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(C) 2020 United Oil Company Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved
➢ Part 1 – Industrial Oils
➢ 1.1 Hydraulic Oil
➢ 1.2 Slideway Oil

➢ Part 2 – Metalworking Operations

➢ Part 3 – Metalworking Fluid (MWF) Basics
➢ Part 4 – Metalworking Fluid (MWF) Types
➢ 4.1 Soluble Oil
➢ 4.2 Neat Cutting Oil
➢ 4.3 Forming/Drawing Oil
➢ 4.4 Quenching Oil
➢ 4.5 Rust Preventives
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Part 1.1

Hydraulic Oil

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Types of Hydraulic Oil
United Vesta Hydraulic Properties

H Zinc-based; Antiwear

HV High viscosity index for large temperature range

HX Zinc-free; Ashless

HP Premium, for severe pressure & complex systems

HC UTTO - Universal Tractor Transmission Oil

HT-4 TDTO - Transmission & Drive Train Oil

EFR Fire-resistant, ester-based

GFR Fire-resistant, glycol-based

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Hydraulic Oil
Thermal Stability

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Part 1.2

Slideway Oil

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Primary Function

➢ Overcome the frictional “stick-slip” motion of machine

tool slides, table and feed mechanisms
➢ Anti-wear performance
➢ Provide vertical part anti-adhesion protection

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Primary Requirement
➢ Pass demulsibility test (ASTM D1401)
➢ Pass Cincinnati Machine performance level (P-47 for ISO 68
viscosity) – stick-slip test

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Part 2


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Types of Operation

1. Metal Removal Process

➢ Metal Cutting & Grinding
➢ Turning, Milling, Broaching, Sawing… etc.

2. Metal Forming Process

➢ Forging, Rolling, Drawing, Stamping, Punching & etc.

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➢ Broaching
➢ Hobbing
➢ Gear Cutting & Shaving Heavy
➢ Tapping & Threading

Severity ➢ Honing
➢ Reaming
➢ Form Grinding
Machining ➢ Deep Hole Drilling
Operation ➢ Multi Spindle Autos
➢ Milling
➢ Turning
➢ Drilling Light
➢ Grinding

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Metalworking Process Severity
➢ Light – Medium Duty
➢ Grinding, Turning, Milling, Boring, Threading, etc.

➢ Heavy Duty
➢ Drilling, Reaming, Tapping, Gear Hobbing, etc.

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Grinding Process Severity

➢ Light – Medium Duty

➢ Rotary, Centerless, Surface, OD, ID & etc

➢ Medium - Heavy Duty

➢ Double Disc, Form, Cylindrical & etc

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Grinding / Honing
Drilling, Tapping, Boring
Grooving / Cut Off
Gear Hobbing
Making a Gear
Types of Metal
Ferrous vs Non-Ferrous
➢ Metals which contain Fe → Iron
➢ e.g. Steel, Stainless Steel, other Iron Alloy

➢ Any metal or alloy that does not contain Iron.
➢ e.g. Brass, Copper, Bronze, Aluminum and etc.
➢ Also known as Yellow Metal.

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➢ Titanium Alloy
➢ Nimonic
➢ Inconel
➢ Nickel

Metal Hardness ➢ Stainless Steel

➢ High Carbon Steel
➢ Copper
Machinability ➢ Mild Steel
➢ Silicon Aluminum Alloy
➢ Unleaded Bronze
➢ Zinc Base Alloy
➢ Brass
➢ Magnesium

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Part 3

Metalworking Fluid

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Basic Functions of Cutting Oil
➢ Dissipates heat

➢ Reduces friction
➢ Better finishing
➢ Extends tools’ life

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Basic Functions of Cutting Oil
➢Chips/Swarf Flushing
➢ Remove chips / swarf to sump

➢Corrosion and Rust Proctection

➢ Oil film or additives to protect bare metal surface

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Cutting Oil Categories
➢Neat Oil
➢To be used straight / as it is

➢Soluble Oil
➢Also known as cutting coolant
➢To be mixed with water before use

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Viscosity of Oil
➢Viscosity → resistance to flow of a fluid
➢Unit of viscosity
➢ Centistokes (cSt)
➢ Define at specific temperature (e.g 40 deg C)
➢ Example at room temperature:
➢ Gasoline = 0.5 cSt
➢ Water = 1 cSt
➢ Olive Oil = 80 cSt
➢ Ketchup = 100,000 cSt
➢ Peanut Butter = 250,000 cSt
➢ Neat Cutting Oil – Typical Range: 10 cSt to 50 cSt @ 40oC
➢ Forming Oil – Typical Range: > 40 cSt to > 10,000 cSt @ 40oC

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Viscosity Influence
Cooling &

Viscosity Viscosity

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Properties – Neat vs Soluble Oil
Neat Oil Soluble Coolant

Cooling / Flushing


House Keeping

Fluid Maintenance

Cost Effective

Part Finishing
Corrosion / Rust

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Part 4.1

Soluble Oil

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Soluble Oil Components
➢ Emulsify oil into water (oil soluble coolant)

➢ Kills/prevents growth of germs
➢ Either biocide or fungicide or combination
➢ Added in fluid formulation or post treatment of system

➢ Significantly reduces foaming potential

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Coolant Maintenance

➢Coolant Mixing Procedure

✓ Always add oil to water

✓ Always premix coolant before adding to
the coolant tank

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Coolant Maintenance
➢Water Quality
➢ The inorganic salts in water will affect the coolant stability and
Ideal Water
Hardness (calcium
carbonate) appx 100-
Chloride zero
Sulfate zero High Salts
Soap formation
Low Salts
Excessive instability
Bacterial attack

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Coolant Maintenance

➢Coolant Concentration
✓ Always maintain the recommended

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Coolant Maintenance
➢pH Reading
4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 9.5 10.0

acidic neutral alkaline


favours bacterial good corrosion

growth protection
acceptable to skin

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Coolant Maintenance
➢Machine Cleanliness
✓ Use skimmer to remove tramp oil
✓ Routine house-keeping
✓ Very important as it affects Coolant life
Tramp Oil Skimmer

How a Skimmer works

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Common Coolant Issues
➢Rancidity / Smell
➢ Caused by bacteria
➢ From sump that contain chips, swarf, tramp oil, sludge & etc

➢ Bacteria increase, pH drop from alkaline to acidic level
➢ Desirable pH should be between 8~10
➢ Too high pH will cause stain particularly on Aluminum

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Common Coolant Issues

➢Poor Tool Life

➢ Bacteria will consume ingredients of coolant and hence reduce
lubricity and EP.

➢Dermatitis / Skin Inflammation

➢ Very fine chips from work piece, such Aluminum
➢ Bacteria infection of already affected area
➢ Workman personal hygiene
➢ Overdose of biocide by workman

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Common Coolant Issues
➢Excessive Foam
➢ Depletion of anti-foam in coolant. A very small dose of anti-
foam on tank side will solve the problem.

➢Concentration Control
➢ Water will evaporate and lead to higher concentration drag
out. Hence higher cost.
➢ Insufficient concentration will affect cutting performance as
well as tools life.

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Soluble Oil / Coolant Types
➢Mineral (usually called Soluble Oil)
➢ 100% oil, combination of base oil and chemical ingredients
➢ High oil content, forms milky emulsion

➢Semi-Synthetic (usually called Cutting Coolant)

➢ Contain less oil, generally < 10%, balance are chemical ingredients
➢ Forms translucent emulsion

➢Fully Synthetic
➢ No oil content, 100% chemical ingredients
➢ Forms transparent emulsion

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Typical Questions to Ask
Soluble Oil / Coolant
1. Current product being used?
2. Milky or translucent or transparent type?
3. What is the process?
4. What is the material?

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Part 4.2

Neat Oil

(C) 2020 United Oil Company Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Neat Oil Components
➢Base Oil
➢ Highly refined oils of high, medium and low viscosity
➢ Hydro-treated, hydro-cracked oils that provide excellent
oxidation stability

➢Lubricity Agents
➢ Natural fats
➢ Natural plant ester
➢ Synthetic ester

➢Corrosion Inhibitors
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Neat Oil Components
➢Extreme Pressure (EP) Additives
➢ Fatty Oils (Effective 100oC- 150oC)
➢ Chlorinated paraffin (Effective 250oC- 450oC)
➢ Phosphorous (Effective 350oC- 400oC)
➢ Sulfur (active / non active) (Effective >600oC)

➢Anti-Wear Agents
➢ Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDDP)

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Neat - Cutting Oil Types
➢ Eg. Turning, milling, drilling, tapping, threading, broaching, etc.
➢ Oils without Extreme Pressure (EP)
➢ Oils with EP
➢ Chlorinated
➢ Sulfurized (Active/Inactive)
➢ Mixture
➢ Non-traditional EP

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EP - Sulfur Additive
➢Active vs Non Active
➢ Sulfurized additives being used as EP in oil.
➢ Copper Corrosion test (ASTM D130)
➢ Active → WILL stain yellow metal
➢ Non-Active → WILL NOT stain yellow metal

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Typical Questions to Ask
Neat Oil
1. Current product being used?
2. Any issues faced with current product?
3. What is the process?
a) Process details, production video, pictures?
4. What is the material?
5. Is lubricant allowed to contain chlorine?

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Part 4.3

Forming Oil

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Neat – Forming/Drawing Oil Types
➢ High viscosity oils
➢ Typical KV: 60 cSt to > 10,000 cSt
➢ Usually contains high EP content

➢ Fast evaporating, Low viscosity oils

➢ Solvent-based Forming
➢ Typical KV: < 5 cSt
➢ May contain EP


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Fast Stamping
Progressive Die Stamping
Basic Functions Of Forming Oil
➢ Cooling
➢ Dissipate heat

➢ Lubricating
➢ Reduces friction
➢ Better finishing
➢ Extended tools life

➢ Corrosion and Rust Protection

➢ Oil film or additives to protect bare metal surface
(C) 2020 United Oil Company Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Types Of Forming Oil
➢Evaporable Oils
➢ Typically provide a thin lubricant layer (Very Low
➢ Swiftly evaporates after machining (no need for
subsequent cleaning)
➢ Low EP, low Lubricity (Think Material)
➢ Low flash point (Low OELs – occupational exposure

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Types Of Forming Oil
➢Medium Range Hydrocarbon Fluids
➢ Example: Kerosene & White Spirits
➢ Mostly self-drying, but may take up to 48 hours
➢ Low to medium EP & Lubricity

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Types Of Forming Oil
➢ Oils For Hot Forming
➢ Low to medium viscosity
➢ High oil content
➢ Generally content very high EP & Lubricity properties.

➢ Oils For Cold Forming

➢ Medium to high viscosity (up to 300cst at 100oC)
➢ Proportion of additives generally higher than oil
➢ Very high EP & Lubricity properties.

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Typical Questions to Ask
Forming Oil
1. Viscosity of current product?
2. What is the process?
a) Initial and final shape of item (pictures if possible)
3. What is the material?
4. If stamping
a) Fast or slow stamping?
b) Need fast evaporating oil?

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Part 4.4

Quenching Oil

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Primary Functions

➢Hardening of steel
➢ Facilitates hardening by controlling heat transfer (or cooling
speed) during quenching

➢Minimize distortion & cracking

➢ Enhance wetting of steel during quenching to minimize
formation of undesirable thermal & transformational gradients
which may lead to increased distortion and cracking

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3 stages of Cooling Curve
Monitor of Quenching Oil
➢ Oil viscosity may change over time due to degradation and
hence affect the performance

➢Water Content
➢ Water from contamination or degradation may cause soft
spots, uneven hardness, staining and even fire.

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Monitor of Quenching Oil
➢Flash Point
➢ For safety precaution, the minimum flash point under normal
operating conditions should be 90 deg C ABOVE the oil
temperature being used.

➢Total Acid Number

➢ Oil degrades or oxidation will forms acidic by-product.
➢ Excessive acid number would suggest oil change required.

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Monitor of Quenching Oil
➢Sludge Formation
➢ The presence of sludge may cause uneven heat transfer,
increase thermal gradients and increased cracking and

➢Elemental Analysis
➢ Element within additives used will deplete over processes.
➢ Fresh oil and used oil analysis will provide good comparison.

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Monitor of Quenching Oil
➢Cooling Rate
➢ ASTM D 6200 – Cooling Curve Analysis

• Inconel 600 Steel Probe

• Heated to 840oC
• Dropped into 1000ml oil
• Quench oil at room temperature
• Cooling curve generated

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Monitor of Quenching Oil
➢Cooling Rate (time taken to reach 200s)
➢ Fast 10 – 25 sec
➢ Medium 26 – 34 sec
➢ Slow 35 – 40 sec

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➢Cooling Rate
➢ Alternative test: GM Nickel
ball test

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Typical Questions to Ask
Quenching Oil

We will require sample from customer for testing.

Preferably 1L.

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Part 4.5

Rust Preventive

(C) 2020 United Oil Company Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved
Primary Functions
➢ Forming a barrier between metal surfaces and
contaminants such as air, water and other corrosive

➢ General Rule: The thicker the coating, the longer is the


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➢ Dipping
➢ Spraying
➢ Flushing
➢ Brushing

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Primary Properties
➢ Water displacement (dewatering) (DWF)
➢ Acid neutralizing
➢ Easy apply and easy removal
➢ Resistance to moisture penetration
➢ Resistance to weathering
➢ Non-staining

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Common Product Types
➢ Solvent Base
➢ Oil Base
➢ Water Base

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Common Tests
➢ Humidity Cabinet, ASTM D1748
➢ Simulated testing for indoor storage

➢ Salt Spray, ASTM B117

➢ Simulated testing for outdoor storage

➢ Stack Stain, MIL-C-22235A

➢ Simulated testing to determine the effect of water contamination, heat and
metal to metal contact on coiled or stacked metal surfaces.

➢ Water Displacement, MIL-PRF-16173E

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Typical Questions to Ask
Rust Preventive
1. Protection length
a) No. of weeks, months, years?
2. Protection condition
a) Indoor or outdoor?
3. Product type requirement?
a) Solvent, oil or water-based product?

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