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Indian Economy 1950-1990

Economic Planning – is a process under which a central authority defines a set of

targets to be achieved within a specific period of time
Types of Economic system

Capitalist Socialist Mixed/Marketed

• Private ownership • All decisions taken by • Both government and

• Profit maximization is Government. private sector works
main motive. • Keeping in view together.
• Goods produced collective interest of • Ensures private profit
based on purchasing society. and social welfare.
Long period Goals/Objectives

Growth Modernization Self Reliance Equity

• Increase in GDP • Adopting new • Avoiding

and per capita GDP
• Benefits of
technology. imports of those
• Either a larger stock • Change in social economic
goods which can prosperity reach
of productive outlook.
capital, or larger size • Women given equal be produced in a the poor sections
of supporting opportunities country- Import as well.
services like substitution
transport, banking • Self dependent
or an increase in the
efficiency of
productive capital

Land Reforms Land Ceiling Green revolution

• Abolition of • Fixing maximum • Use of HYV seeds,

Intermediaries size of land to be fertilizer, proper
(Zamindar , jagidars) owned. irrigation.
• Regulation of rent. • 1st phase- 1960-1970-
• Change of Punjab, T.N, Andhra
ownership of land Pradesh.
holding. • 2nd Phase – 1970-1980 –
most areas of a country.
• Marketed Surplus.
Industry and Trade

Public and Private Sector in

IPR 1956 Small scale industry
Indian Industrial development

• Lack of Capital with the • Three fold classification of • Karve committee 1955
Private entrepreneurs. industry. • Labour intensive
• Lack of Incentives among • Industrial Licensing • Location Flexibility.
the Private Entrepreneurs • Industrial Sops (concession) • Equity Oriented.
• State Controlling the
commanding heights
Trade Policy

• Inward looking trade strategy

• Tariffs increased.
• Quotas were put.
• Domestic industry protected permit l

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