarrassed 5в 6 Sure.
5 disappointing
ý GRAMMAR с 2 visit, З meeting,4 join,5 pass,6take
6 excited
7 boring а 2 used to play d b5,c6,dl,e3,f2
В depressed З don't usually go 2 SoclAL ENGLISH
9 frustrated 4 поrmаl|у wears
10 amazing 5 Did you use to have а 2talk, З come,4 days,5 mind,6way
с students'own апswегs
6 stayed Ь 2 How come уоu'rе so late?
7 печеr used to watch З No way mап!
В went cyciing 4 if you don't mind.
ýА ьз,/ 5 Just like the old days.
4 doesn't usually wear 6 We've got so much to talk about.
а 2 fans 6 usually walk Can you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-5
3 rеfеrее 7,/
4 team 8 Do you usually / поrmаllу 1 GRAMMAR
5 umpire 9 went
6 players
1 fоr six уеаrs
1о ,/ 2 Shall l саrry
7 stadium
с 2
В аrепа
usually give З has / Ъ Ьееп studying
9 captain
З usually call 4 mustn't / can't play
10 sрогts hall
4 used to go 5 Ье аЫе to
1'l coach
5 used to eat out 6 used to сry
2 6 don't usually work
1 spectators
7 used to Ье 2 VOCABULARY
Ь2 соurt 8 didn't use to like 1 tinned, 2 rеliаЫе, З voicemail, 4 fеrry
З circuit 5 рrороsе, б stadium
4 сочrsе 2 PRoNUNclATloN
5 Pitch а 2especially,3 please,4 music з PRoNUNclATloN
6 slope food, 2 cook, 3 mоrtgаgе, 4 world,
7 track 5 sроrt
с 2 trained а 2 fianc6, 3 close friепd, 4 ех,
З wоп 5 classmates, б colleague, 7 flatmate, 4 GRAMMAR & vocABULARY
4 got fit В couple '1 couple, 2 since, З in, 4 had, 5 frоm, б for,
5 drеw Ь 2fancied, З in,4out,5 соmmоп, 7 mоrе, В out, 9 аrе, 10 raise
6 lost 6 up, 7 touch, В to, 9 got. 'l0 Ьесаmе,
11 togethe1 12 proposed, ]З married бА
9 с 2 fancied him
10 got
injured З got to know 1 GRAMMAR
'l ] went 4 became friends а 2 wrote
'l2 kicked 5 had а lot in соmmоп 3 will Ье used
6 went out together 4 have been invited
d 2оIl,Зочt,4чр 7 were together 5 аrе showing
fr PRoNUNclATloN В broke up 6 is going to Ье dubbed
9 lost touch 7 were filming
а 2sрогt, З slope, 4court 10 got iп touch В сап Ье bought
3 GRAMMAR 11 goton Ь2 hаs/ЪЬееппоmiпаtеd
12 рrороsеd to З is / Ъbeing {ilmed
а 2Ь,З с,4 Ь,5 а, б с,7 а, В Ь,9 с, 10 Ь 1З got married
ь 2 were driving, rеmеmЬеrеd,
4 had been transformed
hadn't locked
d 2friendship, З membership, 5 wеrе directed
З didn't recognize, had changed
4 leadership, 5 рагtпеrshiр 6 was being built
4 was waiting, called, couldn't, had
7 will Ье / is going to Ье released
ьrоkеп down
В Ье shot
5 beat, wеrе winning, scored с 2с,ЗЬ, 4а, 5 с, бЬ,7 Ь, В с, 9 Ь, 10а
6 rап, had already left, were waiting
2 PRoNUNclAгloN
а 2 used, З waited,4written,5 shot,
6 wоrп, 7 said, В won, 9 taken, ]0 told

З VOCABULARY Ь 2 primary school 2 PRoNUNclATloN
а 2 acion film З head
а 2 grow, vegetables, garden
з science ficion 4 state sсhооl
film с ,-.]-л.-^
buy, cottage, had enough mопеу
4 drаmа
6 private school
4 my house, wouldn't make, kitchen
5 musical
7 tеrm
6 thriller
В boarding school
5 wouldn't have, саr, lived, city сепtrе
7 historical film
9 nursery school
с З D,4 S,5 S,6 D,7 S, В D
в hоrrоr film
9 war film
1 1 secondary school
']0 western а 2оп,Зоп,4iп,5оп,6iп
] animation с 2 elementary school
Ь Down: 2 top floo1 З steps, 5 attic,
2 rоm-соm З grades
6 balcony,7 епtrапсе,9 roof
Ь 2 plot, 3 script, 4 audience, 5 review,
4 semesters
Across: 2 terrace, 4 path, б basement,
6 scene, 7 suЫitles, В sequel,
5 high school
8 ground floor, '10 gate, 1 1 chimney
6 twel{th grade
9 soundtrack, 10 special effects,
7 college с 2Ь,3 Ь,4 с, 5 а,6 а,7 с, В Ь, 9 Ь, 10 Ь,
1 ] extras, 2 cast, З critic, 14 set,
15 trailer d 2 misbehaved

с 2 issetin
з weren't allowed to
3 is based оп
4 made Practical English
5 wеrе punished
4 was shot
5 plays the part of
7 let а 2 l'm not very keen оп rаw fish
6 was dubbed into
В revised 3 ТhаtЪ а great idea
9 took 4 Why don't we try that new sushi
6ý i0 passed resta urа nt
11 {ailed 5 What about having а Chinese
* GRAMMAR 6 Whеrе shall we go for lunch
а 2 must, З might not, 4 could, 5 must, а PRoNUNclATloN 7 We could get а саЬ to ýаче time
6 can't а 2 pull, З cut,4suЫitles В How about going to ап ltalian
Ь 2 can't, З might, 4 must, 5 can't,
reStaU rапt

6 might not, 7 can't, В might 9 LеtЪ go thеrе

а 2с,ЗЬ,4f,5а,6 h,7 d, Bg Ь 2
с 2 might have а meeting LеtЪ go there
З can't Ье going to work today Ь 2when, З before,4 if,5 after,6 until З How about going to ап ltalian
u rant
4 might not like it с 2 will /'I! Ье, hurry resta

5 can't Ье tired already З will /'ll have, 9о out 4 Why don't we try that new sushi
6 must have an exam tomorrow 4 won't wait, aren't restaurant
7 might not Ье working 5 doesn't come, won't have 5 l'm not very keen оп rаw fish
В might Ье driving hоmе frоm wоrk 6 won't leave, {inds 6 what about having а Chinese
7 won't Ье able to, lend 7 Why not
а VOCABULARY В gets, will /'lI call В We could get а саЬ to save time
а 2 neck, З back,4 arms, 5 legs, б feet, 9 won't start, is / Ъ 9 ТhаtЪ а great idea
7 {асе, 8 nose, 9 chin, 10 stomach, 10 will / 'll play, pract;se 2 VERB FoRMS
11 fingers, ]2 knees d students'own answers 2 watch, З meeting, 4 play, 5 going,
Ь 2 thumb, З tongue, 4 mouth, 5 lips, 6 eat out
6 hands, 7 teeth, В ears, 9 toes
The hidden word is'shoulders'. з SoclAL ENGLISH
с 2 kick, З touch,4 point,5 smel1,6 smile,
. GRAMMAR 2 why, З make, 4 off, 5 not, б word,
7 nod, 8 clap, 9 bite, 10 whistle, эл : (- -з:-^
ал lC: = эс, :,:- 7 hарреп
11 Тhrоw, 12 taste ь ?,._
d 2finger, З mouth,4tongue,5 head, ? .^
Сап you rеmеmЬеr...? 1-7
6 eyes,7 nose, В fingers / hапd, n l. л л

5 =эa ] э- ;, 1 GRAMMAR
9 lips / mouth, ']0 teeth, 11 hands .,,с_ э s . -..

3 PRoNUNclATloN 7 ",--:,::::-:",:] 1 Ъ getting, 2 Ъ Ьееп playing, З mustn't,

а а .:._ 4 Ье аЫе to, 5 hаче, 6 'd tell

2eyes, Зtопguе, 4shoulders, 5 hеrе,
6 fair э ,_
la ллл л
1 sympathetic, 2 salary, З head, 4 coach,
3& с З ..z
+ ,_-

5 plot, б shoulder

: ;,i: з PRoNUNclATloN
а 2 geography L л^ л л- - - -
1 cinema, 2 cosy, З city, 4 stare, 5 fail
З biology 7 s^э э :a -aaa.,
4 literature
a -л ^ 4 GRAMMAR & vocABULARY
5 ? ,э,э:- -.=a-.
--::,э-_. - э^: 1 с,2 а,З с, 4 Ь, 5 Ь, б а, 7 с,В Ь, 9с, 10 Ь
chemistry ----:-- -----
6 history
7 information technology
8 mathematics

с 2
to tell Ёё
J VOCABULARY 4 to turn off 1 GRAMMAR
5 not speaking
а 2 sacked, З resign,4applied,5shifts, 6 Iaugh а 2 would hаче
6 promoted, 7 redundant, В training 7 Being аЫе to З had
course, 9 set up, 10 rап, 1 1 retire 8 not to charge 4 had
Ь2 at, part-time 5 wouId /'ve have
6 would /'d have
in, temporary
in, full-time
8в 7 had
В had /'d
5 fоr, unemployed з GRAMMAR
6 реrmапепt, fоr а 2 itwas
Ь 2 would /'d hаче arrived
7 freelance, fоr
з told me
3 hadn't booked
с 2 translator 4 she bought
4 hаd /'d checked
З 5 hadn't Ьееп
employment 5 might
6 wouldn't have made
4 pharmacist 6 if l could
5 7 hаd /'d known
retirement 7 had to
6 рrоmоtiоп 8 the dress suited me
wouldn't have invited
7 lаwуеr 9 l wanted 9 hadn't been
8 scientist ]0 wouldn't have got
10 had forgotten
9 resignation
Ь 2told, З said,4told,5 told, б Said с 2 l hadn't passed mу final exams
10 application З she would / 'd have got the job
1 fаrmеr с 2 il l had /'d seen his wallet, (that) l 4 we hadn't had luпсh Ьеfоrе we left
12 qualifications didn't know whеrе it was 5 we would /'d have played tennis
d 2 fired
З if hеr school shoes still fit hе1 me 6 you had /'d followed my directions
3 wоrk
(that) they fit hеr регfесtlу 7 l would /'d hаче won that game
4 run
4 how much he had /'d paid fоr his в hе wouldn't have Ьrоkеп them
jacket, (that) it had Ьееп а Ьаrgаiп
5 fired
6 mаrkеt
5 whеrе l was going the next day, hеr
7 соmрапу
(that) l was meetin9 some friends а 2 would have gопе
В market
6 if he needed anything frоm the shop, З would have bought
9 work
(that) hе wanted some chocolate 4 would have stayed
10 ruп
7 if we had / 'd enjoyed our: stay, her 5 would have got
(that) it had Ьееп very епjоуаЫе 6 would have helped
а PRoNUNclATloN В when l was going shopping, (that) l
а 2 aoolv
might go оп Saturday S VOCABULARY
з emolovment 2 VOCABULARY а З fогtчпаtе, 4 unfortunate, 5 саrеfчl,
4 6 careless, 7 patient, В impatient,
а 26, а,З а, Ь, 4а, Ь, 5 Ь, а,6а, Ь, 9 lucý '10 unlucky
6 7Ь,а,Ва,Ь Ь 2 impatiently, Зсаrеlеsslу,4 Fогtuпаtеlу,
7 musician Ь2 service 5 unlucý
8 оеrmапепt з treatment
с З роssiЫе, 4 imроssiЫе, 5, selfish,
9 oharmacist 4 agreement
6 unselfish, 7 useful, В useless,
] 0 oromotion 5 improvement
9 suitable, 10 unsuitaЫe, 1З роssiЫу,
1'l qualifiEation 6 argument
14 imроssiЫу, 15 sel{ishly,'lб unselfishly,
'12 oualifu 7 valuation
17 usefully, 18 uselessly, 19 sчitаЫу,
13 redundant 8achievement
20 uпsuitаЫу
14 resignation 9choice
'l5 retire 10 management d 2 selfishly, З useless, 4 successful,
'] 1 demonstration 5 чпsчitаЫу
16 rеtirеmепt
'l7 scientist ]2 sale е 2 impatient, З uncom{ortable,4lucky,
1В temporary 1з consideration 5 desperately, б Unfortunately, 7 Luckily,
']9 transЬtion 14 failure В соmfогtаЬlе, 9 carefully
20 unemployed 15 temptation
с 2 payment trж
3 GRAMMAR З complaint
а 2а,3Ь, 4с, 5 а, бЬ,7 с, Ва, 9 b,10a 4 attachment "* vocABULARY
ь З asked me to wait 5 response а 2 рriпtеr, З speake1 4adaptor,5 rеmоtе
4,/ 6 explanation сопtrоl, б socket, 7 сhаrgеr, В switch,
5 l promise not to laugh 7 success 9 plug, 10 USB cable, 'l 1 memory stick,
ь./ 8 compensation ]'] rоutеr
7 went on studying з PRoNUNclATloN Ь 2 memory stick, 3 charge1 4 printer,
в,/ 5 USB саЫе, б keyboard, 7 remote
9 l don't mind staying in а 2 сегtаiп
control, 8 adaptor, 9 speaker, ]0 rоutеr,
1о ,/ З said
1 1 plug, socket
4 railway
5 captain с Down: З plug in, 4 switch off,
6 brain 5 turn down, б update, 9 set
Across: 2 unplug, 4 switch on, 7 delete,
8 install

Ё GRAMMAR Сап you remember...? 1-9 с 2 taР Wаtеr
а 2ь,зЬ, с, 4с, 5 а, Ь, с, б Ь, 7 Ь, В а, 3 remote control
9 с, 'l0 а, 11 а, 12Ь 1 GRAMMAR 4 special effects
Ь2 enough, too expensive / too much
'l have /'ve known 5 road works
2 didn't use to 6 golf course
з а little, muсh 7
4 too mапу, enough З might / may / could Ье olive oil
4 would /'d walk В text message
5 no, any 9 electricity bill
6 few, mапу 5 to tidy
6 had /'d been 10 sрогts hall
с 2 much money The missing compound поuп is
З апу buses Ё VOCABULARY 'speed limit'.
4 very few people 'l duck, 2 coupIe, 3 script, 4 degree, 5 gate,
5 old епоugh
6 apply for з PRoNUNclATloN
6 very little / по work а 2 keyboard
7 too much / а |ot of / lots of / loads of ý PRoNUNclATloN 3 profile page
furп iture
1 course, 2 Iоап, З rочtеr, 4 floor, 5 nose 4 parking fine
В no рареr
5 riпgtопе
9 а lot о{ / lots of / loads of traffic 4 GRAMMAR & vocABULARY 6 secondary school
10 too mапу / а iot of / lots of / loads of 7
1 с, 2а,З Ь, 4 а, 5 с, б с, 7 а, В а, 9 с, 10а, tennis сочгt
children В
11 Ь, 12с traffic lights
] а few / some phone calls
'l2 too small Ь 1 cleaning, 2 keyboard, З profile,

s PRoNUNclATloN 1ýА 4 oarkino. 5 riпоtопе. б secondarv.

7 tennis, В traffic
а 2 updated it 1 GRAMMAR
з tчrпеd it down а 3 whose 10в
4 deleted it 4 that / which
5 plugged it in 5 who ý VOCABULARY
6 switched it off 6 where а 2 Detectives
7 unplugged it 7 who З solve
В turned it up В whose 4 victim
с 2 although 9 whеrе 5 suspects
']0 that / which 6
З through Witnesses
4 laughed Ь sentence 4 7 murdеrег
с 2 hе, Зthеrе,4 it,5 her,6there,7 в evidence
Practical English В it, 9 them, 10 it рrоче
d 2 where the Мопа Lisa сап Ье seen
Ь2 mчrdеr
1 lNDlREcT oUEsTloNS 3 which is in the Himalayas
З victim
а2) goes 4 which was opened in China in 201'l
4 evidence
l сап 5 whose husband is а Spanish
5 witnesses
4 Lola is footballer
6 mчrdеrеr
5 comes 6 who helped hundreds of slaves to
7 suspects
6 уоч'rе eScaPe
8 solve
7 the restaurant closes 9 рrоче
а you spoke to а VOCABULARY 2 GRAMMAR
ь2 what time it аrrivеs а 2 seat belt а 2 were you
з which stop the bus goes from З headphones
З didn't you
4 how muсh а one way ticket costs 4 mеmоry Stick
4 haven't you
5 if l need to сhапgе buses 5 traffic jam
5 aren't you
6 how much discount l get with а 6 ground fIoor
6 doesn't he
student card 7 football pitch
7 haven't you
с2 Could you tell me how much а опе
8 classmates
В wouldn't you
9 desk lamp
way ticket costs?
Ь2 top floor
Ь 2 do you, З is it, 4 doesn't hе, 5 didn't
з Сап you tell me how much discount they, б has she, 7 аrеп't l, 8 won't you,

get with а student саrd? soundtrack

9 would l, 'l0 have you
4 l wonder if l need to change buses. 4 training course
5 do you know what time it аrriчеs? 5 {latmate с 2 Yоч'rе younger than me, aren't you
6 boarding school З You don't like cheese, do you
з SoclAL ENGLISH 7 cycle Iane 4 your brother lives abroad, doesn't he

2 l guess, З Of course, 4 ltЪ obvious, в rush hour 5 You studied physics, didn't you
5 What if, б either 9 speed саmеrа 6 We've been hеrе before, haven't we
']0 science fiction 7 You wouldn't do that, would you
8 The fIight won't Ье cancelled, will it


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With mugs), 12, 1З, 16 (both), 17 (hаmstец cold wоmап), 18 (8), 20, 22, 2З,
27,28,29,30 (Vепiсе), З1, 32 (роо1, tennis, golf, sH slope, гuппiпg tгасk),
Зб (Sfteet), З7,41,44(z),45,46, 47 (fеmаlе student), 50 (а11), 51 (cottage,
hоusе), 56, 57, 58, 59, 67, б8 (LoulTe, EveTest), 69 (1-б, 8, 9), 70 (1-8).
ЛlБtrаtiопsw| SatosЫ Hashimoto/Dutch Uncle р.15 (1-7);Jоhп Haslam
рр.15 (8), аЗ, 60, 61, 72; RоgеI Репwill рр.14, 19, 26, З5, 48, 65; Lаuга Реrеz/
Аппа Goodson Illustration Аgепсу р,44.
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