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Personal Information Management User Manual

APRIL 14, 2021

Jimma, Ethiopia
Table of Contents
5. Employee Vital ........................................................................................................................................... 1
5.1. Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa ...................................................................................................................... 1
5.2. Bulchiinsa waraqaa eenyummaa ..................................................................................................... 56
5.3. Balaa Hojiirraa (Disaster on duty).................................................................................................... 59
5.3. Badii Naamusa (Disciplinary) ........................................................................................................... 66
5.4. Leenjii fi barnoota (Training and Study) .......................................................................................... 70
5.5. Gaffile fi komi (Request and Complain)........................................................................................... 76

Figure 1 Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa ........................................................................................................................ 1
Figure 2 Gosa waraqaa eenyummaa ............................................................................................................... 56
Figure 3 Balaa Hojiirraa ................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 4 Balaa Hojiirraa Barbadi ...................................................................................................................... 60
Figure 5 Balaa Midhaa sababa hoji walqaabatee ............................................................................................ 61
Figure 6 Balaa Midhaa Qindeessitu ................................................................................................................. 63
Figure 7 Ciiminaa Miidhaa Harm ..................................................................................................................... 64
Figure 8 Ciiminaa miidhaa Recoverable .......................................................................................................... 65
Figure 9 New Badii Naamusa ........................................................................................................................... 67
Figure 10 Badii Naamusa Qindeessa ............................................................................................................... 68
Figure 11 Add severity ..................................................................................................................................... 69
Figure 12 Leenjii fi barnoota ............................................................................................................................ 70
Figure 13 Leenjii fi barnoota two .................................................................................................................... 71
Figure 14 Leenjii fi barnoota barbaadii............................................................................................................ 73
Figure 15 Leenjii fi barnoota qindeessitu ........................................................................................................ 73
Figure 16 Gosa lenji ykn barnoota ................................................................................................................... 75
Figure 17 Gaffile fi komi .................................................................................................................................. 77
Figure 18 Gaffile fi komi letter administration ................................................................................................ 78
Figure 19 Prepare letters ................................................................................................................................. 79
Figure 20 Gaffile fi komi letter details ............................................................................................................. 80
Figure 21 Add extra fields for Gaffile fi komi................................................................................................... 81

5. Employee Vital

5.1. Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa

Figure 1 Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa

1. Select “Ragaa Bu’uuraa” from the left side menu.

2. Click on “Odeeffannoo dhuunfaa” from the sub-menus under “Ragaa Bu’uuraa”. This
will open a page to search employees using one or combination of the fields listed on the top
of the page (Maqaa, Maqaa abbaa…).

3. Maqaa: Naame of the employee. It can be full name or some part of characters from the
employee name.
4. Maqaa abbaa: Father Name of the employee. It can be full father name or some parts of
characters from the employee father name.
5. Maqaa akaakayyuu: Grandfather Name of the employee. It can be full grandfather name or
some parts of characters from the employee grandfather name.
6. Saala: Gender of employee/s that we want to search.
7. Lakk. Enyu.: Id number of the employee.
8. Barbaadi: click on “Barbaadi” button to search the employee.
9. Reset: to clear the search fields.
10. Click here to manage employee personal information as follow.

PIM-Odessannoo dhuunfaa: Is the first menu in the top-up wizard, in this section we will consider
the following formation of the selected employee, to see this just click the employee profile button
in the Odeffannoo dhuunfaa which is under Ragaa bu’uuraa.

We can see that in the first image the “Odeffannoo dhuunfaa “is been highlighted to show us we are
at that menu. This is the first wizard that will come for the selected employee as we press the
employee vital button. In this step we will fill the detail information about the selected employee. In
this section of “Odeffannoo dhuunfaa” we will fill the following parts of the selected employee
details like maqa guutuu, ሙሙ ሙሙ, Saala, Bara dhalootaa, Lakk. Waraqaa eenyummaa, Haala
gaa’elaa,Lakk. Bilbilaa, lammummaa, Sabummaa, Amanti, Akaakuu dhigaa, Halluu ija and
Hayyama konkolachisummaa. In each division we will have a “Gulaali” button so that we can press
the button to modify the information we have inserted to get the “Gulaali” just hover your mouse
on the division and then click on it, finally press the “Olkaa’i” button to save the changes you made
for that specific selected employee if you don’t want to make any changes just click on “Cuufii”.

To elaborate the details of the division let’s see them one by one.
1. Ragaa dhuufaa: In this section we will add the basic details of the current selected
employee. The information that we will fill are his/her full name in both language(Oromifa
and Amharic), gender, date of birth, Lakk. Waraqaa eenyummaa, Haala gaa’ela, Lakk
Bilbilaa, Lammummaa, Sabummaa, Amanti, Akaakuu dhiigaa, Hallu Ijaa, Hayyama
Konkolaachiusumma can be managed in this menu.
1.1. Maqa guutuu
A. Maq-duree: Is the title given to the employee, is a drop down selection and we will
select from (Addee, Obbo, Doktoor) the one that fits
B. Maqaa: Is the first or given name in language Oromifa of the selected employee,
insert his/her given name here.
C. Maqaa abbaa: Is the second or father name in language Oromifa of the selected
employee, insert his/her father name here.
D. Maqaa akaakayuu: Is the last or grandfather name in language Oromifa of the
selected employee, insert his/her grandfather name here.
E. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
F. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.2. ሙሙ ሙሙ: In this section we will follow the same procedure as of mentioned in 4.2
bullets except the data will be inserted in Amharic language.
A. ስስ: Is the first or given name in language Amharic of the selected employee, insert
his/her given name here.
B. ስስስስ ስስ: Is the second or father name in language Amharic of the selected
employee, insert his/her father name here.
C. ስስስስ ስስ: Is the last or grandfather name in language Amharic of the selected
employee, insert his/her grandfather name here.
D. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
E. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.3.Saala: Here we will set the gender of the selected employee the options may include
A. Saala filadhu: Press this to select the employee gender
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.4. Bara dhalootaa: Here we will set the date of birth of the selected employee.
A. Bara dhalootaa (B-J-G): Is the date of the selected employee. As we see from the
format(B-J-G) we will insert the date in the format that year then month followed by
date for example(1995-02-23).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.5. Lakk. waraqaa eenyummaa: Here we will set the number of our identification
A. Lakk. waraqaa eenyummaa: Is short for lakkofsa waraqaa eenyummaa and we will
write the Identification number of the selected employee. Tips we can use the
number spinner ^ up and down to increase and decrease simultaneously.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.6. Haala gaa'elaa: Here we will set the status of the selected employee marriage
A. Haala gaa`elaa: Is where we will choice from the available marriage status it may be
(single,married, divorced).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.7. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is the phone number of the selected employee.
A. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is the field where we will write the phone number of the selected
employee. Tips as we just click on the filed this will come “(+251) - - - - - - - - ” then
fill the rest digits.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section
1.8. Iimeelii: Here we will set the email address of the current selected employee.
A. Imeelii: Is the field where we will set the email of the selected employee, for
example [email protected].
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.9.Lammummaa: Here we will set the nationalities of the selected employee.
A. Lammummaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the nationalities where the
selected employee resides. E.g Ethiopian
B. Biyya dhalootaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the country where the
selected employee where born. E.g Ethiopia
C. Naannoo: Is field where we will write the region of the selected employee. E.g
D. Godina: Is field where we will write the zone of the selected employee. E.g Jimma
E. Aanaa: Is field where we will write the woreda of the selected employee.E.g
F. Magaalaa: Is field where we will write the city of the selected employee. E.g jimma
G. Ganda: Is field where we will write the kebele of the selected employee. E.g Kochi
H. Passport: Is a field that will prompt us to upload soft copy of the passport for the
selected employee.
I. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
J. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.10. Sabummaa: Here we will set the ethnicity group of the selected employee. E.g
A. Sabummaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the ethnicity of the selected
employee from (Oroomo, Amhara, Tigere, ..).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.11. Amantii: Here we wii set the religion of the current selected employee.
A. Amantii: Is a selection where we will select the religion of the selected employee
from ( Ortodooksii, Islaamaa, Pirootestaantii,..).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.

C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.12. Akaakuu dhiigaa: Here we will set the blood group of the selected employee. E.g. O
A. Akaakuu dhiigaa: Is a field that will enables us to select from the drop down list
from (A,A+,B,O,AB,…).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.13. Halluu ijaa: Here we will set the eye color of the selected employee. E.g
A. halluu ijaa: Is a field where we will write the eye color of the selected employee.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.14. Hayyama konkolaachisummaa: Here we will upload the selected employee driving
A. Dhayyama konkolaachisummaa: Is the place where we will upload the driving
license of the selected employee.
B. Upload license: Click the upload license to upload the license.
C. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
D. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

1.1 1.9






2. Maatii: In this division we will add the family relationship of the current selected employee.
To add this information just follows the link below.

2.1. Plus (+): To create the family types press this button so that it will redirect us to new
pages so that we can customize the types.
2.2. Hariiroo Filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the family relationship the
selected user have with the one we are trying to register. E.g Wife, brother, sister.
2.3. Maqaa: Is a field that enables us to create the name of the family that we are going to
2.4. Maqaa Abbaa: Is a field that enables us to create the father name of the family that
we are going to create.
2.5. Maqaa Aakaakayhuu: Is a field that enables us to create the grandfather of the family
that we are going to create.
2.6. Saala: Is a field that enables us to select the gender for the new family
2.7. Bara dhalootaa: Is birth date of the selected employee family.
2.8. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
A. As we create a families their list will appear as the below holding the details of
B. Full name, type of the relationship, name of the selected employee, date of birth of
the relatives, and two buttons “Gulaali” and “Haqi”.
1. Gulaali: Press this button if the selected employee brings/have any changes
regarding to his/her family relationships created before, as we press the button
automatically the fields will be set to the data entered before to their respected
filed location, then we can make modification on them as required.
2. Haqi: Is a button, as we press haqi the corresponding record will automatically
remove. Caption here we are trying to delete the family relationship of the
selected employee.

3. Waamamaa yeroo balaa: Is the second sub-menu in the basic information of the current
selected employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the
emergency contact.

3.1. Gosa: Is a selection that we will select the type or kind of the emergency contact that
we are setting for the current selected employee from (Balaa tasaa, Kan-Biroo,..).
3.2. Maqaa itti waamamaa: Is the full name of the contact for the emergency type that we
have selected above.
3.3. Aannaa/Gandaa: Is the Aannaa/Gandaa place combination where this emergency
contact lives. E.g Jimma/Qochi.
3.4. Bilbila: Is a field that enables us to write the phone number of our emergency
3.5. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
4. Teessoo: Is the tenth sub-menu in the details information of the current selected employee.
In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the on the locations like
working, home for the current selected employee.
4.1. Gosa: Is a selection that we will select the type or kind of the place that we are going
to create from (Home, Work Place, and Office Place).
4.2. Teessoo: Is the place where the above selected place will found for example main
Supreme Court of jimma place will be addis abeba.
4.3. Ganda/daandii: Is the place where the above selected place will found for example
main Supreme Court of jimma place will be addis abeba.
4.4. Lakk.manaa: Is the place combination the Ganda and Daandii of the bove selected
place located on. E.g Kochi/Jimma
4.5. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is a field that enables us to create the phone numbers of the current
selected employee.
4.6. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
A. As we create a place with the respected type their details will appear as the below
B. Based on the direction of the table header the results are set, in addition to the results
we see two buttons “Gulaali” and “Haqi”.
1. Gulaali: Press this button to if the selected employee have any changes
regarding to his/her place, as we press the button automatically the fields will be
set to the data entered before to their respected filed location, then we can make
modification on them as required.
2. Haqi: Is a button, as we press haqi the corresponding record will automatically
remove. Caption here we are trying to delete the place of the selected employee.

PIM-Gita hojjetaa: In this section we will fill the following parts that the selected employee have,
those are Gita-hojjetaa,Haala qacarrii, Hojii dabalataa, Gulantaa kaffaltii, Kaffaltii dabalataa,
Mindaa hojjataa, Galmee hojjetaa, Kaffaltii dabalataa, Galmee hojjetaa, Gosa hojii, Waamamaa gita
hojii, Gosa qacarii, Guyyaa wacarrii, Haala amma hojjataan irra jiru,Lakk.Sooramaa.
1. The yellow colored menu header is menus that we will goes through them, without changing
the first steps. The selected menu is “Gita hojjetaa” under this we will have the following
details of information that will be filled for the current selected employee.
1.1. Waajjira hojjataa: Here will choice the office where the employee is working.
1.2. Cuufii: is a button that we will press to close the editing.
1.3. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
2. Haala qacarrii: In this division we will set the employees way of recruitment.
(2.1) Haala qacarrii: When we press this it will allows us to select the way of the
employment. The selections may include (Mudamaan, Jijjiiradhaan, Qaxaraan, and the
(2.2) Hooganaa mirkanesse: Is a field where we will write the authorizing personnel. Is
the person whom approved the haala qacarrii.
(2.3) Ibsa haala qacarrii: Is a place where we will fill detail description of way of
(2.4) Cuufii: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(2.5) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
3. Hojii dabalataa: Here we will add list of jobs if the current selected employee have more
jobs other than he/she was recruited for.
(3.1) Waajjira/Daayirektoreetii: Press this to select the name of the job that this employee
have as an additional jobs.
(3.2) Gita: Here we will insert the job-title that the employee where working. We will just
put the same name if we get it from the above list.
(3.3) Ibsa: To enter the details information of these additional jobs we will put here.
(3.4) Cuufii: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(3.5) Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the additional job of the employee that we have
created or modified.
4. Gulantaa kaffaltii: Here we will set the pay level of the employee, is just the old salary
management way and we won’t focus on this.

5. Mindaa hojjataa: Is the section where we will see, modify or set employee salary, By default
as we set the employee job-title we will set the salary, but still we can set a dynamic salary
for an employee.
(5.1) Static salary: A field where we will set the static salary of the employee.
(5.2) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(5.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
6. Kaffaltii dabalataa: Is a place where we will set the additional payments if the selected
employee got additional payments like house allowance, mobile card and the like. In these
additional payments we will set the matrix rows by columns.
(6.1) Kaffaltii: Press this to select the reason of the additional payment for example house
allowance, mobile card and the like.
(6.2) Payment rank: Is the rank of the payment that we will pick from the available lists.
(6.3) Paymrny-step: Is the step of the payment that we will pick from the available lists.
(6.4) Ibsa: To add some descriptions we will write here.
(6.5) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(6.6) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
7. Galmee hojjetaa:
8. Gosa hojii
(8.1) Gartuu hojii:
(8.2) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(8.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
9. Waamamaa gita hojii: Is the place where we will define the employee job-title where he/she
have been employed and also we will set the salary too.
(9.1) Gita Hojii Haayyamame: Is the job-title where he/she been assigned for.
(9.2) Gulantaa mindaa: is where we will set the level or starting of the salary we will have
starting (ceiling) and ending salary.
(9.3) Cuffi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(9.4) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

1 3

10. Gosa qacarii: Is a section where we will set the employee type of recruitment.
(10.1) Gosa qacarii filadu:Is a field where we will select the way of recruitment for the
selected employee from the available options.
(10.2) Cuffi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(10.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
11. Guyyaa qacarrii: Here we will set the date of the employment.
(11.1) Fill the date of the employment
(11.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(11.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
12. Haala amma hojjataan irra jiru: Is the satus that indicates or tells us his/her current status.
For example active, on education, and the like.
(12.1) Haala filadhu: Press this to select among the existing status of the employee.
(12.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(12.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
13. Lakk.Sooramaa: Is short for lakkofsa sooramaa, or pension number of the employee will be
set here.
(13.1) Lakk.Sooramaa: A field where we will fill or write the pension number
(13.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(13.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

PIM-Gita hojjetaa: The second phases after clicking finish the basic employee profile.
2.1 Gita Hojjetaa: Is the first sub-menu in the second wizard of Gita Hojjetaa.
2. As we see from the screen-shot above we will see the flows that we will pass step by step,
for example as per the image we are in the first part which is “Gita hojjetaa”.
3. The progress bar indicates the percentage that how much data of the employee have been
4. The yellow colored menu header is menus that we will goes through them, without changing
the first steps. The selected menu is “Gita hojjetaa” under this we will have the following
details of information that will be filled for the current selected employee.
4.1. Waajjira hojjataa: Here will choice the office where the employee is working.
4.2. Cuufii: is a button that we will press to close the editing.
4.3. Olkaa’i: is a button that is used to save the office of the employee.
5. Haala qacarrii: In this division we will set the employees way of recruitment.
(5.1) Haala qacarrii: When we press this it will allows us to select the way of the
employment. The selections may include (Mudamaan, Jijjiiradhaan, Qaxaraan, and the
(5.2) Hooganaa mirkanesse: Is a field where we will write the authorizing personnel. Is
the person whom approved the haala qacarrii.
(5.3) Ibsa haala qacarrii: Is a place where we will fill detail description of way of
(5.4) Cuufii: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(5.5) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
6. Hojii dabalataa: Here we will add list of jobs if the current selected employee have more
jobs other than he/she has been recruited for.
(6.1) Waajjira/Daayirektoreetii: Press this to select the name of the job that this employee
have as an additional jobs.
(6.2) Gita: Here we will insert the job-title that the employee where working. We will just
put the same name if we get it from the above list.
(6.3) Ibsa: To enter the details information of this additional job we will put here.
(6.4) Cuufii: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(6.5) Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the additional job of the employee that we have
created or modified.
7. Gulantaa kaffaltii: Here we will set the pay level of the employee, is just the old salary
management way and we won’t focus on this.

8. Mindaa hojjataa: Is the section where we will see, modify or set employee salary, By default
as we set the employee job-title we will set the salary, but still we can set a dynamic salary
for an employee.
(8.1) Static salary: A field where we will set the static salary of the employee.
(8.2) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(8.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
9. Kaffaltii dabalataa: Is a place where we will set the additional payments if the selected
employee got an additional payment like house allowance, mobile card and the like. In this
additional payment we will set the matrix rows by columns.
(9.1) Kaffaltii: Press this to select the reason of the additional payment for example house
allowance, mobile card or the like.
(9.2) Payment rank: Is the rank of the payment that we will pick from the available lists.
(9.3) Payment-step: Is the step of the payment that we will pick from the available lists.
(9.4) Ibsa: To add some descriptions we will write here.
(9.5) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(9.6) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
10. Galmee hojjetaa: Here we will manage the selected employee documents.
11. Gosa hojii: Is the area where we will set the selected employee positions.
(11.1) Gartuu hojii: Is a selection where we will select the employee position, just if the
current employees have a job position.
(11.2) Cuufi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(11.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
12. Waamamaa gita hojii: Is the place where we will define the employee job-title where he/she
have been employed and also we will set the salary too.
(12.1) Gita Hojii Haayyamame: Is the job-title where he/she been assigned for.
(12.2) Gulantaa mindaa: is where we will set the level or starting of the salary we will have
starting (ceiling) and ending salary.
(12.3) Cuffi: To close these sections press the “Cuufii”.
(12.4) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.




13. Gosa qacarii: Is a section where we will set the employee type of recruitment.
(13.1) Gosa qacarii filadu:Is a field where we will select the way of recruitment for the
selected employee from the available options.
(13.2) Cuffi: To close this section presses the “Cuufii”.
(13.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
14. Guyyaa qacarrii: Here we will set the date of recruitment for the current selected employee
or employment date.
(14.1) Guyyaa qacarrii Fill the date of the employment, when the selected employee have
been recruited. Is a date picker and just select the date from the top-up, otherwise it will
leads you error and invalid date format.
(14.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(14.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
15. Haala amma hojjataan irra jiru: Is the satus that indicates or tells us his/her current status.
For example active, on education, and the like.
(15.1) Haala filadhu: Press this to select among the existing status of the employee.
(15.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(15.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

16. Lakk.Sooramaa: Is short for lakkofsa sooramaa, or pension number of the employee will be
set here.
(16.1) Lakk.Sooramaa: A field where we will fill or write the pension number
(16.2) Cuffi: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
(16.3) Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.





2.2 Dandeettii
Afaanii: As we can see from the below image the second sub-menu in the Gita hojjetta is
Dandeettii Afaanii. In this the second sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the
language skill. In creating language we will consider the basic matrices of language measurement
(reading, writing and speaking).
1. Afaan filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the language skill type that the
selected employee can speak, or write, or read or other combination.
2. Dubbachuu: Is a field where we will select the status of speaking the language selected.
E.g Very good in speaking.
3. Dubisuu:Is a field where we will select the status of reading the language selected. E.g
Very good in reading.
4. Barreessuu: Is a field where we will select the status of writing the language selected.
E.g Oromifa, very good, good and mother tongue.

5. Yaada Barreesi: Is a field where we will write the detail description of the skill for the
current selected employee.
6. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
As we create (save) the language the below label will appear.
Name of the language, Dubbachuu, Dubbisuu, Barreessuu, Yaada and finally two buttons “Gulaali”
(7) and “Haqi” (8). When you press the “Gulaali” automatically the values of the fields will
automatically filled to their respected fields, so that we can make modification. When you press
“Haqi” You are to delete the language record of the current selected employee Caption! This
operation can’t be undone.


2 3 4
5 6

7 8

2.3 Dandeettii:Is the third sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected employee in
the second menu of the Gita hojjetta.. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on
the special skill for the current selected employee.
1. Gosa Dadeettii filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the special skill type that
the selected employee have from (art, sport, IT,..). Here special skills are first
categorized, if you didn’t get what you want you can just add it in the settings.
2. Maqaa: Is a field where we will write the name of the special skill that the selected
employee has. E.g Teakwando
3. Sadarkaa:Is the level(rank) that how much he/she is capable of the skill. The skill will
be measured from 100 percentages.
4. Ibsa: Is a field where we will write the detail description of the skill for the current
selected employee.
5. Olkaa’i:: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
A. As we create (save) the special skill the below diagram will appear.
A. A circular diagram that states the name of the skill, the percentage
B. To edit the special skill created just click on the circular image, then
automatically values of the respected fields will be filled then change whatever
you want to change then simply press Olkaa’i.


1 2 3
4 5

2.4 Muuxannoo Asin Duraa: Is the fourth sub-menu in the second menu of Gita Hojjettaa details
information of the current selected employee. In this section we will set, view and made
modification on the work experience. We can see how much the current selected employee has
work experience in both internal and external experience. Here lets define what the numbers will
indicates with example.
4.05 ------ experience of four years and five months
4.1 -------- experience of four years and ten months
2.11 -------- experience of two years and eleven months

We will have two categories of experience internal and external work experience, so based on the
experience he/she have, we will manipulate.

1. Muuxannoo kaassoo +: Press the plus sign to add new internal experience

2. Status the details of the internal experience we have created for the selected employee.
3. Offisara seeraa1: is name of the job-title we have created for the current selected employee.
4. WAAJJIRA PIREZDAANTII-MMWO: is the office where that specified job-title found.
5. 12-01-2010-12-01-2011: This is the date duration for the experience.
6. Gulaali: Is a button that will allow us to edit the internal experience.
7. Haqi: Is a button that will delete the internal experience



3 4

2.4.1 Muuxanno Alaa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the work
experience of the current selected employee.
A. Waamamaa Gita Hojii Filadhu: Is a selection field that enables us to select the name
of the job-title.
B. Waamamaa Gita Hojii Barreessi: Is a field that enabls us to write the details of the
name of the job-title. Note here we will write the same job-title as of the selection,
and may vary if we don’t have in the selection list.
C. Maqaa dhaabbataa: Is a field that enables us to write the name of the organization
that the selected employee where working on.
D. Ka’umsa: Is a date picker field where we will write (pick) the date when the selected
employee has started working the job mentioned above.

E. Xunura: Is a date picker field where we will write (pick) the date when the selected
employee have stopt working the job mentioned above.
F. Yaada Barreessi: Is a field where we will write description if the selected employee
have some additional information.
G. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
2.4.1 Division for external work experience:
1. Name of the job-title and how long the selected employee where working on the
selected position for that organization, month or year or both combination.
2. Description, starting and ending date consecutively.
3. Gulaali: Press this button to edit and modify the external work experience.
4. Mul’isi: Press this button to see (view) the details of the external work

4.1 When you press the Mulisi the below image will appear and we will see the
details of the work experience the current selected employee has, plus we
will have two buttons Cancel to cancel and exit the notification and Delete to
delete the work experience of the selected employee respectively.

3. Leenjii fi barnoota: Is the third menu in filling the employee basic information. In this menu we
will fill educations, certificates, training and study on job. So let’s start fom the very first education
3.1 Barnoota: In this sub-menu we will fill the current selected employee his/her educational
status, we may have more than one educational level.
1. Sadarkaa: Is a selection filed that we will select the grade that the current selected
employee earns. E.g LLB
2. Dhaabataa: Is a field that we will write the name of the institutaion that the selected
employee learns. Eg Jimma Univeristy
3. Gosa Barnoota: Is a field that we will write the name of the education that the selected
employee has done. Eg Law.
4. Teessoo: Is a field where we will write the city (place) name where the institution
located. Eg Jimma.
5. Bara xumurama: Is a field that we will write the graduation or the year that the selected
employee finished his/her education. Eg 2008
6. Kenniisa: Is a selection field that allows us to select the way our result been measured.
Eg CGPA(Cumulative Grade point average) and we can insert result 3.4
7. Ka’umsa: Is a date picker that enables us to select the date when the current selected
employee have started the education. Eg 10/05/2003
8. Xumura:Is a date picker that enables us to select the date when the current selected
employee have ended the education. Eg 10/05/2008
9. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

1 2 3 4

5 6 8 9 10

3.2 Waraqaa ragaa: Is the second sub-menu of the third menu in the wizard of the personal
information. In this sub-menu we will manage the certificate of the employee selected.
1. Gosa Waraqaa ragaa: Is a selection field among the existing one, we just select the category that
the certification is. E.g IT
2. Maqaa Ragaa Ga'umsaa: Is a field where we will write name of the certification we earn.
Example CISCO certification
3. Eddoo leenjiin kennama: Is a field where we will write the name of the institution where the
certification was given. E.g Jimma University.
4. Certified: Is a date picker that we will select the date where the selected employee earn/get the
certificate stated above.
5. Turtii: Is a field where we will write the number of month that the selected employee taken to
take the certificate.
6. Guyyaa gati itti dhabuu: Is a field that enables us to specify the expiration date of the certificate.
7. Ibsa: Is a field where we will write some description if we have additional information.
8. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.


1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8

In purple color the created certification will appear, that tells us the details of the
certificate that the current employee will have.
A. Name of the certificate, in our case it will be CISCO.
B. Institute: Is name of the institute where the employee was certified, in our case it
will be Jimma University.
C. Certified on: Is the date when the employee was certified, in our case it will be
D. Duration: Is the duration starting and ending date of enrollment for the
certification, in our case it will be 10 months.
E. Description: Some description about the certificate in our case networking
routing and switching course accomplished.
F. Gulaal’i: Is a button that we will press to edit the certificate
G. Mul’isi: Is a button that we will press to see the details of the selected certificate.
As we press Mul’isi a pop up will appear as of the information below.
1. Name of the certificate
2. Details of the certificate as mentioned above
3. Cancel: Is a button, Press cancel to close the top up panel (windows).
4. Delete: is a button, if you press this button the selected certification of the
selected employee will be deleted or removed.

3.3 Training and study on Job:

1. Qo’annoo/Barnoota: Here we will set the name of the education that the selected
employee has learned, starting and ending date duration, does this education need additional
trainings or not plus the status of the contract this employee has.
A. Qo'annoo/Barnoota Kennamu: Is a filed place where we will write name of the
education that the selected employee has taken.
B. Eddoo Barumsaa: Is a selection field where we will select the name of the country
from the available choice, is just the the country where the selected employee
learned the selected education.
C. Ragaa eegamu: Is a field that enables us to write what the selected employee will
need/require after accomplishment. Type of degree. E.g Certificate
D. Maqaa dhaabbataa: Is name of the institution where the selected education will be
given. E.g Jimma university
E. bu'aa: Is a field where we will write the value or the result that the selected employee
earned from the education specified above after accomplishment.
F. Is contract done: Is just a check box and by default it is selected and just unselect (an
tick) the box. If the education require contract.

G. Guyyaa jalqabu: Is a field that enables us to write the beginning of the
training/education for the selected employee.
H. Barumsaa xumurraa: Is a field that enables us to write the ending date that the
training/education will be finished.
I. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
J. Gulaali: Press this button to edit or modify the respected education/training, so that
automatically the fields will be filled with the existing results, then follow the above
2. Gosa Leenjii Fudhatamee: Here we will see the training that has to be taken to take the
education created above:

K. + The plus sign: click the plus sign to create new required training type.
L. Check list: that is just a true/false that defines the status of the training taken for the
selected employee.
M. Haaromsi: Click this button to change the status of the training
3. When you press the plus sign on L the below image will appear
Fill the employee require training type which is the name the training that the employee
need to know.
N. Type here the employee require training type name.
O. Add require training: Press this button to create/edit the training type required.
P. Gulaali: Is a button that wills a pear as we create one training type required and press the
button to modify the respected training.
Q. Close(X) to close and exit press the x sign on the top of the panel.




4. Kan Biro: Is the fourth menu in filling the personal information of the selected employee. In this
sub-menu we will manage the following Hojiin galatoomaa fi badhaadhinaaf isaa (ishii) geesisee
yoo jiraate, Aadabni Shuumii Kutaatiin Ykn mana Seeratiin Keennameef Yoo Jiraate, Haalli Itti
Hojii Irra Dhoorkammeen (yoo Jirate), and Tajaajila Godhameef Badhasa Kennamee. We will
elaborate them one by one with the below image.
Before starting the first sections lets have same mind set on “+ Galmeessi” and Haaromsi”.
*+ Galmeessi: From the very beginning to the end we will see this button, and its function is just
to add or create new entry corresponding to where we will get/see.
**Haaromsi: We will see this button too in all the four sub sections, and is used to reset the
created data to empty. Caption! this operation can’t be undone, so be sure before pressing/clicking
this button.
4.1 Hojiin galatoomaa fi badhaadhinaaf isaa (ishii) geesisee yoo jiraate
In this section we will manage the appreciation letter here for the selected employee. As we can see
from the below image we will fill the following fields Hojii hojjetame gabaabaatti, Sababa
galateeffannoon kennameef, Mindaa dabalame, Iskeelii olguddisuu and Guyyaa.
4.1.1 Hojii hojjetame gabaabaatti: Is a field where we will write the name of the work that the
selected employee has done, to get the appreciation letter.
4.1.2 Sababa galateeffannoon kennameef: Is a field where we write the reason why this
appreciation letters have been given to this selected employee.
4.1.3 Mindaa dabalame: Is a field where we will fill the additional payment for his appreciation
letter if the appreciation letter is with additional salary (payment). E.g. 2000
4.1.4 Iskeelii olguddisuu: Is a field where we will set the upgraded scale if the current selected
employee is awarded an appreciation letter with addition of scale upgrade.
4.1.5 Guyyaa: Is a field where we will write the date when this selected employee has awarded this
appreciation letter. Here we will just pick the appropriate date from the pop-up date picker. The
format is dd/mm/yyyy. E.g 23/09/2008
4.1.6 Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

4.2 Aadabni Shuumii Kutaatiin Ykn mana Seeratiin Keennameef Yoo Jiraate
Is the second division in filling the “Kan Biroo”. In this section we will consider the following
Gosa raawwii, Sababa, Maqaa mana murtii and Guyyaa are the stuffs that we will fill one by one.
4.2.1 Gosa raawwii: Is a field that enables us to write the type of execution that the selected
employee will be punished.
4.2.3 Sababa: Is a field where we will write in details the reason why this selected employee has
been punished, for the execution type written above.
4.2.3 Maqaa mana murtii: Is a field where we will write the name of the court where the current
selected employee has been punished.
4.2.4 Gyyyaa: Is a field where we will write the date when this selected employee has been
punished. Here we will just pick the date from the pop-up date picker. The format is dd/mm/yyyy.
E.g 23/09/2008
4.2.5Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.


* **

4.1.1 4.1.2
4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.1.6

4.2.1 4.2.1
4.2.3 4.2.5

* **

4.3.2 4.3.3
4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7

* **

4.3 Haalli Itti Hojii Irra Dhoorkammeen (yoo Jirate)

Are the third sections in filling “kan biroo” menu? In this section we will manage the current
selected employee why he/she have been terminated (dhoorkammeen from hojii). To handle this we
will need to now the followings Sababa, Raawwii, Abbaa taayitaa, A.L.A (Start date), A.L.I (end
date) and Guyyaa.
4.3.1 Sababa: Is field where we will write the reason why the selected employee has been
terminated. Here we will write the detail reason.

4.3.2 Raawwii: Here we will write the execution that the selected employee should follow based on
the reason mentioned above.
4.3.3 Abbaa taayitaa: In this filed we will write the name of the authorized body, for the reason
above mentioned.
4.3.4 A.L.A: Is the start date when the execution for the selected employee will start for the reason
mentioned above.
4.3.5 A.L.I: Is the end date when the execution will end.
4.3.6 Guyyaa: Is the date when that case has been registered for the selected employee by the
reason mentioned above.
4.3.7Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

4.4 Tajaajila Godhameef Badhasa Kennamee

4.4.1 Gosa qabeenyaa(Asset type):
4.4.1 Ibsa(Description):
4.4.1 Naannoo mana jireenyaa(Area of home):
4.4.1 Guyyaa(Date):

5. Raggasisuu:
It is the last menu in filling the personal information of the selected employee. In this sub-menu we
will see all the personal information details of information, and at this stage we are confirming that
all the data we have entered for the current selected employee is correct. So make sure that first all
the required information are filled plus make sure they are valid or not. At this stage before clicking
the “Finish” button we can go back just press “#Duubuti" and see or made modifications on the
areas that need to be modified.
If all are correct and clicked the “##Finish” button we will no more see the employee information
with the wizard. But still we can manage the employee information by two ways the first one is by
tracing the employee by his/her office, secondly by going to “Ragaa bu'uuraa” menu and press
“Odeffannoo dhuufaa” sub menu, and then search by whatever we know about the employee we are
looking for.


# ##

As we finished employee details the following will happen/appear.

In the details of the employee profile, we will see this page in different sections the first one is the
one in the left corner the second sections is the section colored blue and the last one is colored in
green. So to elaborate this lets see them one by one.
1. Profile picture
1. Take profile picture: To take the profile picture of the employee press on this button and
follow the uploading process
2. Upload profile pictures: Press this button to upload the profile of the employee directly
from our computer.
3. Attendance status:
2. Progress bar:
1. Is a bar that stats how much percentage we have accomplished the details of the selected
employee profile.
3. Update user: Is where we will see profile of the selected employee
1. Username: Is the user name of the selected employee, as we see from the picture it’s set
to “Not set” because we haven’t created user name for login.
2. Iimeelii: Is the email of the selected employee, and set to “Not set”.
3. Homepage: Is the homepage that the selected employee is authorized to see which page,
in the picture it is set to “Not set” because we didn’t set for the user.
4. User group: Tells us the group of the selected user
5. User status: Shows or tells us the status of the current selected employee , as we see
from the picture it is set to “Have no user” because we didn’t defined the status of
selected employee.
4. Profile menu:
4 Ragaa dhuunfaa:
It is the first sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected employee. In this section
we will add the basic details of the current selected employee. The information that we will fill
are his/her full name in language (Oromifa and Amharic), gender, date of birth, Lakk. Waraqaa
eenyummaa, Haala gaa’ela, Lakk Bilbilaa, Lammummaa, Sabummaa, Amanti, Akaakuu
dhiigaa, Hallu Ijaa, Hayyama Konkolaachiusumma can be managed in this menu.

The image below shows the first details page that we will as we open the view details of selected
employee. So we will grab all one by one



5 13


Now let’s elaborate them one by one

5. Maqa guutuu
A. Maq-duree: Is the title given to the employee, is a drop down selection and we will
select from (Addee, Obbo, Doktoor) the one that fits
B. Maqaa: Is a field where we will write the first or given name in Oromifa language
for the selected employee.

C. Maqaa abbaa: Is a field where we will write the father name in Oromifa language
for the selected employee.
D. Maqaa akaakayuu: Is the last or grandfather name in language Oromifa of the
selected employee, insert his/her grandfather name here.
E. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
F. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
6. ሙሙ ሙሙ: In this section we will follow the same procedure as of mentioned in 4.2
bullets except the data will be inserted in Amharic language.
A. ስስ: Is the first or given name in language Amharic of the selected employee, insert
his/her given name here.
B. ስስስስ ስስ: Is the second or father name in language Amharic of the selected
employee, insert his/her father name here.
C. ስስስስ ስስ: Is the last or grandfather name in language Amharic of the selected
employee, insert his/her grandfather name here.
D. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
E. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
7. Saala: Here we will select the gender of the selected employee from the options that are
available the choices are (male,female,both) choice what the current selected employee
A. Saala filadhu: Press this to select the employee gender
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
8. Bara dhalootaa: Here we will set the date of birth for the selected employee.
A. Bara dhalootaa (B-J-G): Is the date of the selected employee. As we see from the
format(B-J-G) we will insert the date in the format that year then month followed by
date for example(1995-02-23).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
9. Lakk. waraqaa eenyummaa: Here we will set the number of the identification number
for the selected employee. It is unique for all the employees of the organization.
A. Lakk. waraqaa eenyummaa: Is short for lakkofsa waraqaa eenyummaa(ID) and we
will write the Identification number of the selected employee. Tips we can use the
number spinner ^ up and down to increase and decrease simultaneously.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
10. Haala gaa'elaa: Here we will set the status of the selected employee marriage status.
A. Haala gaa`elaa: Is where we will choice from the available marriage status it may be
(single,married, divorced).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
11. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is the phone number of the selected employee.
A. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is the field where we will write the phone number of the selected
employee. Tips as we just click on the filed this will come “(+251) - - - - - - - -” then
fill the rest digits.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.





12. Iimeelii: Here we will set the email address of the current selected employee.
A. Imeelii: Is the field where we will set the email of the selected employee, for
example [email protected].
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

13. Lammummaa: Here we will set the nationalities of the selected employee.
A. Lammummaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the nationalities where the
selected employee resides. E.g Ethiopian
B. Biyya dhalootaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the country where the
selected employee where born. E.g Ethiopia
C. Naannoo: Is field where we will write the region of the selected employee. E.g
D. Godina: Is field where we will write the zone of the selected employee. E.g Jimma
E. Aanaa: Is field where we will write the woreda of the selected employee.E.g
F. Magaalaa: Is field where we will write the city of the selected employee. E.g jimma
G. Ganda: Is field where we will write the kebele of the selected employee. E.g Kochi
H. Passport: Is a field that will prompt us to upload soft copy of the passport for the
selected employee.
I. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
J. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
14. Sabummaa: Here we will set the ethnicity group of the selected employee. E.g Oroomo
A. Sabummaa: Is a selection field that enables us to select the ethnicity of the selected
employee from (Oroomo, Amhara, Tigere, ..).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
15. Amantii: Here we wii set the religion of the current selected employee.
A. Amantii: Is a selection where we will select the religion of the selected employee
from ( Ortodooksii, Islaamaa, Pirootestaantii,..).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
16. Akaakuu dhiigaa: Here we will set the blood group of the selected employee. E.g A+
A. Akaakuu dhiigaa: Is a field that will enables us to select from the drop down list
from (A,A+,B,O,AB,…).
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
17. Halluu ijaa: Here we will set the eye color of the selected employee. E.g
A. halluu ijaa: Is a field where we will write the eye color of the selected employee.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
18. Dhayyama konkolaachisummaa: Here we will upload the selected employee driving
A. Dhayyama konkolaachisummaa: Is the place where we will upload the driving
license of the selected employee.
B. Upload license: Click the upload license to upload the license.
C. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
D. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
Gita hojjetaa: Is the second sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the following fields
Waajjira hojjata, Halaa qacarrii, Gosa hojii, Waamamaa gita hojii, Gosa qacarrii, Bara
qacarrii, Haala ammaa, Lakk. Sooramaa, Hojii dabalataa, Gulantaa kaffaltii, Mindaa,
Kaffaltii dabalataa and Galmee hojjetaa.
1. Gita hojjetaa is the second sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the following fields
Waajjira hojjata, Halaa qacarrii, Gosa hojii, Waamamaa gita hojii, Gosa qacarrii, Bara
qacarrii, Haala ammaa, Lakk. Sooramaa, Hojii dabalataa, Gulantaa kaffaltii, Mindaa,
Kaffaltii dabalataa and Galmee hojjetaa.
1.1. Waajjira/Daayirektoreetii: Is a place where we will set the office where the selected
employee will work.
A. Waajjira/Daayirektoreetii: Is a field where we will set the office where the selected
employee will work.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.2. Halaa qacarrii: Here we will set, view and made modification for the way of the
employment. E.g Mudamaan
A. Halaa quacarrii: Is a field where we will select from the available way of
B. Hooganaa Mirkaneesse:

C. Ibsa Halaa qacarrii: Is a field that we will write some description about the way of
D. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
E. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

1.1 1.9



1.3. Gosa hojii: Here we will set, view and made modification for office category the
selected employee.
A. Gosa hojii: Is the field where we will select the office category of the selected user
from(hojjeta sivill sarvaantii, mudamaa caaffee, mudamaa gumii naannoo, …)
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.4. Waamamaa gita hojii: Here we will select the job-title that the selected employee is
assigned for from (officera serraa 1, officera serraa 2, software 1, …)
A. Gita Hojii Haayyamame: Is a selection filed where we will select the job-title of the
current selected employee.
B. Gulantaa mindaa: Is a selection field where we will select the level where this
employee will start the salary scale.
C. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
D. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

1.5. Gosa qacarrii: Here we will set, view and made modification of the way of the
employment recruitment from(Qaxaraa Dhaabii, Qaxarrii kontraataa,..).
A. Gosa qacarrii: Is a selection where we will select to set the way of the employment
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.6. Bara qacarrii: Here we will set, view and made modification on the year of
recruitment for the current selected employee.
A. Guyyaa qacarrii: Is a date picker that enables us to set the date of the current
employee have been recruited. The format is day, month then year. E.g
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.






1.7. Haala ammaa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the current status
of the current selected employee from (on field, on education, on leave, ..)
A. Haala amma hojjataan irra jiru: Is a selection field where we will select the current
status of the employee among the list provided. E.g Barnoota irraa.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.8. Lakk. Soorama: Here we will set, view and made modification on the pension
number of the current selected employee.
A. Lakk. Soorama: Is a field where we will set the pension number of the selected
employee. E.g E80843
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
1.9. Hojjii Dabalataa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the additional
jobs that the selected employee will work with the office name.
A. Waajjira/Daayirektoreetii: Is a selection field where we will select the office where
the current selected employee will work the additional jobs.
B. Gita: Is a selection field where we will select the position where this selected
employee will work.
C. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
D. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section
1.10. Gulantaa Kaffaltii: Here we will set, view and made modification on
1.11. Mindaa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the salary of the selected
employee. Here we have to notice that the salary is associated with the job-title of an
employee if we just need to set a static salary we can do it.
A. Static salary: Is a field where we will write the static salary of the selected employee.
B. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
C. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section
1.12. Kaffaltii dabalataa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the additional
payments of the current selected employee. E.g. we can add house allowance, mobile
card, transportation and the like.

A. Kaffaltii: Is a selection field where we will select the reason to give this selected
employee additional payments.
B. Payment rank: Is a selection that we will select the rank of the additional payments.
C. Payment step: Is a selection that we will select the step which will be assigned for
the current selected employee.
D. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
E. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section
1.13. Galmee hojjetaa:Here we will manage the selected employee documents.

2. Barnoota:Is the third sub-menu in the detail information of the current selected employee.
In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the education level that the
he/she learned.
2.1. Sadarkaa: Is a selection filed that we will select the grade that the current selected
employee earns. E.g Bsc
2.2. Dhaabataa: Is a field that we will write the name of the institutaion that the selected
employee learns. Eg Jimma Univeristy
2.3. Gosa Barnoota: Is a field that we will write the name of the education that the
selected employee has done. Eg Computer science.
2.4. Teessoo: Is a field where we will write the city (place) name where the institution
located. Eg Jimma.
2.5. Bara xumurama: Is a field that we will write the graduation or the year that the
selected employee finished his/her education. E.g. 2008
2.6. Kenniisa: Is a selection field that allows us to select the way our result been
measured. Eg CGPA(Cumulative Grade point average) and we can insert result 3.8
2.7. Ka’umsa: Is a date picker that enables us to select the date when the current selected
employee have started the education. E.g. 10/05/2003
2.8. If the employee selected CGPA(Cumulative Grade point average) and we can insert
result 3.8. And the like for the rest.
2.9. Xumura:Is a date picker that enables us to select the date when the current selected
employee have ended the education. E.g. 10/05/2008
2.10. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
2.6 2.8 2.9 2.10
2.5 2.7

As we can see above we do have three different education separated in purple color, so now let’s
see one of the details information about one of the divisions in the purple color:
I. Name of the education: where the above mentioned education where earned.
II. Specialization: is name of the education that the selected employee learned.
III. Accomplished on: year of the accomplishment when this selected employee finished the
education stated above.
IV. Dhibbeetaa: is name of the institution where the selected employee earns this education.
V. Duration: is the date that the selected employee consumed to accomplish the education.
4. Muuxannoo hojii: Is the fourth sub-menu in the details information of the current selected
employee. In this section we will set, view and made modification on the work experience.
We will have two categories of experience internal and external, so based on the experience
he/she have we will manipulate. We can see how much the current selected employee has
work experience in both internal and external experience. Here let’s define what the
numbers will indicate with example.
4.05 ------ experience of four years and five months
4.1 -------- experience of four years and ten months
2.11 -------- experience of two years and eleven months

The image below shows we have created on internal experience for the current selected
employee, and then we will see how to create but for now let’s see the details on the image.

4.1 4.2.3 4.2.4
4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.5
3 4

4.1 Muuxannoo kaassoo +: Press the plus sign to add new internal experience

4.2 Status the details of the internal experience we have created for the selected employee.
4.2.1 Offisara seeraa1: which is the job-title?
4.2.2 WAAJJIRA PIREZDAANTII-MMWO: is the office where that specified job-title found.
4.2.3 12-01-2010-12-01-2011: which is the date duration for the experience?
4.2.4 Gulaali: Is a button that will allow us to edit the internal experience.
4.2.5 Haqi: Is a button that will delete the internal experience
When you press the plus sign on the Muuxannoo keessoo, the below form to fill the Muuxanno will
appear. So try to fill the fields then press Olkaa’i the green button, if you don’t Cuufii.

4. Muuxanno keessoo: Press the Plus (+) sign to add the internal experience of the current
selected employee. As we press the plus button you will be promoted to insert the
following fields.
A. Waajira: Is a selection filed that enables us to select the office where the job-title
B. Waamamaa gita hojii: Is a selection filed that enables us to select the name of the
C. Gita: Is the name of the job-title
D. Work from: Is a field that enables us to write the starting date of the work experience
for the selected employee.
E. Work to: Is a field that enables us to write the ending date of the work experience for
the selected employee.
F. Cuufii: Cuffi, done editing and close it.
G. Olkaa’i:Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
5. Muuxanno Alaa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the work experience
of the current selected employee.
A. Waamamaa Gita Hojii Filadhu: Is a selection field that enables us to select the name
of the job-title.

B. Waamamaa Gita Hojii Barreessi: Is a field that enabls us to write the details of the
name of the job-title. Note here we will write the same job-title as of the selection,
and may vary if we don’t have in the selection list.
C. Maqaa dhaabbataa: Is a field that enables us to write the name of the organization
that the selected employee where working on.
D. Ka’umsa: Is a date picker field where we will write (pick) the date when the selected
employee has started working the job mentioned above.
E. Xunura: Is a date picker field where we will write (pick) the date when the selected
employee have stopt working the job mentioned above.
F. Yaada Barreessi: Is a field where we will write description if the selected employee
have some additional information.
G. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
6. Division for external work experience:
1. Name of the job-title
2. Description, starting and ending date consecutively.
3. Gulaali: Press this button to edit and modify the external work experience.
4. Mul’isi: Press this button to see (view) the details of the external work

When you press the Mulisi the below image will appear and we will see the details of the
work experience the current selected employee and the details will have two buttons
“#Cancel” to cancel and exit the notification and “##Delete” to delete the work experience
of the selected employee respectively.

Name of the certficate


# ##

5. Leenjii fi barnoota: Is the fifth sub-menu in the detail information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the following
sections Qo’annoo/Barnoota, Gosa Leenjii Fudhatamee.
4. Qo’annoo/Barnoota: Here we will set the name of the education that the selected
employee has learned, starting and ending date duration, does this education need
additional trainings or not plus the status of the contract this employee has.
A. Qo'annoo/Barnoota Kennamu: Is a filed place where we will write name of the
education that the selected employee has taken.
B. Eddoo Barumsaa: Is a selection field where we will select the name of the country
from the available choice, is just the country where the selected employee learned
the selected education.
C. Ragaa eegamu: Is a field that enables us to write what the selected employee will
need/require after accomplishment. Type of degree. E.g Certificate
D. Maqaa dhaabbataa: Is name of the institution where the selected education will be
given. E.g Jimma university
E. bu'aa: Is a field where we will write the value or the result that the selected employee
earned from the education specified above after accomplishment.
F. Is contract done: Is just a check box and by default it is selected and just unselect
(untick) the box. If the education require contract.
G. Guyyaa jalqabu: Is a field that enables us to write the beginning of the
training/education for the selected employee.
H. Barumsaa xumurraa: Is a field that enables us to write the ending date that the
training/education will be finished.
I. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
J. Gulaali: Press this button to edit or modify the respected education/training, so that
automatically the fields will be filled with the existing results, then follow the above
5. Gosa Leenjii Fudhatamee: Here we will see the training that have to be taken to take the
education created above:

A. + The plus sign: click the plus sign to create new training
B. Check list: that is just a true/false that defines the status of the training taken.
C. Haaromsi: Click this button to change the status of the training

6. When you press the plus sign on A the below image will appear
A. Fill the employee require training type which is the name the training that the
employee need to know.
B. Add require training: Press this button to create/edit the training.
C. Gulaali: Is a button that wills a pear as we create one training type required and press
the button to modify the respected training.
D. Close(X) to close and exit press the x sign on the top of the panel.

A B C 2
I 3


6. Waraqaa ragaa:Is the sixth sub-menu in the detail information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the following

divisions Gosa Waraqaa ragaa, Maqaa Ragaa Ga'umsaa, Eddoo leenjiin kennama, certified
date, Turtii, Guyyaa gati itti dhabuu, and details of the created certification. define name of
the certification type,
1. Gosa Waraqaa ragaa: Is a selection field among the existing one, we just select the
category that the certification is. E.g. IT
2. Maqaa Ragaa Ga'umsaa: Is a field where we will write name of the certification we earn.
Example CISCO certification
3. Eddoo leenjiin kennama: Is a field where we will write the name of the institution where
the certification was given. E.g. Jimma University.
4. Certified: Is a date picker that we will select the date where the selected employees
earn/get the certificate stated above.
5. Turtii: Is a field where we will write the number of month that the selected employee
taken to take the certificate.
6. Guyyaa gati itti dhabuu: Is a field that enables us to specify the expiration date of the
7. Ibsa: Is a place where we will write the description about the certificate we are creating.
8. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

6 4
1 3
5 6 7 8

A. In purple color the created certification will appear, that tells us the details of the
certificate that the current employee will have.
I. Name of the certificate, in our case it will be CISCO.
II. Institute: Is name of the institute where the employee was certified, in our case it
will be Jimma university.
III. Certified on: Is the date when the employee was certified, in our case it will be
IV. Duration: Is the duration starting and ending date of enrollment for the
certification, in our case it will be 10 months.
V. Description: Some description about the certificate in our case networking
routing and switching course accomplished.
VI. Gulaal’i: Is a button that we will press to edit the certificate
VII. Mul’isi: Is a button that we will press to see the details of the selected certificate.
As we press Mul’isi a pop up will appear as of the information below.
1. Details of the certificate as mentioned above
2. Gulaal’i: Is a button and we will press this button if we want to change or
made modification for the selected employee certificate.
3. Cancel: Is a button, Press cancel to close the top up panel (windows).
4. Delete: is a button, if you press this button the selected certification of the
selected employee will be deleted/removed.


7. Ragaa gahuumsaa:Is the seventh sub-menu in the details information of the current
selected employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the
certificates that the current selected employee has been certified.
1. Ragaa gahuumsaa: Here we will set, view and made modification on the certificate of
the current selected employee.
A. Gosa Ragaa Gahumsaa: Is a selection filed that enables us to select the type of the
certificate that the current selected employee awarded (have). Eg Art, sport,...
B. Maqaa: Is a field where we will write name of the certificate that the current selected
employee have.
C. Ibsa: Is a field where we will write the detail description of the certificate for the
current selected employee.
D. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
I. As we create one certificate, the newly created will appear below as the image
1. Gosa Ragaa gahuumsaa: Is a selection filed that enables us to select the type
of the certificate that the current selected employee awarded (have). Eg Art,
2. Name of the certificate: name of the certificate will be shown
3. Description of the certificate: Description of the certificate will be shown
4. Gulaali: Is a button, press gulaali to make modifications. As we press the
button automatically the field will be filled with the current values of the
certificate, so that we can made changes on them.
5. Haqi: Is a button, press “Haqi” To delete the created certificate.


1 2 3 4 5

8. Dandeettii Addaa:Is the eighth sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the special skill.
1. Gosa Dadeettii filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the special skill type that
the selected employee have from (art, sport, IT,..). Here special skills are first
categorized, if you didn’t got what you want you can just add it in the settings.
2. Maqaa: Is a filed where we will write the name of the special skill that the selected
employee have. E.g Teakwando
3. Sadarkaa:Is the level(rank) that how much he/she is capable of the skill. The skill will
be measured from 100 percentage.
4. Ibsa: Is a field where we will write the detail description of the skill for the current
selected employee.
5. Olkaa’i:: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
A. As we create(save) the special skill the below diagram will appear.
I. A circular diagram that stats the name of the skill, the percentage
II. To edit the special skill created just click on the circular image, then
automatically values of the respected fields will be filled then change whatever
you want to change then simply press Olkaa’i.
2 3

9. Dandeettii Afaanii: Is the ninth sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected
employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the language skill. In
creating language we will consider the basic matrices of language measurement (reading,
writing and speaking).
1. Afaan filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the language skill type that the
selected employee can speak, or write, or read or other combination.
2. Dubbachuu: Is a field where we will select the status of speaking the language selected.
E.g Very good in speaking.
3. Dubisuu:Is a field where we will select the status of reading the language selected. E.g
Very good in reading.
4. Barreessuu: Is a field where we will select the status of writing the language selected.
E.g Oromifa, very good, good and mother tongue.
5. Yaada Barreesi: Is a field where we will write the detail description of the skill for the
current selected employee.
6. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
As we create (save) the language the below label will appear.

A. Name of the language, Dubbachuu, Dubbisuu, Barreessuu, Yaada and finally two
buttons “Gulaali” and “Haqi”. When you press the “#Gulaali” automatically the
values of the fields will automatically filled to their respected fields, so that we can
make modification. When you press “##Haqi” You are to delete the language record
of the current selected employee Caption! This operation can’t be undone.

2 3 4

5 6

# ##

10. Teessoo: Is the tenth sub-menu in the details information of the current selected employee.
In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the on the locations like
working, home for the current selected employee.
1. Gosa: Is a selection that we will select the type or kind of the place that we are going to
create from (Home, Work Place, and Office Place).
2. Teessoo: Is the place where the above selected place will found for example main
Supreme Court of jimma place will be addis abeba.
3. Ganda/daandii: Is the place where the above selected place will found for example main
Supreme Court of jimma place will be addis abeba.
4. Lakk.manaa: Is the place combination the Ganda and Daandii of the above selected
place located on. E.g Kochi/Jimma
5. Lakk. Bilbilaa: Is a field that enables us to create the phone numbers of the current
selected employee.
6. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.

A. As we create a place with the respected type their details will appear as the below
B. Based on the direction of the table header the results are set, in addition to the results
we see two buttons “Gulaali” and “Haqi”.
I. Gulaali: Press this button to if the selected employee have any changes
regarding to his/her place, as we press the button automatically the fields will be
set to the data entered before to their respected filed location, then we can make
modification on them as required.
II. Haqi: Is a button, as we press haqi the corresponding record will automatically
remove. Caption here we are trying to delete the place of the selected employee.

3 4
6 5


11. Waamamaa yeroo balaa: Is the second sub-menu in the basic information of the current
selected employee. In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the
emergency contact.
1. Gosa: Is a selection that we will select the type or kind of the emergency contact that we
are setting for the current selected employee from (Balaa tasaa, Kan-Biroo,..).
2. Maqaa itti waamamaa: Is the full name of the contact for the emergency type that we
have selected above.

3. Aannaa/Gandaa: Is the Aannaa/Gandaa place combination where this emergency contact
lives. E.g Jimma/Qochi.
4. Bilbila: Is a field that enables us to write the phone number of our emergency contact.
5. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
I. Guullali: To edit the created emergency contact press guulali.
II. Haqi: To delete the created emergency contact press Haqi.

4 5


12. Maatii: Is the eleventh sub-menu in the basic information of the current selected employee.
In this sub-menu we can see, set and made modifications on the family and their
relationships with the current selected employee.

1. Plus (+): To create the family types press this button so that it will redirect us to new
pages so that we can customize the types.
1. Hariiroo Filadhu: Is a selection that enables us to select the family relationship the
selected user have with the one we are trying to register. E.g. Wife, brother, sister.
2. Maqaa: Is a field that enables us to create the name of the family that we are going to
3. Maqaa Abbaa: Is a field that enables us to create the father name of the family that we
are going to create.
4. Maqaa Aakaakayhuu:I s a field that enables us to create the grandfather of the family,
that we are going to create.
5. Saala: Is a field that enables us to select the gender for the new family
6. Bara dhalootaa: Here insert the date of birth for the selected emergency contact type.
7. Olkaa’i: Press Olkaa’i to save the changes we made on this section.
A. As we create a families their list will appear as the below holding the details of
B. Full name, type of the relationship, name of the selected employee, date of birth of
the relatives, and two buttons “Gulaali” and “Haqi”.
I. Gulaali: Press this button if the selected employee brings/have any changes
regarding to his/her family relationships created before, as we press the button
automatically the fields will be set to the data entered before to their respected
filed location, then we can make modification on them as required.
II. Haqi: Is a button, as we press haqi the corresponding record will automatically
remove. Caption here we are trying to delete the family relationship of the
selected employee.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7

13. Miseensummaa:Is the last menu in filling the personal information of the selected employee. If the
employee has any membership that he/she enrolled it should have to be mentioned here.

5.2. Bulchiinsa waraqaa eenyummaa

Figure 2 Gosa waraqaa eenyummaa

1. Select “Ragaa Bu’uuraa” from the left side menu.

2. Click on “Bulchiinsa waraqaa eenyummaa” from the sub-menus under “Ragaa Bu’uuraa”. This will
open a page viewing list of existing ID management categories. An organization can have different id
management categories. Each ID management categories can have different ID card template and ID card

3. Section Code: Code that represents ID card group.

4. ID Code: code that is given to an employee.

5. Format: Determines what the employees identification number looks like.

6. Prefix: Any character or number that we want to use before in identification number, as a prefix for this
ID card group. Example in MMWO0001 MMWO is a prefix that comes on each employees identification

7. Gabaagee: Short name for identifying ID card group.

8. Galmeessi: after you complete filling the form click on “olkaa’i”, to save your wok and see the
registered ID card group.

9. Gulaali: To edit an existing ID card group, click on “gulaali” button. This brings that row in
editable format, make whatever changes you need, and click “Haaroomsi” button.
10. To view detail information of an existing ID card group click on card icon in front of the selected ID
card group. This shows an existing ID card group (Front and back) template.

 Note: The next steps works both for Front and Back of the ID card template.
a) To insert ID card template.
b) To refresh the page
c) To change an existing ID card group template or to insert new template. The system uses this
template to prepare individual employee ID card.

1. Browse the image that you want to use as a template for this ID card group.
2. Click on “update template” to save the template.
3. If you want an employee profile picture on the ID card, click here, and specify the location
of the employee profile picture. If this is ticked then there will be employee profile picture
on the id card. Else, no profile picture.
4. Vertical alignment of employee profile picture on the ID card, from the top of the ID card.

5. Horizontal alignment of employee profile picture on the ID card , from the top of the ID
6. Width of the employee profile picture on the ID card.
7. Height of the employee profile picture on the ID card.
8. Specifies shape of employee profile picture on the ID card, whether it is rounded or
rectangular. If this is ticked then shape of employee profile picture is rounded. Else, it is
d) Here you can define which fields appear on the employee ID card. This is done once for the ID
card group and it applies to employees under this ID card group.

1. Name of the field.

2. Select attribute that you want to be shown on the ID card from list of employee attributes. The
options in the select are from employee detail information.
3. Is the field static or not?
4. Horizontal alignment of the field on the ID card, from the top of the ID card.
5. Horizontal alignment field on the ID card, from the top of the ID card.
6. Whether it is resizable or not.
7. Font of the field.
8. Font size.
9. Whether the size is fixed or not?
10. Color of the text.

5.3. Balaa Hojiirraa (Disaster on duty)
The response team will conduct the initial evaluation of facilities and systems following a disaster.
When a disaster is identified, an appropriate team will be formed to assess and respond to the
situation. After doing all the above then it needs to be registered on the system.

1. Sababa Filadhu: It is a selection box that enables us to select the reason of the damage.

2. Maqaa Balaa Barressi: Here we will write the name of the damage happened.

3. Balaa gamtaa irra ga’ee eyyeen: Is a combo box that we will tick if the disaster happened in
mass or not. If the disaster happened in mass press this button.

4. Balaa gamtaa irra ga’ee Lakk: Is a combo box that we will tick if the disaster happened in
mass or not. If the disaster happened not in mass press this button.

5. Guyya itt Muudate: Is the date on which this damage have been happened.

6. Ibsa: To add some additional descriptive information use this field area.

7. Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the information listed above.

8. Qindeessa: Press this button to manage the damage types. When we press this button a new
popup page will appear, so that we can see how to manage in the next page.

2 2
2 2



Figure 3 Balaa Hojiirraa

To search or filter for some information about created damage of employee just fill one or more
information you have on the fields specified, then press the barbardi button. Here we can search by
one or more information we have.

1. Sababa Filadhu: Is a selection box that enables us to select information by the type of

2. Maqaa Balaa Barreessi: Is a field that enables us to select information by using the name of
the damage created.

3. Balaa gamtaa irra ga’ee: Here we will write the details of the disaster gaamtaa irra ga’ee.

4. Guyyaa: Is a field that enables us to search using the date when the disaster happened.

5. Barbaadi: Press this button to select or filter the information required from the existing one.

2 4 5
1 3
6 2 2

Figure 4 Balaa Hojiirraa Barbadi

When we press (#6) the below mage will appear.

1. Balaa Midhaa sababa hoji walqaabatee: Here we will write the disaster that happened that
have a direct contact with the job of the organization.

2. Ka’umsa: Write here the initial or root cause of the disaster.

3. Ibsa: Here we will write some descriptive information about the disaster we are going to

4. Add cause of disaster: Press this button to save the cause of the disaster.

5. Close(X): Press this button to close the current opened pop up page.

2 1

2 2

Figure 5 Balaa Midhaa sababa hoji walqaabatee

When we press the qindeessitu. We will have different level of disaster. The first stage will be just a
little harm on body example little blood on hand. The second stage is a recoverable disaster in
which some harm will be recoverable example hand broke bur recoverable. The other level is a
damage which means it will produce a damage that won’t be recovered example hand cut off. The
last stage of disaster is death example death of an employee.

1. Sadarkaa cimina balaa: Here we can see the level of the disaster from the little impact of the
disaster to death of disaster.

2. Harm: Is the first level of disaster. To set a disaster list that we will be added to this level of
disaster just click on this button.
3. Recoverable: Is the second level of disaster. To set a disaster list that we will be added to
this level of disaster just click on this button.

4. Damage: Is the third level of disaster. To set a disaster list that we will be added to this level
of disaster just click on this button.

5. Death: Is the last level of disaster. To set a disaster list that we will be added to this level of
disaster just click on this button.

6. Gosa Beenyaa balaa: Here we will specify how much disaster have been happed.

7. Ibsa: Here we can add some descriptive information about the gosa beenyaa balaa.

8. Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the information we provided above.

2 1

Figure 6 Balaa Midhaa Qindeessitu

Here in below we will see how to manage the above specified level of damage. They will follow the
procedure if we know the one then it is the same for the others. So know let’s look for the “harm”.
1. Ciiminaa miidhaa maqaa: Write the name of the harm.

2. Seriousness description: Is a field that enables us to add description about the how serious is
the harm.

3. Save configuration: Press this button to save the harm defined above.


Figure 7 Ciiminaa Miidhaa Harm

As we can see from the image below we can handle the lists below.
1. Ciiminaa miidhaa maqaa: Write the name of the disaster that will be considered as a
recoverable disaster.

2. Seriousness description: Is a field that enables us to add description about the how serious is
the recoverable. Here we may write some description about what will be used to recover fast
and the like stuff.

3. Save configuration: Press this button to save the recoverable case defined above.


Figure 8 Ciiminaa miidhaa Recoverable

5.3. Badii Naamusa (Disciplinary)
In this area we will manage employee disciplinary case. Employer disciplinary action is a response
by the employer to problems with employee performance or behavior. It may come in the form of a
verbal or written reprimand or the loss of employee privileges. The purpose of disciplinary action is
to correct behavior and document issues. So as a system we will see how to manage and document
such cases.

1. Select “Ragaa Bu’uuraa” from the left side menu.

2. Click on “Badii naamusaa” from the sub-menus under “Ragaa Bu’uuraa”.

3. To create new “Gosa badii naamusaa” just press the plus (+) sign in front of the filed label.

4. Gosa Badii Naamusaa Filadhu: Here a selection box that enables us to select the type of
disciplinary case. By default they are null so first we need to create them.

5. To create new disciplinary case just press the plus (+) sign in front of the filed label.

6. Select disciplinary case: Here a selection box that enables us to select the disciplinary case.
By default they are null so first we need to create them.

7. Komataa: Here we will fill the name of the compiler it will be the employee or the

8. Lakk. Waraqaa Eenummaa: Here we will put or write the employee identification number.

9. Kan mirkaneesse: Is name of the employee who approved the disciplinary case.

10. Guyyaa murtin Keename: Is the date picker that we will select to set the date on which this
mentioned disciplinary case get result by the court.

11. Ibsa: Add description about the disciplinary you are going to create.

12. To create new disciplinary action just press the plus (+) sign in front of the filed label.

13. Select disciplinary action: Here a selection box that enables us to select the disciplinary
action. By default they are null so first we need to create them.

14. Haala: this describes whether it has been appealed or not.

15. Olkaa’i: Press this button to add or create an entry to the database.

16. Gulaali: To edit an existing disciplinary case.

17. To view detail information about the specific disciplinary case.

Figure 9 New Badii Naamusa
As we create a new disciplinary case it will be loaded in the space provided to the right. If we have
many such disciplinary case we need to have a filter mechanism. How to search just write one of
the following fields (Lakk. Waraqaa Eenummaa, Komataa, Mirkaneesse, Guyyaa murtin). As the
fields are defiened above no need to define them again, just write what information you know then
press the “Barbaadi” button, so that the expected output will be displayed.

18. Barbaadi: As discussed above press this button to select (filter) by one (more) fields of the
above mentioned.

19. Reload: is used to reload the page to null values of the fields.

20. Qindeessa: When we press this button a new pop up page will appear. In this page we can
manage the severity and type of the disciplinary. As we click on the button the below image
will appear.

7 8 9 10

12 2 2 2

2 2


4 2

5 2


Figure 10 Badii Naamusa Qindeessa

1. Maqaa: Here we will write the name of the severity label, how the quality or state of being
severe, the condition of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh.

2. Ibsa: Add some description about the severity level you are going to insert.

3. Add severity: Press this button to save the severity level.

4. Maqaa: Here we can add the name of the Gosa.

5. Ibsa: Add some descriptive information about the gosa specified above.

6. Gosa galmessi: It is a button and press it when you want to create the group specified above.

7. Select type: By default this value will be null so we need to first create a new gosa (follow
step from 4 to 6) so that as we create a new automatically we will see the value created.

8. Select severity: Is a selection box that we will select the severity level among the existing

9. Maqaa: Name of the disciplinary action that will be taken will be specified here.

10. Add: Is a button that we will press to save the created disciplinary case.

Here in the below image we can see how to add severity.

2 1

2 2


Figure 11 Add severity

1. Maqaa: Here we will write the name of the severity label, how the quality or state of being
severe, the condition of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh.

2. Ibsa: Add some description about the severity label you are going to insert.

3. Haaraa galmessi: Press this button to save the severity label.

5.4. Leenjii fi barnoota (Training and Study)
Here is the section where we will manage the study and education. Employees of the organization
may be sent for training or education, so handling such case is one of the main tasks that HRM
staff. Here in below we will see how to manage such cases.

1. Qindeessitu: Press this button to adjust the default settings. The details are in the next pages.

2. Leenjii ykn Barnoota Filadhu: Is a selection field that enables us to select study or training
among the available.

3. Maqaa Leenjii ykn Barrnoota: Here is a field where we will write the name of the study or
training the employee is to take.

4. Lakk. Warqaa Eenymmaa: Is a field that enables us to write the identification number of the

5. Gosa Leemjii ykn Barnoota filadhu: Is a selection field that enables us to select the study or
training from among the available one. To add a new type just press the plus (+) sign that will
be found in front of the label.

6. Maqaa Ragaa Gahumsaa: Is name of the award expected from the study or training.

7. Maqaa Dhaabbata Leenjii Keennuu: Here we will specify the name of the institution to which
the employee will go for training or study. Eg Jimma university


2 3

2 111

2 111
2 111
2 111

Figure 12 Leenjii fi barnoota
8. Tessoo dhaabataa: Here we will specify the address in which the institution mentioned above
will be found.
9. Is local: Is the study or training local in Ethiopia or aboard. Just click the check box if it is local

10. Baasii:

11. Guyya eegalu: Here we will set the date on which the study or training will start. Just click on it
and automatically a date picker will appear.

12. Guyyaa xumuramu: Here we will set the date on which the study or training will end. Just click
on it and automatically a date picker will appear.

13. Haaraa galmeessi: Press this button to save the data written on the field above.

2 6

2 7


2 8


2 10

2 11

2 12


Figure 13 Leenjii fi barnoota two

To search or filter for specific information we can use the filter. The below image shows the
available filter options. Just search by one or more fields from the specified.

1. Lakk. Warqaa Eenymmaa: Search by employee identification number.

2. Leemjii ykn Barnoota: Is the type in which whether it is a study or training.

3. Gosa: Is the type in which whether it is a study or training.

4. Maqaa: Is name of the training or study given.

5. See local: If we want any education given locally just think this field, so that only locally
given education will appear.

6. Guyya irra eegalu: If you know the date on which the employee started the education you
can write it here and press barbaadi.

7. Maqaa Ragaa Ga’umssa: if the search is by maqaa raga ga’umssa, then write the name here

8. Maqaa dhaabataa: If you know the name of the organization, or if you want to search by
organization name you can use this filed.

9. Barbaadi: Press this button to search by the specified information. If result found then it will
display output.

10. Reload: is used to reload the page to null values of the fields.

1 2 3 4 5
2 2
111 111 111 111 111
62 72 2 28
2 9
2 2 10
111 111 111

Figure 14 Leenjii fi barnoota barbaadii
As we press (#1) which is the Qindeessitu the below image will appear. In this page we will manage
the basic setting of the study and training.

2 2 2.1 2.6
111 2.3
2 1.2 2 2
1.3 2
2 111 2 2.4
111 2.5 2.7
2 2
23.1 3.6
3.2 2
3.3 2
2 3.4
Figure 15 Leenjii fi barnoota qindeessitu

1. Hojjetaa barnoota barbaade: In this section we will provide the information about the name, id
and different fields about the employee.

1.1. Maqaa: Name of the training required from the employee in the organization will be written

1.2. Ibsa: Add some description about the training the employee wants to take.

1.3. Add Employee require training: Is a button that we will press to create the employee

1.4. Gosa filadhu: Select among the available office categories in such a way that if the
specified training is required among the names specified just tick the check box.

2. Barnoota hojjetaa: Is the education of the employee to which he/she takes.

2.1. Maqaa: Here we will write the name of the employee study (Barnoota hojjetaa.

2.2. Haala barnootaa:

2.3. Yeroo barnootaa/leenjii: Is the time when the specified study will be accomplished. Here
we will just specify the number of months required to accomplish the study.

2.4. Ibsa: Add some descriptive contents about the barnoota hojjetaa.

2.5. Add employee study: Is a button when we press the button we are going to save the data
written in the fields.

2.6. Gosa filadhu: Here is a combo box that enables us to select (tick) on the box in front of the
name specified if the study we going to create will be applied. Or just select for which
employee type (civil servant, muudamma caaffee) is the specified study be applied.

2.7. Dirqama guutamuu qabu: Here is a combo box, if commitment is required from the
employee to take the study just tick the box, otherwise live as it is.

2.8. Qaamaitti itti gaafatamu: Here we will specify that what it will be expected from the

3. Leenjii adda addaa fudhatame: Here we will define other unspecified training.

3.1. Maqaa: Here we will write the name of the different trainings that have been taken by the

3.2. Dirqama guutamuu qabu: Here is a combo box, if commitment is required from the
employee to take the training just tick the box, otherwise live as it is.

3.3. Qaamaitti itti gaafatamu: Here we will specify that what it will be expected from the

3.4. Ibsa: Here we can add some descriptive things about the different training stated.

3.5. Add employee other training: Is a button when we press the button we are going to save the
data written about the other training in the fields.

3.6. Gosa filadhu: Here is a combo box that enables us to select (tick) on the box in front of the
name specified if the training we going to create will be applied. Or just select for which
employee type (civil servant, muudamma caaffee) the specified study will be applied.

As we press (#5) the plus button on the gosa lenji ykn barnoota filadh, the image below will appear.

1. Maqaa: Here we will write the name of the study or training.

2. Gosa filadhu: Is a selection field that enables us to select the type of the education or training
the choice may be (training or study).

3. Yeroo: Is the amount of time required to accomplish the selected training or study. Commonly
number of month required.

4. Ibsa: Add some description about the gosa leenjii fi barnoota.

5. Haaraa galmeessi: Is a button that we will press to save the data inserted on the above fields.

6. Close(X): Press this close sign to close the current opened page.






Figure 16 Gosa lenji ykn barnoota

5.5. Gaffile fi komi (Request and Complain)
Gaffile fi komii: In this section we will manage different letters and complains of the employee. We
will have different kinds of letters and complain types. Each will have their own procedures and
steps. One of the commonly used letter is “experience letter (Xalayaa muuxannoo)”. So we will
look how to create this letter, how to add fields and how to give for employee. First fill the below
form on the image to create the letter.

1. Maqa: Here we will specify (write) the name of the letter or name of complain that
employee will ask. E.g Xalayaa muuxannoo

2. Gadi aanaa Dheerina Yeroo Galmesse: Here we will specify the minimum time that the
request or complain will take to be processed and accomplished. Its format is number
format and it is less than the maximum time expected. E.g. I can write 1.

3. Gadi aanaa Safartu Yeroo Filadhu: Is a selection box in which we will select the
appropriate measure of time whether it is measured by (minute, hour, day, week, and
month). Eg. I can select week, so as combination I can say 1 week.

4. Ol’aanaa Safartu Dheerina Yeroo Galmesse: Here we will specify the maximum time that
the request or complain will take to be processed and accomplished. Its format is number
format. Eg. I can write 2.

5. Ol’aanaa Safartu Yeroo Filadhu: Time can be measured in different measures, just select
what is appropriate for the request or complain. Eg. I can select week, so as combination I
can say 2 week.

6. Firii eegamu: Here we will describe the things that are expected from the request or

7. Ibsa: To add some description about the letter we are going to create.

8. Olkaa’i: Press this button to create the letter name mentioned above.

9. Gocha: Here is button that enables us to administer the created letter. As we press this
button the following are the options available.

2 1


2 4
2 5

2 6

2 7

Figure 17 Gaffile fi komi

As we can see from the above image xalayaa muuxannoo is added. Let’s elaborate them what are
their on the image.

1. Maqaa Dhimama/Komii (Name of the letter): is the name of the letter in our case, “Xalayaa

2. Gadi aanaa: It is a label or information provider that tells us the minimum time that the request
or complain consumes until the requester gets solution. E.g 1 week

3. Ol’aanaa: It is a label or information provider that tells us the maximum time that the request or
complain consumes until the requester gets solution. E.g 2 week

4. Deebii/Murtii eegamu: Here we will see the expected thing from the request or complain. It
maybe letter, or some document and the like can be considered.

5. Gocha: Here is button that enables us to administer the created letter. As we press this button
the following are the options available.

5.1. Gulaali: To edit the created letter press this button.

5.2. Qindessessa: Press this button to manage the settings. We will see in details:

5.3. Gaafataa: Here we will manage the letter requester employee. We will see this in detail.
When we press (#5.1) from the very beginning image or on the gocha it will allows us to edit the
created letter. To do so just click on the gulaali button so that automatically the values will be filled
out to their respective field values. The below image show the things we are talking about.

1 4
2 3

Figure 18 Gaffile fi komi letter administration

As we press (#5.3) the below image will appear. In the image we can see the following sections:

1. Gosa: Is the type of the letter in which the employee requested. In our case xalayaa muuxannoo.

2. Hojjetaa: Is name of the employee. Here we just write the id number of the employee.

3. Guyyaa Gaafatamu: Is the date when the employee requested the letter.

4. Guyyaa Deebiifamu: Is the date to which the requested letter will be given to the requester.

5. Biroo/Waj: Is the office to which this xalayaa muuxannoo will be sent too.

6. Teessoo: Is the place to where this xalayaa muuxannoo will be sent too.

7. Olkaa’i: To save the created letter for the requester press this button.

2 1

2 2

2 3

2 4

2 5

2 6


Figure 19 Prepare letters

As we can see from the above image we can see list of an employee (three employee) that xalayaa
muuxannoo have been given. Let’s see them what they contains.

1. Maqaa guutuu: Here we can see the full name of the employee who asked xalaya muuxannoo.

2. Guyyaa Gaafatamu: Is the date on which this xalayaa muuxannoo have been asked.

3. Guyyaa Gagefmaa: Is the date on which this xalayaa muuxannoo will be responded.

4. Haala Gaafatamu: Here we will write the pre request which will be asked to process or what
will be needed from the employee.

5. Haala Koomi: Is the stage where the request or complain is up to. Is just like tracing where it

6. Delete: Is a button displayed in red color is a delete button that enables us to delete the xalaya
muuxannoo created. Caption! this operation cannot be undone

7. Print: Press this button so that a pdf will automatically be downloaded. Inside the pdf we will
have the details. (Sample pdf will be added)

1 4 5
2 3
2 2
2 2

7 2

Figure 20 Gaffile fi komi letter details

When we press (#5.2) from the very beginning image or on the gocha it will prompt us to a new
popup windows. In this area we can handle many things about the letter we are going to create. In
this section we will add the process or steps required from the employee that for the selected letter
type. So let’s see them one by one.

1. Gosa deemsa iyyamaa

1.1. Maqaa: Write the name of the Gosa deemsa iyyamaa.

1.2. Ibsa: Here write some description about Gosa deemsa iyyamaa

1.3. Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the gosa deemsa iyyamaa.

2. Tartila adeemsa ol iyyamaa

2.1. Maqaa: Is the name of the adeemsa or the task name to be done to get the letter.

2.2. Tartiba: Is a number spinner that we will set the order in which this task will be
accomplished. For example 2 it means to be done in the second.

2.3. Waajiira/Daayirektoreetii: Is name of the office to which this task will be done.

2.4. Ibsa: Add some description for the process written in the maqaa field mentioned

2.5. Olkaa’i: Press this button to save the adeemsa.

3. Guccaa Gaaffilee fi Komii

3.1. Maqaa: Is name of the field we want to add in the letter selected. Is liking filed name that
will appear on the letter.

3.2. Gosa; is the type of the filed. For example we may want to attach image so we need to
make the file type to image. So it the field data type we mentioned on the maqaa.

3.3. Field description: Is some descriptive contents that states about the fields that we are going
to create.

3.4. Olkaa’i: To save the filed mentioned above press this button.

3.5. Edit: After creating the fields (labels) we can made modification if necessary.

2 1.1 2
2.1 2.2
2 2
111 111
2 2.4 111 2.5
1.2 111 111

2 3.2 3.4
111 3.12 23.3
111 111
2 2
111 111


Figure 21 Add extra fields for Gaffile fi komi


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