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Cumulative Test 6–9 B

1 Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.
1 What was the name of that song ___ last night?
A we listened to B that we listened C to whom we listened
2 That novel was written ___ Margaret Atwood.
A by B for C–
3 I ___ you if anything had gone wrong.
A called B would have called C had called
4 The person ___ we complained was the manager.
A to whom B to which C to who
5 The teacher ___ us the exam was the following day.
A said B spoke C told
6 My sister, ___ friends are all actors, has just graduated from drama school.
A who B whom C whose
7 I’ve just been offered a job at the shoe shop ___ my sister works.
A that B where C which
8 I can’t use my computer at the moment because I’m ___ .
A having it repair B having repaired it C having it repaired
9 Mia doesn’t go to the hairdresser’s; she dyes her hair ___ .
A she B herself C her
10 We asked him how much ___ .
A cost the tickets B did the tickets cost C the tickets cost

Mark: ___ / 10

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes more than one
answer is possible.
1 The latest episode of that sitcom __________________ (watch) by more than 2.2 million viewers.
11 Gina said that she __________________ (not want) to go to the opera that evening.
12 My dad was in the kitchen, so I asked him what he __________________ (cook).
13 The new art and science museum __________________ (open) next week by the mayor.
14 The crew of the yacht __________________ (damage) by yesterday’s storm have all been safely rescued.
15 My friends told me they __________________ (wait) for me, but they weren’t there when I arrived.
16 I asked Rob if I __________________ (can) borrow his phone.
17 If your brother had been at the party, I’m sure I __________________ (see) him.
18 I __________________ (not miss) my train if they hadn’t changed the platform.
19 The aircraft, __________________ (carry) 150 passengers, was forced to make an emergency landing.

Mark: ___ / 10

3 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
1 Mark’s cheerfulness / shyness often prevents him from making friends.
20 You can be charged quite a lot if you don’t disable / save data roaming when you’re abroad.
21 I stopped talking / to talk to some friends on the way home from school today.
22 Michelangelo’s sculpture of David is carved / composed out of marble.
23 Are you doing anything / something interesting at the weekend?
24 There’s a hovercraft / tram that goes straight up the road to the main square.
25 The ballet / mime we saw was Tchaikosky’s Swan Lake.
26 Did you remember locking / to lock the door when you left the house this morning?
27 I denied / refused to lend him any more money because he still owes me €50.
28 Persuade / Remind me to call my sister tonight – it’s her birthday.

Mark: ___ / 10

4 Complete the sentences with the prepositions below.

for off on through up

1 James insisted __________________ taking me home, which was sweet of him.

29 They had to call __________________ the hockey match because of the snow.
30 My dad blamed me __________________ breaking the shower when it wasn’t my fault at all.
31 Emma left on time, but she arrived late because the traffic held her __________________ .
32 I couldn’t get __________________ to the dentist, so I left a message on her voicemail.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.
1 The audience gave the singer an __________________ (enthusiasm) welcome when he walked on stage.
33 Picasso is a very famous painter, but he created a large number of __________________ (sculptor) too.
34 My grandfather is well known for his __________________ (stubborn); I don’t know how my grandmother copes.
35 When we landed in London, our friends were waiting for us in the __________________ (arrive) hall.
36 I’m not very fond of __________________ (music), but I must admit that I enjoyed Mamma Mia!

Mark: ___ / 5

Use of English
6 Complete the dialogue with the words below.

are can’t certain could do interested not personally wasn’t will

Chris I’d be 1____________ to know if there are still any vacancies at the restaurant where you work. There was
an advert on their website last week, 2____________ there?
Lucy Yes, there was. I 3____________ be sure, but I’d say that they’re still looking for waiters.
Chris ____________ they? Great, I think I’ll apply then. What about you? Do you enjoy working there?
Lucy Well, the people are great. But I’m 5____________ a big fan of working nights.
Chris ____________, I prefer working late because then I can spend the day doing sport.
Lucy You’ll be too exhausted to play sport all day!
Chris ____________ I? What time do you finish?
Lucy I usually have something to eat when I finish and so I don’t normally get back until around 1 a.m. in the
Chris You don’t have to eat there though, 8____________ you?
Lucy No, I don’t. But the food is amazing. It’s the best thing about working there!
Chris I’m pretty 9____________ that if I went straight home, I’d be able to play football the next day. I’m going to
call them later. 10____________ you tell me the manager’s number please?

Mark: ___ / 10

7  11 Listen to five texts twice and choose the correct answers.
1 When does the speaker want a new appointment?
A this afternoon B tomorrow C the day after tomorrow
2 How will the visitors be travelling?
A by train B by coach C by car
3 What are the categories for the photo competition?
B people and pets A people and places C pets and places
4 What time does Tate Modern close on Fridays?
A 5.15 p.m. B 6 p.m. C 10 p.m.
5 When is Chris going to celebrate his birthday with his friends?
A Friday evening B Saturday evening C Saturday lunchtime

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 3 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 4 Cumulative Test 6–9 B
8 Read an article about the giant concrete arrows that have been found in the USA.
Match sentences A–G with gaps 1–5. There are two extra sentences.

Follow the arrow

If you have even been inside the cockpit of a plane, you will have noticed the large number of
instruments on the walls and ceiling around the pilot’s seat. Many of these buttons, dials and
screens are used in navigation. Unlike car drivers, pilots do not have the luxury of signs and
arrows telling them where to go. 1___ So how were pilots able to find their way in the days
before radio and satellite communication?
In the USA, the problem of navigation first arose when the airmail postal service was
introduced in 1911. In the beginning, huge bonfires were lit to show pilots where to land in the
dark. Later, a more practical solution was found: the construction of giant concrete arrows on
the ground. The arrows were 21 m long and painted bright yellow. 2___ The top light turned
around to attract the pilot’s attention, and two others lit up the arrow and flashed a code to
identify its location.
The first of these arrows was laid in 1924, and by 1929, there were around 1,500 of them.
They formed an illuminated path for airmail pilots stretching from New York to San Francisco.
___ But by the 1940s, new navigation techniques were being discovered and soon, the
arrows and their towers were no longer needed. They were gradually abandoned and some of
them were removed completely.
However, not all of the arrows have disappeared. In the state of Montana, they are still used
for guiding pilots through the mountains. 4___ Yet either because of their size or due to their
bad condition, the arrows are not easy to find. In many cases, if you want to see one, it is a
question of knowing where to look.
Which is where retired couple Brian and Charlotte Smith can help. The two are devoted fans
of the arrows and spend much of their time hunting them down. So far, they have located
more than a hundred of them. 5___ Their aim is to preserve the memory of these historical
structures and prevent them from being lost forever.

A Once they find an arrow, they map its location, photograph it and upload the details onto their website.
A To enable pilots to see them at night, a steel tower with lights was built in the middle.
B By the following year, the arrows had reached New York.
C The arrows were spaced about 16 km apart and were an important part of the Transcontinental Airway System.
D Instead, they rely on sophisticated GPS systems.
E Many of the planes were flown by former army pilots.
F Some are still visible in the empty areas of other states such as Utah, Wyoming and Indiana.

Mark: ___ / 5

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 5 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

9 You recently stayed in a hotel with which you were very dissatisfied. Follow the instructions below
and write a formal letter of complaint to the manager.
 State your reason for writing and give basic information about your stay.
 Describe your first problem.
 Describe your second problem.
 Suggest how the hotel could be improved.
 State what action you are taking and what you expect the manager to do.

Mark: ___ / 10

Total: ___ / 70

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 6 Cumulative Test 6–9 B

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