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I wish to acknowledge:

Prof. Denzil Saldanha, my research supervisor for all the guidance, patience and
unconditional support. He has been a constant source of encouragement. This would not
have been possible without him .... absolutely ...

My Parents, my family; John, Jaya, Pratap and Shiny for being what they are and being
there for me in love and inspiration ... always ...

Dr. Gladys John, my aunt, who has been a tremendous source of strength.

Rupa, it would not have been possible to live without your pivotal friendship ....

Somnath Zutshi, Paromita and Jamshed ... l owe so much to all of you ... you three have
taught me what love is ....

Taran and Rakhee for their 'silent' and intense friendship ...

Ajit, Zarin, Shankharjeet, Dinesh, Sheela and Sreelaxmi .... what can I do without this
gang of six?

Chanchal, Keyoor, Sandhya, Neeraj and Amit for the Ahmedabad days ...

Dr. J. J. Roy Bun,nan, my close friend for the last 15 years. He has been instrumental in
shaping a lot of ideas in academics through fiery debates and discussions. Yes, what
could be possible without you?

Bali for her immense support during the bleak and bright days in Ahmedabad ... and she
was the one who wished this the most!

Rona, my brother and most importantly ... friend

Seema Khanwalkar, Errol for making all those cups of tea in fri endship, and the kids for
all the love ....

Jerome and Bindu for the days in the then called 'Bombay'

Tasnecm for her friendship and sueh a warm heart ...

Vinayan, for giving me his home and always being there ...
Falguni, for the wonderful times that we spent in mutual encouragement and the brother
that you have made me; Deval for the friendship and Jalp for all the companionship!

Julie and Biju, for helping me out in the thesis and their friendship ...

Sameer Patel ... for his encouragement ...

Sana, Mani and Vincsh ... for their calm presence ...

Hari Nair for his constant phone calls of encouragement ...

Satish ... what can one do without your sharp comments which are so much part of all our
lives ... your concerns and for giving me your home when I was homeless in Bombay ...

My teachers, Prof. Rekha Sashidharan, Prof. Eswara and Prof. K. P. Rao for making this
project go through with their love ...

All my students who have stuck by me all the time ... who are my very existence ... the
children I have ...

Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA) for glVlllg me leave and assistance for
completing the thesis ...

Students and administration of the Indian Institute of Management (lIM), Kozhikode for
extending all infrastructural and emotional support ...

And finally my life is for Indu, Rohan, Priyanka, Divya, Rhea and Agni ... but of-course!

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