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I. General Information

Diseño y selección de material didáctico

Teaching Aids
I Term 2019

Facilitator: Miss Dinorah Rodríguez

Code: LIN-3508 Section: “B”
E-mail address: [email protected]
Meeting Time and Place: Monday thru Friday
From 19:00 to 20:00 p.m.
Room: 14- 403

II. Course Description and Objectives

This course is aimed to prepare students in regard to the design and selection of didactic material. Students
will broaden their knowledge of the use of these so-called resources. Moreover, this course will be guided as a
workshop in order for students to create and use different types of teaching aids in all levels. Moreover,
students will be prompt to go deeper in the use of authentic material and other resources that can help them to
develop either language or content classes.

III. Competences:
During this course students will be able to:

1. Develop techniques and strategies for the preparation of didactic material.

2. Study the different uses of common resources such as the use of the white board, flash cards, and new
strategies for the usage of the classroom: chairs organization, energizers, etc.
3. Select and design teaching aids in regard to content, learning styles and context of the learning
4. Ability to know the linguistic elements of English, recognize the changing nature of the language and
adjust gaps in that knowledge through their own learning.
5. Ability to use curricular competences and methodologies to evaluate, select, design and adapt
pedagogical resources.

IV. Methodology:
This pedagogical space will be developed through an active-participative teaching technology, with an eclectic
orientation, where the focus of tasks, method of projects, collaborative learning, etc. will predominate. Each of
the methods and approaches will emphasize learning to do and the use of critical thinking skills.

Teaching Aids 2019 Miss Rodríguez

V. Evaluation

Assignment Points
2 Quizzes (10 each) 20%
Planning + Design of materials 10%
Project. Design of board plan. 10%
Design of didactic material 40%
(Flashcards, puppets, posters and
vocabulary cards)
Technological Component (Project) 10%
Album about songs 10%
Total 100%

Weeks Content/ Topics Evaluation

WEEK 1- Introduction to class. Diagnostic Test. Diagnostic Test

th th
February4 – 8
WEEK 2- Definition of Teaching Aids. Classification of Teaching Aids. Oral Presentation #1
th th
February 11 – 15 Selecting and developing Teaching/ learning materials. K.
Kitao & S.K. Kitao
Guidelines for Designing Effective English Language Teaching
Materials. J. Howard & J. Major.
WEEK 3- Posters Handwriting Workshop
th nd
February18 – 22 Cards and poster design. (Handwriting) Design posters
WEEK 4- Use of Flashcards Design flashcards
February25th – March 1st Create flashcards individually.
WEEK 5- Educational Technology and other language resources. Oral Presentation #2
March4th– 8th
WEEK 6- Puppets Workshop. Designing Puppets
March11th– 15th

WEEK 7- Teaching with songs. (Demonstration of strategies) Oral Presentation #3:

th nd Song presentation
March18 – 22 Games/ Energizers
Songs album.Quiz #1.

WEEK 8- Writing Objectives. Planning Lessons. Writing a lesson plan in

March25th– 29th
WEEK 9- Correct Use of the board. Project about board plan. Creating a board plan in
th pairs and groups
April1st – 5
WEEK 10- ICTs. Application of ICTs in English teaching as ESL/EFL. Oral Presentation #4
April8th – 12

Teaching Aids 2019 Miss Rodríguez

April15th – 19th
WEEK 12- Technological Project Work. Work on the project
April22nd – 26th
WEEK 13- Final Project. Quiz #2. Presentation of the
April29th – May 3rd
WEEK 14- Closing. Final Grades
May6th– 10th

VI. Class regulations:

1. Attend every class and be on time: You should attend to every class. If for any reason you are not in
class on a particular day, it is your sole responsibility to find out the assignments for the next day. If
you miss 5 days without a valid excuse from DISE you will lose the right to take a quiz.

2. Participate in group work: We will be developing small and large group assignment, and you have to
be willing to contribute actively in the activities.

3. Submit assignments when they are due:Late assignments will receive lower grades (3 points less
each day).

4. Respect your classmates: If you carry your cell phone TURN IT TO SILENCE OR VIBRATION,
CEASE TEXT MESSAGING DURING CLASS. To receive an emergency call, go outside of the

5. NO RECOVERY TEST WILL BE ADMINISTERED. Make up exams are not given, unless you present
a valid excuse signed from DISE.

VII. Required material:

There will not be a specific book for this class but a compilation of materials that will be provided by the
instructor to be used throughout the whole period.

VIII. Bibliography:

1. Brown, Douglass. (2006) Teaching by Principle: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. New
York: Pearson Longman.
2. Claire, Elizabeth. (1998) ESL Teachers´sAtivities Kit. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
3. Halliwell, Susan. (2006) Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. New York: Pearson Longman.

***This syllabus is subject to the changes that the instructor may consider appropriate***

Teaching Aids 2019 Miss Rodríguez

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