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Project Report


Laundry Management

Venue Seeker

A Project Report Submitted by

Parth Bhindi – 91700103140

Rutvik Jamvecha – 91600103071

In partial fulfilment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Computer Engineering

Laundry Management

Faculty of Technology
Marwadi University, Rajkot

Laundry Management

Faculty of Technology
Marwadi University
Computer Engineering Department


This is to certify that the project entitled Venue Seeker has been carried out

by Parth Bhindi – 91700103140 under my guidance in partial fulfilment of

the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering of Marwadi

University, Rajkot during the academic year 2020-21.

Date: 09/05/2021

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Prof. Vishal Chandel Prof. Hardik Doshi

Assistant Professor Associate Professor

Laundry Management

Faculty of Technology
Marwadi University
Computer Engineering Department


This is to certify that the project entitled Venue Seeker has been carried out

by Parth Bhindi – 91700103140 under my guidance in partial fulfilment of

the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering of Marwadi

University, Rajkot during the academic year 2020-21.

Date: 09/05/2021

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Prof. Vishal Chandel Prof. Hardik Doshi

Assistant Professor Associate Professor


1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Existing System
4. Proposed System
5. Existing System over Proposed System
6. Materials and Methods (System Analysis and Design)
7. Database Design
8. Tools
9. Design Implementation and Results
10. Conclusion
11. References
Laundry Management


We present the design and implementation of a laundry management system

(LMS) used in a laundry establishment. Laundry firms are usually faced with
difficulties in keeping detailed records of customers clothing; this little problem as
seen to most laundry firms is highly discouraging as customers are filled with
disappointments, arising from issues such as customer clothes mix-ups and
untimely retrieval of clothes. The aim of this application is to determine the
number of clothes collected, in relation to their owners, as this also helps the
users fix a date for the collection of their clothes. Also customer’s information is
secured, as a specific id is allocated per registration to avoid contrasting

Laundry Management

2. Introduction
Laundry firms currently use a manual system for the management and
maintenance of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper
forms, with data stores spread throughout the laundry management infrastructure.
Often information (on forms) is incomplete or does not follow management
standards. Records are often lost in transit during computation requiring a
comprehensive auditing process to ensure that no vital information is lost. Multiple
copies of the same information exist in the laundry firm data and may lead to
inconsistencies in data in various data stores.

A significant part of the operation of any laundry firm involves the acquisition,
management and timely retrieval of great volumes of information. This
information typically involves; customer personal information and clothing
records history, user information and retrieval period, users scheduling as regards
customers details and dealings in service rendered, also our products package
waiting list. All of this information must be managed in an efficient and cost wise
fashion so that the organization resources may be effectively utilized.

The goal of laundry management system is to automate the management of the

laundry firm making it more efficient and error free. It aims at standardizing data,
consolidating data ensuring data integrity and reducing inconsistencies, through the
use of highly computerized process that is stress free, reliable and quick through
the use of computer programming language and SQL database application
to both the users and the staff in charge of the registration and laundry
management processes. HTML would be at the front-end and provide the graphical
user interface that relates with the user, while the SQL database will be at the back-
end to handle the data storage process.

Laundry Management


Laundry firm currently uses a manual system for the management and maintenance
of critical information. The current system requires numerous paper forms, with
data stores spread throughout the Laundry firm management infrastructure. Often
information (on forms) is incomplete, or does not follow management standards.
Forms are often lost in transit between departments requiring a comprehensive
auditing process to ensure that no vital information is lost. This has lead to
inconsistencies in various data due to large volume of contrasting customer details
leading to mix-up of clothes in the laundry firm which thus leads to delay in
collecting the clothes back.

Laundry Management


The Laundry Management System is designed for any Laundry firm to replace
their existing manual, paper based system. The new system is in form of an e-
registration system to control the following; customer information, products,
services, users, carts and receipt. These services are to be provided in an efficient,
cost effective manner, with the goal of reducing the delay and resources currently
required for such tasks as clothes details are bounded to a particular customer
with a given id. Since the existing system makes use of tedious administrative
tasks, lots paper work and time, in which full information cannot be gotten from
busy customers.

The goal of the laundry management system is to provide a computerized process

that is stress free, reliable and quick through the use of computer
programming language and SQL database application to the users and staffs in
charge of the registration of customers and laundry management processes. HTML
would be at the front-end and provide the graphical user interface that relates with
the user, while the SQL database will be at the back-end to handle the data storage

Laundry Management

The objective of this work is to implement a management system that will

streamline registration process, reduce administrative tasks and paper work so
as to improve the registration cycle process flow.

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Laundry Management


The proposed system seeks to simplify the users operation. The stages
involved in the registration process must be reduced to nearest minimum if it
is to be faster and more convenient. The crude way of registration using paper
based processes of registration are time consuming and expensive. The
customers are rest assured security and availability of their clothing as at when
due, as information are protected using a specific Id.

An increase in the number of customer will obviously mean more paper work
and less efficiency of the existing system. Hence, many Laundry firms are
finding the proposed system a better and more effective way of catering for
the inconvenience and inefficiency of the existing system of registration. The
proposed system for laundry firms plays a vital role in the transition and if
effectively implemented, it should be able to:

Reduce paper work and redundancy thereby improving productivity and

lowering cost of printing and purchasing registration materials annually. It aids
the administrative in data management of customers, by allowing the user to
search for any customer with ease.

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Laundry Management


System Analysis and Design

System analysis is a method of problem-solving that deals with the breaking

down of a system into components parts in order to study how well the
individual parts work and interact to accomplish their purpose. It involves the
process of enumerating the existing problems, analyzing the proposed system
for costs and benefits, analyzing the system and user requirements and
considering possible alternative system.

System analysis is important in the design of subsequent systems. System

design consists of design activities that produce system specifications which
satisfy the functional requirements that have been developed in the system
analysis process. System design is basically the structural implementation of
system analysis. The proposed system is being designed in such a way that users
only need to input their customer data which is then entered into a computer
database. Customers will be assigned a specific id on registration

Before Start Deign

To make web application for Online News Paper website it is need to select
a standard PC that can support XAMPP.

Hardware Requirements

XAMPP Software installs on a standard PC system. Minimum Hardware

requirements are as follows:

 Processor –Celeron (R) Dual –Core CPU [email protected] 1.90

 Installed Memory (RAM) – at least 350 MB;
 System type-32 bit Operating System;
 Model-Presario CQ42 Notebook PC;

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Laundry Management

Software requirements


XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and

XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and

XAMPP for Windows

The distribution for Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 7 and 8. This version
contains: Apache, MySQL, PHP + PEAR, Perl, mod_php, mod_perl,
mod_ssl, OpenSSL, phpMyAdmin.

Webalizer, Mercury Mail Transport System for Win32 and NetWare

Systems v3.32, Ming, FileZilla FTP Server, mcrypt, eAccelerator, SQLite,
and WEB-DAV + mod_auth_mysql.

 Apache 2.4.9
 MySQL10.1.31M
aria DB
 PHP 7.2.3
 phpMyAdmin 4.7.9

Programming Language



 JQuery



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Laundry Management


User flow chart


User Signup

After Signup

Request for laundry


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Laundry Management

Admin Flow Chart



View All User Info

View the Laundry requests

Requests accepts/ in
process / finished

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Laundry Management

Use Case flow Diagram (User)



User Dashboard

Request for laundry

Change Password

Update Profile

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Laundry Management

Use Case flow Diagram (admin)


Admin Dashboard

View reg. user


Accept / In process / Finished

Laundry Requests

Manage the Laundry

Update Profile

Change Password

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Laundry Management

ER Diagram

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Laundry Management

7. Database Design
The data in the system has to be stored and retrieved from database. Designing the

database is part of system design. Data elements and data structures to be stored

have been identified at analysis stage. They are structured and put together to

design the data storage and retrieval system.

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored with minimum redundancy to

serve many users quickly and efficiently. The general objective is to make database

access easy, quick, inexpensive and flexible for the user. Relationships are

established between the data items and unnecessary data items are removed.

Normalization is done to get an internal consistency of data and to have minimum

redundancy and maximum stability. This ensures minimizing data storage required,

minimizing chances of data inconsistencies and optimizing for updates. The MS

Access database has been chosen for developing the relevant databases.

Laundry Management System (lmsdb) contains for MySQL tables :

 tbladmin

 tbllaundryreq

 tblpricelist

 tbluser

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Laundry Management

Structure of MySQL tables :

tbladmin Table (This table contains admin login details)

tbllaundryreq Table (This table contact all laundry request)

Tblpricelist (This table contains the price of the laundry)

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Laundry Management

tbluser Table (This table contains the user details)

MySQL Tables Relationship

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Laundry Management


Programming Language


 PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

 PHP is a server-side scripting language, like
 PHP scripts are executed on the server
 PHP supports many databases (MYSQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase,
Solid, Generic ODBC, etc.)
 PHP is an open source software

 PHP is free to download and use


 MYSQL is a database server

 MYSQL is ideal for both small and large
 MYSQL supports standard SQL
 MYSQL compiles on a number of platforms

 MYSQL is free to download and use


 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)

 Simple mechanism
 Easy for adding style (e.g., fonts, colors, spacing) to Web documents.

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Laundry Management

Development Models

There are some Software Process Models these are listed below—
 Waterfall model

 Prototype model

Water fall Model

The waterfall model is probably the oldest and the best-known model as far as

software development process models is concerned. The role of the waterfall

model in software engineering is as important as its role in software testing. Of

course, over the years, there are a number of other software process models

which have been designed and implemented, but what is true is that a lot of

them are based (in some way or the other) on the fundamental principle of the

waterfall model.

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Laundry Management

On that note, let us examine the waterfall model in detail.

Waterfall Model
Advantages of waterfall model:
 Simple and easy to understand and use.
 Easy to manage due to the rigidity of the model – each phase has
specific deliverables and a review process.
 Phases are processed and completed one at a time.
 Works well for smaller projects where requirements are very well

Disadvantages of waterfall model:

 Once an application is in the testing stage, it is very difficult to go back
and change something that was not well-thought out in the concept
 No working software is produced until late during the life
 High amounts of risk and uncertainty.

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Laundry Management

 Not a good model for complex and object-oriented

 Poor model for long and ongoing projects.
 Not suitable for the projects where requirements are at a moderate to
high risk of changing.
 The project is short.

Prototype Model
The basic idea here is that instead of freezing the requirements before a design

or coding can proceed, a throwaway prototype is built to understand the

requirements. This prototype is developed based on the currently known

requirements. By using this prototype, the client can get an “actual feel” of the

system, since the interactions with prototype can enable the client to better

understand the requirements of the desired system. Prototyping is an attractive

idea for complicated and large systems for which there is no manual process or

existing system to help determining the requirements. The prototypes are

usually not complete systems and many of the details are not built in the

prototype. The goal is to provide a system with overall functionality.

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Laundry Management

Prototype Model

Advantages of Prototype model:

 Users are actively involved in the development
 Since in this methodology a working model of the system is provided,
the users get a better understanding of the system being developed.
 Errors can be detected much earlier.
 Quicker user feedback is available leading to better
solutions. Missing functionality can be identified easily
 Confusing or difficult functions can be identified Requirements
validation, Quick implementation of, incomplete, but functional,

Disadvantages of Prototype model:

 Leads to implementing and then repairing way of building systems.

 Practically, this methodology may increase the complexity of the system as
scope of the system may expand beyond original plans.
 Incomplete application may cause application not to be used as the full
system was designed Incomplete or inadequate problem analysis.

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Laundry Management

When to use Prototype model:

 Prototype model should be used when the desired system needs to have a
lot of interaction with the end users.
 Typically, online systems, web interfaces have a very high amount of
interaction with end users, are best suited for Prototype model. It might
take a while for a system to be built that allows ease of use and needs
minimal training for the end user.

 Prototyping ensures that the end users constantly work with the system
and provide a feedback which is incorporated in the prototype to result
in a useable system. They are excellent for designing good human
computer interface systems.

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Laundry Management


Design implementation refers to the real live running of the designed program.
This section consists of the program modules, showing what they do, and how
the system can be deployed.

Home Page

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Laundry Management

User Signup

User Login

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Venue Seeker

User Forgot Password

User Dashboard

Venue Seeker

User Profile

Venue Seeker

User Change Password

Venue Seeker

User Laundry request form

Venue Seeker

User Laundry Requests

Venue Seeker

User Laundry Request Details

Venue Seeker

Admin login

Admin Dashboard

Venue Seeker

Registered Users

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Venue Seeker

Manage Laundry Prices

User Requests List

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Venue Seeker

Report B/w Dates

Laundry Request Count Report

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Venue Seeker

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Venue Seeker


The package was designed in such a way that future modifications can be done easily. The
following conclusion can be deduced from the development of the project.
 Automation of the entire system improves the efficiency.

 It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better when compared to
the existing system.

 It provides a friendly graphical user interface which proves to be better when compared to
the existing system.

 It gives appropriate access to the authorized users depending on their permissions.

 It effectively overcomes the delay in communications.

 Updating of information becomes so easier.

 System security, data security and reliability are the striking features.

 The System has adequate scope for modification in future if it is necessary.

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Venue Seeker



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