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A half-elf stands in her standard fighting stance, katana

wielded in both hands, staring down a charging centaur,
his lance aimed straight for her heart. She widens her
stance and raises her katana above her head, stilling
her breath, waiting for her opportunity. With an expelled
breath, she parries the lance and knocks the centaur
from his feet in one fluid motion of her blade. The
centaur collapses, defeated.
A dragonborn and his adventuring party stare into
the sky at the enormous roc that could plunge down
on them at any moment. The dragonborn channels
his energy, a white glow suffusing him and his allies,
granting each of them just enough speed to avoid
the roc’s first plunge. With an indrawn breath, the
dragonborn redirects his energy to his naginata,
enshrouding the blade in a black aura. He expels his
breath with a mighty slash, launching an arc of the
violent energy at the roc. Mere moments later, the roc
comes crashing to the earth, where it is easily within
reach of the party.
An enormous boulder comes crashing down the
tunnel at a human. She plants her feet, yelling at her
wards to get behind her. Just as the boulder is
about to hit her, she strikes her hands forward,
cancelling the boulder’s momentum, and
bringing it to a harmless stop.
Each of these heroes exemplifies a samurai, a heavily
armored, heavily trained warrior practiced in many
fighting stances and in utilizing spiritual energy. They
practice keeping balance in themselves so that they
may access the powers of both harmony and violence.
Samurai have a stance for nearly every combat situation,
and will bring all of them to bear if their wards are

Honor & Service

The culture of the samurai is deeply linked to the ideals
of honor and service. If he does not serve a master or
lord, a samurai often considers himself a servant of the
people, a protector, mediator, and guide. For this reason,
most samurai tend to be good-aligned, if not also lawful.
Each samurai tends to have his own code of honor that
he swears never to break, a code that serves to benefit
the many over the few.
However, some samurai decide to cast off these
archaic traditions, instead adventuring to gain fame and
power for themselves and their masters. These samurai
tend to challenge other samurai and strong-looking
warriors on sight, aiming to slay these opponents to
spread word of their deadly skills. These samurai tend
to laugh in the face of honor, and the idea of sacrificing
one’s own well-being for that of others.

Classes |Samurai
The Samurai
Proficiency Stances Balance
Level Bonus Known Points Features
1st +2 2 __ Kamae, Heiho
2nd +2 2 2 Balanced Spirit, Fighting Style
3rd +2 3 2 Bushido Code
4th +2 3 3 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 3 3 Extra Attack
6th +3 4 4 Junbi
7th +3 4 4 Code Feature
8th +3 4 5 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 4 5 Swift Reflexes
10th +4 5 6 __
11th +4 5 6 Kinben
12th +4 5 7 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 5 7 Code Feature
14th +5 6 8 Advanced Kamae
15th +5 6 8 Extra Attack (2)
16th +5 6 8 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 6 9 Junbi (two uses)
18th +6 7 9 Code Feature
19th +6 7 9 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 7 10 Breath of Stillness

Balancing Act
All samurai, no matter their origin or ideals, master
the ability to control their spiritual balance. Spiritual
balance, for most creatures, is a never-ending struggle
between the forces of harmony and violence, mercy and
wrath, life and death, positive and negative. Samurai,
through meditation, learn to control their spiritual
energies, and can use them to control aspects of the
physical world. To best harness their spiritual power,
samurai master martial stances that they spontaneously
switch between to best prepare themselves for any given
situation. Class Features
As a samurai, you gain the following class features.

Creating a Samurai Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per samurai level
As you build your samurai, it’s important to consider
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
who you serve. Are you a member of a lord’s army or
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
personal guard? Do you serve a great master such as a
Constitution modifier per samurai level after 1st
dragon or ki-rin? Do you feel your services belong to a
single individual, or to all of the people of the land? Or
do you choose to serve no master, a ronin whose only Proficiencies
responsibility is to himself? Armor: All armor
Once you decide who you serve, if anyone, think Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
about how you came to be in that position. Did you Tools: Calligrapher’s supplies
impress a lord with your valor and heroism when he
was attacked in a village he was visiting? Did you grow Saving Throws: Strength, Wisdom
up in a family that has served a lord or a great master Skills: Choose two from Athletics, History, Insight,
for a hundred generations? Did you seek out a ki-rin to Intimidation, Persuasion, and Survival
learn its mystical ways? If you are a ronin, what drove
you to the decision that you would serve no master save Equipment
for yourself? You start with the following equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background:
Quick Build
You can make a samurai quickly by following these • (a) chain mail or (b) scale mail
suggestions. First, make Strength your highest ability • (a) four javelins or (b) any simple weapon
score, followed by Wisdom. Second, choose the knight • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
(variant of noble) or soldier background. • Calligrapher’s supplies and two martial weapons of
your choice

Classes |Samurai
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by Ners
Kamae Dueling
When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and
As a samurai, you’ve learned battle stances you deftly no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls
switch between in combat to battle a great range of foes. made with that weapon.
You learn two basic stances of your choice, detailed at
the end of the class description. You can take a stance
Great Weapon Fighting
as a bonus action. If you do, you gain the effects of that
When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
stance until the beginning of your next turn.
make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with
Some of your stances require your target to make a
two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new
saving throw to resist the stance’s effects. The saving
roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or 2. The weapon must
throw DC is calculated as follows:
have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain
this benefit.
Stance save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Wisdom modifier
Two-Weapon Fighting
When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add
When you gain certain samurai levels, you learn
your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.
additional basic stances of your choice, as shown
in the Stances Known column of the Samurai table.
Additionally, when you learn a new stance, you can Bushido Code
replace one of the stances you know with a different
basic stance. When you reach 3rd level, you make a lifelong
commitment to follow a code: the Code of Loyalty, the
Code of the Ki-rin, the Code of the Oni, the Code of the
Heiho Ronin, the Code of the Serpent, or the Code of Virtue,
all detailed at the end of the class description. Your
You know Heiho, a secret method of communication
choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th,
used by samurai. In it, you hide messages in
13th, and 18th level.
detailed paintings. You and others who know Heiho
automatically spot such messages. Others spot
the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Ability Score Improvement
Intelligence (Investigation) check but can’t decipher it
without magic. When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th,
and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your
choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of
Balanced Spirit your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability
score above 20 using this feature.
At 2nd level, your spiritual training has begun to bear
fruit. You learn to attune yourself to the forces of life
and death. This attunement presents itself as balance Extra Attack
points. You gain 2 balance points, which come in two
forms: positive and negative. Positive balance points Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of
represent the powers of health and tranquility, while once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
negative balance points represent the powers of death The number of attacks increases to three when you
and violence. When you gain this feature and whenever reach 15th level in this class.
you complete a long rest, you must choose how many
of your available balance points are positive, and how Junbi
many are negative.
You can use your balance points to empower your At 6th level, you gain the ability regain some of your
stances as described in each stance. Upon taking a balance points by meditating. Once per day when you
stance, you can choose to expend a positive balance finish a short rest, you can choose to regain a number
point for its Positive Channel, a negative balance point of balance points, choosing how many are positive and
for its Negative Channel, or both. You regain all of your how many are negative, equal to half your balance point
expended balance points upon completing a long rest. maximum.
When you gain certain samurai levels, you gain You can use this feature twice per day beginning at
additional balance points, as shown in the Balance 17th level, but no more than once at the end of each
Points column of the Samurai table. You can never have short rest.
more balance points than shown on the table for your
Swift Reflexes
At 9th level, you gain proficiency in Dexterity saving
Fighting Style throws.
At 2nd level, you adopt a style of fighting as your
specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t
take a Fighting Style more than once, even if you later Kinben
get to choose again. Starting at 11th level, you learn to use your spiritual
energy to focus your entire attention on a single target,
Defense finding holes in its defenses. When you hit a creature
While you are wearing armor, you get a +1 bonus to AC. with a melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 balance
point to gain advantage on all melee weapon attacks you
make against that target until the end of your next turn.

Classes |Samurai
Advanced Kamae Commanding Shout
Starting at 7th level, you gain the ability to yell with the
By 14th level, you’ve gained enough spiritual power strength of a ruler, enhanced by your spiritual power. As
through your commitment to your code that you an action, you can spend 1 positive balance point and
have mastered the ability to enter stances requiring 1 negative balance point to issue a commanding shout.
extraordinary spiritual power. Whenever you would Enemy creatures within 60 feet of you that can hear you
learn a new basic stance, you may instead learn an must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your
advanced stance of your choice, detailed at the end of stance save DC or suffer a penalty to attack rolls until
the class description. the beginning of your next turn. The penalty is equal to
your Wisdom modifier (a minimum penalty of -1).
Breath of Stillness
Serenity in Storm
At 20th level, you are able to draw your weapon with Beginning at 13th level, your strength in balanced
such articulate focus and intensity that the air seems to spirituality allows you to smother extreme emotions.
stand still around you. When you roll for initiative and You can cast the calm emotions spell, using your stance
have no balance points remaining, you regain 1 balance save DC for the DC of its saving throw. You can cast
point of your choice. it this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom
Additionally, you double your proficiency bonus for modifier (a minimum of once). You regain all expended
all melee weapon attacks you make on your first turn of uses when you finish a long rest.
combat, and you roll an additional weapon damage die
when determining the damage of those attacks. Stance of the Emperor
When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced
stance Daimyo Stance (detailed below). This stance is
Bushido Codes included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai
A samurai’s bushido code quite literally represents his table.
way of life. It affects how he interacts with the world, Daimyo Stance. As an action, you can spend 3
both spiritually and in combat. The bushido codes affect balance points to inspire your allies with your spiritual
the spiritual path a samurai ultimately follows, and power. Each creature of your choice that can see or hear
thereby his destiny. you gains a +1 bonus to its attack and damage rolls, as
well as immunity to the charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
Code of Loyalty and stunned conditions until the beginning of your next
Most samurai commit to the Code of Loyalty, which
states that they should follow their land’s ruler and try
to maintain spiritual balance. They will protect their Code of the Ki-rin
people and destroy their foes. Samurai that commit to the Code of the Ki-rin seek to
learn magic from one of the benevolent ki-rin. These
Emperor’s Emissary large and gentle creatures gallop through the sky on the
At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the History or clouds, watching over innocents and granting boons
Persuasion skill, your choice. If you are already to the kind and hardworking. However, they can be
proficient in both skills, you instead learn a language of a terrible force to behold if angered, channeling fire,
your choice. storms, and light itself to rain vengeance down upon
Balancing Meditation
Also beginning when you commit to this code at 3rd Ki-rin’s Tongue
level, you gain the ability to change your spiritual At 3rd level, you learn to speak, read, and write Celestial.
balance through brief meditation. You can use your
action to rebalance your spirituality. Your positive
balance points become negative balance points, and
your negative balance points become positive balance
points. Once you use this feature, you must finish a long
rest before you can do so again.

Classes |Samurai
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by Ners
Ki-rin’s Disciple Cloud Calligraphy (7th Level Required). You can
Also beginning when you commit to this code at 3rd spend 2 balance point to cast skywrite.
level, you learn magical disciplines using powers Cloudwalk (13th Level Required). You can spend 3
granted by your ki-rin teacher. A discipline requires you balance points to cast fly.
to spend balance points each time you use it. Energy Redirection. You can spend 1 balance point to
You know the Spiritual Attunement discipline and cast absorb elements.
one other spiritual discipline of your choice, which are Guiding Light. You can spend 1 balance point to cast
detailed in the “Spiritual Disciplines” section below. You faerie fire.
learn two additional spiritual disciplines of your choice Honor Binding. You can spend 1 balance point to cast
at 7th and 13th level, and one additional discipline of compelled duel.
your choice at 18th level. Imbued Weapon (13th Level Required). You can
Whenever you learn a new spiritual discipline, you spend 3 balance points to cast elemental weapon. When
can also replace one spiritual discipline you know with a you do, you choose from the following damage types:
different discipline. fire, lightning, radiant, or thunder.
Casting Spiritual Spells. Some spiritual disciplines Ki-rin’s Aegis (18th Level Required). You can spend 4
allow you to cast spells. See chapter 10 of the Player’s balance points to cast fire shield.
Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting. To Ki-rin’s Boon. You can spend 1 balance point as an
cast one of these spells, you use its casting time and action to roll a d6. You and each creature within 5 feet of
other rules, but you don’t need to provide material you regains that number of hit points. You can spend a
components for it. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability number of balance points up to the maximum specified
for your spiritual discipline spells. on the Spells and Balance Points table. You roll an
Once you reach 7th level in this class, you can spend additional d6 for each balance point beyond the first.
additional balance points to increase the level of a This discipline has no effect on undead or constructs.
spiritual discipline spell that you cast, provided that Ki-rin’s Fury (13th Level Required). You can spend 3
the spell has an enhanced effect at a higher level, as balance points to cast lightning bolt.
thunderwave does. The spell’s level increases by 1 for Ki-rin’s Judgment (18th Level Required). You can
each additional balance point you spend. For example, spend 4 balance points to cast elemental bane. When
if you are a 7th-level samurai and use Ki-Rin’s Roar to you do, you choose from the following damage types:
cast thunderwave, you can spend 2 balance points to fire, lightning, radiant, or thunder.
cast it as a 2nd-level spell (the discipline’s base cost of 1 Ki-rin Rider (7th Level Required). You can spend 2
balance point plus 1). balance point to cast find steed. Its type is celestial.
The maximum number of balance points you can Ki-rin’s Roar. You can spend 1 balance point to cast
spend to cast a spell this way (including its base balance thunderwave.
point cost and any additional balance points you spend Ki-rin’s Vengeance (18th Level Required). You can
to increase its level) is determined by your samurai level, spend 4 balance points to cast storm sphere.
as shown in the Spells and Balance Points table. Rekindled Light (13th Level Required). You can
spend 3 balance points to cast revivify.
Spells and Balance Points Revealing Strike (7th Level Required). You can spend
Samurai Levels Maximum Balance Points for a Spell
2 balance point to cast branding smite.
3rd-6th 1 Rising Sun (13th Level Required). You can spend 3
7th-12nd 2 balance points to cast daylight.
13th-17th 3 Second Sun (7th Level Required). You can spend 2
18th-20th 4 balance point to cast flaming sphere.
Spiritual Attunement. You can use your action to
Stance of the Legend briefly control the elements over which a ki-rin has
When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced dominion, causing one of the following effects of your
stance Majutsu Stance (detailed below). This stance is choice:
included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai • You summon a small thunderstorm directly overhead.
table. If you choose, it will rain lightly, but no lightning will
Majutsu Stance. As an action, you can spend 3 fall.
balance points to immediately use any number of • You cast the light cantrip.
spiritual disciplines with a combined cost no greater • You can cause smoke to filter out of your nostrils and
than 4. This total cost includes spending additional mouth through which you can breathe normally.
balance points to increase the level of spiritual discipline • Your voice booms up to three times as loudly for one
spells. You can use a spiritual discipline no more than hour, or until you choose to end the effect (no action
once each time you use your action this way. required).
If you cast only a single discipline spell when you Undying Flame (7th Level Required). You can spend
use your action this way, the spell lasts its full duration 2 balance point to cast continual flame.
without requiring you to maintain concentration, and
you can’t take this stance again until the spell ends. You
can’t cast that spiritual discipline spell again until you
finish a long rest.

Spiritual Disciplines
The spiritual disciplines are presented in alphabetical
order. If a discipline requires a level, you must be that
level in this class to learn the discipline.
Blessed Weapon (7th Level Required). You can spend
2 balance point to cast magic weapon.

Classes |Samurai
Code of the Oni Oni’s Warden
Beginning at 13th level, you can draw even more power
Samurai that commit to the Code of the Oni choose from your demon. While imbuing, you have at least 1 hit
to have a demon sealed inside of their souls. Some point, and you are below half your hit point maximum,
samurai choose to become a demon’s prison, preventing you gain a number of temporary hit points at the
it from unleashing destruction and mayhem. Others beginning of each of your turns equal to your proficiency
just want to be able to tap into a demon’s power to fuel bonus.
their own dark ambitions. Either way, the samurai who Additionally, when you make a Wisdom saving throw
commit to this path can draw strength from and use to maintain control as a result of taking damage, you
some of the demon’s dark magic. can spend 1 positive balance point to gain a +10 bonus
to the roll.
Oni’s Tongue
At 3rd level, you learn to speak, read, and write either Stance of the Demon
Abyssal or Infernal, your choice. When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced
stance Akuma Stance (detailed below). This stance is
Oni’s Weapon included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai
Also beginning when you commit to this code at 3rd table.
level, you gain the ability to summon a magical melee Akuma Stance. When you enter this stance, you
weapon by sacrificing some of your vitality. As a bonus can spend 3 balance points. If you do and you are not
action, you can expend 1 of your samurai Hit Dice to wielding a binding weapon, you immediately summon
summon a binding weapon in your empty hand. Your one without expending Hit Dice. If you are not in your
binding weapon deals 1d10 bludgeoning, piercing, or imbued state, you immediately begin imbuing without
slashing damage, your choice each time you use your expending any additional balance points. You also gain 5
bonus action this way, and it has the versatile (1d12) fury points.
property. It is considered magical for the purpose of Until the beginning of your next turn, whenever you
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical hit a creature with your binding weapon, you gain 2 fury
attacks and damage, and you are proficient in its use. points instead of 1, and you gain 1 fury point each time
Your binding weapon disappears if it leaves your hand, you receive damage, though you cannot gain fury points
you become unconscious, or if you choose to dismiss it, while not in your imbued state if you end it early. At the
no action required. beginning of your next turn, if you must make a Wisdom
saving throw to maintain control, you automatically
Oni’s Fury succeed.
Starting at 7th level, when you summon your binding
weapon, or as a bonus action while wielding your
binding weapon, you can spend 2 negative balance Code of the Ronin
points to imbue yourself with your trapped demon’s fury Samurai that commit to the Code of the Ronin choose
for 1 minute. While imbuing this way, you gain 1 fury a life of solitude and self-reliance over committing to
point every time you deal damage with your binding serve a group of people or a ruler. These samurai spend
weapon. You can spend accrued fury points for a variety their solitude training not their spirituality, but their raw
of effects, detailed below. The maximum number of fury strength and survival instincts.
points you can have is equal to your samurai level.
At the beginning of each of your turns while imbuing, Solitary Survival
if you took damage since the end of your last turn, you At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Perception or
gain 1 fury point and must make a Wisdom saving throw Survival skill, your choice.
with DC equal to 10 + your current number of fury
points. If you fail this saving throw, you lose control of
your demon’s fury this turn. You must immediately move
Solitude Strike
Also beginning when you commit to this code at 3rd
up to your speed to the creature closest to you and use
level, your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a
the Attack action against it with your binding weapon if
roll of 19 or 20.
it is within your reach, ending your turn afterward. You
cannot take any other actions, spend fury or balance
points, or dismiss your binding weapon when you lose Solitary Strength
control this way. Starting at 7th level, you can use your spiritual power
Your imbued state ends early if your binding weapon to make your muscles more powerful for an extended
leaves your hand or if you dismiss it (no action required), period of time. As an action, you can spend 2 balance
or if you haven’t attacked a creature or taken damage points. If you do, until you complete a long rest, you
since the beginning of your last turn. You lose all of your count as one size larger when determining your carrying
remaining fury points when your imbued state ends. capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. Once
Gekido. At the end of each of your turns, you can you use your action this way, you must complete a long
spend any number of your fury points to gain a number rest before you can do so again.
of temporary hit points equal to twice the number of
fury points spent. Battle Ritual
Warenai. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not Beginning at 13th level, you learn to sacrifice some
killed outright, you can use your reaction and spend 5 of your long-term vitality to bolster your short-term
fury points to drop to 1 hit point instead. survivability. When you finish a short or long rest, at
Henkan. As a bonus action, you can spend 10 fury least 30 minutes of which was spent meditating, you
points to regain 1 negative balance point. You can also can choose to spend and roll up to 3 Hit Dice, gaining
choose to spend up to 10 additional fury points this way. temporary hit points equal to the number rolled.
For every 5 additional fury points spent, you regain 1 At 18th level, you can spend a number of Hit Dice this
additional negative balance point, to a maximum of 3. way up to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of up to 3).

Classes |Samurai
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by Ners
Stance of the Free Code of Virtue
When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced
stance Yohei Stance (detailed below). This stance is Samurai that commit to the Code of Virtue swear to
included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai spread life and healing over death and destruction. To
table. do so, they practice spirituality to enhance their grasp of
Yohei Stance. When you take the Attack action, you positive energies.
can spend 3 balance points. If you do, you can make a
fourth attack this turn as part of your Attack action, and Virtuous Skill
your melee weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll At 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Medicine or
of 18-20. Religion skill, your choice.

Virtuous Conversion
Code of the Serpent Also beginning when you commit to this code at 3rd
Samurai that commit to the Code of the Serpent choose level, you gain the ability to alter the spiritual energy of
to search for dragons in order to learn to better channel one of your balance points. You can spend a negative
their negative energies. These samurai tend to actively balance point as though it were a positive balance point.
seek combat to test their skills and power. Once you do, you can’t do so again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Serpent’s Tongue
At 3rd level, you learn to speak, read, and write Virtuous Touch
Draconic. Starting at 7th level, you can heal creatures with your
touch by channeling positive energy. As an action, you
Serpent’s Conversion can spend any number of positive balance points and
Also beginning when you commit to the code at 3rd touch a willing creature. That creature regains 2d6 hit
level, you gain the ability to alter the spiritual energy points for each balance point you spent.
of one of your balance points. You can spend a positive This feature heals for an additional 1d6 for each
balance point as though it were a negative balance point. balance point spent when you reach 13th level (3d6),
Once you do, you can’t do so again until you finish a and another 1d6 for each balance point spent when you
short or long rest. reach 18th level (4d6).
This feature has no effect on undead or constructs.
Serpent’s Strike
Starting at 7th level, when you hit a creature with a
melee weapon attack, you can spend 2 negative balance
points to cause that attack to deal an additional 4d6
acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage (your
choice) to the target.
This feature deals an additional 1d6 damage when
you reach 13th level (5d6), and another 1d6 damage
when you reach 18th level (6d6).

Serpent’s Gaze
Beginning at 13th level, you gain the ability to
temporarily transform your eyes into those of a dragon.
As an action, you can transform your eyes for 1 hour.
During this duration, you gain darkvision to a range
of 60 feet, and you add double your proficiency bonus
to Charisma (Intimidation) checks, and on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight, if you are
proficient in them. Once you use your action this way,
you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.

Stance of the Dragon

When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced
stance Hiryo Stance (detailed below). This stance is
included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai
Hiryo Stance. As an action, you can spend 3 balance
points to call down a storm of cataclysmic power
around you. All enemy creatures within 20 feet
of you must make a Dexterity saving throw,
taking 10d6 acid, cold, fire, lightning, or
poison damage (your choice) on a failed
save, or half as much on a successful one.

Classes |Samurai
Spirit Sense
Beginning at 13th level, you gain the ability to speak
with spirits that are not hostile to you. As an action,
you gain the ability to see and speak with spirits for 10
minutes. During this duration, you can consult nearby
spirits who are not hostile toward you for guidance
and their knowledge of the area. You can ask each such
individual spirit no more than three questions, which
it will answer to the best of its ability, though often
cryptically, since long-dead spirits tend not to interact
with reality the same way as living creatures.
Once you use your action this way, you can’t do so
again until you finish a long rest.

Stance of the Paragon

When you reach 18th level, you gain the advanced
stance Kagami Stance (detailed below). This stance is
included in the Stances Known column of the Samurai
Kagami Stance. As an action, you can spend 3
balance points to create a zone of health and prosperity.
Roll 12d6. You restore up to that number of hit points,
divided as you choose among any number of creatures
that you can see within 20 feet of you. A creature that
receives hit points this way is also cured of all diseases
and poisons affecting it.

Basic Stances. The basic stances are presented in
alphabetical order.

Arashi Stance
Melee weapon attacks you make can be made as though
the weapon had the thrown 20/60 property. When you
make an attack this way, your weapon does not leave
your hand; instead, the attack creates a gust of cutting
Positive Channel. You gain a bonus to your AC
against ranged weapon attacks. The bonus is equal to
your proficiency bonus.
Negative Channel. The first creature you hit with
a melee weapon attack this turn must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be pulled up to 10 feet closer
to you.

Atsuryoku Stance
The first enemy creature you hit with a melee weapon
attack this turn must succeed on a Strength saving
throw or be knocked prone.
Positive Channel. You add your Wisdom modifier (a
minimum bonus of +1) to the attack rolls of your melee
weapon attacks this turn.
Negative Channel. Each enemy creature within 10
feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or
become charmed by you until the beginning of your next
turn, or until it takes damage. Enemies charmed this
way must move as close to you as possible on their turn.

Eien Stance
You get a +5 bonus to your initiative, potentially
changing your position in the initiative order next
round. After the end of your next turn, you return to
your previous spot in the initiative order. You can’t gain
multiple turns in a single round this way.
Positive Channel. You gain a bonus to the attack and
damage rolls of your melee weapon attacks equal to
your samurai level divided by six (a minimum bonus of

Classes |Samurai
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by Ners
Negative Channel. The first creature you hit with a Negative Channel. Instead, each of your melee
melee weapon attack this turn has its AC decreased by weapon attacks deal additional fire damage equal to
an amount equal to your samurai level divided by six (a your Wisdom modifier (a minimum bonus of +1).
minimum penalty of -1) until the beginning of your next
turn. Yamashiro Stance
You gain a bonus to Strength ability checks and saving
Jinsoku Stance throws equal to your proficiency bonus, even if you are
Melee weapon attacks you make have an additional 5 already proficient in the check or saving throw.
feet of reach. Positive Channel. You and allied creatures within 5
Positive Channel. You and creatures you choose feet of you gain a +2 bonus to AC.
within 20 feet of you gain an increase to their speed of Negative Channel. Enemy creatures hit by your
10 feet until the beginning of your next turn. melee weapon attacks have their speed reduced by 10
Negative Channel. The first creature you hit with feet until the end of their next turn. If you hit a single
a melee weapon attack this turn must succeed on a creature multiple times this way, its speed is reduced for
Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 15 feet away each attack that hits.
from you.
Advanced Stances. The advanced stances are
Kaminari Stance presented in alphabetical order.
As an action, you can make a melee weapon attack as
though the weapon had the thrown 80/320 property. Ketsueki Stance
When you make an attack this way, your weapon does As an action, you can spend 3 balance points. If you
not leave your hand; instead, the attack creates a gust of do, you resist all damage, are immune to enemy spells,
battering wind. and have advantage on all saving throws. Additionally,
Positive Channel. The next melee weapon attack you enemy creatures within 60 feet of you that can see you
make before the beginning of your next turn is made must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
with advantage. the target can use its actions only to attack you until the
Negative Channel. The first flying creature you hit beginning of your next turn.
with a melee weapon attack this turn must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Ninchi-Do Stance
As an action, you can spend 3 balance points. If
Kurenjingu Stance you do, all enemies in a 30 foot cone in front of you
You emit bright light for 10 feet and dim light for an must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become
additional 10 feet. paralyzed until the end of your next turn.
Positive Channel. An allied creature of your choice
within 10 feet of you regains 2d6 hit points. Tamashi Stance
Negative Channel. The first creature you hit with a When you take this stance, you can spend 3 balance
melee weapon attack this turn suffers disadvantage points. If you do, when you make your first melee
on the first Wisdom saving throw it makes before the weapon attack against a creature this turn, you can
beginning of your next turn. teleport up to 30 feet. If you do, you leave a spiritual
image of yourself in the space you teleported from.
Kyori Stance Whenever you make a melee weapon attack against a
When you hit a creature with a melee weapon attack, creature, your spiritual image also attacks the target of
you regain 1d4 hit points. your first attack this turn. The spiritual image has your
Positive Channel. You and allied creatures within 20 statistics and uses the weapon you used when it was
feet of you are unaffected by difficult terrain. created. The spirituals image fades at the end of your
Negative Channel. The first creature you hit with turn.
a melee weapon attack this turn must succeed on a
Wisdom saving throw or suffer disadvantage on weapon
attacks until the beginning of your next turn. Samurai Multiclassing
Samurai follow all the normal rules for multiclassing.
Nitoryu Stance The following tables function as additions to those listed
While you are wielding a separate melee weapon in on page 163 and 164 of the Player’s Handbook.
each hand, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Positive Channel. When a creature attacks a target Multiclassing Prerequisites
other than you within 5 feet of you, the attack is made
with disadvantage. Class Ability Score Minimum
Negative Channel. When you hit a creature with an Samurai Strength 13 and Wisdom 13
attack using a melee weapon you’re holding in one hand
Multiclassing Proficiencies
this turn, the attack deals additional damage of the type
dealt by a different one-handed melee weapon you’re Class Proficiencies Gained
holding in the other hand. The bonus damage is equal to Samurai Light armor, medium armor, simple
the other weapon’s damage die. weapons, martial melee weapons

Sukochi Stance
The first time you hit with a melee weapon attack before
the beginning of your next turn, it gains a bonus to its
damage roll equal to your Wisdom modifier (a minimum
bonus of +1).
Positive Channel. You are immune to fire damage.
Classes |Samurai
Samurai Class by
Ross Leiser and Tristan Nause
Outlandish Adventure Productions

Art Credits in Order of Appearance

Cover art : “Dragonborn Samurai” by Stephanie Brown
“Samurai Class Logo” by Ners
“Sakuras” by Ners
“Dragonborn Samurai” by Stephanie Brown
“Cover 27” by Arcana Games
“Faceguard” by Ners
“Run Splash” by Tan Ho Sim
“Katana” by Ners
“Calling Back” by Miguel Santos
“Cover” by Eric Lofgren
“Soldier - 1640915” by Arcana Games

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the

Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, and
all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their
respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards

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used with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2017

by Ross Leiser and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand,
Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s
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Classes |Samurai
PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by Ners

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