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Le’Isys Diaz


English I Honors

18 February 2021

Criminal Psychology

When I was about 13 years old, I found police shows like “Blue Bloods” or “NCSI” a

little weird and scary most of the time. As I grew older, I now find these shows interesting rather

than scary or weird. Before the second quarter of school started, I began watching a show called

“Criminal Minds.” As I continued to binge-watch this series, my fascination with Criminal

Psychology grew at an increasing rate. It was fascinating how their teams worked together as one

to profile an offender and combine their ideas to show the colleagues that they're working with

and share with the rest of the police department. In More ways than one, this career takes a great

deal of knowledge and understanding of the brain.


Criminal psychology is the study of the feelings, behavior, thoughts, and

characteristics of a criminal. They study these behaviors of criminals to have an understanding

of the criminal. Understanding the “unsub” ( the criminal) and his M.O is something that not

only involves profiling, but understanding the brain. They often look back into the history of the

offender such as: childhood, family, relationships, education, jobs, etc. These questions that are

asked, play a significant role in the behavior of the unsub now. A criminal psychologist’s work is

closely linked to detectives. For example, Sophia Reyes was molested and abused by her father
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at a very young age. She told her mother and the police but no one believed her story. She feels

alone, confused, and terrified. A few years later, she returns home after a long period of being

traumatized, afraid, and angry; She wants to make her trauma go away-- she wants to be free.

By doing this, she goes to the source who caused her pain and suffering; her father. She

predimates the murder, thinking of a way to make her father suffer just as he made her suffer.

After the killing, she feels a sense of high and release while watching the pool of blood engulf

her father’s body. She longed for that same high again, again, and again to the point where it

drove her insane. This causes her to lash out and grow a need to kill more men that are similar to

her father. As a profiler, they would go to the crime scene and study the body. They ask

questions like “ Were there any signs of struggle wounds?”, “ Did Julio Reyes know the unsub?”,

or “ What kind of weapon was used?”. Without these questions answered, this can be another

unsolved puzzle that profilers and detectives have to solve. But this is what criminal psychology

is, solving puzzles.


I chose criminal psychology because I loved the show “Criminal Minds.” I loved the

problem solving in the show and the profiling that took place within it. The characters in

the show could decipher information to lead them on trails and solve cases involving

murders,kidnappings, human-trafficking, arsonists, psychopaths, and sociopaths. This

piqued my interest in this career field because I feel that I could take on the same tasks

that are done on the show, in real life. I also find studying the brain fascinating, seeing as

though it helps with profiling or comprehending why an offender is behaving or lashing

out in a certain way that could actually be a mental illness. Psychology is the study of the
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human mind and its functions, which is incorporated into criminal psychology by

studying the behavior of an offender or individual. I imagine that criminal psychology/

understanding the brain is a predominant part of the career path, and I feel that I can excel

in this area of expertise.


There are many requirements that need to be met in order to become a criminal

psychologist. In the Article “ Criminal Psychology Careers” ( 2020), In order to become a

criminal psychologist I must “ First earn a bachelor’s degree in psychology or a related field,

followed by a master’s degree in psychology.” Colleges like Arizona State University, Simmons

University, Purdue University, and Capella University offer online degrees/ bachelor degrees in

psychology. In “How Much Do Criminal psychologists make?”, It's said that “ Most professional

psychologists need a Psy.D, or doctor of psychology, to practice.” And without these degrees in

psychology, I won’t really be a psychologist. “ About half of all psychologists earn at least

$45,380 a year or more.” In Addition, to become a criminal psychologist I would need to earn

both bachelor and masters degrees in psychology, along with a Psy.D. without these specific

requirements I will not be able to become a psychologist.


In conclusion, I feel that I can benefit from becoming a criminal psychologist. I think it would be

a rather thrilling yet exciting experience to actually solve puzzles and profile criminals. By doing

this, I can see that this career choice was probably my favorite yet most challenging career. I

hope that one day, after meeting the requirements to become a criminal psychologist, that this

was all worth it.

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Works Cited

Contributor, Chron. “How Much Do Criminal Psychologists Make?” Work, 21 Sept. 2020,

“Criminal Psychology Careers.” |, 30 Oct. 2020, become a criminal

psychologist,basis or offer clinical opinions.

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