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The Differing and Similar Strokes of Le Dpart and Meem Two

The paintings Le Depart and Meem Two by Etel Adnan and Shemza, respectively, indeed

are a work of art. The Le Depart, published in 2013 by Etel Adnan, is a multi-media made out of

wool (Kurjaković). Whereas Meem Two, published in 1967, is made entirely out of oil paints, a

popular go-to medium of the artist Anwar Jalal Shemza (Fakhr). This essay aims to analyze the

subject of the art work, the style, representation of culture and their influence as well as draw

comparisons and contrast the painting based on their art style, motifs, medium, and color palette

to extract the artwork's actual meaning.

The painting, Le Depart, is a compilation of ecstatic and visionary metaphors as is most

of Etel Adnan’s work – be it literary compositions, poetry or visual art. The piece constitutes of

the basic use of three primary colours, saturated in nature and flowing from the center of the

canvas to the borders in line. Whereas, the painting, Meem Two, fixates on the Arabic

letter meem "‫"م‬ (most commonly associated with the English letter m). There is the repetition of

the letter four times in the straight lines of navy blue. Two of the stokes originate from the

middle of the canvas and move upward, whereas the other two strokes move towards the canvas's

bottom. The four meems meet another at the round part of the letter and neatly placed with the

inner circle accentuated in bright orange with precise strokes of pale green at the letters' negative
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space. Lastly, a dark grey has been used to border the letters creating an overall phallic shape

differentiated from a different, lighter tone grey that covers the background.  

Etel Adnan has become a recent artist the world is currently obsessed with. Her artwork

is bold and eccentric which draws the audience towards her. She, through her art, expresses her

opinions regarding her culture and politics of Lebanon and Paris. She has a dynamic work

portfolio and does not only dabble in the field of visual art but prose as well. She truly is a

modern-inheritor of a twentieth century movements similar to Dad and surrealism which is fluid

movement of colour between mediums that attract ass public, especially Adnan’s primary

audience of Paris. Similarly, Anwar Jalal Shemza reflects modernism of calligraphy which was

welcomed by the masses [ CITATION Dad09 \l 1033 ]. The area within which he resided,

London, was populated with westerns which were quite fascinated with the modern adaption of

the otherwise ornate calligraphic art style and perhaps, this is the reason why his art is studied

with great detail.

The painting Le Depart is influenced by modern day politics of around the world. The

paintings are versatile and embody the vents taking place around the world welcoming all kinds

of audience. The painting by Shemza is heavily influenced by the religion of Islam and the

Mughal architecture. This interest of Shemza was studied in various other art pieces as well

including Forms Emerging and Chessmen One 1961. The painting breaks away from the ornate

and decorative nature of calligraphic lines and can be translated into the formalist observation of

geometric forms [ CITATION Ley11 \l 1033 ]. The letter meem also has importance in Islamic

culture as it is driven from the initials of the Prophet Muhammad [ CITATION She89 \l 1033 ].

His work has quite clearly been developed on the basis of abstraction fused with the motifs of

Islam with western abstractions.

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The art style of Le Depart follows a free flow of hand movement. The strokes are

comparatively placed or to be correctly woven with a sense of freedom. The painting reflects her

opinion of political conditions around iconograph. The work is a byproduct of experimentation

and mirrors her idea of being in a colour. The free flow and the bright saturated primary colours

are a reflection of beauty, free spirit and celebration of colours. Whereas the strokes of oil paint

in Meem Two are calculated and organized. The art style of Meem Two is heavily influenced by

Islamic design and Mughal architecture. The piece explores a relationship between simple

geometrical shapes, providing an infinitude of flexible interpretations and configurations. This

piece is also reflective of the journey Shemza has had with Arabic and Persian calligraphy.

The art piece are similar in their use of bright colour on a contrasting background which

makes the colour pop out extremely clearly. The backgrounds of both the paintings are simple,

tough differing in tones and colour schemes, the initial idea of the paintings appear to be similar;

contrasting colours on a simple plain background. The strokes of paint are similar to the lines

woven. However, the motif differs. Additionally, the use of bright colour showcases the

impactful vision of both artists. The differences lie in the colour palette as well. Adnan makes

use of vibrant primary colours. Whereas, Shemza uses greyish tones of navy blue and a strike of

orange and pale green in the middle. The mood of the paintings are quite difference. The medium

of the paintings differ as well. One is made out of wool, which expresses warmth and closure.

Whereas, the oil painting depicts the elegance and versatility of the artistic vision.

Both the paintings are revolutionary for their time as they introduced concepts otherwise

not welcomed. Adnan aimed to introduce a free-flowing technique to address the political

instability. Whereas, Shemza modernized the decorative nature of calligraphy. Both the artists
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are gems for their era and have greatly advance the plight of art for their respective causes. That

is something their audience admires and adds to the importance of as to why they are continually

studied. They both have so much to offer to the world of art.

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Dadi, Iffithar. "Persppectives 1 - Anwar Jalal Shemza." Dadi, Iffithar. Calligraphic Modernism.

London, 2009.

Fakhr, Leyla. "Meem Two." Tate Organization January 2011.

Kurjaković, Daniel. "Every One of Us is a Radio Transmitter ." Art Asia Spacific 14 October


Shemza, Mary. "Anwar Jalal Shemza: Search for Cultural Identity." Third Text 3.8 (1989): 65-


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