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Software Project Management Plan

Mathematics Mobile Application for Grades 11 and 12

Bonggol, Mark Anthony

Canino, Michael Joseph
Obagan, Bryan Harold
The following signature indicates approval of the enclosed Software Project Management Plan.

Change History
Version Date Author Changes
0.1 January 15, Mark Anthony Bonggol, Michael Joseph Canino, Bryan  Initial
2021 Harold Obagan version
The following Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) outlines proposed plan to be taken by Mr. Erbeth Gerald
Delvo to complete the Pulot National High School (PNHS) Mathematics Mobile Application for Grades 11 and 12
software portion. As such, it deals only with the delivery of the project software component and depends on the product
portions of the organization and plan.
In order to fulfill the partial requirement in Software Engineering 1, instructed by Mr. Delvo, this SPMP is intended to be
used by the 3 PPC team. If the plan is approved and the mentor decides to deliver the software product, the team project
manager will also use it as a product success plan and the project members will use it as a guide to project plans and
Table of Contents

Change History..........................................................................................................................................................................3
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................................................................5
List of Figures...........................................................................................................................................................................6
List of Tables.............................................................................................................................................................................7
1. Overview.................................................................................................................................................................................8
1.1. Project Summary.............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1.1. Purpose, scope and objectives................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.2. Assumptions and constraints..................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.3. Project deliverables............................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.1.4. Schedule and budget summary...............................................................................................................................................9
1.2. Evolution of plan.............................................................................................................................................................................. 9
2. References............................................................................................................................................................................10
3. Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................................11
4. Project organization............................................................................................................................................................12
4.1. External interface .......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2. Internal structure ............................................................................................................................................................................ 12
4.3. Roles and responsibilities.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
5. Managerial process plans...................................................................................................................................................14
5.1. Start-up plan ................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
5.1.1. Estimation plan .................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.2. Staffing plan ......................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.3. Resource acquisition plan .................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1.4. Project staff training plan .................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2. Work plan ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.1. Work activities....................................................................................................................................................................... 14
5.2.2. Schedule allocation............................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.2.3. Resource allocation.............................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.2.4. Budget allocation................................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.3. Control plan .................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.3.1. Requirements control plan ....................................................................................................................................................17
5.3.2. Schedule control plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3.3. Budget control plan .............................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.3.4. Quality control plan ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
5.3.5. Reporting plan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.3.6. Metrics collection plan ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.3.7 Risk management plan.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
5.3.8 Project closeout plan............................................................................................................................................................. 18
6. Technical process plans ....................................................................................................................................................19
6.1 Process Model................................................................................................................................................................................ 19
6.2 Methods, tools, and techniques....................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 Infrastructure Plan.......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
6.3 Product Acceptance Plan................................................................................................................................................................19
7. Supporting process plans ..................................................................................................................................................20
7.1. Configuration management plan ....................................................................................................................................................20
7.2. Verification and validation plan ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
7.3. Documentation plan .......................................................................................................................................................................21
7.4. Quality assurance plan ................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.5. Reviews and audits......................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.6. Problem resolution plan .................................................................................................................................................................21
7.7. Subcontractor management plan ....................................................................................................................................................21
7.8. Process improvement plan ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
8.0 Additional Plans............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
9. Plan Annexes....................................................................................................................................................................N/A
10. Index...............................................................................................................................................................................N/A
List of Figures

Organization Diagram...............................................................................................................................................................12
List of Tables

Schedule Allocation Plan............................................................................................................................................................9

Role and Responsibilities..........................................................................................................................................................12
Role Allocation..........................................................................................................................................................................13
Staff Plan...................................................................................................................................................................................14
Overall expenses........................................................................................................................................................................17
Budget Control Plan..................................................................................................................................................................18
Methods and Techniques...........................................................................................................................................................19
V&V Plan……………..............................................................................................................................................................20
Software Project Management Plan Document Version: N.n
Name of System Published Date: DD MMMM YYYY

1. Overview

1.1. Project Summary

*** Overview of the Project / System Overview
1.1.1. Purpose, scope and objectives
In recent years, online and mobile applications have been created by researchers to support teaching in
Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Statistics and other mathematics fields. For this Mathematics Mobile
applications allow users to explore features and provide graphical capabilities for the students who may use.

To help grade 11 and grade 12 students to reveal their considerable potential for mobile technologies to
enhance student engagement and mathematical thinking. This Mathematics Mobile Application created that could be
used by the students to study anywhere and anytime, using mobile devices.

The aims of this study are to assess grade 11 and grade 12 students' mathematics learning, enjoy mathematics
and develop patience and determination while solving problems.

General Objective
Since this manuscript focuses on the use of mobile apps for mathematics, it is important to be familiar
with how mobile devices can be used in general in the teaching room. Keep in mind that you must choose a
strategy that aligns with the goals of terminal learning, environmental factors.
Developers need to review and evaluate the target user, the content, and the learning goals of the app
for successful instructional design. To improve learning outcomes, general knowledge of how grade 11 and
grade 12 student’s act can also be used.

Specific Objectives
To provide and help students, parents, and educators find math apps that are appropriate for specific
types of students.
To register the student specific achievements in the user database.
To identify which type of mobile device is going to be used.
To increase student learning outcomes in grade 11 and grade 12.
To become available in future mathematics mobile applications.
To have preferences for certain types of learning.
To creating a truly effective, engaging mathematical mobile application

1.1.2. Assumptions and constraints

The project will be planned with the following assumptions:
 all codes are be written in Java-family language.
 the app will work according to the intended purpose
 the project shall be finished in the end of the second semester of our third year in Computer Science program.
 the system is a standalone application in the Android mobile environment.

The project will be planned with the following constraints:

 budget
 time
o the team is working as fast as possible to reach the time limit for the system.
 staff

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o dividing the tasks for each member

o communication

1.1.3. Project deliverables

As part of the project, the team will deliver the following:
- A working version of Mathematics Mobile Application For Grade 11 and 12.
- Documentation of the project.
- Systems Requirement Specification (SRS) document.
- Project Management Artifacts such as the Software Project Management Plan.
- All other documents that the team may have generated that add value to the final deliverable.

1.1.4. Schedule and budget summary

Milestone Date (initiation / completion)

Project Planning November 11, 2020 (initiation)

Project Plan Hearing November 12, 2020 (initiation)

Data Gathering November 16, 2020 (initiation)

Analyzing Data November 20, 2020 (initiation)

Designing the System November 23, 2020 (initiation)

Applying UI to the System November 30, 2020 (completion)

Creating the Whole System December 7, 2020 (completion)

Testing the System January 19, 2005 (initiation)

Documenting the System January 15, 2021 (completion)

Presenting the System TBA

[Table 1.1] Schedule Allocation Plan

1.2. Evolution of plan

Notification of scheduled and unscheduled updates to the plan will be communicated via canvas or messenger to all
project participants according to the Reporting Plan.
The plan is considered to be a dynamic document and will be updated every day by default.
Once the initial plan is finalized, a baseline of the plan will be created. Changes to the plan will take place against
this baseline. The plan will only receive further baselines if significant change in scope occurs.

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2. References

[1] Terasoft, Inc. Software Project Management Plan (SPMP), 2004 Nirvana National Bank ATM Software Project
- Application Development with Java and UML - Paul Reeds
- Advanced Java 2 Platform –How to Program- Deitel, Deitel, Santry
[Orfali-Harkey 97] Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey, Client/Server Programming with Java and CORBA, Wiley & Sons,
Inc, 1997.
[Java] JavaCard Consortium, The JavaCard 2.0 API, Draft Document, Revision July 1, 1997.
David Flanagan, Java in a Nutshell, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 2nd edition, ISBN 1-56592-183-6.

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3. Definitions

AY Academic Year
CS Computer Science
GUI Graphical User Interface
LSU La Salle University
PNHS Pulot National High School
SPMP Software Project Management Plan
SRS Software Requirements Specification

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4. Project organization

4.1. External structure

Figure 1 Organization Diagram

4.2. Internal structure

This project is to be carried out using the technology learned in the CS program at LSU by the 3 PPC team. The
team's way of applying what it learns will be reviewed and advised by a mentor from the school's CSS faculty so that
the team can produce the qualitative product after an advanced process.

4.3. Roles and responsibilities

Role Responsibilities
Team Lead Software project planning and monitoring
Milestone and schedule planning and monitoring
Set and communicate the team meeting agendas.
Risk Management.
Maintain Project log book.
Customer Liaison Single-point contact with the customer
Set and communicate the customer meeting agendas.
Customer status reporting
Deliverable acceptance planning
Obtain customer validation and sign-offs.
Manage customer expectations to ensure that they are in sync with team
delivery potential.
Support Manager Web site construction and maintenance
Tool support
Identify and address training needs.
Manage the repository and perform regular backups.
Software requirement planning and acquisition
Configuring build scripts and deployment files
[Table 4.3.1] Role and Responsibilities

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Role Persons’ responsible

Team Lead Michael Joseph Canino

Customer Bryan Harold Obagan
Support Manager Mark Anthony Bonggol
Programmer All members
Tester All members

[Table 4.3.2] Role Allocation

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5. Managerial process plans

5.1. Start-up plan

5.1.1. Estimation plan
Estimation Methods:
Schedule and estimation duration of works for each activity/modules in the system and include the following
methods and data resources:
7. Resource Input
- The resources have been identified before completing all the activities in the system for the given time
frame. An estimation of completing the project by the given time frame is 70% with the information in creating the
8. History of the project
- Each phase of the project will be documented and will be covered by all the team members for the fast
progress and information flow of the project.
The team will create its own schedule of creating and documenting the software. Each team member will
fill every at field of the project so that the project estimation schedule can be reached in the specified time and the
deadline. The team lead will assess the members to develop a strong plan in completing and re-estimating the
duration of the work for everyone.

5.1.2. Staffing plan

Table 5-1 shows the main individuals involved in the software project and their availability.

Name Affiliation to project Availability

Mark Anthony LSU Student/Team member Full Time
Michael Joseph Canino LSU Student/Team member Full Time
Bryan Harold Obagan LSU Student/Team member Full Time
Erbeth Gerald Delvo LSU Faculty/Mentor Full Time
[Table] Staff Plan

5.1.3. Resource acquisition plan

All available tools on the internet will be used by the project team. Any potential sources and structures which are
likely to be collected would be collected. All the members of the team will collect all the data necessary to complete
the project. For referencing, both human sources and non-human sources will be compiled.

5.1.4. Project staff training plan

Training in using Android studio is one of the team's most relevant training courses. The entire team is not really
familiar with the codes, setting, and other software functions when using Android Studio. The team needs proper
training that can summarize all the basics of using android studio into detailed knowledge. When the software
competence honing is done, job constraints can be minimized.

Also one of the main factors in the project is Database Management. The system operates through a database. T he
team does not have adequate knowledge of database management. By having proper training, the team aims to
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develop the skill.

5.2. Work plan

5.2.1. Work activities
Following table shows our work activities during this course. Detail activities of each semester will be defined in the
beginning of the semester.
Project Management

Project Planning Thu 11-05-20 Sun 11-11-20

Problem Definition Thu 11-05-20 Fri 11-06-20

Requirement Management Definition Fri 11-06-20 Fri 11-06-20

Risk Management Process Sat 11-07-20 Sat 11-07-20

Role Allocation Mon 11-09-20 Mon 11-09-20

Role Definition Mon 11-09-20 Mon 11-09-20

Schedule Planning Tue 11-10-20 Tue 11-10-20

Weekly Meet Tue 11-10-20 Wed 11-11-20

Project Plan Hearing Thu 11-12-20 Thu 11-12-20

Data Gathering Fri 11-13-20 Sat 11-21-20

Questionnaire generation Fri 11-13-20 Sat 11-14-20

Client Interview Request letter Sat 11-14-20 Sat 11-20-20

Client Interview for System Specification Sat 11-20-20 Sat 11-20-20

Data Analysis Mon 11-23-20 Thu 11-26-20

Functionality Identification Mon 11-23-20 Mon 11-23-20

Module Definition Tue 11-24-20 Tue 11-24-20

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Module Creation Wed 11-25-20 Thu 11-26-20

System Designing Fri 11-27-20 Sat 12-05-20

Activity Diagram with Swimlane Fri 11-27-20 Fri 11-27-20

StateChart Diagram Sat 11-28-20 Sat 11-28-20

Sequence Diagram Mon 11-30-20 Mon 11-30-20

Class Diagram Tue 12-01-20 Tue 12-01-20

Use Case Diagram Wed 12-02-20 Wed 12-02-20

Pattern Activity Design Thu 12-03-20 Thu 12-03-20

Non Functional System Requirements Fri 12-04-20 Sat 12-05-20

User Interface Designing Mon 11-30-29 Fri 12-04-20

Creating the System Mon 11-30-20 Fri 01-15-21

User Interface Designing Mon 11-30-20 Fri 01-15-21

Login Mon 11-30-20 Wed 1202-20

Registration Thu 12-03-20 Sat 12-05-20

Questions Mon 12-07-20 Wed 12-09-20

QR code generator Thu 12-10-20 Sat 12-12-20

QR code Scanner Mon 12-14-20 Wed 12-16-20

Database Designing Thu 12-17-20 Sat 12-19-20

Database User Interface Thu 12-17-20 Sat 12-19-20

Subsystem Integration Mon 12-21-20 Sat 12-26-20

Database Information retrieval Design Mon 12-21-20 Wed 12-23-20

Database Information Storation Design Thu 12-24-20 Sat 12-26-20

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System Documentation Mon 11-30-20 Fri 01-15-21

Program Source Code TBA TBA

Testing the System Mon 01-11-21 Thu 01-14-21

Presentation the System Thu 01-23-21 Thu01-23-21

5.2.2. Schedule allocation

The duration of the project is limited to two full semesters, with final deliverables expected at the end of our 3rd year of the
CS Program. With main artifacts, we will monitor our schedule.
5.2.3. Resource allocation
As Each member of the team has a set amount of time available for the project as a student. For the Mathematics
Mobile Application for Grades 11 and 12 project, each student is required to dedicate a total of 12 hours per week.
This job involves time spent on team meetings, customer meetings, document planning and inspection, tool creation,
and others with the mentor and time spent working.
5.2.4. Budget allocation

Overall Expenses

Cost Name Cost Cumulative Total

Internet 3,720.00 3,720.00

Meals and snacks 5,400.00 9,120.00

Travel Fair 500.00 9,620.00

Printing 800.00 10,420.00

[Table] Overall expenses

5.3. Control plan

This section shall define the metrics, reporting mechanisms and control procedures needed for the calculation,
reporting and monitoring of product requirements, the scheduling and resources of the project, and the quality of
work processes and work products. All elements of the control plan will be aligned with the principles, rules, and
project control procedures learned in the core courses of the CS program.
5.3.1. Requirements control plan
Throughout the process, the team will review the project's progress through meetings. This meeting would also help
to comply with and deliberate on future device improvements that may be adapted during the creation process. This
will also determine the project's budget allocation and scheduling plan.

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5.3.2. Schedule control plan

In a project document, the team leader of the 3 PPC team will maintain the schedule. The planning manager will be
responsible for gathering the individual tasks for each team member and making the progress report. If the schedule
is not on plan, the 3 PPC team will follow up with a schedule management meeting.
5.3.3. Budget control plan
The budget for individual expenses will be generated independently by every team member to support the individual
needs as the creation of the project commences. Since every member is responsible for their individual expenditures,
expenses will be individually documented as well for auditing purposes.
Group expenses such as internet and printing will be generated through dividing the overall allocated budget to each of the
team members. Moreover, receipts will strictly be kept for auditing purposes.
The team allocates budget for the project creation in the table below:

Expense Additional Expenses Cost individual cost*3 Total (current)

Internet 1,240.00 3,720.00 3,720.00

Meals and snacks 1,800.00 5,400.00 9,120.00

Travel Fair 500.00 9,620.00

Printing 800.00 10,420.00

[Table] Budget Control Plan

5.3.4. Quality control plan

A different Quality Control Plan document will be produced by the quality manager. From this document, the
required or otherwise necessary checklists and other assessment measures will be identified.

The key processes that the 3 PPC team will use to monitor the quality of the work process and the resulting work will
be weekly meetings and reviews at the end of each step.

In addition, the mentor of the 3 PPC team will track quality control by mentoring during the project. The mentor who
will meet with the student is often assigned to monitor individual and group progress and to discuss any
administrative or technical problems or questions. The mentor is encouraged to review the work products of the team
and to ask questions to assess the project's health and success.
5.3.5. Reporting plan

General Reporting
The team will use a set of applications and methods available to communicate to the customer and mentor the status
of requirements, schedules, quality, and other desired or required status metrics for the team project.

Internal Reporting
Each individual will submit a report of the current progress of their tasks. Each report will contain what the problems
are if there is any and any recommendations of the system. In every report the mentor will be present and the team
members will be accepting recommendations from the mentor.

External Reporting
The team will be accepting recommendations from the people outside the project such a customers and specially the
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5.3.6. Metrics collection plan

Each team member will be meeting for the progress discussion at least once a week to discuss what are the problems
and the tasks that are unable to create. Every week the team will be tracing the status of the system if the system
reaches the requirements for that week as scheduled.
5.3.7 Risk management plan
Risks will be identified at the beginning of each phase and the team lead will assemble them into a prioritized risks
list. That list will be published on the team’s project management website. During the weekly status meeting, the
team members will raise risks and reassess the prioritized risks and if necessary, revise the list. The team will use
“Risk Statement.” Team members will determine mitigation plans for all identified risks and tasks that need to be
completed and then these risks and tasks will be assigned as action items. The team will monitor high priority risks
every week. All risks will be documented by the team.
5.3.8 Project closeout plan
The 3 PPC team will ensure the proper closeout of the project during the end of 2nd Semester, AY 2021-2022.

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6. Technical process plans

6.1 Process Model

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6.2 Methods, tools, and techniques

The methods and techniques listed in this table will be evaluated and applied in specific areas of the project as
Category Methods and Techniques
Requirements Elicitation Research
Training (Specific field)
Formal Specification
and Analysis System designing using UML to define the systems processes

Prototype The android app UI prototype and the Database UI prototype will be
Estimation Function Point method for conversion from Function Point count to
effort may be used for size estimation and project scope definition.

[Table 6.1.1] Methods and Techniques

Category Tools
Operating System Windows 10 Pro
Development languages and Databases: SQLite
databases Language: JAVA
Document All document will be written using Microsoft Word
[Table 6.2.2] Methods and Techniques

6.3 Infrastructure Plan

The team consists of members who are working remotely. The team members use personal devices for system
creation because of the protocol that constraints them. They have stored their progress via google drive so that everyone
can easily access the files when needed.

6.3 Product Acceptance Plan

The project will be tested by the team and the panel will review every test before the project will be delivered. The
possible changes or modification will be defined after the deliberation of the systems output.

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7. Supporting process plans

7.1. Configuration management plan

The 3 PPC team configuration management plan is a part of a separate document and it will be maintained.

7.2. Verification and validation plan

This section explains out V&V plan for each phase of software development.

Phase V&V Input V&V Tasks V&V Output

Requirements SRS Requirements Requirements phase
Interface requirements traceability analysis tasks reporting
documentation Requirements evaluation Test plan :
User documentation Requirements interface System
analysis - Acceptance
Test plan generation
Design SRS Design traceability Design phase task
Interface requirements analysis reporting
documentation Design evaluation Test plan
Interface design Interface analysis Component
documentation Test plan generation Integration
User documentation Test design generation Test design
System acceptance
Implementation Source Code listing Code traceability Implementation phase
Executable code analysis task reporting
Interface design Code evaluation Test cases
documentation Interface analysis Component
User documentation Documentation Integration
evaluation System
Test case generation Acceptance
Test procedure Test procedure
generation Component
Component test Integration
execution - System
Test Source code listing Test procedure Test phase task reporting
Executable code generation Test procedure
User documentation Integration test Acceptance
execution Anomaly report
System test execution V&V phase summary
Acceptance test
Installation and Installation package Installation Installation and checkout
Checkout configuration audit phase task reporting
V&V final report

[Table 7.2.1 V&V Plan]

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7.3. Documentation plan

There are a number of documents that will be produced during the lifetime of the project. All documents are
responsibility of the project team members. The lists of documents that will be created and maintained under version
control include:

Software Project Management Plan (SPMP) – defines the project management plan.

Software Requirements Specification (SRS) – defines the functionality that is required by the customer.

Use Case Diagram

Use Case Description

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Status Report

7.4. Quality assurance plan

The 3 PPC team will constantly assess the deliverables according to the given requirements from the definition and
the system design generated. The team will utilize weekly meetings on the assessment and constantly deliberate for
the checking of the subsystems design and functionality.

7.5. Reviews and audits

The team will include weekly reviews in the meetings and observe on time auditing in order to deliver the output on
time to the panel.

7.6. Problem resolution plan

The team will use Excel-based TSP Support Tools, google suite and in order to represent the procedures to be used
in reporting, analyzing, prioritizing, and processing software problem reports generated during the project. The first phase of
these designs with 70% running system will identify the development of the product, configuration management, the change
control board, and verification and validation in problem resolution work activities through meetings and documentations.
The meeting will strengthen the path taken by the team as to the requirements being observed.

7.7. Subcontractor management plan

The team is standalone therefore subcontractor is not specified.

7.8. Process improvement plan

Process improvement will be done as a part of the final project evaluation and “lessons learned” phase. At that time
the process improvement plan will be created. Process improvement plan is maintained in document.

8.0 Additional Plans

There is no additional plan.

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