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International Journal of Legal Medicine


The ballistic performance of bone when impacted by fragments

A. J. Caister 1,2 & D. J. Carr 3,4 & P. D. Campbell 5 & F. Brock 6 & J. Breeze 7

Received: 20 January 2020 / Accepted: 7 April 2020

# The Author(s) 2020

Physical models are required to generate the underlying algorithms that populate computer simulations of the effects of explosive
fragmenting devices. These models and simulations are used for understanding weapon performance, designing buildings and
optimising personal protective equipment. Previous experimental work has investigated the performance of skin and muscle
when subjected to fragmentation threats, but limited evidence exists for the performance of bone when impacted by fragments. In
the current work, ballistic testing was conducted using two types of internationally recognised steel fragment simulating projec-
tiles (FSPs): (i) 5.5 mm diameter (0.68 g) ball bearing (BBs) and (ii) 1.10 g chisel nosed (CN). These projectiles were fired at
isolated swine ribs at impact velocities between 99 and 1265 m/s. Impact events were recorded using a high-speed camera.
Selected specimens were analysed post-impact with plain x-radiographs and micro-CT scanning to determine damage to the bone
architecture. Bones were perforated with a kinetic energy density (KED) as low as 0.14 J/mm2. Energy transfer to the bone was
greater for the CN FSPs, resulting in increased bone damage and the production of secondary bone fragments. The manner in
which the bones failed with faster velocity impacts (> 551 m/s; KED > 6.44 J/mm2) was analogous to the behaviour of a brittle
material. Slower velocity impacts (< 323 m/s; KED < 1.49 J/mm2) showed a transition in failure mode with the bone displaying
the properties of an elastic, plastic and brittle material at various points during the impact. The study gives critical insight into how
bone behaves under these circumstances.

Keywords Swine ribs . Armour design . Wound ballistics . Micro-CT

Introduction design and the understanding of medical techniques needed to

treat ballistic injuries can benefit from injury models.
Fragment-induced injury is a hazard faced by military person- Traditionally, these have been physical models using stimu-
nel and civilians in modern combat and in domestic terrorist lants such as gelatine, post mortem human subject (PMHS)
environments [e.g. 1–4]. The optimisation of personal armour tissue and animal surrogates [5, 6]. Many modern injury
models use a computerised representation of human anatomy
to predict how it may respond to a ballistic threat. Such models
* F. Brock
[email protected]
can be advantageous as expensive test facilities are not re-
quired once the dataset has been established. However, such
computational models require an accurate understanding of
Caister Consultancy Ltd, Winchester SO23 9HX, UK
the interaction between projectile parameters (e.g. material,
AWE, Aldermaston, Reading RG7 4PR, UK mass, velocity, density, shape, deformation due to interaction
Defence and Security Accelerator, Porton Down, Wiltshire SP4 0JQ, with the target) and the severity of tissue damage to make
UK robust and accurate injury predictions. Therefore, understand-
Centre for Defence Engineering, Defence Academy of the United ing the ballistic performance of the various tissues for use in
Kingdom, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Oxon SN6 8LA, UK computational models is vital to their success.
Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, South PMHS tissue is difficult to obtain and demonstrates the
Kensington, London SW7 5BD, UK variability seen among all cadaveric tissue specimens; there
Cranfield Forensic Institute, Defence Academy of the United are also ethical and legal complications. Swine tissue is one of
Kingdom, Cranfield University, Shrivenham, Oxon SN6 8LA, UK the most common surrogates used in testing due to its wide
Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, University Hospitals availability and similarities between some human and pig
Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TH, UK body sections and bones [7, 8]. In particular, the retardation
Int J Legal Med

Fig. 1 Dermestes maculatus (left)

and swine thorax sections with
beetles (right)

of some projectiles in swine muscle has been shown to be bones [19]. These carnivorous beetles are 5–10 mm
comparable to that in human tissue [9–11]. Synthetic long as adults and 5–15 mm long in larval stages, thus
polymeric bone surrogates have also become popular are small enough to remove soft tissue between bones
in wound ballistic research with some authors claiming yet large enough to consume it quickly.
good representation of selected ballistic impacts on bone Bone fractures due to ballistic injury are clinically classi-
[e.g. 12–14]; however, others have observed that key fied as being:
features such as failure properties are not reproduced
[e.g. 15, 16]. (i) ‘incomplete’—subdivided into ‘drill-hole’ in which the
The majority of wound ballistics studies have been con- bone remains in one piece with a perforating hole and
ducted with bullets rather than fragmentation. Fragmentation ‘chip type’ which is a penetrating impact, or
impacts onto isolated skin and soft tissue have been reported (ii) ‘complete’—sub-divided into ‘simple’ (two larger
[e.g. 11, 17], but there is a paucity of literature considering fragments are formed) and ‘multi-fragmentary’
fragmentation impacts onto isolated bone. [22].
Testing of isolated bone requires the removal of soft
tissue without altering the properties of the bone. Up to a certain loading rate, bone behaves as an elastic
Bacterial maceration is commonly discussed in the liter- material [23]. However, bone is strain-rate sensitive, and in
ature, sometimes due to the addition of a detergent or high velocity impacts, it behaves as a brittle material, failing
enzyme; in addition to this, chemical cleaning is also almost instantaneously and can form secondary fragmentation
used, but there are concerns regarding alteration of bone [e.g. 24, 25].
properties [18–21]. There are many organisms including The aim of the research summarised in this paper was to
species of insect of the genus Dermestes (Dermestidae: conduct ballistic testing using two types of fragment simulat-
Coleoptera) that consume flesh. Large museums often ing projectiles (FSPs) over a range of velocities to determine
use carrion beetles of the family Dermestidae to clean the properties of swine rib bones.

Fig. 2 Cartridge case (top), sabots (middle), BB (bottom left) and CN

FSP (bottom right) Fig. 3 Custom-made wooden frame used to hold each rib specimen
Int J Legal Med

Fig. 4 Relationship between 800

impact and residual KE for both

Residual KE (J)





0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900
KE at impact (J)

BBs FSPs Linear (BBs) Linear (FSPs)

Methods identifier. The ribs were fumigated by freezing at − 4 °C for

24 h to prevent transference of live beetles and then defrosted
Four swine thorax sections were purchased from an abattoir over night at room temperature before being used in the bal-
where they had been prepared for use in the human food listic tests. After testing, each rib was placed in a labelled bag
chain. The bone was stripped of all soft tissue by Dermestes and frozen until further analysis. Whether bone treated in this
maculatus, commonly called the Hide beetle as these were manner has exactly the same properties as fresh bone would
often identified as pests in museum skin collections (Fig. 1). have is not known, however, a study of fragment impacts into
The colony at The Natural History Museum is maintained in a swine tissue that had been either refrigerated or frozen and
purpose-built cabinet, under controlled conditions of temper- then allowed to warm to room temperature reported similar
ature (23.2 to 28.5 °C), relative humidity (42.9 to 61.9% R.H.) results to fragment impacts into fresh swine tissue [26].
and darkness. This method was selected as the beetles do not The ballistic performance of the bone was measured using
readily damage the bone unless left unchecked weeks after all two types of internationally recognised steel fragment simu-
the flesh has been consumed. After 3 weeks, all soft tissue had lating projectiles (FSPs): (i) ball bearings (BBs; mass =
been consumed and the individual ribs were easily extracted. 0.68 g) and (ii) chisel nosed FSPs (CN FSPs; mass = 1.10 g)
The ribs ranged in size from 70 to 210 mm long, 8 to 18 mm (Fig. 2) [27]. Each FSP was placed in a sabot and then in a
wide and 10 to 14 mm thick; each rib was given a unique cartridge case. The impact velocity of the shot was adjusted by

KED dissipated due to perforation (J/mm2)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
KED at impact (J/mm2)

BBs FSPs Linear (BBs) Linear (FSPs)

Fig. 5 Relationship between KED at impact and the KED dissipated due to perforating event for both FSPs
Int J Legal Med

Fig. 6 High speed video images

demonstrating typical BB
(circled) impacts perforating iso-
lated swine ribs at 104 m/s (left)
and 1221 m/s (right—note cloud
of secondary fragments)

varying the amount of propellant placed in the cartridge case. projectile such as the sabot. The impact and residual FSP velocities
The FSPs were fired from an Enfield Number 3 proof housing. allowed the impact and residual kinetic energy (KE) of each FSP to
Each rib was placed in a wooden frame that was clamped to be calculated (assuming conservation of mass). Subtracting the
a height adjustable table (Fig. 3). The proof housing was lo- residual KE from the impact KE gave the energy dissipated during
cated 3 m from the test specimen, with the accuracy of each the impact event. In ballistics research, the target effects for projec-
shot ensured via a laser sight mounted to the proof housing. tiles with different projected areas are usually compared by con-
Twenty ribs were shot with BBs and 15 ribs were shot with sidering the kinetic energy density of the projectile (KED; KE
CN FSPs; each rib was subject to a single shot. divided by project cross-sectional area, J/mm2). Each specimen
Post impact analysis determined whether or not each specimen was photographed before and after testing using a Nikon D90
was perforated by the projectile. Impact events were recorded digital camera with a forensic scale.
using a Phantom Vision (V12) high-speed video (21,005 fps, A Nikon Metrology X-TEK H225 micro-computed tomog-
5μsexposuretime,512 × 512resolution)andthesefileswereused raphy (micro-CT) scanner with a tungsten transmission target
to calculate the impact and residual velocities of the FSP after was used to inspect selected specimens allowing sub-surface
perforation of the rib. The video also allowed confirmation that observation of the ballistic failures. Working conditions were
the projectile was the cause of any perforation and not a secondary as follows: 95 kV, 45 μA, 500 ms exposure time, two frames

Fig. 7 X-radiographs of
specimens after a perforating
impact from a BB at 671 m/s (left)
and a CN FSP at 610 m/s (right)
Int J Legal Med

Fig. 8 Three-dimensional
volume reconstruction of micro-
CT data of a specimens after a
perforating impact from a BB at
671 m/s (upper set of images) and
a CN FSP at 610 m/s (lower set of
images); for both sets of images:
left = anterior; centre = side;
right = posterior

per projection, with an optimised number of projections; the these two CN FSPs were not stable in flight. In both of these
resultant voxel size was 45.1 μm. Data was collected using shots, the rib was hit by the sabot, and thus, another shot could
Inspect-X software (v3.1.12), reconstructed using CT Pro 3D not be taken for that rib. Ribs were perforated by all 33 FSP
software (v. 3.1.12) and the images were visualised and ma- impacts that were on target. For shots at faster velocities (BBs
nipulated with VG StudioMax software (v. 2.1). TIFF image > 700 m/s, KE > 170 J; CN FSPs > 580 m/s, KE > 110 J), four
stacks, with intervals of 0.05 mm between each slice, and out of ten BB and six out of ten CN FSP impacts resulted in ribs
whole volume reconstructions were generated. fracturing into two parts, i.e. complete simple fractures, but with
multiple small fractures being formed in all instances. At slower
impact velocities, all ribs remained intact irrespective of FSP
Results type, i.e. incomplete fractures with drill holes were observed.
The relationship between FSP KE at impact and residual
Impact velocities varied between 99 and 1265 m/s. High speed KE was linear over the velocity regimes investigated for both
footage and FSPs collected post-testing confirmed conservation types of FSP (R2 = 0.99 for both relationships; Fig. 4).
of mass of the FSPs. Of the 35 shots, two were not on target (both However, the residual KE for BBs was greater than for CN
were with CN FSPs at ~ 200 m/s); high-speed video showed that FSPs at impact KEs greater than approximately 100 J.
Int J Legal Med

As well as the mass of the two FSPs being different (BBs = during bone perforation—an advantage of using BBs is that
0.68 g, CN FSPs = 1.10 g), the projected cross-sectional area yaw does not occur. The slowest impact velocity, with perfo-
was different, 23.76 mm2 and 22.78 mm2 for the BBs and CN ration, was 99 m/s. This aligns with a previously reported
FSPs, respectively. The KED dissipated can be considered threshold for perforation of human bone of ~ 61 m/s, but the
with respect to the KED at impact (Fig. 5). The KED dissipat- authors did not state which projectile was used [22]. Slower
ed during the impact event was greater for CN FSPs than for impact velocities resulted in localised bone damage, i.e. in-
BBs and the magnitude of the difference increased with great- complete drill-hole fractures. At faster impact velocities,
er impact KED. For both FSPs, the relationship could be de- greater bone fragmentation occurred and half of the impacts
scribed as linear (CN FSP R2 = 0.98; BB R2 = 0.94). resulted in complete fractures; previous authors have de-
High speed video was used to analyse the response of the scribed similar responses [e.g. 22, 23, 25]. The primary pro-
ribs to impact at different velocity regimes. For slower impact jectile (FSPs in the current experiment) remains the major
velocities (for BBs between 99 and 323 m/s; for CN FSPs threat. However, there is potential for these bone fragments
between 180 and 217 m/s), the ribs displayed an initial defor- to act as secondary fragments that may penetrate (and perfo-
mation at the point of impact that was elastic; the curvature of rate) the organs of the thorax. Mabbott et al. reported bone
the length of the rib changed during the impact event, but fragment debris in isolated lungs positioned behind swine tho-
recovered. The rib then deformed plastically as failure oc- rax sections due to perforation by selected bullets [24]. In a
curred; as the dissipated energy at the point of the impact living target, aspiration may further contribute towards the
increased the rib failed (e.g. Fig. 6). Once the localised failure presence of bony fragments (and other debris) in lung tissue.
of the bone had occurred and the projectile had passed through The conical damage observed on the posterior side of the
the bone, elastic recovery occurred. In contrast, at faster ve- ribs is similar to that reported by Kieser et al. [25]. Energy
locities (BBs 671 m/s to 1225 m/s; CN FSPs 551 m/s to transfer to the bone was greater for the CN FSPs, resulting in
1265 m/s), no elastic deformation was observed. increased bone damage and the production of secondary bone
Instantaneous failure occurred at the point of impact, with fragments. Such additional fragments may risk damage to vas-
multiple secondary fragments exiting both the anterior and cular structures, which often run in close proximity to bones,
the posterior of the specimen, primarily the latter (Fig. 6). and may result in internal bleeding. The differences in failure
Of the ribs that were scanned, two were of particular inter- mechanisms for the different types of FSPs have clinical impli-
est as the damage caused by both types of FSPs exhibited cations and do not appear to have been reported previously.
similar amounts of KED dissipated during perforation:

(i) BB impact velocity 671 m/s, KED dissipated 0.94 J/mm2 Conclusion
(ii) CN FSP impact velocity 610 m/s, KED dissipated 1.08 J/
mm2 This study gives critical insight into how isolated bone be-
haves under ballistic impact. Information is provided for the
X-radiographs of these two impacts are shown in Fig. 7 and KED dissipated during bone perforation for velocities be-
three-dimensional volume reconstructions of micro-CT data in tween 99 and 1265 m/s, using two internationally recognised
Fig. 8. Comparing these images, the loss of material appeared FSPs. Energy transfer to the bone was greater for the CN
to be larger for the CN FSP compared to the BB at a similar FSPs, resulting in increased bone damage and the production
impact velocity. The CN FSP was heavier than the BB (1.1 g vs of secondary bone fragments. Such additional fragments may
0.68 g) resulting in a larger KE at impact. The projected cross- risk damage to vascular structures, which often run in close
section area of the BB was slightly larger than that of the CN proximity to bones, and may result in internal bleeding.
FSP (CN FSP = 22.78 mm2; BB = 23.76 mm2), thus affecting
the KED at impact. This result may therefore be due to the
irregular shape of the CN FSP and how it moves inside the Limitations
bone after impact. The greater loss of materials observed for
the CN FSP impact may also be due to yaw during perforation. The results in this paper are for ballistic impacts to isolated
swine ribs using two specific FSPs; results may vary for other
projectiles. Although swine tissue is an accepted model for
Discussion human tissue, the results may not be transferable. Finally,
the isolated bony tissue used was effectively 3 weeks old at
The aim of this research was to investigate the ballistic per- testing; fresh bony tissue might behave in a different manner.
formance of bone following impacts from two internationally
recognised FSPs. All impacts on target perforated the bone. Acknowledgements This paper is derived from the lead author’s MSc in
Explosive Ordnance Engineering thesis, which is available from the
Two CN FSPs did not impact the target and these FSPs yawed
Int J Legal Med

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