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Mount Saint Joseph Catholic High

Human and Social Biology

Grade 11
Date: January 18-22, 2021
Topic: Disease and its impact on humans
Sub-topic: Vectors
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
 give a definition for vectors
 list examples of vectors
 draw labelled diagrams of the life cycles of the housefly and mosquito
 discuss mosquito borne diseases
 explain the importance of methods used to control vectors that affect human health.

What are

Vectors are living organisms that transmit an infectious agent from an infected animal to a
human or another animal.  They are said to transmit diseases.
The method of carrying pathogens to the body is varied.

Contagious diseases
A contagious disease is spread by direct contact. Some organisms pass directly through the
surface of the skin. Such is the case with the spores of the fungus which causes ringworm.
The transmission is by direct contact or contact with infected clothing.
Entry through the skin
Hookworms have larval stages which can directly penetrate the skin. The larvae are carried in
water until contact is made with the skin. Other pathogens enter when the skin surface
becomes damaged.
Bacteria frequently enters the skin through a wound, causing inflammation of the wound.
Contact with the soil may allow entry of the bacteria which causes tetanus. Many other
pathogens enter through the skin in saliva where it is pierced by the mouth parts.
Droplet infection
Many microorganisms enter through the nose or mouth and penetrate the delicate membranes
of the respiratory system (viruses causing cold and influenza enter in this way). Most
organisms entering this way are transmitted on tiny droplets of water or tiny dust particles.
These droplets are not visible and are easily breathe in by others.
Spitting is particularly dangerous because as it dries up, spores and viruses are released into
the air. Good ventilation and avoiding crowds reduce the likelihood of infection by droplet
Contaminated food and water
Harmful microorganisms in food and drink can easily be taken in through the alimentary
canal unless high standards of hygiene are followed. The food may become contaminated in a
variety of ways. Insects such as houseflies setting on the food causing it to go bad, if food is
not properly stored.

Common vectors in the


water snail

Houseflies are important vectors of disease as they feed on human waste and on human
foods. Human pathogens can be carried on their hairs, feet and the proboscis that they use for
feeding. If they ingest pathogens then they can be passed out in their faeces.
Houseflies can transmit a variety of human diseases, such as cholera and other diarrhoeal
Some species of mosquito are vectors of human diseases as they feed directly on human
The Anepholes mosquito transmit the pathogen that causes malaria.
The Aedes aegypti is the vector for the virus that causes dengue fever.

Disease Causative agent Method of Signs and Treatment

transmission symptoms
Malaria Parasitic The female anepholes Fever Various
protozoan- mosquito takes blood Nausea antimalarial
different species of meal from an infected Headache drugs that are
Plasmodium person. The parasite Muscle pain also taken to
completes its life Shivering prevent
cycle inside the gut of sweating developing the
the mosquito and the disease.
parasites transfer to
her salivary glands.
Transmission is
complete when she
takes a blood meal
from an uninfected
person, injecting her
saliva to stop the
blood clotting.
Dengue Four strains of Transmitted in the High fever, No cure
fever virus DENV1- saliva of the mosquito nausea, Bed rest
DENV4 Aedes aegypti painful body High intake of
aches, skin fluids
rash. Paracetamol as
A period pain killer
with no
symptoms is
followed by
a second
attack of

Methods of prevention and


 Wear long clothes to avoid exposing the skin.

 Putting up screens on doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes entering houses.
 Keeping areas around houses tidy and free of possible breeding places for mosquitoes.
 Using mosquito coils and insect repellents; repellents with DEET as the active
ingredient tends to be the most effective. DEET is an insecticide with an odour that
mosquitoes dislike actively.

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