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MafiaCon v1.

Copyright (c) 2007 ASM
All Rights Reserved


This document contains some basic information about MafiaCon and the Mafia Plugin.
For extended information about the MafiaCon console system see MafiaCon.chm.

Extract the MafiaCon zip file to your Mafia directory (that one that contains

To start MafiaCon simply execute MafiaCon.exe.
You can also start Mafia, alt-tab back to desktop and then run MafiaCon.exe.
This way MafiaCon is injected into your running instance of Mafia.

To open the console, press ^(~). While the console is open the player's controls
are locked.

When using the original cfg files that ship with MafiaCon the following keys are
available in-game:
NUM+ - Accelerate current vehicle
NUM- - Does the opposite

HOME - Fly Forward

END - Fly Backward
PGUP - Strafe Right
INSERT - Strafe Left
PGDN - Fly Up
DELETE - Fly Down

CTRL+F2 - Gives the following weapons: Colt 1911, Colt Detective Special,
S&W Model 27 Magnum,
Thompson 1928

CTRL+F3 - Repairs your current vehicle

CTRL+F4 - Spawns the Flame Spear 4WD at the player's position

These keys can be rebound if desired. See Mafia.cfg (watch out for lines staring
with "bind") and MafiaCon.chm.

Note that you can modify the speed the player will fly at when pressing NUM+, NUM-,
HOME, aso... by modifying
the cvar "pl_speed".

This release also comes with an additional binding file "fairlight.cfg". When
executed it creates the same bindings that
Fairlight's Trainer +19 provides (with 1 or 2 differences).
In order to execute it either launch MafiaCon, open the console and type in

exec fairlight.cfg
or open autoexec.cfg and uncomment the line

; exec fairlight.cfg

About caralias.txt
caralias.txt contains aliases for car models.
These aliases can be used for "createcar".
So instead of typing

createcar arrow00.i3d

you can type in (if you use the caralias.txt that comes with MafiaCon)

createcar "Silver Fletcher"

This gives you two advantages:

1. You can give vehicles proper names.
2. You can use parameter autocompletion (so you can type "si", press TAB
and MafiaCon will fill in "Silver Fletcher" for you).

The caralias.txt that comes with MafiaCon should contain all cars and colors.

Things to try
Enter a vehicle and type in "carsetcollisions -1 0". Now try to crash into other
vehicles. This mode is quite funny
if you're chased by the cops.

Enter a vehicle and type in "carsetdamageflag -1 3". Now your car is unbreakable.

Type in "setproperty -1 Health -1" and you're immortal.

Note: Don't save games with negative health! Doing so will make the savegame
unusable. If you want to save your game,
use "unlimitedhealth" instead.
Also note that MafiaCon supports parameter autocompletion for property names so you
don't have to type in the
names manually. To get a list of available properties type in

setproperty -1

(make sure to hit space after the -1!) and hit TAB.

giveweapon also supports parameter completion for weapon/item names.

Notes about commands

Most commands require parameters to run. If you call these commands with
insufficient parameters,
usage information is printed to console log.

Some commands (e.g. caraddspeed or setproperty) require an object id to be

specified. This way specific commands
can be used for non-player objects. In most cases you will want to specify -1 as
object id so that MafiaCon looks for
the player automatically.

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