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1. Define what is gastrulation.

 It is part of the embryonic development of animals in which the prior single-layered
blastula will turn into three-layered gastrula. This stage occurs after cleavage where the
blastula folds itself into gastrula that will give rise to ectoderm, mesoderm and
2. What is the importance of the formation of germ layers in embryonic development? (3pts)
 This is important in order for the embryo to transform a multi-layered structure that will
then transform into nervous system, epidermis, muscle cells, connective and columnar
tissues. Thus, the formation of the germ layers will determine the full development of
an organism.
3. make an outline of gastrulation in frog, chick and human. (15 pts)
 For a frog, its blastula contains a cavity called blastocoel. At the vegetal pole, it contains
yolk filled with big cells while it has smaller cells in its animal pole. The surface cells or
also called bottle cells move into the interior of the embryo that will result to the
creation of a dorsal lip. The epiboly phase will occur when the ectoderm expands.
Archenteron, another type of cavity, will form inside and the blastocoel will turn
smaller. The former cavity is surrounded by endoderm and it is connected to the outside
due to the blastopore that will soon become the anus. The ectoderm will form into the
skin, sense organs and nervous system while the endoderm helps in the formation of
the digestive and respiratory tract. Lastly, the mesoderm will turn into the skeleton,
muscles, circulatory system, excretory system and reproductive system.
 For a chick, this occurs with cell differentiation due to its 32 cells of blastocyte. Its outer
layer of the yolk sac starts to form new cells outside and then another layer will form at
its top part. Compression and depletion of the yolk sac begins and then the blastopore
will develop and cell invagination will also happen. The inner layer will be the endoderm
and the second one is the ectoderm while the mesoderm develops in the anti-clock
direction. These three layers develop around the yolk sac and the small yolk sac remains
in the gastrula. Ectoderm forms the nervous systems, eyes and feathers while the
endoderm forms the digestive system. Lastly, the mesoderm forms the skeleton,
circulatory system, muscles, excretory system and reproductive system.
 For a human, this occurs when the primitive streak starts to appear and this usually
occurs around the third week of fertilization. Gastrulation reorganizes the embryo giving
it a bilateral symmetry and the primitive node is formed in front of the primitive streak
which helps the organization of neurulation. The, the primitive pit forms as a depression
at the center of the node that is connected to the notochord located underneath. The
primitive node forms the neural plate that is essential to the formation of the nervous
system. Ingression will take place when the epiblast in that plate moves into the streak
which helps in the development of the mesoderm. The hypoblast is pushed out while
the epiblast keeps moving to form the second layer which is the mesoderm. The epiblast
forms the three layers which will result into the trilaminar disc. The ectoderm will form
the outermost layer of skin, central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes, inner ear, and
connective tissues while the inner layer of endoderm will develop the lungs, intestine,
thyroid, pancreas and bladder. Lastly, mesoderm will form the heart, circulatory system,
bones, muscles and kidneys.

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