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I.- Change the Active to the Passive Voice.

1. Shakespeare wrote that play.

2. Bill will invite Ann to the party.

3. Alex is preparing that report.

4. Waitresses and waiters serve customers.

5. The teacher is going to explain the lesson.

6. Shirley has suggested a new idea.

7. Two horses were pulling the farmer’s wagon.

8. Kathy had returned the book to the library.

9. By this time tomorrow, the President will have made the announcement.

10. I didn’t write that note. Jim wrote it.

11. Allice didn’t make the pie. Did Mrs. French make it?

12. Does Professor Jackson teach that course? I know that Professor Adams doesn’t teach it.

13. Mrs. Andrews hasn’t signed those papers yet. Has Mr. Andrews signed them yet?

14. Is Mr. Brown painting your house?

15. His tricks won’t fool me.

II.- Change the Active to the Passive Voice if possible. Some do not have Direct or Indirect Object.

1. A strange thing happened to me yesterday.

2. Jackie scored the winning goal.

3. My cat died.

4. I agree with Dr. Ikeda’s theory.

5. Dr. Ikeda developed that theory.

6. Timmy dropped the cup.

7. The cup fell to the floor.

8. The assistant manager interviewed me.

9. It rained hard yesterday.

10. A hurricane destroyed the small fishing village.

11. Dinosaurs existed millions of years ago.

12. A large vase stands in the corner of our front hallway.

13. The children seemed happy when they went to the zoo.

14. After class, one of the students always erases the chalkboard.

15. The solution to my problem appeared to me in a dream.

III.- Change the Active to the Passive Voice if possible. Some do not have Direct or Indirect Object.

Include the “by” phrase only if necessary.

1. People grow corn in Iowa.

2. Peter came here two months ago.

3. Someone made this antique table in 1734.

4. An accident happened in the corner of 5th and Maine.

5. Someone stole my purse.

6. Someone was making coffee when I walked into the kitchen.

7. Translators have translated that book into many languages.

8. Jim’s daughter drew that picture. My son drew this picture.

9. The judges will judge the applications on the basis of their originality.

10. My sister’s plane will arrive at 10:35.

11. Is Prof. Rivers teaching that course this semester?

12. When did someone invent the radio?

13. The mail carrier had already delivered the mail by the time I left for school this morning.

14. When is someone going to announce the results of the contest?

15. After the concert was over, hundreds of fans mobbed the rock music star outside the theater.
16. Ever since I arrived here, I have been living in the dormitory because someone told me that it was
cheaper to live there than in an apartment.

17. They are going to build the new hospital next year. They have already built the new elementary

18. If you expose a film to light while you are developing it, you will ruin the negatives.

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