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IBM Cloud Pak for Data

Eliminate data silos:

Query many systems as one
Data virtualization in
IBM Cloud Pak for Data
Highlights How data virtualization works
– Query across multiple databases and big data repositories, Applications connect to IBM Data Virtualization as if they are
individually or collectively connecting to a single IBM Db2® database. When connected,
applications can submit queries against the system as if they
– Centralize access control and governance were querying a single data source database. The workload
will be collaboratively distributed and computed by all
– Make many databases — even globally distributed — participating data sources that have data relevant to the query.
appear as one to an application
Features that matter
– Simplify data analytics with a scalable and powerful platform
There are a number of important features in IBM Data
Virtualization that enable businesses to more effectively work
with their data.

Collaborative computing
By using the processing power of every data source and
Data is everywhere and the best businesses in the world today
accessing the data that each data source has physically stored,
are data-driven. Businesses are collecting data from more and
latency from moving and copying data is avoided. In addition,
increasingly diverse sources to analyze and run their operations,
all repository data is accessible in real time, and governance
with those sources perhaps numbering in the thousands or
and erroneous data issues are virtually eliminated. There’s no
millions. The complexity, cost, time and risk of error in collecting,
need for extract, transform and load (ETL) and duplicate data
governing, storing, processing and analyzing that data centrally
storage, accelerating processing times. This process brings
is increasing exponentially. In parallel, the databases and
real-time insights to decision-making applications or analysts
repositories that are the sources of all of this data are more
more quickly and dependably than existing methods. It also
powerful, with abundant processing and data storage capability remains highly complementary with existing methods and can
of their own available and at hand. easily coexist when it remains necessary to copy and move
some data for historical, archival or regulatory purposes.
Data virtualization overview
Data virtualization in IBM® Cloud™ Pak for Data (formerly IBM Schema folding
Cloud Private for Data), is a unique new technology that A common scenario in distributed data systems is that many
connects all these data sources into a single self-balancing databases store data in a common schema. For example,
collection of data sources or databases, referred to as a you may have multiple databases storing sales data or
constellation. See Figure 1. No longer are analytics queries transactional data, each for a set of tenants or a region.
performed on data copied and stored in a centralized location. IBM Data Virtualization can automatically detect common
The analytics application submits a query that’s processed on schemas across systems and allow them to appear as a single
the server where the data source exists. Results of the query schema in data virtualization — a process known as schema
are consolidated within the constellation and returned to the folding. For example, a SALES table that exists in each of
original application. No data is copied and it exists only at the 20 databases can now appear as a single SALES table and be
source. queried through Structured Query Language (SQL) as one
virtual table.

Simple join view tools

Elegant inline tools makes it possible to define table views
across databases of different types and perhaps geographically
Unified data asset Unified access distributed as shown in Figure 2.
catalog, lineage control and
and provenance secuity policies
Join virtual objects
Click and drag from one table to the other to create a join key.

Data Virtualization plus caching layer


Find Find

Data warehouses Big data:

Column name Date type Column name Date type

Relational Spreadsheets

databases and text files METER_ID CHAR SAMPLEDATE DATE


Figure 1: Data Virtualization in Cloud Pak for Data






Figure 2: Intuitive interface makes it simple to join table views

Page 2
Security Apache Hive IBM Informix® database server
All communication within the constellation and back to the
Cloudera Impala MariaDB
application is encrypted with security-rich, robust and powerful
IBM technology, and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport
Db2 software MySQL
Layer Security (TLS) encryption using standard protocols.
IBM Db2 Big SQL Netezza
IBM Data Virtualization’s design and architecture of peer-to- IBM Db2 Event Store Oracle
peer computational mesh, lends a significant advantage over
traditional federation architecture. Using advancements from DerbyDB PostgreSQL
IBM Research, the data virtualization engine is able to rapidly Excel and Comma Separated SQL Server
deliver query results from multiple data sources by leveraging Values (CSV) file
advanced parallel processing and optimizations. Collaborative Hortonworks Data Platform
highly paralleled compute models provide superior query (HDP) with Apache Hive
performance compared to federation, up to 430% faster Table 1: Supported data sources
against 100TB datasets1. IBM Data Virtualization has
unmatched scaling of complex queries with joins and Minimum hardware requirement
aggregates across dozens of live systems. Data Virtualization in Cloud Pak for Data requires
the following configuration:
Not only is IBM Data Virtualization fast, it automatically finds
– Processor with 16 (v) cores
databases and tables, making querying information from
– At least 64 gigabytes of physical random access memory
multiple data sources simpler. Queries can easily combine
data from multiple sources including relational databases,
– Recommended 200 gigabytes of disk space
NoSQL sources, spreadsheets and flat files.

Common scenarios for IBM Data Virtualization

IBM Data Virtualization is well suited to perform analytics on
Platform support highly distributed data sets where the data and the analytics
IBM Data Virtualization appears to an application as a single results are time-sensitive. It’s also effective where the
instance of a Db2 database. As a result, popular Db2 analytics may be a one-time operation on that specific set of
connection clients and applications can attach to IBM Data data. Plus, it’s applicable to scenarios where the latency for
Virtualization and work without modification. This is the case batch copying from some data sources exceeds the business
even if the collection of data sources under query includes a need for analytics results.
mix of many types of data sources, such as:
Many organizations duplicate data and create new data
– PostgreSQL
repositories to satisfy the needs of the lines of business (LOB)
– Oracle
for analytics. This process requires configuring physical assets
– Netezza®
and creating and maintaining new ETLs to load and transform
– Microsoft SQL Server
the data to those repositories. Often the data is out of date by
the time it becomes available to the LOB.
The IBM Data Virtualization technology converts to and from
all the SQL dialects. Therefore, your applications can freely Existing approaches are reaching the saturation point for
code SQL, procedural language/SQL (PL/SQL) and SQL PL as many IT organizations. With the number and diversity of data
if they are working directly on the Db2 database without trying sources and need for analytics increasing, this approach is no
to determine if the syntax is supported by the target data longer scalable. IBM Data Virtualization can increase the
system. For example, popular tools are able to connect to productivity of IT organizations and provide a scalable
IBM Data Virtualization without any modification or upg ade, approach for LOBs to access enterprise-wide data.
In many instances, there are policy or legal issues with
– IBM Cognos® Business Intelligence (BI) software copying or moving data, for example, personal information.
– Tableau These restrictions can get in the way of a business need for
– MicroStrategy demographic analytics results. IBM Data Virtualization helps
– Looker resolve these issues by leaving the protected data at the
– Plotly source and only returning the demographic query result.
– R
– Jupyter

The data virtualization service node that applications connect

to is a microservice within Cloud Pak for Data.

Today, a data scientist must create a data lake, copy data – Profitability, growth and risk reduction
from the sources of interest and integrate that data before – Agility and productivity boosts
being able to test out hypotheses with analytics. IBM Data – Optimization of existing IT investments
Virtualization eliminates the need for the data lake, allowing
data scientists to federate the data they require to test It improves the use of existing server and storage investments
hypotheses by connecting tools like IBM Watson® Studio while reducing unnecessary data replication and the associated
directly to the data sources. costs of duplication and infrastructure management. With
simplified admini tration and a set of SQL application pro-
Deliver agility to key analytical projects gramming interfaces (APIs), it enables your business to derive
The simplicity offered by IBM Data Virtualization allows users benefits from real-time analytics.
to acquire actionable, unified data when they want, in the way
For more information, try out Cloud Pak for Data at no cost, or
they want, at the speed matching their analytical needs. This
schedule a consultation. We also invite you to dive deeper
technology leads to faster integration speed and performance,
into our product details by visiting us on the web.
and improved decision-making that helps you adapt to
changing business demands.
IBM Data Virtualization in Cloud Pak for Data supports a range
of key initiatives, including:

– Modernization for faster, easier delivery of modern

systems of engagement
– Real-time analytics that meet the immediate needs
of the business
– Optimization to reduce the cost and complexity
of accessing organizational data

IBM Data Virtualization enables self-service BI. The virtual,

reusable data assets provide a business-friendly representation
of data, allowing the user to interact with data without having
to know the complexities of the physical data layer or where
the data is stored. It also allows multiple BI and reporting
tools to acquire data from a data virtualization layer.

IBM Data Virtualization provides a unified 360-degree view.

The virtualized data asset delivers a complete view of data in
real time. The virtual data layer serves as a unified, in egrated
view of business information that improves a user’s ability to
understand and use organizational data.

IBM Data Virtualization provides agile service-oriented

architecture (SOA) data services. A data virtualization
layer delivers the data services layer to SOA applications.
It speeds the creation of virtual assets without the need
to touch underlying sources and by autodiscovery and
mapping of metadata that encapsulate the data access logic.
Data virtualization also allows multiple business services to
acquire data from a centralized location and provides loose
coupling between business services and physical data sources.

IBM Data Virtualization provides improved control of

information. It improves data quality through centralized
access control, a robust security infrastructure and reduction
in physical copies of data, thus decreasing risk. The metadata
repository catalogs an organization’s data stores and the
relationships between the data in various data stores, enabling
transparency and visibility.
1. Performance measurements were gathered within a controlled test
environment at IBM Silicon Valley Labs using IBM data virtualization against
Summary: Transform and expedite decision-making Data various 100TB data sources. The measurements taken in May 2019 and
Virtualization in Cloud Pak for Data is ideal for organizations performance gains are compared to IBM federation.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019

IBM Corporation
New Orchard Road
Armonk, NY 10504

Produced in the United States of America

January 2019

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