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California State University, Fullerton

Elementary and Bilingual Education

Lesson Plan Format

Your name: Savannah Lentz

General Information
Grade level of the lesson: Third
Lesson topic: Writing
Estimated time length of lesson: 25 mins for 4 days
Home languages present: English and Spanish
EL level of students: Bridging

Materials and/or Technology

● Writing Packet
● Final Draft Writing Page
● Haunted Mansion PPT

● Students will engage in pre-writing activities to support their final descriptive
writing piece describing a haunted mansion as a realtor.

Alignment with Standards

W.3.3: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using
effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
W.3.5: With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen
writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing.
L.3.1a: Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions in particular sentences.

ELD.PI.3.12.Em: Selecting Language Resources Use a select number of general
academic and domain-specific words to add detail while speaking and writing.
ELD.PI.3.12.Br: Selecting Language Resources Use a wide variety of general
academic and domain-specific words, synonyms, antonyms, and non-literal language to
create an effect, precision, and shades of meaning while speaking and writing.
ELD.PII.3.4.Em: Using nouns and noun phrases Expand noun phrases in simple
ways (e.g. adding an adjective to nouns) in order to enrich the meaning of sentences
and add details about ideas, people, things, and the like.
ELD.PII.3.4.Br: Using nouns and noun phrases Expand noun phrases in a variety of
ways in order to enrich the meaning of sentences and add details about ideas, people,
things and the like.

Visual Arts
3.VA:Cr2.1: Artists and designers experiment with forms, structures, materials,
concepts, media, and art-making approaches. Create personally satisfying artwork
using a variety of artistic processes and materials.

Day 1:
SWBAT define what a noun is, and give examples of nouns they might find in a
haunted house.
SWBAT define what an adjective is, and give examples of adjectives they might use to
describe a haunted house.
Day 2:
SWBAT write descriptive sentences using adjectives based on the five senses.
Day 3:
SWBAT write a topic sentence, three descriptive sentences, and one concluding
sentence about their haunted house.
Day 4:
SWBAT write a descriptive paragraph describing a haunted house from the perspective
of a real estate agent.

Day 1-3
Informal Assessment: Are students participating in the class discussion, and filling out
their writing packet? During whole group time, students should each share an example,
the teacher will use the example they share in class to determine if they are meeting the
Day 4
Formal Assessment: Students will complete a final draft of their descriptive paragraph.
Before writing the paragraph, the teacher will go over the rubric with them. The teacher
will explain how they can self assess using the graphic organizer from day 3. As they
are writing their descriptive paraphrase, they can check off on the graphic organizer to
make sure they have included all of the necessary elements.

1 2 3

Topic Sentence The paragraph did The topic sentence The topic sentence
not have a topic did not support the included a topic
sentence. paragraph’s main sentence starter
idea. and supported the
paragraph’s main

Details The paragraph did The paragraph The paragraph

not include included less than included a
descriptive details. three descriptive minimum of three
details. descriptive details.
Concluding The paragraph did The concluding The concluding
Sentence not have a sentence did not sentence started
concluding support the main with a transition
sentence. idea of the word/phrase and
paragraph. restated the main
idea of the

Writing Functions ? ? COPS


Vocabulary/Literacy Skills
Noun: A person, place, or thing
Adjective: A word that describes a noun (person, place, or thing)
Sensory Detail: Words that describe sight, taste, touch, and sound. They allow the
author to paint a picture with words, and helps the reader be IN the picture, because
they can do more than just see it, they can hear it, smell it or taste it too.
Haunted House: A house that is usually very old that has not had anyone living in it
for a long time (except for maybe ghosts).
Real Estate Agent: A person who sells houses and other buildings

Name of instructional model: Social Distanced Direct Instruction
Classroom Management Details: TBD
Room Arrangement(s): Social Distanced (Desks 6 ft apart)
Student Groupings: Whole Group

Monday: Nouns and Adjectives

A. Focus/Motivation (Open)
● Introduce and Explain the writing unit to them. At the end of the week, they
will be writing a descriptive paragraph about a haunted house as a real estate
agent. The next few days the students will work on writing activities that will
prepare them for it.
● Review what a noun and adjective are.
○ Have students try to define them and/or give examples.
B. Development (Body)
● The students will brainstorm what nouns they might use to describe a haunted
● They will then they will use their nouns to brainstorm adjectives.

C. Closure (Close)
● The students will choose their favorite adjectives and use them to describe one
of their nouns. They will share it with the class.
Tuesday: Sensory Details
A. Focus/Motivation (Open)
● Go over the five senses
○ have students try to name them

B. Development (Body)
● The teacher will show a picture/video of the outside of a haunted house.
● The students will start with “what do you smell?”
● Using the sentence starter “I smell…”
● Have a class discussion where students can share their ideas.
● They will write two very descriptive sensory detail sentence. They will be
encouraged to use the nouns and adjectives from day one activity.

C. Closure (Close)
● Students will share one sentence.

Thursday: Writing the Outline

A. Focus/Motivation (Open)
● Introduce the paragraph elements that they will be writing.
○ What is a topic sentence? Gives the MAIN IDEA of the paragraph. What
will your writing be MOSTLY about?
○ What are sentence details?
○ What is a concluding sentence? This sentence refers to the topic
sentence and sums up the main idea of the paragraph.
B. Development (Body)
● Since the students have already written the detail sentences on day 3, this lesson
will focus mostly on the topic sentence and the concluding sentence.
● Give topic sentence starters that they can use
○ If….Then: (e.g. “If you enjoy pumpkin carving, then it may be an
excellent activity for you.”)
○ Even though… (e.g. “Even though pumpkin carving can be messy, the
result of spooky and glowing jack-o-lantern makes up for it.”)
○ Since… (e.g. “Since pumpkin carving is a Halloween tradition, you
may see many jack-o-lanterns around your neighborhood near the end
of October.”)
○ When… ( e.g. “When looking for a fun activity in October, consider
carving a spooky jack-o-lantern.”)
● Give transition word for conclusion sentence
○ (e.g. In summary, To wrap up, Clearly, In conclusion, As a result)
C. Closure (Close)
● The students will write their topic sentences, descriptive details, and conclusion

Friday: Final Draft

A. Focus/Motivation (Open)
● Review rubric
● Refer students to the graphic organizer from day 3, they will be following that
to write their final draft.
● Explain how they can self assess using the graphic organizer to “check off” the

B. Development (Body)
● The students will work on writing their final draft of their paragraph.
● Students will draw a haunted house through a directed lesson. This will be
presented with their final drafts.

C. Closure (Close)
● The students will work on writing their final draft of their paragraph.

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